The Last of Us Part 1 Remake Ch 10: Autumn Disasters

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00:30okay first of all we're team now okay we're gonna help each other out and
00:35second they might still look like people but that person is not in there anymore
00:44Henry says that they've moved on that they're with their families like in
00:50heaven do you think that's true I go back and
00:58forth I mean I'd like to believe it but you don't I guess not yeah me neither
01:13oh well the serious talk I almost forgot
01:23there if he doesn't know about it you can't take it away all right I'm pooped
01:34I'll see you tomorrow
01:52oh yeah that smells good morning where's Sam I let him sleep in for once
02:13Oh well if you wanted to join us you can go wake his ass up okay Sam
02:43oh my god Sam Henry Henry I'm gonna get that gun from you okay oh okay okay easy
03:10this is nobody's fault Henry Henry Henry no
03:41Jackson County means we're close to Jackson City right should be more than a
03:49few miles you ready to see dear old brother I'm just ready to get there you
03:54nervous I don't know what I'm feeling so much for this road you just follow the
04:02river it'll lead us straight to Tommy's come on what do you mean he's had a bit
04:14of a disagreement that's all Tommy saw the world one way I saw the other yeah
04:25your friend Marlene promised him hope that kept him busy for a while but just
04:29like Tommy he eventually quit that too how was it last time you saw him I
04:35believe his last words to me were I don't ever want to see your goddamn face
04:39again but he's gonna help us I suppose we're gonna find out just keep going
04:53all right there's a hydroelectric power plant it uses the rivers movement and
05:04turns it into electricity look I know what it is I don't know how it does it
05:11all right how are we getting across
05:37get the other one up we'll make it across
05:52I'll find something hang tight
06:22I need you to I know
07:18don't give it a spin
07:55I'll be careful crossing that thing I will teamwork
08:11I know I am too all right next squirrel I see I'm totally shooting it let's get
08:18past this place then we can scrounge up some food
08:25yeah that's too small of a grave leave that stupid robot on his grave what
08:32should I do with it Ellie what I want to talk about it no why not how many times
08:39do we need to go over this things happen and we move on it's just that's enough
08:45you're right I'm sorry
08:54let's get the Tommy's ain't no way around gonna have to cut through the
09:03plant don't even think about reason for your weapon tell the girl to drop hers
09:16now Ellie it was the lady says hey please tell me you're lost we didn't
09:26know the place was occupied we're just trying to make our way through through
09:29to where you're all right wait you know these people know him my goddamn
09:37brother Tommy holy shit
09:43are you doing baby brother goddamn let me look at you
09:51you're fucking old easy gonna happen to you too
09:57this is Maria be nice to her she sort of runs things around here ma'am thanks for
10:07not blowing my head off would have been embarrassing considering you're my
10:10brother-in-law we all got to get wrangled up at some point
10:18Ellie right yeah what brings you through here uh that's kind of a long story why
10:31don't we bring him inside yeah you hungry starving
10:47false alarm they're friendlies we've been dealing with raids a lot of
10:52bandits in this area it's been quiet for a few days what the hell are you doing
10:56here I thought I'd find you in Jackson and trying to bring the plant back to
10:59life we had it working before but one of the turbines went south we have
11:04electricity Joe I had we'll get her running again no way you guys have
11:11horses we got a whole lot of them hey Tommy give me a hand with this sorry
11:16I'll be right back can I yeah of course he likes when you
11:20cut his ears you ever ride one I actually have when have you ridden a
11:25horse Winston this soldier back in the zone he gave me lessons you know if you
11:31want we can take him riding later that'd be awesome
11:37there hey thanks Tommy no sweat all right let's continue the tour
11:49Earl yeah why are you here weren't you supposed to head back this morning still
11:53waiting on Howser and the rest of the boys to relieve me you know we'll be
11:58fine just go home to your family it's just a couple more hours I'll tough it
12:01out all right well take it easy
12:14Maria yeah go ahead we're in the control room Steve's about to start it back up
12:19I'd rather eat with Ellie it's my turn anyway I'll go I'll come with you go with
12:25Maria put some food in you come on Ellie let's give the boys some space I'm
12:34sending Tommy over standby this will be the sixth time of them trying to get the
12:41turbines back online we've been here just a week it feels like forever
12:49ah I got something for you last year I went back to Texas back home most of our
12:58stuff is long gone most of it
13:08here it's a little faded but still looks pretty good
13:18I'm good you sure I mean I've said I'm good okay I'll hold on to it for you
13:29tell me I I need to talk to you privately yeah okay let me just check on
13:40my guys real quick come on
13:48I don't know what you heard but you should see the town we're over 20 family
14:15strong now it was Maria and her father they set up this place with the idea of
14:19being self-sustained we got crops and livestock remember how we thought no one
14:24could live like this anymore we're doing it
14:30what do you do for protection adults take turns guarding the perimeter we've
14:35got an electrified fence when the plants up you still got to deal with infected
14:40though right who doesn't but it's the world we live in
14:44well maybe you don't have to be you sound like Marlene hey buddy that's
14:52Buckley not much of a guard dog good to have around that's a good boy
15:14these two geniuses are gonna bring this plant back to life we think we got it
15:19this time you don't believe us I didn't say that I'll bet you a million bucks it
15:26works sure make it to we're almost ready they just need to finish putting the
15:30shield back on no rush to the left watch it
15:38okay that's good lower it slowly
15:51all right that's good Tommy's here we good to go
15:56Jimmy one second okay good to go ready go ahead hit it
16:08oh god damn we did it boys
16:15nice work boys somebody get on the horn and give Maria the good news you see
16:22that it's pretty impressive looks like you're out two million bucks all right
16:31Joe let's go talk
16:37so what the crew you got here they're good men this place gives them a second
16:51chance give this all a second chance so why'd you leave Boston I've been on
17:02quite the adventure little brother I reckon he's got something to do with
17:06that girl he's got everything to do with that little girl well go on then
17:16she's immune immune to what come on I know I've seen her breathe enough spores
17:23to take down a dozen men nothing I wouldn't have believed it neither but I
17:28can show you all right I'll bite why bring her here I was supposed to
17:38deliver to the Fireflies the way I figure they're your boys you finish the
17:43job you collect the whole damn payment I haven't seen a Firefly in years you know
17:46where they are I'm not asking for much time I just want some simple gear enough
17:51to set me on my way what makes you think I'd do this for you this isn't for me
17:57Tommy this is for your damn cause my cause is my family now you ain't talking
18:02about some walk in the park here Jesus boy have Maria get some of your born
18:07again friends to do it they got families too Tommy I need this you want some gear
18:17sure but I ain't taking that girl off your hands this is how you gonna repay
18:25me huh repay you all those goddamn years I took care of us took care that's
18:30what you call it I got nothing but nightmares from those years you survived
18:34because of me it wasn't worth it I bring you the cure from mankind and you
18:41want to play the pissy little brother we ain't back in Boston you lay your hands
18:48on me again it won't end well for you the hell is that we're under attack you
18:55still remember how to kill right
18:58shit bandit stop don't let him into the building
19:23Tommy cover me
19:59Oh you guys see anything huh we got him let's get to the bridge we're gonna come
20:14to you just stay they're here Ellie hide Maria goddammit
20:40right behind you
21:14Tommy cover me
21:59Maria I was too damn close you okay yeah yeah I'm fine
22:16we're coming in from every direction that Maria was like we gotta run and so
22:19we dove over these tables and this huge guy blasted with a shotgun listen hey
22:23hey are you hurt no goddammit I need to talk to you absolutely not you tell him
22:34to go find somebody else do you have any idea how many men we lost here today
22:38what's that all about
22:43does that have anything to do with me talk about it later did he tell you
22:50where the lab is talk about it later later right one fuck up and then I turn
23:04into one of those widows okay I have to do this I don't know what else to say
23:14fine Maria here we go you if anything anything at all happens to him it's on
23:26you she's thankful you know yeah I know I'll take that girl of yours to the
23:40Fireflies you don't have to worry about it it's best this way well maybe some
23:46real good will come of this I need to talk to Ellie say again I didn't hear
23:58you Joe what is it that girl of yours she took one of our horses and rode off
24:06which way come on I just saw her riding on out of here go back inside help the
24:11others clean the place up okay careful out there there see the tracks yeah
24:36she couldn't have gotten far we'll find it don't worry stubborn kid she usually
24:47pull these stuffs nothing like this what's going on
24:53she didn't go down this way horse tracks she went into these woods come
25:09on all right Ellie what are you thinking
25:22there or tracks
25:44goddamn many
26:40that's all of them come on back to the horses
27:00tracks keep going this way just hope they didn't get to her
27:13look by the ranch that's our horse she's got to be there
27:20you go area looks clear
27:42be careful
27:45Ellie Ellie you guys need to have a chat
28:06is this really all they had to worry about boys movies deciding which shirt
28:21goes with which skirt it's bizarre it up we're leaving and if I say no do you
28:31even realize what your life means huh running off like that putting yourself
28:37at risk it's pretty goddamn stupid well I guess we're both disappointed with
28:42each other then what do you want from me admit that you wanted to get rid of me
28:46the whole time Tommy knows this area well I'm sorry I trust him better than I
28:55trust myself stop with the bullshit what are you so afraid of that I'm gonna end
29:01up like Sam I can't get infected I can take care of myself close calls have we
29:06had well we seem to be doing all right so far and now you'll be doing even
29:09better with Tommy not her you know what Maria told me about Sarah Ellie you are
29:24treading on some mighty thin ice here I'm sorry about your daughter Joel but
29:30I have lost people too you have no idea what loss is everyone I have cared for
29:38has either died or left me everyone fucking except for you
29:47don't tell me that I would be safer with someone else because the truth is I
29:51would just be more scared
29:57you're right you're not my daughter
30:04and I sure as hell ain't your dad and we are going our separate ways get it
30:11together we're not alone I got to walking there's more inside already
30:42I got nothing over this way
30:48oh do you hear something
31:00hang back
31:17all right house is clear let's get back to the horses
31:41we're clear
31:47I'm gonna hand up got it
32:47oh there she is kids be watching movies tonight where is this lab layers it's
33:07all the way out University of Eastern Colorado
33:11no big horns
33:16Ellie get off your horse give it on back to Tom I'm gonna hang on to this fellow
33:22that's all right with you oh don't make me repeat myself what are you doing your
33:29wife kind of scares me I don't want it coming after me sorry for stealing your
33:37horse I'll come back to town let's discuss it at least my mind's all made
33:43up University Eastern Colorado how do I find this lab it's in the science
33:51building looks like a giant mirror you can't miss it
33:57take care of that wife of yours
34:01there's place for you here no
34:06you good okay adios little brother
