In Blossom Season 1 Episode 19 (English Sub)

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In Blossom Season 1 Episode 19 (English Sub)


00:16起风 夜残雨下 The wind rises, the night is still young
00:25青丝 蓦然出花 The green leaves are suddenly blooming
00:33寥寥回忆竟绵长 Memories are long
00:38却只能装聋作哑 Yet I can only pretend to be dumb
00:43扣了 你的 勉强 And cut off your strength
00:51雪散如柳梢 天明自强 The snow falls like a stream, the sky is bright
00:56爱重建或崩塌 Love rebuilds or collapses
01:00岁月烟青桑 用力去伴 As time goes by, I'll use my strength to accompany
01:05你伪装的潇洒 You in disguise
01:09未寻的梦啊 心念之恩 The dream I've been searching for, the love of my heart
01:14怎会不变沉沉 How can it not become true
01:18你若近在咫尺的天涯 If you're close to my fingertips
01:23我想握住 却只能装傻 Yet I can only pretend to be dumb
01:48你是潘大人之后第二个来看我的人 You are the second person to see me after Lord Pan
02:09你能通过脚步声辨人 You can tell people by the sound of footsteps
02:14还有气息和心跳 I can feel your breath and heartbeat
02:17我还知道你此刻心中有很多的疑问 I know you have a lot of questions in your heart
02:22是 但我知道你不愿意多说 Yes, but I know you don't want to talk
02:34你不是沈慈 对吗 You're not Shen Ci, are you?
02:44那我是谁 Then who am I?
02:46我去过新政书院 I've been to Xinzheng Academy
02:48那里的学子与当下盛行的横掘礼俗放荡不羁不同 The students there are different from those in the present
02:53个个都端庄讲理 They are all dignified and reasonable
02:55可是你身上一点新政书院的影子都没有 But you don't have any trace of Xinzheng Academy
03:01那我就不能是沈慈的冤魂吗 Can't I be Shen Ci's soul?
03:05如果你是冤魂 If you're his soul
03:07既已复仇成功自然可以前往极乐 Since you've succeeded in your revenge, you can go to Jile
03:11为何又会身陷囹圄呢 Why would you go to Jile?
03:15所以你的冤还没报 So your grudge hasn't been avenged yet
03:23但是我来只是想要告诉你 But I'm here to tell you
03:26我不知道你有什么冤仇苦衷 I don't know what your grudge is
03:30不过与其把希望寄托在虚无缥缈的鬼魂身上 But why don't you choose to work with people
03:34为什么不选择跟人合作呢 Instead of putting your hope on a false ghost?
03:42世人只知道鬼可怕 却不知在鬼魂的世界里人才是最可怕的 People only know that ghosts are scary, but they don't know that in the world of ghosts, people are the scariest
03:51我以前也觉得死人比活人可信 I used to think that dead people were more credible than living people
03:56但是后来发现这个世界上还是有很多值得让我相信的东西 But later I realized that there are still many things in this world that are worth believing in
04:06潘大人是个可信之人 Mr. Pan is a credible person
04:08如果你真是无辜的 他定会还你公道 If you are innocent, he will give you justice
04:32看来得去一趟南郡才能查出狱中人的身份 It seems that I have to go to the Southern Province to find out the identity of the people in the prison
04:39也可趁此机会与他单独相处 Don't take this opportunity to be alone with him
04:48尚文哲 牢里的那个沈慈 你怎么看 Mr. Pan, what do you think of Shen Ci?
04:54他既不辩解又不合作 整个人如云山雾罩 He neither explains nor cooperates with others. He is like a cloud in the sky
05:00但我觉得这件事情一定有隐情 But I think there must be something fishy about this
05:03不错 不管牢里的那个人是谁 定和沈慈脱不了干系 要想查明其中缘由 恐怕得去一趟沈慈老家才能弄清楚她的底细 That's right. No matter who the person in the prison is, it must have something to do with Shen Ci
05:11要想查明其中缘由 恐怕得去一趟沈慈老家才能弄清楚她的底细 If you want to find out the reason, I'm afraid you have to go to Shen Ci's hometown to figure out her background
05:18那辛苦大人跑一趟 Mr. Pan, thank you for coming here
05:19听说这南郡有很多好吃的 黄桥烧饼 杨州汤包 还有桂花糯米糕 定能医解这口舌之愈 I heard there are a lot of delicious food in Nanjing, such as Huangqiao pancakes, Yangzhou soup buns, and osmanthus glutinous rice cakes. I'm sure they can cure the tongue disease
05:46听起来真的不错 It sounds really good
05:50那大人你多吃点 Mr. Pan, you should eat more
05:54沈文之 你一日在沁阳 便一日是我的属下 既然是我的属下 那理应为我分忧 Shen Wenzhi, you've been in Qingyang for a day and you've been my subordinate for a day. Since you're my subordinate, you should share my burden
06:04大人的意思是 让我去啊 Mr. Pan, you mean I should go?
06:09可是我本来想的是与大人分头行动 But I was going to split up with Mr. Pan
06:12你去查访 我就去打听打听勾魂的方数 You go to the interview and I'll go to find out how to win the soul
06:16不过你要是实在不想去查访的话 那家里电话你去打听方数 But if you really don't want to go to the interview, then call your family and ask about the formula
06:21区区方数还用我亲自去查吗 随便找个人去不就办了 I don't need to check the formula myself. I can just find someone to go
06:27那不然你是想让我跟你一块去 那不然你不是见我就烦吗 You want me to go with you? Don't you get annoyed when you see me?
06:36我见男人更烦 我到时候还要麻烦你打听 我见男人更烦 我到时候还要麻烦你打听 I'm more annoyed when I see men. I'll have to ask you again
06:40行了 这事就这么定了 Okay, it's settled
06:42这 这 这 什么意思啊 What do you mean?
06:46奇奇怪怪的 Weird
06:56公子 已经按照您的吩咐将所有县衙序里都查了一遍 可有一点 没有 非但没有 反而所有的人都挺努力工作的 具体说说 先说这个陈务所吧
07:13这个陈务所之前屡屡被初学武作的上官小姐给打压 心里面不愤 所以每日啊都早早回家 刻苦钻研 老主不无儿无女 吃睡也都在县衙里面 但是他的咳急愈发严重 所以这段日子也都没有外出过 基本上都在档房里 而刘捕快之前贪财懦弱 是这一次的重点调查对象
07:42但是我暗中查访 发现他原来是一位孝子 之前贪财懦弱 也只是为了保住饭碗 好让一家人能过上好日子 但自从登会案之后 受到公子赶赵 从此拒收贿金 一心办案 其他衙医也都没有查出任何疑点
10:28why did you say it was a date?
10:31I was acting for the spy.
10:35By the way,
10:36where's your partner?
10:37Why didn't you tag along?
10:39Ah Jiang?
10:41We're just good friends.
10:42We don't have to be together all the time.
10:59Didn't you say the soy sauce was a lie?
11:02Why did you bring these?
11:04Aren't you one of them?
11:21It's all Aze's fault.
11:22To numb the spy in Xi'an,
11:25he also set us up.
11:28What a waste of effort.
11:59Are you tired?
12:00Look at me.
12:33Why does this book
12:34look like it just came out?
12:37I asked Ling'er to steal it from the ghost market.
12:41Did it say anything useful?
12:47There's a very interesting summoning spell.
12:51Do you want to go?
12:52Tell me about it.
12:54It says,
12:56take one strand of each other's hair,
12:58put it at the bottom of the cup,
12:59fill the cup with green plum wine,
13:01take a sip,
13:03and think of the name 17 times.
13:05Then the other person will appear.
13:09If you really miss someone,
13:12whether you open your eyes
13:14or close them,
13:16you can see the other person.
13:24Don't you want to try
13:26whether this method works?
13:28I want to try.
13:37Here you are.
13:42Didn't you always hate me
13:44for being so picky with you?
13:46If you really can summon me,
13:48you can let me control you.
13:50Isn't that revenge?
13:54Holding hands, holding arms,
13:56loving each other, loving each other.
13:58It seems to be a good idea
14:01to go back and forth.
14:08when you need me in the future,
14:10say my name 17 times.
14:12Don't forget it.
14:14You are warm and I am warm.
14:19Don't think about it.
14:46Received a letter from the Flying Pigeon at the cliff.
14:51Pan Yue and Shangguan Zhi
14:55went to Yuxiang Lake for an outing.
14:58But they were asked to inquire
15:01that they didn't go there at all.
15:07Where did they go?
15:10Pan Yue is investigating the Gui Huo case.
15:14They must go for interrogation.
15:18You must find out their whereabouts this time.
15:24Sun Zhen.
15:27Bring enough people.
15:29This time,
15:32we must end the trouble forever.
15:36But you said before
15:39Pan Yue is a good son-in-law.
15:41If we kill him,
15:43we will be in trouble.
15:47If he knows the secret of the Ghost Forest,
15:50we will die without a burial place.
15:55Just like killing Yang Ji'an back then.
16:00We won't leave any traces.
16:05Yes, I understand.
16:47Yuxiang Lake
16:57It's so lively here.
16:59Today is the Banpu Festival.
17:02It is said that many centuries ago,
17:04you can find all kinds of food and snacks here.
17:07You know a lot about this place.
17:14Take all the luggage.
17:15I'll go there later.
17:17Let me see.
17:18Do you want to hang it here?
17:37Take a look.
17:39All kinds of food are hanging here.
17:41Who hates the sound of the flute?
17:45Who has a bitter memory?
17:51Who accidentally lost his memory?
17:54Do you like it?
17:56Buy one.
17:58No, I don't like it.
18:00Since it's Banpu Festival,
18:02why don't you go back to your childhood?
18:04Let's go.
18:12Why did you choose this?
18:13I'm nostalgic.
18:14I liked it when I was a kid.
18:16I still like it now.
18:17Do you want to play it?
18:17If you don't, I'll play it.
18:23Hurry up.
18:43There are wind and rain in this world.
18:49I still remember
18:50the grass man
18:53who played the flute well.
19:20The lamb legs in this restaurant are the best.
19:22Please taste it while it's hot.
19:29Sir, you eat, too.
19:32You're so shy.
19:35Why don't you call me when you come to Nanjun?
19:38Why did you come here?
19:40I'm a young master after all.
19:41It's not easy to find you.
19:44Young Master Zhuo has a sharp nose.
19:46He's almost as good as a hound.
19:48What do you want to eat? It smells good.
19:53Mr. Pan.
19:54You don't know how to take care of people, right?
19:55The lamb legs
19:56are the best.
19:58I'll buy it for you.
20:04This part is the best.
20:07Here it is.
20:08The signature dish of this restaurant,
20:09Double Dragon Porridge.
20:34It's a long journey.
20:35Eat more.
20:41Mr. Pan.
20:42When did you become so good at taking care of people?
20:44I'm a man of my word.
20:45I should take care of people.
20:47I'm afraid that if you care too much,
20:49people will gossip about you.
20:51I'm a man of my word.
20:53People may be bewitched by your skin.
20:55I'll scold you.
20:56But I won't stop.
20:58You'll be implicated by innocent people
21:00and be criticized.
21:01I have my own plan
21:02for taking care of people.
21:04You don't need to be considerate to me.
21:08I'm too lazy to be considerate.
21:13What's wrong with Pan Yue?
21:16A while ago,
21:17he wanted me to move out of the county.
21:19Now he's gone.
21:21How can he be so considerate to me?
21:26I didn't expect the Fanpu Festival to be so lively.
21:28There are no extra rooms.
21:30Mr. Pan.
21:31I'll have to ask you to stay with me tonight.
21:34No problem.
21:36I'll stay across the street.
21:38Call me if you need anything.
21:41I'll stay across the street, too.
21:42If you want to chat,
21:43call me anytime.
22:01Pan Yue
22:05Mr. Pan.
22:06It's just a game.
22:08You don't have to make a fuss.
22:09Tell me.
22:11Why did you come here?
22:14I'll tell you
22:15why you came here.
22:16If it's just for Shangguan Zhi,
22:19you don't have to ambush so many people outside.
22:21Shangguan Zhi
22:30I think it's okay.
22:33Put the sword down.
22:41Someone wants to kill you.
22:44It's them.
22:47How do you know?
22:49About Shui Bowen,
22:51what did you hide from me?
22:56What do you mean?
22:58Aze said
22:59at the lantern show that day,
23:01you left in a hurry
23:03after you saw Gu Yong's dart.
23:06Did you recognize the killer?
23:11Pan Yue
23:13I don't need you to tell me anything.
23:15I don't need to tell you anything, either.
23:17You just need to know
23:19I'm not on the same side as those people.
23:23I don't need to say anything.
23:43The host suddenly came.
23:44He is also in the inn now.
23:49It seems that he has noticed something.
23:57Are we still following the plan?
24:19I'm sorry.
24:20The inn is full.
24:25We rushed here to attend the Fanpu Festival.
24:28We didn't expect that all the inns nearby were full.
24:32Now the rain is getting heavier and heavier.
24:34Can you find a place
24:37for us to stay?
24:39The horse shed and the firewood shed are all available.
24:46Here you are.
24:48I'll take care of it.
24:50Then you have to stay in the horse shed.
25:15What's wrong?
25:17Are you okay?
25:18You scared me.
25:21Why are you so nervous?
25:27I'm here to care about you.
25:31Are you hiding something from me?
25:38Then you go back first.
25:39I'm going to sleep.
25:48I'm going to sleep.
26:06Since you can't sleep,
26:08have some wine.
26:29I heard that Young Master Zhuo
26:30was studying in the capital.
26:33Then he came back to take over the Silver Wings Inn.
26:36This is a big change.
26:43My father has high expectations of me.
26:45I hope that when I grow up,
26:47I won't be hurt like him
26:49and do things against my will.
26:51After my father died,
26:53the Silver Wings Inn was in turmoil.
26:55I don't want the country he built
26:58to be destroyed like this.
27:01if I were to leave,
27:02I'm sure you would do the same.
27:09Not everyone is as lucky as Young Master Zhuo.
27:13My father has high expectations of me since I was young.
27:17He hopes that
27:18I will never appear in this world.
27:22And my biggest reward for him
27:26is that I won't let him have his way.
27:33Young Master Zhuo is a generous man.
27:35Why is he so loyal to
27:37the eldest daughter of the capital,
27:38Shangguan Zhi?
27:43I heard that Lord Pan
27:46despises Shangguan Zhi.
27:48Now that he has changed his mind,
27:51I'm also worried.
27:54It seems that
27:56both of us have found
27:58something that Shangguan Zhi doesn't know.
28:03For example?
28:05For example?
28:08For example, he is an interesting person.
28:14There aren't many interesting people in Heyang.
28:17you are one of them.
28:21I didn't know that
28:23Young Master Zhuo had such high expectations of me.
28:27If we don't like the same woman,
28:31we can become good friends.
28:39Come on.
28:40Let's make a toast to the possibility of becoming friends.
29:17I helped a lot of rich people from other places.
29:21Tie them all up.
29:31Go to report to His Majesty.
29:34If you let me go now
29:35and protect Shangguan Zhi,
29:37I will give you a satisfactory answer.
29:56Do you want to die?
30:05Do you want to die?
30:16Do you want to die?
31:04Those people outside are coming for us.
31:07They are from Shui Bu Wen.
31:11You go first. I will cover you.
31:13Be careful.
31:51We have to get rid of them quickly.
32:11What's wrong?
32:16What's wrong?
32:46Chen Shiyin
32:49Bai Yun
32:59Bai Yun
33:01Bai Yun
33:06Bai Yun
33:10A woman was hanging her hair on the bottom of a cup.
33:13After you take a sip of the green plum wine,
33:15say its name 17 times,
33:18and the other party will appear.
33:21when you need me in the future,
33:23remember to say the name 17 times.
33:43How are you?
33:56Where did you get hurt?
34:00You really came.
34:13You really came.
34:42Young Master.
34:44Chief Sun.
34:46Are you going to rebel?
34:50Sun Zhen.
34:51I know you still care about the Zhuo family's affection for you.
34:54Why did you betray Yin Yulou?
34:56Who is behind you?
34:59Young Master.
35:01There are some things
35:03you still don't know why.
35:13Young Master.
35:21Miss Shangguan.
35:23Young Master is right.
35:24Those people are all from Yin Yulou.
35:26And the leader is Chief Sun Zhen.
35:43What's wrong with you?
35:48Are you not feeling well?
35:51I'm fine.
35:52I think I caught a cold.
35:58Your forehead is so hot.
36:01Find a place to set foot nearby.
36:10Hurry up.
36:14Kneel down.
36:18Kneel down.
36:23Young Master.
36:25It's almost dawn.
36:26There is still no trace of Chief Sun.
36:29Go back to Heyang first.
36:31Find him no matter what.
36:44Young Master.
36:47Give it to me.
36:48Go to the nearby pharmacy and get some medicine.
37:14Shangguan Zhi.
37:16Shangguan Zhi.
37:20I'm fine.
37:21I'm fine.
37:51I'm fine.
37:52I'm fine.
37:53I'm fine.
37:54I'm fine.
37:55I'm fine.
37:56I'm fine.
37:57I'm fine.
37:58I'm fine.
37:59I'm fine.
38:00I'm fine.
38:01I'm fine.
38:02I'm fine.
38:03I'm fine.
38:04I'm fine.
38:05I'm fine.
38:06I'm fine.
38:07I'm fine.
38:08I'm fine.
38:09I'm fine.
38:10I'm fine.
38:11I'm fine.
38:12I'm fine.
38:13I'm fine.
38:14I'm fine.
38:15I'm fine.
38:16I'm fine.
38:17I'm fine.
38:18I'm fine.
38:19I'm fine.
38:20I'm fine.
38:21I'm fine.
38:22I'm fine.
38:23I'm fine.
38:24I'm fine.
38:25I'm fine.
38:26I'm fine.
38:27I'm fine.
38:28I'm fine.
38:29I'm fine.
38:30I'm fine.
38:31I'm fine.
38:32I'm fine.
38:33I'm fine.
38:34I'm fine.
38:35I'm fine.
38:36I'm fine.
38:37I'm fine.
38:38I'm fine.
38:39I'm fine.
38:40I'm fine.
38:41I'm fine.
38:42I'm fine.
38:43I'm fine.
38:44I'm fine.
38:45I'm fine.
38:46I'm fine.
38:47I'm fine.
38:48I'm fine.
38:49I'm fine.
38:50I'm fine.
38:51I'm fine.
38:52I'm fine.
39:01He actually
39:04took a glance at me.
40:20Pan Yu kissed me?
40:22Pan Yu kissed me?
40:27Why did Pan Yu kiss me?
40:29How could he possibly...
40:36You're awake.
40:42Here, drink the medicine.
40:46I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it.
40:48Thank you, thank you.
41:00It's an illusion.
41:02It must be an illusion.
41:08Or was it just a dream?
41:11It must be a dream, I definitely didn't wake up.
41:15It's a dream.
41:19Young Master, have you packed your things?
41:23Walk slowly later.
41:25No need to rush in.
41:27Shangguan Zhi just got better.
41:29Don't overdo it.
41:31Young Master, I've been with you for so long.
41:33I've never seen you care so much about anyone.
41:35You're so considerate.
41:37You still don't admit that you have no feelings for Miss Shangguan?
41:40Can't I like Shangguan Zhi?
41:46Pan Yu likes me?
41:48He actually really likes me.
41:52No wonder.
41:53He asked me to go to Shen Ci's hometown with him.
41:56He was so concerned about me along the way.
41:58That's why he just...
42:06That's not right.
42:08I'm Shangguan Zhi now.
42:10He likes a fake Shangguan Zhi.
42:12Not me, Yang Caiwei.
42:14No, no, no.
42:15That's not right either.
42:16The fake Shangguan Zhi is Yang Caiwei.
42:26Why has she been gone for so long?
42:28She's not back yet?
42:32All right.
42:33You can go now.
42:39A month after I was born,
42:42he was engaged to the princess.
42:45Now he's in love with Shangguan Zhi.
42:48What is he thinking?
42:51Is love to him
42:53just a stone
42:54that he can pick up and put down at any time?
43:03Thank you, sir.
43:04You're welcome.
43:08Why is she so stupid?
43:11Did I do something wrong?
43:22Thank you, sir.
43:23You're welcome.
43:35Let me help you.
43:36Thank you, sir.
43:37You're welcome.
43:38Shangguan Zhi.
43:40Do you have a problem with me?
43:42You're the son-in-law of the court.
43:43How can I have a problem with you?
43:49I have to explain this misunderstanding as soon as possible.
44:12You're welcome.
44:26Young Master.
44:27The princess...
44:31I didn't see anything.
44:33Why did the queen summon you?
44:37Young Master.
44:39The princess sent me a letter.
44:41Hmph, you brought the princess's letter with you while you were writing Shangguan Zhi. You really are two-timing me.
45:12No, no matter how curious I am, I shouldn't open his letter.
45:19Since you're so curious, why don't you open it yourself?
45:31I haven't opened this letter yet. Help me see what important things are written on it.
45:56My engagement with the princess is fake.
46:07Ah, it's really you.
46:09I'm the prince.
46:11You're the princess?
46:16You're the princess?
46:22You're the princess?
46:27I'm the princess.
46:29I'm the princess.
46:32Oh, I see.
46:34In the early morning
46:38We decided to rely on each other
46:42How many eyes
46:46Deceived me, but often see
46:50Trapped you, but serious
46:55The past is too heavy, it is inevitable to look back
47:03How many times do I have to experience despair
47:07In order to be able to love and hate
47:11At the moment when everyone is holding hands
47:15Is it free or weak
47:19In fact, insulting the heart is a hasty indifference
47:24I only dare to be a stranger with you
47:28Struggling a few red lotus
47:31Even if the budget is not forgotten in this life
47:36If the grass is not cut off, people are like ginseng
47:40The water is empty, but the grass is not cut off
47:45I just don't want to live up to this yearning
47:49I just don't want to live up to this yearning
47:58In fact, insulting the heart is a hasty indifference
48:03I only dare to be a stranger with you
48:07Struggling a few red lotus
48:10Even if the budget is not forgotten in this life
48:15If the grass is not cut off, people are like ginseng
48:18The water is empty, but the grass is not cut off
48:24I just don't want to live up to this yearning
48:28I just don't want to live up to this yearning
48:37Live up to this yearning
