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Video Information: 25.05.23, Gita Samagam, Greater Noida

~ What role does trust play in surrender?
~ Why should the question be how to distrust oneself?
~ What is spirituality?
~ Who is the one within that thinks, talks, and acts on my behalf?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Good evening, sir. So, I feel like I'm kind of repeating the last two questions, but just
00:10to give it some sort of a conclusion. What role does trust play in surrender? And then
00:22can I also know, how to know who to trust? You see, it's not about what to trust, whom
00:33to trust, etc. The issue is a little different. Think of a medical syringe, what you call
00:42as injection. Think of that medical syringe. Don't you trust the manufacturer and still
00:53you resist the injection? That's what. The problem is not that we don't trust the thing.
01:04The problem is that we trust our tendency to resist pain a little more. The question
01:13should be how to distrust oneself. Your self tells you a lot of things. It teaches you
01:24a lot of lessons. How to distrust those lessons? I'm not saying everything in the world is
01:33trustworthy. But what I'm saying is, even the things that you perceive in the world
01:40come to you via the way your trustworthy insides have taught you. Now, as long as the one within
01:50remains trustworthy, how will you know what to believe in, what to reject, what to trust
01:59and what to have faith on in the apparent world? Remember that syringe example. Even
02:11stuff that we know is very trustworthy is still something that we are so resistant to.
02:20Because there is someone within who believes in her welfare by her own standards much more
02:34than she believes in the truth. How to distrust her? If you do not distrust her, you will
02:48look through her eyes, you will hear through her ears, you will think through her mind.
02:55And the results of the thought would obviously then be very distorted. In some sense, spirituality
03:07is about learning to distrust yourself. I understand where you are coming from. You
03:14are asking, before I surrender, first of all, I must be assured that the one in front of me is
03:20trustworthy. But the question is misplaced. Do you see that? How do you judge or gauge the one
03:28in front of you? Who is doing that? The assessor, the evaluator inside you. The evaluator inside
03:41you, right? And if the internal evaluating mechanism is in itself distorted, the results
03:49it will give me will not be any good. So before I ask, is that fellow worthy of being surrendered
04:00to, I must first ask, who is setting my criteria? Who is setting my criteria? Is the criteria the
04:10medicine or the pain? When you think of your relationship with the syringe, I am asking you,
04:20who is setting the criteria? There could be someone within who might say the criteria is
04:25medicine and someone within could equally well say the criteria is pain. And if the criteria changes,
04:34the results change. Who is the one within that talks so much? Who is the one within that assumes
04:46my name and acts on behalf of me? Obviously. Don't you see something very very special that
05:03he is doing? He is not running away. Every bit of him is not just advising him, but coaxing him to flee.
05:20He does not. I cannot run away. Arjun is militating against himself and that is what surrender is.
05:35Surrender is not about falling at somebody else's feet. Surrender is actually about not surrendering
05:43to the one within. And incidentally, if you fight the one within, you get to know who is the one without
05:56you can trust. The one without who is trustworthy is the one who helps you in your inner fight.
06:14The inner thing comes first. Remember Vedanta. All that matters is the Aham and Atma, right?
06:20Not the Jagat. The relationship between the ego and the self is everything.
06:29Everything. So the matter of trust again has to be seen in the inner dimension. It's not a thing
06:36between this person and that universe. It is a thing within. Is Aham able to resist the temptation and lure of
06:51Prakriti? That's the fight within. And if you are fighting the right battle within, somehow the right guidance
07:07and the right ammunition start appearing on the outside. The converse is equally true.
07:20If you are fighting the wrong battle within, the wrong kind of guidance
07:27and the wrong kind of weapons start appearing then too.
07:31It's all about what you are choosing to do within.
07:40Who says that Arjun is refusing to fight?
07:49Arjun is fighting the bloodiest battle possible even before the first conch is blown.
08:01And because he is fighting that inner battle, he finds Krishna in front of him. Krishna does not
08:09come first. Arjun's resolve comes first. And if that resolve is not there, no Krishna can help you.
08:17So, from this point of view, trust and need for security are negatively correlated.
