The Daily Life of the Immortal King S02E06

  • 4 days ago
In Episode 6, the confrontation between Wang Ling and the leader of the cultivators intensifies. As the battle from the previous episode continues, Wang Ling is pushed into a corner, struggling to maintain control of his overwhelming powers without revealing the full extent of his abilities. The cultivator leader, sensing that Wang Ling is holding back, grows more aggressive, using powerful techniques to force him into action.

The episode begins with Wang Ling deflecting each of the leader’s attacks with subtle and precise moves, determined to keep the fight from escalating too far. However, the cultivator leader grows suspicious, sensing that Wang Ling is hiding something far beyond what he has shown. To uncover Wang Ling's secrets, the leader introduces a new trick: a powerful spell that manipulates space, creating a dimensional rift that traps both Wang Ling and his friends in a magical domain.

Inside the domain, Wang Ling must protect his friends, who are still oblivious to the real danger. Sun Rong and the others believe they are part of some school event or test, leading to humorous misunderstandings as they unknowingly wander into dangerous situations. Wang Ling, still focused on hiding his powers, secretly protects them while trying to find a way to break the dimensional spell.

As the situation becomes more dire, Wang Ling is forced to reveal a fraction of his true strength to counter the cultivator leader’s powerful techniques. This small display of power shocks the leader, but before he can retaliate, Wang Ling cleverly uses the environment to his advantage, outwitting his opponent and finding a way to escape the dimensional trap without fully unleashing his potential.

The episode ends with Wang Ling narrowly avoiding exposing himself, but the cultivators are now more determined than ever to discover the true extent of his abilities. The tension builds as it becomes clear that the conflict is far from over, and the stakes are rising with each encounter.

Themes: Hidden Power, Loyalty, Strategy, Mystery
Tone: Action-packed with elements of suspense and comedic misunderstandings
00:00Thanks for watching.
00:30Hey guys, do you think someone is watching us?
00:46Hello to all my friends.
00:49Welcome to Fairy Pong's live streaming.
00:52Look at this.
00:54Today I have got a parcel for a companion.
00:57Let me tell you his name.
00:58Thank you, thank you, thank you.
01:03You are very cute, thank you.
01:05Let's open it.
01:07What's inside?
01:09What's this?
01:11Tongue of heavenly heart medicine?
01:13Hi Fairy Fox, how are you?
01:16Hope your master is fine now.
01:19Oh thank you, thank you.
01:21You are very kind.
01:23I thank you on behalf of my master.
01:25By the way, he is still in ICU.
01:26And he is unconscious.
01:29I hope your miraculous medicine will cure him soon.
01:35I can go to any extent to help you.
01:38Thank you for your help.
01:40I don't know how I will repay your favor.
01:43If you have any objection, let's have a voice chat.
01:46I want to thank you from my heart by doing voice chat.
01:56Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
02:26Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
02:56Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
03:26Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
03:48I thank all the retired ancestral leaders for coming to this meeting.
03:54What happened that you have called us here?
04:00There is a shortage of spiritual energy in the world.
04:03We can call it as spiritual crisis.
04:05This happened last year also.
04:07You troubled us just for this.
04:09Tell us.
04:11It's not like that, sir.
04:13The shield of the human world has become very weak due to this fall.
04:16Many evil spies have entered the human world from the gap in space.
04:22This is very easy.
04:24We can build a wall.
04:26Very big.
04:28I will absorb that energy.
04:30And make the human race great.
04:32Are the evil intentions not clear?
04:34Their greedy eyes have been staring at the human world for a long time.
04:38The war is about to start.
04:40This news is completely false.
04:42No one knows the evil race better than me.
04:47We human race cannot sit quietly.
04:49We will have to take action against the evil.
04:51Calm down.
04:52We don't know anything about the evil.
04:54If we start the mission now,
04:56we will get lost in the space storm.
04:58It doesn't matter.
05:00We can catch the evil and interrogate him.
05:03This will work.
05:05The evil race is very good.
05:07If you deal with them,
05:09they will not do anything to you.
05:11You know the evil very well.
05:13Listen to me.
05:15We will have to do something.
05:17Why did they go offline?
05:19Where did they go?
05:21Wong Ling.
05:23Wong Ling.
05:25Wong Ling.
05:27Listen to me.
05:29Tell me what happened?
05:31Something is happening.
05:33Chen Chao's dad is punishing him outside.
05:42Bad boy.
05:44What happened?
05:46Why did you come back to the lower phase?
05:47Listen, dad.
05:49You taught me an important lesson.
05:51We need to help the needy.
05:53And one such needy person
05:55needed my help.
05:57His poor master is lying unconscious in the ICU.
06:00And the evil is
06:02live streaming money for him.
06:04That means you gave him
06:06your spiritual force.
06:08Yes. Yes, dad.
06:12As the old saying goes,
06:14no matter what our intentions are,
06:17it is good to help the needy.
06:19You did this for someone
06:21who was in dire need.
06:23I am glad you followed the rules of our family.
06:25Take your phone back.
06:27Thank you, dad.
06:30One more thing, son.
06:32Do you know where is the tongue
06:34of the heavenly hound of our family?
06:38the tongue of the heavenly hound
06:40was given to me by Chen Chao.
06:42Today I will live stream
06:44with him in the afternoon.
06:47I will explain to you.
06:49Shut up!
06:51You gave it
06:53to that girl.
06:55You are so cheap.
06:57I will kill you.
07:09My force.
07:11If I see you live streaming again,
07:13you will be punished.
07:16What happened to Chief Jain?
07:18How did he go down
07:20after watching the live stream?
07:22Now we are living in the era of 729G.
07:24That's why the live streaming has been updated
07:26so that we can give
07:28spiritual power to anyone.
07:30We can give,
07:32but not too much.
07:34This is Jadu Tona.
07:36Jadu Tona?
07:38In ancient times,
07:40Raghiros used to take the form of evil beauties
07:42to lure them.
07:43Their bodies used to become weak
07:45and helpless.
07:47Maybe Chief Jain is also trapped by them.
07:49You know a lot, Lin.
07:51It's not like that.
07:53I am just more interested
07:55in ancient arts.
07:57He will be fine.
07:59Chen Chao's father disconnected his phone.
08:01He has understood it now.
08:10Welcome again to my live stream.
08:13Chen Chao, why did you go offline?
08:15There was a small accident.
08:17It's not a big deal.
08:19Chief Jain turned out to be a big fool.
08:23Do you think this girl is an evil?
08:25Yes, it's possible.
08:27Is there any way to break it?
08:29The simplest way is Meta Spirit.
08:31Meta Spirit goes to cyberspace
08:33and finds the evil's live stream room
08:35and stops the black magic.
08:37For this, we need a golden pill phase
08:39or more than that.
08:41The cultivator with high phase
08:43can take the body to cyberspace.
08:45There is no need for this.
08:47Flying the evil's live stream room
08:49will solve the problem.
08:51It's so amazing.
08:53What's that?
08:55This is my digital spirit beast, Trojan.
08:57I have been playing it since childhood.
08:59Finally, it's time to use it.
09:01I just have to type the address
09:03of the live stream room.
09:06Hurry up, my Trojan.
09:14No matter where you hide,
09:16you can't escape from me.
09:37My Trojan.
09:43My Trojan.
09:49It's time.
09:51Chanchal, if you are still there,
09:53tell me.
09:55Let's chat.
09:59Vongli, look at him.
10:01His spiritual force has reduced.
10:03What will happen if his dad
10:05sees him in this condition?
10:07Take this.
10:10Little wise mind game.
10:12You are right.
10:14This idea can work.
10:16What's that?
10:18We learned this ancient art
10:20in the last semester.
10:22I have tried this art
10:24on the chief team before.
10:26It means you want to fight fire.
10:28Fire against fire.
10:30You are right.
10:32You look so young.
10:34Have you graduated?
10:36Eighteen. High school.
10:38Listen, Chanchal.
10:42Chanchal, was the one who came
10:44your girlfriend?
10:46No. We go to the same school.
10:48Please don't get me wrong.
10:50We go to the same school.
10:55Surong, listen.
10:57Everything is ready.
10:59This is the chance.
11:01I won't do anything
11:03for the world.
11:07You have lost your connection.
11:10Target has fallen from 250.
11:13I am here.
11:15Please come back home.
11:17We are worried about you.
11:19You are right. I am sorry.
11:22Forgive me, Fairy Fox.
11:24I have to go offline.
11:28Chanchal, will you leave me?
11:32For the first time in my life,
11:35I have chatted with a fan.
11:37The one who had sent medicines
11:40for my master.
11:42This is the best day of my life.
11:44What is she doing?
11:46I was hoping
11:48that we both will chat here
11:50for a long time.
11:52No, Chanchal.
11:54You can't leave me alone.
11:58Maybe because
12:00I am not that famous.
12:03I am crying
12:05while returning your gift.
12:07It is so sad.
12:09Why didn't we meet earlier?
12:11Oh no!
12:13It is going to break.
12:15Chanchal, come to your senses.
12:17Don't get influenced by the devil.
12:19Chanchal, don't leave me.
12:28Listen, Surong.
12:30Don't teach me.
12:38This plan is working.
12:40I will save my energy in some time.
12:44I have to cure you.
12:47Thank you so much, Chanchal.
12:49For your gift.
12:51Surong is also influenced by him.
12:54This is a sin.
12:59what you did
13:01is a sin.
13:04When I was young,
13:05I was also influenced
13:07by this desire.
13:09I was also stubborn like him.
13:12My wife gave me
13:14that 10,000 years old
13:16tongue of the heavenly hound
13:18as a gift of love
13:20when I was dating her.
13:22Oh, now I understand.
13:24Chanchal got all this
13:26from her father.
13:28Whether our deeds are good or bad,
13:30we get the result of all our deeds.
13:32Deeds don't leave anyone behind.
13:33I am the one who is trapped
13:35in this dark circle.
13:37Uncle Chin,
13:39I think uncle Chin
13:41understands Chanchal very well.
13:43Thank you so much, Chanchal.
13:45For your love.
13:50This is a bad deed.
13:52I will end it
13:54with my own hands.
13:57My daughter.
13:59My dear Chanchal.
14:04Where are you?
14:06Where are you?
14:08Come home with me.
14:11How dare you
14:13go against me?
14:19I won't come home with you.
14:27Chinchal, what are you doing?
14:29This is Meta Spirit.
14:31This is not possible.
14:33Only the face can do this.
14:35You naughty kid,
14:37what are you doing?
14:42Why isn't he responding?
14:44No, Chanchal's Meta Spirit
14:46is in cyberspace
14:48and his body is offline.
14:50Uncle Chin,
14:52what if we don't do anything?
14:54My dear Fairy Fox,
14:56I am coming.
14:57Now that I have
14:59gathered my spiritual energy,
15:01I can come
15:03in my birth form.
15:07Where are you?
15:16I am here.
15:19Am I really in
15:21Fairy Fox's room?
15:32This doesn't look like Fairy Fox's room.
15:34What is this place?
15:36Yes, you are in Fairy Fox's
15:38dream room.
15:40You recognized me?
15:42Who are you?
15:44Looks like you didn't recognize me.
15:47This is me, Fairy Fox.
15:48Fairy Fox.
15:55Get up. Get up.
15:57There is no use.
15:59Uncle Chin,
16:01Chanchal is offline.
16:03Tell me,
16:05how do I bring her online?
16:07Uncle Chin,
16:09don't spoil her further.
16:13do you have an idea for the dream room?
16:15What do you want to do, Worm?
16:19Stop trying.
16:21The Meta Spirit
16:23can't harm me even once.
16:25So, like a good boy,
16:27give me your spiritual power.
16:30You said I am a Meta Spirit.
16:32That means you can't attack me.
16:43I thought you wanted to help me.
16:47But you…
16:50Chanchal, are you listening to me?
16:52Chanchal, can you hear me?
16:54Chanchal, you have to come out of there.
16:56Can you hear me?
16:58Chanchal, help me.
17:00Chanchal, they are taking your Meta Spirit.
17:03Help me!
17:05Can you hear me, Chanchal?
17:24My son!
17:26You are back!
17:34the Master Zoe of the Cultivation Cruise Department
17:36exposed a big Internet racket.
17:38The Armored Cruiser
17:40searched the house of the contractors
17:42where he found many energy containers.
17:44We have retrieved the spiritual energy
17:46that was stolen.
17:48But the criminal is still on the run.
17:50I hope the Internet users become more aware
17:52and stay away from this Internet scam.
17:54Now, let me tell you the latest news.
17:56According to the news from the Hua Jio Agency,
17:58the Flower Fruit Water Curtain Group
18:00has just announced its Diwali celebration.
18:02According to the news,
18:04the Flower Fruit Water Curtain Group
18:06failed to repay its loan.
18:08Their assets are not enough to repay the loan.
18:10Therefore, this group is declared Diwali.