Moonshiners Season2 Ep03

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00:00Tonight, on Moonshiners, it's beam-setting day.
00:07My dog's runnin' around here. You didn't cutie-pie me and you've been scrappin', son.
00:11We gotta figure out how we're gonna do this really fast.
00:14Look out!
00:15Take the swing out of that thing!
00:17Are you smokin' crack or what?
00:19Ho, ho, ho! It's gone! Watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out!
00:26He's pretty much a legend.
00:28That's smoother than a baby tying in.
00:30I'm gonna get a hot chair in just a second.
00:34This is the best stuff I ever made.
00:36This is high-dollar stuff right here. We're talking about $150 a gallon right here.
00:47That sand's pretty real steep.
00:55Moonshine is a part of our history.
00:57It exists, but it doesn't. It's almost like a myth.
01:01I'm America's most wanted moonshiner.
01:06That's not a good thing to be wanted by the law.
01:11I live on the edge of anarchy.
01:15It's very hard to catch moonshiners.
01:17Get out.
01:18They're very smart.
01:20There can only be one chief wondering if we're gonna put this thing up.
01:28Golly, that's good.
01:32We could supply the whole world with moonshine and everybody would be happy.
01:37If you really love your country, you're gonna have to love moonshine.
01:50Moonshiner Tim has been under constant surveillance by Virginia's ABC.
01:55He knows they could be watching anywhere.
02:01It's been a relentless pursuit that has left him with no other option but to go legal.
02:06But like all good moonshiners, Tim is never without a backup plan.
02:15This is the best stuff I ever made.
02:17This is high-dollar stuff right here. We're talking about $150 a gallon right here.
02:22Tim has hidden his moonshine in an old Virginia-style tobacco barn.
02:27He's taking advantage of one of this building's extraordinary features,
02:31an underground cellar growers once used to store their tobacco.
02:36But Tim has actually taken it a step further.
02:38He dug into the wall of the barn's cellar, creating a storage space that's hidden by a layer of dirt.
02:45But the cellar itself is only accessible through a trap door in the barn floor.
02:49Double protection against anybody snooping around, looking for his stash of moonshine.
02:55All these jugs, it's kind of an initial policy.
02:59If I get in trouble or get in a tight spot, I can grab some of this stuff and sell it right quick.
03:04His stash is worth well over $10,000.
03:08First, I gotta protect my family, I gotta protect Tickle.
03:11I feel like right now's the time I gotta move it.
03:14The ABC agents, they're looking at every building.
03:18You never know, guys may get lucky.
03:21If I got it here and they do find it, I'm gonna get in trouble.
03:26I can't afford that because I'm trying to go legal with a legal distillery.
03:30It's a lot of moonshine right here.
03:32It's a whole lot of money right here.
03:34And no one knows anything about it.
03:37This is my dream, and I can't take everyone down with me.
03:41This is my dream, and I can't take everyone down with me.
03:47After having to abandon their still site,
03:50moonshiners Jeff and Mark have moved deep into the Great Smoky Mountains for a fresh start.
03:57With the moonshine season only lasting as long as there's plenty of corn from harvest,
04:02having to move could prove costly for Jeff and Mark.
04:05This time, they've built a new site with a handmade trough to deliver water to their still.
04:10And now they're conducting a pressure test to see if the still can hold vapors without leaking.
04:16It's not looking good.
04:19It's leaking pretty good, Mark.
04:21If we lose that much mash in every run, we'll be in trouble.
04:25The drainage arm of their still pot is broken and leaking fast.
04:30I'd like to take it and put it there.
04:34With time of the essence, they'll need help to make the repairs,
04:38and there's only one man left in these hollows more knowledge than Mark and Jeff.
04:43Legendary moonshiner Jim Tom.
04:47He's honed his craft in these mountains the last 60 years, since he was 12 years old.
04:53He's pretty much a legend.
04:56That's smoother than a baby tying in.
04:58Jim Tom makes a little drink floating around on the top.
05:01I ain't gonna drink too much. I just drank enough to get rid of the flu.
05:07He's one of the last of the old moonshiners that's left here.
05:11He's one of a kind.
05:13I don't know that this world could have stood two of him.
05:16You favor popcorn a little bit. You ain't his boy, are you?
05:19I might be. You never know.
05:21No, the mole might have jumped the fence.
05:23Might have.
05:25The old Jim Tom, he's good.
05:27You can't beat him for just being around the spill or helping you or whatever.
05:31Tack it on that and it'll fly right off of there.
05:34Tack the end of it on that bed.
05:36If I didn't mock him or trust him, I wouldn't be here.
05:39Probably about five years old, I can remember Jim Tom.
05:42Hard to store that.
05:44Try it right above it and let it run down on there.
05:47You know, he used to come up and him and Daddy would drink a lot of liquor together.
05:51You know, Daddy and Grandpa, they made liquor way before my time.
05:55Jim Tom's been a dud and that's longer than I've been alive.
05:59How old are you?
06:03I'm seventy-two on Christmas.
06:05Forty-seven, fifty-seven, sixty-seven, sixty-eight, sixty-nine, sixty-eight.
06:08I'm twenty-five years older than you.
06:10Been a building stealer for thirty years.
06:12Still doing it today, ain't I?
06:14Yep, still doing them today.
06:16We're ready.
06:21Two hundred kilometers to the southwest,
06:23New Shiners Josh and Bill are taking their underground hill site to the next phase.
06:29Starting the day with digging.
06:31Rather than head into the woods, they've decided to hide in plain sight,
06:35building their still right underneath a music stage.
06:39The only problem is, there's now a music festival set to come here in just a few days.
06:45We got so much to do and there's one headache after another.
06:49I'm about to start freaking out.
06:51When it's finished, the underground still site will contain a distilling room as well as a mash room.
06:56It can hold at least seven barrels of mash.
06:59With this many barrels, Josh and Bill can distill moonshine every day of the week.
07:04I'm not looking forward to shoveling mud around today.
07:07We'll start leveling the floor.
07:11From an engineering and a safety standpoint, it's absolutely necessary to dig down until we hit solid soil.
07:16The post that our beams are going to be sitting on is going to have tons of dirt.
07:19Back on top of it.
07:21We've got beams to set.
07:23We're feeling the crunch.
07:25What I think we need to do is get our front corners set.
07:29We've got to get leveled up first.
07:31Well, how come you always want to jump the gun?
07:33We don't have to get leveled up first.
07:35We've got to establish our bearing points.
07:37It don't have to be perfect.
07:39It just needs to be close.
07:41I mean, we're three foot higher over there than we are over here.
07:44No, that's a backfill.
07:46We've still got to get out with the machine, though.
07:47I don't give a shit.
07:49Dig it by hand or let's not do it.
07:51Bill has one way of doing things, and I have another way of doing things.
07:56The floor of this thing is not going to be the same level as that.
07:59Unless we dig out another foot of that and put it back in here.
08:03Well, I don't know what to tell you.
08:05It's going to be as close to level as we can get it.
08:07The hole is currently not level.
08:09One side has more dirt in it than the other.
08:12Josh believes to level the floor, they need to move all of the dirt out of the hole.
08:15But Bill believes the best way to level the floor is to move the dirt from one end of the hole to the other.
08:23I can't believe that Josh is talking about wanting to do this right now.
08:26We're not leveling out.
08:28We're doing back breaking, throwing dirt nine and a half feet out of a hole.
08:31We're getting so pressed for time, and if we keep butting heads, it's like,
08:35I'm wondering if we're going to be able to pull this thing off before the festival gets here.
08:39If you just come around to my way of thinking, we'll be all right.
08:42Back in Franklin County, Virginia,
08:45Tim's plan is to move his shine off his property to a hidden location.
08:53To do this, he needs to find the perfect hiding spot, then plan how to get his shine there.
08:59The risk is moving it from A to B.
09:01I think they done hired ABC agents because every time I pick up a newspaper,
09:05somebody's done got caught calling moonshine or making moonshine or selling moonshine.
09:08Deputies say they have busted up a moonshine operation.
09:12Authorities accuse the husband and wife of running a distillery right in front of their home.
09:17With everything we've found, we can tell he's been doing this a while.
09:24Deputy Sheriff Chuck knows there's more than one way to skin a cat.
09:29You can catch a moonshiner in the woods making it,
09:33but you can also catch a cat in the woods.
09:35You can catch a cat in the woods making it,
09:38but you can also catch them on the road hauling it.
09:44We'll patrol the main roads coming into the county.
09:47We look for traffic violations in order to stop the vehicle.
09:52Some bootleggers been stopping at this part right here.
09:56Everybody knows not to take that road.
09:59And once you pull up on a stop point and they stop you, it's too late.
10:02They're going to want to look in the trunk of the car or in the bed of the truck.
10:08We look for any sugar dispelled or any cortlation jars or gal jugs.
10:14We'll get consent to search the vehicle and see if there's anything in there.
10:18If I get caught, I'm going to lose the shine and go to jail.
10:21I ain't got time for that. I ain't got time for no A.B.A. agents.
10:24I ain't got time to be going to jail.
10:28Coming up...
10:29I'll see if I can get him.
10:31A massive white hog threatens Mark and Jeff's still sight.
10:35I see a well. Is there any water in it? I think that thing's dry.
10:39We've got to dig this well right here.
10:41I'm getting all the grunt work here.
10:43There's bull****.
10:45I can't fasten things.
10:47I ain't moving any more of your ****, Josh.
11:01Down in South Carolina,
11:04new moonshiners Josh and Bill push on with the build of their underground still sight.
11:10Shot on time and resources,
11:13Josh has called his friend Thomas to add a few unique enhancements to their Blue Ridge steamer still.
11:20We are putting some little extras here and there on the still.
11:23Just because it's a little something that I wanted to do.
11:26Put that right there.
11:27Put that right there.
11:29I have a sight glass on the still so you can be able to see in there and see it working.
11:34Probably going to have to drill.
11:36I'll have to hold it all the way around it and work my way slowly.
11:39This is really unusual to have this much welding on a big steamer still
11:44with this much piping and this many barrels.
11:47It's rare to see a completely stainless still
11:50because it's difficult to work with.
11:52Copper's a lot more malleable.
11:54Some people have told me I'm crazy
11:55and that I'm probably going to have to spend a lot of time cleaning it.
11:59But why build something half-assed?
12:01Should we tilt it down just a tad?
12:03I just want to make it the most beautiful thing you've ever looked at in your entire life.
12:09Could have built a Harley.
12:11Harley's not this beautiful.
12:15While Josh and Bill are adding high-tech modernties to their still,
12:19200 kilometers to the northeast,
12:21moonshiners Jeff and Mark have brought in legendary stillmaker and moonshiner Jim Tom
12:27to work on making repairs to their still.
12:31Hello in there!
12:33Somebody anxious here, I'm going to run.
12:35They'll soon be able to brew what they hope will be the first successful shine run of the season.
12:41But because they've fallen so far behind, they'll need to work around the clock.
12:46But Jeff and Mark have chosen to shine in an area that's heavily populated by wild hogs.
12:52Now there's one that's stalking the site.
12:55I'll see if I can get him.
12:57Yeah, we'll need traffic tonight because we'll be here for a while.
13:02In the long history of invasive species in Appalachia,
13:06the European wild hog is one of the most dangerous.
13:09They were first introduced to the U.S. in 1908.
13:12Fourteen European hogs were brought to a private hunting reserve in Grand County, North Carolina.
13:18They didn't stay there for long.
13:21They soon escaped to the nearby wilderness of the Great Smoky Mountains,
13:25smack dab in the middle of moonshine country.
13:28They soon returned to their wild state and started breeding like crazy.
13:33But when the demand for corn liquor increased tenfold during Prohibition,
13:37moonshiners knew they were leaving the wild.
13:39And started seeing these wild hogs as food.
13:42Eating the hog allowed shiners to remain isolated high in the mountains
13:46and shine without needing to resupply in nearby towns.
13:51Okay, let's go get some supper.
13:53Bring him down.
13:55Spend as much time around this tale as we do.
13:58Mine's got to learn to eat off the land, ain't he?
14:00Oh, I used to fry me eggs on mine.
14:03Now Mark, who stalked everything that breeded,
14:05will try to take down one of these beasts.
14:08I've been hunting all my life.
14:10From the time that he was old enough to hold a knife and shoot a gun,
14:14Mark was taught the sound these woods make and the ways in which animals move.
14:19It's a rite of passage that's passed down from father to son.
14:23Usually I go hunting with my dogs,
14:26but it's a mess up our moonshine run if we get our dogs hurt.
14:30We just have to go in there and steel hunt this hog.
14:33These marks are stuff that's been killed with this gun over the years.
14:37The straight marks is deer and the B's is bears.
14:41X's is hogs.
14:44All right, we're ready.
14:46Hogs like this ridge.
14:48I've killed a lot of them on this ridge.
14:50We'll just have to look and see if there's any sign or anything to see.
14:53We'll just have to look and see if there's any sign or anything to see.
15:21Here's a hog bed.
15:23He's been here today.
15:25They dig down like this and the dirt stays cool when it's hot.
15:29He's used that bed a long time. It's getting pretty deep.
15:44These birds just talk to you.
15:46Yep. When the birds quit singing, there's somebody close by, ain't there?
15:51With Mark off hunting dinner and a damaged still, Jeff and Jim Tom press on.
15:57Jeff shoulders the broken drainage arm back onto the still.
16:01He hopes when he opens valve, water will pour out.
16:05I'll have to be careful when I put them rocks back around this thing.
16:09I'll put another on that arm.
16:11Ten-four on that.
16:15Deputy Sheriff Chuck is on a hunt of his own.
16:18He's pushed further into the mountains in pursuit of a new lead given by an informant.
16:25I've received a tip.
16:27Possible location of a still. We're going to go see what we've got.
16:31Moonshiners really like an area like this because there's no access by vehicles.
16:36And you have to have a boat or walk by foot and a long ways to get into some of these areas.
16:41It can be a long process to try to find these places.
16:45If you don't get a tip or some information, then it's like hunting a needle in a haystack.
16:50We're going to check out a fort we've had an account that used to make moonshine.
16:58There's actually a spring coming in right there.
17:01So this would be a good area for a still.
17:04There's a lot of places to hide something around here.
17:11What do you think, Tim?
17:13I don't think we're really going to lose too much gravel.
17:16I ain't going to lose a hole, though.
17:18In order to be legal, Tim's distillery needs to have a concrete foundation.
17:23To do that, they're building a frame for the floor.
17:29You hear that truck?
17:34Yeah, I see him.
17:36Tim has taken a look around.
17:39Tim has taken a gamble, ordering only one truckload of gravel for the floor of this distillery,
17:45because money for the project is a concern every step of the way.
17:50But if he hasn't ordered enough, it'll cost him more time and the clock is ticking.
17:56What do you think? We're going to need more gravel, ain't we?
17:58How many tons is that?
18:0015.4. That's what it cost me right there.
18:04I don't have enough money yet.
18:06I'll have to get you next week.
18:08All right, guys.
18:15200 kilometers to the southwest,
18:18new moonshiners Josh and Bill still can't get it together.
18:26No, no, no, no, no, no.
18:28Don't lean on it. Don't lean on it.
18:29I'm not. I'm trying to keep it from...
18:31Listen, listen.
18:32I'm holding it like this, but I've got to hold my...
18:34I'm on my eye out of the way before you damn throw the drill at me.
18:39What are you doing with my drill, man?
18:40You're smoking my drill, man.
18:42You're on drill restriction.
18:43You're on chainsaw duty.
18:47Get off my drill. I ain't playing.
18:51Get off my drill.
18:52All right, we'll do what you do.
18:53I will.
18:59I'm trying to kill this hog before my run comes up.
19:03I've got to have a lot of meat,
19:04so I'm going to have to be coming in and out of town.
19:06It'll give me more time to fool with my moonshine.
19:18I see one right there.
19:23I believe all them are sows.
19:27A sow is a female boar,
19:29and knowing the sow might be pregnant,
19:31Mark lets it live.
19:34But there's bigger game out there
19:36and the bigger the game,
19:38the more dangerous the hunt.
19:46I hear some old rooster sound.
19:48That's a big boar, Tess.
19:49He's that high.
19:50His head's pretty high off the ground.
19:52You see where mud's up in here,
19:54just rubbing their sides on them.
19:55It's been a big hog here.
19:58He's a big one in here if we can find him.
20:00I'm going to try to kill him.
20:07You can see hog sign everywhere.
20:09They like a lot of cover to lay in,
20:12especially in the summertime when it's hot.
20:16Yeah, right here's this big bull's track.
20:18That's the one we're at here.
20:20Mark knows all too well
20:22he's got to hit him with the first shot.
20:25If he misses, the hog could turn and charge.
20:36He's down there.
20:52He's down there, hardly coming.
20:59That's Lyle.
21:02He's a mighty man.
21:27Mark is hot on the trail of a wild hog
21:30that he's seen a little close to a still site.
21:33He's tracked him through the dense forest to a hollow.
21:36He's got to hit the hog with the first shot
21:38or things could get dangerous.
21:40That's Lyle.
21:43He's a mighty man.
21:50I'm going to ease on around,
21:51see if we can find that big one.
22:07That's a big boar,
22:09but there's one bigger than him in here.
22:11That's him.
22:36That's Lyle.
22:54It's over.
23:03Nearly 500 kilometres to the north.
23:06Mark is busy organising his backup plan,
23:09hiding and moving hundreds of gallons of moonshine.
23:12Progress on the distillery continues.
23:15Now that they've constructed
23:17and placed posts for the distillery,
23:19they need to make sure
23:21that the key ingredient for moonshine
23:23is ready and available.
23:29It's a great big old wolf spider.
23:33Well, I mean, I see a whale,
23:34but I think it ain't dry.
23:36It's got to have some water in it.
23:38Let me listen.
23:42I heard something.
23:44That hit ground.
23:46That didn't hit no water.
23:48It does sound like it dried up.
23:50The well is completely dry
23:52and without a decent water source,
23:54their whole project is in jeopardy.
23:56With no money and no time to lose,
23:58Tim's got to think of something fast.
24:00The house was right here before.
24:04We dug a well right here.
24:06But now before,
24:08if you go straight in this angle
24:10to the creek,
24:12that's the spring down there.
24:14If you go right in here
24:16and dig another well,
24:18halfway you might not have to dig,
24:20but 30 feet.
24:22All we can do is start digging and see.
24:24This is the strongest point
24:26and it's right in line with the creek
24:28and we know there's underground water
24:30running right here,
24:32so we've got to dig this well right here.
24:34If you're a sick man on the day
24:36that comes to dig a well.
24:38With no money to hire a well digger,
24:40Tim sets up his right-hand man.
24:42Pull a full of beer,
24:44that'll get us started.
24:46Well, it'll get you started, won't it?
24:48What do you mean get me started?
24:50That'll get us started.
24:52I got something I got to do.
24:54I got to go meet somebody.
24:56Meet some investors or something
24:58to try to get us some money, right?
25:00Fire the old steel back up down in the woods
25:02and we can make the money to damn do this.
25:04At the same time,
25:06while it's fermenting down there
25:08and be digging a well.
25:10We still got to have some more money.
25:12I know and I've been trying to tell you that,
25:14but you don't want to listen.
25:16I don't like keeping tickling the dog
25:18on my backup plan,
25:20but the less people know about it,
25:22the safer we'll be.
25:24Get your shovel.
25:26I know Tim's the main man here,
25:28but I'm getting all the grunt work here.
25:30If you're going to dig a little well,
25:32I got to go.
25:34You're just not making me happy.
25:41It's too hot out here.
25:49Deputy Sheriff Chuck
25:51is deep in the wilderness
25:53at the edge of a mountain lake.
25:55He's working on a tip from an informant
25:57about moonshining activity in the area.
26:00Anywhere next to this lake here
26:02it could be a possible location.
26:04A lot of springs are coming in here.
26:06It's going to be pretty good.
26:09A fresh water supply
26:11is a moonshiner's holy grail.
26:13They have to have fresh water,
26:15so that's kind of one thing we look for.
26:18The lake is fed from the ice-cold springs
26:21that flow from the mountains above.
26:24It's the same water source
26:26that shiners use to run their stills
26:28and make their moonshine.
26:30We get a lot of tips from the hunters.
26:32They'll actually find some
26:34when they're going through the woods
26:36or the trail or different ways
26:38to get into the still.
26:40They'll have it marked with a string or something.
26:42We'll go check that out.
26:44But without help from people,
26:46it's hard to locate anything.
26:57It's a toothpick.
26:59Toothpick hell.
27:01Josh and Bill are finally preparing
27:02to set supporting beams
27:04to their underground still site.
27:06But with time running out
27:08and no plan in place for how to move forward,
27:10they're going to have to improvise.
27:12What about edging this bank up a little straighter?
27:15Yesterday and the day before, we're planning it.
27:18It's all tapered back right there.
27:20It's tapered back, yes, sir.
27:22But there won't be no frame under the corner
27:24if that's the case.
27:26We can work around it.
27:30I don't like half-assing things.
27:32It is kind of half-assing it.
27:34I'd really like to shave a layer off this entire side,
27:38at least a little bit.
27:40The wall in question tapers at the base
27:42by nearly a meter.
27:44Josh wants it straightened out
27:46before the beams are finally set.
27:48But to Bill, there's not enough time for perfection.
27:50Things need to get moving.
27:52The dirt being straight on this end
27:54was really not a detail.
27:56I was really...
27:58It's a wall.
28:00Do you want a wall in your house doing this?
28:03The walls in there don't do that.
28:05The walls over here don't do that.
28:08If you would have mentioned this yesterday
28:10when we had our piece of equipment here,
28:12ready to go,
28:14then no problem at all.
28:16You're seriously going to get off
28:18and argue with me this much
28:20over just straightening the wall?
28:22At this stage of the game, yes.
28:24It's beam-setting day.
28:26I know we're on a time frame.
28:28We're wasting more time arguing about it
28:30than doing it.
28:32Because I was serious when I told you last night
28:34that I'm finished shoveling dirt out of holes.
28:39We've been butting heads on this or that,
28:42and it's starting to drive me crazy.
28:44And I'm just ready to get this whole project done.
28:47But it is what it is.
28:49So I'm about ready to start slinging...
28:51I ain't lying.
28:53I ain't moving any of your... dirt, Josh.
28:57Oh, God almighty.
28:58If it ain't my one day,
29:00I'm fine with another.
29:17Oh, man.
29:19How's it going, man?
29:21It's beam-setting day.
29:25And this is not a turn job.
29:26So Josh and Bill call in for backup.
29:32I might set some beams.
29:36We just need help setting a few beams.
29:38We're ready to get started,
29:40and we kind of need another man to set a beam or two.
29:42All right.
29:47After many unsuccessful attempts
29:49at trying to recruit help...
29:51Me and Bill, we need an extra hand.
29:53Could you come help us out?
29:54It looked like Josh and Bill
29:56have finally got their man.
30:00That's what I'm talking about.
30:03Their buddy, Vince.
30:05I'm not saying we'll cut any corners,
30:07but we gotta figure out
30:09exactly how we're gonna do this really fast.
30:11I agree with that.
30:13Our time is an issue.
30:15We really just need to be
30:17knocking it out and making it happen.
30:19Maybe I just miscalculated.
30:21Maybe we're just not rolling like we should.
30:22Maybe I just miscalculated.
30:24Maybe we're just not rolling
30:26like a weld-oil-tooling machine.
30:28Look out! Look out!
30:30I'm really kind of overwhelmed right now.
30:32I almost don't even know
30:34what direction to go in.
30:36It's really frustrating.
30:47Oh, Josh!
30:49You didn't see me
30:50get out of the hole.
30:52I thought you was paying attention.
30:54I was getting all the digging tools
30:56out of the hole.
30:58Are you smoking crack or what?
31:00My dick's running around here.
31:02You didn't cutify me
31:04and you've been scrapping, son.
31:06I was slinging the pickaxes out of the hole.
31:08That one about kissed Josh in the forehead.
31:10That's a big sign.
31:12We need to slow down
31:14and take our time on a couple important steps.
31:16Each team weighs hundreds of kilos.
31:18If Josh isn't on target,
31:21take the swing out of that thing.
31:23Josh, if you hit our beam,
31:25it's going to fall over.
31:30Ease it.
31:32Hold, hold, hold.
31:35All right, right there, right there.
31:37That's good.
31:41Right there.
31:43Hold on.
31:45Josh, come down the hole with us.
31:47I can't hold it.
31:50Let's go.
31:52Watch out, watch out, watch out.
31:54Back on Tim's property
31:56under the hot Virginia sun,
31:58Tickle is getting heated up himself.
32:02Got a great big old pile of dirt,
32:04but it don't seem like I went nowhere.
32:07If we was making moonshine,
32:09we could have that money to spend easily,
32:11but we're not making it
32:13because Tim don't want to take the risk.
32:15But it could be paying for this
32:17and this could be done in one afternoon.
32:18This is going to take me forever to dig.
32:22I'm sitting here digging it all by my damn self.
32:27Meanwhile, Tim is making moves.
32:30He's evaluated his options
32:32and has decided on the best place
32:34to hide his sash of moonshine,
32:36a nearby tobacco farm.
32:39This tobacco field right here,
32:41that's what I'm thinking about.
32:45It'd be a good spot to put the moonshine hash
32:48and put it in here.
32:50You want to be able to get to it
32:52real fast and easy.
32:54That's the number one thing.
32:56You don't want to go through a lot of gates
32:58and open doors and have to talk to people
33:00or people can see you or nothing like that.
33:03The other thing is just having it
33:05real out in the open
33:07and it's kind of like it's no man's claim.
33:09And if you was in that area
33:11and somebody comes in
33:13and tries to frame you up on it,
33:15then you just tell them,
33:16I don't own the land.
33:18My hands wasn't on it.
33:20You didn't catch me with it.
33:22It's just sitting there.
33:24It's going to be a couple of weeks
33:26before they even come in here to do anything.
33:28Late summer tobacco harvest
33:30is still weeks away.
33:32Until Tim finds something more permanent,
33:34this is the perfect place
33:36to hide his shine.
33:38I wanted to sit them in between here.
33:40You put them in between right there,
33:42you can't see them things from the air.
33:44I mean, you can't hardly see it
33:47Right now, I don't tell Tickle
33:49everything I'm doing.
33:51We just kind of keep it quiet.
33:53It keeps Tickle out of trouble.
33:55We don't want him to know everything.
33:57It's hot out here.
33:59It's been a long time
34:01since I sweated like this.
34:04This right here just ain't good business.
34:07I'm out here killing myself
34:09and he's riding around
34:11probably in the A.C. in his car
34:13talking to somebody
34:18I've never actually heard of anyone
34:20hiding in a tobacco field.
34:22So if a plane's coming over,
34:24they're looking in the woods.
34:26They're looking for vehicles,
34:28barns, you know, stuff like that.
34:30There's always a chance
34:32the law can sneak up on you
34:34so a good moonshiner knows his escape routes.
34:37If things go bad,
34:39somebody comes in on me
34:41and I got this truck right here,
34:42I can get to the end of the field,
34:44I can back up and hit the woods that way
34:46or I can go that way and hit the road.
34:48This truck is like a tractor
34:50so I can go anywhere.
34:57Tim's been good to me
34:59but this ain't making me no money
35:01and that's the whole reason
35:03I got into this game right here.
35:05It'd be different
35:07if he was out here helping me
35:09but he's not.
35:10It's really getting to the point
35:12that I just don't know what I'm gonna do.
35:15I'm tired of this.
35:41They cover me up.
35:48Tim could be out here
35:50helping me with this
35:52but he's not doing it.
35:54He's off running around somewhere else.
35:56I'm digging this big-ass hole
35:58trying to find us some water for the well.
36:00This is just bull****.
36:06What's going on?
36:08Been digging a damn hole.
36:10I thought you were gonna dig a well.
36:12You're gonna dig a hole this deep
36:14you need somebody here to help you
36:16and I ain't got nobody here to help me.
36:18Well, I had to go do something.
36:20Well, I know but you always gotta go do something.
36:22Because I'm busy.
36:24Yeah, you're busy but I'm sitting here
36:26getting stuck with all this kind of work.
36:28I don't like keeping Tickle and Aquabat to back up him
36:30but it's a way to protect all of us.
36:32Seems like I always get the hard part.
36:34Well, somebody's gotta do it.
36:36Yeah, somebody's gotta do it
36:38and it's always me.
36:40I'm trying to get investors.
36:42I could have been making money today
36:44doing something else
36:46instead I'm digging a hole and I ain't made nothing.
36:48I'm trying to get investors.
36:50You keep trying
36:52but it ain't happened yet.
36:54I like Tim.
36:56He showed me a whole lot about this business.
36:58I'm wondering if people might want to
37:00drink my moonshine instead of his.
37:02I know how to do it now
37:04but I tell you something's got to improve
37:06and it's got to improve pretty quick.
37:10650 kilometers to the southwest,
37:13new moonshiners Josh and Bill
37:15are in a race against time
37:17to get their posts and beams set.
37:21If they can't get the framework erected
37:23by the end of the day,
37:25they won't be able to get their site finished
37:27by the start of the Plum Hollow Music Festival.
37:29Keep the pressure on it! Keep the pressure on it!
37:31Hold up! I can't hold it!
37:33Let's go! Watch out!
37:35Watch out! Watch out! Watch out!
37:37Watch out!
37:38God dog!
37:40You should have just let me pick it up.
37:42I'm fixing to.
37:44You're trying to get killed.
37:46I really didn't have everything
37:48shored up like I needed to
37:50and as a builder I know better than that
37:52that I was cutting corners
37:54and trying to get this thing knocked out.
37:56I'm really frustrated that that beam fell.
37:58That should have never happened.
38:00I'm just glad nobody got hurt just then
38:02because that was pretty dangerous.
38:04We're going to have to put braces on it.
38:06We've been fighting so much and arguing so much
38:08about what to do.
38:10We have to get it done.
38:12200 kilometers to the northeast,
38:14Mark and Jeff are getting ready
38:16for what they hope
38:18is the first successful shine run
38:20of the season.
38:22We're getting warm here, Mark.
38:24Yeah, we're getting fired up here.
38:26Boy, that's looking.
38:28Now that's doing some good pulling.
38:30Along to help them make repairs
38:32is legendary moonshiner Jim Tom.
38:34They've done everything they can
38:36to prevent any further delays.
38:38They can't afford another bad run.
38:40I feel confident that we're going to get
38:42to run this moonshine today.
38:44We're going to miss around the clock.
38:52This is the hardest part of it.
38:55When it gets right down time to run,
38:57that's when you get to feeling the most uneasy.
39:00If you get caught making moonshine,
39:02you're going to jail.
39:09I've received a tip
39:11that the possible location of a steel,
39:13we're going to go see what we've got up here.
39:16This area in here's got a good water supply
39:18coming in to the holler up here.
39:21So anywhere where there's a natural spring
39:23coming down the mountain,
39:25that's kind of what we look for.
39:33We're going to get a good run
39:35of this moonshine today.
39:37Oh, man, that one went together perfect.
39:39Hold what you got. Hold what you got.
39:41It's been a full day with the beams today.
39:43Just buy it all ahead,
39:45but we've got a bunch of men.
39:47That went together perfect.
39:49I can't wait to put that metal down.
39:58A lot of them's used a lot of lead.
40:00It's a lot of lead.
40:02It's a lot of lead.
40:04It's a lot of lead.
40:06It's a lot of wood to heat their steel.
40:08You get a little smoke from that,
40:10that's something else we look for.
40:13Now listen, this sounds solid.
40:16Now listen to this.
40:18Hear it ring?
40:20That mirror's up to here now in this.
40:22All that steam, it says,
40:24I got to go somewhere, escape.
40:26Quick as that hits that cold water there,
40:28there she comes.
40:30I'm going to get a hot chair in just a second.
40:32You can smell the mash if it's fermenting good.
40:34It's got a sweet smell to it.
40:36You'll know it when you smell it.
40:38Nothing else will smell like an operating liquor store.
40:42We're getting close to getting some product out of this thing.
40:46She's thumping.
40:54You want to be able to catch them after steel
40:56and them actually have finished product.
40:58That would always make a better case.
41:01There she is.
41:02Now I'm going to be honest and truthful with you.
41:04I'd rather do this than eat a steak.
41:11We've got some black pipe here
41:13that usually they'll run it in the spring out through the woods.
41:16This is definitely a good site.
41:19Try and pull out, Mark.
41:21Show what you think.
41:33Just right.
41:35We are going to have some good stuff right there.
41:47I couldn't have done no better myself.
41:54It looks like to me an old site.
41:56There's not been nobody here in a while.
41:59By the looks of things,
42:00they probably stayed here a couple of weeks at a time.
42:07They've moved on.
42:10We'll get them next time.
42:15Next time on Moonshotters.
42:18Wild lightning.
42:20There's thunderstorms coming in.
42:23If it rains, that's really going to mess us up.
42:25Not if it rains, when it rains.
42:27It's going to rain.
42:30We've got to do something to make money.
42:34That's the problem we've got right now is tickle.
42:36There's a whiskey.
42:38For that it ain't too high.
42:40Everything's not roses making moonshine.
42:42It ain't.
42:43No, it ain't.
42:44Did that really happen?
42:45Yes, sir.
42:46That really happened?
42:47Oh, my God.
42:48This is a major catastrophe.
