Watch Online Hazel 1961 - s2ep30

  • 4 days ago


00:00Take a card, Mr. Bates.
00:07Go on, take a card.
00:10Now, what is it?
00:12It's a nine of clubs.
00:13Nine of clubs, right.
00:15What do you mean, right?
00:17What kind of a trick is that?
00:18Can you do it?
00:20Of course I can do it.
00:22Remember that dollar that I owe you because you tricked me into betting on that fighter with the glass jaw?
00:28Hazel, you weren't tricked.
00:30It was reported in the paper before the fight.
00:32Oh, yes, but you took the paper to the office so I didn't have a chance to see it.
00:37Well, now this is my chance to get even.
00:39I'll bet you a dollar that you can't do my card trick.
00:42It's a bet.
00:43All right.
00:44You got to do it exactly the same way I did.
00:48Yeah, and you got to shuffle the cards first.
00:53Here you are.
00:54Take a card.
00:59It ain't the nine of clubs.
01:00You lose.
01:01Now we're even.
01:03Oh, my God.
01:33I told you, Mr. B.
01:48I know, Hazel.
01:49Didn't I tell you?
01:50Yes, Hazel.
01:51I said if you spend money on that old water heater, it's just being penny wise and pound foolish.
01:55Hazel, I'll have soft-boiled eggs for breakfast.
01:57Yeah, but he wouldn't listen to me.
01:59Soft-boiled eggs, if you please.
02:00Oh, it goes off.
02:01I bet you had to shave with cold water this morning, didn't you?
02:04Yes, Hazel, I did.
02:05Yeah, I warned you.
02:06I said...
02:07Hazel, I know what you said, so let's forget it.
02:09Now, we'll hire a plumber.
02:10If he can't fix it, we'll buy another one.
02:12Oh, I already got one, and he's going to do it for a special price on account of I'm giving him bowling lessons.
02:18Oh, fine.
02:19Thank you, Hazel.
02:20And will you start my breakfast, please?
02:22Oh, sure.
02:23Coming right up.
02:26Oh, is she annoying?
02:28She just loves to tell me.
02:29I told you so.
02:30She says it constantly.
02:31You make a lot of mistakes, don't you, Dad?
02:34Now, how do you like that?
02:35Harold, your father does not make a lot of mistakes.
02:38Then why is Hazel always saying, I told you so?
02:41It's just a bad habit of hers, that's all.
02:43I'm sure she doesn't even realize she's doing it.
02:46She realizes all right.
02:47She just waits for the opportunity.
02:49How about a little coffee, Mr. B, while you're waiting for your eggs, huh?
02:53Remember that argument we had about who won the World Series in 1931?
02:59He said St. Louis, and I said Philadelphia.
03:01There we go again.
03:03I assume you've checked on this now.
03:04Oh, sure.
03:05I called the newspaper.
03:07And St. Louis won, four to three.
03:10Hazel, if you don't stop...
03:12St. Louis won?
03:13Four games to three.
03:14Then I was right.
03:16Hazel, I told you so.
03:18Trevor Martin ran wild in that series.
03:20He got a homer and four doubles and seven singles.
03:22Now, Hazel, let that be a lesson to you.
03:24Don't you ever argue with me about baseball.
03:26Hazel, what are you getting so excited about?
03:28He's not used to being right, are you, Dad?
03:31Certainly I am.
03:32Boy, your dad knows more about baseball than anyone I know.
03:35Boy, you're kind of irritable this morning, Mr. B.
03:38Well, I guess I am.
03:40I'm sorry.
03:41I didn't sleep very well last night.
03:42Well, that's because you raided the refrigerator last night.
03:45All right.
03:46I suppose so.
03:47Oh, sure.
03:48I told you so.
03:49He was out there shoveling down the lemon meringue pie with both hands.
03:51All right, Hazel.
03:52All right.
03:53Let's forget about it.
03:54Now, would you mind checking on my breakfast, please?
03:55Oh, yes, sir.
03:56Boy, you sure are touchy this morning.
04:00You know, you have been working awfully hard lately, darling.
04:04Look, it's a beautiful Saturday morning.
04:06Why don't you go out and play some golf?
04:08Boy, would I like that.
04:10I haven't had a club in my hands in months.
04:12Well, then why don't you?
04:13You don't want to get out of condition, George.
04:15Well, there's no danger of that.
04:17But I just can't.
04:18If Mr. Griffin wants me to finish...
04:19Don't tell me Mr. Griffin is going to take up another weekend.
04:22I'm afraid so, Dorothy.
04:24It can't be helped.
04:25My work comes first.
04:26My work comes first, too.
04:28Today I'm going to collect papers for the school paper drive.
04:31Good for you, son.
04:32Here you are, Mr. B.
04:34Just the way you like them.
04:35Thank you, Hazel.
04:36And here's the marmalade.
04:38And here's the salt and pepper.
04:40And who won the World Series in 1926?
04:45New York was playing St. Louis.
04:47I know, I know.
04:48And I'll give you a little hint.
04:50Babe Ruth hit four homers for the Yankees.
04:52The Yankees won.
04:53No, St. Louis won four games in three.
04:56Finish off your breakfast and get big and strong like your dad's sport.
05:00So I said, take her up to 5,000 feet.
05:07And the pilot said, kind of nervous, like,
05:09is this your first parachute jump, miss?
05:12But it wasn't, was it, Hazel?
05:14Oh, I should say not.
05:15So I said to him, listen, sonny,
05:17I probably had more hours in the air without a plane
05:20than you ever had with one.
05:22And then did you jump?
05:23Yeah, when we got up to 5,000 feet,
05:25I climbed out of the cockpit.
05:27Uh, excuse me, Hazel, uh, before you jump.
05:30Hi, missy.
05:31Anything I can do for you?
05:32Well, I'm looking for my sewing basket.
05:34Have you seen it?
05:35No, not that I remember.
05:37I'd like to help you with it, but you know,
05:39Harold and me, we've got to stack up them newspapers.
05:42I'll find it.
05:43Why don't you try looking in the den?
05:45All right.
05:46And then what happened, Hazel?
05:48And then what happened?
05:49Oh, well, I yelled, Geronimo,
05:51and I stepped off into space.
05:54Sure, I counted 10 and pulled my ripcord,
05:57and my parachute opened,
05:58and there I was floating along nicely.
06:00And suddenly I look up, and there's a big bald-headed eagle
06:04flying along right beside me.
06:07So I looked him right in the eye,
06:08and I said, Paulie, want a cracker?
06:10And he looked at me, and he screamed.
06:13It's kind of hard to know what he said
06:15at that altitude, you know?
06:18I'm sorry to interrupt your work, darling.
06:20I haven't started my work yet.
06:21This is the official encyclopedia of baseball.
06:24I'm just brushing up.
06:25Hazel's going to wish she never brought up the subject.
06:27Oh, George, don't feud with her.
06:29That's silly.
06:30Well, she started with her I told you so's.
06:32Harold's beginning to think I don't know anything.
06:34Well, that isn't right.
06:35I'm going to have a talk with her about that.
06:37Oh, not before I go out in the kitchen and get my revenge.
06:39We're going to find out if Hazel knows anything
06:41about the World Series of 1882.
06:45That's right.
06:46That was the first World Series.
06:47Hey, now, put your finger there, sport.
06:49What did you do there?
06:50Well, then I started swimming for the mainland.
06:53And I told the fellas to hang on to the hull,
06:56and I'd get back just as soon as I could.
06:58How far was it?
06:59Oh, it was about five miles.
07:01It would have been a breeze if it hadn't been for the storm,
07:04because that whipped up the waves till they was 20 feet high.
07:08Oh, well, I don't want to make it seem any harder than it was.
07:11You know, sport, in them days,
07:13I was the Australian Crow Champion of the YWCA.
07:17Were you really?
07:18Oh, sure.
07:20And I was a runner-up for fancy diving.
07:23Well, anyways, I started swimming along,
07:26and after a couple of hours, I saw this lighthouse.
07:29Boy, I'll bet you were glad.
07:31Oh, sure.
07:32Because that meant that I could send help
07:35to the poor fellas that was hanging on to that boat.
07:39And then what happened?
07:40Well, the lighthouse keeper, he called the Coast Guard,
07:44and they sent a boat out and rescued them.
07:48Hi, Dad.
07:49Did you know Hazel got a medal for bravery once?
07:52Yes, I knew.
07:53I was telling them how I won my bronze medal,
07:55not my silver one.
07:56What was the silver one?
07:58Oh, that's another story, sport.
08:00Did you want something, Mr. B?
08:02Oh, I just came out to pick up my briefcase in the car.
08:05By the way, Hazel, who won the World Series of 1882?
08:10That's right.
08:11What do you mean, 1882?
08:13I mean who won the World Series of 1882.
08:16You mean they was playing baseball way back then?
08:19That's right.
08:20Baseball was reputedly invented by Abner Doubleday in 1839,
08:24although other authorities give it an earlier date.
08:27Some historians claim it was invented 5,000 years ago in Egypt.
08:31For Pete's sake!
08:32Boy, you sure know baseball!
08:34Thank you, son.
08:35In 1882, the first World Series was played
08:38between Chicago and Cincinnati.
08:40There were only two games played.
08:42It ended in a draw.
08:43For Pete's sake!
08:45Strangely enough, the ball was pitch underhanded.
08:48The overhand pitch hadn't come into use until 1884.
08:51No kidding!
08:52That was in the series between Providence and the New York Mets,
08:55in which Providence won three to nothing.
08:57I sure gotta take my hat off to you, Mr. B!
09:00Boy, me too!
09:01Well, thank you both!
09:03Hazel, you shouldn't be trying to lift these newspapers.
09:06Harold and I will do this.
09:07Oh, no, Mr. B.
09:08I'd better do it.
09:09I wouldn't want you to strain yourself.
09:11Well, Hazel, do you think you're stronger than I am?
09:14Oh, no, it ain't that.
09:16It's just that you ain't used to this kind of work, and I am.
09:19You know, I keep myself in terrific physical condition.
09:22Well, so do I.
09:24Now, you just run along in the house, and Harold and I will finish this up.
09:26Well, you just take it slow and easy,
09:28because I wouldn't want you to strain yourself.
09:30Don't you worry, Hazel.
09:31I'm perfectly capable of handling a few newspapers.
09:35Mr. B, just take little handfuls.
09:38Hazel, will you please run along?
09:44You know a lot more about baseball than Hazel does, don't you, Dad?
09:47Well, son, it's a man's game.
09:49Hazel didn't even know they played baseball in 1882.
09:52There are a few things that Hazel doesn't know that I do know.
09:55Come on, let's bring out some more papers.
09:57I think you're smarter than Hazel is.
09:59Oh, well, I wouldn't say that, son.
10:01Hazel's a very intelligent woman.
10:03Hazel said little handfuls.
10:05Son, I am much stronger than Hazel.
10:08Why, I could lift that whole stack if I wanted to.
10:10Could you really?
10:12Watch this.
10:16What's the matter?
10:17My back.
10:18I'll go get Hazel.
10:19No, no, no, come back here.
10:21I'll be all right in a second.
10:23Why don't you straighten out?
10:25Because, because I'm resting.
10:27Give me the rake.
10:33Thanks, son.
10:35There you are.
10:36Just fine.
10:37You don't look fine.
10:39You look like you have to lean on the rake.
10:42I'll be all right in a few seconds, son.
10:44Will you be able to help me with the papers?
10:46Oh, certainly.
10:47We'll, we'll just take out little handfuls.
10:50Like Hazel said.
10:52Yes, son, now look.
10:54This little incident with my back,
10:56we'll keep it our little secret, huh?
10:58You don't want Hazel to know, do you?
11:00No, I don't.
11:01Because she'll say, I told you so.
11:03Oh, boy, she certainly would.
11:06Yeah, but son,
11:08I know a lot more about baseball than Hazel, don't I?
11:12I'll say.
11:13Who won that first game?
11:15What first game?
11:17You know, the one 5,000 years ago in Egypt.
11:32Hazel, I'm glad to find you here.
11:35Oh, I'm just making some oatmeal cookies,
11:37you know, the kind Harold likes.
11:39Yes, well, Harold's the reason I want to talk to you.
11:43Why, is something the matter?
11:45Yes, Hazel.
11:46Now, I know you don't do it intentionally,
11:48but you've given Harold the impression
11:50that George always makes mistakes.
11:52Oh, no.
11:54Well, now, when George does make a mistake,
11:57you say, I told you so, you see?
11:59Now, Harold notices that.
12:01Oh, you mean like about the water heater?
12:03Yes, and about George eating before he went to bed.
12:07Oh, well, that's terrible.
12:09I think Mr. B's about the smartest man I ever met.
12:12And here I am giving Harold the wrong impression.
12:15This little incident with my back is our special secret, hmm?
12:18Yes, sir.
12:19All right, now, you take this back to the garage.
12:22Then I'll help the plumber finish tying the papers.
12:24Good boy.
12:25What if he tells Hazel?
12:27He won't.
12:28That $2 tip will take care of that.
12:30Now, you just roll along.
12:31Okay, Dad.
12:41Hi, George.
12:43Through already?
12:45Yes, and now I have to get those papers ready for Mr. Griffith.
12:48George, what's the matter?
12:50Shh, what's the matter with you?
12:52Come on into the den.
12:59Now, what is it?
13:00Oh, I hurt my back lifting newspapers.
13:03Oh, darling George, sit down.
13:05Here, I'll call Dr. Summerfield and have Hazel fix the post.
13:08No, no, no.
13:09I don't want Hazel to know a thing about this.
13:11Why not?
13:12Because she warned me and I don't want to hear her say, I told you so.
13:15Oh, that's ridiculous.
13:16We have to call the doctor, George.
13:18Not while Hazel's in this house.
13:19Now, look, I want you to make up a grocery list, a real big one.
13:23One that'll keep her shopping for an hour or more.
13:25Then we'll have the doctor here while she's gone.
13:39Hiya, Hazel.
13:40Oh, hi, Carl.
13:41You sure took your time about coming.
13:43Well, I'd have been here sooner, only I was delayed.
13:48Well, it's about that water heater on the service porch.
13:51It's been acting up for the last couple of months.
13:53I'll check it out, Hazel.
13:54The last time we had trouble, we should have gotten a new one.
13:57Hazel told that so.
13:59Uh, uh, Sport, you come here.
14:00I want to talk to you.
14:02Uh, you just check it out.
14:03And if it doesn't work, just pull it out.
14:05Because Mr. B says we might get a new one.
14:07Okay, Hazel.
14:08I'm making you some oatmeal cookies, Sport.
14:10How would you like that?
14:11Oh, boy.
14:13You and your dad are finished with the newspapers?
14:17They're all tied.
14:18Oh, that's good.
14:19Now, listen, I wanted to talk to you about something, Sport.
14:23Who do you think gets told, I told you so,
14:26more than anybody in the United States?
14:29No, the president.
14:31And it don't make any difference whether he's a Republican or a Democrat.
14:35He gets told it the most.
14:37What's his major need?
14:38Oh, well, that ain't what I mean, Sport.
14:40I mean, he gets it from the newspapers and the broadcasters
14:45and the politicians, the people, everybody.
14:48And you know why?
14:50Because he makes the most decisions.
14:53And when you make a decision, you know,
14:55you gotta stick your neck a way out.
14:57And it takes a big man to do that.
15:00And your dad makes all the decisions around here.
15:03And when he does it right, we don't pay any attention to it.
15:07Hmm, I never thought of that.
15:09Yes, but every once in a while, he makes a mistake.
15:12And when I say, I told you so,
15:15well, that's just kind of my way of showing off, you know.
15:18Because your dad's one of the smartest men I know.
15:22Oh, yes, and the nicest one, too.
15:25So I ain't gonna say I told you so anymore,
15:27because that's a bad habit of mine.
15:29Boy, I'll bet Dad'll be glad.
15:31Well, we'll just make that our little secret, shall we?
15:35And I'll just surprise your dad by not saying I told you so.
15:38Hang up!
15:40I ain't here, Missy.
15:42I made up a grocery list.
15:43I wondered if you could go to the store right away.
15:45Well, I got them cookies in the oven.
15:47Watch them for you.
15:48I'm going to need some of those things for lunch.
15:50Oh, boy, you think we was feeding an army.
15:53I better get going.
15:54This'll take an hour and a half.
15:57Oh, Doc, that feels 100% better.
16:00Well, I take we'll give you some support, George,
16:02but you'd really be a lot more comfortable in bed.
16:05Yes, George, you certainly would.
16:06Dorothy, that's out of the question.
16:09I have a lot of work to do.
16:11Oh, if he knew the real reason.
16:13Dorothy, that's enough.
16:14Well, take it as easy as you can.
16:16Don't lift anything heavy.
16:18Avoid climbing the stairs if possible.
16:20Drop in and see me again in a day or so.
16:22All right, fine, Doc, I will.
16:23Oh, steady as murder.
16:25Well, I should think so.
16:26That's why I suggested bed.
16:28No, no, no, I'll be all right, Doc.
16:29I just won't be able to get up and down as much.
16:32Well, you take a couple of those pills every four hours.
16:35They'll help relieve the pain.
16:36Fine, Doc, I will.
16:37And thank you very much.
16:38Not at all.
16:46What's the doctor doing here?
16:49There's no doctor here.
16:50Well, his car was out front as I drove up in the driveway.
16:53Oh, well, he just left here.
16:55Well, who did he come to see?
17:00Uh, Dorothy?
17:01Well, what's the matter with her?
17:03Well, she...
17:04She has a slight cold.
17:06For Pete's sake.
17:08Missy, stick out your tongue.
17:10Hazel, I'm all right.
17:11Come on, stick it out.
17:12Oh, but Hazel...
17:13Stick out your tongue.
17:14Oh, it don't look too bad.
17:16You got any temperature?
17:17You look a little flushed.
17:18Oh, well, her temperature is normal.
17:21She feels a little hot.
17:22I'm not surprised I am hot.
17:24I'm a little burned up.
17:25What does the doctor recommend?
17:27The doctor recommends the patient have a bed rest.
17:29And that's just what the patient's gonna get.
17:31Come on now, Missy.
17:32No, Hazel, that's not...
17:34Now, now, this has just gone far enough.
17:36I'm not going to bed because I...
17:38Dorothy, please.
17:39Oh, George.
17:40Dorothy, do it for me.
17:41Just do it for me.
17:43But this is silly.
17:44What's silly about a cold?
17:46Dorothy, please.
17:47You can catch up on your reading.
17:50Oh, for heaven's sakes.
17:53All right.
17:54I'll go to bed.
17:56We can't have her changing her mind, can we?
17:58No, no, we can't.
17:59So I'm going to go up and see that she don't.
18:01Good, good.
18:02She needs a long rest.
18:03Oh, I will let her lift her finger.
18:07Oh, Mr. B, while I'm upstairs,
18:09would you mind going out to the car
18:11and bringing in them groceries?
18:13I'd ask little Harold,
18:14but some of them bags weigh the ton.
18:17Go on.
18:18Thanks, Mr. B.
18:25Mr. B, I gotta make some chicken soup,
18:27so would you mind bringing up this eggnog to Missy?
18:30Well, I just took up some fruit juice
18:32not more than 10 minutes ago.
18:33When somebody has a cold,
18:34they have to have a lot of liquids.
18:36Hazel, I have a lot of work to do.
18:38Can't Harold take it up?
18:40He's out collecting papers.
18:42I don't suppose Dorothy could come down.
18:44Mr. B.
18:45All right, all right.
18:46I'll take it up.
18:52I just want to finish this sentence.
18:55I don't want to lose my train of thought.
19:06What in the world have I gotten myself into?
19:14Here I am again.
19:16George, you shouldn't be going up and down those stairs.
19:19I know it.
19:20You know it.
19:21My back knows it.
19:22But Hazel doesn't know it.
19:23She set me up with this eggnog.
19:25Oh, I can't, George.
19:26I just finished the fruit juice.
19:28Well, do you mind if I drink it?
19:30I'd love a glass of eggnog.
19:32Oh, George, you'd be my guest, darling.
19:35It's all your own fault.
19:36Why don't you just tell Hazel what happened?
19:40No, no, no.
19:41Dorothy, you promised.
19:42You gave your solemn word.
19:44All right.
19:45But I feel so silly being in bed when you're the one who's sick.
19:49Yes, I know.
19:51I thought I'd die when she told me that you brought in the groceries.
19:55Well, it wasn't too bad.
19:57I used the laundry cart.
19:59Wait a minute.
20:00I have an idea.
20:01I know how we can get you into bed.
20:02You're not going to tell her about my back?
20:04I have to, but if she thinks that you're coming down with my cold,
20:07she'll have you in bed before you know it.
20:10Oh, Dorothy, you're brilliant.
20:13If I could bend over, I'd kiss you.
20:15I'll save you some of my magazines.
20:18Thank you, fellow patient.
20:19But I still have Griffin's work to do,
20:21and that bed over there is going to be my office.
20:28Oh, Missy need anything?
20:30Uh, no.
20:31I just came out to, uh, say hello.
20:36I mean, uh, to get a drink of water.
20:41Cool water.
20:46Oh, it's hot today.
20:48Oh, I thought it was just comfortable.
20:50Well, I feel hot.
20:52Well, that's because you've been running up and down stairs all day long.
20:57I hope I'm not catching Dorothy's cold.
20:59For Pete's sake.
21:00Feel a little under the weather.
21:02Stick out your tongue.
21:04Oh, no.
21:06It looks all right.
21:08With his fever?
21:09You got a temperature?
21:11No, Mr. B.
21:13You're just as cool as a cucumber.
21:15You're beginning to be kind of a hypochondriac.
21:28Well, how'd you like the chicken soup?
21:31It was simply delicious, Hazel.
21:33I thought you'd enjoy it.
21:34I made it from an old recipe of Mama's.
21:37How you feeling, Bella?
21:39Completely well.
21:41I've had a nice few hours rest here.
21:42I think I'm going to get up.
21:44Oh, no.
21:45No, you don't.
21:46No, you stay right where you are.
21:47I had a nice little talk with Harold, Missy.
21:50I explained to him how I respected his dad and that my saying,
21:54I told you so, you know, was just my way of showing off.
21:57Oh, that was sweet of you, Hazel.
21:59Oh, well, a boy's got to look up to his father.
22:01Especially if he's a fine man like Mr. B.
22:04I ain't never going to say I told you so again.
22:07Really, Hazel?
22:11You keep the covers on now.
22:13Yes, Dorothy?
22:14Will you come upstairs a minute, please?
22:18Well, is it important?
22:20Yes, very important.
22:30And you really mean it?
22:31I mean it never again, Missy.
22:33Oh, no matter what he does or doesn't do?
22:35No matter what.
22:36Boy, I've said my last I told you so.
22:39Oh, thank you, Hazel.
22:41Well, for Pete's sake, Missy,
22:43I can't go around ruining a boy's respect for his dad.
22:46That would be awful.
22:47All right.
22:48All right, Dorothy.
22:52What is it?
22:54George, you may want to reconsider your stand.
22:58Hazel has just said she will never again say,
23:02I told you so.
23:05She has?
23:06What's going on here?
23:08Never again.
23:09No matter what.
23:10So why don't you tell her what happened?
23:13Well, how do I know I can trust her?
23:15Oh, boy, you must have pulled a butte.
23:18All right, now, how about it, Hazel?
23:19Do you give me your solemn word?
23:21Have I ever broken my word to this family?
23:23No, no.
23:24Of course.
23:25I'm sorry.
23:26Well, all right.
23:27If I say I'll never say I told you so again,
23:29that's what I mean.
23:30Come on, well, what happened?
23:32Well, you remember when I came out to the garage
23:35to help Harold tie up the papers?
23:37Oh, you mean when you hit me with that hot little item
23:39about 1882?
23:41Oh, boy, I'll never forget it.
23:43Oh, you mean you found out you was wrong?
23:45Oh, no, no, nothing like that.
23:47This has to do with the papers,
23:49and this is why the doctor really came here.
23:51You see, I lifted a large bundle
23:55and, uh, I sprained my back.
23:58I told you so.
24:00What's all this?
24:01You know Harold ain't here, Missy.
24:03Besides, my word don't mean nothing
24:05as far as the family's health is concerned.
24:07I warned you, didn't I, Mr. B?
24:09I warned you.
24:10I said you better let me do it
24:11because you'd only strain yourself.
24:13Now, you're going to get right in bed.
24:14That's what you're going to do.
24:16Come on.
24:17I told you just to take little handfuls, didn't I?
24:20I warned you.
24:21I told you, Missy.
24:22But you're just showing off
24:23for little Harold's sake.
24:24Now, come on, now.
24:25You just save your strength
24:27because I'm going to get the heating pad
24:29and you ain't going to move off this bed
24:31for the whole weekend.
24:32Boy, it makes me so goddamn mad
24:35Oh, oh, oh.
25:05This has been a Screen Gems film production.