Moonshiners Season2 Ep06

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Moonshiners: Season 2, Episode 6
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00:00this time on moonshiners whiskey whiskey please don't let me down I'm gonna take
00:12me a drink then all wrong around not good not good at all
00:21there's something going on down my way and I think it's got to do with liquor I
00:29need this to make my first run and once I make my first run I can pay you all
00:33right I think I'm looking for you
00:38we got water brother
00:42no this ain't good
00:48moonshine is a part of our history exists but it doesn't almost like a
00:53myth America's most wanted moonshiner
00:59that's not a good thing they wanted by the law I live on the edge of anarchy
01:08it's very hard to catch moonshine get out they're very smart they can only be
01:15one chief I'm wondering if we're gonna pull this thing off
01:21golly that's good we could have the whole world moonshine and everybody be
01:28happy if you really love your country you're gonna have to love moonshine
01:39with orders piling up Jeff and Mark hatched a plan for a second still site
01:47to run more shine but Jeff's had to do what no shiner ever wants to do call the
01:56family for backup he's recruited his wife Lynn to help purchase the key
02:01ingredient barley I don't want her cow you know that would be the worst thing I
02:06could think of would we get your wife caught moonshining how much sugar
02:12Georgia 125 how much barley Georgia 50 okay you had to give us about eight or
02:20ten runs how to get us through this week in jail met when we was teenagers up in
02:25the mountains of North Carolina moonshine and it's part of our lives
02:28Jeff's dad and his grandfather done it and mom was some shiner she done it to
02:33survive on Jeff follows the old moonshiners practice of buying supplies
02:40from a variety of sources today they're getting their ingredients at a store
02:44well off the beaten path okay you keep away from now
02:56going to the store and picking up the supplies you just have to be really
03:01careful everybody watches you have to really watch what you're doing
03:31500 kilometers a north tickle is breaking away from town
04:01and trying to build his own tax-free fortune with Howard as a slant his first
04:08stop is picking up metal sheets to construct a Virginia submarine still
04:14look like it's gonna work well I need something like nail through yeah yeah
04:19that looks like that's gonna work because I'm gonna try to form it and you
04:23know that's a lot of stainless steel for an individual it kind of set off some
04:28bails on my head but what else with us it's his business metals expensive and I
04:34gotta start making some money I mean this is peak moonshine the season right
04:41now and we are behind eight ball I'm looking to take home a thousand fifteen
04:45hundred dollars per run and that's the whole reason I'm in this game
04:59Jeff and Mark have moonshine orders stacking up with barley in hand they're
05:07ready to start working on their alternative recipe scotch corn is really
05:12expensive right now hard to get it's brutal out here everywhere you see the
05:17brown the orange on the map this is what we're talking about some extreme heat
05:21going on the heat wave producing echo temperatures combined with a severe
05:26drought has nearly wiped out this year's corn crop although rain has been
05:33plentiful in the Carolina mountains a nationwide drought is threatening corn
05:38prices due to a short supply Jeff and Mark need to come up with an alternative
05:43and fast to be a good moonshiner you could be able to adapt so we're just
05:51doing it with the barley which makes a little there for that taste and alcohol
05:55but it's still real tasty and does this job made with a secret family recipe
06:02passed down from Jeff's Scottish ancestors barley scotch not only takes
06:07longer to prepare than tradition corn whiskey but it's also a lot more labor
06:11intensive when it sprouts I'll take it in and smoke it you're getting dry then
06:18I'll grind it put it in with the mash that takes the place of the East you
06:23know we use a natural yeast that's just the way they've done it here in the
06:26mountains for the last 200 years the first step is to soak the barley I can
06:35make good liquor off barley if you ain't corn this bad got a different taste
06:38it's all dead if they can hold off some orders Jeff and Mark will be able to
06:44keep the costs down saving everyone money in the long run we've got several
06:49customers now that really likes the scotch as long as we can keep our
06:53prices down on our product that'll make them happier than anything
07:06you've got to be real careful you know you got to keep eyes and ears open look
07:11out for somebody coming you don't want to say
07:16now when you're a money-shining you always burn all your bags because if I
07:22catch you with the bags and they figure out what you're doing I can allow you
07:25over it you know if I find the bikes for every unfounded sugar as I told you for
07:30a gallon of liquor 200 kilometers to the southwest Josh and Bill are less than 24
07:40hours away from the start of the Plum Hollow music festival
07:49despite countless days and constant fighting and tens of thousands of
07:54dollars they are finally close to fulfilling their mentor Barney's
07:59lifelong dream of a working underground still but for that to happen they still
08:05need to cover the site making it completely undetectable to the law and
08:10concertgoers that will soon be standing right there I just wish we had some help
08:18thank you staying on bobcat don't you I think I don't want to test it just yet
08:24today's our last day before the festival if everything goes just right today we
08:29should get all our dirt pushed around and the roof covered we got a lot to do
08:33in a very short amount of time to do it in we cut it to the last minute
08:37hell with this I'm gonna try to Bob
08:41I'll pull it back just a little bit right there
09:03not good not good at all coming up
09:21I just made a fatal mistake on the last day of our budget we ain't got none this
09:32tech equipment here listen nothing was working on some wobbly ladders whoa
09:36JT mess me up kill two people 500 for this thing that's what we read upon once
09:43I make my first run I can pay you I can come looking for you
10:02not good not good at all back at the still site Josh has shredded the
10:07waterproof covering with the festival less than 24 hours away the timing
10:16couldn't be worse if they can't conceal the hole in time they'll be caught red
10:21I just made a fatal mistake at the very end of the day on the last day of our
10:34project before the festival I've under so much pressure getting this done and
10:40being I just oh I can't see straight right now
10:46don't stop I can't really breathe normally Josh is a surgeon with his
10:52machine today he snagged our waterproofing membrane ripped it up and
10:59we're running out of time there's not too many other options except for dig it
11:04out a little bit and see what we got to fix it and keep on moving forward what
11:09we're gonna do to fix that I know we got to get dug out first see what it looks
11:13like all my hard work it was kind of like you know slapping a face but sent
11:18me over the edge
11:25now let's take five
11:36with tickle out of the picture Tim is forging ahead on his distillery with his
11:41son JT I have no idea where tickles that but you know he's got to do his
11:49thing and right now we move right along but there's heavy lifting to be done so
11:55Tim calls up an old friend still bill to help last year still bill came through
12:09when Tim hit a roadblock yeah he's running well short and we're working on
12:15a project here I went ahead and called bill and he just Johnny on the spot
12:19showed right up right on time and you can see he's big 24-foot trust gonna be
12:24a job for three people it's manual labor here we ain't got none this high-tech
12:30equipment here no listen nothing we're just working on some wobbly ladders I
12:33got this up here whoa JT don't let it go nowhere they mess me up kill two
12:43people from the highest point of the structure it's nearly a five meter drop
12:50onto a concrete floor and whether you're building a legal distillery or an
12:54illegal one Zicks doesn't change
12:58let me jump down in it last season tickle found out just how dangerous this
13:05job can be watch watch watch watch three broken ribs made it a lesson he'll never
13:12forget the cause and the remedy was one in the same so what do you have to do
13:19different to make legal moonshine to do what you make in the womb that's what
13:23the ABC agents job is it's regular they can't check when you're doing illegal
13:29moonshine you don't want nothing about we're doing right so now they got to
13:33know everything but before you don't see him at all I don't want to see him at
13:38all now you gotta see I'm gotta build a relationship you see we only got so many
13:44people it's a small group of people well the legal side you got a big group of
13:49people and they all coming in all different angles and here you can't
13:52trust nobody Tim is working with a bare-bones crew under intense pressure
13:57he's got to finish the project by midseason if he ever hopes to start
14:01making moonshine he's already got $20,000 of his own money invested not to
14:07mention the $200,000 bond he'll need to put up in the next two months so far so
14:14good nobody got killed yet
14:19see that plane flying over I'm just worried about if somebody finds out
14:24about backup plane
14:33Mark let's get this stuff spread out to where it goes sprouting in North
14:39Carolina Jeff and Mark are making headway on their special brew barley
14:43scotch moonshine ain't nothing better than burlap the process is as old as the dirt
14:49they stand on Jeff and Mark will lay out the barley on two large sheets of burlap
14:55well let us get this barley spread out here and get it started
15:00the burlap works to create a moist environment for the seeds you want it
15:09thinner and get it better get it too thick I don't top and the bottom of
15:15sprout and the middle won't sprout after sitting out in the Sun for several days
15:19the barley will sprouted and ready for the next phase of the process and in a
15:26couple days they'll be sprouts are sticking through that everywhere that'll
15:30make several gallons of moonshine
15:35Jeff and Mark press on 200 kilometers away two moonshiners hit the wall I'm
15:44really hoping and praying we get down for the festival after shredding the
15:49waterproofing brain Josh has hit a new low with less than a day before the
15:53festival Bill knows there's only one person who could put Josh at ease we've
15:59been under a load of stress so I suggested we go to somewhere I knew we
16:04could both clear our minds I'm gonna go see Barney Josh and Bill's mentor Barney
16:09Barnwell had his own plans of building an underground still cut short by a
16:13serious illness there's throat cancer I just got it really gonna set me back
16:21you later tomorrow they gonna make me cut my beard shave I ain't cut this
16:28beard or touched it in over 30 years they gonna give me some kind of treatment
16:32or something I'm gonna have to do it so y'all see a ugly feller it sounds like
16:40it's one of Louis Armstrong's cup singers it'll be me Barney passed away
16:47in 2011 and never got a chance to finish his underground still so Josh and Bill
16:52decided to turn Barney's dream into reality I was still kind of a
16:57transitional period when I when I first started hanging out with Barney I had
17:00some anger issues in my life about three or so years ago one of his
17:04greatest attributes was helping people find their purpose and he was
17:07instrumental and helped me get me pointed back in the right direction
17:10thank you a lot what we're doing down in the hole how many times you think you
17:13know that me dig it out everything so perfectly and he dug cuss me out ran me
17:20off what he what's really crazy is he told me all this would happen the
17:25prophecy fulfilled he's dancing right now I give anything if he's here today
17:33let's get back to work
17:39coming up there's something you ain't gonna learn in shop class that's for
17:43sure that right there is gonna go down as one of the all-time dumbest things
17:49that I've ever done once I make my first run I can pay you
17:53we've been way away with this thing now
18:15after time in the North Carolina Sun Jeff and Mark's barley has nearly
18:20sprouted but as they get ready to turn it into barley scotch Jeff's having
18:24second thoughts about letting his wife Lynn and son Lance run the second still
18:29site while getting supplies Lynn already risked a run-in with the law but actually
18:38brewing is a whole new level of danger one that could land the entire family
18:43behind bars I can't come up with nobody I really trust besides you and Lance but
18:51I miss one thing if I get caught it'd be real bad if if I got us all caught
19:02if I do have to step in there if Lance has to step in there and help out Jeff
19:07will make sure that we're safe you know this is not our first rodeo we we've
19:12done this before I know okay
19:26tickle and his novice still hand Howard need to start building if they plan on
19:31running any shine before you can even make any moonshine you gotta learn how
19:38to build a still stand it up you can have all the knowledge in the world
19:41about making a run but if you don't know how to build a still you can't make
19:45moonshine yeah make a nice picnic table but they make even better pot hard to
19:52make money with a picnic table that's right the still tickle is building is a
19:56Virginia favorite a submarine pot still it's made by tacking sheet metal around
20:02the edges of two oval wooden sides and holds enough mash to produce about 70
20:08gallons of moonshine that's 10,000 tax-free dollars per run tickle said the
20:14trainer for years years now with him and Tim is known for his liquor we got it
20:19pretty close to centered on there he learned from the best and it might as
20:25well run with it because I'd be dumb not to all right they teach me this in shop
20:29class bro no no it's something you ain't gonna learn in shop class that's for
20:33sure my daddy had always been into carpentry anything that needed to be
20:40done carpentry wise around the house he did but this is really the first of
20:45these I've ever made by myself without Tim I wouldn't have this knowledge it
20:51makes it harder when I'm the one that's got to know all these things and I'm
20:55still learning about this myself and I'm gonna drink a beer what you were you do
21:01gotta make sure you get it right because if you don't then your pots gonna leak
21:04and the leaking pot don't make no alcohol
21:15with just six hours until the festival Josh and Bill are digging themselves out
21:21of yet another mess if the tear in the waterproof membrane is too deep they'll
21:29have no time to repair and camouflage their still sites but like their late
21:36friend Barney they're determined to see it through got about a two foot by two
21:40foot little chunk taken out but um we'll get something back on I think we can
21:45fix it that right there is gonna go down in the history books is one of the
21:49all-time dumbest things that I've ever done not they dumbest but one of the
21:53dust I know I ain't never seen you that man no you ain't well it turned out that
21:59it was a relatively small hole that was fairly easy to fix so I may overreacted
22:06to the situation just a bit I kind of let my emotions override my ass
22:22right now from the air our hole looks like red dirt if we throw some grass
22:29from an area view it's like it never even happened our hole is covered up
22:34at least we got our hole covered up and after all we've been through I'll take that here's
22:48the long life of this project that's good
23:05with their parts nearly complete tickle and Howard are still seeking out a copper cap you just stay
23:12out here all right it's the most expensive part of the still and moonshiners are picky about who
23:19makes it because variations in the caps shape and size can affect the quantity of the liquor
23:24it produces I'm doing all right man I know you want 500 for this thing that's what we agreed
23:37upon I need this to make my first run and once I make my first run I can pay you well
23:43we're doing layaway with this thing man I know copper prices are our way through the roof right
23:49now but I mean you know you know me it won't be no problem I tell you what I'm putting mine in
23:58half gallon jugs I guarantee you about four of those on top of the 500 top of the 500 sound
24:06good to you well all right come looking for you now you won't have to worry about that thank you
24:37while Jeff Mark and Jim Tom wait for their barley to sprout they have a plan to make some fast cash
24:47with the last of their corn we have a street dance in the middle of town on every Friday night and
24:55we pedal off a little moonshine while we learn mark guess you better get a smoke to rolling
25:02during the warm summer nights their town turns out for a dance it is a tradition which has existed
25:09since the community was first settled it's also the perfect time to sell booze to the local
25:15residents thirsty for shine we decided to run today to wait how plenty of moonshine to distribute
25:22I believe it every ATF in the United States Canada and Russia and everywhere else could
25:29never stop moonshining they're going to do it as long as time life
25:34the next thing comes out that one could be out sometimes so much hate gets in there and
25:47that stangles up pressure blow the calf off you know if it was toes and you're standing
25:57here close it stalls y'all that beer come right on you just college and daylight out of you so
26:02that helps hold the cap down I've seen a blow-off mark you ever seen one blow yeah boy I find the
26:10whole bike play it out before you talk about a father I have one split down the back I went to
26:16catch a whiskey you can't put that alcohol out he burned it's gone yeah just a few minutes it
26:22gone that's what I burn you up if it blows up and gets on it'll burn you up to start
26:31climbing out right here we'll be you know a lot of people don't know where that stain goes well
26:35it's got to go somewhere it'll come up through there and yonder it goes and when it hits that
26:40cool waters couldn't do condensed down it goes your stains got to escape summer I mean it's
26:48yeah you know really
26:50then the money goes
26:58there she comes
27:15didn't make pretty babes that's real hot let me just taste Debbie
27:19Wow. Boy, that's good.
27:24Just right.
27:26Just catch me another prig wheel and we'll see what it is.
27:33Pour in there.
27:37That's about right to drink.
27:40Let's see how good it works.
27:43Oh, I've done had three drinkies.
27:47Pretty good.
27:49That's a little hot, yeah.
27:51That'll make you like your great-mother-in-law, won't it?
28:00Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, please don't let down
28:05I'm gonna take me a drink and go roam around
28:11Check on my stills and see if they're okay
28:16Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, these last all day
28:21I don't want to run out of my rye today
28:27I won't have no more or that's what they say
28:32Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, please don't let me down
28:37I've got to go make another round
28:46Back in South Carolina,
28:48the long-anticipated music festival has finally arrived,
28:52and for Josh and Bill, it all comes down to this moment.
28:56We got people coming in the festival.
28:58There's campers, RVs pulling in,
29:00tents being popped up, everybody getting set up.
29:03Although the still site is finally built and covered,
29:06one last task remains.
29:08They need to get rid of Barney's old rusty still
29:11to make room for their new Carolina steam still.
29:17One thing that we can definitely agree on,
29:19this is not the right piece of equipment.
29:21Anybody needs to be making liquor.
29:23Definitely not.
29:24You can see plain as day that it's rusty water.
29:29That still is poisonous,
29:31because you get iron and stuff in your body.
29:33Stainless or copper is the way to go.
29:35I'm ready to get it out of here.
29:37Let's bust it down and drain that liquid.
29:50There you go.
29:51Is it coming out now?
29:53Yeah, here it comes.
29:58If we would have started this two weeks ago
30:00when I suggested it,
30:01we wouldn't be doing it right now.
30:03We're at crush time.
30:05We'll still be lucky to pull it off before the festival.
30:10See that rust coming out of there?
30:11Look at that.
30:12Man, it's an example of why liquor should never be made
30:16in carbon steel barrels.
30:18Look at that rust.
30:28We got that one out.
30:29I was glad to see it go.
30:31We got another rig.
30:32We're going to get it down the hole.
30:34We got to do it quick.
30:35Time's running out.
30:44Damn, Bill.
30:49God, popped right in the nose.
30:51The festival's open,
30:52and we got this big stainless beauty
30:55sitting out in the open.
30:58And people driving by.
31:00We're trying to get this thing put underground
31:01as quick as we can before anybody else sees it.
31:03I'm back!
31:05With only minutes before festivities begin...
31:08Easy, easy.
31:09...they'll need to move cautiously
31:11to avoid any suspicion.
31:13Let's get the rest of them up here.
31:22It's in the hole.
31:28The festival's here.
31:29The band was loading in
31:30while we were hauling our stuff off.
31:32I mean, we cut it down to minutes.
31:34Barney sure would be proud.
31:36He would have already had some mash running somewhere.
31:38He would.
31:39What we're doing here is a lot bigger
31:41than just building underground liquor still.
31:43This was Barney's last project,
31:45and it was something that Barney wanted to do
31:47and that he physically wasn't able to complete.
31:50Barney's gone, but this project stands.
31:57They may be relieved,
31:58but they feel short of their larger goal...
32:00Ha-ha-ha! have shine brewing before the festival.
32:06When we get this thing rolling,
32:08we're going to be working 100 gallons of mash.
32:11To pull it off,
32:12they'll have to dig even deeper into their pockets.
32:15It's going to cost us a fortune to make that much mash.
32:18That's a lot of corn, that's a lot of sugar.
32:20I'm ready to make it happen.
32:22Good enough.
32:26In Graham County, North Carolina,
32:30three generations of moonshiners
32:32gear up to proof and bottle their shine for the local dance.
32:36A great opportunity to bring in some extra bucks
32:39with the remaining corn whiskey.
32:44The art of moonshining has passed on
32:46from one generation to the next.
32:48Jim Tom taught Jeff,
32:50and together they're passing that wisdom
32:53onto Jeff's son, Lance.
32:55If you're going to learn some kind of a trade,
32:58you need to start while you're young.
33:00We've got to get ready for the dance tonight.
33:03You're going to check the proof.
33:05Under Jim Tom's watchful eye,
33:07Lance takes aim to make sure that the final proof is perfect.
33:12I never did use a proofer in my life.
33:14I'd watch it, pour it a little at a time and shake it.
33:19We check the overall proof
33:21to see how much water we've got to bring it down
33:23to where you can get it down to a good, smooth proof of drink.
33:26I like to eyeball it.
33:28Then that learns you more.
33:30A time-honoured moonshine tradition
33:32is to use the lids of the mason jars
33:34to gauge how much water is needed to proof down the ski,
33:38one full at a time.
33:40How much water do you think this will take, Lance?
33:43I figure about one lid full.
33:52What do you think, Jim Tom?
33:54Check it and see what it is there.
33:59Between 100 and 105.
34:01Looking good, Mr. Hanks.
34:03Well, I appreciate that, Jim Tom.
34:12You're ready.
34:14You're going to make a whiskey-proof rider all.
34:18Get you one jar right,
34:20and then you know what to do to the rest.
34:27Yeah, boy.
34:37Well, it's illegal to find a mash and a steel together.
34:41That's what the ATF told me.
34:43If we find the steel,
34:45and the beer together,
34:47we put two and two together.
34:49Then we'll charge you.
34:53So I got on the computer, and I wrote ATF in Charlotte.
34:57I said, how much steel spirits can I have
35:00in the state of North Carolina for my consumption,
35:03just to drink?
35:05He said, you are not allowed any,
35:07and he underlined that, a little dot,
35:09in the state of North Carolina
35:11for your consumption or any other reason.
35:16I said, what you don't know will not hurt you.
35:19Jim Tom, saying.
35:28The framework for Tim's legal distillery is nearly complete,
35:32but before the roof goes up, he must reinforce the trusses.
35:45How you doing?
35:47There's something going on.
35:49I need to find out what it's all about.
35:51What do you mean, something's going on?
35:53I keep seeing trucks going by the house,
35:55and the tracks have been going up by the creek.
35:58I think it's got to do with liquor.
36:01Well, I'm up here building the building.
36:03I don't know what's going on down there.
36:05I ain't been down here in a long time.
36:07I had a run-in with this guy about a year ago.
36:15I was looking for a creek to set up a still,
36:18and he was a little bit aggressive.
36:20Well, there's something going on down my way.
36:23I'm going to get to the bottom of it one way or the other.
36:26I don't know nothing about it.
36:28I'm trying to build my legal distillery here.
36:30My name is Tim.
36:34My name is Tim.
36:36Charles, okay.
36:37Yeah, I think we saw each other once upon a time there.
36:40I don't want to cause no problems,
36:42no neighbors or nothing.
36:44I thought I'd stop in and see what I could find out,
36:46and maybe you could tell me something.
36:48Well, it ain't me.
36:50Whoever it is, I feel sorry for him.
36:53It sounds like Si is trying to set up a moonshine still
36:55on his creek bank, and he don't like it.
36:58I hope it works out for you.
36:59All right, I appreciate the information.
37:01Okay, all right.
37:02I believe he means business, and I understand, too.
37:05You know, it's his property, and he wants people to respect it.
37:08You know, if somebody goes down there
37:10and they don't get permission, good luck.
37:18Tickle and Howard have reached a milestone,
37:21a completed still ready to be placed deep into the woods.
37:26This tickles' first operation without Tim
37:29and Howard's last stop before entering the Alclaw Brotherhood.
37:36Under the cover of night,
37:37hidden deep in a thicket of pine trees,
37:41Tickle and Howard must work quickly.
37:43Now is not the time to tempt fate.
37:52There's the crown jewel, baby.
37:54This is the moneymaker.
37:59500 kilometers to the south,
38:02Jeff and Mar are readying themselves
38:04for what they hope will be a prosperous night.
38:06Moonshine has been sold here since the community was first settled.
38:14We have a pretty good corner on the market.
38:17This is a dry county,
38:18so it's either drive 100 miles to get you something to drink
38:22or come see us.
38:25You know, this is a tradition through the history of time here.
38:28You know, they've done this for the last 7,500 years, you know.
38:32It's illegal, but, you know, it's a chance we take to make a living.
38:38When a state forbids the sale of alcohol in a certain county,
38:42it's known as a dry county.
38:45Back in 1933, when Prohibition was repealed,
38:48some politicians found a way to work both sides of the law.
38:54By making a county dry,
38:56a politician created an alcohol shortage
38:58driving up the bootleg market price.
39:02This was a way to make bootleggers profits
39:04while appearing to serve the morals of the local preachers.
39:08The politicians found a win-win situation
39:11which lined their coffers with bootlegger kickbacks.
39:14Today, one in nine counties across the US is dry,
39:18creating a tax-free black market for bootleggers and moonshiners.
39:26This dance that we go to
39:28is something that's been on here for generations.
39:30My great-great-grandfather done this.
39:32Bootleggers comes, and that's where they peddle off their moonshine.
39:49All right, brother.
39:52We gotta get all the sides good and wet.
39:55So we about need to fill this... up.
39:57Just about, yeah.
40:01Suddenly, everything goes wrong.
40:09She's dripping.
40:16You know, when I see leak, I get to worry.
40:18No, especially on a brand-new pot.
40:24To a novice shiner like Howard, a leak has a sobering effect.
40:29It's just odd to me, you know what I'm saying? I wouldn't expect this.
40:32Oh, no, no, no. That's not leaking bad at all.
40:36Unlike stills made of copper,
40:38wooden-sided submarine pots require an extra step before they can be used.
40:42Once the pot is filled with water,
40:44the wood will slowly expand to create a watertight seal.
40:49All the wood will expand, and everything's gonna be great.
41:02This ain't good.
41:22You know, if I get caught doing this, I'm going to jail.
41:25That goes along with being a moonshiner.
41:29People think this is a criminal thing.
41:31I don't feel like I'm a criminal,
41:33because, you know, I'm a sixth-generation moonshiner.
41:35I'm just carrying on the tradition of my forefathers.
41:45I'm always nervous about the law.
41:47But moonshine and law, this goes together.
41:50Like gunpowder and fire, they don't mix, but this is part of it.
42:00As Tickle and Howard were filling their pots,
42:03their water pump unexpectedly failed.
42:07A simple pull of the ripcord should get them back on track.
42:16That ain't good.
42:18The pull string broke on it.
42:20Right now, it's a pretty big smack to me.
42:23Something that's a minor fix,
42:25but I'm out here in the woods, I ain't got all my tools.
42:28So I guess you could say I'm dead in the water, so to speak.
42:32Because I have no water.
42:37I know how to do this, you know,
42:39so I don't know why I'm running into all these setbacks.
42:43Without the proper tools to fix their pump,
42:46they have no choice but to conceal their sight and head home.
42:51It's kind of Murphy's Law.
42:53Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
42:55And here lately, that's been my luck.
42:59Next time on Moonshiners...
43:01This ain't how we left this thing.
43:03Somebody's gonna uncover this pot.
43:05They could be sitting in the woods right now waiting on us.
43:07Let's get the hell out of here.
43:10I'm riding down the road just knowing
43:12that we're gonna get pulled over
43:14or somebody's gonna see our steal.
43:16Oh, my...
43:18You nervous?
43:20More nervous than I have you out here.
