The Last of Us part 1 Remake Ch 7 - Traped in Hotel

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Support Me:
00:30The road is half-faded, but we're going my own way.
00:34Screw it.
00:35The road is half-faded, but we're going my own way.
00:36The curtains are rolling down.
00:42The breath of the valley is starting to die.
00:54Holy shit!
00:56Are we gonna help him?
00:58Put your seatbelt on, Ellie.
00:59What about the guy?
01:01He ain't even hurt.
01:04Alone in the thick of my fate and I'm saying,
01:09Lord, hear me, take my hand.
01:14Oh my God!
01:30I'm okay. I'm okay.
01:34Then get out, quick!
01:38Come here, you shit!
01:40Let go of me, you chicken shit!
02:08I'll show you.
02:18What's wrong with these guys?
02:20Catch your breath.
02:22We're leaving.
02:25Watch out!
02:28Watch out!
02:29Holy shit!
02:31Stay down!
02:48Oh, man.
02:51What is that?
02:58Come on!
03:00Got it!
03:27My brother!
03:31My brother!
03:43Up ahead!
03:47Dead asshole!
04:01Okay, go!
04:31Come on!
04:44All right.
04:45I think that's the last of them.
04:47You okay?
04:50Guess so.
04:52We need to get the hell out of here.
04:56You know the drill.
04:57Let's look around, see if there's anything we can use.
05:06Maybe we can go through here.
05:12Yeah, we sure as hell ain't going back this way.
05:25Come on!
05:28All right, go.
05:30See if you can get it propped open with something.
05:33Um, there's some pretty gnarly stuff in here.
05:46Okay, go!
05:52All right, I got it, I got it, I got it.
06:12Fucking hunters.
06:14See, this could have been us.
06:19Yeah, and that is a lot of people that didn't make it.
06:23I knew I should have turned the damn trick around.
06:26I mean, we lived.
06:30Come on, let's get out of here.
06:34How did you know?
06:35Know what?
06:36About the ambush.
06:38I've been on both sides.
06:43So, uh, you kill a lot of innocent people?
06:49Let's take that.
06:51Take it however you want.
07:05I guess this is where the assholes sleep.
07:08I mean, slept.
07:22I don't think these guys were infected.
07:25Well, it don't matter.
07:26Let's just keep moving.
07:34All right, here's the bridge.
07:36That's our way out of here.
07:40Hey, Ellie, slow down.
07:42Wait for me.
07:45Right here.
07:47How about you let me go first and keep your voice down?
07:56I'm whistling.
07:59Oh, good.
08:01Something else you can drive me crazy with.
08:03That's awesome.
08:17I bet Ellie would like this.
08:26Come on.
08:37What was that?
08:38I don't know.
08:40Ellie, get down.
08:41When did you learn to shoot?
08:43Man, screw you.
08:47You had an entire flock and you hit nothing.
08:50I'm about to hit you.
08:52Now you're really upset.
08:54If you want some lessons, you know, I'm more than willing to help you out.
08:57Yeah, whatever.
09:05Where the hell are those guys?
09:07They're supposed to be here.
09:08No, they're on the highway shift.
09:10Wouldn't be surprised if they caught another batch of tourists.
09:13Spots a gold mine, lucky bastards.
09:16See if there's anything you can forage while we wait.
09:19Ain't nothing here.
09:20Let's keep going.
09:38Did you...
09:39I think I heard something.
09:53That bridge looks pretty far.
09:55We'll get there.
09:59It's strange seeing a checkpoint with no soldiers.
10:02This is what most zones look like.
10:04This place has been abandoned for a while now.
10:09Give us our rations.
10:22Why wouldn't they give them their food?
10:24Sometimes they ran out.
10:26Most times they just held on to it.
10:28That never happened in Boston.
10:30Trust me, it happened all the time.
10:40I hear hunters.
10:42Yeah, me too.
10:45Just keep it down while we're going through this area.
10:47I'm so fucking tired.
10:48We were up all night chasing those tourists.
10:51Oh yeah, you were a part of that?
10:52I heard about this.
10:54Yeah, this one chick, she would just not give up.
10:57I've never seen anyone with so much fucking energy.
10:59Takes a couple minutes to snuff everyone out.
11:04Takes a couple minutes to snuff everyone out.
11:10Sometimes you gotta earn your keep, right?
11:13Yeah, I guess.
11:14We were about to give up, and she started shooting at us.
11:17It's stupid.
11:18She could've got away.
11:21Over here.
11:33That was too damn close.
11:36The edge of the universe and back.
11:38Endure and survive.
11:40Excuse me?
11:41Savage Starlight.
11:43That comic I've been reading?
11:45That's what the hero says after a big battle.
11:48Endure and survive.
12:07Look at all these books.
12:10I wish I had more room in my backpack.
12:12So you're a reader, huh?
12:13Well, when I'm not running away from hunters and infected.
12:18Yeah, I read all the time.
12:22Let's see where this leads us.
12:43Down, down, down.
12:44Let's get out of here.
12:46There's more of them.
12:52All right.
12:54I don't think they saw us.
13:00There's our bridge.
13:02We're a little closer.
13:04I think.
13:05Let's keep at it.
13:06Come on.
13:09I can't make that jump.
13:12If you get me up there, I can leave that plank.
13:15Wait here.
13:17Let's see where this goes.
13:31What the hell?
13:34I don't know.
13:36I'm not sure.
13:38I don't know.
13:40I don't know.
13:41I don't know.
13:42What the hell?
13:44Oh, this place is bad.
14:09What was that all about?
14:10Get on.
14:11We're cutting through the hotel.
14:16Um, okay.
14:21Oh, easy.
14:30Set up that plank like they did.
14:41All right.
14:43Now you just need to find a way up.
15:11Oh, this place stinks.
15:14Yeah, the woods are rotten.
15:16Did you go to coffee shops a lot?
15:18I did.
15:20All the time.
15:21And what would you get?
15:23Just coffee.
15:47Do you think those hunters are gone?
15:48We're about to find out.
15:55It's clear, Allie.
15:56Come on down.
16:09No, this is too rich for my blood.
16:12But it was nice.
16:16Oh, I really miss coffee.
16:40Come on up.
16:56Watch your step.
17:10Oh, shit.
17:11Get down, get down.
18:10Get down.
18:23Let's see where this goes.
18:33Just in case.
18:36It's going to be a tight fit, but come on.
19:04You find me something to climb on, okay?
19:06Here we go.
19:08There we go.
19:15Oh, shit!
19:27I'm all right!
19:30Are you okay?
19:33You scared the shit out of me!
19:37I'm not.
19:42Come on, I'm not going down there, okay?
19:58Think I tried over there yet.
20:01Maybe that doorway.
20:02Maybe that doorway.
20:06Maybe over there.
20:11I need to find a way around this gate.
20:15Dammit, swores.
20:33I hate these things.
20:38Here we go.
21:32Oh, shit!
21:36Oh, shit!
21:55Need it.
22:02Not so much for that.
22:03We got to find Ellie.
22:32Oh, shit!
23:02Oh, shit!
23:32How about, hey, Ellie, I know it wasn't easy, but it was either him or me.
23:36Thanks for saving my ass.
23:38You got anything like that for me, Joel?
23:43We got to get going.
23:45Lead the way.
24:03We need to get back out, find that bridge.
24:06Just tell me where to go.
24:08I hate this crap.
24:13I'd say a backdrop.
24:15People would take their pictures in front of it.
24:17Yeah, I know what it is.
24:19Okay, then.
24:21Something on your mind, Ellie?
24:23I wasn't trying to disobey you back there.
24:26You were taking a really long time, and I didn't know what to do.
24:30You were taking a really long time, and I thought maybe he's gotten into trouble.
24:38It don't matter what you thought.
24:40I need you to listen to me.
24:42I do.
24:43It's just that...
24:46Whatever, Joel.
25:00Damn, I might be able to get there with this.
25:12Hey, how about a hand?
25:14You sure you can trust me with that?
25:21I am.
25:22Push harder.
25:26There, how's that?
25:28Let's go.
25:48Oh, shit.
25:52Come here, keep your head down.
25:53Keep your head down.
25:57All right, now.
25:58I'm gonna jump down there, and I'm gonna clear us a path.
26:00What about me?
26:01You stay here.
26:02This is so stupid.
26:03We'd have more of a fucking chance if you'd let me help.
26:05I am.
26:08You seem to know your way around a gun.
26:11You reckon you can handle that?
26:14Well, I sort of shot a rifle before.
26:18But it was at rats.
26:22With BBs.
26:25Well, it's the same basic concept.
26:27Lift it up.
26:29All right, now.
26:30You're gonna wanna lean right into that stock,
26:32because it is gonna kick a hell of a lot more than any BB rifle.
26:36Go ahead and pull the bolt back.
26:38Grab it right there.
26:39Just tug it.
26:40There you go.
26:41And as soon as you fire,
26:43you're gonna wanna get another round in there quick.
26:46Listen to me.
26:47If I get into trouble down there,
26:49you make every shot count.
26:54I got this.
26:57All right.
27:04And just so we're clear about back there,
27:08it was either him or me.
27:17You're welcome.
27:47You're welcome.
