• last year
(Adnkronos) - “L’ideale sarebbe riuscire costituire al ministero della Salute di un osservatorio che analizza, ricerca, programma gli interventi su tutto il territorio nazionale per colmare, in primis, le differenze territoriali e poi per raccordare le politiche della salute delle regioni”. Così Antonio Cotura, presidente Fiadda Aps (Federazione italiana per i diritti delle persone sorde e famiglie), intervenendo al Welfair, la ‘fiera del fare sanità’, il nuovo format che Fiera Roma ha organizzato per riunire, fino al 20 ottobre, tutti gli attori del mondo della salute. “Nei bambini con sordità preverbale, l’intervento deve essere efficace e tempestivo dagli screening neonatali audiologici agli interventi riabilitativi, logopedie i e protesici. In ognuno di questi ambiti abbiamo dei problemi”, in particolare, conclude, di “lunghe liste d’attesa”.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 As the national president of FIADDA, the Italian Federation for the Rights of People, Money and Families,
00:12 I consider it very important to participate in this important edition, the WorldPIVE,
00:18 because the world of health, and in particular audiology,
00:23 therefore otolaryngologists, audiologists and phoniatrists,
00:28 each in their respective knowledge and skills, are of fundamental reference for the deaf people of all ages.
00:36 The particular interest is for children, for pre-verbal children, with pre-verbal deafness,
00:44 because there the intervention must be effective and tempestuous,
00:48 from the neonatal audiological screenings to the habilitative, logopedic, prosthetic and D interventions.
00:56 In each of these areas, we in Italy have problems.
01:00 With logopedics, for example, it is widespread the practice of having long queues to access these services,
01:07 and even in prosthetics and implantology there are problems.
01:11 The ideal would be to be able to constitute an observatory in the Ministry of Health,
01:18 which analyzes, does research, programs, and makes interventions to the entire national territory,
01:25 first to fill the big differences that exist between the real territories,
01:31 then to also link policies on health that are carried out in the different regions,
01:37 because, in equal terms, every citizen in Italy has a more or less problematic experience.
01:44 This link would be fundamental.
01:47 In this sense, the synergy that we have developed with the medical world is exceptional,
01:52 and in particular with the associations SIO and SIAF,
01:56 with whom we have been collaborating for a long time, also in a very effective way,
02:01 also in the programming and production of documents and elements of the ability to sensitize public opinion,
02:10 because it is not enough to sensitize the institution.
02:13 Many prejudices sometimes prevent the most coherent school, social and work inclusion of deaf people.
02:21 The big problem is then related to accessibility, which goes through subtitles in some situations,
02:30 and in any case has a more general character that concerns the entire population.
02:35 corporation.
