Spiritual Entertainment (Superhit!) || Acharya Prashant, Vedant Mahotsav at IISc Bangalore (2022)

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Video Information: 09.09.2022, Vedant Mahotsav, IISc Bangalore

~ Is babaji superhuman?
~ Do Yogis have out-of-the-world experience?
~ Should one necessarily go to a cave to meditate?
~ We want entertainers, not Scriptures
~ How is reading more beneficial than having a guru?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Pranam Acharya ji. I think, I love reading books, but I have read few books, those kind
00:15of books I have read actually. From there, I just got to know in most of the books what
00:22they have written was actually they go out of the world, they go to some place and they
00:26do sadhana and they get this realized. And the first question we had in the morning was
00:32like Mukti is not out of the world, it's a way of life. So here, they are going out of
00:38the world and they are doing that. And this is also conditioned in my mind. Is it really
00:43necessary or something? So can you just throw some light on that?
00:49I guess the Kaddu Ke Karname debate was settled long back. It seems you still want to pursue.
01:02How many of you remember Kaddu Ke Karname? See, is it not settled yet? Man flies out
01:11of his body and out of his body he divides in three. He is simultaneously there in Moscow,
01:23London and Hathras. Astrophysics, nice. It's also impressive. As impressive as those comic
01:46strips we enjoyed in class 3. The yogi has to be superhuman after all. So he will do
01:57unbelievable things. So nice, good entertainment. What do you want now?
02:05No, in these books I have read like they have gone out of the, I mean, what you call this
02:10normal world and they did intense sadhana for getting realized.
02:14Where have they gone? They have gone to the caves or Himalayas.
02:21So you can go there. So what will you find there? A cave is a cave. There are so many caves. So
02:31what's special about caves? The ancient man, all of them used to live in caves. What's so
02:43special about that? All of them were realized. Everybody was living in caves. They had nothing
02:49better to live in. What's this? My thought process, they just went to avoid this distraction
03:01from the world. So you can do that, fine. Live in a cave. What do you want?
03:08Basically, it's an escape, I feel. Come, let's go to a cave. Why do all this? Let's go and sit in a
03:30cave. It requires a separate and dedicated kind of research. What is it about caves that attracts
03:45so-called spiritual people so much? You don't have electricity there, you don't have water,
03:57you don't even have toilet paper. How will you manage your daily quota of tweets? What will you
04:10do in a cave? The cave will soon start stinking. Where will you wash your clothes? I'm asking a few
04:21basic questions. They'll sound not spiritual. And I'm asking you these things. What will you do with
04:26your clothes? Okay. But that's what again, hundreds of generations of ancient man were
04:42doing exactly that. And all the animals do that even today. They live without clothes.
04:49That leads to enlightenment or what? I think in those books, Acharya ji,
05:03they say that it's a realization of at one moment, it's a euphoria moment. That's what
05:10they say. Leave enlightenment. Did you enjoy it or not? So, just collect money. It's not
05:22about enlightenment. It's about entertainment. You got good entertainment, fine. You just wait.
05:33One day I'll write a great entertainer. Maybe I'll make you two a character in that. That's
05:44what you want. Thrillers and entertainers. Great VFX. Why are we talking about all these childish
06:01things? Somebody flying around. That person has nothing better to do than to fly around. Why are
06:08you flying around like that? Come down. If you get a paranormal power, will you choose to just fly
06:21around? What are you doing? It is kiddish. There is nothing in it. Forget about being impressed by
06:35it. How can you even take it seriously? It is meant for below average IQ kind of people. It
06:48is not for the consumption of people who can think and understand. It is for imbeciles whose
06:59discretion has been blunted by overdose of belief. Belief, belief, belief and decades and decades of
07:13indiscreet belief simply kills your faculty to investigate, know and separate the fact from
07:24fiction. Belief compounded with fear. If you don't believe, something bad will happen to you.
07:33That belongs to the same genre as the kind of people who leave comments on social media saying
07:46if you do not subscribe to my channel, your mother will die. And they get ample subscribers.
07:54The kind of stories you are talking of belong to the same genre as the one making that comment.
08:05The writers of these two are coming from the same place. They are exploiting your
08:11vulnerability to beliefs. They are exploiting your exposure to fear. They are exploiting your
08:23lack of certainty in the truth. They exploit your risk averseness. They know very well that
08:39they can serve any kind of horse dung to you and you will not comprehensively reject it.
08:49Because you want to play safe. You want to say what if I reject it and some harm comes to me?
08:55What if there is a 0.1% chance that all this is true? Why should I be the first one to run the
09:05risk? Everybody else seems to believe in it. Let me also believe in it. Let me belong to the crowd.
09:11That's what they are exploiting and they will continue to exploit you. Because where there
09:19is very little devotion to the truth, there is all kinds of vulnerabilities and fears.
09:27And when you are afraid, then you cannot resist anything. Then you don't have the courage to pick
09:35up the book, turn a few pages and just throw it away like this and think this is nonsense.
09:39The man of truth, instead of discussing that kind of book, will just dismiss it,
09:46throw it away. Throw it away and if it deserves to be taken a bit more seriously, then burn it.
09:54But we want to play safe. Why? Because we do not know. We do not know anything. We do not
10:05know anything for sure. So we are risk averse. Because there is so much uncertainty.
10:17So you say the man is speaking with such confidence. Maybe what he is saying
10:23sounds incredulous, but it's true. Maybe. Everything in life is maybe. We never did
10:30anything with certainty. Because certainty lies only in truth and to that we were never fully
10:38devoted. The punishment is the entire world will keep making a fool of us.
10:47They will serve you nonsense and you will not have the courage to kick it away.
10:52And with such great confidence, they have continued to serve us garbage, book after book,
11:04book after book. Sometimes the yogis are flying, sometimes they are dealing with disembodied beings
11:17and there is no outrage. People take it. So simply take it.
11:28In an awakened society, the writers and publishers of such books would have been
11:44taken to task, would have been dragged to the courts and put behind bars.
11:53How can you serve this kind of toxic nonsense to the entire society?
12:01Just to further your influence? Just to push people deeper into fear so that you can lord over them?
12:18When somebody is afraid, it becomes possible to control him.
12:23They want to keep you in fear. They can't keep you in fear of guns or other kinds of tangible
12:29power because they don't have that. And when they have that, they exercise that.
12:34But they also know that where even guns are ineffective, ghosts come handy.
12:42Because guns you can verify. The fellow will say, you know, I am pointing a gun at you and
12:46say there is no gun. But the fellow can say, I am carrying two ghosts with me.
12:51And you can't even verify. So it's very important to keep you in awe of ghosts
12:58so that you can be controlled. And when you can be controlled, then you can be exploited.
13:03The only objective is to exploit and exploit and exploit. And that's why the one word they are very
13:08scared of is liberation. Because liberation means fearlessness. If you are fearlessness,
13:16then they cannot exploit you. Then they cannot draw power from you. Then they cannot rob your money.
13:22So they'll never let you be fearless. Book after book will keep pushing you deeper into fear.
13:33By making you believe in the paranormal, extraterrestrial,
13:37super transcendental. The only thing common among all these is none of them are verifiable.
13:47None of them can be scrutinized or objectively verified.
13:50They will say the verification is possible only by the one who has experienced it.
13:59You say these things are possible only by the one who has experienced it.
14:04You say these things don't exist because you have not experienced them.
14:07But then that exactly is called madness. If there is something that only you can see and nobody else
14:15can see, then it is not called existence. This is called madness. How many fingers?
14:23Huh? How many fingers? Suppose she says 7. So is she a seer with paranormal powers or is she
14:34simply mad? That's what. If there is something that only the experiencer can verify, it is a
14:43state of madness. They say no, you have not seen ghosts. So you keep refusing. But we have seen
14:55ghosts. We have experienced ghosts. I am a ghost. You better give up the ghost and liberate the
15:06earth of your presence. Think, if ghosts are actually
15:21concluded to be non-existent, what will happen to all the guru shops?
15:27Just think, the guru economy will collapse.
15:31It is running on everything that is beyond this world. Hence beyond you. Basically what they are
15:36saying is there is something beyond you but not beyond me. I am special. So come to me,
15:40give me money, become my follower, wash my feet. Only I can experience those things.
15:49They are disembodied beings that only I can see. Or those who have been blessed by me.
15:55There are these 3 minions. Chela 1, Chela 2, Chela 3. This one is Bhut specialist,
16:02this is Chudail specialist, this is Preth specialist.
16:12And then he has the guts to write an entire book and it sells.
16:17That's why there is so much climate catastrophe. This universe deserves to
16:28come to an end. If books like those can sell
16:35and be mentioned respectively, then this world deserves to be destroyed.
16:42And be mentioned respectively, then this world deserves to come to an end.
16:51I think we are making the same mistake of giving that entertainment through those books. We see
16:56that ratings and everything and the mass is also paying those books and we don't use our
17:02investigation and buy those books. I think that's the mistake. And we are seeing those books without
17:09investigation. The entire mass is taking their books.
17:13And think how you just suspend your discretion and your faculty to enquire when you are reading all
17:21that. Just watch yourself. You don't even want to enquire and question what the hell is being written
17:27here. One thing that the Guru will always have in plenty is confidence. He will ooze so much
17:37confidence, you will feel scared of questioning him. He says, I captured the ghost. I did it.
17:48And he will say it with such a flourish. You are left with no reason or opportunity
17:56to doubt or enquire, let alone negate or refute. Not possible.
18:08And you are a poor ordinary man
18:14in self-doubt, in diffidence. And he says, what can you do now? Finished.
18:26We are materialistic beings. So, we can see only the body and the outer shell. So, you are over-odd
18:35in a very planned way through the weight of personality. All these bluffmasters,
18:44they cultivate their personalities in a way to intimidate you. Look at their dresses. Just think
18:52how much time they have given to their dressing and that will tell you all about their intentions.
18:56Why will a sane person with something proper to do in life give so much time to dressing? Think.
19:06Think. So much attention to dress is either by cinestars or models or by Gurus. What's common
19:17between the three? They want to capture you through their dress and personality. That's
19:23the very intention. Because internally they are anyway hollow.
19:28So, the only way they can dominate you is through their outer appearance.
19:38And because we are unable to penetrate
19:44beneath the surface, beneath the clothes and the persona,
19:49we are taken in, captured.
20:03In spite of having heard all this, the next time a Veti Guru comes to you, you will again be
20:11intimidated. That's the tragedy. You will again find yourself short of courage to stand up and
20:19squarely question him. The one art that the Guru has definitely mastered is the art of dominance.
20:31The one art that the Guru has definitely mastered is the art of dominance.
20:48And that's the reason why religion has earned such a bad name today.
20:55An entire generation
20:57is simply leaning away
21:04from any kind of religiosity. And probably rightly so.
21:13Because in the name of religion, mostly what you get is just exploitation from some kind of Guru
21:21or somebody. Why should you be religious? Better stay away.
21:31Better read thinkers, philosophers. At least there you are not exploited. Even if you don't
21:37get any great benefits, at least you are not exploited. Normal fiction you may read.
21:43But if you read so called spiritual literature, then there is no end to the toxic impact it has
21:54on your mind.
