The Daily Life of the Immortal King S01E05

  • last week
In this episode, a new character is introduced—Guo Hao, a competitive and energetic student who instantly views Wang Ling as his rival. Unlike most of the students, who are either indifferent or confused by Wang Ling’s low-key demeanor, Guo Hao is determined to prove himself as the strongest in the school. He’s unaware of Wang Ling’s true power but is convinced that defeating him will earn him respect.

The episode primarily revolves around the students participating in a school-wide competition designed to test their magical abilities. This event allows the students to showcase their skills in front of their peers and teachers. Sun Rong and Guo Hao are eager to perform well, while Wang Ling, as usual, just wants to avoid attention.

During the competition, Guo Hao challenges Wang Ling to a duel, expecting a hard-fought battle. However, Wang Ling, trying to maintain his facade of being average, awkwardly deflects most of Guo Hao’s attacks with little effort, confusing both Guo Hao and the spectators. Despite Wang Ling’s attempts to downplay his strength, he unintentionally demonstrates his immense power in subtle ways, such as accidentally nullifying high-level spells.

Meanwhile, Sun Rong continues to admire Wang Ling’s calm composure and mysterious nature. She also performs well in the competition, further establishing herself as one of the most talented students, though her thoughts are often distracted by Wang Ling’s peculiar behavior.

The episode ends with Guo Hao’s admiration for Wang Ling growing, though he still doesn’t fully understand the extent of Wang Ling’s power. He vows to train harder to surpass him, adding a comedic rivalry dynamic to the series. At the same time, Wang Ling’s quiet existence is once again threatened by the very thing he wants to avoid—standing out among his peers.

This episode blends humor and action, focusing on Wang Ling’s efforts to remain unnoticed while balancing the antics of an overly enthusiastic rival, adding a lighter touch to the series.

00:00So you couldn't kill him.
00:24You're wrong. He's still alive.
00:28He's still the same.
00:31My client isn't happy at all.
00:36Our people were brutally killed.
00:40And you don't even know who did it?
00:42Boss, according to our sources, there's someone strong and powerful to protect him.
00:46That's why our men have been at the top of this business for the past 100 years.
00:59We've kept the Shadow Faction's success rate at 100%.
01:02But this time, it's a very shameful thing for us.
01:07Issue a kill order.
01:09Boss, a kill order to avoid getting killed in the first order? That's...
01:13Maybe you didn't get it.
02:44The Shadow Faction
03:10The target is still roaming the streets without any concern.
03:13I think we can kill him with a machine gun.
03:16Boss, I'm afraid it will have a negative social impact on him.
03:22Is he the same guy who was with him yesterday?
03:27Wong Ling! Wong Ling!
03:30The way Surong is behaving, the plan of the promise made last night is working.
03:37Oh, man! You had a date with Surong yesterday? You're so lucky.
03:44This hand touched him, right?
03:47Good morning, Wong Ling.
03:51We didn't do anything wrong, right?
03:55Why did you ask that? Go ahead.
03:58Because we're surrounded by your bodyguards.
04:01Look, Surong.
04:03The killers who attacked you in Heavenly Paradise are still roaming around.
04:08That's why we'll keep you under tight security today.
04:12We were having fun in Heavenly Paradise.
04:15We didn't get attacked.
04:17Wong Ling finally took a deep breath of relief.
04:22Because I was the one who found them first.
04:25There's a problem?
04:34Ma'am, are you okay?
04:36The prisoner is safe. The unit is ready to release him.
04:38Let's go. I have to go now.
04:47Ms. Surong is safe now.
04:49And yes, I saw everything.
04:52Your strength is amazing.
04:54To be honest, I'm impressed by your strength.
04:56Listen, Zui.
04:58Yes, Master.
05:02Remember, it was you who got the killers released.
05:06It was you who got the killers released.
05:12Yesterday, I got rid of the killers who wanted to kill Surong.
05:17That's right, Master Zui.
05:19Looks like yesterday's plan to forget 50% has worked.
05:24But the problem is, they got angry too.
05:30This was Shadow Kill Order by Shadow Faction.
05:32It's said that the one who gets this order can't see the sun the next day.
05:37Is it true that someone wants to kill me?
05:42So, it was Zui who failed my plan.
05:45I've increased the security of the school for your safety.
05:50Left-Right, Left-Right, Left-Right, Left-Right, Left-Right, Left-Right, Left-Right, Left-Right, Left-Right, Left-Right, Left-Right.
05:57Left, right.
06:01What? I was just a minute late. This is wrong.
06:04I'll explain. This is an armed cruise troop that comes directly under the Cultivation Council.
06:10Please come with me.
06:12The area between the walls and the buildings is under the watch of the school guards.
06:16They are all retired officers from the Cultivation Army.
06:19They also have the experience of fighting with demonic powers.
06:22I didn't know our school guards were so dangerous.
06:25In addition to all this, there are also our powerful assistants in the building.
06:37Good morning, madam.
06:38Aren't these the same bodyguards who were downstairs?
06:40Absolutely right.
06:41Missu, I spoke to your father today.
06:43He has sent experienced bodyguards for you.
06:45They are in the golden pill phase or above it.
06:47They will be guarding the corridors today.
06:50So that other children are not affected by them.
06:53Missu Rong, I would like you to spend the whole day in this office room.
06:58I have set up a security force area in this room to prevent any kind of danger.
07:04The master is not responsible for setting up a force area.
07:07The area that caught the women was the one that caught the big frog.
07:10Master Zhu's best work.
07:13No one can enter this room with these four strong security guards.
07:17Not even a fly.
07:19Master Zhu, fly.
07:23The danger is over.
07:26The Seven Star Squad!
07:28Absolutely right.
07:29I have called the Seven Star Squad to keep an eye on the sky and to protect us from the
07:35air and distant targets.
07:36The credit goes to Zhu Yi.
07:38Since the beginning of this school, he has been the tightest security guard.
07:43You think he is the tightest security guard?
07:46As soon as he was appointed, he has been the tightest security guard.
07:51Send all the information forward.
08:03The armoured cruisers at the gate are like a boat.
08:07An easy way out of the tunnel from the ground.
08:10And I am inside.
08:20I am inside.
08:39Where did this pile of grass come from?
08:41Hammer team's number three, Zhu Fang Shadow.
08:44From the faction, late golden pale face, the master of weapons.
08:49Hello, brother.
08:50I have cleared the entire yard.
08:52Now it's your turn.
08:53They have seen you.
08:54Number three, get out of there now.
09:05We have to get out of the gate area.
09:08We have to get out of the gate area.
09:10We have to get out of the gate area.
09:12Don't be afraid, kids.
09:14As long as Zhu Yi and I are here, no one can do anything to you.
09:21What is this?
09:26Yesterday, Wong Wing and Su Rong went on a date in heavenly paradise.
09:29And two murderers came there.
09:31I also heard that master Zhuo was also in heavenly paradise.
09:34So, maybe master Zhuo saved them.
09:38Chen and I are in professor Wong's office.
09:41That couple and master Zhuo are only five meters away from me.
09:45The murderers are also here.
09:47I saw them on the screen.
09:48Many guards died.
09:50He did everything in a hurry.
09:52Oh my god!
09:53What are you saying?
09:54I am very scared now.
09:55Don't you think so?
09:56Chief Chen?
09:57With whom?
09:58I will protect them.
10:02What's the matter?
10:04What's the matter?
10:06Value 5 is alive.
10:09Don't worry, Wong Ling.
10:10Chief Chen is right.
10:12I will also protect you.
10:18I don't have any problem in expressing my love.
10:20But don't tell this to anyone.
10:22Okay, master.
10:25All the guards outside are dead.
10:27I have sent an armed crew to help you.
10:31We are the golden peels of the elite phase.
10:33We are very different from the guards of the foundation phase.
10:41You too?
10:42Yes, of course.
10:45Get out of here.
10:51Hammer team's number 2, Zhuo Ye.
10:53The late golden peel phase Red Ribbon is also an expert in poison.
10:57Brother, I thought we were on a secret mission.
11:01If we kill everyone, no one will know that we were here.
11:05But these cruisers are coming towards me.
11:09You handle them, number 3.
11:22A jeep attack?
11:24Who dared to do this?
11:27Songhai 60 Cultivation School.
11:30Primary teacher, Wong Tzu Kang.
11:37How nice!
11:39There are only 4 students.
11:41And now Zhuo Ye is also in the office.
11:43We know for sure.
11:45Right, Zhuo Ziyan?
11:47Leave it to me, boss.
11:49I am increasing my strength on the roof.
11:51Even the 7 star squad couldn't find me.
11:54Hammer team's number 1, Zhuo Ye.
11:56His name is Hammer Shu.
11:58Late golden peel phase Red Ribbon King.
12:01His invisibility can hide him.
12:04His huge hammer is a magical weapon filled with many powers.
12:10Actually, number 2 and number 3 were just to distract me.
12:15I have increased my strength completely.
12:18Now if anyone comes in front of me, he won't be able to escape my hammer.
12:25You have collected all the crispy noodles for the commemorative edition.
12:31Now we are going to give you a gift.
12:33Your gift will reach you in 15 minutes.
12:40Professor Wong has started his fight.
12:42The old man is fighting himself.
12:44Can a fat man like him fight?
12:47Does he think I am useless?
12:49Am I not strong enough?
12:51I have kept a fat man like you for the protection of golden peel.
12:55Look, son.
12:57Stay within your limits.
12:59Now you are going to tell me my limits?
13:03Look at this.
13:11I am not afraid of you.
13:13I am not afraid of you.
13:16Go ahead.
13:21Master Wong!
13:23Did you see that?
13:25In front of my thunder hammer,
13:27there is no hope for you to escape.
13:36You Shadow Faction people are getting very desperate.
13:39You are buying these toys as your magical weapons.
13:45They are amazing.
13:48I thought they were teaching us history.
13:50Your goods will be delivered shortly.
13:52Look, boy.
13:54Drop your weapons.
13:56Is that so?
13:58Take this.
14:04A poisonous bomb like you should not be used.
14:06Goodbye, old man.
14:08My work is done.
14:10I am waiting for the number one.
14:12I am sorry.
14:15I am in a hurry.
14:17Listen, Wong.
14:19Let him go.
14:21Wong Ling has gone to get his goods.
14:23You are on the Shadow Faction's target.
14:25Don't worry about him.
14:29What has happened?
14:31Son, the class is still left.
14:33Where are you running off to?
14:38Number two is gone.
14:40Number three, how are you?
14:42He was of no use.
14:46I have sent the armoured cruisers of the central lobby.
14:48Oh no!
14:58Good boy.
15:00He is such a cute little boy.
15:02Look at him.
15:04He is such a naughty boy.
15:13This cat has taken away all my power.
15:15He has not only taken away my power
15:17but he has also taken away my life.
15:29The power of the golden pill phase is so powerful.
15:35I have to get out of here.
15:37I have to get out of here.
15:39I have to get out of here.
15:42Oh no!
15:47Oh no!
15:49I am the only one left.
15:52Don't worry.
15:54I have gathered all my power.
15:56No one will be able to find me here
15:58with the power of my invisibility.
16:03So you are here.
16:12He is a student, sir.
16:14I am sorry.
16:16I have come to collect my package.
16:20Okay, captain.
16:22These are just noodles.
16:24I am sorry for troubling you.
16:26Your package has been delivered in eight minutes.
16:33I think I was thinking too much.
16:35It was not me.
16:38It was the package.
16:40I was talking to you.
16:42By the way,
16:44I am sorry that I killed your partner.
16:46I am sorry to say that
16:48your plan
16:51has failed.
16:59Oh no!
17:01High energy reaction.
17:03Now I don't want to kill that girl.
17:05The rules of the faction have gone to hell.
17:07This human is not even
17:09able to see beyond invisibility.
17:11He should not be spared.
17:31This is just the primary phase.
17:33How can he have
17:35such a powerful power?
17:37All the killers have been killed.
17:41Calm down, boss.
17:44Please calm down.
17:50You are amazing.
17:52You have defeated a person
17:54who used a magical weapon.
17:58You have done all this.
18:04there is no need to improve yourself.
18:06Try to improve yourself.
18:11Someone save me.
18:16You are amazing.
18:18You have defeated this magical weapon.
18:20It is a matter of grief.
18:22I was late.
18:31The weapons sent by the shadow faction
18:33have attacked the Shanghai 60 faction.
18:38our master Zuo Yi
18:40was on campus
18:42to conduct research.
18:44Our master Zuo Yi
18:46killed all the killers himself.
19:05I'm sorry.
19:08I'm sorry.
19:10I'm sorry.
19:12I'm sorry.
19:14I'm sorry.
19:16I'm sorry.
19:18I'm sorry.
19:20I'm sorry.
19:22I'm sorry.
19:24I'm sorry.
19:26I'm sorry.
19:29I'm sorry.
19:31I'm sorry.
19:33I'm sorry.
19:35I'm sorry.
19:37I'm sorry.
19:39I'm sorry.
19:41I'm sorry.
19:43I'm sorry.
19:45I'm sorry.
19:47I'm sorry.
19:49I'm sorry.
19:52I'm sorry.
19:54I'm sorry.
19:56I'm sorry.
19:58I'm sorry.
20:00I'm sorry.
20:02I'm sorry.
20:04I'm sorry.
20:06I'm sorry.
20:08I'm sorry.
20:10I'm sorry.
20:12I'm sorry.
20:15I'm sorry.
20:17I'm sorry.
20:19I'm sorry.
20:21I'm sorry.
20:23I'm sorry.
20:25I'm sorry.
20:27I'm sorry.
20:29I'm sorry.
20:31I'm sorry.
20:33I'm sorry.
20:35I'm sorry.