Biker Mice from Mars Episode - the Pits 90's Cartoon Full Episode

  • avant-hier
00:00Musique de générique
00:10Musique d'ambiance
00:40Musique d'ambiance
01:10Musique de Bail
01:23I would like to deposit my whole life shavings here, please.
01:31One, two, seven.
01:34Typical. This kind of thing always happens when I go to the bank.
01:40This is a robbery. Everyone on the floor.
01:44Not my life shavings, I beg of you.
01:54Now let's make this short and sweet, bros.
01:56Hold it right there. I got me a hostage here.
02:00Charlie, you guys always think I'm the hostage.
02:03You guys better surrender or I'm gonna fry me some bacon for breakfast.
02:08Please. Please.
02:14As much as it hurts, we've got no choice, bros.
02:16Man, don't you just hate being a good guy sometimes?
02:20Now raise your hands.
02:23Let's lift them, pardes.
02:26Now, let's get cooking.
02:50Let's go.
03:52Yeah, warm but not burnt.
03:54Moto, lights out.
04:00Come to mama.
04:03Let's blow this joint.
04:06The game's not over till the fat lady sings, sports fans.
04:10Yeah, we're going to overtime.
04:12Big time.
04:14Let's ride.
04:17Vincent, you and Charlie take that one.
04:19Moto, you come with me.
04:25Big time.
04:26I'll be just fine, thanks.
04:32Told you, doll.
04:33Hey, how'd you like a titanium tip reminder of road safety hot stuff?
04:38Oh, this lady is hot.
04:44Am I the absolute baddest man in town?
04:49Hey, Charlie girl.
04:50Tell me when you're going to butt in like that.
04:52You wouldn't shut up.
04:53You've just got to learn a little patience.
04:57Don't move.
05:03Wow, I think these guys got the answer to rush our traffic, huh?
05:06Yeah, well, my bike wants to ask a few more questions.
05:12Man, we've got to take them to the hospital.
05:16Man, we've got to take these clowns before they get to the pits.
05:19What pits you talking about?
05:20Ah, those deep craters outside town, remember?
05:23Lindbergh dug them before we came to Earth.
05:25I hear they're full of criminals and sleazoids now.
05:27Why, you think these guys came from there?
05:29They look like boy scouts to you, genius.
05:32Let's nail them.
05:41Nice shot, partner. We got them.
05:45Oh, boy. Afraid you got that wrong, bro.
05:48He's got us.
05:52Well, they may not be boy scouts, but they sure were prepared.
05:56Cut loose from this junk heap.
05:58When it hits, we don't want to go along with it.
06:01So, what's the plan?
06:02We've got to turn this free fall into a long, controlled jump.
06:05Now, on my signal, we fire our jets.
06:08Think it'll work?
06:09You want an honest answer?
06:11Take your time.
06:13Good, let's do it.
06:15This is most intriguing news, dear boy.
06:18You say those obnoxious biker mice
06:20were actually fighting other criminal elements besides us?
06:24Yeah, they saved my penny collection.
06:27Boy, they was great, boss.
06:29I wonder if they has a fan club.
06:32Grease Pit, dear boy.
06:34I'm sure they have a fan club.
06:36I'm sure they have a fan club.
06:38Grease Pit, dear boy.
06:40I'm sure they has a fan club.
06:42I'm sure they has a fan club.
06:44Dear boy.
06:45Yeah, boss?
06:46Shut up!
06:49Sorry, boss.
06:54One, two, four, nine,
06:5757, 40, 51.
07:01Other criminals.
07:05Any enemy of the biker mice is definitely a friend of mine.
07:10Who were they?
07:12I don't know, boss.
07:14Then find them!
07:18They must have come this way.
07:20Yeah, when my bros leave a trail, they leave a trail.
07:31They must have gone into the pit.
07:33That's why they never came back.
07:35Now that's a radical leap.
07:37They could have been killed.
07:39If they weren't, they just broke my high jump record.
07:41Vinny, you don't understand.
07:43The pits have been taken over by some of the worst criminals on Earth.
07:47If Throttle and Moto are down there, they must be fighting for their lives.
07:50They could be getting beaten, shot at, blown up.
07:54We have to do something.
07:56We are.
07:58We're sending me down there.
08:00Vinny, be serious.
08:02Hey, Charlie girl, if my bros are getting beaten up,
08:05or shot at, or blown up, et cetera,
08:08then Vinny is gonna be there.
08:10Vinny, that's very noble.
08:12Noble schmoble.
08:14You think I'm gonna let them two glory hogs keep all the fun for themselves?
08:17Right. Man, I can't wait to get down there.
08:20You're a real piece of work, Vinny.
08:22Hey, pretty lady.
08:24What took you so long to notice?
08:35Man, my head feels like Van Whalen been using it for a drum set.
08:39So, it can talk, too.
08:43Seven foot talking mice on motorcycles.
08:47Man, they'll let anybody into these pits, won't they?
08:52Hey, that's not fair. He was tied up.
08:55Well, fair ain't how we do business in the pits, boys.
08:59And you better get used to that real fast.
09:03What do you want from us, pit breath?
09:06Pit breath.
09:09It's simple, pancake ears.
09:12I hear your bikes are pretty hot.
09:15Just what my pit crew needs.
09:18But the bikes seem to have a problem.
09:22So, here's the deal.
09:24You get those bikes to work for me,
09:27and maybe, just maybe, I'll let you go.
09:33No deal. No one rides my bike but me.
09:35Specially not some porked out pompous pit pig like you.
09:39Big talk, fuzz face.
09:41But a bigger mistake.
09:44You just bought slave labor for life.
09:48But don't worry.
09:50That won't be long.
10:06So, what do you think, babe? Do I look cool or what?
10:09You scare me like that again, and I'll stuff that hat into your ears.
10:12Can't be done, lady.
10:14Solid shell underneath.
10:16This hat's a bike helmet in disguise.
10:18That's unusually intelligent of you.
10:20I've got to go.
10:22See you later.
10:23See you later.
10:24See you later.
10:25See you later.
10:26See you later.
10:27See you later.
10:28See you later.
10:29See you later.
10:30See you later.
10:31See you later.
10:32See you later.
10:33See you later.
10:34Solid shell underneath.
10:36That's unusually intelligent of you.
10:38Well, you know me, Charlie girl. Safety first.
10:40That's my motto.
10:42Oh, yeah.
10:43You're just a model of restraint you are.
10:46Now remember, it's going to be dangerous down there.
10:49So keep your head down.
10:50Stay out of sight.
10:51Just find Throttle and Moto and bring them back here.
10:54No fuss, no trouble.
10:56Got that?
10:57Whoa, whoa, just chill.
10:59Rest easy, Charlie girl.
11:00I'll be quiet as a mouse.
11:04Watch yourself, Vinnie, you big lug.
11:07So, the bike of babies is down in the dumps, eh?
11:11Wait till Mr. Limburger hears about this.
11:16One, three, two, three.
11:34Oh, man.
11:35Normally I dig hard rock, but this is...
11:38Shut up. No talk.
11:40Just dig.
11:42I want my castle completed before the rainy season starts.
11:46Move it.
11:48Too hard.
11:50Can't go on.
11:53You, uh...
11:54You all right, citizen?
11:56I'm fine.
11:57I'm fine.
11:58I'm fine.
11:59I'm fine.
12:01You, uh...
12:02You all right, citizen?
12:03He's one hurting hombre.
12:05Get up.
12:09Get up and work.
12:11You, back to work, you sewer rat.
12:16Now you're talking trash.
12:20Aaaaah !
12:29Enough work.
12:31Moto, I think it's time for a break.
12:33Not to mention a bath.
12:38Looks like you had some labor problems, Pit Boss.
12:42How do you like me to fire them?
12:48I've got more entertaining plans for these two.
13:14We're finished.
13:17And, babe...
13:19Put that in a dirty glass.
13:22A two-fisted root beer drinking man, huh?
13:26You sure yous wouldn't rather have a pink lemonade?
13:30Are you talking to me, sweetheart?
13:32Well, let's see.
13:33I don't see nobody else, so, uh, yeah.
13:36I must be talking to you.
13:38Well, I wish you wouldn't.
13:40Your breath is for stonking her.
13:43Hey, you dirty rat.
13:46Hey, it's another one of them big mice.
13:50So you've seen my two bros, then.
13:52What's it to you, foil face?
13:54I'm gonna bash your beaver teeth right down your...
14:02I asked you a civil question, sweetheart.
14:08My bros.
14:09You've seen them.
14:10Where are they?
14:12The Pit Boss.
14:13He's got them.
14:14But they've been giving him a lot of trouble.
14:16Oh, heck.
14:17I knew they'd be having fun without me.
14:19Are they all right?
14:20They've been sentenced to die in the arena.
14:25Oh, man.
14:26I miss out on everything.
14:28Well, it's been fun, guys, but I gotta go.
14:31Oh, sweetheart.
14:36Buy this man a root beer.
14:42Hang tight, bros.
14:44It's time to wail,
14:46because Vinny's coming to whip some tail.
14:57Coming through.
15:10That's Vinny for you.
15:12Keeping a real low profile.
15:24I'm stuck in Pit Boss prison
15:27And time keeps dragging on
15:29Which is worse, this place or his singing?
15:32That's easy, amigo.
15:33It's the singing.
15:36How long you been down here, Man Willow?
15:38About two years, I think.
15:40Two years?
15:42I was just a store clerk.
15:44I was saving money to open my own place.
15:46But the store I was working in was robbed.
15:48And I was taken hostage by this pit crew.
15:51I thought it was bad enough, but now...
15:53Now I lose my head, too.
15:55Man Willow, my friend, don't be giving up now.
15:58Yeah, we need your help for when we bash the tar
16:00out of these walking blenders here.
16:03It's no use.
16:04No man has ever beaten the Mechanical Gladiators.
16:06We ain't men, we're mice.
16:08Biker mice.
16:09From Mars.
16:10We're getting out of here.
16:11We're taking you with us.
16:12But how can you be so sure?
16:20Trust us.
16:23You boys are messing with Vinny Van Quinn.
16:26The baddest mamma jamma this side of the asteroid belt.
16:30Ha, ha, ha!
16:36I hope you're enjoying this, darling girl.
16:39You've got a certain style, Vinny.
16:41Just hope it doesn't get you killed.
16:44Now let's see where my bros' bikes could be.
16:49Love you, babe.
16:50Now start cooking!
17:01Something happening out there?
17:02Nothing that concerns you.
17:04But this does.
17:08No one defies the power of the Pit Boss.
17:20You know, it's funny.
17:21You sound a lot like an overripe cheese ball, you know.
17:24He's always saying stuff like that, too.
17:27Yeah, but things never work out his way, either.
17:33Because they're the biker mice from Mars!
17:35Oh, that's my cue!
17:40Destroy them!
17:47Ha, ha, ha!
17:48No, no, no!
17:49Wait a minute, you're smoking!
17:57I, Lawrence Limburger, offer the sum of $50,000
18:02to anyone who delivers me the biker mice,
18:06dead or alive.
18:10I'm dreaming of an iced mice Christmas.
18:16Just a horn section.
18:18Blue turkeys only, please.
18:21Stop it, you oily oaf!
18:24Too late, little miss Annette, funny cello.
18:28Your mouse club buddies are going to be pit chow now.
18:35You'll never make it, biker mice.
18:37Every goon and felon in the pits will be gunning for you now.
18:41Well, when the going gets tough...
18:43A tough whip, too!
18:45Battle mode, bros.
18:46Let's rock...
18:48and roll!
18:53Attaquez-les, attaquez-les!
19:02On dirait que les gars sont en train d'arriver.
19:05Il faut aller à la voiture.
19:11Oh, non, vous imbéciles!
19:14Faisons un petit réchauffement de la maison pour le nouveau boss.
19:17C'est ça, l'unité d'homme et d'homme?
19:21C'est bon, feu à l'arrière!
19:32N'ayez jamais peur, il n'y a pas de place comme la maison.
19:46Oh, voici notre ticket!
19:51Oups! Interférences!
19:55C'est parti pour l'extra point!
20:14Hey, Charlie girl!
20:16Tu l'as cassé.
20:17Hey, Charlie girl!
20:18Tu l'as cassé.
20:19Non, tu l'as juste cassé.
20:24Au revoir.
20:25Merci d'avoir récupéré le déchets, les gars.
20:28Et bienvenue de retour.
20:31Ah, exquisit!
20:34Une fois que ces bêtises de biker sont dans mes mains,
20:38je vais finir par avoir un petit morceau.
20:40Beaucoup de petits morceaux...
20:43de biker-mice, c'est ça!
20:48Je ne compte pas sur ce Limburger.
20:52Quel est le sens de cette intrusion?
20:55Eh bien, il dit ici...
20:57Oui, mort ou vivante.
20:59Donc, nous sommes ici pour récupérer la récompense.
21:0250 000 smacaronis.
21:04Oh, et c'est chers pour le prix.
21:09Ah, bien, un accord est un accord.
21:12Tiens, prends-le.
21:14Nous avons une vraie bonne utilisation pour ça aussi.
21:16Hey, c'est un plaisir de faire de l'entreprise avec toi, mon ami.
21:19Le déjeuner est terminé.
21:21Toi, les bêtises de biker-mice.
21:30Tu disais...
21:34Que tu m'excuseras pendant que je m'éloigne.
21:40Pour une fois, le Big Cheese a une idée que j'aime.
21:47C'est parti, Manuelo.
21:49Ce déjeuner devrait être suffisant pour commencer ton propre boutique.
21:52Je... Je ne sais pas quoi dire.
21:54Hey, ne sois pas fatigué, mon ami.
21:56Oui, nous sommes les biker-mice de Mars.
21:58Et nous étions nés pour être cool.
22:00J'ai juste...
22:01J'ai juste souhaité qu'il y ait quelque chose que je pouvais faire.
22:03Eh bien, il y en a.
22:04Rappelez-vous toujours une chose.
22:05Et c'est...
22:06Où que vous allez.
22:07Quoi que vous fassiez.
22:08Rides libres, citoyens!
