The Last of Us part 1 Remake Ch 2: The Tragic Memory

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00:12Hey, you know we should head back I
00:16Need to head back you got plenty of time Riley. I don't have any more strikes left at this place
00:25Tomorrow we'll just pick up where we left off
00:31I can't well, we'll just do it another day then
00:41Okay, firefly girl when
00:45They've asked me to leave
00:47Leave what?
00:50I'm supposed to join a group in another city. I
00:53Argued with them to stay here, but you know how Marlene is nothing's easy with her. Everything's a test
01:03They're picking me up tomorrow
01:15That's it what do you want me to say I don't know how about some friendly advice
01:20Oh, I'm serious. Why did you bring me here? I
01:27Wanted to see you no, why did you bring me here? I
01:35Don't know
01:44You want my advice go
01:49Come on let's just say our goodbyes
01:52I'm gonna go check out this music. I leave Riley
01:58Damn it
02:12Where the hell did she go Riley Riley
02:22Are you looking at
02:38You ever seen anything like this are we just done talking I don't know are we
02:47You don't get to be pissed off at me
02:50I'm pissed off at you for what?
02:53Asking you what you think
02:55When have you ever cared about what I think?
02:59We were good
03:02We were better than good and then you told me to fuck off and then you just up and vanish
03:09This whole day
03:16You feel guilty
03:19You want an out I'm giving it to you
03:25I'm supposed to be holed up on the other side of town. I get caught as a firefly. I'm dead
03:33guilt didn't make me cross a city full of soldiers Ellie and
03:37yeah, I did some shit that I don't know how to take back but
03:42I'm trying
03:48Speaking of
03:51Those water guns you've been dreaming of I nearly got shot for these surprise
04:19First I'm gonna destroy you
04:24And then we'll talk
04:27You're about to get drenched you got firefly girl
04:33Don't get too comfortable now
05:01Just fucked you up what you barely even hit me
05:05You're drenched
05:09You count to five. I'll go hide and we'll hunt each other. Whoever gets it first loses fine
05:18Close your eyes one two, three
05:24Four five you ready
05:43Damn all right, that's game
05:47All right, best two out of three. Let's go again. All right
05:54one two
05:57Three four five
06:03Time to die
06:16Come back baby. Okay, we're tied count it down. All right
06:29Five when you're not here I come
06:46Shoot oh
06:48Shoot, what did I just do? Did you see those skills? Okay, so much to revoke that dog tag Wow
06:55Now you just mean that's it. We're going again
06:59Riley I
07:03Would love to do this all day
07:06But you gotta go back I
07:11Gotta go back
07:15Okay, fine
07:19Can I at least walk you home I
07:25Guess come on. Let me get my backpack
07:36Hey, so I
07:44Said it like an asshole, but I totally meant it
07:53You should go
07:57And this is something that you've wanted for
08:01You know
08:03Forever so who might have stopped you the one person that can
08:15No, please don't go I'll be so miserable without you
08:23I'll be fine and you'll be fine and we'll see each other again
08:34You should keep these I'm not gonna do me any good
08:44You still like that Walkman around always let me see it
08:53What's in it that tape you gave me
08:59Really will be miserable without me
09:03Leave that follow me. Oh, what are we doing? You'll see
09:57Is it hey, what's wrong don't call
10:34We do now we'll figure it out, but I don't think Marlene's gonna go
11:13Right lift
11:20Find something to pop it up with I'll hold it
12:34Behind us too
13:50Think it's clear
13:58Billy your arm
14:11No, no
14:35There's some more stuff over there you can break
14:46What are we gonna do
14:52Way I see it we got two options
14:57Option one
15:00You take the easy way out
15:04It's quick and painless
15:10I'm not a fan of option one
15:18We fight
15:21For what
15:24We're gonna turn into one of those things
15:26There are a million ways we should have died before today and a million ways we can die before tomorrow
15:34But we fight for every second we get to spend with each other
15:41Whether it's two minutes or two days
15:47We don't give that up
15:51I don't want to give up
15:54I don't want to give that up
15:58My food
16:01Let's just wait it out
16:04You know we can
16:07Be all poetic and just lose our minds together
16:15What's option three
16:28Come on let's get out of here
16:54I'm coming
17:12How was your morning
17:19Won no, I don't
17:25Well, I have some interesting news for you, where were you Tess
17:30West End district
17:31Hey, we had a drop to make we
17:35We had a drop to make well you wanted to be left alone. Remember
17:42I'll take one guess the whole deal went south and the client made off with our pills. Is that about right?
17:49Deal went off without a hitch
17:51Not ration cards to last us a couple of months easy
17:55You won't explain this. I was on my way back here and I got jumped by these two assholes. All right
18:01And yeah, they got a few good hits in
18:04Look I managed
18:07Give me that
18:10These assholes still with us
18:13That's funny
18:15Let's find out who they were. Yeah, look they were a couple of nobodies. They don't matter
18:19What matters is that Robert fucking sent them?
18:23Our Robert he knows that we're after him. He figures he's gonna get us first son of a bitch smart. Yeah
18:32He's not smart enough I
18:35Know where he's hiding like hell you do
18:39old warehouse in area 5
18:42Can't say for how long though
18:44Well, I'm ready now. Yeah, I can do now
19:06The checkpoint still up only on a few hours left until curfew we better hurry up then
19:18Outside work-duty such crap
19:46Attention citizens are required
19:50Compliance with all city personnel is mandatory. Look at that ration line hasn't opened yet. It must be running low again
20:16Hands on your fucking head do it. All right scan
20:39Get a live one. No
20:51All right, she's down
21:06Seems like more people are getting infected. That just means more people are sneaking out
21:19Got us all new papers, they shouldn't give us any static up there
21:31See you IDs, there you go
21:34Oh, what's your business here got the day off visiting a friend. All right, move on through. Thanks
21:54Well, let's go come on damn fireflies
22:11So much for the easy route pat yourself up, all right
22:24They're gonna close all the checkpoints
22:27We're gonna have to go around the outside
22:30Outside the wall or we could just let Robert go
22:36Hey Tess, you see that shit. I was there. Hey, how's the East Tunnel looking? It's clear
22:41I just used it. No patrols. And where are you off to gonna pay Robert a visit you too?
22:47Well, she's looking for him Marlene. She's been asking around trying to find him Marlene
22:53What are the fireflies need with Robert?
22:56Think she'd tell me well, what did you tell her the truth? I got no idea where he's hiding good, man
23:02Hey, you stay out of trouble. All right military is gonna be out in force soon. Yeah. See you around
23:13Marlene looking for Robert. What do you make of that? I don't like it. You better find him before the fireflies do
23:29This is us
23:31Hey guys, how's it going?
23:33Shit stirring up out there. How are we looking over here? Yeah, it's been quiet. No signs of military or infected
23:39That's what I like to hear
23:47Joel give me a hand with this
23:55I'll take it easy out there
24:06Let there be light
24:13Reeks I need to watch what they throw away down here. Let's grab our gear
24:23Our backpacks are still here from last time
24:32Know a lot of ammo
24:43All right, Texas boost me up
24:45Ready yes, ma'am
25:02Come on
25:26Be careful, what am I not got a trick question?
25:35Ain't been out here in a while. It's like we're on a date. Well, I am the romantic type you got your ways
25:58Where's the ladder there's got to be around here somewhere
26:05Got it
26:18Hate he's first
26:20Lady you must be thinking of someone else
26:25It's all relative this way
26:36Down through here
26:41Think robbers still got our guns for his sake he better
26:45Once we get our merchandise back, it should be easy to unload. Hold up spores
26:57Where the hell are all these coming from place was clear last time stay alert
27:11There's our culprit
27:16Better keep your eyes and ears open
27:22You should be able to fit through here
27:27Okay, yeah damn ceilings falling apart be careful
27:44Mess broke
27:52What do you want to do
27:59Poor bastard
29:17Got infected trying to sneak into the zone
29:19As much as everyone complains about it get all these poor bastards wishing they were living on the inside
30:00Can hate the smell of the city won't you ask bill to get you some of them air fresheners?
30:06They weren't expired. That'd be a good idea
30:18Hear cover the entrance I got it
30:35Damn it plank fell down
30:48Be a dear would you
30:54Here pass it to me
31:01It's a bit heavy I think I can handle it. All right
31:25Getting close
31:34Make sure there ain't any soldiers around
31:38It's clear come on
31:55Shut it
32:04Pick up that ammo. I'm sure we'll need it
32:07Hey little man
32:10Make sure the coast is clear
32:13No soldiers, none of Roberts men. Yeah
32:22You know, he's expecting us
32:25Well, then I make it more interesting
32:32Good to go
32:38Hey, how you doing today? I heard you all right now Terrence. No, no, it's good. Look at the car now hear me
32:58Touch it you buy it Tess. It's been a while, you know visit us anymore
33:31Sorry Tess didn't realize you two were together go ahead
33:39Who's that
34:09I'm looking for Robert
34:12He come through here half hour ago. He went back to the wharf. He's there now
34:35Here we go
34:43Let us through you guys need to turn around and head back if you know what's good for you
34:47Our beef isn't with you. We just want Robert. You don't want to do this
34:52Turn the fuck around and leave now. I'm not going anywhere without Robert bitch
34:58Oh bash your skull unless you turn around and get your dumb ass out of here
35:04Fuck this
35:06Take cover
35:08You ready? Yeah
35:11Cover you get the angle on them
35:33Sit on Texas
35:36You too, how the hell did he get all these guys if Roberts good at one thing, it's right in blank checks
35:42Let's go put an end to that
35:54Go through here. Hey boost me up
36:11Give me your hand
36:40Over here Joel
36:47More Roberts guys
36:51How do you know they're coming two of our guys died trying to take Tess out I
36:55Guarantee that she and Joel are on their way here right now to get Robert Jesus
37:00We shouldn't have taken this job
37:02Not our call
37:03Let's spread out and make sure no one's creeping around in here
37:25Meant to tell you I was down on Jordan Street
37:29Five sibs all in handcuffs, let me guess
38:00Let's be cool man, take it easy
38:12I search the area
38:27Consolidated the crates in the South warehouse supplies are locked up good. Let's do another once over and then head out
38:34What about Robert who's he holing up with tonight guys too paranoid to stay here by himself
38:38Fuck if I know we'll check in with the others and come up with something
39:08They just slow us down
39:31Come on the docks are this way, let's do this
39:59There's our boy
40:06That cocky son of a bitch
40:08Let's go wrap this up