The Last of Us Part 1 Remake Ch 11: Finding Fireflies

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00:14Where is this lab of theirs it's all the way out University of Eastern, Colorado
00:21Go big horns
00:26Ellie get off your horse
00:28Give it on back to Tom
00:30I'm gonna hang on to this fella. That's all right you
00:34Go on don't make me repeat myself. What are you doing?
00:39Your wife kind of scares me. I
00:42Don't want it coming after
00:46Sorry for stealing your horse come back to town let's discuss it at least
00:51You know me my mind's all made up
00:56University Eastern, Colorado, how do I find this lab? It's in the science building looks like a giant Mary and you can't miss it
01:07Take care of that wife of yours
01:12There's a place for you here, you know
01:16You good, okay
01:20Adios little brother
01:34Okay, let me see if I get this straight if you mess up your fourth down
01:37Then you give the ball to the other team right it's called turnover, and if you clear the ten yards, then you're back
01:44First down that's right. Yeah, that's confusing
01:47I just got to play it a couple of times. It all makes sense
02:11Well head to central grounds you'll be able to see most of the campus from there
02:23Stay callous kind of name is callous anyways
02:40There was a lookout here
02:42That's a good sign
02:46So these places people would live here and don't back study even though they were all grown up study party
02:54Find themselves figure out what they wanted to do with their lives
03:02That's a giant ram you guys were like some idol worshippers
03:07When it came to sports
03:10Hell yeah
03:13Yeah, it's getting chilly is it tell me you're
03:24I'll stay with callous. I hate that name
03:32Fireflies reckon it takes quite a crude run that operation
03:40I'm not sure
03:52Stay with the horse. I'll go check it out. Yes. I don't want him running off. I'll be right back
04:08It's like someone Jerry rigged this thing
04:39That's that
05:08Hey, I was thinking
05:12Matter fact
05:19I'm just saying scooch. What about you? What do you want to be?
05:26Right when I was a kid I used to want to be a
05:32Shut up. No serious sing something. I know come on. I won't laugh. I don't think so Joel
05:47Those monkeys yeah a whole mess of them
06:01Hey look fireflies see it this is good for Santa fireflies
06:13All right, let's try that gate
06:22There it is
06:29This won't budge
06:35Watch yourself you too
06:45Dammit spores
07:33Should all
08:06More infected I'm fine here come up on the gate
09:02Let's try the gate
09:19Those clickers
09:21They were fireflies
09:25No, I don't think so
09:27Why would they have it affected so close to the lab?
09:29Well bill used them as a form of defense. Maybe they're doing the same
09:33Yeah, I could see that
09:50Know guards nothing. Yeah, I'd expect to see someone by now inside
10:07University yeah
10:11Not as a student at least why not I
10:16Had Sarah when I was pretty young
10:20Were you married for a while what happened?
10:27Too much
10:36Are we ever gonna find living fireflies we better
10:46You're back
10:52Hey, what about over there
10:56Yeah, it looks like a way in
11:15It's rusted shut I have to find another way maybe we can get over it
11:53All right, not what I had mine, but it'll do
12:26All right, we're inside come on kiddo, give me your hand
12:34Thanks, let's look around
13:05Over here
13:08Let's keep it down until we figure out what's going on
13:27Nothing useful anything here, but a bunch of medical mumbo-jumbo
13:32Don't get it looks like they all just packed up and left in a hurry
13:38Maybe not all of them stay close
13:56There are no bodies, that's good, right we found out where they win
14:13Shit probably clickers right clickers don't hide
14:44At least it ain't clickers
14:47Yeah, no fireflies either
14:51Well, maybe in all that research they turn into fucking monkeys
14:56Just keep searching we'll find something
15:11That's four pallets of lab equipment all packed up and ready to go
15:19Big question is what do we do with all you guys?
15:22They say the tainted batch needs to be put down, you know what I say say screw that
15:28Who made a bigger sacrifice than you, right?
15:31Anyone deserves to run free out there
16:04Looking for the fireflies they've all left. Yeah, no shit. I'm dead or I will be soon
16:12Got me some time to reflect
16:15In years that felt like we were
16:18Fucking thing was a giant waste of time
16:22I'm not gonna do this anymore
16:25Come on
16:27They've all returned to st. Mary's Hospital in Salt Lake City. You'll find him there still trying to save the world
16:36Good luck with that
16:38Do you know where that is? I know the city is it far it ain't close horseback
16:49Fireflies get down
16:55The fuck are these guys don't matter we know where to go and let's get the hell out of here
17:47What do you want me to do
18:03Need you to pull
18:27Don't see anyone let's go
18:41Can you handle the window
18:51Come on
19:02Just stay here, I'm gonna flake this asshole Ellie
19:09Those were my friends you killed asshole, come on out you want to do this the hard way
19:32Gotta get you out of here
19:36Okay, you're not okay Joel come on
19:47Move it
19:51There's no one here hurry
19:59You're doing good just keep at it. I'm coming double doors
20:07Here lean on me no, well, can you walk? Yes, then fucking walk
20:22Come on
20:26There's the exit
20:38Joel behind you what?
20:51You little shit
21:01Yeah, stand up
21:13Swear to God, let me get you out of this. You're so singing for me
21:17You wish
21:26Wait here, I'll get the door
21:32Come on
21:37There you go
21:52Just get the horse
22:02Can you get on
22:23Think we're safe
23:00Here we go, okay, I'll put you on your side
23:38Should buy us some time find something to stitch you up, okay
23:42Callis keep an eye on
24:01I'll be back in a flash
