The Daily Life of the Immortal King S01E03

  • last week
In this episode, the focus shifts to the Ling family as they encounter a crisis that threatens to disrupt their peaceful life. Wang Ling’s parents are aware of his immense power and have spent years helping him suppress it, but they are also quite protective of him, despite knowing he’s practically invincible. His father, Wang Da, and mother, Wang Ma, are introduced in a comedic light, as they try to deal with the strange occurrences that happen around their son.

The episode starts with the family experiencing a supernatural incident caused by the residual power Wang Ling unconsciously emits, which begins to attract unwanted attention from the cultivation world. A group of evil cultivators aims to steal Ling Zhai (the family's spirit artifact), believing it will boost their own power. Despite this, Wang Ling remains unfazed and uninterested in the drama.

Meanwhile, Wang Ling’s school life continues with more humorous moments as he tries to avoid standing out, but his sheer power makes it difficult for him to blend in. His aloofness and lack of interest in mundane matters make him a source of curiosity for his classmates, including Sun Rong.

As the villainous cultivators make their move, they invade the Ling family residence, expecting a simple theft. However, they are met with Wang Ling’s effortless might. The would-be thieves are no match for him, and he dispatches them without breaking a sweat, all while ensuring his parents remain unaware of the real danger.

This episode combines light-hearted family moments with action, demonstrating again how Wang Ling’s overwhelming power casually resolves any major threats. It also emphasizes his struggle to maintain a normal life despite the continuous intrusion of supernatural forces into his world.
00:00Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
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01:55Which brand of Bhatti have you brought for today's Goli Refining class?
01:59Me? I have brought Xiaomi's new electric Bhatti. And you?
02:02I have brought Fruit Eye Fire X-Max Bhatti.
02:08You have brought a fake Bhatti that you bought from the fixing shop?
02:10Did you think that I can't recognize it?
02:12These are just Bhattis that have been smuggled from the warehouse.
02:14You don't have to get so excited.
02:21Listen to me, Chanchao.
02:22Have you brought this pot from home?
02:24Yes, Guhao. My great-grandfather makes amazing tablets in this.
02:30He used to refine the golden tablets of Level 9.
02:40I know it very well that he is making Khayali Pulao.
02:59Hey, Surong! How are you?
03:00Good morning!
03:06At this moment, Surong saw the effect of magic on his head.
03:10He immediately understood that he has won Surong's heart.
03:15So, he took a decision.
03:29Now, everything is fine.
03:30Absolutely fine.
03:31Hey, don't tease her with a girl.
03:34She is out of my league.
03:39What happened? Are you fine now?
03:41Tell me.
03:45What had happened to me?
03:50So, students, today we will learn how to make Shakti tablets.
03:54Its procedure is very simple.
03:56I will show you.
03:57Will you be able to do it with me?
03:59Yes, ma'am.
04:05Steps to make Jeevan Shakti tablets.
04:08So, first of all, we will take Yongcheng pot.
04:11Next, golden sand, tortoise skin, dragon bone.
04:15Crush, grind and add.
04:17Cut the acorus. Cut the radix.
04:20Put it in the pot.
04:21Powder No. 15.
04:22Cut it. Put it in the pot.
04:23Powder No. 15.
04:24Add 7 drops of lapis lazuli oil.
04:26Mix it. Put it in the clay.
04:27Put the tape. Light the fire.
04:29Set the alarm for 7.15.
04:31Did everyone understand this lesson?
04:34No, ma'am.
04:37Now, let's see how you do it.
04:40It's time to show them what I am.
04:43First of all, refining tablets is an art.
04:47The Chen family had made this pot to refine tablets in large quantities.
04:52It is difficult to control the heating time for such a small quantity.
04:59Surong is behaving as if she knows something.
05:03She has also brought a refining machine from her family's factory.
05:06Will she get the credit for the tablets?
05:12Is he using a microwave for refining?
05:15What is he doing?
05:16Leave it.
05:17Now, I will show my magic.
05:23Wow! It's beautiful.
05:24It's shining.
05:25I had to spend a lot of money and effort to get it.
05:29Beautiful shape.
05:30Ancient style.
05:31Temperature control.
05:32And everything can be seen in its display.
05:37Now, let's put the ingredients in it.
05:40It considers itself to be a feng shui direction.
05:43And also a spiritual force.
05:46It's so delicate.
05:47Spiritual force.
05:48It looks alive.
05:50Keep your mouth shut.
05:54This is not bad.
05:55I will also buy this one day.
05:58What happened?
05:59What is happening?
06:00It's broken.
06:01How did this happen?
06:03To make tablets, you don't need enthusiasm and zeal.
06:06You need concentration and patience.
06:10My father will kill me.
06:15What happened to him?
06:17Leave him.
06:18He must be running somewhere.
06:21This process will take 7 hours.
06:23We will come back to see your tablets.
06:27Yes, ma'am.
06:39I haven't eaten a spiritual animal for a long time.
06:42In my time, I developed into a demon king by eating less healthy food.
06:48What if I can start again?
06:52I knew you were going to do something wrong.
06:54It's good that I came on time.
07:01What is this?
07:02What is this?
07:03What is this?
07:04What is this?
07:05What is this?
07:06What is this?
07:13Stupid human being.
07:14I jumped from the 5th floor to the 4th floor and he jumped straight down.
07:23How did you reach here?
07:25Let's talk nicely.
07:26Talk nicely.
07:27Don't come near me.
07:38He has run for 12 lives.
07:40His body is so strong.
07:46Sorry, dad.
07:47My tablets are refining class today.
07:49I want to take you to Tamil Nadu.
07:51It's a treasure of our family.
07:54It shouldn't be spoiled.
07:56The tablets are for refining.
07:59So that the pride of our family is high.
08:02So that the pride of our family is high.
08:07You know what will happen if you don't come first.
08:10Thank you, dad.
08:26I can explain you.
08:29Why do you have my favorite bandage?
08:32Keep it on the floor slowly.
08:34And raise your hands as soon as possible.
08:37Move back.
08:44You will have to give me an explanation for this.
08:53On his weakest point, the evil mind overpowered the peace.
09:03Surong, it's me.
09:09Lord Bombling.
09:12Does he think that Value 5 is better than me?
09:18You should resign.
09:19You should leave the school.
09:22This is not for anyone.
09:28Bye, bye.
09:30Chief Miss Botak.
09:41Surong, Surong, Surong.
09:42Surong, Surong, Surong.
09:44Surong, Surong, Surong.
09:46Surong, I am coming to save you.
09:49Froggy ate my bandage.
09:51And you were following him from the fifth floor.
09:53You took out the bandage from his mouth.
09:55And then washed it in the toilet.
09:58It was such a good story.
10:00Do you think I will believe it?
10:01If you don't believe it, ask your pot.
10:10You behaved like this with my bandage.
10:12Now you will have to pay for it.
10:24Oh no.
10:25What have I done?
10:30It's good.
10:31It's not too serious.
10:32It's a bad thought.
10:33It's less poisonous.
10:34It can work as a purification.
10:37You won't tell anyone about this.
10:39You hold his head.
10:40I'll hold his legs.
10:42Come on, hurry up.
10:47The pentotoxic medicine I made is for external use.
10:50And you can clearly see its reaction on the skin.
10:53But the emperor drank it.
10:55Which made the situation worse.
10:56If you don't take out the poison, he will be in danger.
10:59His condition is not that bad.
11:01Look, I...
11:03If you make an antidote for me and keep this a secret.
11:07Then I won't blame you for the bandage.
11:14Do whatever you want.
11:17Hurry up and get the level 3 book.
11:20Got it.
11:22Now go.
11:23Get the ingredients for me.
11:25Angelica sinensis.
11:27That too 30 grams.
11:28Lycisticum volitii, 90 grams.
11:30Scutellaria blacklacis, 90 grams.
11:32Shigmi yankii, 30 grams.
11:33Rhizoma cyperi, 30 grams.
11:34Desarticula, 90 grams.
11:36Cornus, 90 grams.
11:37Reddix ayasuli, 30 grams.
11:52Four more hours to get refined.
11:57Teacher will be back soon.
12:00Our antidote will be ready in four hours.
12:02But teacher and classmates will be back in two hours.
12:05Where will we hide Chenchao?
12:07When teacher will check our pills.
12:11Then what will we do?
12:12Tell me, Wangling.
12:13Tell me.
12:14Don't sit like this.
12:15Don't sit like this.
12:20Don't touch my pill.
12:26Are you alright, my child?
12:28What kind of light is this?
12:30What did it do to my pill?
12:33Wangling, look.
12:35Preheating has started.
12:37And it has turned orange.
12:52This has increased the speed of the process.
12:54Can you do this?
12:55No doubt.
12:56My spiritual force is a time line.
12:58But with your spiritual force,
13:00I can speed up the time line.
13:02And I can also reverse it.
13:05That means,
13:06if we give the froggy spiritual force twice,
13:08our process will be faster.
13:10We will get the antidote faster.
13:13Do you understand my power now?
13:15Why don't you let me go?
13:18What do you want to do?
13:30Why did you make two antidote pills?
13:32To see if he is effective or not.
13:34I was thinking of testing him on myself.
13:36But now,
13:37we have the subject too.
13:42Don't touch me.
13:52The poison has reduced.
13:54Now we can give it to Chenchao.
13:58lift Chenchao up.
14:02I think he will wake up before the school ends.
14:07Oh no!
14:08Everyone is coming back.
14:10What do we do now?
14:11What do we do now?
14:18I will stop them at the door.
14:19You take care of him.
14:24what are you doing here?
14:28I didn't set the right hitting time.
14:30I wanted to see this.
14:31Let's see what you did.
14:35Wait, madam.
14:36You can't go inside yet.
14:37Wait, madam.
14:41Wangling is very energetic.
14:46So, Guohao,
14:47this is your bandage, right?
14:49Wait a minute, madam.
14:50There are still two steps left.
14:55What is happening?
14:57Did he do this?
15:00Oh no!
15:04He is my true friend.
15:06He put the pills he made on my bandage.
15:11Did he really make the pills in the microwave?
15:16I will give you 85 marks.
15:19I think Wangling also came early.
15:24But what about his energy of pills?
15:29What is this?
15:30We make pills here,
15:32not bombs.
15:34I understood.
15:36Wangling kept the pill from Chen Chao
15:38in his microwave.
15:42you will be my true friend for life.
15:47Guohao was wrong.
15:48While washing the bandage,
15:49Wangling didn't take out the energy pills.
15:53When Guohao was making antidote,
15:55he made the energy pill with him.
15:58Wangling didn't do anything.
16:01He just couldn't make the pill in the microwave oven.
16:04It was not a pill.
16:05It was a ball of fire.
16:09As far as Chen Chao's pill is concerned.
16:24While leaving,
16:25we saw that you were sleeping inside.
16:28So, we brought you here.
16:29Are you fine now?
16:33Where is my auntie?
16:35She is behind you.
16:37We were able to cure her.
16:41You cured her?
16:49Please forgive me.
17:03Butterflies fly by and wait for you
17:09I can't count how many nights have passed
17:16I can't remember you because you are fading
17:23In a daze, time stops
17:26I look at you in the blue sky
17:30The warmth of your eyes
17:39In a daze, time stops
17:41I look at you in the blue sky
18:00In a daze, time stops
18:03I look at you in the blue sky
18:09In a daze, time stops
18:12I look at you in the blue sky
18:16In a daze, time stops
18:19I look at you in the blue sky
18:24In a daze, time stops
18:27I look at you in the blue sky
18:33In the endless memories,
18:36you were far away
18:50To control the demon king,
18:53to drive away the evil part of the mind.
18:55Maybe this is the boy you are looking for.
19:00This year's freshmen are quite interesting.