Your divine help and healing

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Your divine help and healing
00:00Lord Jesus, I come before you with an open heart, seeking your divine help and healing.
00:09I know that you see every weakness in my body, every pain I carry, and the infection on my
00:14skin that has troubled me.
00:16I stand before you in full surrender, asking for your healing touch to restore me completely.
00:22Jesus, you are my healer, and I trust in your power to make me whole.
00:27I remember your words in Matthew 8 17, where it says that you took up our infirmities and
00:32carried our diseases.
00:34You've shown again and again in the scriptures how your touch brought healing to the sick,
00:39and I believe in that same healing power today.
00:42Just as you healed the woman who had suffered for 12 years from bleeding when she touched
00:46the hem of your garment Luke 8 43-48, I reach out in faith today, asking for that same miraculous
00:53touch on my life.
00:55Jesus, I know that my body is weak and that this infection on my skin is causing discomfort
01:00and pain, but I also know that you have the power to remove it completely.
01:05You are the same yesterday, today, and forever Hebrews 13 8, and just as you healed so many
01:11in the past, I trust that you will heal me now.
01:15Your love for me is beyond measure.
01:17I declare with all my heart, I love Jesus, and Jesus loved and cared for me first.
01:23Your love is what carries me through every hardship, every trial, and every challenge.
01:28I am not defined by my illness or weakness, I am defined by your love and grace that covers
01:34Thank you for your unfailing love that gives me hope even when things seem difficult.
01:39Jesus, I ask that you touch every part of my body that is weak.
01:44Strengthen me from within, every muscle, every nerve, and every cell in my body, I declare
01:50healing in the name of Jesus.
01:53Let the infection that has taken hold of my skin be removed by your power.
01:58Just as you cleanse the lepers with a word, Luke 17 12-14, cleanse me, Lord.
02:04Wash away every infection and let my skin be restored to perfect health.
02:09I stand firm on your promises, Jesus.
02:12In Isaiah 53 5, it says, By your stripes, we are healed.
02:18I claim that healing now.
02:19You bore the pain and suffering so that I could live in health and freedom.
02:24Let your healing power flow through me, taking away every weakness and making me strong again.
02:30I trust you, Jesus, not just with my physical body, but with my heart and soul as well.
02:36I surrender all to you.
02:38When my body feels weak, I know that you are my strength.
02:42When my skin is troubled, I know that you are my healer.
02:46Nothing is impossible for you, Jesus.
02:49I believe that just as you healed so many in the Bible, you will heal me too.
02:54I declare victory over my sickness in your mighty name.
02:57I believe that healing is already taking place in my body, even as I pray.
03:03Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my cry and for working in my life.
03:08Thank you for your healing power that is restoring me right now.
03:11I trust you completely and know that my healing is coming, not by my strength, but by yours.
03:18I love you, Jesus, and I know that you loved and cared for me first.
03:23Let this truth anchor me in every season of my life, through every trial, and every challenge.
03:29Your love is my refuge, and your power is my strength.
03:33I stand on your promises and declare healing over my body and skin in the name of Jesus.
03:38Thank you, Jesus, for being my healer, my protector, and my savior.
03:44I give you all the glory, honor, and praise, knowing that you are working everything out
03:49for my good.
03:51Supporting verses.
03:53Matthew 8 17.
03:55He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.
03:58Luke 8 43 4 8.
04:00The woman who was healed after touching Jesus' garment.
04:03Isaiah 53 5.
04:06By his stripes, we are healed.
04:08Hebrews 13 8.
04:10Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
04:15Luke 17 12 14.
04:17Jesus cleanses the lepers.