• last year


00:00:00I would take so many leaps of faith like run away to an exotic place with you boy, it's
00:00:17something I do boy, I'd fall in love again not like the start cause you're the only one
00:00:26that's got my heart yes it's you boy, it's always been you boy, I know, I know I'm crazy
00:00:37because, because you make me, let's not look back and do the things we used to do, memories
00:00:48disappear through the centuries, but I won't leave you empty, not me, not me, I never knew
00:00:56dreams could come true, maybe, there's no way but a maybe, gonna be here today is the
00:01:06start, the start, it's me and you and let's do something new
00:01:21let's do something new
00:01:23ooooh, ooooh
00:01:33let's do something new
00:01:38Enjoyed in C. S. Took me like when I see stirrer about since the image. Oh, yeah, I can't speak to you
00:01:44That's been oh my god. Yeah, it's mine. It took me like
00:01:48Miss Perkins also, it's what you know, so I'm just a fun love bond because that's what I thought
00:01:53It's nice my son leave. Oh, that's it's a net. Thank you soon. Oh, yeah, we asked for a jockey
00:01:58Wouldn't you feel like oh, yeah, but it's really
00:02:01I miss you
00:02:07See this and I need to make for you, it's kind of nice to become about yeah, it's about to die
00:02:22Hello friend, I took me light if you had to know I'm meeting with him in Philistina soon, okay?
00:02:27No clock if you have any of our show for this
00:02:40Yeah, Olivia, it's kind of nice what's the next visit by the total
00:02:44Beshift each other comes from your springside yarn fund is important
00:02:47I think of your fat dean does kind of have to do it again. It's right. My name is this book
00:02:51Hey, we have my number in my first born does with us too soon. So far eyes and don't send me in a nice
00:02:56Digest I'm Toya to start
00:02:59My socks to the zoo Olivia
00:03:02It's tootmail. I think
00:03:04Ehrlich gesagt heilte ich es für das beste wenn wir schluss machen
00:03:10Die bitte was es ist video sags du wirst ein neues Buch ausbringen diese app mit meine ganze Zeit fressen
00:03:16Also ich würde vorschlagen deswegen getrennte Wege gehen und ich möchte also lass mich das klarstellen
00:03:21Ich buche hier gerade unseren jubiläumsurlaub und du willst mit mir schluss machen
00:03:26Ich habe lange darüber nachgedacht und ich denke es ist das beste
00:03:30Ich schwöre das ist auch nicht leicht für mich
00:03:33Okay, aber wir wollen doch beide nicht dass wir jetzt etwas sagen was wir später aber ich werde dir mehr raum geben
00:03:40Es tut mir echt leid Olivia
00:03:48Ich noch mal dürfte ich vielleicht noch ein Foto machen
00:04:06Also schätzchen wie läuft es denn mit dem entwurf ja es läuft großartig ich komme wirklich gut voran wunderbar darf ich erfahren worum es geht
00:04:16natürlich aber ich
00:04:20Allerdings müssen noch ein paar kleinigkeiten ausgearbeitet werden
00:04:24Schätzchen du weißt doch ich liebe deine arbeit sehr aber du hattest jetzt schon drei fristverlängerung ich weiß du bist eine der größten
00:04:31Veröffentlichungen der saison deine fans wollen eine neue story mit der typischen stimme von olivia perkins reise
00:04:37Abenteuer knisternde leidenschaft und romantik ich meine du erfindest das rad nicht neu inordnung kannst du mir nur ein bisschen mehr zeit geben
00:04:44Ich verstehe dich und du weißt dass ich diesen prozess sehr respektiere aber ich brauche diesen entwurf zeitnah
00:04:50Du hast zehn tage
00:04:52Sorry hast du gesagt zehn tage sonst muss ich deine veröffentlichung absagen dann bekommt den termin an anderer autor tut mir leid schätzchen nein ich
00:05:01Ich werde das schon hinkriegen keine sorge ausgezeichnet ich warte darauf
00:05:38Guten morgen winston
00:05:42Sie müssen das nicht tun winston ich kann das selbst so will ist das königliche protokoll
00:05:59Ist das lesen zweit fantastisch abenteuer mysterien romantik
00:06:10Ich kann wohl nichts dergleichen auf meiner reise erwarten oder ich bezweifle es
00:06:15Heute denieren sie und ihre majestät mit dem botschafter
00:06:18Und während der nächsten zwei tage wird erwartet dass sie sie zu ohne begleiten
00:06:23gefolgt von verpflichtenden besuchen im guggenheim und in der med
00:06:27und danach
00:06:29Werden wir bald nach torovia zurückfliegen müssen zum palastball in einer woche
00:06:34Winston wir brauchen eine auszeit die arbeit eines prinzen ist nie getan
00:06:42Auch übrigens der palast schickt ihnen diesen brief von dr. Lee
00:06:54Das ist eine einladung zu spenden gala im haven reserve samstag in einer woche
00:07:00Wunderbar es ist schon viel zu lange her nun da könnten wir doch sein nichts das überschneidet sich mit dem ball
00:07:11Die bedauerlich
00:07:19We should miss the sort of business
00:07:21Moment darling ich komme gerade vom frühstück im wald auf und du wirst nie erraten wer mir dort über den weg gelaufen ist lady rancher
00:07:29Es war bezaubernd sie wieder zu sehen war es doch
00:07:33Ich habe sie von dir gegrüßt wir werden eine wundervolle zeit haben wenn wir uns nächste woche auf den neuesten stand bringen
00:07:39Nächste woche ja ich habe sie zum palastball eingeladen das wird ein fantastischer abend werden
00:07:46Mutter das hatten wir doch schon
00:07:49da war überhaupt kein
00:07:51Funken zwischen kathrin und seid bitte nicht albern alexander ihr beide passt perfekt zusammen
00:07:58Und außerdem erwartet das volk von torovia dass ihr prinz endlich den bund fürs leben schließt wie könnte ich das vergessen
00:08:09Was noch wichtiger ist darling
00:08:11Jemand wie kathrin könnte dich sehr glücklich machen ich möchte doch nur wissen dass jemand für dich da ist
00:08:17Es kann sehr einsam sein startsoberhaupt zu sein verzeihung aber der wagen ist hier ich danke in red
00:08:24Wenn wir wieder zurück in torovia sind und du deinen pflichten nachkommen muss das tut mir schrecklich leid aber mir fällt gerade ein
00:08:30Der ball überschneidet sich mit meinem auftritt bei dr. Lee spenden gala bitte
00:08:36Eine spenden gala auf den haven aisles
00:08:39Ist doch so winston
00:08:41Das ist richtig eure hoheit
00:08:47Wieso informiert man mich nicht darüber dass werde ich sofort überprüfen
00:08:50Da muss es ein problem mit der kommunikation gegeben haben aber sie erwarten mich
00:08:55Und es wäre mir höchst peinlich ein pr desaster verantworten zu müssen wie du meinst
00:09:01Aber merkt ihr meine worte alexander du wirst als könig wahrlich keine zeit mehr verschwenden können für deine
00:09:09persönlichen kapriolen
00:09:11Himmel noch mal du bist schlimmer als dein vater es war
00:09:17Danke sehr mutter
00:09:20Winston wären sie so freundlich auf dr. Lee's einladung zur spenden gala zu antworten zur täuschungsmanöver im palast für ihren setten zu
00:09:30Wird erledigt
00:09:38Hmm, okay, Olivia du kriegst das hin
00:10:39Fragen sie nicht
00:10:52Und hier ist der danke sehr
00:10:56Wie peinlich ich war in gedanken ganz woanders sind sie okay ja ja ist ja nichts passiert gut
00:11:03Das habe ich gerade erst zu ende gelesen ich habe auch schon davon gehört
00:11:07Das ist nicht für mich ihr bestes ich habe jede sekunde geliebt
00:11:18Verzeihen sie
00:11:22Kennen wir uns
00:11:25Nein ich denke nicht
00:11:31Also dann vielleicht nächstes mal
00:11:55Ist irgendetwas
00:12:13Habe es mitgebracht danke aber ich habe kein hunger doch du musst was essen
00:12:19Jedes mal wenn ich versuche etwas romantisches oder gefühlvoll ist zu schreiben laufe ich gegen eine wand
00:12:24Und dann muss ich ein nickerchen machen gibt dir zeit überstürzt die dinge nicht hier
00:12:32Jetzt du urlaub machen
00:12:35Nein das war ein überraschungstrip zum jahrestag den ich für kyle gebucht hatte während er fast gleichzeitig mit mir schluss machte
00:12:41Wir hatten einander immer versprochen wir würden wegfahren was neues in abenteuer erleben aber überraschung er wandelt auf anderen farben
00:12:54Hey geht es dir gut
00:12:57Ich weiß es nicht
00:13:05Ich weiß ich komme über kyle hinweg aber
00:13:09Was wenn das jetzt so bleibt
00:13:12Was wenn ich nie mehr schreiben kann sei unbesorgt das wird schon alles wieder ich verspreche
00:13:25Wieso fahren wir nicht
00:13:28Dein ernst das wäre doch toll du kannst dein abenteuer erleben und ich könnte urlaub gebrauchen die frühlingskollektion ist gerade raus und ich
00:13:35Bin echter schaft täti du weißt ich habe eine deadline das könnte die kreative inspiration sein die du brauchst
00:13:41Tagsüber unternehmen wir lustige dinge und du schreibst wenn wir uns zwischendurch ausruhen genau das würde dir dein arzt doch raten
00:14:07See dir das an es gibt ja auch yoga im dschungel leckere cocktails am pool und
00:14:12Wow unglaublich schnorcheln am rift schnorcheln du willst im offenen mehr schnorcheln katie da draußen kann alles mögliche sein nein
00:14:19Okay, okay ich dachte nur du wärst etwas abenteuer lustiger
00:14:24Ich kann es kaum erwarten eine massage zu kriegen
00:14:36Haben sie für keine ursache
00:14:44Die frische luft der blaue himmel und es ist weit und breit kein kriegerischer botschafter zu sehen so ist es eure hoheit
00:14:50Endlich bin ich wieder hier
00:14:52Hat sich dr. Li schon gemeldet erstaunlicherweise nichts naja wir sind ein paar tage zu früh
00:14:57Sie haben sich ein nichts dagegen wenn wir kurz vorbeischauen natürlich nicht ich brauche einen moment um das restliche gepäck zu holen
00:15:03Dann sehen wir uns dort
00:15:05Ich möchte gern ein stück laufen allein
00:15:07So winston the city haven aisles ich kann durchaus ein stück allein laufen
00:15:13Wie sie meint und solange wir hier sind versuchen sie etwas spaß zu haben okay alles klar
00:15:20Ja wohl
00:15:29Jetzt sieh dir doch nur dieses zimmer an
00:15:33Der knaller okay
00:15:37Wird zeit dass ich an die arbeit gehe dann schreibt doch am pool nein schon gut gehen nur okay dann bis später kommen einfach nach
00:15:55Haut ab ihr schwäne
00:16:25Ein wenig frische luft hat noch niemandem geschadet
00:16:52Ich fasse es nicht das kann unmöglich sein alles in ordnung
00:17:02Wollte sie gerade dasselbe fragen haben sie etwas verloren oder ist das nur die liebe zur lokalen pflanzenwelt das nein nein ich habe tatsächlich
00:17:10Nur diesen herrlichen garten erkundet wissen sie abseits der touristen fahre verstehe suchen sie inspiration für ihren nächsten roman
00:17:19Danke sehr
00:17:21Ich habe mich schon gefragt ob sie darauf zurückkommen zu meiner verteidigung sie sind mir schon die ganze zeit bekannt vorgekommen
00:17:26Okay meine geheime identität ist aufgeflogen aber sie haben eine frage nicht beantwortet was tun sie hier
00:17:40Du hier was bringt dich auf die haven aisles
00:17:44Naja also
00:17:46weißt du du hast immer davon geschwärmt dass für ein besonderer ort das sei und da ist mir klar geworden dass ich echt mal
00:17:52urlaub gebrauchen könnte
00:17:53Das ist witzig denn bei unserem letzten gespräch warst du ja nicht gerade in urlaubsstimmung
00:18:01Ich sehe du hast dich auch entschieden zu kommen
00:18:11Ich bin tiffany tiffany was für eine wunderbare überraschung ich bin olivia
00:18:20Ich bin
00:18:26Freut mich sehr
00:18:33Woher könnt ihr zwei euch denn naja
00:18:35Wir haben uns vor drei wochen auf einer marketingkonferenz in la kennengelernt und ich hörte ihn reden und war von seiner vision
00:18:42Begeistert da habe ich mich ihm vorgestellt so ging es los und jetzt sind wir hier ist er nicht spontan
00:18:46Oh, ja so ist karl du weißt nie was als nächstes tut
00:18:53Was schön ich geh dann mal besser auspacken aber du kommst doch
00:18:57Okay, bye-bye
00:18:59Ist sie nicht nicht so ich weiß das ist ein bisschen eigenartig
00:19:04Wie kommst du denn darauf mir geht's bestens
00:19:06Blinden geradezu okay
00:19:08Na schön vielleicht könnten wir uns etwas zum lunch holen
00:19:13Lunch es ist nur ich ich leider haben wir schon andere pläne
00:19:17haben wir doch olivia
00:19:21Ja na klar ja es tut mir leid kyle
00:19:26Alexander alexander und ich haben pläne, okay?
00:19:31Naja, vielleicht ein anderes mal klappen eine woche also ganze woche wie schön
00:19:37Hat mich gefreut ich zu sehen
00:19:41Toll ja
00:19:44Mach's gut
00:19:47Tausend dank
00:19:51Ja ich dachte ein paar tausend meilen zwischen uns würden wir etwas geben aber bin gerade auf dem weg zur
00:19:59Ich bin
00:20:05Der zufall uns noch mal zueinander du wirst nicht glauben was gerade passiert ist ich kann nicht glauben dass er das getan hat also
00:20:10Erst klaut er dir deinen urlaub und dann taucht er mit seiner neuen freundin auf meine app frisst meine gesamte zeit
00:20:16Lügner wie soll ich denn jetzt noch arbeiten ich wollte doch nur weg von meinem alten leben und wer begrüßt mich hier legt mich zum
00:20:22Essen ein
00:20:23Ich gebe es auf
00:20:26Du kannst dir auf der insel so viel unternehmen deine blockade ist bald geschichte und wo wir gerade davon sprechen
00:20:32Wer ist eigentlich dieser charmante junge mann gewesen nur so ein kein den ich mal im buchladen in mittaun getroffen habe
00:20:36Die welt ist klein wirklich sehr klein man könnte sagen es ist schicksal
00:20:40Ein wiedersehen mit einem gut aussehenden fremden auf einer paradiesischen insel es reicht
00:21:10Ich will kommen zurück eure hoheit aber es ist schön sie wiederzusehen
00:22:01Sir dr. Lee lässt sich tausendmal entschuldigen ich fürchte er wird auf dem festland gebraucht familien angelegenheit
00:22:10Wascheinlich kommt er erst in 14 tagen wieder und die spenden gala sie sind sich nicht sicher vielleicht wird sie abgesagt ohne gast
00:22:16Nein das darf nicht geschehen
00:22:18Sie brauchen diese spenden dringend
00:22:23Ich kann das tun
00:22:26So ich kann der gastgeber sein
00:22:28Sie eure hoheit kommen sie winston wir waren schon auf tausenden solcher veranstaltungen
00:22:32Wir wissen genau was da zu tun ist
00:22:35Und wir haben eine woche zur vorbereitung
00:22:38Wir kriegen das hin sie werden aber eine rede halten müssen
00:22:49Da haben sie wohl recht
00:22:55Aber mein vater half das hier mit aufzubauen unser zweites zuhause
00:23:04Ich muss helfen
00:23:10Der ganze nachmittag ist rum und ich habe noch keine zwei setze aufs papier gebracht sein nicht so hart zu dir selbst gibt dir mehr
00:23:18Schoko soufflé von mir aus das hört sich nicht nach jemandem anderen abenteuer erlebt
00:23:23Okay, ich hole uns erstmal ein paar cocktails ich bin gleich zurück ich werde hier sein
00:23:27Wir müssen die gästeliste durchgehen je mehr gäste wir motivieren können regelmäßig zu spenden desto besser ja wohl was und nein ich habe es
00:23:33Natürlich nicht vergessen meine rede
00:23:37Vielleicht wäre
00:23:42Verzeihen sie winston nur noch ein kleiner abstecher natürlich so und fürs protokoll ich
00:23:48Bin, kein prinz in ordnung sie machen das schon
00:23:54Na hier ist es doch wesentlich bequemer als im gebüsch was soll ich sagen ich dachte ich mache ein upgrade für den abend
00:24:01Verzeihen sie das ist mein alter freund winston
00:24:04Winnie ist kürzer winnie das ist olivia perkins sehr angenehm auch angenehm danke
00:24:13Dann machen sie gemeinsam urlaub auf der insel das ist mehr eine geschäftsreise wir sind für die spenden aktion zum schutz der meere hier und
00:24:19Was tun sie da?
00:24:21Eigentlich arbeiten wir zusammen ich für sie das heißt manchmal aber nur teilzeit consulting sowas in der art ich arbeite für den schutz unserer
00:24:29Dann weiß ich jetzt wieso sie am ende der welt auftauchen
00:24:33Ja das erklärt alles
00:24:36Aber jetzt wo wir doch sowieso ständig ineinander laufen da frage ich mich ob nur falls sie frei sind natürlich ob
00:24:42Sie morgen vielleicht ein paar der angebotenen freizeitaktivitäten ausprobieren möchten eigentlich bin ich zum arbeiten hergekommen
00:24:49Sie sind ja auch hier katie ja das sind alexander und sein freund winnie es ist mir ein vergnügen angenehm winnie
00:24:56Das ist wirklich reizend
00:24:58Und was wollt ihr jungs denn alles unternehmen nun ja ich hatte olivia gerade gefragt ob sie interesse wir sind dabei klar
00:25:04Was was was meinst du damit ich ein moment bitte
00:25:08Was tust du denn da was tust du denn da das sind charmante interessante männer die uns fragen ob wir zeit mit ihnen verbringen natürlich
00:25:15Sagen wir ja das buch das ist für dein buch wir sind hier um ein abenteuer zu erleben und dafür muss man tatsächlich auch etwas
00:25:22abenteuerliches tun
00:25:24Sorry nur noch einen moment bitte ja danke ich kann nicht durch die gegend rennen und dazu
00:25:30Jetzt stell dir mal keils gesicht vor wenn er sieht dass du zeit mit einem attraktiven mann verbringst und den spaß deines lebens hast
00:25:39Das ist ein argument
00:25:41Okay alles geklärt wir vier sehen uns morgen um 10 am strand
00:25:45großartig dann sehen wir uns also morgen hat sie gesagt wie viel
00:25:55Winston ich wusste nicht dass sie so ein guter schauspieler sind danke
00:26:00Können wir für den rest unserer zeit hier auf die titel verzichten geht es informieren sie das personal wie ich schon erwähnte sir für
00:26:06Enttäuschungsmanöver weg vom palast oder wenn ich ihnen das so frei heraus sagen darf sie spiele mit dem feuer
00:26:14Ich weiß
00:26:18Ich soll olivia sagen wer ich wirklich bin
00:26:21Und sie haben recht das werde ich versprochen es ist nur
00:26:27Das ist das erste mal dass ich jemanden wie normale leute kennenlernen
00:26:31Das ist das erste mal dass ich erfahren habe wie es sich anfühlt normal zu sein
00:26:38Und vielleicht kann sie so mein wahres ich kennenlernen
00:26:44Wie sie wünschen
00:26:50Ich danke
00:26:54Ich gebe ihnen mein wort ich werde es ihr sagen es muss nur der richtige zeitpunkt sein
00:27:27Ja redlich es scheint alles in ordnung zu sein eure majestät der prinz ist ziemlich gesellig aber
00:27:32Ich kann keinen grund zur sorge sehen
00:27:35wunderbar aber
00:27:37Behalten sie ihn im auge bitte das werde ich es wird keine probleme geben
00:27:53Bitte denkt dran sei locker und hab spaß wir werden schon nichts verrücktes tun
00:27:57Guten morgen
00:28:16Der schlüssel zum vorderschlag
00:28:18Ist den rumpf zu verwenden und nicht mit den armen zu fuchten drehen sie ihren oberkörper so ok ist ein kinderspiel also so
00:28:24Ja also genau so
00:28:54Meet me when the sun goes down and everything's alive
00:28:59Everything's alive
00:29:01Take me far away
00:29:03Take me where it's beautiful, and we don't know the day
00:29:07Or take me away
00:29:10Hold it
00:29:13Keep your body moving you know that I want you close to me
00:29:25Times up we don't even need to have a backer
00:29:54Never let you go
00:29:56Ich bin eben ein talentierter Mensch
00:29:58Ich bin nicht überrascht
00:30:02Hey Leute
00:30:04Hat jemand Lust auf ein Spiel?
00:30:06Ja, aber das ist jetzt nicht gerade Olivia's Ding
00:30:08Oh, ist schon gut
00:30:12Tatsächlich würde ich gern spielen, danke Tiffany
00:30:18Na, sie auch?
00:30:20Unbedingt, ja
00:30:22Ja, los geht's
00:30:34Komm schon
00:30:36Das war ok
00:30:38Ich glaube ich war besser als du
00:30:40Ja, komm schon, streng dich mal an
00:30:48Vielleicht beim nächsten Mal
00:30:52Aber jetzt
00:30:56Na los, zeig sie
00:31:02Ja, Olivia
00:31:06Einmal auf deiner Seite
00:31:22Ja, das war toll
00:31:24Ist gut
00:31:28Gut gespielt
00:31:32Ihr auch
00:31:34Ok, wir sehen uns
00:31:38Äh, Schatz
00:31:46Dieser Urlaub ist bisher meine beste Idee gewesen
00:31:50Ich meine unsere beste Idee
00:31:52Du weißt wie ich es meine
00:31:54Hat es geschmeckt, Winston?
00:31:56Ausgezeichnet, und Ihnen eure Hoheit?
00:32:06Mr. Nutter, Spitzname
00:32:08Ist das so?
00:32:12Ja, das ist eine lange Geschichte
00:32:14Ich habe das Gefühl ich würde seit Jahren alles hinter ihm her tragen
00:32:22Hey, ich hätte deine Idee
00:32:24Ich bin sicher Winnie würde gern mit mir zum Schnorcheln gehen, oder?
00:32:26Oh, äh
00:32:30Sehr gern, es wäre mir ein Vergnügen
00:32:32Klasse, können wir euch überreden aufzuschnorcheln?
00:32:34Oh ja klar, schon überredet
00:32:36Echt jetzt?
00:32:38Nein, du weißt was ich vom Schnorcheln halte
00:32:40Ich habe es versucht
00:32:42Also los, bis später
00:32:46Irgendwas sagt mir ich kann dich nicht überzeugen das Riff zu besuchen
00:32:48Wie bist du denn nur darauf gekommen?
00:32:54Naja, wir sollten vielleicht...
00:32:56Wir könnten doch spazieren gehen
00:32:58Vielleicht unten am Strand, nur wenn du...
00:33:00Ja, sehr gern
00:33:10Haben wir eine Ahnung wer diese Frau ist?
00:33:12Nein, Ma'am, ich habe sie noch nie gesehen
00:33:16Ich möchte dass sie ihre Identität feststellen
00:33:18Und bitte seien sie möglichst diskret
00:33:20Ja, eure Majestät
00:33:22Danke Ridley
00:33:24Aber natürlich seien sie unbesorgt
00:36:14I'd have no words.
00:36:16A writing blockade?
00:36:17Yes, that's stupid. I know.
00:36:19But I have this publisher who's going crazy because of the deadline.
00:36:22And all of this is just...
00:36:24To be honest, I'm scared.
00:36:27The most normal thing in the world?
00:36:29I would probably feel the same way.
00:36:31But honestly...
00:36:33And that's because of one of your biggest fans.
00:36:37You owe no one anything.
00:36:39Take the time you need.
00:36:42And when you're ready for a new story...
00:36:46I'll wait for it.
00:36:47Um, we'll wait for it.
00:36:49The fans, I mean.
00:36:51Yes, yes.
00:36:52Will you call my publisher and pass this on?
00:36:56With pleasure.
00:37:01Thank you for this wonderful day.
00:37:03Oh, it's been a great pleasure.
00:37:06I don't want to keep you in the dark all the time, but...
00:37:09Can I ask you to accompany me to the donation gala?
00:37:12Otherwise it would just be Winston and me, but I know he wants to have more time for himself.
00:37:17I'd have to take a look at my schedule.
00:37:21But yes, that could work out.
00:37:27Good night, Alexander.
00:37:29Good night, Olivia.
00:37:39Good night.
00:38:17Yes, please.
00:38:20Oh, hi!
00:38:23Hello, my old friend.
00:38:26How was the rift?
00:38:27It was pretty spectacular, sir.
00:38:31Did you and Miss Perkins have a good time together?
00:38:33What did you two do?
00:38:35Um, we took a walk on the beach.
00:38:40If I'm being honest, she's just fantastic.
00:38:43It was nice.
00:38:45What are you doing? What are you doing?
00:38:47You're not writing, are you?
00:38:50Are you back?
00:38:51I don't know what you're talking about.
00:38:53Come back down.
00:38:54I'm too busy being right, baby.
00:38:57No, don't dance.
00:39:00Okay, okay.
00:39:01It was maybe more than just nice.
00:39:04Can you let me continue working now?
00:39:06Of course.
00:39:07You know I'm very close, baby.
00:39:09And I'm right.
00:39:11She's sharp-witted, intelligent,
00:39:13and probably one of the most interesting people I've ever met.
00:39:18Exceptional, of course.
00:39:21You know how to flatter me, sir.
00:39:23However, if I may ask,
00:39:27which Alexander exactly are you meeting right now?
00:39:31The sea guardian or the prince?
00:39:37I know.
00:39:40I will tell you.
00:39:41I'm just waiting for the right time.
00:39:44If I may be so direct once more, sir,
00:39:49why are you so inclined to finally tell her the truth?
00:39:57Because lies are so much more pleasant?
00:40:02Your Majesty.
00:40:14Yes, I know.
00:40:27You're not right here, are you?
00:40:29Oh, yes.
00:40:30This is a gift from one of our guests.
00:40:32These guys.
00:40:36Oh, yes.
00:40:37Do you need a signature or...
00:40:39Oh, no, that's all done, Miss.
00:40:41May I just ask for your name?
00:40:43And your first name?
00:40:48Good. Thank you both very much.
00:40:50Oh, we thank you.
00:40:58Your Majesty, I have a name.
00:41:02Olivia Perkins.
00:41:07Beloved Beledristik.
00:41:09Refrigerator mechanic.
00:41:11Housewife and part-time bookkeeper.
00:41:13Not exactly high society, right, Ridley?
00:41:15No, ma'am, not exactly.
00:41:17Never married.
00:41:18A friend for six years, but now separated.
00:41:23We have to do something immediately.
00:41:25Yes, ma'am.
00:41:40I was just working a little.
00:41:42There's something I have to tell you.
00:41:44Yes, what is it?
00:41:51I had such a wonderful time in the past few days.
00:41:59I don't know.
00:42:01I don't know.
00:42:03I don't know.
00:42:06Well, I'm afraid I wasn't quite...
00:42:12I wanted to tell you, I'm a...
00:42:18I'm a...
00:42:25This is not a good time.
00:42:26I have a message from home.
00:42:28I'm sure it can wait.
00:42:29Sir, I urge you, it can't wait, sir.
00:42:34Your mother would like to speak to you immediately.
00:42:38Okay, what's going on here?
00:42:42Olivia, I can explain.
00:42:45Your Highness.
00:42:48Your Highness?
00:42:50The Queen is waiting, sir.
00:42:51The Queen?
00:42:57Olivia, I'm a kind of...
00:43:03A prince.
00:43:06Let me explain.
00:43:07A prince?
00:43:08Your mother, she's waiting.
00:43:09Thank you, Ridley.
00:43:14Olivia, I was just about to tell you.
00:43:17So you lied to me.
00:43:20I swear, I...
00:43:22Olivia, please.
00:43:27How long have you been here?
00:43:29The Queen is waiting, sir.
00:43:33How long has Ridley been spying on me, Mother?
00:43:35I asked him to do that.
00:43:37He keeps an eye on you and informs me about the chaos you're causing.
00:43:43What are you even talking about?
00:43:44Oh, come on, Alexander.
00:43:46You're driving around with a citizen like a schoolboy on vacation.
00:43:49That's unworthy.
00:43:51Mother, I didn't...
00:43:52You left me no choice but to intervene.
00:43:55Well, don't forget your title and think carefully about the call of the palace.
00:43:58Don't waste any more time with the girl.
00:44:00I expect you to take the first flight home after the donation gala.
00:44:04End of discussion.
00:44:11Now, get out of here.
00:44:15Sir, if I may say so,
00:44:17Her Majesty is...
00:44:18Didn't you hear me, Ridley?
00:44:31A prince.
00:44:34A prince of what?
00:44:39Prince Alexander III of Trurovia.
00:44:43He's actually a prince.
00:44:45He's actually a prince who came up with a false identity and lied to me for the last three days.
00:44:51But when you met for the first time, sweetie, you didn't tell him the truth either.
00:44:56Okay, okay.
00:44:59I'm sure there's a perfect explanation for that.
00:45:01Maybe he just wanted to be discreet.
00:45:03You know, hanging out with the normalos.
00:45:08Or maybe he just didn't want to intimidate you.
00:45:11The main thing is, he's a prince.
00:45:14And he's interested in you.
00:45:16Hey, you're experiencing an adventure.
00:45:18What's the problem?
00:45:20You think he's great.
00:45:22Just talk to him about it.
00:45:25Oh, wait a minute.
00:45:26Wait a minute.
00:45:28So if Alex is a prince...
00:45:30Then what is Winston?
00:45:32I don't know, his bodyguard?
00:45:33His bodyguard?
00:45:37That's so hot.
00:45:50Hello, Your Majesty.
00:45:52Hi, Alex.
00:45:56I'm sorry.
00:45:58I know, I know I shouldn't have...
00:45:59Telling me about the rescue of the ocean was really more than touching.
00:46:03Well, most of it is true.
00:46:07But that doesn't change the fact that I should have told you from the start.
00:46:12He even yelled at me.
00:46:19Olivia, I only did it because...
00:46:22I wanted a chance to show someone who I really am.
00:46:25Under the shell.
00:46:27And only that made it possible for me to get to know you.
00:46:31Even if it was selfish.
00:46:35I think I was worth it.
00:46:39Please, let me do it again.
00:46:43No more secrets.
00:46:45I promise.
00:46:46I promise.
00:46:50And I would like to introduce myself again.
00:46:52Is that okay?
00:47:01Prince Alexander Barclay III of Torovia.
00:47:09And it's an honor to meet you.
00:47:12Well, Your Majesty.
00:47:14I'm just hungry.
00:47:15Then let's start with you inviting me to dinner.
00:47:18I'd love to.
00:47:20Shall we?
00:47:25My love.
00:47:30Yes, Your Majesty?
00:47:32Yes, ma'am.
00:47:34I'm on my way.
00:47:35Billy, this thing between Alexander and the American...
00:47:39Is it just a flirt, or do you think it could be something more serious?
00:47:44I can't say, ma'am.
00:47:46But I can say with certainty that I've never seen the prince so committed or...
00:47:51so happy.
00:47:54That's what worries me.
00:47:57Your Majesty,
00:47:59would you allow me...
00:48:12No, nothing, ma'am.
00:48:14Forgive me.
00:48:28Then you have a crown and a throne and all that stuff?
00:48:32There are a few family jewels.
00:48:35And there's a chair.
00:48:37But those are just formalities.
00:48:39And the chair is really uncomfortable.
00:48:42And you live in a palace?
00:48:47But it's terribly crowded in winter.
00:48:50And mercilessly hot.
00:48:52And I'm afraid of the cold.
00:48:54But it's terribly crowded in winter.
00:48:57And mercilessly hot in summer.
00:49:01I have a question.
00:49:03Who is the most important or most memorable person you've ever met?
00:49:07You mean, apart from you?
00:49:09Good answer.
00:49:11Thank you. Years of practice.
00:49:24Welcome to the Haven Marine Reserve.
00:49:31The whole operation is only maintained through donations and donations.
00:49:35That's why I support you whenever I can.
00:49:38I think having a prince on the team is not so bad.
00:49:42Well, maybe you think that if you find out how insolent I can be with my...
00:49:50I forgot that I have to prepare a speech.
00:49:52Hey, it's not that bad.
00:49:55It's just that I've never found it easy to find the right words to express what I want to say.
00:50:00Oh, yeah? Is that so?
00:50:10There are more than 5,000 species for which the Haven Reef is their home.
00:50:15Did you just say 5,000?
00:50:16It's increasing.
00:50:19So we have to do everything in our power to protect them.
00:50:24In my opinion, there is only one way to discover what kind of beauty this reef offers us.
00:50:55I'm not really convinced yet.
00:50:57You don't have to be afraid.
00:51:00Don't be too scared of the sharks.
00:51:02They're just babies. You have nothing to fear.
00:51:16Are you ready?
00:51:24Don't worry. It will be worth it.
00:51:27I promise.
00:51:28Three, two, one...
00:51:55The Haven Reef is the largest reef in the world.
00:51:57It covers an area of 1.5 million square kilometers.
00:51:59It is the largest reef in the world.
00:52:01It is the largest reef in the world.
00:52:03It is the largest reef in the world.
00:52:05It is the largest reef in the world.
00:52:07It is the largest reef in the world.
00:52:09It is the largest reef in the world.
00:52:11It is the largest reef in the world.
00:52:13It is the largest reef in the world.
00:52:15It is the largest reef in the world.
00:52:17It is the largest reef in the world.
00:52:19It is the largest reef in the world.
00:52:21The Hell rapid, launched by Japan.
00:52:23The Hell rapid, launched by Japan.
00:52:25The Hell rapid is the main ultra fast acceleration süssdorf was able to constantly increase
00:52:30The Hell rapid, launched by Japan.
00:52:32The Hell rapid, launched by Japan.
00:52:34And? Was it worth it?
00:52:36And was it worth it?
00:52:39Yes! You were right!
00:52:42I think we all have to take that first step.
00:52:46Let's talk about this conversation.
00:52:48Thank you for addressing this painful topic.
00:52:50I thought you were lucky to know a writer who can help you.
00:52:56You'd do that?
00:52:58Yes. I'm doing it for the Marine Reserve.
00:53:08Okay. Where do you want to start?
00:53:10The protected area. The mission of the protected area.
00:53:13I'd also like to make it known that...
00:53:18Let me see.
00:53:24That's perfect.
00:53:27I have to go, babe.
00:53:31Yeah, yeah. What's up?
00:53:35Oh, right. You shouldn't forget to bring that.
00:53:42I got it.
00:53:46Don't forget about me.
00:53:49Yeah, yeah. Sorry.
00:53:51Okay, yeah. I'll call you later.
00:53:53Babe, do you finally have time?
00:53:58Good evening. Thank you all for coming.
00:54:00I'm your host today. Please be patient with me.
00:54:10Hey, Erika. Come up with the draft and I'll send it to you soon.
00:54:13We'll talk soon.
00:54:14P.S. You should definitely go on vacation here.
00:54:26Where are we going?
00:54:28It's not far anymore.
00:54:29Are you sure we're in the right place?
00:54:32Yeah, I think so.
00:54:38If we get lost in the jungle, it doesn't matter that you...
00:54:41Okay, wow.
00:54:44It's enchanting, isn't it?
00:54:47My father and I explored the island whenever we had the chance.
00:54:49I understand why. Hey, wait for me.
00:54:57Wow, that's beautiful.
00:55:02Is everything okay?
00:55:06I think so. It's just...
00:55:09I always feel closest to this place.
00:55:12I could talk to him here.
00:55:14Just a boy and his father. No royal protocol.
00:55:20I just wish I could come here more often.
00:55:21And that I could do more for the Marine Reserve.
00:55:24And I also want to help in other places in the world where nature conservation is so urgently needed.
00:55:31Why can't you do that?
00:55:34As soon as I'm crowned, I'm afraid I don't have the opportunity.
00:55:37You will be the king. You have the say.
00:55:39Then there is little time for your personal capriole.
00:55:43The words of my mother.
00:55:45Doesn't she know how important this is? How much it means to you?
00:55:48Tradition is the most important thing for her.
00:55:51And I can't turn her away from her decision.
00:55:54I understand that.
00:55:58But things change, Alexander.
00:56:01And sometimes people have to change as well.
00:56:06All my life I've been told to give up what I love.
00:56:10I don't know much about royal protocol.
00:56:13But I know that you have to be honest with yourself.
00:56:16And you must not be afraid to follow your dreams.
00:56:20No matter what anyone says.
00:56:27That was almost convincing.
00:56:30Well, sometimes you just have to take that first step.
00:56:34Oh, right. That's a good advice.
00:56:37Thank you. I thought so, too.
00:56:42So, what do we think about this speech?
00:56:46I think I'm well prepared. Thank you.
00:56:49You said we'd finally have time for ourselves, but you haven't talked to me since we got here.
00:56:53What? We're talking right now, aren't we?
00:56:55You've been working all week.
00:56:57Come on, you're overreacting.
00:56:59You don't tell me I'm overreacting.
00:57:00I'm not just your stupid puppet.
00:57:03I could have come here on my own.
00:57:08Leave me alone. Go back to work.
00:57:14I'm really sorry.
00:57:16She's just a little stressed.
00:57:24It's the reservation. I should go there.
00:57:27See you tonight?
00:57:28Yeah, see you later.
00:57:30Okay, excuse me.
00:57:34So, you two seem to spend a lot of time together.
00:57:38Yeah, it's nice to get to know new people and discover a lot of new things.
00:57:42Yeah, sometimes.
00:57:47Talk to her. Just try to listen.
00:57:51Hey, and crawling into each other's laps is always a possibility.
00:57:55That was almost helpful.
00:57:56Get used to it.
00:57:58Okay, okay.
00:58:00Thanks, Olivia.
00:58:02You know, this Alexander can be happy.
00:58:12Hey, you!
00:58:14Oh, hi!
00:58:16You don't really want to wear that, do you?
00:58:19What? Why? What about it?
00:58:21You have a date with a prince.
00:58:23And you're lucky that I'm here to help you.
00:58:33You're dragging all this stuff to an island?
00:58:36Hey, that's my job.
00:58:38I have to be prepared for everything.
00:58:40You have a problem, you know that, right?
00:58:42I'm sure we'll find something for you that'll make Alexander go crazy for you.
00:58:46Yeah, our first candidate.
00:59:04Yeah, I think I'd like that.
00:59:11No. No. No.
00:59:13Get out.
00:59:15So, Lala?
00:59:21No, not him.
00:59:23Can I finally get out now?
00:59:25Okay, so...
00:59:27Okay, I'll take that as a no.
00:59:29It is a no.
00:59:31Okay, time to expand our search.
00:59:42What's wrong with him?
00:59:44You look like you're about to go to church and get married.
00:59:52What do you say?
00:59:57Yeah, I told you.
00:59:59He's going to go crazy for you.
01:00:15Let's just leave it at that, please, Winston.
01:00:17There's always time for the final touches.
01:00:19Very good.
01:00:21Now it's perfect.
01:00:23Are you sure you don't want to...
01:00:25Don't worry.
01:00:27I'll be fine.
01:00:29Enjoy the evening with Katie.
01:00:33I'm sure everything will go smoothly, sir.
01:00:38I'm sure you're right.
01:00:40May I ask...
01:00:42if you've thought about...
01:00:44How I explain to Olivia that I have to return to Torovia tomorrow?
01:00:49Yes, I've thought about it.
01:00:52I think I should...
01:01:05Totally crazy.
01:01:11You look...
01:01:14What's that?
01:01:16It was in my suitcase.
01:01:19You don't look bad either.
01:01:21Very prince-like.
01:01:23Well, you can thank Winston for that.
01:01:25He always manages to get things done.
01:01:27Well, I take my duties very seriously, sir.
01:01:29Very well.
01:01:31Shall we?
01:01:33With pleasure.
01:01:35See you later.
01:01:38Shall we?
01:01:44Let's go.
01:01:57So, how did it go so far?
01:01:59Kind of easy.
01:02:03Wish me luck.
01:02:05Not necessary.
01:02:23I'm honored to welcome you and thank you for coming.
01:02:26I'm your host today, so please be patient with me.
01:02:34Well, our Haven Marine Reserve is dedicated to the protection and preservation of this unique and wonderful ecosystem.
01:02:41It's supposed to inspire others to do the same.
01:02:44This is only possible thanks to your generous support.
01:02:48And so, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
01:02:53And it is a great honor for me to support this organization.
01:02:58Ever since I was a little boy, the Haven Isles have always been like a second home to me.
01:03:04Working with these wonderful people on the team was my father's greatest passion.
01:03:11And he always wanted to do more.
01:03:15And so did I.
01:03:30Recently, someone reminded me that we should not be afraid to follow our dreams.
01:03:35That's why I now announce that I am founding a foundation in my father's name.
01:03:42And it will not only support this institution,
01:03:45it will be dedicated to nature conservation all over the world in the future.
01:03:49We all have to work together so that we can protect this incredible planet for future generations.
01:03:57Thank you all very much. Enjoy the evening.
01:04:06Very well done.
01:04:09But the praise is not mine alone.
01:04:12I had help.
01:04:15Would you like to dance?
01:04:19Yes, I would.
01:04:21Yes, I would.
01:04:34You've done that before, haven't you?
01:04:36You think I can't dance because I fail at kayaking?
01:04:41Tell me, do I get the chance to read something of what you've written so far?
01:04:46My publisher would certainly have something against it.
01:04:48I mean, what if you're on social media?
01:04:50Oh, come on, I'm not allowed to be on any of these channels anyway.
01:04:52So your secret is safe with me?
01:04:57The location is a tropical island.
01:05:00An ordinary woman falls in love with a prince without knowing it.
01:05:05You're not ordinary at all.
01:05:14Alexander, I want to thank you.
01:05:17For what?
01:05:18Simply for everything.
01:05:20That you brought me closer to this place.
01:05:23That you helped me see things more clearly.
01:05:30A girl could get used to that.
01:05:46What are you doing?
01:05:47Darling, you know I would do anything not to miss this.
01:05:54Oh, forgive me, Mother.
01:05:55This is Olivia Perkins.
01:05:58Olivia, this is my mother.
01:05:59Queen Patricia Barclay.
01:06:01Your Majesty.
01:06:03I've heard a lot about you.
01:06:05Only charming, hopefully.
01:06:07Let's sit down.
01:06:10Don't worry, everything will be fine.
01:06:12Whom are you trying to convince?
01:06:14Your Majesty.
01:06:16I'll be right back.
01:06:17Thank you, Ridley.
01:06:19Tell me, what's going on?
01:06:21Between your mother and the undercover butler.
01:06:23What? Do you think the two of them...
01:06:24Yes, I think so.
01:06:32All right.
01:06:33I was told we would have given a sufficient explanation shortly before my arrival.
01:06:38I only explained my intention that we...
01:06:39Darling, it's smarter not to make unnecessary promises.
01:06:42We can discuss on the way home how we'll manage it.
01:06:45I heard you're a writer.
01:06:47Miss Perkins.
01:06:48Yes, Your Majesty.
01:06:49Well, I'm afraid I don't know any of your works.
01:06:52But I heard you have a not-so-demanding readership.
01:06:56Then that would be understandable, of course.
01:06:59I hope after your little stay with Alexander,
01:07:02you won't suddenly come up with some caricatures about royal houses in your next book.
01:07:07I didn't know, Mother, that you were so interested in Olivia's work.
01:07:10No, ma'am, no caricatures.
01:07:12Not yet.
01:07:15Please excuse me, Your Majesty, Your Highness.
01:07:18I was just asked if the prince might be interested in some photos with other donors.
01:07:23No, not at the moment.
01:07:24Oh, Alexander, you're going.
01:07:25That's exactly what you always talk about.
01:07:28A chance to make this place more famous.
01:07:30And it gives Olivia and me the opportunity to get to know each other better.
01:07:36Yes, go ahead.
01:07:42Just a few photos.
01:07:43I'll be right back.
01:07:49This way, sir.
01:08:00I'm really happy.
01:08:07Well, I think we should use this moment and speak openly.
01:08:13Then I'll start.
01:08:15You're in love with my son.
01:08:20Oh, my goodness.
01:08:21If I were to be wrong, that would be a relief.
01:08:23Tell me if I'm misjudging the situation.
01:08:31So I'm right.
01:08:34How disturbing.
01:08:36But even more disturbing is that my son seems to be resisting your feelings.
01:08:41And that's a problem.
01:08:43Do you understand why?
01:08:45No, but I'm sure you're telling me.
01:08:48Because you don't fit into his life.
01:08:54The life of a king is a life full of obligations.
01:08:58At all times.
01:09:00Alexander is much more than a diplomat.
01:09:03He is...
01:09:04He is a symbol.
01:09:06The people expect a lot from him and his queen.
01:09:10My son needs someone by his side who understands his world.
01:09:14Someone who can support him.
01:09:16Someone who can protect him.
01:09:19And I'm afraid that's not you.
01:09:24Doesn't that decide, Alexander?
01:09:27I really appreciate my son.
01:09:30But he lives with his head in the clouds.
01:09:33Oh, maybe he thinks they could be happy together.
01:09:37But my love, I'm afraid that's not how the world works.
01:09:42Good, Olivia.
01:09:43Let's play it by ear, shall we?
01:09:46Even if you were to move all your life to Torovia,
01:09:50Alexander as king would have a daily obligation to fulfill.
01:09:55You would hardly see each other.
01:09:57Well, then you'd be sitting there alone abroad with less privacy than you could ever imagine.
01:10:03Every minute of your day is meticulously divided.
01:10:06Every moment is planned.
01:10:08Every movement is followed.
01:10:10The public, the press, everyone wants a piece of you.
01:10:13And then, with Alexander's growing sense of guilt because you are unhappy,
01:10:18he will be distracted.
01:10:20He will make mistakes.
01:10:23That must not happen.
01:10:28This is not your world.
01:10:30You don't belong here.
01:10:33And you never will.
01:10:37If my son means something to you, if you really only want the best for him,
01:10:42then please, before more damage is done,
01:10:46stay away from him.
01:10:55We both know what he would say if you asked him,
01:10:59but that doesn't change anything.
01:11:02Believe me, the easiest thing is to just leave.
01:11:21All the best for your new book.
01:11:28I wish you a nice evening.
01:11:46Where is Olivia?
01:11:47She had a headache, the poor girl, and decided to go to her room.
01:11:50Oh, then I should see her later.
01:11:52Nonsense! She knows how much this evening means to you.
01:11:54She insisted that you stay here and enjoy the rest of the evening.
01:11:58Come on, let's take a few pictures.
01:12:07Olivia, hey!
01:12:09Is everything okay?
01:12:11I bet this educated snob said something, didn't he?
01:12:14I didn't have a good feeling about that guy from the start.
01:12:16Don't be sad.
01:12:17You deserve something better.
01:12:21Where is Tiffany?
01:12:26She decided that it would be better if I focused on my career first.
01:12:31Hey, you know, I'm really glad to see you.
01:12:34I have to tell you something important.
01:12:36I'll tell you now.
01:12:37I'll just say it out loud.
01:12:39We made a big mistake.
01:12:41I know, it sounds totally crazy, but after we broke up and now
01:12:45when I see you here on this island again,
01:12:47everything suddenly became so clear to me.
01:12:49I thought our paths would be too different, but...
01:12:52I was wrong.
01:12:55I want it to be like it used to be.
01:13:00Let's get out of here.
01:13:05What do you say?
01:13:12You don't want to be with me.
01:13:15Kyle, I think you don't even know what you want and that's okay.
01:13:19And I'll tell you something.
01:13:21You were right about one thing.
01:13:25We're on different paths.
01:13:29Take care of yourself, okay, Kyle?
01:13:33And I'd like to give you some advice.
01:13:35Next time, find your own vacation spot.
01:13:41Yeah, that would be better.
01:13:55I'll come here.
01:14:26Olivia, it's me, Alexander. Are you feeling better?
01:14:41What is it?
01:14:43From Katie.
01:14:55She's especially good and strong.
01:15:03What did you do?
01:15:05What did you say to her?
01:15:06Darling, I only told her the truth. Nothing more.
01:15:13I could have thought you were trying to...
01:15:14Darling, don't be so dramatic.
01:15:16I acted in your best interest, and you know that.
01:15:21Winston, could you help me pack?
01:15:23We're flying back to America.
01:15:25Yes, Alexander.
01:15:28Your Majesty.
01:15:34I forbid you to destroy your future just because you're like a schoolboy,
01:15:39looking for a mediocre writer.
01:15:43Do you have any idea how arrogant you sound?
01:15:45It is essential that we keep our royal customs.
01:15:48Our culture and our tradition.
01:15:50Simply everything. You know that.
01:15:53But didn't you tell me how happy I would be if I found the right person?
01:15:57Do you remember?
01:15:59When did that change, Mother?
01:16:03When did your pride become more important to you than my happiness, Mother?
01:16:06How can you say that?
01:16:07You always said you acted in my best interest.
01:16:10But I always had the feeling that my life was just another point that you cut off.
01:16:14Alexander, stop this nonsense.
01:16:16Do you know what's so tragic?
01:16:23You and I, we're in the same dilemma.
01:16:26What do you mean?
01:16:27I can't believe it just happened to me yesterday.
01:16:31How long have you had feelings for Ridley, Mother?
01:16:33Feelings? Have you gone mad?
01:16:36It was Olivia who pointed it out to me.
01:16:38She knew right away.
01:16:39Pretty attentive, wasn't she?
01:16:55It's okay.
01:17:00You can talk to me.
01:17:10When your father died, I was so lonely.
01:17:15Ridley was so kind and nice.
01:17:21And so caring.
01:17:23But you could have given him a chance.
01:17:25Oh, God, no. That would be a scandal.
01:17:27Yes, maybe earlier.
01:17:28But times have changed.
01:17:30And we have to change, too.
01:17:34We can't give up doing the right thing just because of ancient traditions.
01:17:45Please, don't make a mistake you'll regret forever.
01:17:51And thank you
01:17:54for always being there for me.
01:17:55I know it wasn't easy.
01:17:59But I'm not a little boy anymore, Mother.
01:18:04And you have to trust me.
01:18:14I love you.
01:18:44I love you.
01:19:14I love you.
01:19:15I love you.
01:19:21So, what do you think?
01:19:22It is...
01:19:26I mean, we all knew you could do it.
01:19:30A tropical island.
01:19:31It has everything.
01:19:34Oh, sorry.
01:19:35My order just arrived.
01:19:37There's just a small, tiny spot that stands out.
01:19:40Yes, come on up.
01:19:41A little comment.
01:19:42Of course, what is it?
01:19:43What is it?
01:19:44Well, the end. I mean, you have to get it in the end, of course.
01:19:49Well, darling, our readers want happy ends.
01:19:52People want stories that talk about everything.
01:19:55Yes, that's possible.
01:19:57But life is complicated and unexpected and crazy.
01:20:00And sometimes things just don't work out.
01:20:02But your readers expect a fairytale-like end.
01:20:05That's why they read them.
01:20:07Well, I tell it as it is. And a fairytale-like end doesn't exist.
01:20:12I don't know if I should believe this.
01:20:15How do you know where I...
01:20:17Hi, are you serious?
01:20:21Sweetie, I know you're freaking out, but let's go in and just listen.
01:20:25Olivia, please listen to me.
01:20:33What are you doing here, Alexander?
01:20:36During my stay, I have some discussions about the foundation.
01:20:42But the real reason is, I wanted to see you.
01:20:46I'm so sorry about what happened, but I can't just let things take their course.
01:20:52Not with what I feel for you.
01:20:54Sweetie, hello?
01:20:55Alexander, it won't work.
01:20:58Just go and be king with someone who's better suited to be queen.
01:21:01And I'll go on with my life.
01:21:03Olivia, please believe me when I say you're the only person I want to be with.
01:21:09Did you ask your mother about this? Because I think she might have other plans.
01:21:15I did.
01:21:22Okay, and what happens now?
01:21:24Trust me.
01:21:34Your Majesty, nice to see you, Olivia.
01:21:37Who is this?
01:21:39I would like to apologize to you.
01:21:42Because I was very unfriendly and interfered without asking.
01:21:49I thank you.
01:21:51Actually, I should be thanking you.
01:21:54It's true, I've always felt obligated to protect my family.
01:21:59But over the years, I've probably lost sight of what that means.
01:22:03A good mother respects her son's decisions.
01:22:08And luckily, she doesn't put any old-fashioned views in the way.
01:22:14Or her own.
01:22:21It's nice to see you again, ma'am.
01:22:23Please excuse my deception on the Haven Isles.
01:22:26I forgive you.
01:22:29Couldn't we have talked over the phone?
01:22:31Well, that wouldn't be very prince-like, would it?
01:22:35Could you give us a moment?
01:22:37Long story.
01:22:38It would be a pleasure.
01:22:41Then let's go.
01:22:55Do you remember how I told you that it's not easy for me to find the right words?
01:23:01You are...
01:23:04...the love of my life.
01:23:09That wasn't bad.
01:23:14Olivia, you should know.
01:23:17A royal life has special requirements.
01:23:19There are obligations and expectations.
01:23:25But if you want to try it...
01:23:28...I promise you that it will be a fantastic adventure.
01:23:36What do you say?
01:23:42I think I'll try it again with the fairy-tale ending.
01:23:47Darling, can I make it clear?
01:23:49When you talk about the fairy-tale ending, do you mean both or the book?
01:24:27I love you.
01:24:57I love you too.
01:25:27I love you.
01:25:28I love you too.
01:25:29I love you.
01:25:30I love you.
01:25:31I love you.
01:25:32I love you.
01:25:33I love you.
01:25:34I love you.
01:25:35I love you.
01:25:36I love you.
01:25:37I love you.
01:25:38I love you.
01:25:39I love you.
01:25:40I love you.
01:25:41I love you.
01:25:42I love you.
01:25:43I love you.
01:25:44I love you.
01:25:45I love you.
01:25:46I love you.
01:25:47I love you.
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01:26:00I love you.
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01:26:40I love you.
01:26:41I love you.
01:26:42I love you.
01:26:43I love you.
01:26:44I love you.
01:26:45I love you.
01:26:46I love you.
01:26:47I love you.
01:26:48I love you.
01:26:49I love you.
01:26:50I love you.
01:26:51I love you.
01:26:52I love you.
01:26:53I love you.
