BREAKING: The Totino's Pizza Rolls Empire Has Moved On To The Breakfast Game

  • last month
Clem | Snack Boys
00:00All right, everybody, welcome back to the Snack Boys.
00:03I'm at a East Clement today.
00:04We are reviewing Totino's new breakfast snack bites.
00:10It's bacon and cheese scramble.
00:14Let's call it what it is.
00:16It's a pizza roll for breakfast.
00:18All right, let's not get fancy here at Totino's.
00:21I thought, is there not, is there no egg in here?
00:25I think scramble implies the egg.
00:27I don't think they can probably legally put egg in here.
00:31I was like, what's going on here?
00:34Needless to say, extremely high hopes for these.
00:37These could turn the breakfast game on its head.
00:40Game changer.
00:41Yeah, they really can, so.
00:43Think about what pizza rolls did for the snack game.
00:45After school, you come back, you go sleigh riding,
00:47or you're playing video games with your friends,
00:49and you're just hammering down pizza bites.
00:51There's a problem, though.
00:53Either they're too cold,
00:55or they're pure lava in your mouth
00:57and your entire mouth is burnt to the crust.
00:58You're right, you're right.
00:59That's an issue with Totino's, they know that.
01:01And it took like 12 minutes to make, so it's a long time.
01:03Like, so breakfast, you better be an early riser
01:06and make sure you have enough time to get to school.
01:08But like I said, I couldn't have higher hopes for these.
01:11The OGs are some of the best.
01:13You have it on a drunk night, or you have it as a kid.
01:16They're great, so.
01:18Little tip, I'm sure people know this.
01:20You bite the corner.
01:24Let it air out a little bit.
01:27Get the fumes.
01:28Yep, let it out, let it out, let the heat out.
01:30No one, don't be a hero.
01:33I just love the crust.
01:34Whatever it is, it's like the perfect consistency.
01:36It plays here as well.
01:40Is it hot?
01:42Plenty of cheese, plenty of bacon.
01:44That's honestly all I care about.
01:45Just give me the scramble in name only,
01:47and I can just eat bacon and cheese.
01:48I can live with that for breakfast.
01:53Whatever it is, you breathe that cream.
01:57Fire breathing dragon.
01:59This one got a little slit, hopefully it's.
02:05Kind of tastes like a Hot Pocket.
02:06Yes, mini Hot Pocket.
02:10I fuck with them.
02:12Like this is one of those things where,
02:14when McDonald's gave us all day breakfast,
02:16and we were so excited, everyone was screaming for years,
02:18and then when you got it,
02:19you didn't order as much as you thought you would,
02:21you didn't back up your promise.
02:23It's kind of like this,
02:24it's something like we thought we would want,
02:27and I don't think,
02:27like it's definitely try it,
02:29and it's definitely good,
02:30but I don't think you'll be kicking pizza down the stairs
02:33to get to this at all.
02:37You agree?
02:37Yeah, like with this,
02:38maybe would you fuck with this before like a eggs,
02:41it's tough with frozen breakfasts,
02:43like eggs things, right?
02:45I'd rather just make it or buy a sandwich.
02:46Yeah, it's hard, yeah.
02:48It's hard to say.
02:49I mean, it's definitely got a place for someone,
02:51and it's not bad.
02:54I wish they were better,
02:57but they could be worse.
03:03Five, eight?
03:04They got six, six.
03:07You know what, I'll raise mine up a little bit.
03:08Six, I'll go six, even.
03:09Yeah, so.
03:11Damn, we wanted to be,
03:13we wanted to love these.
03:14Maybe the sausage was better, I don't know.
03:16We only got the bacon,
03:17maybe we'll do the sausage one next time,
03:18but yeah, that's the review.
