Midnight at the Pera Palace Season 1 Episode 1 Urdu Dubbed

  • last month


02:00The person you are trying to reach is not available at the moment.
02:10Taxi! Stop, stop, stop!
02:19Please, let's share the cab. I'm getting late.
02:30I mean, a boss-teross murder case.
02:31I mean, a boss-teross murder case.
02:41What did you do?
02:42I was giving everyone work.
02:46Where was I?
02:47You were talking about a boss-teross murder case.
02:48Yes, thank you.
02:49Don't worry. Find out what's going on.
02:50Talk to the police.
02:52You can ask them if they suspect anyone.
02:54Excuse me, ma'am.
02:56Do you know about my qualification?
03:00I've read all the novels by Agatha Christie.
03:08I swear, I'll turn Istanbul upside down.
03:11I'll catch the murderer before the police does.
03:13Otherwise, you can change my name.
03:17That's your problem, Isra.
03:20What do you mean?
03:26You get involved in everything.
03:29You wanted to write about the best fish joints in Istanbul.
03:32You wrote about the global warming affecting the fish.
03:35When I asked you to write about the coolest cafes,
03:38you wrote a story about the hooliganism on page 45.
03:41I write about the real story behind the curtains.
03:43What's wrong with that?
03:45But I don't want to know that real story.
03:47If you want to work here, you'll have to follow my orders.
03:52So, what's your plan for today?
03:54So, your task for today is to go to the Pera Palace.
03:59Agatha Christie has already...
04:02You just have to write an article on the 130th anniversary of the hotel.
04:06There are 130 reasons to stay in the Pera Palace.
04:11Ma'am, can I just write 30 reasons?
04:2330 Reasons to Stay in the Pera Palace
04:5330 Reasons to Stay in the Pera Palace
04:58Have you been here before?
05:03Is that what you're thinking?
05:06I didn't have breakfast this morning, so I'm feeling dizzy.
05:09So, is this your first time in the palace?
05:11Yes, I've been here before, but this is my first time inside.
05:16Then, welcome to the Pera Palace.
05:19I'm Ahmed, the manager of this hotel.
05:21I'm Isra, a journalist.
05:23Yes, I was told.
05:24Can I show you around the hotel?
05:25I did some research before coming here.
05:28The history of this place is really solid.
05:31History or mystery.
05:33I'd really like to hear it from you.
05:36Well, we don't have much time.
05:38It'll take some time to show you the entire hotel,
05:41but first, let's eat something.
05:53This magnificent hotel was built in 1892
05:55on an old cemetery.
05:58Don't ghosts roam around here at night?
06:00Let them. It's their home.
06:06The electric lift you see here
06:09was the first in Europe, Turkey and the second in the world.
06:12It's not in use anymore,
06:14but it's still the pride of our hotel.
06:17This hotel was considered very modern and classy at the time.
06:20It was built for the passengers of the Orient Express.
06:23Even the big shots have big tantrums.
06:28The first new year celebration of Turkey
06:31was held in this hall.
06:34It was a wonderful night.
06:36The people of that time were very colorful.
06:40I wish these walls could speak.
06:44It seems like you were there too.
06:46I wish.
06:47You must have some interesting stories.
06:51Do you know of a story
06:53that no one knows about but is very spicy?
06:57Like a secret murder?
07:00What happened?
07:00Come, I'll show you more.
07:03The walls can't speak, but you can, right?
07:06Come on, please.
07:09Come on.
07:14This is the first museum room of our hotel.
07:19Mustafa Kemal Ataturk used to come here often.
07:22After World War I, when Istanbul was occupied,
07:25he used to sit in this room for hours.
07:28Maybe he planned the war of independence
07:30right here in this room.
07:39Mustafa Kemal Atatürk used to stay here.
07:56You are looking at the most interesting object here.
08:01This handkerchief belonged to a lady named Perideh.
08:04She was the daughter of a rich Ottoman family.
08:06and was the niece of the owner of the Pera Palace at the time.
08:10There's a very interesting story related to their bravery.
08:13Fairy Day loved Mustafa Kemal a lot,
08:16whom she met here in the Pera Palace.
08:20Although she only met him a few times.
08:21In 1919, the British suspected that Mustafa Kemal was preparing a war against them.
08:27So the British decided to kill Mustafa Kemal.
08:30So Fairy Day stopped them from killing him?
08:33And didn't let anyone know.
08:36Because of Fairy Day, on the morning of 16th May,
08:38Mustafa Kemal was able to board the ship.
08:42And the rest is history.
08:44It is said that this handkerchief was their last gift to Fairy Day.
08:49I don't know how much truth and how much lies are in this,
08:52but the story is interesting.
09:01And this is the last room of our tour.
09:05Room number 411.
09:08Agatha Christie wrote Murder on the Orient Express in this room.
09:13That's my favourite novel.
09:14Mine too.
09:16Is that...
09:21In 1926, when Ms. Christie was a guest in this room,
09:24she went missing for 11 days.
09:29No one knew where she went.
09:32Some people thought someone had murdered her.
09:34An American psychic thought the answers to all the questions
09:37were in this room.
09:40He searched everywhere,
09:43but found nothing but an old key.
09:49How did the key look?
09:57I don't think you'll get a taxi in this rain.
10:00If you want, you can stay as a guest in Pera Palace tonight.
10:04Are you serious?
10:05If you want.
10:08So can I stay in Agatha Christie's room number 411?
10:12I won't hold your hand if you raise a finger.
10:14Let's go.
10:30I'm sorry.
11:00Let's go.
11:27Mr. Ahmed?
11:28Mr. Ahmed?
11:30You were busy, so I didn't disturb you.
11:32No, not at all.
11:33If you have time, I'd like to offer you a drink
11:36to thank you.
11:38Why not?
11:39You go ahead, I'll join you.
11:42All right.
11:44I'll get you a special cocktail from here.
11:46Will you have some?
11:47Of course.
11:51This is really good, Mr. Ahmed.
11:53What's in it?
11:55It's a secret recipe.
11:56I can't tell you.
11:59It's really good.
12:01Do you always go home so late?
12:03No, I'm on leave for a few days from tomorrow.
12:05So I was telling the staff what to do and how to do it.
12:10You like to keep everything under control.
12:12No, I just don't want anything to go wrong.
12:19Three weeks.
12:22I don't know what I'll do.
12:25I've never taken such a long leave.
12:28It seems like you're feeling guilty about going on leave.
12:32The hotel will still be here even after you leave.
12:34It won't run away.
12:36Don't worry.
12:38What do you do besides work?
12:45You don't have any friends?
12:47What do you mean?
12:52I don't just want to live to stay alive.
12:57I want to achieve a lot in life.
13:02I want to make a name for myself.
13:03I want to make a difference.
13:07But if everything goes on like this, I won't be able to do anything.
13:13You shouldn't give up hope.
13:14Every day brings a new hope.
13:25Okay, I'll leave now.
13:38Can I tell you something?
13:39Can I tell you something?
13:43I found the key to Agatha Christie's room.
13:50Is this it?
13:56It looks very special.
14:03Thanks for showing me this.
14:04For everything.
14:06I'll read it as soon as your article is published.
14:08Take care.
14:10You too.
14:11Good night.
14:12Good night.
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17:59I must have kidnapped her.
18:00I must have kidnapped her.
18:01I must have kidnapped her.
18:02I must have kidnapped her.
18:03I must have kidnapped her.
18:04I must have kidnapped her.
18:05I must have kidnapped her.
18:06I must have kidnapped her.
18:07I must have kidnapped her.
18:08I must have kidnapped her.
18:09I must have kidnapped her.
18:10I must have kidnapped her.
18:11I must have kidnapped her.
18:12I must have kidnapped her.
18:13I must have kidnapped her.
18:14I must have kidnapped her.
18:15I must have kidnapped her.
18:16I must have kidnapped her.
18:17I must have kidnapped her.
18:18What's going on?
18:41Welcome back to Parapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Christie.
18:42Your table is ready.
18:43This way, please.
18:45Agatha Christie, ma'am?
19:46Mrs. Crissy.
19:49I'm a huge fan of yours.
19:51I've read all your novels.
19:55Excuse me?
19:58I don't have any published novels.
20:10What is happening?
20:16Unfortunately, the literary establishment is not a fan of my work.
20:23I fear that one must not be persistent if one lacks talent.
20:28Oh, no, no. Don't think like that.
20:41Ataturk? This can't be true.
21:01Is this a new fashion?
21:05Who are you?
21:11Why are you staring at me from so far?
21:13If you have come to meet Mustafa Kemal, then go and meet him.
21:19Perhaps, you are mistaking me for someone else.
21:32Mr. Ahmed, you at this hour?
21:57General, British officers are sitting there.
22:00They want you to sit with them.
22:02Sit with them.
22:10Thank them.
22:12After all, they are our country.
22:14They are our guests.
22:16And it is our custom to treat our guests.
22:19So, if they want, they can come and sit with us.
22:56Isra, what are you doing?
22:59Where did you get these clothes?
23:01It was just an excuse.
23:02You had come to the hotel for some other reason, right?
23:04How did you know all this?
23:05Who are you?
23:06Let go of my hand immediately, sir.
23:08Otherwise, we will make so much noise that you will never make such a mistake again.
23:18I am sure you are mistaking me for someone else, sir.
23:31I am sure you are mistaken.
24:02Hi, sir.
24:04Mr. Ahmed!
24:06Mr. Ahmed!
24:09Look at all this.
24:11You don't believe me, do you?
24:13You are here too.
24:14What is going on?
24:16Mr. Ahmed!
24:17What are you doing here?
24:18What did you mix in the cocktail?
24:20Look at what I am seeing.
24:22All this is not true, is it?
24:24I can't even imagine that there are such people here.
24:26I swear, my dream seems to be real.
24:30How did you come here without a key?
24:32Without a key?
24:33Oh, you mean that very special looking key?
24:35You had kept it in my room to give me a surprise.
24:38Why would I give you that key?
24:40I have been saving it all my life.
24:42Then do I have a duplicate key for it?
24:44I don't understand.
24:46Come inside quickly.
24:50All this...
24:55Show me your key.
24:58Look at this.
25:02Another key?
25:04How is this possible?
25:10I don't know who you are and what you want.
25:12But we will talk about this later.
25:14First, I have to fix this.
25:15Oh no! What is this?
25:17You did all this.
25:18How can I do it?
25:19Show it to the doctor.
25:22Because of you coming here, my existence is in danger.
25:26Slowly, I will be completely destroyed.
25:32What do you mean?
25:39So is this...
25:41Is this...
25:49Whatever is happening...
25:51Is all this real?
25:56Of course.
25:59This is the same day.
26:00The day we met at the party.
26:02One minute.
26:03I understand everything.
26:06Mr. Ahmed.
26:07Mr. Ahmed.
26:08Mr. Ahmed.
26:09Mr. Ahmed.
26:10This means downstairs...
26:12Yes, let's go.
26:13No, not you.
26:14You will stay here.
26:15Don't even think about getting out of here.
26:17I have traveled a lot.
26:18How can I stay in a room?
26:20Mr. Ahmed.
26:21Do you even know who has come downstairs?
26:27What happened?
26:35There is no one here.
26:37Mr. Ahmed.
26:38Mr. Ahmed.
26:40Open the door.
26:42You can't lock him here.
26:44This is cheating.
26:45You can't go alone.
26:47Mr. Ahmed.
26:48Open the door.
27:07Open the door.
27:35Ms. Sonia.
27:38Ms. Sonia.
27:40Do you know Mr. Halit?
27:46Everyone knows him.
27:47Is there a tragedy happening between you two today?
27:52What tragedy?
27:54You went to him with a drink.
27:55You bumped into him.
27:57His clothes got ruined when the drink fell.
28:03If something that should have happened, didn't happen.
28:05...then we'll have to get it done.
28:08What do you mean?
28:10Actually, Mr. Khalid was asking for a drink.
28:36Huh? Huh?
28:42It's locked, too.
29:36Oh, sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
29:38I didn't see anything. Okay.
29:49Mr. Khalid, your drink.
29:59Please forgive me.
30:18Listen, listen, listen, please.
30:20Ataturk was sitting here a while ago.
30:22He left.
30:24Ataturk? Who's that, ma'am?
30:27Oh, sorry. Mustafa Kemal.
30:30General Mustafa Kemal.
30:32He left a while ago.
30:35Oh, man.
30:37I'm so unlucky.
30:43Why are you looking for Mustafa Kemal?
31:35Do you understand me?
32:05Newsflash! Newsflash!
32:19The British killed thousands of Indians in the Amritsar fire in India.
32:28Newsflash! Newsflash!
32:30The British killed thousands of Indians in the Amritsar fire in India.
32:33Newsflash! Newsflash!
32:45Mr. Khalid, we need to talk.
33:00Newsflash! Newsflash!
33:30Newsflash! Newsflash!
33:34Excuse me.
33:36Have you seen a girl in strange clothes?
33:39She must be this tall.
33:45That woman confirmed all my fears.
33:48As I suspected.
33:50Mustafa Kemal is planning to start a war of resistance soon.
33:55It's time to nip this thing in the bud.
34:00Isn't it risky to kill an Ottoman officer?
34:06That's why it must be a Turk.
34:11Make it look like a personal disagreement.
34:13Something that we can explain away is an unfortunate event that we had nothing to do with.
34:27That's her. Take care of it.
34:30Now for God's sake!
35:30Why did you stop? Run!
35:32Hurry up. That man must be coming.
35:34Let's go.
35:48I feel dizzy.
35:50I'll sit for a while.
35:52I'll be fine.
35:56Calm down.
35:57There were so many stairs.
35:59I'll be fine.
36:01He'll hear us.
36:22You still don't get it?
36:24Don't come to me again. We're even now.
36:43Why is Ali after you?
36:46You know him?
36:48Don't lie to me. Tell me the truth.
36:51I haven't done anything.
36:53He was talking to that Britisher.
37:23How is this possible?
37:53I'll be fine.
38:14We have to get out of here.
38:16We have to go.
38:20We have to go.
38:28Who was that woman, Mr. Ahmed?
38:35I don't know.
39:21Close your eyes.
39:27Are you ready? We are going back.
39:43Something is wrong.
39:51We should have gone back by now.
39:54The time is right.
40:06Mr. Ahmed, I'm not a little girl. I won't be a fool again.
40:45She just died.
41:01Someone has killed her.
41:14This woman is a fairy godmother.
41:20She is a fairy godmother.
41:27Ali, where are you going?
41:32You just came.
41:35And you are leaving already.
41:37I have some work.
41:38Wait. Where are you going?
41:40Won't you have tea with your old friend?
41:43Come on. Let's talk about the days of war.
41:46We will have tea, but not today.
41:48I have something important to do today.
41:51She didn't die in your story.
41:54She was going to save Mustafa Kemal's life.
41:57You changed the entire history in such a short time.
42:00Let's go back in time.
42:03I swear, I won't step out of the room this time.
42:06I can't do that. This is not a car to go back and forth.
42:09What will we do now? What will happen next?
42:12If this story is true,
42:14the fairy godmother won't be able to stop the general's murder.
42:16And you know what that means?
42:17If Mustafa Kemal doesn't board the ship on 16th May,
42:20the war for freedom won't start.
42:22The republic won't be established.
42:23And there won't be a country called Turkey.
42:26No, no, no. That's not possible.
42:28There must be a way to rectify this mistake.
42:45Tell me.
42:47There is a way.
43:14To be continued
43:44To be continued
44:14To be continued
44:44To be continued
45:14To be continued
45:17To be continued
45:20To be continued
45:44To be continued
46:14To be continued
