
  • 2 days ago
00:00Want to reduce waist size from 36 to 28?
00:07Easy tips here.
00:11Cardio exercises.
00:12Jogging, swimming and cycling can help reduce overall body fat, including stubborn belly
00:19Cardio for 30-45 minutes boosts metabolism and aids weight loss.
00:26Plank and abs workout.
00:28Abs exercises like planks, crunches and side planks effectively target belly fat and help
00:33tone the abdominal muscles.
00:35Aim for 3-4 sets daily for a slimmer waist.
00:40High protein diet.
00:42A diet rich in protein, including eggs, chicken, fish and lentils, helps build muscle mass
00:48and keeps you feeling full for longer, promoting weight loss by boosting metabolism.
00:56Green tea and herbal drinks.
00:57Green tea is known to accelerate metabolism and its antioxidants aid in weight loss.
01:03Detox water, such as lemon and ginger water, can also be beneficial.
01:10Avoid sugar and processed foods.
01:12Reducing sugar and processed food intake significantly contributes to reducing belly and waist fat.
01:19Replace them with fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
01:25Intermittent fasting.
01:26Intermittent fasting helps shift the body into a fat-burning mode, improving insulin
01:31sensitivity and promoting weight loss.
01:37Drink plenty of water.
01:38Drinking enough water is crucial for maintaining a healthy metabolism and flushing out toxins
01:43from the body.
01:44Aim for at least 8-10 glasses daily.
01:49Get 8 hours of sleep.
01:51Stress and irregular sleep patterns can hinder weight loss efforts.
01:55Ensure you get 7-8 hours of quality sleep and practice meditation or yoga to manage
02:01stress levels.