• 2 months ago
Clem | Snack Boys
00:00All right, everybody, welcome back to the Snack Boys.
00:02I'm Eddie, he's Clem, and today we'll be reviewing
00:05Tic Tac Chewy Fruit Adventure.
00:10I'm excited for this one.
00:11Very excited, didn't know they existed.
00:13And then an honorary Snack Boy himself,
00:16Jeff D. Lowe, huge snacker.
00:18He waxed poetic about these things.
00:21I think he made a full thread about them on Twitter.
00:23And let's look, we have cherry, apple,
00:26grape, lemon, and orange flavors.
00:30When Tic Tac does something good, they can be great.
00:33And I think we can all agree, those orange Tic Tacs,
00:37they're dangerous.
00:38I don't throw a lot of things in the danger category.
00:40I could polish those off if I don't, I'm not careful.
00:42If you close your eyes and you think of the checkout line
00:45at the grocery store, you think of Tic Tacs.
00:49Tell me I'm wrong.
00:50That's what I was thinking of as I was discussing it.
00:52I can hear the beep, beep.
00:53That's exactly, beep, beep.
00:54You're grabbing the...
00:56The divider?
00:58I forgot the name.
00:59It's a long day.
01:00A lot of snacks going through that body and brain right now.
01:03I'm pumped for this.
01:05I'm almost like too scared.
01:06I'm like worried that I'm grading on a curve
01:10of what I want them to be, you know?
01:11Yeah, for sure.
01:12Just lay them out on the desk here then.
01:14Just let them, because there's a whole bunch of flavors.
01:15I'm gonna do a little handful.
01:16You can do a handful, that's fine too.
01:18There we go.
01:19I think I got everyone.
01:24Grape first.
01:26Whoa, that guy's loose.
01:28Man, I'm jittery.
01:30I'm too excited.
01:34Hard candy shell.
01:35Like the candy shell, it's announcing it's there.
01:37It's not subtle.
01:39It's harder than I'd say the shell of the orange one.
01:47I like the texture.
01:54I did not like the grape.
01:59Cherry was good.
02:01Lemon was solid.
02:02Orange was, or green was good.
02:05But here's a granddaddy.
02:07Don't throw me on triple orange.
02:10Triple OJ.
02:23You know what I like doing?
02:24The medley.
02:25Fruit salad, as I call it.
02:29For real, let's be honest.
02:30This is how we're gonna probably eat stuff like this.
02:31We're just gonna handful it.
02:35Tell you my skittles.
02:37The jaw's really working on these.
02:39That's a concern.
02:40A lot of working jaws.
02:41The crunchiness, you have to be ready for.
02:43This is not a passive snack.
02:46This is an active snack.
02:48The jaw's really working.
02:51Let me get a handful of green.
02:56There is something weird
02:57about eating this many Tic Tacs, too.
02:58My brain is telling me,
02:59bro, Tic Tacs, you have.
03:01Suck on them a little.
03:03Even the orange, there's a limit.
03:05I feel like I'm over my quota already.
03:08I wanted to like them more.
03:10Yes, me too.
03:11I wanted to like them more.
03:12I love Tic Tacs as a brand.
03:15Like I said, that speaks to me as a kid.
03:17Begging my grandma for some Tic.
03:19Come on, how about an orange?
03:21Come on, how about a comic?
03:22Hey, no.
03:23With that said, they're not bad,
03:26but I think there are six more.
03:30I'm gonna go six, seven.
03:31I think there's a place for them.
03:34Like if I want to have a fruity, chewy snack,
03:37but I don't want to have too much, you know?
03:40This is good.
03:40It like will limit how much you could have.
03:42Like you're gonna be like, all right,
03:42I've had enough of this.
03:43I got to stop.
03:44You need to share it with someone,
03:45road trip, passing around.
03:48I have some.
03:49I can't really see buying it like over and over again.
03:52But hey, like I said, old school, nostalgic brand.
03:56I respect Tic Tacs getting out of their comfort zone
03:58and doing something like this.
03:59And I'd love to see more stuff like this.
04:01Don't stop Tic Tacs just because I was lukewarm on it.
04:03Keep going, push the tempo, win a championship.
04:07Thank you, Tic Tac.
04:08Let's listen to that signature snack.
04:10The old Tic Tac sound, right?
04:12That's it.
04:13That's it.
04:14It would be nice if they came in the big box.
04:15That would have been nice.
04:16Oh, and there's some brick.
04:17Oh yeah.
04:18Imagine that.
04:18Like, you know,
04:19just carry around a big ass Tic Tac box.
04:21It'd be nice.
04:22All right.
04:23That's the review.
04:24Thank you guys for watching.
04:24We'll see you next time.
