Hughie Fury vs Christian Thun

  • 2 days ago
00:00all times defend yourselves at all times good luck to you both touch gloves back to your corners
00:05touch gloves huey fury looking up at his opponent not often you see that six foot nine and a half
00:15christian tun from schwell in germany living in miami when 19 three he's got seven knockouts
00:23in his nine victories one defeat huey fury has never been stopped being in with really good
00:30operators joseph parker alexander pavekin and kubrat pulev the only people to have beaten fury
00:38and one or two of those controversially so what happens now dave with huey fury well it's a much
00:44more serious looking huey fury these last couple of years um i think he really just wants a run
00:51of activity get into the big fights and announce his name and you know in the top level of heavyweight
00:57division he told me he wants a knockout and christian tun probably needs one here
01:05away from home but he came early as you said davy booked his hotel he traveled and he's
01:16believes he can grasp the opportunity big thumping punches but fury is clever
01:25but he's planting his feet early here yeah huey fury
01:34i mean they both just want a real fight don't they yeah you huey used to be known as you know
01:39he'd come in and he'd be having a good look behind his jab and popping his jab moving around the ring
01:43these days he's he's a lot more you know his last couple of fights he's looking to get the power
01:48shots off more as long as they both stay away on that side of the ropes because i don't want to be
01:54on this side of ropes i don't want to be trying to stop anybody from falling out of here you're a
01:59bit worried about that yeah just a little bit every time every time they come over here then
02:02everyone was on the ropes yeah good combination there from christian tan he spent a lot of time
02:10in england as an amateur for joe joyce in an aba final there's talent there but he's been
02:17unlucky with injuries and other businesses but he said yes immediately to this opportunity despite
02:27just becoming a father he's a good body shots from fury really nice dug them in didn't he yeah
02:34and with tun not using that jab is that that's allowing fury just to walk in get his head off
02:40lines take the steps walk in and there's no jab to have to negate and and get past
02:47right hand from tan but clever from huey fury whips in an uppercut
02:52and a body shot this is good work from fury
02:56i'm not worried honestly
03:13right hands from tun but fury just seems to have got the better shots off
03:17in the first round but it's been close
03:19now fury's had the quality work that's a good shot great shot good shot and
03:28tun goes back to his corner and christian tun's trainer very unhappy there michael hobart
03:37was it just on the bell i think it was on the bell as the bell went he was in process of throwing ryan
03:44but he actually gets from everything that he's been working close look at the extension
03:49it gets on the right hand it finds the extension for it and he goes straight through it
04:09what i was saying about the first round with tony he's not using his straight jab
04:15so he hasn't got to worry about a job to get in he's just walking in
04:18as long as he takes his head off the line as he's stepping in he's able to come in and fire
04:23those body shots that have had an effect on christian thorn the black boots and black shorts
04:29have wound up huey fury he was more animated at the press conference this week than we've heard
04:35him in a while very keen to get onto that saudi stage and mix it with the big boys the heavyweights
04:45who are absolutely flying on the cheek and that's another right hand
04:50from huey fury on christian tun finding the gaps here
04:56and tun cannot take these big right hands he's got to do something about that defense
05:04and get that jab working it's the most basic punching boxing but it's most important one
05:11look he's looking he's looking for everything other than a jab
05:16negating that natural reach advantage he has fury turned southpaw
05:25he's so desperate for that dream to come true huey fury he doesn't have to box but he's come
05:32back to do it good body shot again he's working the body nice both sides
05:39and what he's doing is he's looking apart from when he's too close on his way in he's watching
05:45which shots that christian thorn is going to throw then he's slipping and then he's firing
05:50he's not just moving it just for the sake of it he's timing it there's a nice left hook in there
05:53from christian tun just moves back to the ropes
06:00right hand to the body from fury but tum has trained hard for this
06:04in miami these body shots from fury
06:10and again a bit like we saw with tyson gallagher the extra experience
06:15and the ring know-how of huey fury and big shots coming in tun comes back he takes them
06:24tasty action second round of this one just gotta be careful a couple of times he's just falling
06:28and leaving his head in the middle when he's coming in and he's taking his head side to side
06:34he's avoiding anything that tun is throwing always had a good chin hasn't he huey fury
06:42always had a good chin yeah but don't forget this is heavyweight boxing
06:46as we saw last week with that daniel debois destruction
06:53fury still young enough to make an impression but tum wants this
07:00good fight yeah good fight
07:07tun's recovered really well from that right hand right hand at the end of the round
07:12because he's trained hard yeah and he's had a proper camp for this yeah
07:19good work from christian tun he's probably done more than huey fury in that second round
07:24let's get back to ali who's got taisey gallagher with her taisey you got the win you're still and
07:32the new how are you feeling yeah buzzing buzzing so happy it was uh not the prettiest fight a bit
07:38scrappy but uh but i knew i'd done enough like clean work to as much as i could um to get the
07:44win i knew it but uh yeah quite a scrappy fight was that what you were preparing for did you not
07:48think it would go like that no well i knew that she was going to be coming forward and aggressive
07:53um but i didn't think she was going to hold so much and i thought she was going to be a bit
07:57cleaner but um so we planned for her to come forward but she was just tying me up a lot and
08:03with the head so um yeah i'd done what i had to do to but yeah i didn't plan for that no
08:09so what is next now you've got the win you got the belts where'd you go from here
08:14listen i just want big opportunities really um i want to defend the british title i wasn't able
08:19to do that tonight but um i do want to defend the british title um but obviously if a big
08:23opportunity come next then yeah i'm definitely i'm going to snatch snatch it um i feel like i'm
08:29i've proved myself and i've earned my place to to get some big opportunities now it was a great
08:34performance well done thank you i appreciate it well she'll get big opportunities no doubt they're
08:39thinking about going to bantamweight for a tournament and then she could go up to featherweight
08:43skye nicholson raven chapman caris artingstall sophie alley she's coming back soon there's
08:49plenty around that weight tysee gallagher big fights ahead of her huey fury wants big fights
08:56he's got a fight tonight he's got to deal with christian tun who i thought had quite a good
09:00second round yeah better second round definitely these uppercuts though from huey fury both of
09:09these two said they were going to have a scrap it was a nice left hook inside there from christian
09:14tun i'm impressed with his resilience there's something robust about christian tun here
09:20coming with these combinations but can he make a dent in fury
09:28he was just got to still remain smart when he's up close on the inside there
09:32that's a nice uppercut and again alternate hands i'd like to see a nice sharp jab as well
09:38he's negated the jab huey fury lovely uppercuts could work to the body
09:43on the inside where's that lovely jab he tries the straight right hand
09:51does it move his head that much christian tun so there is a target there
09:57for fury but he comes back with combinations time
10:05he's been a great character hasn't he christian tun all week he has
10:10spoke really well like i said it's confident good right hand there from huey fury yeah big
10:15right hand that tun takes it comes back with a couple of his own fury loading up with a shot
10:21meaty action in the heavyweight division
10:26i know huey fury wants to break up the body and work on the inside which is a great job
10:31but every time when he does when he does attack and as he steps by
10:34just old school pop pop a couple of little sharp jabs just to break the rhythm up there
10:44so here this gap here he shoots the jab there
10:48start doing a little bit more now just a little bit more snappier
10:55here's the uppercuts again fantastic matchmaking tonight really good
11:04we saw that with a maxi hughes fight ed hardy so many on this bill
11:10huey fury's gonna have to work for this
11:13trying to break up that body as dave saying goes to the head tun takes it
11:23and the huge heavyweight just goes back to the red corner still in this
11:34what do you think two under fury
11:35i don't i still think it's three and three and i know it was more complexity but i still
11:50lean towards you on that i think he's got all three rounds to be fair
11:54i think that's a little unfair on christian tun who's put some good work together
11:58i'm not i'm not one for that much but you know what i'm gonna with this story
12:12i'm a big fan of it and obviously coming off the back of the joshua fight and then
12:16what happened with his son i hope he does really well yeah tragic absolutely awful year for
12:22francis and garner we wish him well in that fight and it's a big fight on the zone october the 19th
12:30the pfl group that is and there we go with you that's the better rather than just measuring
12:36he's popping and popping that's that's a better jab that's peter telling him get some distance
12:41and start utilizing your class and look this is much better from huey fury now he's up close now
12:47he can get the work done underneath which i know he wants to do he wants to break that body up and
12:51then when he gets that range because christian tun's not throwing a jab he can be a lot he can
12:56break him up a lot quicker by keep knocking that head back with it i think he wanted to try and
13:01walk him down quickly yeah huey fury and he's still there christian tun so best to go back to
13:08what you're really good at and that's the the space look at this get the jab out
13:15christian tun can't get his one out but he comes back with another combination
13:22it's a real stubborn effort this from tun
13:30the better work from fury no question yeah
13:36nice lovely lovely that to the body that's the first jabs to the body he's thrown
13:43this is really good from huey fury now in the fourth round
13:52starting to feel it christian tun maybe yeah
13:59keep working behind the jab
14:03that comes down a bit slappy
14:09seven knockouts but at a much lower level
14:13that one defeat on the record he said he was ill during the week but
14:17he feels fantastic ahead of this huey fury just
14:20beginning to get to him he's leaning on the ropes taking a breather
14:29not giving him any space up close and personal huey fury and he keeps finding that right hand
14:36to the body really nice it's quite a heavy shot well he's outboxed him and outworked him
14:42outworked him ground him down in this round yeah lovely work from fury
14:50that was nice work they popped upstairs and then just dropped and had a look he saw the gap and
14:54then took it
15:02well it's competitive from christian tun but another good round for huey fury
15:06and tun just getting a little bit ragged and desperate and that'll be the amount of body
15:15shots he's shipped off of huey fury he's really worked well to the body good uppercut there good
15:19uppercut yeah back he comes real spirit from christian tun but it's huey fury's fight so far
15:26i think what do you think nick beat got it all curious well boys uh exactly the same way
15:33tun it's it's crazy because the guy's nearly seven feet tall he's got no jab he's got no
15:38right cross in fact he can't fight on the outside at all he just waits for huey to come in close and
15:43he just wants to fight on the inside lots of uppercuts lots of hooks but he's to close that
15:49distance huey's then landing the jab or the right cross to close in anyway and he's doing his own
15:54work on the inside so very surprised by tun's tactics here if he's got anything else he needs
16:00to try with something else thanks nick excellent analysis huey fury in a commanding lead here and
16:09it's a strange one because christian tun is great combinations but as nick said there's no jab
16:15there's no right hand and he's got that huge reach advantage and he can't really utilize it
16:22but if that's not your style that's not your style i've never seen him box before and
16:25perhaps you know he just relies on looking for uppercuts and and power shots up close he's a
16:31good amateur i remember him back in the day as he looks down on us at ringside he he loves england
16:38he loves being here but he's in with a former british heavyweight champion in huey fury
16:45that win over sam sexson seems like donkey years ago doesn't it
16:49oh yeah these are good body shots but just a nice little flurry there from from thun
16:56yeah he threw a straight one two came out of the hole and i collect up again there from huey fury
17:01really getting off some good shots here tonight yeah better artillery weapons in the arsenal for
17:08huey fury
17:16tun trying his best but fury's quality to head to body can't quench the thirst of christian tun
17:28who's really stubborn and trying to find that couple of shots and you never know
17:34in the heavyweight division but again a really good body shot in front of us from huey fury and
17:40somehow christian tun is taking these and shakes his head in defiance it's great for the fans
17:46dave it is but you know if he's shaking his head you know that he's feeling it
17:52you can see how he's bracing himself for those body shots now the science of an effect
17:56up the middle says michael hobart from the corner looking for an uppercut from tun as fury comes in
18:02but the body won't really respond
18:09but he's still in this still in it and still firing
18:15i'm already in the fifth it feels that room about the ninth or tenth as fury
18:20smashes in these sharp punches
18:26tun just shakes it off this is where he should be using a jab but he just doesn't
18:34tun said this isn't about taking a fight for money he's paid his way over here really it's
18:40about the opportunity that if he can find a punch to stop huey fury he catapults himself
18:48into attention and you never know in this division but fury too classy at the moment
18:56oh that's a good shot players back again christian tun
19:0516 knockouts on the fury slate in 28 wins he's not the dynamite puncher is he no he's not he's
19:12not but that's he's always been about the intelligence and the skills that you know
19:15now he's starting to put more meat on his show but don't forget he's been most of his
19:20fights have been while he's been very very young so he's not got that physical development that
19:25heavyweights mature later they get stronger a lot later than normal fires
19:28no you know so he's perhaps getting into that now 30 years old
19:35over the right eye carrie case goes to work let's hear what peter has to say
19:40let me get in there let me see the court
19:45it's not serious
19:52a little quiet in the corner
19:57yeah a small cut there for huey fury nothing to worry about really and
20:02he's doing the better work yet
20:1010 seconds corners
20:18seconds out round six nine minutes left of what's been a really good heavyweight fight this
20:29the fans are loving it the big boys are entertaining no knockdowns yet although
20:35christian tam was heard at the end of the first round but he showed big heart and huey fury is
20:44at times showing real skills others he's sort of bullies his way through but the better quality
20:50has come from the englishman yeah that's a good another good right underneath huey's used the jab
20:57occasionally in this where he showed his he's throwing it sharp throwing it long and he looks
21:02so much better when he does that and then a lot of times he's just holding the hand out and leaning
21:06and get himself right in it could make it a lot easier if you go and i think it could it could
21:11beat christian turn up a lot a lot more if he was if he was using that jab more often more consistent
21:18they're two nice shots over and right and then clipped with an uppercut on the way back out
21:21really wielding in these blows huey fury
21:33right hand from christian turn can he show us anything else where is that jab
21:43quick combinations but
21:45buddy much landing and uppercut might have squeaked through but fury so strong and robust
21:51and another right hand tun showing a good chin here too comes tough because the amount of body
21:58shots he's taken forget the head shots you know body shots that they really really zap you and
22:02they take away the legs from here the more size you've got as well you feel your weight on those
22:07legs a lot more but he's still taking the shots and when he is landing the good over and rights
22:12on him he's absorbing them on tired legs again that's that desire you know he's invested money
22:24in himself to come over to this fire to prepare for this fire and you can see that he's put
22:29everything into the training cap right hand from fury just sacks back a little bit christian town
22:36and then fires a combination off it's a hard slugfest of time and fury how many times has
22:44he landed that right hand and still tun takes them it's good that fury's put the work in
22:54in training camp in congleton and in the cotswolds when we went to visit him
22:59takes it very very seriously huey fury
23:06and this is where you could be found out this stage of a fight yeah it's been a very physical
23:11sort of fire and let's be fair huey's output's been pretty good you know for a big man he's
23:18throwing a lot of punches in there both of them have thrown a great deal of punches huey fury
23:29well in the lead surely and yeah christian dunn trying his hardest but just a bit behind
23:35just not quite as good yeah just just as simple as that
23:50tomorrow night back here at the canon medical arena rihanna dixon and terry harper
24:02into battle should be a real cracker that anthony crawler's young woman and steffi bulls
24:11terry harper who's had such a successful career experiencing youth kelbrooke johnny nelson
24:18seconds out there's young mick hennessey hearns there the front row filled great to see stars at
24:25ringside big names coming to gbm for the biggest show this year that izzy asif has put on and a
24:34lovely right hand from fury and maybe he's going to go for it beginning of the seventh
24:40does he need a knockout here now doesn't need a knockout but he'll want a knockout i mean
24:46this attacks a lovely attack the start off the right hand was great but he came back with a
24:50short left hook as well that knocked fun back into the ropes instead of just looking for one shot
24:56throwing twos twos maybe threes that might be the key turkey al sheikh is watching he watches
25:01everything and he loves boxing and he wants heavyweights qe fury impressed tonight at times
25:08he has isn't it yeah at times he has and obviously listen he's got a name you know he's got a name as
25:13well good yeah and he's this version of a fury fury is actually more exciting than the younger
25:22version who was just on his bike and boxing you know although he was relying on his skills and
25:27he was a very skillful heavyweight these days he's more business-minded lots of good shots
25:33oh big right hand and tongues knees just it for the first time in the fight i think he's really
25:40tired now i think there could be a little problem with his left arm or shoulder as well christian
25:46tun something was slightly amiss he's possibly and dare i say it beginning to fall apart because
25:55he's been so brave so strong so resilient but qe fury could be close here but the accumulation of
26:03the shots he was landed a lot of heavy handed shots and what i was just saying this version
26:08is is more of a you know fan friendly style rather than just the purist because he's actually
26:13you know he's taking risk he gets it back now he's taking risk looking for big bombs there's
26:18a body shot as well i think there's something wrong with christian tun's left arm the right
26:23hand for qe fury and this is just brave now fighting a little bit on instinct here christian
26:31tun another body shot look at this digging deep the german brilliant he's not quite down and out
26:39and qe fury's been chipping away and he's looking down at you dave to say what do i have to do now
26:46you know what he has landed a lot of heavy handed shots here it's just that tummies are very very
26:50tough he's very game he does not stop trying keeps firing himself i wonder if christian
27:00tun's got a bit of a future too well you listen you know he's going to be brought over here for
27:05somebody else the heavyweights and promoters they like to compare their prospects against
27:10other fighters he'll be an opponent for another heavyweight that's coming through as well
27:14it won't be surprised if you know you get him in with a moses a tumor yeah um you know something
27:20like that i was thinking exactly the same thing q fury just shrugs his shoulders christian tun
27:27has braved out another round
27:36well some effort isn't it yeah that was the shot i think really unhinged him
27:42and then he gets it with another one straight afterwards
27:50there that's a big old run right and he said you see how he off shakes his head
27:57i don't know if that was a um where your head's buzz david diamante alongside mick hennessy who
28:06looks after fury matty lawless down there as well terrific guy from matrim great to see the
28:12matrim and gbm teams all mixed together johnny nelson as well of course kelbrook
28:19your fabulous final round final round great slugfest good old heavyweight battle for the
28:27fans here it's it's not like huey fury at times he's not entertained us with those skills and
28:34maybe slight lack of power we've always known how good he is but i like this version of huey
28:40fury i think like i said it's maturity i think in the early days he was he was like a boy in a
28:45in a man's division because you know he was young and he wasn't you know he was big he wasn't
28:51particularly heavy weight wise he saw he had to box in that manner and he's boxing that manner
28:57against top quality opponents now he's feeling stronger he's maturing now he's become more
29:02aggressive and this is more of a fan friendly sort of style so they were talking the likes of
29:08otto vallon something like that before the end of the year how would you move huey yeah listen
29:16peter fury and mckennessy know exactly what they're doing that'd be a good fight
29:21and do you think he could be three fights away from re-ad season yeah i can't see why not
29:30two or three fights away you know though you'd stick him in that mix it's just the activity
29:36i'd like to see there's there's a contrast in styles the old year fury where he was just
29:42constantly on the outside slippery and you know slick and then there's this aggressive i want him
29:47to play if he blended it a little bit use that jab a little bit more so he'd have bouts of boxing
29:52at range then go to work on inside then back at range and i think it you know it'd be a real
29:58danger in the division yeah blending the two together peter fury a terrific trainer as well
30:03as huey's dad they got a lovely base in the cotswolds and good shot huey fury still full
30:10of fire here the fists of fury in the last minute and ten of a good eight rounder it's
30:18been a brilliant workout i think peter will be really happy with this yeah i think it's what
30:22he needed and let's just say how tough is christian thomp extraordinarily tough and i think
30:30because he's had the notice the training camp he's taken it really seriously it was his big
30:35opportunity he's delivered everything he could possibly apart from the victory but he's definitely
30:43he's definitely earned himself a phone call off one of the promoters matchmakers to come over
30:47again well eddie's here is he will have him back and i'm sure frank would as well for moses a towner
30:53so yeah christian tun's phone's gonna go again and huey fury has put on a really solid strong
31:03hard performance tonight with good work variation good hard rounds as well in the bag for well an
31:15onslaught towards the british title again and maybe higher he wants to be a world champion
31:22the dream still alive huey fury wins no doubt about that christian tun wins the hearts of the
31:28fans that was a mighty effort from the german and there will be huge respect between the pair
31:36and they'll have a bite to eat or a couple of beers after it just was one of those hard nights
31:43super tough super tough like i said he took a lot of over and rights where he went fury's got the
31:49leverage but it's the body shots they took and they zapped the energy out of you they zapped
31:54the strength out of you but you're still there at the end you're still firing fantastic effort
31:59from christian tun and also fitness levels for huey fury that'll do him the world of good
32:04inactivity trying to get yourself back in there you know
32:07absolutely fantastic
32:14christian tun walks around the ring he knows that he's not going to get it but he has put in a
32:22phenomenal effort over eight rounds taking some huge shots from huey fury who has to go the
32:29distance but eight solid rounds with a good opponent and that is exactly dave what is he
32:40wanted for gbm perfect a big name in a fight that in fact he's had a couple of big names on tonight
32:47that where the fights have delivered that's what you want max uses in a great fight huey fury is
32:52in a great fight in this time entertaining fight that's what you need when you're trying to build
32:56your brand as a promoter and build your own you know your own standing in the sport well
33:01aki who knows huey fury very well will deliver the victory to him
33:11ladies and gentlemen please show your appreciation for both boxers
33:16after eight rounds of boxing we go to andy brooks scorecard which reads 78
33:25points to 76 points in favor of your winner
33:29from manchester it's the bits of fury
33:39fury adam who's calling these fights because we're getting some some strange cards here i mean
33:49i don't get that i don't get that it's 78 76 very narrow on the cards to huey fury
33:58it was a tough fight competitive all the way and we felt huey had the classiest shots and more of
34:04them but a tough super encounter in the heavyweight division and a great fan friendly fight
34:14it certainly was some valuable rounds there for huey fury and credits to christian turns tough
34:20tough man very tough yeah again i'm like gave him a little bit baffled how they scored the fight
34:28that close it was never that close done just did nothing for proof he's got a sensational
34:32chin he put himself in the shot window for the phone to go as the guys were saying but only as
34:37an opponent he told us all week he was coming here he coming at early he'd come at his own expense
34:43because he was going to get a fury name on his record this was the blue touch paper on his own
34:47career he was going to move forward from here and that wasn't the case at all whether that was
34:51because huey caught him at the end of the first round and at that point he thought i don't fancy
34:56this maybe stylistically he just had it all wrong but listen that's probably one of the best versions
35:02of huey fury that's what i can say last time he fought on gm gbm he kind of stunk the yard out so
35:07i'm delighted for huey fury that he's had that performance but upwards and onwards yes certainly
35:13as well now we move to our co-main event of the evening another title fight building very nicely
35:21this week a bit of history between them and this is gonna be a good one it is gonna be a good one
35:26because ryan walsh at this stage of his career he's here because he loves it he's here because
35:31he really fancies it but reese mold knows he needs this name on his record to really move forward
35:38it's a great fight it certainly is we're just looking at them in their intense stare down
35:43love the lollipop love it look how confident reese is though he knows this is the stage he's
35:48been waiting for what his career is missing so far is a name ryan walsh is that name and even
35:54though he's back end of his career now he's approaching 40 he's saying he's in the condition
35:59of his life he's saying i wish i would felt as good as i do now when i fought maxie hughes who's
36:04recent stable mate the difference is it's all good and well looking great in the gym
36:08doing better numbers hitting the pads feeling fantastic it's when you get in there under
36:12those bright lights that's when 38 years of age catches up with you because your timing's just
36:17off your mind's willing but your feet aren't doing the same thing well that base off was
36:22three minutes long so very intense building nicely but let's get the fight underway i'll
36:27hand you back to your mc aki karim
36:34ladies and gentlemen we are ready for our next contest it's our co-main event of the evening
36:40and this contest is 10 rounds of boxing for the vacant wba continental europe lightweight title
36:49so please welcome to the ring first from chroma norfolk iron ryan
37:05nowhere to hide into the lion's den but ryan walsh won't care one little bit what a great
37:14career he's had what a fantastic family the trio of walsh brothers twin liam and michael
37:23have been around all week and ryan is super confident that at 38 he's still in fantastic
37:31shape he says his feet his legs are great graham everett his trainer says he's done it all in the
37:39gym but can he transfer it into the ring tonight wonderful ambassador
37:47for british boxing if he's at his best he could be very good