Surah Al Fateh || Tilawat e Quran || quran recitation || learn quran |

  • 2 days ago
In this video, you will listen to the recitation of Surah Al-Fateh , it is a very sweet surah

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00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:06In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:13Verily, We have opened for you a clear opening
00:20That Allah may forgive you your past sins and your future sins
00:28And perfect His favor upon you and guide you to a straight path
00:37And may Allah grant you a mighty victory
00:43It is He who sent down tranquility into the hearts of the believers
00:52That they may increase in faith with their faith
00:59And to Allah belong the hosts of the heavens and the earth
01:04And ever is Allah Knowing and Wise
01:09That He may admit the believers into gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein
01:26And that He may remove from them their misdeeds
01:31And that is with Allah a great achievement
01:38And that He may punish the hypocrites and the hypocrites and the polytheists and the polytheists
01:46Who think of Allah with the thought of evil
01:54Upon them is the circle of evil
02:01And Allah was angry with them and cursed them and prepared for them Hell
02:09And it was an evil destination
02:15And to Allah belong the hosts of the heavens and the earth
02:20And ever is Allah Knowing and Wise
02:24Indeed, We have sent you as a witness and a bearer of good tidings and a warner
02:37That you may believe in Allah and His Messenger and glorify Him and honor Him
02:45And glorify Him morning and evening
02:51Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you pledge allegiance only to Allah
02:59The hand of Allah is above their hands
03:03So whoever rebels, he rebels against himself
03:11And whoever fulfills what Allah has promised him, He will give him a great reward
03:20Those of the Arabs who are behind you will say to you,
03:25Our wealth and our family have made us busy, so ask forgiveness for us
03:33They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts
03:41Say, then, who has for you from Allah anything if He intends for you harm or intends for you benefit?
03:54Rather, Allah is Aware of what you do
04:00Rather, you thought that the Messenger and the believers would never return to their families
04:13And that was adorned in your hearts and you thought and forgot
04:25And you were a poor people
04:31And whoever does not believe in Allah and His Messenger, then indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers a blazing fire
04:45And to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills
05:00And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful
05:06Those who are behind you will say when you set out to the spoils so that you may take them and leave us, we will follow you
05:17They want to replace the words of Allah
05:23Say, you will not follow us like that
05:29Allah said before, and they will say, no, you envy us
05:36Rather, they did not understand except a little
05:42Say to those who are behind from the Arabs, you will be called to a people who are severe in battle, you will fight them or submit
05:56So if you obey, Allah will give you a good reward
06:02And if you turn away as you turned away before, He will punish you a painful punishment
06:13There is no blame on the blind or on the lame or on the sick
06:24And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, He will admit him to gardens beneath which rivers flow
06:36And whoever turns away, He will punish him a painful punishment
06:44Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree, and He knew what was in their hearts, and He sent down tranquility upon them and gave them a near victory
07:08And many spoils they will take, and Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise
07:17Allah has promised you many spoils you will take, so He has hastened for you this, and He has restrained the hands of the people from you, so that it may be a sign for the believers and guide you to a straight path
07:41And there are others upon which you have no power, Allah has encompassed them, and Allah is Able to do all things
07:54And if those who disbelieve fought you, they would have turned their backs, then they would not find a guardian or helper
08:07It is the way of Allah which has passed away before, and you will not find for the way of Allah a change
08:20And it is He who has restrained their hands from you and your hands from them in the belly of Makkah after He has forgiven you against them
08:35And Allah is Seeing of what you do
08:40They are the ones who disbelieved and turned you away from the Sacred Mosque and the Guidance, unwilling to reach its place
08:53And if there were no believing men and believing women whom you did not know to obey them, a punishment from them would have come upon you without knowledge
09:19That Allah may admit into His mercy whom He wills
09:28If they were to turn away, We would have punished those who disbelieved among them a painful punishment
09:37When He made those who disbelieved in their hearts the scalding water of ignorance, then Allah sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers
09:59And He forced them to say the word of righteousness, and they were surrounded by it and its people, and Allah is Knowing of all things
10:13Indeed, Allah has spoken the truth of His Messenger's vision. You will surely enter the Sacred Mosque. If Allah wills, you will be secure, your heads will be raised high and your heads will be lowered. Do not fear
10:37So He knew what you did not know, and He made other than that a near victory
10:46It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make it prevail over all religion, and sufficient is Allah as a Witness
11:02Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
11:32That is their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the Gospel
11:53Like a seed that He brings forth its stem, and He causes it to germinate, and it bears fruit, and it stands firm on its stem. He amazes those who are astray, that the disbelievers may be enraged by them. Allah has promised those who believe and do good works among them forgiveness and a great reward
12:23Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
