Relic Hunter S01e07 Transformation

  • 2 weeks ago
Relic Hunter S01e07 Transformation


01:00I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:02I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:04I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:06I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:08I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:10I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:12I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:14I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:16I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:18I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:20I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:22I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:24I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:26I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:28I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:36Come on, hurry up.
01:57over here
02:14but you back into it
02:43the scrolls
04:14and again
04:29can park here
04:38look sir I'm sorry but can park here
04:41Sidney Fox
04:58I need to see you
05:07I need to see you now
05:09I need to see you now
05:16do I dismiss ballet class or do you
05:22who do you think you are and what gives you the right to barge in this
05:26gives me the right Derek Lloyd USGI government intelligence section 9
05:31this is about that's what I think it is
05:35half of it Paris sells the scrolls
05:39half of it
05:43half of it
05:47half of it Paris sells the scrolls
05:50that's right and you
05:54are going to help me find the other scroll before anybody else does
06:06Arthur Stanton businessman
06:09industrialist tycoon one of those entrepreneurs that always cheated on the
06:13brink bankruptcy
06:15during the war he built tanks problem is he didn't care who he sold them to
06:19allies fascists gouged them both when the war was over the US indicted him as a
06:24where did the scrolls come in he needed money
06:28he also had a passion for gold by the promise of alchemy
06:32transmutation turning base metals into gold
06:35he was last seen in Austria where he and the Paris also scrolls disappeared about
06:39the same time company found the Paris also scrolls
06:42no one believed in them back then they were thought of as quackery now they do
06:46modern science is not beyond the realms of possibilities Miss Fox if they
06:50discover the formula
06:51Stanton wound up in Peru where he couldn't be extradited
06:55he built a villa Paris also scrolls never turned up
07:00until recently
07:04I don't think we're supposed to hear this guys like that don't just tell people
07:07things Nigel
07:09the rest you'll find out on a need-to-know basis right now all you
07:13need to know is you're coming with me and if I say no you won't
07:17if the formula works it could impact the whole world nobody knows that it does
07:20nobody knows that it doesn't
07:23I'll pick you up at 1400 hours
07:39I was looking for my contact lens you don't wear contacts Claudia
07:44are you sure
07:52Derek Lloyd seems to check out works in the Pentagon USGI like he said I can't
07:56believe I met a real live mole Claudia I'm expecting a phone call from a friend
08:00of mine at the Pentagon he's out in the field somewhere no mole to you know the
08:04besides looking for a way to make gold the alchemists were also seeking eternal
08:07youth my kind of people look it's almost time Claudia listen to me this is very
08:11important okay no matter where I am or what I'm doing when my friend calls you
08:15track me down do you understand gotcha no this is very important he's gonna be
08:19able to verify some things for me write it down I already said gotcha
08:25okay let's go right
08:31you know I worry about you out there sometimes Nigel
08:36take care of everything everything right
08:57didn't think you'd be on time I'm full of surprises where is he going with us
09:03no he's not he's my assistant then he'll assist you somewhere else he goes
09:07wherever I go not this time miss Fox there is no need for him to know let's
09:12get going he goes or I don't anything happens the United States government
09:20will cover you you are important to the mission he is not just exactly where am
09:28I'm here to meet a contact that's going to lead us to Stanton's Villa anything
09:34happens stay out of it
09:44I'm here to meet a contact that's going to lead us to Stanton's Villa anything
09:48happens stay out of it
09:58I'm here to meet a contact that's going to lead us to Stanton's Villa anything
10:04happens stay out of it
10:10I'm here to meet a contact that's going to lead us to Stanton's Villa anything
10:16happens stay out of it
10:29there must be some mistake we didn't order these I can't drink this are you
10:36sure senor not really it's way of greeting new customers that's very
10:40charming Sydney but this isn't a drink it's a zoo you have to drink it it's an
10:43insult if you don't
10:48you like very much
10:54it's very good supple yet big I mean bold
11:05I'm here to meet a contact that's going to lead us to Stanton's Villa anything
11:11happens stay out of it
11:17I'm here to meet a contact that's going to lead us to Stanton's Villa anything
11:23happens stay out of it
11:29I'm here to meet a contact that's going to lead us to Stanton's Villa anything
11:35happens stay out of it
11:42I'm here to meet a contact that's going to lead us to Stanton's Villa anything
11:48happens stay out of it
11:54I'm here to meet a contact that's going to lead us to Stanton's Villa anything
12:00happens stay out of it
12:07hey where'd you go hey we had a deal
12:16tell me where
12:19you said we should stay out of it kill him
12:50where'd you learn that ballet class
12:59we're on our own
13:05come on damn
13:10I'm here to meet a contact that's going to lead us to Stanton's Villa anything
13:16come on damn
13:29where are we going now you'll know when we get there
13:46I'm here to meet a contact that's going to lead us to Stanton's Villa anything
13:52happens stay out of it
13:58I'm here to meet a contact that's going to lead us to Stanton's Villa anything
14:04happens stay out of it
14:11really you sure we're in the middle of nowhere oh I'm sure
14:26maybe you're right
14:33where are you going gringos
14:38Stanton's Villa huraco you must be muy loco well just why is that because it's
14:44no man's land there's a war going on gringos this whole area is booby-trapped
14:48booby-trapped how far is it about three clicks you'll never make it we'll take
14:55out chances how far is a click well never mind I'll tell you what senor I
15:01could use a little help moving this tree out of the way I'm sure you can senor
15:36probably my mother
15:43hello Nigel yes you know this guy with the gun Derek Lloyd Claudia I can't talk
15:48to you now I've got some bad news what is it who is Derek Lloyd no that guy from
16:00the Pentagon called Sidney's friend he left a message that's impossible you
16:04must have misunderstood no I didn't I wrote it down just like Sidney told me
16:08to what did he say he said Derek Lloyd is dead what he was murdered three days
16:19ago by another agent
16:31Nigel Nigel
16:39back in the jeep
16:48you all right yeah fine
17:11could be a shift in the entire balance of power money markets flooded world's
17:16economy stabilized
17:33what's wrong you look like you've seen a ghost that's not Derek Lloyd what
17:40Derek's dead knows that calls from Claudia your friend from Pentagon called
17:47Derek Lloyd was killed three days ago by another secret agent
17:56stay calm don't let on just do what he says he's crazy all the more reason not
18:02to confront him
18:05he's a murderer he won't try anything he needs us to find the scrolls he needs
18:12you he doesn't need me true but I need you I want to find the scrolls we'll
18:18figure something out right now this is bigger than just another relic right
18:25fixed huh just like that on foot what can't be more than two clicks from here
18:31oh wait a minute I can call for help
18:38you're choking me take your hands off of him you place a call with a cell phone
18:43and it could be traced you really want everyone tracking our position you've
18:48wasted enough time start walking
19:18so how is it that you've come to work for USGI that's a long story long story
19:47long walk need to know professor Fox need to know drink no thanks you get
19:59dehydrated you could get delirious how much further is it for you maybe it's
20:04the matter of feet there are landmines everywhere don't worry you'll be alright
20:09stay on my tracks
20:17feet are sore my throat is parched
20:26whatever you say I won't complain anymore I promise no I mean stop don't
20:31move don't take another step don't even breathe
20:36standing on a landmine
20:46lift your foot and you will die well well okay Nigel don't move we need a
20:55rock I'm gonna slide my knife between your boots and the pin what when I say
21:07when I say three you step off you understand okay one
21:37must have been a dud close you can let go now what if I say no you won't
22:07I've got to stay off the roads
22:32shouldn't be much further I don't know how many clicks I've got left in me we
22:37get in we get out we're all very quickly
22:46how can you be so sure the place is abandoned I pour my heart and soul into
22:51you know that Paris Celsius put the formula on two scrolls light and dark
22:56and magnetized the back with lodestone so they clumped together no one ever
23:02heard of that before he did it
23:09if you're gonna die I'm gonna die too
23:12and magnetized the back with lodestone so they clumped together no one ever
23:17heard of that before he did it
23:25show yourself
23:36whoever did that saved my life and was a crack shot
23:42maybe we should save this for dinner in the meantime let's get moving we're
23:45being followed
23:51this way
24:12okay real simple we get in we get the scrolls we get out I thought you said
24:28this place was empty
24:31must have just moved in this complicates things most of them are heading out of
24:43patrol good good let's move a little closer
26:00yes the song
26:21no se preocupen
26:49you need to kill him he didn't do anything to you
27:22use the guns Nigel you're making me nervous
27:26let's go
27:35looks like the place has been looted looks like they took almost everything
27:47yeah well let's hope not everything war mask fourth century used to chase away
27:53evil spirits doesn't look like it worked
28:12it's got to be more to this place these are his living quarters it's got to be a
28:16lab of some kind
28:20what are you doing this was covered up a-r-t Arthur why would he write his name
28:37on tiles on the floor why his first name does make sense
28:44must be a coat of some kind maybe it's a switch or lever the plaque or plaque for
28:51Paracelsus what is the symbol for gold on the periodic table of elements it's a
29:27look at this all in search of a formula
29:38now I could shoot it out of your hands but I'm a lousy shot
29:48you're the one that killed the snake Sydney she's a rogue agent all she wants
29:55are the scrolls I'm here to save you and to take him into custody
29:59she's lying check her I guarantee you she's wearing a tracking device there'll
30:02be more coming trust me check her Nigel what she's wearing a wire
30:42standard practice in the field he knows that we know you're not Derek Lloyd I
30:48had to assume another identity was a matter of spite he killed Eric Lloyd go
30:53with him and he'll eventually kill you too
31:07I am telling you the truth he's lying he doesn't care about the scrolls she's
31:11right I could care less about the scrolls the only thing I care about is
31:15that they don't fall into the wrong hands I have a job to do Derek had a job
31:19to do he's going to kill you once he gets the scrolls she did save your life
31:24and he saved mine if you're trying to save our lives why'd you wait so long
31:41no it's always a court-martial
31:47put it with the others wrong choice Sydney move
31:54you don't know what you're dealing with
32:21need to know I need to know I want answers and I want them now who are you
32:27how do you know her my name is Richard Watson she's my superior at the agency
32:35Derek and I were assigned to secure the scrolls when Derek found out she was
32:41trying to steal him she killed him I was next why take Derek Lloyd's identity
32:49for a while nobody knew he was dead but her when she cancelled my access to the
32:54agency I needed his to survive
33:01Derek was my best friend
33:3516th century Incan used for burial ceremonies
33:54what's that behind the shelves
34:20talk about a love of gold
34:37he didn't turn himself into the thing you loved most gold I don't think so
34:46what are you doing it's just a casket made of solid gold
35:07you didn't bear the scroll with him
35:12let's go
35:32all right there are two halves of the Paracelsus scrolls that's right light and
35:36dark like Ying and Yang you have the light side Sun God so we're looking for
35:41the other half the dark side dark side
35:47what's that
35:51like some sort of damper that sucks up all the light it's a black hole chamber
35:58of darkness entering the gold room must have opened the dark side
36:14you're uh you're going in there I have to wait
36:37I'll uh I'll just stay here
36:51can you see anything
37:09there it is
37:17so very close
37:23yeah let me see
37:31come on
37:52Sydney come on
37:59you're right blimey
38:07let's get out of here before we have company
38:18hello Richard
38:24I'll take them now you back the wrong guy Sydney
38:29no I don't think so come on
39:44you guys enjoying the show yeah yeah you better watch your back
40:29court-martial better idea
40:48know I can't believe you do this for a living funny I was gonna say the same
40:53thing to you
41:07so what are you gonna do now I don't know I can't go back to the agency
41:16take an early retirement I guess besides I don't think I'm cut out for this line
41:21of work anymore anyway oh I don't know about that
41:24no I do you remember a chance to kill Turley and I didn't don't tell me you
41:30wish you had no just the way I've been trained kill or be killed what a
41:37horrible way to live actually it's not it's the only way you only get to make
41:41one mistake but now that I have a newfound conscience
41:45probably get myself killed why don't you stay here fix up Stanton's villa I'm
41:50sure you could hire yourself out to one side of the war the other maybe I will
41:57what about these what are you gonna do with these turn them over to the
42:04government you sure about that I mean what if the formula really works what
42:08are they gonna do with them not my need to know oh no then whose need to know is
42:16it remember what happened when they split the atom what are you suggesting
42:26well squirrels only work together and since you found one and I found one and
42:34we'll probably never see each other again