The Last of Us Part 1 Remake Ch 8 - Hunters

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00:30gun you reckon you can handle that well I sort of shot a rifle before but it was
00:39that rats rats with BBs it's the same basic concept lift it up all right now
00:50you're gonna lean right into that stock is it is gonna kick a hell of a lot more
00:54than a baby rifle go and pull the bolt back grab it right there just hug it
01:00there you go as soon as you fire you're gonna want to get another round in there
01:05quick listen to me if I get in trouble down there you make every shot count
01:13yeah I got this
01:18all right
01:25and just so we're clear about back there it was either him or me you're welcome
01:41yeah that's all I should have known but if you're gonna steal you better make
01:46sure you get away with it right I would have done they're all dead they're all
01:50fucking dead the hell's he yapping about take a breath who's dead
01:56the whole crew the 76 lookout guy some fucking tourist kill him kill all of them
02:01shit you talk to the boss yeah he wants everyone to hold their ground watch the
02:06gate all right you heard him search the area do not let anybody good job kiddo
02:35don't lose them yeah you over there it's not here
02:44fan out
02:55where the fuck did you go you sack of shit
03:14you over there fucking right
03:32all right come on down
04:04how'd I do
04:07How about something a little more your size?
04:18It's for emergencies only.
04:37Now, the safety's on.
04:45Do you know how to switch it off?
04:47I do.
04:49You just... you gotta respect it.
04:51This is not...
04:52Joel, I'll be careful.
04:54All right, do your thing, Ellie.
05:08On it.
05:14Stupid chain is stuck.
05:15Hold on.
05:16I am.
05:18It's good thinking.
05:40Help me open this.
05:42I got it.
05:44Oh, shit.
05:45Get down.
05:46Get down.
05:47Oh, shit.
05:48Oh, shit.
05:49Oh, shit.
05:50Oh, shit.
05:51Oh, shit.
05:52Oh, shit.
05:53Oh, shit.
05:54Oh, shit.
05:55Oh, shit.
05:56Oh, shit.
05:57Oh, shit.
05:58Oh, shit.
05:59Oh, shit.
06:00Oh, shit.
06:01Oh, shit.
06:02Oh, shit.
06:03Oh, shit.
06:04Oh, shit.
06:05Oh, shit.
06:06Oh, shit.
06:07Oh, shit.
06:08Oh, shit.
06:09Oh, shit.
06:10Oh, shit.
06:11Oh, shit.
06:12Oh, shit.
06:13Oh, shit.
06:14Oh, shit.
06:15Oh, shit.
06:16Oh, shit.
06:17Oh, shit.
06:18Oh, shit.
06:19Oh, shit
06:23Eh, busy couple of days, huh?
06:28Whatever, man.
06:31Damn, no food.
06:34Old pair of shoes.
06:36We got nothing.
06:38Let's go.
06:57Man ain't nothing we could have done. I know it's just oh man
07:07Let's just get to that bridge
07:21Better been an army in that truck. Did they wipe out the entire crew over there?
08:11Hearing them talk at least they're scared of us. Just try not to let your guard down. I'm just saying
08:27Yeah, I see him stay low
08:40Hey, they finally caught the guy and his girl
09:16Look man, we can work something out. Okay. Yeah
09:31We're in survive what Oh comic book thing
09:45Guess this is how it ended for this zone
09:52Every battles got a losing side. What if they had families? Yeah, everyone has a family
09:58Best not to dwell on it
10:10Come here Ellie, okay
10:18There you go
10:39We're almost there
10:52Saw this right before the outbreak you did
10:56Does he totally gutter by the end?
10:59Nobody gets gutted. It's a it's a dumb teen movie who dragged you to see it them. I
11:05Don't know. Let's just stay focused. All right
11:09All right
11:10Let's go through the alley
11:14It's all right, just keep your head down
11:28When you making some more
11:36Saved your ass from that clicker last week. I'll think about it
12:50Think we lost him
13:18Okay, they can't see us
13:51Leave him alone
13:54Easy son
13:55Just take it easy. It's alright
13:58They're not the bad guys lower the gun
14:06Man you hit hard. I was trying to kill you
14:11Yeah, I thought you were one of them too
14:15Then I saw you
14:17If you haven't noticed they don't keep kids around
14:21Survival the fittest you're bleeding. That's nothing
14:28I'm Henry
14:32Sam I
14:34Think I caught your name was Joel
14:38How many are with you? They're all dead. Hey, we don't know that
14:44There were a bunch of us someone had the brilliant idea of entering the city look for supplies those fuckers they ambushed us
14:52Scattered us now. It's all about getting out of this shithole
14:56We can help each other Ellie safety and numbers and all that she's right
15:02Could help each other
15:04We got a hideout not too far from here
15:06Be safer if we chat there
15:12All right, take us there
15:15Follow me
15:18Sorry about the whole gun thing, don't worry I would have probably done the same thing
15:23Where are you from all the way from Hartford really heard some bad stuff going on down there
15:31We got to be careful, we're right next to one of the lookout areas
15:37This is just you and your daughter
15:39We're not related. We're more like I promise someone I'd look at her. Yeah, I can appreciate that
15:57Wait everyone be quiet get away from the windows
16:09They're gone
16:10Man, that fucking truck. It's been hounding us ever since we got in this damn
16:16Sam what are you doing? Nothing get rid of it
16:20My backpack is practically empty. What's the rule about taking stuff? It weighs like nothing rule. What is it?
16:28We only take what we have to that's right now, come on
16:36How far is this place we're close real close
16:55Ellie you watch our back what you find say nothing stay with her looks like someone was up there, but they're long gone
17:03So where are the others?
17:04They wanted to give it another once over make sure we didn't miss anything
17:08All right, keep an eye out over there
17:18Did it not bad old-timer
17:24Come on up on this truck
18:31Through this door you sure it's safe being so close to them
18:36And where'd you get that
18:40Now everybody through back here
18:55How old are you me?
18:5714 how old are you?
19:00The same. Oh, you're 14, huh? I'm close
19:05All right, I am
19:14We are
19:20Welcome to my office
19:24How long have you guys been holed up in here a few days we found a bit of food though here
19:33Blueberries found a whole stash of them. You want some? Oh
19:37No, I mean relax we're safe
19:43So, why haven't you left been waiting for the right opportunity and
19:50Here check this out
20:00Of these sons of bitches
20:03Every day they congregate down there garden that damn bridge
20:07Come nighttime. It's down to a skeleton curl
20:10after sunset
20:12That's our window
20:14most long gone
20:15sneak right past them
20:18That could work. Oh, it'll work. It'll definitely work
20:30It's been a while since that boy even cracked a smile
20:33She doesn't seem bothered by all this
20:38So, where were you heading
20:41For the fireflies are basically less than we're gonna join up
20:48Something funny
20:51It seems like there's a lot of people putting their stock on the fireflies these days. Yeah, maybe there's a reason for that
20:56So you don't know where they are and you're just gonna drag him across the country
21:00I tell you what, how about I worry about my brother you worry about your girl
21:07Easy we're looking for the fireflies, too
21:20This is us
21:22There's an abandoned military radio station just outside the city
21:25This is us
21:27There's an abandoned military radio station just outside the city
21:31Any survivors from our group? They're supposed to meet us there tomorrow
21:36You and your girl you won't join us it goes down tonight I
21:42Guess we best rest up there
21:55He says it's time to go
22:06Now we're gonna be moving fast, okay
22:08So no matter what you stick to me like glue like glue like glue. Got it. Good good
22:14All right. Y'all ready?
22:16Yeah, okay
22:19All right, y'all stay close. Okay
22:22You tried this before?
22:24Yeah, that's comforting
22:27Relax old man. Let's hope you know the way
22:30this way
22:55Okay, let's try to take him out quietly I'll follow you leave all right
23:11Hey, how you doing?
23:14Just trying to keep warm. How's it looking out there?
23:18They put down some infection. No sign of those tourists
23:23I think they're still in the city. Yeah, they're still around
23:36You got moves man got okay everyone move up
24:01See him
24:19Hold on there
24:22Nailed it just see that shit not bad
24:52Like this asshole
25:44Right, we did it
26:23Oh Henry, give me a hand with this. All right, you ready?
26:42Wait, wait
26:49God come on everyone
26:55Keep your eyes open. We ain't out of this mess yet
27:03All right, check it out
27:14We're good Sam, let's go. All right, kid. Come on
27:25Hurry hurry
27:39I'm sorry. We're leaving what bullshit. Hey now what the fuck Henry?
27:50We stick together
28:18Sounds like they found
28:20Spread out they might come through here
29:06See we could scavenge that was good
30:20How many bullets you have left they're gonna kill what the choice do we have we jump no, it's too high you can't swim
30:26I'll boost you up you run past
