My Experience Of living in 6 star hotels all my life

  • 3 days ago
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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00There I was, standing alone on the edge of a cliff,
00:02when someone suddenly tackled me to the ground.
00:05Aloha, I'm Hannah from Hawaii.
00:06Please like and subscribe.
00:08I had an amazing life with my two moms.
00:10Mom, my birth mother, and Mom, who's from Australia.
00:13They managed one of the top hotels on the island.
00:16So every day was a vacation.
00:18We were always happy, and they gave me
00:20so much love and cool stuff.
00:21But my life took a wild turn when I turned 15,
00:25and some billionaire bought that hotel, firing my moms
00:27and all the staff to bring in his own people.
00:30My moms had to start working at the small local hotel,
00:32cleaning rooms, and money was tight.
00:34So they were always freaking out about the bills.
00:37Don't waste water.
00:38I still have shampoo in my hair.
00:40Turn off the lights.
00:41Do you think I own the power company?
00:43Uh, I'm in here.
00:44Use candles.
00:45One time, the bottom of my sneakers fell off.
00:47So they tried to duct tape them together, but no luck.
00:50No problem.
00:50You can wear mine.
00:51But your feet are huge.
00:53So put extra socks on.
00:54But even with extra socks, I face
00:56planted trying to walk in them.
00:58OK, fine.
00:58We'll get you new shoes.
01:00The next day, my moms presented me
01:01with their idea of new shoes, which they got from the hotels
01:05lost and found.
01:06I was disappointed that they weren't brand new,
01:09but they were kind of cute.
01:10Later that day at lunchtime, my friends
01:11and I were talking about boys and boys and boys
01:15as we were walking to the table, when this dude popped up
01:18and got down on one knee in front of me.
01:20Ah, my darling Maria, my senorita, my Juliet.
01:24Where have you been, my love?
01:26How could you have forgotten about your Romeo for so long?
01:29No, no, stop.
01:30You can't abandon me.
01:31Let go of my legs.
01:33Hey, these are my cousin's old shoes.
01:35She came last summer to stay.
01:37How did you get them?
01:38No, they're mine.
01:40You must be mistaken.
01:41No, look.
01:42I was about to kick that jerk, but he lifted me on the table,
01:45then pulled my foot up and pointed at the bottom.
01:47See, those are her initials.
01:49We did this together.
01:50That was Brooks, the famous prankster at my high school.
01:54By now, all of his friends at lunch
01:55had heard and were laughing and making fun of me.
01:58I stormed home, only to find my mom's going
02:00wild over the grocery bill.
02:02Dishes flew, shoes were thrown, and doors slammed.
02:05I've never seen them like this.
02:06The next day wasn't any good.
02:08So after school, I decided to stop at the beach
02:10to listen to the waves and look at the surfers to cheer me up.
02:13Just then, I saw this amazing surfer doing all kinds
02:16of flips on the waves.
02:17Who's that?
02:19Oh, him.
02:20We call him Mr. Abs.
02:21His parents bought half the hotels on the island.
02:24Holy Paris Hilton.
02:26My brain spun at the thought of meeting a hot guy.
02:28And bonus, once we started dating,
02:31I could tell his dad how thoughtless he
02:32was for firing my moms after all their years of work
02:35and that he should totally give them their jobs back.
02:37This would solve all our problems,
02:39and we would be happy again.
02:40So I walked over to him.
02:42He was standing with a bunch of other hot guys.
02:44Hey, nice to abs, I mean, muscle to meet you.
02:47He avoided me?
02:48I love a challenge.
02:50So I came up with a plan to bump into him
02:52and accidentally spill my smoothie on him.
02:54Then he would have to talk to me.
02:56Hey there, cutie.
02:57Slow down.
02:58You almost ran into me.
02:59Oh, my god.
03:00He thinks I'm cute.
03:02I had to keep the conversation going.
03:03Oh, yeah, it's because these creepy guys were chasing me.
03:07Are you OK?
03:08Where are they?
03:09They went that way, but wait, don't go after them.
03:11I'm really shook up.
03:13I need you here in case they come back.
03:14He held my hand and offered me a seat
03:16like a prince offering his throne.
03:18I'm Chris.
03:20Do you want me to call someone for you?
03:21Hannah, I'm Hannah.
03:22No, I just need a minute.
03:24Why were they chasing you?
03:25Yeah, so this guy at school likes me,
03:28but I told him I don't want to go out with him.
03:30And now I see him and his friends everywhere I go.
03:33Don't worry, I'll safely take you home.
03:35As we were riding home in his Jeep,
03:36I tried to find out as much as I could about him.
03:38So your family just moved here when they bought the hotels?
03:42Yep, but I don't like to talk about it.
03:45Oh, I get it, low profile, nice.
03:47He looks humble.
03:48I wanted to know more about him.
03:50So I asked around and found out he doesn't like fries
03:52and loves jazz.
03:54As he pulled up to my house, I had to come up
03:56with a reason to see him again.
03:57Thanks for the ride.
03:58You're safe now.
03:59Uh, those guys also come around in the morning before school,
04:02and my moms can't take me.
04:04They have this rare disease called, uh, uh, achoo poops.
04:08Achoo what?
04:09You've never heard of it?
04:11Oh, yeah, it's a new stream of COVID that's been going around.
04:14If you meet someone with this or if they sneeze,
04:16you could have diarrhea for a week.
04:18Thankfully, I'm immune, but who knows about others?
04:20Just then, I heard my mom's.
04:22Hannah, is that you?
04:23I needed to keep my mom's away from him
04:25before they ruined my plan.
04:26So I rushed him off before he could say anything.
04:29Great, so see you tomorrow?
04:31The next day, my mom's were already at work
04:33when he picked me up, so I didn't have
04:34to worry about them meeting.
04:36And when he dropped me off at school,
04:37everyone thought we were dating.
04:39I figured it would be happening any day, so I didn't deny it.
04:42I was in heaven for the next few days.
04:44But that changed one morning.
04:46So I'm thinking, you seem to be out of danger now, and-
04:49No, I mean, uh, that's him.
04:53I was looking in the parking lot for someone
04:54to point the finger at.
04:55Uh, you didn't see him?
04:56Then I spotted Brooks, who had made fun of me.
04:58A perfect target.
04:59Him, that's him, Brooks.
05:01Before I could say anything, he jumped out of the Jeep
05:03and confronted Brooks.
05:04I was on cloud nine.
05:06Everyone saw my gorgeous, soon-to-be boyfriend
05:08protecting me against my bully.
05:10Why are you stalking her?
05:11Don't you have anything better to do?
05:13Oh, man, what are you talking about?
05:15Stalking? Who?
05:16As he pointed to me in the car, I
05:17pretended like I had dropped my phone on the floor.
05:20Is this about the shoes?
05:21I was going to-
05:22Then Chris took a swing at Brooks, but missed.
05:24And Brooks punched him right in the nose
05:26and knocked him out cold.
05:27I jumped out of the Jeep, ran over, and slapped Brooks.
05:30Back off, my boyfriend!
05:32Fortunately, Chris didn't hear it as he was out cold.
05:34Unfortunately, the principal only saw the end of the fight,
05:37and I was the one who got detention.
05:39My moms were so pissed because they missed work
05:42and came to talk to the principal.
05:43Hannah, you know we can't afford to take any time off work,
05:46and you're slapping people now?
05:48You're lucky that boy isn't pressing charges.
05:50But it was his fault.
05:51You're grounded for a week.
05:52I was feeling upset, but I wasn't
05:54about to let them ruin my plan.
05:55After all, I was doing this for them.
05:58I'm sure they would be so happy about it later.
06:00The next day, I snuck out of the house to go see Chris.
06:02He had his nose all taped up.
06:04We were just hanging out when some girls came up to us,
06:06batting their eyelashes at him.
06:08Aw, Chris, even with that nose, you still have a beautiful face.
06:12Yeah, handsome.
06:14Do you need someone to take care of you?
06:15Ah, get away from here!
06:17Hey, is everything OK?
06:19Uh, yes.
06:20I just saw some fruit flies.
06:21Before any other girls showed up, I grabbed his attention.
06:23Chris, I need to go home right now.
06:25And when we pulled up to the house,
06:27I blurted out the only thing I could think of
06:29to get him to sympathize with me.
06:30So I was upset because my moms got super pissed
06:33when I got detention.
06:35And now, they're going to lock me in the basement
06:37and feed me spiders again.
06:39They've done that to you before?
06:40I'm taking you to the police station to report them.
06:43No, I mean, maybe I could get an interview
06:45with your dad at the hotel, and then
06:47I would have money to move out.
06:48I did feel guilty about lying, but I
06:50knew he would forgive me once he saw I was doing
06:52all this for a good reason.
06:54But first, let's talk to them.
06:55Wait, before I could stop him, he
06:57had already confronted my moms.
06:59I could tell they were hurt by the things I said they did.
07:01Hannah, not only did you sneak out of the house,
07:03you told those horrible lies about us, too.
07:06We don't even have a basement.
07:07Is anything you told me the truth?
07:09He turned to leave, and I grabbed his arm.
07:11I can explain.
07:12I'm done with your lies.
07:13Embarrassed, I ran out crying until I wound up
07:16on a cliff overlooking the ocean.
07:18I needed to figure out how to fix things.
07:20After some time, I finally calmed down enough
07:22to notice the beautiful view and took out
07:25my phone to snap a picture.
07:26As I stepped closer to the edge, I heard a voice yelling.
07:29Hey, what are you doing?
07:30Then someone tackled me to the ground.
07:32It was Brooks.
07:33Stay away.
07:34I don't think I'll get detention if I slap you on a cliff.
07:36What is your problem?
07:37Well, global warming, for one.
07:39But I think that's everyone's problem.
07:40So I'll just say you.
07:43I've been trying to apologize to you at school,
07:45but you had your boyfriend attack me,
07:47and then you slapped me.
07:48Uh, you tried to apologize?
07:50You got really quiet and then looked at me
07:52with the most sincere brown eyes.
07:54I am sorry.
07:56I didn't mean to embarrass you that day.
07:58I'd always just thought of my jokes
07:59as a way to have fun at school.
08:01It never occurred to me that it would hurt someone.
08:03And when you got detention, I felt bad
08:05and asked one of your friends for your address.
08:08That's when I saw you running out the door, and here we are.
08:11I still wasn't sure, but he looked very genuine.
08:13We talked a lot as we walked down the mountain.
08:15And much to my surprise, we actually had a lot in common.
08:18I know.
08:19I mean, who doesn't eat fries?
08:21And who likes jazz?
08:22Taylor Swift all day, every day.
08:25Just then, I saw my mom's had been
08:26blowing up my phone with texts.
08:28Uh, I have to go.
08:30I'll catch up with you tomorrow at school.
08:32You have my number if you want to.
08:34I was so panicked about how mad my moms were going to be
08:36that I ran off before he could finish talking.
08:39And the second I walked in the house,
08:40you are in so much trouble.
08:42Why do you always have to disobey us?
08:44We raised you better than that.
08:45Why are you doing all this?
08:47You have no idea what I've gone through.
08:49I can't take it anymore.
08:50You were both only concerned about saving money
08:52that you don't think about how it might have fed me.
08:54So because you don't have branded clothes or a fancy car,
08:57we are terrible parents?
08:59I don't care about those things.
09:00Ugh, forget it.
09:02I'm grounded, so I'll be in my room.
09:04I ran to my room, and even though it all went sideways,
09:06I spent the night thinking of any way
09:08that I could fix this and still get their jobs back.
09:11The next day at school, Brooke saw how upset I was.
09:14Didn't go so well at home?
09:15That's putting it mildly.
09:17You know you can trust me, right?
09:18I meant what I said about not wanting to hurt you on purpose.
09:21I told him everything.
09:22It felt so good to finally be honest.
09:24Keeping up with all the lies was exhausting.
09:27Why did you lie to him?
09:29Shouldn't you be with someone that likes you for who you are?
09:33I think I just started and it snowballed, but I have a plan.
09:36I just need one more shot with Chris to make
09:38him introduce me to his dad.
09:39Honestly, I think even though you have good intentions,
09:42you're doing bad things to people to get what you want.
09:45Trust me, I know a little bit about that.
09:47I got so mad that I yelled at him.
09:49No way.
09:51What you do and what I do are completely different.
09:53After school, I went to talk to Chris
09:55and begged him to listen.
09:56If he would just listen, I could explain everything.
09:58I wanted to get to know you because I really did like you.
10:01And when you like someone, you tell them so many lies that
10:04they don't know who you really are?
10:06Well, no, that wasn't the plan.
10:08I just kept thinking if we kept hanging out,
10:10eventually you could talk to your dad about my moms
10:12and get their jobs back.
10:14So you only like me for what I can do for you?
10:16No, you're just twisting my words.
10:18Just then, a man walked up.
10:20Hey, Chris, the guests in Cabana 3 need more towels.
10:23Right on that, boss.
10:24Wait, you work here?
10:26So you're not the son of the billionaire hotel owners?
10:29Nope, that would be Harlan over there.
10:31He lets me borrow his surfboard, and sometimes when
10:34cute girls think I'm him, I just let them.
10:36I can't believe you lied to me.
10:38I could never be with someone who lies like you do.
10:41Hello, pot meet kettle.
10:43All you've done since we met is lie.
10:45Then, like a ton of bricks, it hit me.
10:47Ugh, he was right, and I was mortified
10:49because I wasn't just like him.
10:51I was quite possibly worse.
10:53It did make me realize I needed to change my life
10:56and be better.
10:57First thing I needed to do was to come clean to my moms.
11:00That night, when my moms came home,
11:02I made dinner for all of us, and I explained everything to them.
11:05You should have come and talked to us instead of coming up
11:08with some crazy plan.
11:09We do worry about money, and life isn't easy.
11:12We may fight, but every loving family fights.
11:14We're sorry for making you feel like we're not happy.
11:18We love each other and you.
11:19That's stuff money can't buy.
11:21I'm so sorry, too.
11:23I know I acted terribly.
11:25I just wanted you to be happier and not worry about money.
11:28We love you and we forgive you, but you're still grounded.
11:31And maybe you could also let me run the water until I've gotten
11:34all the shampoo out of my hair?
11:35Don't push it.
11:37The next day, I started helping around the house.
11:39I also started doing odd jobs in the neighborhood
11:41to help my moms with the bills.
11:42A few weeks later, a woman called
11:44asking me to paint her fence.
11:45When I got there, she walked me into the house.
11:47My son has told me all about you.
11:50Your son?
11:51I'll leave you two to work it out.
11:52I turned around to see Brooks.
11:54I'm sorry.
11:55Eh, it's OK, I think.
11:57I should have been more supportive.
11:59Actually, I'm glad you did.
12:01I needed to hear the hard truth.
12:02And I'm just happy that I have a good friend who isn't
12:05afraid to tell me that stuff.
12:06Not a good friend, a best friend.
12:08So I'm guessing your mom doesn't need the fence painted?
12:11Oh, no, she does.
12:12But it's a job for two.
12:13So just remember, every lie has two lies,
12:16the lie we tell others and the lie
12:18we tell ourselves to justify it.
12:20Or like we say in Hawaii, it's better to lie down with a lay
12:23than lay with a lie.