Moonshiners Season2 Ep05

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Moonshiners: Season 2, Episode 5
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00:00This time, on Moonshiners...
00:03That's supposed to be a creek right around here.
00:06You know, I'm out here sweating.
00:08Ticker should be out here helping me.
00:10I don't see water flowing through this stream.
00:12I see money flowing through the stream.
00:14He's gonna get into something over his head.
00:17Josh, you got to pick up further.
00:20I'm walking away for a little while,
00:22because I'm about to get...
00:24We can't bend!
00:26We really need this to be a high-proof bag.
00:29If not, we're back to square one.
00:31Long time of running, I ain't never off guard.
00:35I just keep my eyes open.
00:39And one Moonshiner goes down.
00:46Moonshine is a part of our history.
00:48It exists, but it doesn't.
00:50Almost like a myth.
00:52I'm America's most wanted Moonshiner.
00:56That's not a good thing.
00:58It's not a good thing to be wanted by the law.
01:03I live on the edge of anarchy.
01:07It's very hard to catch Moonshiners.
01:09Get out of there.
01:10They're smart.
01:12There can only be one chief.
01:14I'm wondering if we're gonna pull this thing off.
01:19I golly, that's good.
01:24We could supply the whole world with Moonshine,
01:26and we'd all be happy.
01:29If you really love your country,
01:31you're gonna have to love Moonshine.
01:35Across southern Appalachia,
01:37a deadly storm has wreaked havoc on Moonshine country.
01:45In its aftermath, two rookie Moonshiners
01:48have had their underground still site demolished.
01:50Oh, my God.
01:52Did that really happen?
01:54Sir, that really happened.
01:56This is the worst-case scenario right here.
01:59Oh, my God.
02:01That's not good.
02:05The Plum Hollow Music Festival is now just two days away.
02:105,000 people are expected to arrive,
02:13and police and security will be crawling all over the site.
02:19I had a lot of setbacks.
02:21I actually felt like we were getting some,
02:23and then I come back to work, and my project's collapsed.
02:26I just don't know how much more of this I can stand.
02:29I'm ready for something to go right.
02:31The rain's messed us up, that's for sure.
02:36There's more rain coming. The sky's turning black.
02:39Now I know how Barney felt.
02:42It's been raining about two days, ain't met up a bit.
02:45About to wash everything away down here,
02:47so I got to get going or I'm gonna lose everything I got.
02:50The last underground still that Barney had,
02:53it flooded out the entire underground still site
02:56and ruined everything.
02:58After that, Barney lost his ump.
03:07There's nothing easy about Moonshiner.
03:12200 kilometres to northeast,
03:14veteran Moonshiners Jeff, Mark and Jim Tom
03:17are heading back into the woods
03:19to assess the damage from last night's storm.
03:22Last night, we actually had to abandon the still site
03:25on account of the storm. I'd never had to do that before.
03:34In my opinion, when you get it started, it's done.
03:39But when Mother Nature runs you off, you got to go.
03:44The rain seeped into the mash and diluted the alcohol content,
03:48causing an unusually low proof.
03:51According to that, it ain't too high.
03:54This could mean $3,000 down the drain.
03:59They'll soon find out what hand Mother Nature has dealt them.
04:04My limb fell out and hit a spill.
04:06Yeah, it dented pretty good right here.
04:10If the still is destroyed, they'll have to start all over again.
04:14I believe it'll be OK.
04:16Jeff, if you hadn't of welded that,
04:19we wouldn't even have a furnace.
04:21They need to salvage their half-brewed run from the night before.
04:25I worried all night long that what was on this run
04:28put us further behind.
04:30How's the water?
04:32Oh, Lord, our water's gone, damn.
04:35That ain't near enough to cool this thing.
04:37Without it, they're at a standstill.
04:40We don't need to further behind.
04:42We need to get caught back up.
04:44I'll go check it out and see what's going on up there.
04:47If it's a total loss, we could lose customers
04:50and we lose our finances to get my horse filled.
04:54Nearby, in the county police headquarters...'s a good day for Deputy Sheriff Chuck.
05:04This is Chuck, Sheriff's Officer.
05:06Yeah, I'll be there in about 15. Usual place will be fine.
05:09He's just got the strongest lead he's received all season.
05:12The informant, or CI,
05:14has tipped him off to a big-time moonshine distributor.
05:18I've just got to get my horse filled.
05:22I've just received a call from the CI.
05:24We both have some information for him.
05:26We're going to go meet with him and see what he's got.
05:29It may be somebody that you've had dealings with
05:32on a minor violation, and instead of charging that person,
05:35you may actually use them, try to get something bigger out of them.
05:38This confidential informant that called me today,
05:41I've actually got the rest off of his information for him,
05:44so he has proven reliable.
05:46But it makes a lot of difference when you're making a case.
05:51Johnson County, North Carolina.
05:55A moonshiner is under siege.
05:59To other shiners, he's known only as Moonshiner X.
06:03He's trying to assemble a vast moonshining empire
06:06so he's asked for his identity to be concealed.
06:11In any given season, Moonshiner X could potentially pull down
06:15to $200,000, or tax-free.
06:22But with the season nearly halfway over
06:24and limited supplies due to a nationwide drought,
06:27he's in the crosshairs of every lawman in the region.
06:30And he doesn't have a dime to show for it.
06:33Up until the last couple of weeks, we had a real dry summer,
06:36so a lot of the produce, you're making brandies that get hit hard.
06:40We had a shortage on produce this year.
06:43Blueberry prices are up.
06:45Hell, even corn, you know, corn liquor used to do dirt cheap,
06:48but now the price of corn's gone up,
06:50and that'll reflect in the moonshine cost, too.
06:53I only got into the moonshine because I valued the tradition of it.
06:57If you're in it for the profits, then you can make some money.
07:00It's a lot of work.
07:01Even though it's illegal, you want to make a quality product,
07:04so the time it takes you to mash and to get things prepared for a run,
07:09you spend the same amount of time looking over your shoulder,
07:12making sure you're not going to get caught.
07:15Meanwhile, back in Graham County,
07:17Mark and Jim Tom continue to clean up the still site.
07:22This wood's wet. I'm going to dry it out.
07:25Let me check something right here.
07:27They've got to get brewing quick.
07:29Cash and supplies are running low.
07:32Last night is rough.
07:34We're just trying to get things fixed back right.
07:36We need to catch up.
07:39It's just some leaves, man.
07:42The run-off from the storm
07:44has blocked the flow of water from the dam to the still.
07:47You should have a full pot.
07:51Well, well, well, hey.
07:55The water's doing good.
07:57Well, everything looks 100% to me.
07:59The best thing to do is to build a fire and fire him again.
08:03Fire him up.
08:12Even though the still is back in working order,
08:15Jeff, Mark and Jim Tom aren't out of the woods yet.
08:19They need the half-brewed mash they abandoned the previous night
08:22to pack a punch.
08:24This is all new territory for these...
08:26We got water in our mash last night,
08:28and I was worried that we would lose our run.
08:31It's doing good right there, Jeff.
08:33She's coming on towards the elbow.
08:35You hear her thumping?
08:37She's thumping. That means she's coming downtown.
08:40Back in the 20s and the 30s and the 40s,
08:43they didn't have a metal thumper.
08:45They run this worm right here right up by the pipe,
08:48and they run straight from the still to the worm.
08:53You got your container ready, ain't you?
08:55Oh, yeah, I've done that laundry.
08:57She's about ready to start producing the products.
09:04500km north in Virginia,
09:07the concrete foundation of Tim's distillery has set.
09:10Now he needs to remove the wooden forms
09:13in order to raise the walls.
09:15Got to get all these screws out, this wood off,
09:18so we can see what we got here.
09:20As we're going along with this Lego distillery,
09:23I'm learning every day it's a lot more difficult
09:26and a lot more details that has to be looked at.
09:29But his right-hand man, Tickle, has gone rogue,
09:33leaving Tim high and dry.
09:36I'm out here sweating, trying to get this thing going.
09:39I got JT helping me out, which is good,
09:42but Tickle should be out here helping me.
09:44We started this thing together.
09:46So the question is, where is Tickle at now?
09:50I want to go Lego with Tim,
09:52but right now there's just not enough money.
09:54A week ago, Tim and Tickle got into a nasty row.
09:58I'm thinking about getting somebody else to help.
10:00You know what, I'm thinking about getting somebody else to help me do this too.
10:03And you're going to get somebody else to help you get in jail.
10:05Tickle stormed off.
10:08Now each is operating on his own.
10:12Well, what happened to Tim?
10:14Tim don't want to do anything illegal.
10:16Tim really wanted to come out in the woods and make a run,
10:19so I had to branch off and do it on my own.
10:21We got buyers lined up.
10:23We got potential to make some money.
10:25This buyer's been lined up for a long time.
10:27I called my buddy Howard.
10:29I'm getting him to help me make a few runs of liquor
10:32so we can get some money coming in.
10:34Tickle gave me a call, said he needs some help making some moonshine.
10:37I figured I could come on out here, learn the ins and outs of moonshining.
10:40As far as I know about it, it's just drinking it.
10:43I ain't never made none.
10:44I drank plenty of my time, but hoping to make some money, that's the main deal.
10:47You going to line my pocket?
10:50That's what matters.
10:54Coming up...
10:55Bill, is it ready?
10:58We can win!
11:00I've always had Tim there to show me what I was doing wrong.
11:03Now it don't happen.
11:06That's higher than a kite, Jeff.
11:08Well, I can tell by looking at that, that's way over 150.
11:13By mercy!
11:24In South Carolina,
11:26Josh and Bill are faced with the aftermath of a devastating rainstorm.
11:30In order to get back on track,
11:32they must pump the rainwater out of their flooded still site.
11:35Standing water, playing with power.
11:48It's lower now.
11:53Man, it's making a mess of this hillside.
11:56The water level's going down, though.
11:58Ain't standing water no more.
12:00A pond of water in the field would dam a hell of a lot better
12:03than a pool of water in our hole.
12:07For Josh and Bill, the hits keep on coming.
12:10The water damage also caused part of their tunnel to cave in,
12:14so now they need to shovel hundreds of keel of dirt out of their still site.
12:21Bill, is it raining?
12:24Started back again.
12:26We can't win!
12:28Rain or shine or flood or monsoon,
12:31it's not an option to quit.
12:33We got our tunnel caving in.
12:35We got to get it up.
12:48There's supposed to be a creek right around here.
12:51You see the way it ran, but it ain't here now.
12:54My bet is it's down that way.
12:59I always had Tim there to show me what I was doing wrong.
13:03Now it don't happen.
13:05If you do something wrong in this game,
13:07there's a whole lot of things that could happen.
13:10You could blow this up.
13:12You could get busted.
13:14So it kind of scares me a little bit.
13:18It kind of scares me a little bit,
13:20but it's just something I'm going to have to deal with.
13:25This creek is dry.
13:29You can see where this creek used to be 10, 15 foot deep.
13:36Well, let's go check something else out.
13:38All right, brother.
13:41Deputy Sheriff Chuck is hunting
13:43for a suspected moonshine distributor.
13:46He's on the way to meet a confidential informant
13:49who's offered information in exchange for a lesser charge
13:52on his own moonshine-related offence.
13:55The CI that called me today, I've used him in the past.
13:58He's proven reliable.
14:00Any time you're using a confidential informant,
14:03you've got to be careful with them
14:05because they can turn around and try and use us
14:07to see what kind of information they can get.
14:10Part of my job is to detect the person
14:12that's giving me information, their name and identity,
14:15so I don't want that going through any office phones
14:18or anything that might give him away to who he is.
14:21If you get a couple of them that you can trust,
14:23then we usually try to stick with them
14:25as long as they keep working out.
14:28Do you have to take your hand behind there
14:30and see if there's any heat?
14:32Oh, yeah, I had to get up in the morning.
14:34OK, that's what counts.
14:36The storm has left Jeff and Mark in uncharted territory.
14:39For the first time in their moonshining careers,
14:42they had to stop mid-brew.
14:44And now, they've got to find a way out.
14:47They're going to have to find a way out.
14:49They're going to have to find a way out.
14:51They're going to have to find a way out.
14:53They're going to have to find a way out.
14:56And now they're unsure
14:57that their partially-brewed mash is salvageable.
15:10But they've got an ace in the hole,
15:12legendary shiner Jim Tom and his 60 years of experience.
15:25We're hoping we'll get 10 to 15 gallons of moonshine today.
15:29We need to get caught back up
15:31instead of getting further and further behind.
15:34We really need this to be a high-proof badge,
15:37much higher than the last one.
15:39If not, we're back to square one.
15:43To dilute his liquor down to a market strength,
15:46a moonshiner must test the liquor's proof.
15:49Proof is expressed on a scale of 0 to 200.
15:53100% pure alcohol would be 200 proof.
15:57The most common market strength for moonshine
16:00is around 100 proof, or 50% alcohol.
16:03The most common way to proof liquor
16:05is to use a device called a hydrometer.
16:08But the best moonshiners proof their liquor
16:11using a method known as the shake test.
16:14They half-fill a jar with moonshine,
16:16give it a few good shakes,
16:18then watch the bubbles that form.
16:20The larger the surface bubbles, the higher the proof.
16:24Incredibly, a select few moonshiners
16:27are accurate to within half a percent with this method.
16:34This rum has to prove higher than the last one did.
16:39Our customers is wanting a better shot.
16:44That's higher than a kite, Jeff.
16:46I can tell by looking at that, that's way over 150.
16:49I'm old enough to know that.
16:51The half-brewed mash turned out as punchy as ever.
16:54The old master was right all along.
16:56That's in better shape than it was last night.
16:59I was worried we wouldn't get nothing, we'd be further behind,
17:02but it's doing good right now.
17:04It's a successful run.
17:06By the mercy! Yeah, it's high.
17:08I sampled it like I burnt my thomps out.
17:11It's better now, Jim, than when it was.
17:13Absolutely. Yes, sir.
17:15That's as good as any moonshiner would want.
17:18Popcorn's something, I always say it.
17:20A gallon of liquor is that one a bushel of taters won't.
17:23Let's get this stuff in the jars and get it going.
17:26Watch out for the blue light!
17:3140km to the east, Moonshiner X is spooked.
17:36He suspects someone in his circle has been turned
17:39and is talking to the cops.
17:43I had nobody to help me with the moonshine
17:45for a couple of different reasons.
17:47I don't want a lot of people knowing.
17:49Also, I don't want to be making moonshine,
17:51and the law will come up
17:53and my activities incriminate somebody else.
17:56I had a big bust around here a couple months ago.
17:59There was a guy get caught here in the county
18:01with 2,000 gallons of mash.
18:04He had an indoor operation, so he was pretty slick.
18:08As long as he didn't take anybody else in there,
18:11nobody would have known what he was doing.
18:13Kind of makes you wonder if somebody didn't tip him off.
18:16Having a bust like that, you get a lot more nervous.
18:20Deputy Sheriff Chuck is on his way to see the CI.
18:24He knows he's closing in.
18:26We can't be everywhere all the time,
18:28so we have to rely on other eyes and ears to help us along.
18:32In order to keep the CI hidden from the public,
18:35they decide to meet at Deputy Sheriff Chuck's house.
18:40I'm going to go in and meet with my confidential informant here.
18:43Stand by here, I'll be back.
18:57Coming up...
18:58This is my malt corn.
19:00This is all I have left.
19:02I think we need to build a second site around Barley Scotch.
19:05Holy smokes.
19:10You can make me a rich man.
19:12Our CI gave us some information about the drop-off point here.
19:17That's definitely not water.
19:31Deputy Sheriff Chuck has spent years
19:33developing a confidential informant
19:35who has a direct line to a major moon man.
19:39Chuck's going out on a limb,
19:41meeting him at his house.
19:43It's safer than meeting in a public place.
19:55A CI will provide information
19:57either for money or to work off prison time.
20:06That CI will mislead police
20:08in an attempt to buy time for partners
20:10or to stall his own prosecution.
20:16The meeting with the CI went good.
20:19Got some information that there's a drop-off point up here
20:22that's supposed to already have some moonshine at it.
20:25We're going to go try to intercept that
20:27before the buyer comes to get it.
20:32Back in South Carolina, things have gone from bad to worse.
20:38And we still got dirt coming down.
20:40I mean, it's coming out in chunks.
20:43Josh and Bill have shoveled and pumped their way
20:45through thousands of gallons of water and mud.
20:48But the water-clogged walls collapse at any moment.
20:52This tunnel's caving in.
20:54We need to get this thing right
20:56before it all comes crumbling down on us.
21:01This is a very dangerous thing we're doing right now.
21:03We're trying to figure out a way to stabilize it.
21:06We're going to put some post and some plate seal,
21:09and we're going to put this dirt back into place.
21:21Oh, boy, you guys got it.
21:24Did it cut you?
21:26I felt it. It didn't get my knee.
21:28It got the jeans.
21:31Oh, yeah.
21:34Why in the world did you just do that?
21:36I was just trying to hold the beam up.
21:38You scared me, man.
21:45I snugged. That looks like it'll work.
21:48For now.
21:53No rest for the weary.
21:55After a successful run, Jeff is back at it.
21:58Midway point through the season,
22:00Jeff to face a reality that all moonshiners are dealing with.
22:04A nationwide drought is affecting corn supplies,
22:07and the costs are booming.
22:11I don't know what I'm going to do here in a few more days
22:15on account of this drought.
22:19Usually I have about 40 bags.
22:22This is all I have left.
22:24This is my malt corn.
22:26I have about enough for probably three more runs.
22:30I'm going to have to come up with something else to use besides corn.
22:34I've not got enough money to put me through the winter,
22:37so I've got to think of something to make moonshiners.
22:48Tickle and his new partner in crime, Howard,
22:51are on the hunt for the perfect still site.
22:54Now, tickle the boss man.
22:58Are you ready to do a little bit of the hard work?
23:01I am.
23:02A good still hand is going to have to be able to do a number of things.
23:06You've got to move these stills around.
23:08I also need somebody that can be there when I call them.
23:11You can be the best still hand in the world,
23:13but if I need you and you can't be there,
23:16you're not worth anything to me.
23:18Also, he's got to be able to keep things quiet.
23:22I like the looks of this place.
23:24It looks pretty secluded, like nobody's been around for a while.
23:28Tickle has found a good, secluded spot,
23:31but it's missing one crucial element, a natural water source.
23:35The perfect set-up is finding a creek
23:38and be able to set up downhill from it,
23:40let gravity do the work, and there's no noise from a pump.
23:44But a spot like this,
23:48Tickle, whatever you say, I'm going with.
23:50All I'm worried about is filling my pocket with a little cash.
23:56In moonshine history, there's one man
23:59that stands out as the Robin Hood of moonshiners.
24:03His name was Lewis Richard Redmond.
24:07In 1876, when he was just 21 years old,
24:10he was on his way to the moon.
24:14In 1876, when he was just 21 years old,
24:18Redmond shot and killed a US deputy marshal
24:21who tried to arrest him for illegal distilling.
24:25He immediately became an outlaw
24:27and people started calling him King of the Moonshiners.
24:31While on the run, he forged on selling moonshine
24:34and giving the proceeds away to the poor.
24:37He spent the next five years criss-crossing the South
24:40and moonshining as he ran from the law.
24:43But ultimately, he paid the price.
24:45A former accomplice tipped off the authorities
24:48and he was arrested outside a farmhouse.
24:51He died seven years later in prison.
25:01Deputy Sheriff Chuck is building a case
25:04against a spected moonshine distributor.
25:06He's acting on a tip from an informant
25:09that a moonshine drop been made in these woods.
25:16One wrong move and Chuck could completely sabotage his own case.
25:31Some CIs are actually double agents,
25:34used to suss out what the cops do and don't know.
25:40You got the drop-off.
25:42Yeah, they could have a game camera on it
25:44or surveillance of some kind on it,
25:46so you want to kind of watch when you're going in there.
26:10That looks like three 1,500-gallon pots.
26:14My God.
26:16Can we use those?
26:18I don't think we can use them.
26:20I mean, metal's so old now,
26:22it's awful tempting because somebody already found a good spot.
26:26But being as it's an old steel site,
26:28that can draw attention to it itself
26:30because who knows through the years who's come by and found it?
26:34You have people on four-wheelers, people hunting, people hiking.
26:38And when talk starts, it's going to get to the wrong one,
26:41and the wrong one's going to come find your steel
26:43and that's the one that's going to try to bust you.
26:51We got the big heavy rains come down on us.
26:53We had a big cave-in.
26:55That started giving us a lot more serious concerns
26:57about the safety of this tunnel,
26:59so we engineered something a good bit stronger
27:01than we'd originally been talking about.
27:03Josh and Bill have secured the tunnel roof with wood beams
27:06to avoid a collapse.
27:08But if they're going to complete the still in time for the festival
27:11and be ready to moonshine,
27:13they have to install a more permanent solution.
27:16There's no way me and Bill can get this done on our own.
27:19We've had to call in reinforcements.
27:21Hey, did you bring enough piece of metal?
27:23Good gosh!
27:25We're going to cut a piece of plate steel
27:27so we can use as our barrier for our tunnel.
27:30It's going to hold our roof up.
27:33We've got to get the tunnel fixed and we've got to get it done today.
27:38Watch out!
27:40All right, now stabilise it for me.
27:46The metal plate sitting above his head weighs close to 300 kilos.
27:52We're going to all pick this up.
27:54We're going to slide it into place.
27:56We're going to put two jack stands in the corner.
27:58And then we're going to fit the post.
28:02If they're not careful,
28:046,000 kilos of dirt and metal could collapse on top of them.
28:08All right, now, that's what I wanted.
28:11Watch your fingers, man.
28:13We've got to get this done.
28:15We've got to get this done.
28:17We've got to get this done.
28:19Watch your fingers, man.
28:21We've got to pick it up further.
28:23Push it!
28:25Push! Push!
28:27Push it!
28:31Put that corner in right there.
28:33I'll hold it twist.
28:37All right, it ain't going nowhere, guys.
28:39Jack her on up.
28:41We've got this thing set in.
28:43And for the first time since we dug this tunnel,
28:46I'm feeling comfortable about standing up under it.
28:55Two kilometres to the northeast,
28:57after a fruitful run,
28:59Jeff, Mark and Jim Tom weigh their options.
29:02The nationwide drought has ravaged American crops,
29:05causing the price of corn to skyrocket.
29:10Watching the news, I thought, corn's not done good.
29:13And you've got to have it.
29:15You have to shut down. It's just one of the two, ain't it?
29:18If we have to quit, we're going to be losing money
29:21and our customers aren't able to go to drinking bonded liquor.
29:24Right. Well...
29:26We might need to set up a second still to run barley scotch.
29:30Unlike traditional moonshine, where the main ingredient is corn,
29:34scotch whiskey relies on barley,
29:36which is plentiful and unaffected by the drought.
29:40We can get plenty of barley right now.
29:42They've got a stockpile of it.
29:44I know my wife and son can run it.
29:46It's a little more work, but that's more money
29:48we get to put in our pockets at the end of the year.
29:51Jeff has to do what no moonshiner ever wants to do.
29:55He has to bring in his wife's son to pick up the slack.
29:59We'll just keep working there's up in Scotch
30:02and we'll keep doing moonshining as long as the corn holds.
30:06I really worry about their safety
30:08and them getting in trouble with the law.
30:10We're going to have to find them a good secure place.
30:13Slide her out, pull her up.
30:19Back in Virginia, after stumbling upon an abandoned still site,
30:23Tickle and Howard decide to push deeper into the woods.
30:26Tickle leads the charge.
30:28I've got to find me a site and find it fast
30:31because I'm not making money until there's liquor coming out the worm
30:34and I'm putting it in a jug.
30:36See how it's getting green and it comes down
30:38and you make a dip right here.
30:40If we follow this, I bet we'll run up on some water right soon.
30:45This is looking good.
30:47Tickle has finally found a water source that may support his still.
30:52You know, we've got a great creek right there.
30:54I see, I see we've got a good stream right there.
30:57If we dam up right here, this will be great.
31:00Whatever we've got to do, I'm on board, brother.
31:02You can never steer me wrong.
31:04I look at this stream, I don't see water flowing through this stream.
31:08I don't see money flowing through this stream.
31:11My man.
31:13You're going to make that shit happen.
31:15You're going to make me a rich man.
31:19650 kilometres to the southwest,
31:22Josh and Bill have less than 48 hours to conceal the hole,
31:26put the final touches on their still
31:28and brew their first batch of moonshine of the season.
31:31The festival is in two days.
31:35I really don't have any more time for any problems.
31:37Just right from here on out, or I'm in hot water.
31:39I think we want to waterproof from that corner to this corner.
31:42I don't think I'm in the first six foot.
31:44Whatever, dude, it's puddling up, you know it's seeping through.
31:48You want to start, it's close to being done.
31:51If we put like a 2x6 or something, just listen.
31:54It don't need to go that high, it doesn't need to go that high.
31:56Whatever, never mind.
31:58If we get it up to stage level, it's going to be plenty.
32:02Bill and myself have butted heads on a lot of things,
32:04and we're both chiefs, and we don't want anybody telling us what to do.
32:07You don't think I'm right? I mean, I don't want to argue, but damn, I...
32:10I'm just sick of you doing that to me.
32:12I'm sick of it, and I'm about to get...
32:14I'm about to...
32:16You change design every ten minutes, dude.
32:18It's... from the... week.
32:20I know, that's why we don't run the stuff up.
32:22I tell you what, I'm walking away for a little while,
32:24because I'm about to get...
32:26I'm frustrated with everything.
32:29I've just had enough of somebody telling me what to do.
32:32I designed this...
32:34I started this goddamn project,
32:36and now I'm having somebody come in and tell me what to do.
32:40I've been putting every dollar I got,
32:44every spare minute I got,
32:46hours, days, weeks, months, years,
32:50I've been working on this project.
32:52It's really questionable whether we're going to get done before festival.
32:56I've just had enough.
33:02Back in Graham County, North Carolina,
33:05Jeff, Mark, and Jim Tom
33:07have been forced to expand their operation.
33:10We'll just cross the creek right here,
33:12and we'll check this other one.
33:14They're on the hunt for a second still site location
33:17to brew a batch of barley scotch moonshine.
33:20We can actually set the steel right here
33:22with some keg condenser.
33:26Can't you see down in here?
33:28If you can't see the sky, they can't see you in the sky.
33:32How's that water, Mark?
33:35You sure?
33:36Yeah, atomically, right there.
33:38You think they can produce pretty good?
33:40Oh, yeah, they know what they're doing.
33:42Well, that's what counts.
33:44To keep the steels running,
33:46Jeff has to bring in his wife and son to pick up the slack.
33:49Lynn and Lance come brew schine all about that,
33:52but they're down where boats patrol.
33:54It makes me really nervous,
33:56and we really got to keep an eye out for the loft.
33:59If it ain't that far, I can come check on it.
34:02The location's close enough to their current site
34:05so that Mark can keep a watchful eye on the family
34:08and be able to warn them at the first sign of trouble.
34:12The stakes have never been greater,
34:14so they formulate a game plan to keep them safe.
34:18I've got a branch coming down this cove.
34:22We got another one over here.
34:24The lake comes in here.
34:27Right here.
34:28Our branch is over here,
34:30and if any boats comes in here, it's one way out.
34:33Watch this little notch right here.
34:35And I'll be the guardian angel.
34:37I'll watch over both of you.
34:39You know, the steels, we can always just build another one.
34:42If we get caught, we can't get this off our records,
34:44and they can't either.
34:46Jeff, he's worried about his wife and youngin'.
34:48I would be, too.
34:50But we'll watch about them best we can.
34:52I'll just have to watch it, make sure nothing comes in.
34:54If I say go, go.
34:58Deputy Sheriff Chuck is acting on a tip
35:01that a moonshine drop has been made in these woods.
35:07There appears to be about 4 gallons here
35:09that they've dropped off for pickup.
35:13It's definitely not water.
35:16It's Chuck's first big win of the season.
35:19He's struck gold.
35:21Fresh corn liquor.
35:23He's tapped into the moonshine network,
35:25and they don't even know it.
35:27Four gallons, it's enough for making a better case against it.
35:31Since it's out in the open woods like this,
35:33I don't need a search warrant or anything for that,
35:35but I can use that to strengthen the search warrant
35:37and also keep this moonshine for evidence.
35:40Chuck's plan is to lie low.
35:43Now that he knows where the drop-off is,
35:45all he has to do is wait.
35:48The information he's gave me today has paid off,
35:50so we'll definitely be using him tomorrow.
35:57Coming up, a moonshine's last stand.
36:03What was that?
36:14Back in Franklin County, Virginia,
36:16moonshiner Tim is ready to move his stash
36:19of prized illegal moonshine from his underground storage cellar
36:23to a nearby tobacco field.
36:26Tim has been living a double life.
36:28By day, he's the town's fire chief,
36:31constructing a legal distillery.
36:35But in the shadows of the night,
36:37he's been devising the perfect plan
36:39to hide huge cash of illegal moonshine.
36:43The plan must go smoothly, or he risks losing everything.
36:47I'm working by myself. I really don't like money.
36:50You should have somebody on the outside looking for you.
36:53I don't have it right now, so I just got to do it all myself.
36:59Tim is hiding the moonshine under bales of hay,
37:02which will keep his shine out of sight
37:04while he transports it to his new hiding place.
37:09This is everything I got.
37:10I've got to move this stuff,
37:12and if I get caught with it, I'm finished.
37:18Boys, will you slip in here and see what this looks like?
37:20I just want to make sure I get them in a good, secure place.
37:24Have you ever been in this section before?
37:26Yeah, but not in several years.
37:28There's plenty of water.
37:32It's good and cold, good and clear,
37:34but it's awful open, ain't it?
37:36There's not a lot of cover here.
37:38Take a pair of binoculars and fly around up there and see this.
37:41What do you think, Mark?
37:42Well, I say you know.
37:44Let's go see if we can find us another.
37:47I know a couple more spots.
37:49Let's go check them.
37:51Yep. No good, I told you.
38:00Back in Franklin County,
38:02Tim has started transporting his stack of illegal moonshine
38:05to the secluded tobacco field.
38:11This is very dangerous.
38:13What happens if your truck breaks down?
38:15You know, have a flat tire.
38:18Anything could come up.
38:20But sometimes you've got to take risks.
38:23So you have to be careful.
38:32Meanwhile, to the south,
38:35Mark is surveying the area they've chosen,
38:37their second still site, by night.
38:41The law, they travel these roads a lot.
38:44They look for any sign of where we've been,
38:47and they know that we've got to have water to run.
38:56I've got a lead right here at the high point
38:59that I can see them coming from any direction.
39:05You can be out here overnight,
39:07and all these frogs gets quiet,
39:09you'd better listen, because if something shot them...
39:15It could be somebody coming, or it could be anything.
39:18You've just got to pay attention.
39:24Back in Johnston County,
39:26Moonshiner X is feeling the heat.
39:28The police are close,
39:30but he's going to roll the dice
39:32and risk everything for one last run.
39:34Whenever you get ready to steal,
39:36proceed with caution.
39:40Any noise we make,
39:42we may potentially give away our location.
39:46Law enforcement, if they see you making this,
39:49they're probably not going to bust you right away.
39:52They're going to hang back,
39:54and they're going to wait till you grow.
39:56And in this industry, if you can sell your product,
39:58you're going to grow. It's going to be money.
40:01And when you grow,
40:03and they catch you at the point they want,
40:05that's when they take you, because they've got a case against you.
40:10Meanwhile, Sheriff Chuck is closing in.
40:14Somebody has just come from that residence.
40:17They may have two or three people
40:19helping them sell to the moonshine.
40:22If I'm looking for a steal itself,
40:24I'll be a daytime search.
40:26And if I'm looking for when they're going to be transporting product,
40:29then I'll do some nighttime surveillance.
40:33Once we get locked in on somebody,
40:35we'll try to do a traffic stop on them
40:37and see if we can find the finished product and everything else.
40:48Tim wastes no time unloading his jugs of shine
40:51into the tobacco field.
41:00If the law comes after you, they want to find you making it,
41:03they want to find you selling it.
41:05If you've got one jar or one case, it's bad.
41:10But if you get caught with a truckload, it's real bad.
41:15And if they catch you making a truckload,
41:17selling a truckload, they're really going to get you.
41:20Most of the time, we don't have confidential information
41:23or nothing like that.
41:25Usually what will happen is the regular citizen will see something
41:28and they'll report that to us,
41:30and we'll start running down the leads on it.
41:32If we get enough information,
41:34we can do an affidavit for a search warrant.
41:38You know, if you see live trout in the woods,
41:40there's usually something going on there.
41:47North Carolina has a state agency dedicated to operations of this,
41:51no matter how small or large it is.
41:53And they've been successful at busting operations locally.
41:57I don't want to get busted.
42:03I don't want to spend any time in jail.
42:13I continue to run around looking over my shoulder all the time
42:16in hopes that I won't get caught.
42:18I'm getting out. I'm getting out.
42:22Next time on Moonshiners...
42:24I wish for a miracle.
42:26I wish for a miracle.
42:28I wish for a miracle.
42:30Next time on Moonshiners...
42:32My whiskey, my whiskey, please don't let me down.
42:37I'm going to take me a drink and roam around.
42:44Not good. Not good at all.
42:46I can't believe I just did that. Damn!
42:49I need this to make my first run.
42:51And once I make my first run, I can pay you.
42:53We're doing way away with this thing, then.
42:55We got water, brother.
