• yesterday


00:00:00The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
00:00:10Hurry up, hurry up!
00:00:12Sit on the edge, on the edge!
00:00:14A carriage, a carriage!
00:00:16Eva, oxygen!
00:00:25Section 89.
00:00:31What's going on?
00:00:35Sofia, she's frozen.
00:00:38Her pulse is rising.
00:00:39Section 87.5.
00:00:41She's not reacting to the oxygen.
00:00:42She's losing it. She's losing it.
00:00:45Hemorrhage? Infection? What's going on?
00:00:47Let's check her blood oxygen levels.
00:00:49We don't have time. We'll be out of breath.
00:00:54Give me the laryngoscope.
00:01:00Section 87.5.
00:01:24Good morning.
00:01:27Enjoy your life. Thank you.
00:01:30Where's Sofia?
00:01:32Good morning to you too.
00:01:34I'm fine. I'm not asleep, of course.
00:01:36My daughter called me last night.
00:01:38All night long.
00:01:39She's having a party.
00:01:41Take care.
00:01:43Thank you very much. Where's Sofia?
00:01:45She's taking a break.
00:01:47Oh, and your daughter didn't call because of the hormones.
00:01:49She called because apparently she can't take another year with you.
00:01:56I'm sorry.
00:02:02Are you going to get a plan?
00:02:05I'm flying to Ethiopia in two weeks.
00:02:16I want to talk to you.
00:02:18Can we have lunch together? Or have you settled with Eva?
00:02:21No, I'm not settling with Eva anymore.
00:02:25Good morning.
00:02:29Am I interrupting?
00:02:31No, no. Let's go.
00:02:34I want to talk to you.
00:02:36When will you have some time?
00:02:38After the surgery. Can you?
00:02:40We'll talk then.
00:02:50I got your message.
00:02:52What did you want to tell me?
00:02:54I thought of everything you could imagine
00:02:56to keep you here, to break your legs,
00:02:58to have a surgery in Ethiopia.
00:03:01Okay, that's not very difficult.
00:03:03But then I said the opposite.
00:03:06Isn't it easier?
00:03:08To have a surgery in Greece?
00:03:10To come with you to Ethiopia.
00:03:15Listen, you're leaving, I'm staying,
00:03:17I'm doing the specialization I want in hemorrhoids,
00:03:19and then I'm coming to find you.
00:03:22Are you sure?
00:03:25Did you think it through?
00:03:27No, I'm crazy. I know.
00:03:29But you love me, don't you?
00:03:31A lot.
00:03:33Then we'll do it.
00:03:35What is love without a little bit of madness?
00:03:43Look at the mess you're making with the weights.
00:03:46It's not even the fifth time.
00:03:49We haven't taken a single pill this month.
00:03:52Not a single one.
00:03:54And then people wonder why doctors only go out with doctors.
00:03:57You don't like that you have it with a doctor?
00:03:59Yeah, okay.
00:04:00Look, now...
00:04:07Can I come in?
00:04:09Is everything okay?
00:04:11We're looking for it.
00:04:14Is everything okay?
00:04:16We're looking for it.
00:04:18Guys, it's important.
00:04:19We're in danger of being destroyed.
00:04:20The team will be destroyed.
00:04:23Did we have news?
00:04:24He's not picking up.
00:04:27Give me your phone.
00:04:34In the Eastern People's Republic,
00:04:3762 citizens lost their lives
00:04:39after a series of attacks by Islamists.
00:04:42The US President Donald Trump
00:04:49presented the rejection of the plan
00:04:51to the US President Donald Trump.
00:04:55He didn't lose it.
00:04:57Why don't you try the cell phone of life?
00:05:00It's a new cell phone.
00:05:02Something tells me he lost it.
00:05:05I think I know why he's avoiding us.
00:05:07I talked to his sister.
00:05:09She told me he's probably thinking of leaving.
00:05:12Leaving the hospital?
00:05:14Leaving medicine.
00:05:18In Wuhan,
00:05:19in just 10 days,
00:05:21a hospital was built
00:05:23exclusively for those with the new virus.
00:05:26The effectiveness of the Chinese
00:05:28is truly impressive.
00:05:35I'm sorry.
00:05:37Where are you now?
00:05:40We got back earlier.
00:05:41It's just me and Eleni.
00:05:44That's a nice way to say goodbye.
00:05:46It was strange.
00:05:48I had a lot on my mind.
00:05:50Especially our relationship.
00:05:54Let's not talk about that.
00:05:56No, really.
00:05:57I was looking at Eleni
00:05:59with the look in your eyes
00:06:00and I could only think of you.
00:06:04I have to hang up.
00:06:06I'll see you later.
00:06:07I'd rather not.
00:06:10How are you, my love?
00:06:27Good morning.
00:06:29Good morning.
00:06:30How are you?
00:06:34Were you talking?
00:06:36I sent a message.
00:06:37An offer for the job.
00:06:39Did we get sold again?
00:06:41I told you to leave it to me.
00:06:43So, how are we today?
00:06:50are you married?
00:06:53Then I couldn't make your wedding.
00:06:56We'll see about that.
00:06:57Sit down.
00:07:02A bit more.
00:07:06I'm sorry.
00:07:07It's okay.
00:07:10Let's go.
00:07:11Deep breaths.
00:07:19I was looking for you.
00:07:20Good morning.
00:07:21Good morning, doctor.
00:07:23Are you sure you haven't been abroad lately?
00:07:26Where could she have gone?
00:07:28We've had 80 cases in the last 6 months.
00:07:31Maybe more.
00:07:32Maybe more.
00:07:33Have you contacted someone who's been abroad?
00:07:36What can I say?
00:07:37So many people go abroad every day.
00:07:39Everyone has been abroad, but I don't know for sure.
00:07:42What about sexual activity?
00:07:45What about you?
00:07:47If it's possible.
00:07:48I'm kidding.
00:07:49I'm kidding.
00:07:51Doctor, are you married?
00:07:53I'm sorry.
00:07:54I'm a waitress.
00:07:55No, because we have a line of men.
00:07:57That's why I'm asking.
00:07:58I'm fine the way I am.
00:08:02Let's go.
00:08:05So, we have pyrethroid, VHF, increased lymphocytes,
00:08:08abdominal pain and ulcers.
00:08:10Where do we end up?
00:08:12It explains both the pyrethroid and the abdominal pain.
00:08:15Yes, but it doesn't have nausea or diarrhea.
00:08:17Anything else?
00:08:19It explains both the pyrethroid and the abdominal pain.
00:08:21It would appear with a rash under the skin.
00:08:23For patients, it would only refer to a rash.
00:08:25Anything else?
00:08:27It's a virus.
00:08:32That's why her lymphocytes increased.
00:08:34But she's been in the hospital for two weeks.
00:08:36The fever must have dropped.
00:08:37It's possible that it's not a common virus.
00:08:42I believe it's a malignant disease.
00:08:44In the uterus.
00:08:45Because her rectum is clean, we can't exclude it.
00:08:48Her mother died of a cancer in the uterus five years ago.
00:08:53She's a woman.
00:08:58I would ask for an opinion from the ophthalmologists.
00:09:00The ophthalmologists?
00:09:01They know all the patients.
00:09:03You take care of this.
00:09:06And let me know.
00:09:08I will.
00:09:15I heard that they accepted your request.
00:09:19I will stay here for ten more days and then I will leave.
00:09:22And you will leave the chaos and the Athens' movement for the sun and the sea of Crete?
00:09:27That's how I am.
00:09:28That's how I am.
00:09:29I always make the wrong choice.
00:09:31You haven't done anything wrong.
00:09:33It's just...
00:09:34I didn't turn you around.
00:09:36We built this unit together.
00:09:38It's our life.
00:09:40I didn't expect you to have it in the end.
00:09:43It's just...
00:09:45I imagined our life to be different.
00:09:48I understand.
00:09:50But we don't give up.
00:09:52I have ten days to get you back.
00:09:54Don't bother.
00:09:55I have no reason to stay.
00:10:12The board won't accept him.
00:10:14Why not?
00:10:15Markos has been the head of the health department since I talked to him.
00:10:19Who's the best doctor? Sofia.
00:10:21Who should be the head of the board?
00:10:24He is young, he has no contact with the board and he is a woman.
00:10:26Yes, exactly. It's ideal.
00:10:28I'll get signatures from the other clinics for support.
00:10:32Are you serious?
00:10:33You don't need me then, do you?
00:10:36I know I'm asking too much of you.
00:10:38But believe me, it's for the good of the department.
00:10:42If Sofia is here, Michalis will be back too.
00:10:44And you'll be able to tell Leonidas and Eva not to leave.
00:10:51I'll talk to the board when I get the chance.
00:10:55If I'd forgotten why I married you, I remember now.
00:11:00I'm a good drinker.
00:11:02Go on, I have work to do.
00:11:06Kelly called me. She's worried about her future.
00:11:09No, she's worried because you're pressuring her with her speciality.
00:11:13Let her be free to make her own decisions.
00:11:15I'm not pressuring her. I'm trying to explain to her
00:11:18which is the best choice for her.
00:11:25Don't forget about Sofia.
00:12:17How many hours are you here?
00:12:19Enough so that the neighbors won't look at me weird.
00:12:24Would you like some coffee?
00:12:26Let's go.
00:12:31Where are you going? You don't live here.
00:12:45I'm back. I brought the groceries.
00:12:48Thank you. It's my pleasure.
00:12:51What can I do for you?
00:12:53I'll call you another time.
00:12:55So you can die and pay me back.
00:12:59Is she your daughter?
00:13:03She's trying, but I have you.
00:13:07Thank you, old man.
00:13:09Be careful.
00:13:11Bye, Harika. Take care of my daughter.
00:13:16Let me guess.
00:13:18He proposed to you?
00:13:20We laughed.
00:13:22Don't tell me you proposed to him.
00:13:24Are you kidding?
00:13:26Of course not.
00:13:28For a doctor to leave the hospital,
00:13:30something historical must have happened.
00:13:32What's all this?
00:13:34I just cleaned up.
00:13:36But with a method I found on the internet.
00:13:38Anatolitiki, for example.
00:13:40I don't know what it is.
00:13:42But with a method I found on the internet.
00:13:44Anatolitiki, for example.
00:13:46You take everything out of the drawer,
00:13:48one by one,
00:13:50and you ask,
00:13:52does this give me joy?
00:13:54And if the answer is no,
00:13:56you thank the object for the time you spent together,
00:13:58and you say goodbye.
00:14:00I've said goodbye to a lot of things.
00:14:04Is the doctor one of them?
00:14:06Well, so far,
00:14:08I've only dealt with what's in the wardrobes.
00:14:10The rest...
00:14:12is speculation.
00:14:16Am I also speculation?
00:14:20It would be very difficult for me to leave you.
00:14:24But at least I don't hurt anymore when I see you.
00:14:32When is Heraclius leaving?
00:14:38But I wanted to see what you were doing first.
00:14:40That's why you came here.
00:14:44Why don't friends do that?
00:14:56You're making coffee.
00:15:40One thing I will miss
00:15:42from the hospital
00:15:44is the chicken.
00:15:48That's why I wanted to talk to you.
00:15:50About the chicken?
00:15:54About everything you'll miss
00:15:56when you go to Ethiopia.
00:16:00Leonidas, I thought about it before I talked to you.
00:16:02I'm sure that here
00:16:04you'll be much more useful than when you were there.
00:16:08How will that happen?
00:16:12Imagine a collaboration,
00:16:14a pioneering collaboration
00:16:16between us, in Merimna,
00:16:18and the city hospital.
00:16:20A big project.
00:16:22And of course, who would be better to take this than you?
00:16:24Who would be able to manage it,
00:16:26to develop it?
00:16:28Going to Ethiopia,
00:16:30you'll just be a doctor.
00:16:32Nice, but...
00:16:34From here, you can do much more important work
00:16:36for your patients.
00:16:38You can provide them with medicines.
00:16:40You can provide them with technology.
00:16:42They don't have it.
00:16:44More doctors.
00:16:50You don't have to decide now.
00:16:52Think about it.
00:16:56And eat the chicken.
00:16:58It's even worse when it's cold.
00:17:06Why don't you believe me?
00:17:08Because they saw you, Mary.
00:17:10That's why. I didn't get it out of my head.
00:17:12Calm down. Calm down.
00:17:14What's going on?
00:17:16Nothing. Misunderstanding. I'm sorry.
00:17:18Misunderstanding? You insist?
00:17:20What can I say? You're ungrateful.
00:17:36What's going on?
00:17:40Will you explain to me what's going on?
00:17:42Will you help us
00:17:44to understand
00:17:46the situation?
00:17:48She decided to abandon me.
00:17:50That's what's going on.
00:17:52When we paid
00:17:54the mortgage from our mother,
00:17:56it was a very small business.
00:17:58There were only two mortgages in there.
00:18:00Right now, there are 20 of us working.
00:18:02We've become a family.
00:18:04You should go to Antonopoulos.
00:18:08It has nothing to do with fashion.
00:18:10I'm sorry.
00:18:12For the last 12 years or so,
00:18:14I've been a bit demoted.
00:18:18There are 20 fashionistas
00:18:20out of the majority we have.
00:18:22A friend of mine works there
00:18:24and he told me he saw Mary in their office.
00:18:26Maybe it was a coincidence.
00:18:28Yes. And maybe it was a coincidence
00:18:30that he didn't tell me.
00:18:35We're twins.
00:18:37We complement each other.
00:18:39He may be a movie star,
00:18:41but he's a magician.
00:18:43And I've taken over all the controls,
00:18:45the numbers.
00:18:47We have the whole package.
00:18:49We're a team, you see?
00:18:51More than you can imagine.
00:18:53So teams shouldn't break up.
00:19:05We're leaving soon.
00:19:07Get your things ready.
00:19:09Are you crazy? We're working.
00:19:11Did you ask Eva?
00:19:15Are you sure she'll accept?
00:19:17I think she'll understand.
00:19:19Oh, Eva.
00:19:21Eva is the most romantic creature
00:19:23there is.
00:19:25Do you understand what she's doing?
00:19:27She's leaving the most beautiful country
00:19:29where she'll start her career
00:19:31to go where?
00:19:33I didn't see her.
00:19:35Oh, I'm sorry.
00:19:37I didn't see you.
00:19:39Did you ask for a diagnosis?
00:19:41Yes, but they told me
00:19:43the only available one
00:19:45is the new one.
00:19:47They told me about you.
00:19:49Christina Lambrinou,
00:19:53Dimitris Apostolou,
00:19:55I'm glad to meet you.
00:19:57Is the patient here?
00:19:59I'll take you to her.
00:20:01We don't need so many guards.
00:20:03Did you call me for a possible iodine test?
00:20:07Then we need them.
00:20:09Maybe you're already stuck.
00:20:11Yes, you're right.
00:20:13Come with me.
00:20:17You've become resilient.
00:20:21The X-ray didn't show any tumor
00:20:23and these are her new blood tests.
00:20:25How many days is she on duty?
00:20:29I'm here. I'm sorry.
00:20:31You must be the
00:20:37That's right.
00:20:39Don't you remember me?
00:20:41I'm Andreas.
00:20:43Anna's husband.
00:20:45Of course I remember you.
00:20:47But I heard about amnesia
00:20:49and I didn't want to put you in a difficult position.
00:20:51It's been 12 years.
00:20:53We're getting older.
00:20:55Yes, I also heard about
00:20:59I can't believe you're here.
00:21:01I'm sorry.
00:21:05Mrs. Lambrinou, is an ophthalmologist
00:21:07and Anna's friend.
00:21:09We were together at the university.
00:21:11Take off your mask.
00:21:13No, it's better if we're careful.
00:21:15No hugs, no kisses.
00:21:17I promise.
00:21:23You haven't changed at all.
00:21:25I'm afraid you haven't either.
00:21:29can we work now?
00:21:31Yes, I'm sorry.
00:21:33What do you think?
00:21:35She must have come into contact with a virus.
00:21:37I suggest you stay in quarantine
00:21:39with her and her family
00:21:41and we need more specialized tests.
00:21:43Do you think it could be
00:21:45this new virus from China?
00:21:47Does she have contact with China?
00:21:49She said no.
00:21:51Is her job in a high-risk environment?
00:21:53I never find a reason
00:21:55to be in contact with this virus.
00:21:57So, let's proceed as I suggested.
00:22:01I'm glad.
00:22:03Me too.
00:22:15Is that all?
00:22:17Do you have a job for me?
00:22:25I'm so glad you're back.
00:22:27Isn't she going to hug me?
00:22:29Come on!
00:22:31Things never change.
00:22:33You'll see.
00:22:37You didn't tell me you were coming back.
00:22:39I decided when I saw you.
00:22:41You look tired.
00:22:45So, you came back just for me?
00:22:47Isn't that what friends do?
00:22:49Here we are.
00:22:51Look what you got
00:22:53after such a long absence.
00:22:55Please, make it quick.
00:23:05Evra, do you have some time
00:23:07to talk?
00:23:09Yes, tell me.
00:23:11You love animals, right?
00:23:13I know you're interested in a zoo.
00:23:15Really? Why do you ask?
00:23:17I had an idea.
00:23:19How about
00:23:21a therapy program
00:23:23with animals
00:23:25in our clinic?
00:23:27Your own animals, your dogs.
00:23:29They'll keep our patients company
00:23:31and help us communicate with them.
00:23:33Like back then,
00:23:35with Anestis and Tiona, remember?
00:23:37Of course I remember.
00:23:39It would be perfect.
00:23:41But I'm planning to leave with Leonidas.
00:23:45I've already talked to him
00:23:47and he won't leave.
00:23:49What do you mean?
00:23:51I talked to him and...
00:23:59You don't have to answer now.
00:24:01Think about it.
00:24:09He suggested the same thing.
00:24:11And? What are you thinking about?
00:24:13I don't know.
00:24:15He's interested.
00:24:17Of course he is.
00:24:19It would be perfect to stay here.
00:24:21Yes, but he needs time to think.
00:24:23He does, but...
00:24:25You know what I like about all this?
00:24:29The fact that Doc is doing everything he can
00:24:31to keep us company.
00:24:33Whatever happens, we'll be together.
00:24:35Whatever happens, we'll be together.
00:24:39I'm hanging up now. I have a lot of work.
00:24:51It's my idea.
00:24:53You look beautiful lately.
00:24:55Is that what you wanted to tell me?
00:24:57No, it's something that concerns me.
00:24:59We need to talk.
00:25:03You know I'm not a good doctor.
00:25:05If someone works too much
00:25:07and doesn't sleep well,
00:25:09it's easy for them to get seasick.
00:25:11Instead of a career in medicine...
00:25:13Okay, I accept.
00:25:15Excuse me?
00:25:17I accept. I'll double check so you can leave.
00:25:19I don't need your flattery.
00:25:21And make sure you sleep well
00:25:23so you don't get seasick.
00:25:25Okay. Thank you.
00:25:27You're welcome.
00:25:29It was that easy?
00:25:47Excuse me.
00:25:49Are you looking for someone?
00:25:51The visitor is gone.
00:25:53No, no.
00:25:55Let's go.
00:26:33You haven't left yet?
00:26:35Not yet.
00:26:37I want to check the patients' files.
00:26:39I've already done that.
00:26:41It's my job, isn't it?
00:26:45I haven't notified you yet
00:26:47that you're back.
00:26:49Come on, go get some rest.
00:26:51It's late.
00:27:01Go get some rest.
00:27:03It's late.
00:27:11You're welcome.
00:27:31You're welcome.
00:27:37You live a fascinating life.
00:27:41We're training.
00:27:43Tomorrow I'm expecting a kid with DEPI.
00:27:45I want to make a puzzle with him.
00:27:47He's relaxed, but he needs to be fast
00:27:49because he's hyperactive.
00:27:51Where's that white guy going?
00:27:55How long have you been out?
00:27:57I mean, with a woman.
00:27:59I go out with my dog.
00:28:01Morning and night.
00:28:03Do you know how happy that makes you?
00:28:05What do you want?
00:28:07I'm collecting signatures.
00:28:09For Sofia.
00:28:11To support her
00:28:13in the pathology department.
00:28:15Why are you doing this?
00:28:17For the better.
00:28:19Teams shouldn't break up.
00:28:21That's why.
00:28:23We're a strong team.
00:28:25We're special.
00:28:27What are you afraid of?
00:28:29I'm afraid.
00:28:31Of what?
00:28:33Of everything.
00:28:35It's normal.
00:28:37You live the life of someone else.
00:28:39Another house.
00:28:41Other friends.
00:28:43And only there do you feel safe.
00:28:49You have to break the cycle.
00:28:51It's time.
00:28:53Let others have their lives
00:28:55Maybe with a new partner.
00:28:57Why not?
00:28:59You go out with your dog
00:29:01and talk to me about a new partner.
00:29:03I'm a doctor, not an example.
00:29:05Do you want to sign?
00:29:11Can I?
00:29:21I'm doing this for Sofia.
00:29:23Not for you.
00:29:33And for the advice.
00:29:35But I don't want a new life.
00:29:37Nor a new partner.
00:29:51Andreas, I'm in a hurry.
00:29:53Thodoris is waiting for me.
00:29:55Half a minute.
00:29:57I've already talked to Sofia about the advice.
00:29:59Thank you very much.
00:30:01I don't want you for this.
00:30:03I want you for something else.
00:30:05Your new son.
00:30:07It's a matter of time before he gets to us.
00:30:09Hospitals will be under great pressure.
00:30:11Directors will have higher responsibilities.
00:30:13I wanted you to keep it in mind.
00:30:15I'm worried about you.
00:30:17I haven't received any new information.
00:30:19That's how it's going to be.
00:30:21You'll get it.
00:30:23Christina thinks the same.
00:30:25Christina Lambrino.
00:30:27Our friend.
00:30:29Christina, yes.
00:30:31She's here in Mérim.
00:30:33I met her this morning.
00:30:35I knew they were coming, but I didn't know when.
00:30:37Is she okay?
00:30:39Very well.
00:30:41I'm glad I saw her.
00:30:43You know, these flashbacks from the past
00:30:45have become my favorite story.
00:30:49I'll call you tomorrow for the advice.
00:30:53Get some rest.
00:30:57If the baby is so dangerous,
00:30:59please be careful.
00:31:03I've already died once.
00:31:05I know how to get back.
00:31:19I love you.
00:31:33Welcome. Come in.
00:31:35Come in.
00:31:47Did I come at a bad time?
00:31:49No, no.
00:31:51I was just thinking...
00:31:55She's a girl.
00:31:57She's just graduated.
00:31:59She's a very good doctor.
00:32:03I think it would be great
00:32:05if she could specialize in us.
00:32:07And for some strange reason
00:32:09she wants to go somewhere else.
00:32:11How do we handle her in this case?
00:32:15I don't know.
00:32:17Maybe we should
00:32:19let her do what she wants.
00:32:21But it's a shame.
00:32:23It's a shame because she also wants to go to Mérim.
00:32:25But she hesitates because
00:32:27completely by chance
00:32:29she works there.
00:32:31One more reason to let her do what she wants.
00:32:33But her father has told her
00:32:35she won't bother her.
00:32:37Tell her father
00:32:39not to get involved.
00:32:41So, father.
00:32:43Will you give your daughter
00:32:45the note she asked you for?
00:32:51You'll be happy there.
00:32:53I know.
00:32:59But that's what you don't understand.
00:33:03I want to work at the hospital.
00:33:05Not live.
00:33:07Other colleagues.
00:33:09Other family.
00:33:11Right. And that's exactly what I believe.
00:33:15Do you remember when we came back
00:33:17from the accident?
00:33:19You didn't remember anything.
00:33:21You didn't recognize anything.
00:33:23This is the board.
00:33:25You told him this thing.
00:33:27Everything is still the same.
00:33:29You haven't changed anything.
00:33:31You haven't thrown anything away.
00:33:33While at the hospital, everything has changed.
00:33:35So, don't tell me
00:33:37that you live outside the hospital.
00:33:39But you have to
00:33:41start doing it.
00:33:43Because life
00:33:45means changing.
00:33:57Good morning.
00:34:11Good morning.
00:34:13I have an appointment with Mr. Stathatos.
00:34:15Wait a minute, I'll call him.
00:34:17Good morning.
00:34:31It's been so long.
00:34:33Andreas told me about you.
00:34:35Yes, I saw him.
00:34:37Yesterday and today.
00:34:39It's like I came back 20 years ago
00:34:41and it was...
00:34:43Great years.
00:34:45Do you remember
00:34:47our apartment?
00:34:49The parties we had
00:34:51after our exams.
00:34:53The vodkas we drank with the kilo.
00:34:55The neighbors who wanted to kick us out.
00:34:57Our love for Andreas.
00:35:03And he chose you.
00:35:07For as long as he held on.
00:35:09I learned it.
00:35:11I learned it and I'm very sorry.
00:35:13What did you do all these years?
00:35:15I woke up early.
00:35:19Ms. Gregoriani, give me a minute.
00:35:21Of course.
00:35:23Well, I'll call you.
00:35:25Maybe we'll drink some vodka.
00:35:29Nice to see you.
00:35:31Me too.
00:35:35It's all yours.
00:35:37What brings you here?
00:35:39The developments regarding the new virus in China.
00:35:41I think it's time to take some action.
00:35:45Let's talk about it,
00:35:47although I don't think we need to risk it.
00:35:49A virus is like a flu.
00:35:51And thousands of miles away.
00:35:53Come in.
00:36:01What's this about the signatures
00:36:03for me to become a director?
00:36:05It's exactly what needs to be done.
00:36:07You deserve it.
00:36:09You're perfect.
00:36:11Did you see what you did to Michalis?
00:36:13He wanted to quit medicine
00:36:15and you made him stay.
00:36:17One more reason to leave.
00:36:19I'm pregnant.
00:36:21From him.
00:36:37Wait, wait, wait.
00:36:41Michalis doesn't know him yet.
00:36:43He doesn't want to feel his life.
00:36:47Not even my life.
00:36:49You won't keep him?
00:36:51We met once.
00:36:53So what?
00:36:55You and Michalis are much more than just once.
00:36:57You know it.
00:36:59Hurry up.
00:37:01Mary isn't well.
00:37:09Blood pressure 86.
00:37:11Blood pressure 130.
00:37:13Hurry up, Kortizoni.
00:37:15Breathe. It hurts.
00:37:19Let's go.
00:37:21Let's go.
00:37:27Oxygen, please.
00:37:43He's doing a blood transfusion.
00:37:45So the tumor has moved to the respiratory tract.
00:37:47What virus is destroying it so fast?
00:37:49I think you should be transferred to my department.
00:37:52I don't agree.
00:37:53It's better to keep her here, so we can monitor her.
00:37:56I'm sorry, but science has advanced.
00:37:59Apart from monitoring, there are also exams.
00:38:03Mary is hiding something from us.
00:38:04And as you know, no exam reveals the secrets.
00:38:07And how do you know that she is hiding something from us?
00:38:09Last night, she came and saw a man.
00:38:11Outside the hospital.
00:38:14He is married.
00:38:15He wears a veil.
00:38:17Mary has told us that she hasn't had sexual intercourse lately.
00:38:20But if she doesn't tell the truth, if this man has given her something...
00:38:23Something that will be revealed by her exams?
00:38:26As long as you examine her, Mary will die.
00:38:31Mr. Alexandris, the decision is yours.
00:38:35We will keep her for monitoring for 24 more hours.
00:38:38And if there is no conclusion about the virus, she will be transferred.
00:38:48How do you feel?
00:38:50I'm fine.
00:38:5237.4. I will write you a prescription and you will go home.
00:38:55No way.
00:38:56I will take some paracetamol and I will be fine.
00:38:58Do you need me here?
00:39:00I don't need you.
00:39:03You didn't say the same things as you.
00:39:05I remember it wrong.
00:39:06Of course you remember it wrong.
00:39:09Let me write you a prescription and you will go home.
00:39:26I'm coming!
00:39:47I'm coming!
00:39:53Are you better?
00:40:01I remembered my marriage.
00:40:03I wasn't well-dressed.
00:40:05We had an emergency here at the hospital and I stayed until late.
00:40:09I left for the church thinking that I had my suit in the car.
00:40:13When I get to the church, I leave my suit at home.
00:40:17And I got married as I was.
00:40:19With a jean and a t-shirt.
00:40:21Your wife must have loved you a lot.
00:40:24I think so too.
00:40:27The man who visited you last night, did he want to give you wedding advice?
00:40:35That's strange. I noticed that he was married.
00:40:39Listen, if you are in a relationship, you should tell us.
00:40:43Maybe he gave you something.
00:40:46He is my client's husband.
00:40:48Do your clients' wives visit you often?
00:40:57It's one of the last marriages I had before I got sick.
00:41:00I'm not lying.
00:41:08I'm not lying.
00:41:17Mary has SARS-CoV-2.
00:41:19What's that?
00:41:20The name that was given to the new virus.
00:41:23The last time Mary got infected was in China.
00:41:26She may have come into contact with people from there.
00:41:29It's good that we put her in isolation.
00:41:31But what do we do now?
00:41:33We have to make sure first.
00:41:35We have to do a test for the virus at the institute.
00:41:38If Mary transmits, we have to put all the guests in quarantine.
00:41:42We have to notify them first.
00:41:44Do it immediately.
00:41:46Talk to Lambrinou so Mary can have the test.
00:41:49If Mary gets infected, we all have to do it.
00:42:00Sofia, can you hear me?
00:42:02Be careful.
00:42:03I'm pregnant.
00:42:05I'm pregnant.
00:42:17What happened?
00:42:18You're under pressure.
00:42:20You'll stay here a while, you'll recover.
00:42:30Is that what you came to tell me yesterday?
00:42:32This is my business. It's none of your business.
00:42:38As you wish.
00:42:50What are you doing?
00:42:52I have to see if she's okay.
00:43:25Goodbye, master.
00:43:38Is everything okay?
00:43:40There's no fire?
00:44:07Whatever you decide...
00:44:11I'll be there for you.
00:44:27It's done. Thank you. Good luck.
00:44:32At the hotel where the appointment took place...
00:44:34the staff has already been quarantined.
00:44:36How are you going to go with the guests?
00:44:39You don't want to know.
00:44:40I've done this...
00:44:42and I'm left with this...
00:44:45and this.
00:44:49When we get married, we'll have fewer people.
00:44:51You promised me, didn't you?
00:44:53I don't know.
00:44:54My father is the only one who has five siblings.
00:44:56And those from a big oil company?
00:44:58It's Antonopoulos.
00:44:59What did you expect? Ten guests?
00:45:01Is he famous?
00:45:02Nikolas Antonopoulos.
00:45:03Fashion designer.
00:45:04Is that him?
00:45:05That's him.
00:45:08He's the man who visited Mary.
00:45:10So, the results came out.
00:45:12The patient doesn't have coronavirus.
00:45:14So, neither do we.
00:45:15So, what's killing her?
00:45:16To find out, you'll have to go to my department...
00:45:18for specialized tests.
00:45:20As I've already told you.
00:45:29I'm sorry...
00:45:31but we have to transfer you to a specialized wing.
00:45:37With the opportunity...
00:45:39I'd like to apologize...
00:45:41for what I said last night about Nikolas Antonopoulos.
00:45:44He's really interested in you, but...
00:45:48He's offered you a partnership, and you're thinking about it.
00:46:00I saw you at his office.
00:46:02Yes, but I went to tell him that I don't accept it.
00:46:05I don't want to leave my sister or my co-workers.
00:46:13We're a team.
00:46:15Listen to me.
00:46:16Listen to me.
00:46:17Calm down.
00:46:19Try to breathe.
00:46:23Eva, oxygen.
00:46:26Check for respiratory fluids.
00:46:30Put on a mask.
00:46:46So, it's not a virus.
00:46:49Did you see its skin?
00:46:50It had marks.
00:46:55So, we have...
00:46:56fever, cough, dyspnea, lymphocytic, pain in the lungs and stomach,
00:47:03No virus can explain all this.
00:47:16It usually starts with intense emotional stress.
00:47:20A depression, a breakup, a difficult decision.
00:47:24What decision?
00:47:25The designer Nikolas Antonopoulos asked her to go to his company.
00:47:29She refused, but it was very difficult for her.
00:47:32So, this stress may be the cause of her illness.
00:47:35Good. And how do we proceed?
00:47:37Anesthetic with cortisone.
00:47:39Let's hope there's still time.
00:48:23I love you.
00:48:38Now I understand the reason.
00:48:41What reason?
00:48:45The reason I'm still here.
00:48:48Because you're here.
00:48:50Always by my side.
00:48:54And now there's this...
00:48:58In the beginning, I said that...
00:49:01it was just one night and that...
00:49:03we shouldn't ruin our lives for this.
00:49:06We shouldn't feel them.
00:49:09But our story isn't just the story of one night.
00:49:13It's much more than that.
00:49:15I love you.
00:49:23And this child...
00:49:27I would like...
00:49:30to have your gaze, your voice.
00:49:35To be a man who's always there.
00:49:39I'm sorry.
00:49:41But that's impossible.
00:49:45Because she's a girl.
00:49:50Look at her.
00:49:51Look at her. She's almost invisible.
00:49:54She has blue eyes.
00:49:55And a bright smile.
00:49:57And she's crazy about risotto with mushrooms.
00:50:00Look at her.
00:50:02Beautiful, like her mother.
00:50:05Her mother...
00:50:07is now here, in front of you, and she wants to know...
00:50:11if she can still make you happy.
00:50:14Or not.
00:50:21I've been looking for you all my life.
00:50:24And I finally found you.
00:50:26You'll always make me happy.
00:50:40I LOVE YOU
00:50:56No one's wearing a mask today?
00:50:59There's no virus. That's why.
00:51:03So what do I have?
00:51:04You have a little of what we all have.
00:51:07Fear. You're afraid.
00:51:09But that fear was so strong inside you...
00:51:12that it created a huge wound in your body.
00:51:16It's called Stiehl's disease.
00:51:20Is there any therapy?
00:51:22There is, for the symptoms.
00:51:25You scared me.
00:51:27Calm down.
00:51:28I'm better.
00:51:29They found what I have.
00:51:30Yes, I know.
00:51:32That's why I...
00:51:33I love you.
00:51:38We're sisters.
00:51:41I may look at you and think I'm looking at myself in the mirror, but...
00:51:45we're two different people.
00:51:50cook much worse than I do.
00:51:53But you're always on the right track.
00:51:56And you're more talented than I am.
00:51:59I made a mistake keeping you behind.
00:52:01You have to live your life the way you want to.
00:52:26So you got involved with the patient.
00:52:28Out of curiosity.
00:52:29It's the first time I've met Stiehl.
00:52:32It wasn't a mistake to keep him under surveillance.
00:52:35We had already ruled out the whole thing.
00:52:38I'm glad we met again.
00:52:40I hope we can work together again.
00:52:42I don't think so.
00:52:44We see things differently.
00:52:47But why not meet outside the hospital?
00:52:50You know where to find me.
00:52:59You've fooled the infectious disease specialist, Doc.
00:53:02No defense mechanism.
00:53:04Well done.
00:53:08We're ready.
00:53:09We're waiting for you.
00:53:11Let's go.
00:53:16What are we celebrating?
00:53:17Go on, you'll see.
00:53:24Is everyone here?
00:53:25A party?
00:53:30What you see here
00:53:34is my desperate effort
00:53:37to keep you all together in Merimna.
00:53:41I had prepared a...
00:53:43I don't even want to remember it.
00:53:45I had prepared a speech
00:53:49to tell you that
00:53:51if it wasn't for you
00:53:54I wouldn't have achieved anything.
00:53:57But then I thought
00:53:59do you know what continues to live?
00:54:03Just because everyone else exists.
00:54:09Do you know?
00:54:10No one.
00:54:13The virus.
00:54:15The virus.
00:54:17It has to attack another organism
00:54:19in order to survive, right?
00:54:22So, I'm not a virus.
00:54:25I'm not a virus.
00:54:27I don't intend to get involved
00:54:29with any of you.
00:54:31I don't want to deceive you.
00:54:34So, things will happen
00:54:36exactly as you have planned.
00:54:40Sofia and Michalis
00:54:43will leave for Heraklion.
00:54:50will do her specialization.
00:54:52She'll switch departments.
00:54:55will switch continents.
00:54:57My daughter
00:54:59will do her specialization
00:55:00in another horrible hospital, I imagine.
00:55:09But it doesn't matter.
00:55:11Do you know why?
00:55:14Because I'm not afraid.
00:55:16And you shouldn't be afraid either.
00:55:19No matter what awaits us.
00:55:24I love you all very much.
00:55:32Let's get drunk
00:55:34and let's drink.
00:55:54Why are you avoiding me?
00:55:56Not at all.
00:55:58So, everything is fine?
00:56:03What you said about
00:56:05coming with me to Ethiopia
00:56:08is a very good idea.
00:56:11But I don't want you to do it.
00:56:13I don't want you to do it.
00:56:15I don't want you to do it.
00:56:17I don't want you to do it.
00:56:19I don't want you to do it.
00:56:21I don't want you to do it.
00:56:23I don't want you to do it.
00:56:26What do you mean?
00:56:29I mean that life there is hell.
00:56:35Look what you'll leave.
00:56:39I don't want you to destroy your life for me.
00:56:42With my life, I'll do whatever I want.
00:56:46You have no idea how things are there.
00:56:49If you come, you'll regret it.
00:56:50You're telling me that I'm not strong enough.
00:56:53I'm telling you that you'll be happier here.
00:56:56Without a fool to decide for me for sure.
00:57:20I'm sorry.
00:57:25You were great.
00:57:28You helped me.
00:57:30With what you told me about Kelly.
00:57:34To set her free.
00:57:36I wish I could do the same.
00:57:39What do you mean?
00:57:43Day by day, we'll become adopted parents, Thodoris.
00:57:47Adoption is at the last stage.
00:57:50I was a baby.
00:57:56And I fell in love again with George.
00:58:03I thought I was in love with his departure.
00:58:07But I haven't made it.
00:58:11And I'm afraid.
00:58:15I am not ready to become a mother of another child.
00:58:24Listen to me.
00:58:27The child you're going to adopt doesn't need the perfect mother.
00:58:32He needs a real mother.
00:58:36A mother who will make mistakes, but won't put him down.
00:58:40And will never abandon him.
00:58:43I mean...
00:58:45Exactly the mother you wanted for our son.
00:58:52If I had forgotten why I got married...
00:58:57Now I remember.
00:59:00I'm sorry.
00:59:10I'm sorry.
00:59:12No, don't apologize.
00:59:15Don't apologize.
00:59:17If you want, we can make an effort.
00:59:26Hello, Thodoris.
00:59:28Where are you? I'm at the office and you're not answering.
00:59:31Is something wrong?
00:59:33The social worker called me. The papers are ready. We're signing.
00:59:37We're signing?
00:59:41They called me earlier and said yes.
00:59:43I figured you wouldn't have a problem.
00:59:45Yes, of course. I'm coming.
00:59:54Sofia! Sofia!
00:59:56Sofia! Help!
01:00:04Sit on the side.
01:00:06Come on!
01:00:08Let's go!
01:00:10She's frozen.
01:00:12Her pulse is rising.
01:00:14We don't have time. We'll defibrillate her.
01:00:17Come on, Sofia. Breathe.
01:00:23She has a heart attack. Her heart is failing.
01:00:32How many are you? 150?
01:00:36To the side.
01:00:38One, two, three.
01:00:45One, two, three.
01:01:09Good morning, love.
01:01:11Good morning.
01:01:14Don't worry. The baby is fine.
01:01:23Why did I miss you?
01:01:25We don't know yet.
01:01:35Did I hit you in the head?
01:01:37No. Why?
01:01:39Because I don't smell like gunpowder.
01:01:43Basically, I don't smell anything.
01:01:49Sofia has coronavirus.
01:01:51We thought the same about Mary.
01:01:53Sofia has all the symptoms of coronavirus.
01:01:55So maybe we have it too.
01:01:57We've all come into contact with it.
01:01:59All of us.
01:02:22I love you.
01:02:24I love you.
01:02:51I love you.
01:03:00Doctor, we're done.
01:03:03Tell them to come back.
01:03:05All of them.
01:03:17Where are you going?
01:03:20A lot will change.
01:03:22Organization, method.
01:03:24And if all of this is not enough for the new era,
01:03:27then people will change too.
01:03:29What happened? Dad?
01:03:31What's happening to me?
01:03:33I can't walk.
01:03:35Excuse me, I'm looking for Mrs. Lambrinou.
01:03:37Do you have an appointment with her?
01:03:39Not exactly.
01:03:41You've had my wife in there for two weeks.
01:03:43She's been infected by something rare.
01:03:45Maybe when you were traveling abroad.
01:03:47Lambrinou thinks it's Alzheimer's,
01:03:49but I think it's something more complex.
01:03:51What day is it today?
01:03:53Friday, Thursday.
01:03:55What kind of future do you have in mind?
01:03:57You left your mark when you were director,
01:03:59and I'm going to leave mine.
01:04:01If it turns out I've missed something,
01:04:03the consequences will be huge.
01:04:05There will be research on the months of the pandemic.
01:04:07There will be investigators who will check everything.
01:04:09If Lambrinou finds out about this,
01:04:11no one will be able to find out about her.
01:04:13Isn't it enough to find out that your daughter is drugging you
01:04:15and that she abandoned your wife?
01:04:17Maybe we should go to her first.
01:04:19Alexandros Christidis, I'm Michalis Karagiannis' assistant.
01:04:25Say something!
01:04:27Sotiri, don't be with me!
