• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Sono qui per solidarietà ai tanti medici presenti qui che esprimono un disagio e una difficoltà nell'esercizio professionale e che chiedono oggi maggiore attenzione da parte di tutta la società e anche da parte del governo”. E’ quanto affermato da Filippo Anelli, presidente FNOMCeO - Federazione nazionale degli Ordini dei Medici chirurghi e Odontoiatri, in occasione della manifestazione nazionale a tutela dei presidi convenzionati privati per una sanità efficiente e sicura al servizio del cittadino, promossa da Uap - Unione nazionale Ambulatori, Poliambulatori, Enti e Ospedalità privata, che ha riunito a Roma tutto il comparto per difendere la dignità professionale del privato.


00:00Presidente Anelli, what is due to your presence at today's event?
00:08To the many doctors present here who express a discomfort and a difficulty in the professional exercise
00:17and who ask for more attention from the whole society and also from the government.
00:24There are a number of aspects that must be considered.
00:27On the one hand, there is the issue of the nomenclature, which concerns professional dignity,
00:32with very low rates, on which the government had made a commitment and sent it back to 2025.
00:41And then there is the issue of guaranteeing the services delivered within the pharmacies,
00:52which poses an issue of equality for all professionals in front of the standards.
00:59What they ask from this park is to be considered equal.
01:04For the Italian medical class, it is important that any kind of performance that interests the health of the citizens
01:14is certified and of a certain quality, in such a way that the clinicians can use those results without thinking that they can create disturbances to the treatment of the citizens.
