Jeff Hardy Vs. X-Pac

  • last week
Raw Is War (November 22, 1999)


00:00My gosh, JR, what a bridal shower that was.
00:04And we'll have more of that bridal shower a little bit later here tonight on Raw.
00:08I think, I think Mae Young was drunk.
00:10What in the- The following contest is scheduled for
00:14one fall, making their way to the ring.
00:17You all right?
00:18Accompanied by Jerry Reynolds and his brother Matt- I'm blinded by the headlights.
00:22And his 217 pound Jeff Hardy.
00:26I've never seen a flesh colored top.
00:29Well, this is gonna be Jeff Hardy against X-Pac.
00:32And there's a lot of motivation for the Hardys, as far as X-Pac and
00:35DX are concerned, because- Two motivations.
00:39Come on.
00:40Boy, you're a lonely man, aren't you?
00:42The Hardys certainly came within an eyelash of
00:47becoming the new Tag Team Champions last Thursday on SmackDown.
00:52JR, this is an opportunity to see if X-Pac is affected by all of this commotion
00:57that took place concerning Vince McMahon earlier.
01:01Well, Vince McMahon is in jail as we speak.
01:04But last Thursday on SmackDown, the Hardys had the opportunity to become
01:09Tag Champions against the New Age Champions.
01:12And now, the Hardys have the opportunity to become Tag Champions against
01:17the New Age Champions.
01:19Now, the Hardys have the opportunity to become Tag Champions against
01:23the New Age Outlaws of DX, and look for the referee down, it was X-Pac.
01:27That was the deciding factor in the matchup.
01:30You'll see right here, X-Pac with the X-Factor on Matt Hardy.
01:34And the Outlaws got a bargain basement victory and
01:38retained the tag titles, thanks to X-Pac's intervention.
01:42Yeah, not one intervention, but two interventions.
01:45Well, we got Vince McMahon in jail.
01:48Wait a minute, he's not, see JR, he's just being booked.
01:53Maybe they'll change their mind.
01:55He's at the mall, he's at jail, King.
01:57That's where Vince is.
01:59As fast as I can say it, Vince is in jail.
02:01He's being booked.
02:02I don't think they'll actually put him in a cell, do you?
02:05Well, Dolph is in tribulation, press charge.
02:11And based on what we have on tape that Vince did,
02:14I assume that Vince will go to jail.
02:16I mean, he did ram their limo, and they were inside it.
02:21That was very dangerous, that was, I mean.
02:26Well, King, you don't know Vince like I do.
02:27He'd do it again if he had the opportunity.
02:29He's gonna protect his family any way that he can.
02:34And this night, I'll tell you, as it has started, how will it end?
02:38And X-Pac, running close, right in the face of Jeff Hardy here.
02:44And it's Jeff Hardy and X-Pac, one on one.
02:48Well, it doesn't look like X-Pac suffered any injuries in that ramming.
02:53The X-Bray portion, they were able to get out on the other side of that limousine
02:57and scurry to safety.
02:58They thought they were-
03:00Claim whiplash is a great opportunity.
03:02Some sort of injury.
03:05I'm talking about getting Sue and Vince.
03:08Is that what you're advocating?
03:11Are you advocating the DX Sue Vince?
03:13Apparently Triple H has already pressed charges.
03:15Well, I think-
03:16Great, that's a takedown by Jeff Hardy.
03:17I think we all know that the game is capable of anything.
03:22Well, I'll tell you what, Shane McMahon and Tess have the opportunity tonight.
03:25Look out!
03:26Nice move.
03:27The springboard, and a cover, and a near fall.
03:30Shane McMahon and Tess against the Outlaws tonight for the title.
03:33The tag team titles, not to mention The Rock.
03:35We still don't know who The Rock has chosen as his tag team partner
03:38to meet The Big Boss Man and Prince Albert tonight live.
03:41Oh, look at that little block right into a powerbomb.
03:44And the velocity just bounced Jeff Hardy right off the canvas.
03:48The Big Show has issued an open challenge to anyone in the locker room area
03:53to meet him for the WWF title tonight.
03:55Who's going to step up and take on The Big Show?
03:58I bet you already know who's going to do that, too.
04:00Plus, we're going to have an update on Stone Cold Steve Austin's situation.
04:03That investigation of that attempted vehicular homicide
04:07is still open and ongoing by the Detroit police.
04:11By the way, let me see the ends of your fingers.
04:13Not just as I thought.
04:14No fingerprints.
04:17What's wrong with you?
04:18Look at this.
04:19You're mammary crazy.
04:22You're a breast man.
04:23Thanks for the mammaries.
04:26Spell your name with two S's.
04:29I'm not throwing you over that either, JR.
04:33Oh, nice drop kick right into the sternum.
04:34I'll tell you one thing.
04:35I'm sure that right now Triple H is celebrating the fact
04:37that Vince is going to jail.
04:38But if Shane McMahon and Test could win the WWF Tag Championship tonight,
04:43that'd put a damper on DX's celebration.
04:45Nice move by Jeff Hardy walking the ladder.
04:47Oh, and a kick to the head.
04:48What a spinning heel kick by X-Fox.
04:50That caught Jeff Hardy and almost took his head off.
04:53Is that what we can expect tonight when Test and Shane McMahon
04:56think on the outlaws of the tag titles?
04:58Will Vince McMahon get out of jail tonight here in Buffalo?
05:02And who will The Rock take as his tag partner
05:04when he takes on The Big Boss Man and Prince Albert?
05:07Oh, look out.
05:07I just wonder who'll be man enough to step up
05:10and face the big show tonight for the tag team titles.
05:13Here we go.
05:13Hey, wait a minute.
05:14Look at this.
05:15We got Terry Runnels.
05:16Terry's got the referee distracted.
05:18Matt Hardy attempted to come in the ring.
05:21Matt Hardy wanted to get him some of X-Fox there.
05:23And X-Fox going for The Rock.
05:25No buster.
05:25Looks like The Ref wanted to get him some of-
05:27Easy now, Tiger.
05:28Well, I can understand him being distracted.
05:30And wait.
05:31Look at this.
05:32Matt Hardy stepped in the ring behind X-Fox.
05:34Hey, Ref.
05:35And caught him with a neck breaker.
05:36Take your eyes off those if you can.
05:37And there goes Jeff.
05:38Oh, man.
05:38Sent home bound.
05:40Jeff Hardy with a cover.
05:42It's over.
05:42And it's off.
05:43Hey, wait a minute.
05:44There's the Road Dogg.
05:45Where'd he come from?
05:46The Road Dogg.
05:48Mr. Jeff Hardy of X-Fox.
05:50The Road Dogg and Matt Hardy.
05:51Look who's in the ring.
05:52That badass Billy Goode's in there.
05:55Mr. Ass.
05:56Right into the X-Factor.
05:58The elevation into the X-Factor.
06:00And the referee didn't see a damn thing.
06:03And DX continues to rob and pillage.
06:06This time, it's the Hardys.
06:09It's a three-on-two attack.
06:11Now, look.
06:12X-Pac wants a little-
06:16Jackhammer on Jeff Hardy by Mr. Ass.
06:19Oh, these DX-
06:20Hey, look at this.
06:22These DX guys are pretty bad.
06:24Well, they got a man or two advantage.
06:30Mr. Ass put his hands up.
06:32So I'm saying somewhat unfavorably on Terry.
06:36They're running roughshod right now, DX is.
06:38But they didn't seem quite so bad when Vince McMahon had that baseball bat in his hand, did they?
06:42They certainly didn't.
06:44And look at the damage that DX has done here.