Consume with dispassion || Acharya Prashant, on Ishavasya Upanishad (2017)

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Video Information:


~ Bhog (Consumption) is not possible without Yog!
~ What is 'Bhog'?
~ What are the elements of bhog?
~ What is 'Yog'?
~ How to experience the 'Prakriti'?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00You see, bhog is not something that is possible for us.
00:23So bhog without yoga is a contradiction.
00:29Have you ever seen a man shivering, trembling in fear?
00:34Is he able to eat?
00:35Where is bhog then?
00:39Where there is no yoga, there is fear.
00:45And where there is fear, how will you even partake in the simple delights of the world?
00:53Bhog won't happen.
00:56Even to experience the world, that's what I call as bhog, an experience of the world.
01:01Even to really and truly experience the world, you need to have a solid core, a unified core,
01:07that is what is called yoga, a unified core, a heart that is not shattered, a mind that
01:13is not divided and split and fragmented.
01:16Otherwise, how will you experience the world?
01:19You look at the people around, do you really feel that they are able to experience anything?
01:24Have people really experienced the delights that existence has to offer?
01:30Do we even experience happiness deeply?
01:36Do we even experience sadness deeply?
01:40Have you seen how many barriers we raise against sadness?
01:44The moment somebody is all in tears, his relatives pounce upon him, why are you weeping so much?
01:53The sweetheart has died, the man can't even weep, you are allowed to weep till a point
02:01and then sadness is not permissible, where is the question of bhog?
02:09The elements of bhog that are classically talked of, food, sex, pleasures in things,
02:16pleasures in places, do they happen with us?
02:20You are so afraid that you can't leave your job, how will you go and visit the world?
02:31Is bhog happening?
02:32Look at the common, normal, professional, he gets 10 days of leaves an year, alright
02:4415 are consumed by sickness and chicken guniya and such things, so de facto he is left with
02:5410 days.
02:56How much can he consume in these 10 days?
02:59Go to the west, there because of many kinds of securities available, fear is a little
03:09Social security is there and financial security is a little better than what we have here.
03:17So they are able to quit jobs and they are able to wander around.
03:22Now there is some bhog, now there is a little bhog, but the man who is clinging to his job
03:31as he is clinging to dear life because he is shivering, what will happen to my future
03:36if I lose my job?
03:38How will he, without yoga no bhog ever happens?
03:44It is a great misperception and an overestimation and an unnecessary self-gratification to tell
03:57ourselves that even without being yogast, we are experiencing, we are consuming the
04:07No, we are not.
04:08What do we know of the world?
04:09We are born on this earth, what do we know of this earth?
04:15The word bhog comes very commonly in the environment of sexual gratification.
04:25How does that happen?
04:30Look at the lives of people around you, are they really find any gratification in sex?
04:36The entire day you are spending in stress, all kinds of rubbish, tension, pushing others,
04:46getting pulled, getting split.
04:51What kind of sexual activity is then possible?
04:55Sex is for the free-minded.
04:58What bhog is possible?
05:03Very soon before you reach the age of 35, one's fears, one's desires, one's greed make
05:16one bide and one develops a tummy this big and there are three kids, where is the question
05:30of sambhog now?
05:35Is that not the reality of every household?
05:37Bhog, sambhog, all gone.
05:41Without yog, no bhog, simple.
05:47A Krishna really enjoys the world, we don't, Krishna is yogiraj, the Shiva really enjoys
05:57the world, Shakti is the world, because Shiva is Dadiyogi, we don't enjoy the world, we
06:09lead very barren lives, roti, sabzi, dal, chawal, full stop, where is bhog?
06:27Forget about international cuisine, do we even try out the various kinds of foods available
06:35around us in this country?
06:40We are prejudiced and where there is prejudice, where is the question of bhog?
06:52If you are happy beyond a point, you are cautioned, even admonished, you are just being too happy.
07:04Very soon, you will meet your fall, as they say nazar lag jayegi, you can't even be fully
07:13happy, you can't be too sad, you can't be too happy, where is the question of bhog?
07:25You can't sit still, you sit still, somebody would come and say, why are you turning into
07:33a stone?
07:35You dance too much, people will come and restrict you, not the way of decency, Sushila ji just
07:48called up, you too must be Sushila, you know what is Sushila?
08:11Where is bhog?
08:40Every breath is a reminder of joy, but only when you are available to that experience,
08:52not when your mind is absorbed in trivia and ten types of occupations.
09:05You talk of roti, every morsel is a reminder of the delight that life is, but only when
09:18you are available to really experience that morsel, we don't eat, we stuff ourselves.
09:28Where is bhog?
09:58The funny part is, there is no bhog, yet we so feel guilty about excessive bhog, externally
10:21we keep consuming and we have consumed so much that the earth is threatened now and
10:28the desire for consumption keeps on increasing, but really gratification is not happening.
10:38Consumption is there, a lot of food can be consumed, yet there is no gratification, true
10:46gratification comes with an inner fullness, with gratitude, without gratitude there is
10:52no real gratification and that is why consumption keeps increasing.
10:58In search of gratification consumption keeps increasing, you keep consuming more and more
11:04in the hope that quantity will lead to quality, you keep increasing the kilos, the inches,
11:17the quantity, the numbers, in the hope that numbers will lead to something that is not
11:25numerable, that is not measurable in numbers, it doesn't matter how much you run along the
11:35dimension of numbers, that will not take you into the dimension of the innumerable, immeasurable.
11:53Why is the man buying one car after the other, have you ever asked him?
11:59So that he can get some gratification, that he doesn't get, one car, why is the man offering
12:08much more than he can eat, he has called the waiter and he is like this, this, this and
12:18even the waiter is wondering, sir how many more are to come, you set a table for two
12:26and you ordered food enough for eight people, but the fellow just, maybe something would
12:32give me that little touch, that little heavenly delight, let me try much more than I can really
12:45have, maybe something will suffice, maybe something will click, nothing clicks, one keeps trying.
12:54If bhog means just gross consumption, then yes bhog is happening, but if bhog means really being
13:10delighted, then there is no bhog, it doesn't matter how many thousands and lakhs and crores
13:20you have spent, have you really ever been delighted, remember that delight is not reversible,
13:29one moment's delight is a permanent upliftment, you cannot say I was delighted once and then
13:43I returned to my base state, that is not possible.
13:50The poet said a thing of beauty is joy forever, it has a certain timelessness forever, has
14:03anything lasted forever for you, any delight, you had a great evening, did it last, you
14:14had a great honeymoon, did it last, great vodka, did it last, you are left with the
14:32hangover and probably the pills, nothing lasts.
14:56You see our peculiar situation, we are people who just cannot consume and yet we are destroying
15:05this planet with excessive consumption.
15:11Like a man whose intestines are now all rotten, perforated, intestines having holes, so he
15:27cannot absorb anything, but he keeps eating a lot in the hope that if he will eat a lot,
15:37maybe something will be absorbed.
15:40How can anything be absorbed when your entire canal from here till there is perforated,
15:48nothing is absorbed, but you keep putting in a lot, that's man's condition, very peculiar.
15:59It requires, you know of that right, it's all in the news, it requires many earths to
16:07provide for our levels of consumption, this little planet won't suffice.
16:18These excesses have a spiritual base to them because the lives of mankind are devoid of
16:32spirituality that is why man is eating away this planet and hence only true and innocent
16:46spirituality is the solution.
16:48You can keep trying fancy treaties, various agreements and such things, they are not going to work.
16:58You won't be able to control the temperature rise.
17:00It is already being said that a 2 degree rise is too much to ask.
17:14Probably we are looking at a 3.2 degree centigrade rise in temperature by the end of this century
17:21and what's responsible for that, man's unmitigated greed.
17:24You keep on, everybody wants to have more cars and bigger malls.
17:33When you are inside a mall, a shopping mall that is, have you ever wondered about its
17:38carbon footprint?
17:39Have you ever thought what's the ecological cost of the entire air conditioning?
17:48But you are consuming or so you think.
17:55You think that you are consuming because you spend a lot there, because you come back with
18:00fancy packets in hand and a tummy full of the flesh of lots of innocent animals.
18:10So you think that you have consumed.
18:17We don't consume, we think that we have consumed.
18:23Consumption hasn't happened.
18:32The Isha Vastu Upanishad says something very beautiful in this regard.
18:42It says, consume with dispassion.
18:51It instructs you to consume.
18:58That's the opening verse.
19:08Consume with dispassion.
19:15You don't need it really.
19:18You are fulfilled.
19:20You don't have expectations of spiritual fulfillment.
19:24You don't have a void within and now you have a relationship with the food.
19:32You are okay.
19:33You are not afraid.
19:36You are not desirous really.
19:37Now you have a relationship with food.
19:39That's quite strange.
19:43When you consume because of desire, it's desire that consumes you.
19:50You haven't consumed anything.
19:52And when you consume without desire, then you really consume.
19:57You will get up and ask, but why will we consume if we don't have desire?
20:02Because all our consumption is born out of, that's what the Upanishads and the Buddhas have taught.
20:11To consume without desire.
20:14Yes, that is possible.
20:21The desire that they are talking of is the inner faithlessness.
20:27Most of our desires proceed from there.
20:31Proceed to consume without faithlessness.
20:35Don't consume as if consumption will give you joy.
20:41If your life is godless, don't think that consumption will give you God.
20:46But that's how we consume.
20:50When the next car or the next woman arrives in our life, we feel as if God has arrived.
20:56Because our lives are ungodly, so we are looking for God in iron and flesh.
21:02Have a godly life and then if life so plays it out, have a car as well.
21:18Have God, then have car.
21:24It would be God's car.
21:29Have God, then have a man or woman in life.
21:33It would be a godly relationship.
21:36But if you have a car as a substitute for God, as a replacement for God, as a proxy for God,
21:47then the car would disappoint you.
21:50And the woman would irritate you as they do.
21:59You are asking too much from her.
22:02And the woman too is asking too much from the man.
22:08You want from the woman what only God can give you.
22:11And the woman wants from the man what only God can give.
22:17Total contentment is what you want and the man and the woman are going to fail.
22:24And then you are annoyed and then you say, you know, it was a bogus decision.
22:41It was just the heat of the moment and now I am paying for it.
22:52How much do you want to pay?
23:03You are already a pauper.
23:07You are already a pauper.
