• 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (7th April 1998)
00:00What's got into you?
00:26I didn't say anything.
00:27It's my fault, really.
00:28Oh, I might have known.
00:29What do you mean by that?
00:30I should have thrown you out earlier.
00:31Don't blame me.
00:32It's not my fault.
00:33Of course I'm going to blame you.
00:34I mean, what is it with people like you?
00:35What's going on?
00:37Hold on.
00:38What's happened?
00:39Kathy's going to South Africa on Friday.
00:40Shut up.
00:41She asked.
00:42I told her.
00:43Can't she take an holiday when she wants?
00:44She's not going for an holiday.
00:45She's moving out.
00:46She's going to be living with Ted.
00:47She's taking Ben?
00:48Phil didn't know.
00:49Neither did I.
00:50Hey, where are you going?
00:51Sort this out.
00:52It's not just Kathy.
00:53It's my grandson we're talking about.
00:54Now, leave it alone, Peggy.
00:55No way.
00:56It has nothing to do with you.
00:57Of course it has.
00:58It hasn't.
00:59Leave it to Phil.
01:00It's his son.
01:01It's his responsibility.
01:02Ben is my son.
01:03I was going to tell you.
01:04But you decided not to.
01:05I wanted to tell you when we both had time to sit down and talk about it rationally.
01:06Well, what's there to talk about?
01:07You're taking my son away from me.
01:08That's it, isn't it?
01:09Well, you tell me.
01:11Isn't there something else we should be talking about?
01:12Look, all I can think about is Ben.
01:13Thousands of miles away in South Africa.
01:14And that's all you've got to say on the matter of Ben?
01:26Is there something else we can talk about?
01:27No, there isn't.
01:28What else do you want me to say?
01:30Well, will you tell me what you're talking about?
01:31I want you to tell me what I'm talking about.
01:33I want you to say it.
01:34Cath, I gave up my right to say anything to you a long time ago.
01:39And that's it, is it?
01:41Well, what else do you want?
01:46Absolutely nothing.
01:48I'll see you in Cape Town when you come to visit.
01:52Matthew, your mother and me have had an idea.
01:56Would you like to invite Sarah round for tea tomorrow?
02:00I'd like to meet her.
02:02Well, she does exist, if that's what you're worried about.
02:04Yeah, well, your mother doesn't really know her.
02:05I don't really know anybody round here.
02:07Well, I'll see.
02:09That'll be her.
02:10While you're at it, why not invite her mum round as well?
02:13And Terry. It'd be nice to get to know him.
02:15I'm not really sure that's such a good idea, Mum.
02:17Neither am I.
02:18Well, you two meet people every day at the market. I hardly meet anyone.
02:20If we're going to be a part of this community, then it's up to us to make the effort.
02:23Well, I'll see what they say.
02:26She's going to think you're checking up on her.
02:28This isn't about her. It's about Matthew.
02:30His aunt's got a job at the bookies. All legit and above board.
02:33Well, how do you know?
02:34I've been checking up on her.
02:37She couldn't have organised going to South Africa that quickly.
02:40She could have been planning it for months.
02:41Yeah, well, before you do anything rash, let's just make sure we've got the facts right.
02:44I'll make sure about that. I'll ask her.
02:46Hey, let me get you another drink.
02:51So why is it a big secret, anyway?
02:53The show's going on Friday. What's the big deal?
02:55It's his family. They can't do anything without making a big deal out of it.
02:58There's always some drama.
02:59And you're getting the blame for telling Phil?
03:00Of course.
03:01That's crazy.
03:02Someone needs to step ground straight.
03:04Anything happens he doesn't like, and he blames you.
03:07Do you want me to talk to him?
03:09I'm only joking.
03:11That's 180, please.
03:14I know that you and Cindy were very friendly at one time.
03:17Not that friendly.
03:18Well, you let her and David Wick choose your flat.
03:20Yeah, well, that was a mistake. You know, I didn't really know what was going on.
03:23And the day she left here, I heard it was you that drove them to Waterloo.
03:27I thought she was taking the kids on a day trip.
03:29If this whole thing turns sour, you really don't want to be the one left taking the flak.
03:33So it's best to tell me anything you know now.
03:36That way I might be in a position to help.
03:39I've told you everything I know.
03:43You've got Grant on the list.
03:44Yeah, I figured he'd be coming with Tiffany.
03:46Oh, I suppose so.
03:47Do we have to invite Simon's boyfriend?
03:50Oh, we'd better. And Polly.
03:52She gets on so well with Tony.
03:54How many have we got?
03:55Eleven, including us.
03:57We're getting there.
03:59You've got my number, Barry. Ring me.
04:05Um, I spoke to Pat.
04:07She told me what happened.
04:08On your polluter, of course.
04:10I don't know what she said yet.
04:11Look, there's nothing we can't all sort out between us.
04:13Yeah, I've heard all that before.
04:14Look, let's just forget it happened.
04:16You just say you're sorry and...
04:17I am not saying I'm sorry.
04:18Well, that's all it needs.
04:19No way.
04:20Barry, you've got to say you're sorry.
04:22No, I don't, because I'm moving out for good.
04:24You've only just moved in.
04:26Yeah, and what a mistake that was.
04:28I'll be back to pick up new things tomorrow.
04:30You and Pat are always telling me to stand on my own two feet.
04:32Well, I'm going to start doing that.
04:34Oh, and you can tell Pat.
04:35She's got rid of me at last.
04:39Are you all right, Mum?
04:40Just don't feel round here.
04:42He knows I'm going to South Africa.
04:44You told him?
04:45No, somebody else did.
04:48As you can imagine, he wasn't too pleased.
04:50I'll bet.
04:52I wish this wasn't happening right now.
04:54It's more important we get you sorted out.
04:56How do you think it really went today?
04:58Oh, Cindy got really rattled
04:59when they brought up the business about the shooting.
05:01Oh, they mentioned that, did they?
05:02Yeah, and her counsel.
05:03She obviously hadn't briefed them,
05:04because they were all over the place.
05:06Oh, shall I go away again and come back later?
05:08No, it's all right.
05:09Has Phil been to see you?
05:12I owe you an apology.
05:14It was you that told him about South Africa, wasn't it?
05:16I thought he knew.
05:17Did you?
05:19And why don't I believe you?
05:20You told me you were sorting it out with him.
05:21You knew exactly what I meant.
05:23Obviously I didn't.
05:25I really am sorry.
05:26What made you do it, Lorna?
05:28I didn't realise.
05:30Do you want Phil back?
05:32Because you know he doesn't want you.
05:33I don't think he really knows what he wants.
05:35Oh, and you do.
05:36Otherwise, why would you be hanging round here?
05:39I'm just really grateful for everything you're doing for me, Kath.
05:44Why are you letting her stay here?
05:48Well, there's got to be more to it than that.
05:50I saw myself.
05:52What could have happened to me, I couldn't just ignore her.
05:54Mum, she wouldn't do the same for you.
05:56Yeah, well, more for me, eh?
05:58I'm a farmhouse hilton.
06:00I took Cindy back.
06:01Look where that got me.
06:03And by the end of the week, Lorna will be out of my life.
06:06One way or the other, I don't think Cindy will ever be out of yours.
06:14Phil didn't come back, did he?
06:17Oh, probably just something that's got blown out of all proportion.
06:20No, she's definitely going.
06:21What for?
06:23A better life.
06:24Then Phil should ask her to stay.
06:27If he stopped messing about and told her what he thinks of her,
06:29well, then she might have second thoughts.
06:31And how do you know what Phil thinks?
06:32He's my son, isn't he?
06:33I always know what you're both thinking.
06:36Lenny, get me another large vodka.
06:44Cindy's definitely playing games.
06:46Perhaps the cart's on the phone for George.
06:48Well, I said it was him, did I?
06:50No, but I know it was.
06:51Maybe they know he's not involved.
06:54I don't know.
06:55I thought we'd squared her out.
06:56So did I.
06:57Well, didn't Lenny, then?
06:58A bit risky.
06:59You'd got it all under control, you said?
07:01I have.
07:02Then what's she worried about?
07:03Just looking for a bit of support.
07:06Well, get Connor.
07:07I've got a lot on this week.
07:10Yeah, it's a gamble.
07:11If I lose, I lose for the rest of my life.
07:14Look, I'm sorry about earlier.
07:17No, I shouldn't have blown a fuse like that.
07:20I suppose I'm just a bit worried about Phil.
07:23Yeah, I'm not sure how he'll cope without Kathy.
07:25Well, he's going to have to learn to, isn't he?
07:28I mean, if you were that worried,
07:29why didn't you tell him when you found out?
07:31I don't know.
07:32I should have done, I suppose.
07:37Well, he's just apologised.
07:39Well, that's something.
07:42Er, do you mind, Phil?
07:43Oh, no.
07:44I'll be my guest.
07:47I thought you were taking it all very calmly.
07:50I told you, get a licence or shut this place down.
07:52I did think about it.
07:53But that was all.
07:54Look at it, Dad.
07:55A bit like throwing away the Duke of Westminster's rent books.
07:57I meant what I said.
07:58Oh, you're just being ridiculous.
08:00Oh, yeah?
08:04This has got to stop.
08:07Just give me one good reason.
08:08I put up with you shoving some moaning Italians into the restaurant.
08:11I said OK to that.
08:12But this place is up and running.
08:13I don't care any.
08:14I want rid of it.
08:15I'm pleading with you to see sense.
08:17Get rid of this and you're throwing away a goldmine.
08:19All right.
08:20If you want it so bad, buy it off me.
08:22Buy it off you?
08:23Yeah, find the cash and it's yours.
08:24Fixtures and fillings, the works.
08:26I just don't want any part of it.
08:28All right.
08:29I will.
08:30But it'll have to be by the end of next week.
08:32You're taking the mick.
08:33You said you wanted it.
08:34I need to sort out my finances.
08:35Fix a realistic price.
08:37By the end of next week, I'll forget it.
08:39I just closed the place down.
08:46Kathy told you the good news?
08:48Good news?
08:49What about your place here?
08:50Why do you think I'm here?
08:52Looking at this dump, trying to assess its architectural worth?
08:55I'm sorry?
08:57The management committee took some persuading.
09:02Kathy's been amazing, taking you in.
09:04She has.
09:05First Sarah, now Kathy.
09:07A fast becoming cause of the month.
09:10If they were going to come at us, why bother with George?
09:12Why not just get us here?
09:13I don't know.
09:14I think it's something else.
09:15Just let George have the number.
09:16No, not yet.
09:18Fine, do whatever you want.
09:20Bad night?
09:21Down about 200 quid.
09:23What's the problem?
09:24You've had a lot worse nights than that.
09:27It's Kathy going to South Africa, isn't it?
09:31It's none of my business, Phil,
09:33but why don't you sort it out or leave it alone?
09:35Just like that?
09:37I have a possible major problem kicking around here.
09:39I need somebody backing me.
09:40I am backing you.
09:41No, you're not.
09:42This isn't backing me.
09:43I need someone here on board.
09:44Now, either get a grip or get out.
09:46It's up to you.
09:48Sarah, can you tell Grant I'm sorry?
09:50I'm going to be another couple of minutes, all right?
09:51All right, sure.
09:57You were up early this morning.
09:58Yeah, I went for a walk.
10:00Look, about last night...
10:01What about it?
10:02I'm sorry.
10:03Yes, so am I.
10:04What did Phil say when he came round?
10:06I don't remember much, except the threats.
10:11What I should do is ask him to go with me.
10:13I think that would solve it.
10:17Why didn't you tell me?
10:18Tell you what?
10:19Don't play fick with me, Grant.
10:21About Kathy, how long have you known?
10:23I don't know.
10:24You're a liar.
10:25Don't call me a liar.
10:26You knew and you didn't tell me.
10:27It wasn't my place to tell you.
10:29You're me brother.
10:30Kathy wanted to tell you herself.
10:31Where are you from?
10:32South Africa.
10:33I only did what she asked.
10:34Oh, yeah.
10:35I did.
10:36And what about me?
10:37Is she more important to you than me?
10:38No, of course not.
10:39Then why keep it to yourself that my wife is taking my son away from me?
10:41Well, if this is the way you're going to behave, perhaps it was a good idea that I did.
10:44Well, you know the score.
10:45Why is this down to me?
10:46If I don't tell you I'm doing wrong, if I do tell you I'm doing wrong, I can't win.
10:49It ain't about winning.
10:50Well, not for me, it ain't.
10:51No, it's about being stuck in the middle again.
10:52I mean, that's me all over, isn't it?
10:53Slap, bang in the middle.
10:54I'm sick of it.
10:56I was trying to keep the peace, trying to do what I thought was for the best.
10:59Your loyalty should lie with me.
11:01Don't get into that one, Phil, because you'll lose.
11:03Every time, you'll lose.
11:06I didn't tell you because a friend asked me not to.
11:09But that's nothing compared to what you did to me.
11:14I want to work with you.
11:15Not now, Phil.
11:16Yes, now.
11:17We're going to court.
11:18We've got to leave.
11:19I'll talk to you, Phil.
11:20When this is all over, I've got to get through this first.
11:23All right.
11:33Why did you say you'd see him?
11:34Because he's still my husband.
11:36There's things we have to clear up.
11:38Mr Holland, is it true you asked Steve and Lucy and Peter to call you Daddy?
11:43So you could create a nice family environment?
11:47This family environment was one you'd already created
11:50when you and the mother were living together in Italy.
11:53Which is where the mother ended up after she abducted Stephen and Peter.
11:56We met in Paris.
11:58After you met.
11:59At what stage did she tell you she was married
12:02and, in fact, on the run from Britain and the courts?
12:06Was it right from the start?
12:08And this didn't worry you?
12:10I was struck by her honesty.
12:12Did she at the same time tell you of the other extramarital relationship
12:16she'd embarked on while still married to the father?
12:18Not at first, but she did eventually.
12:20Did she tell you why she was no longer with her husband?
12:24Can you tell us the reason she gave you?
12:26She said the relationship had broken down,
12:28that he'd become impossible to live with.
12:30And what brought that on?
12:31Well, he was very possessive and unnaturally jealous.
12:35Unnaturally jealous of whom?
12:37Various people.
12:39Did she mention Simon Wicks?
12:41Or David Wicks, maybe?
12:44Did you agree with her,
12:46that there was an unnatural jealousy on the part of the father?
12:49I can't comment. I wasn't there.
12:51Mr Holland, I'd like to go back to the reference you made
12:55concerning Mrs Beale's honesty.
12:58You obviously are very impressed by this side of her character.
13:02I know you weren't in court when she gave her evidence,
13:05but she made numerous references
13:07to her being available to care for the children.
13:09She doesn't work,
13:11but said sufficient funds would be supplied
13:13by your business interests in Italy.
13:15That's true.
13:16Not once, in all her evidence,
13:18in all her references
13:20as to how easy it would be to care for the children,
13:23not once did she mention the fact that she was pregnant.
13:27Was she honest with you about this?
13:32I'll ask the question again in a slightly different form.
13:36Did you know she was pregnant?
13:39I, um...
13:41It's quite a simple question, Mr Holland,
13:44one to which I think you could answer yes or no.
13:48How long have you known?
13:50About six weeks.
13:51Six weeks!
13:53Now, wouldn't you have thought that this was an important fact
13:57which the court welfare officer and the court
13:59would certainly want to know about
14:01when considering the care and welfare of the children?
14:04The mother wants the court to believe
14:06that she is capable of bringing up three children
14:08when it might be said that in the past
14:10she seems to have had a serious problem running her own life.
14:13She is endeavouring to persuade the court
14:15that she can offer them a better home with you than with the father.
14:18Neither she nor you, I'm sorry to say,
14:20have been frank with the court welfare officer
14:23or with the evidence you have given here today.
14:25We just didn't think...
14:27Or was the reason that you concealed the pregnancy
14:29because you thought it would go against you?
14:32I'm very troubled by the fact that the mother's pregnancy
14:35was not revealed during her evidence.
14:37The court takes a very serious view of this.
14:39Openness in children's cases is so important.
14:43I can't make decisions if things are kept from me.
14:48As for this honesty that you so admired in the mother,
14:51it seems to rather have eluded her, doesn't it?
14:54And since you yourself didn't reveal the pregnancy,
14:57would it be fair to say that neither of you have shown much honesty?
15:04Pauline, I need you to try this on.
15:06OK, pop it over there. Now.
15:08I'm busy!
15:09Oh, come on, please. I need to see if you can get into it.
15:11I can get into that.
15:12Oh, come on. I'll look after the laundry up for you.
15:17Well, it's obviously washed here in Walford.
15:19Can I have a service wash?
15:21Please. Thanks.
15:24Mary, that lad you were saying...
15:29Oh, I could hardly forget, could I?
15:31I promise you, you're better off without him.
15:33Well, I would have liked to have made that decision by myself and not had it forced on me.
15:36If you want, I can put the records straight and give him a good thrashing.
15:39Why would you want to do that?
15:40He's seen someone else, hasn't he?
15:42Anybody I know.
15:44Some slapper.
15:45Who is she?
15:46I saw him out with her last night and I swear to God, Mary,
15:48she'd made Brendan Bean stop drinking. She's that rough.
15:51Now, I don't mind dealing with her.
15:52Who is she, Connor?
15:58I'm sorry, Mary. I just thought you'd rather know.
16:00Yeah, thanks, Connor.
16:01Do you sometimes wish you'd never come over?
16:04Sometimes I miss the things I hated when I was there.
16:07But you can't think like that, can you?
16:09You've got to decide what's out there for you and go for it.
16:12It's the only way.
16:13So as far as I'm concerned, she's welcome to Matthew Rose.
16:15He was a bit of a wet anyway. Don't know what I saw in him.
16:18Well, if you want, I can still give him a good thrashing.
16:22Do you want me to go?
16:25To Matthew's parents?
16:26Uh, yeah.
16:27Well, if it'll make you happy, then I'll go.
16:30I'd better get back.
16:31Don't you want to see these invitations? I've just been down to the bus station.
16:34The bus station?
16:35Yeah, don't knock it till you've seen them.
16:37If these are no good, Terry, I'll have them done again properly.
16:40Oh, they're great.
16:42You wouldn't know they weren't professional, would you?
16:44No. Well done.
16:45Oh, I'd better get back.
16:47Yeah, OK.
16:48I'll see you this afternoon.
16:52I thought there was a white arraignment.
16:54Just joking.
16:57You've got a new job, then?
16:58No, it's only two minutes before I've pulled in clothes and a costume.
17:01All right, here you are.
17:05Oh, no.
17:07It don't fit.
17:09I don't know when I'm going to be able to order it now.
17:12Oh, well, I can do it.
17:13But you can't do it by yourself.
17:15Yeah, I'll manage.
17:16Can you get a couple of hours off tomorrow morning?
17:18Well, I suppose so.
17:19Well, please, you're over to my place. I'll help you out.
17:21Oh, thanks.
17:22Queen Victoria, you shall go to the bar.
17:26You don't have to hang around. I can take care of this.
17:28I want to make sure it's done properly this time.
17:30It will be.
17:33Opening night.
17:34What have you got planned?
17:35A lot of specials.
17:36And I thought we'd give a free bottle of wine
17:38to anyone spending seven, one or 15 quid.
17:41Moving in the right direction, are we?
17:42We've just been discussing opening night.
17:45We thought we ought to make it a bit special.
17:48We thought we ought to make it a bit special.
17:50We thought we ought to make it a bit special.
17:52Make it invitation only.
17:53Lay on some free wine, a buffet.
17:55Let the people spread the word.
17:57Sounds great.
17:58Class idea, Janny.
18:00I've been thinking about your offer.
18:02I thought you might have.
18:03You're on.
18:04I want to buy the club off you.
18:05Well, where are you going to lay your hands on the cash?
18:07That's my business.
18:09But I want it by the end of next week.
18:11Just try it. Go on. It's only a switch.
18:14Well done, Janny.
18:17Ian's just giving evidence.
18:18It won't be long now.
18:19How's it going?
18:20Well, let's just say the boyfriend fell apart.
18:24I would give up everything I own to get my children back.
18:26The court has heard that during your marriage to the mother,
18:29she was unfaithful to you.
18:30Were you aware of this?
18:32I was aware...
18:33I became aware of a few of her affairs.
18:36He can't say that, can he?
18:37My Lord, I do wonder what the purpose of all this is.
18:40He can't say that, can he?
18:41My Lord, I do wonder what the purpose of this cross-examination is.
18:44I'm inclined to think there might be some relevance.
18:46There's no proof of a number of affairs.
18:48We have evidence of three, have we not?
18:50Let's get on with it. Thank you, Mr Payne.
18:53When you found out about these infidelities, what happened?
18:57I told her I wouldn't stand for it.
18:59Did you throw her out?
19:01Did you hit her?
19:03Did you threaten her in any way?
19:05You did the reasonable thing and asked her to stop seeing other men.
19:09If she'd have done this, were you prepared to try and make your marriage work?
19:13Yes, and I told her so lots of times.
19:15We even started counselling, but she didn't turn up.
19:19I think she was seeing David Wicks at that time.
19:21During the separation from your wife,
19:24have you pursued a relationship with another woman?
19:28Is there a reason for this, Mr Beale?
19:30I believe my children have had enough upheaval in their lives.
19:33I want things to settle down before I think of seeing someone else.
19:36And, of course, you have a number of family members who live close by
19:39who are supportive and feature strongly in the lives of your children.
19:42Yes, that's right.
19:43Thank you, Mr Beale.
19:46Mr Beale, a lot has been made of your extended family.
19:50You're obviously very close to them.
19:53This extended family consists of your mother, Catherine Mitchell.
19:58She is no longer married to your father, of course.
20:00No, my father died.
20:02But they'd separated before he died, hadn't they?
20:04He was living with another woman.
20:07Your mother remarried, but is once again separated from her husband.
20:12He lives in Albert Square and still has regular access to his son.
20:15You see him, I take it, seeing how close your family is.
20:18Yes, I see him.
20:20The fact that he's an alcoholic doesn't worry you?
20:23No, he no longer drinks.
20:25Then there's your aunt, Pauline Fowler.
20:29Pauline Fowler.
20:31Aunty Pauline, whose husband died shortly after leaving prison.
20:35Then there are her two sons, who live in Walford, Martin 12, Mark 30,
20:38both of whom have criminal records.
20:40Excuse me, I don't understand what she's got to do with my children.
20:42Don't you, Mr Beale?
20:44Let me put it to you in stages.
20:46You see, you say you're fully equipped with an extended family in place,
20:49and it's the one I've just outlined.
20:51Do you see the connection, Mr Beale?
20:53Let me make it clear to you, because, Mr Beale,
20:55you look as if you don't understand.
20:58The extended family is a family with quite serious difficulties
21:01and may not, in the end, be that supportive.
21:04That's your opinion, this, not mine.
21:06Stephen Beale isn't your natural child, is he?
21:09No, but I've brought him up as if he was my own.
21:11Do you love him as if he was your natural son?
21:13Yes, of course.
21:14Do you know whose son he is?
21:17Simon Wickes.
21:18Do you resent that?
21:20Would you say you were a man who held grudges?
21:23Why did you hit Mr Holland,
21:25recorded in the Walford Gazette?
21:28I thought he was responsible for an environmental problem in one of my shops.
21:31That's what he led me to believe.
21:33You thought? You didn't have any proof?
21:37What proof did you have of your wife's relationships with other men?
21:41I caught her in the act.
21:43Have you ever considered that while she was living with you,
21:46your jealousy and deep resentment of her drove her to do what she did?
21:51Have you not in the past resented the fact that she was allowed to visit her own children?
21:55But only last week you denied her access.
21:57The children were quite upset by what was going on.
21:59I thought it was better that there was no more upheaval at that moment.
22:02Or do you just need the slightest excuse to prevent the mother seeing the children?
22:07Is it not true that you kept your wife in virtually Victorian conditions?
22:12That basically you have an obsessive and possessive personality?
22:17Why don't you employ a nanny, Mr Beale?
22:20I want to bring my children up myself.
22:23I don't seem to have any difficulty.
22:25But there was a time when you did employ a nanny.
22:27Mary Flaherty.
22:29Yes, that's right.
22:30But you got rid of her.
22:32No, not exactly.
22:34Not exactly?
22:35She left.
22:38We couldn't agree on times and working conditions.
22:41Didn't you make her work Christmas Day?
22:45You thought that reasonable?
22:48Didn't you try to turn her against your ex-wife when she came to visit her children?
22:52But you did put a strict time limit on your wife's visits.
22:56Yes or no?
22:58Being over-possessive and obsessive is the way you are, Mr Beale.
23:01If being over-possessive is caring for your children, then yes, I am.
23:04Mr Beale, why do you want these children?
23:09Well, I would have thought that was obvious.
23:11Is this not just another way to get back at your wife?
23:13Definitely not.
23:14Is this not just another way of showing your power over her?
23:17Showing her you are still in charge, you still call the shots.
23:20Isn't that why you want your children?
23:22I want my children.
23:25I want my children because I love them.
23:29That's the only reason.
23:31Because I love them.
23:33I might try and persuade Matthew to come to the service on Friday.
23:35Don't push it.
23:36Us Christians have a knack of scaring people off, believe me.
23:39Yeah, I'll drop in casually.
23:41And if he makes a bolt for the door, you know to forget it.
23:45I haven't seen him for the right reasons.
23:47There you go again.
23:48You should be seeing him because it's fun.
23:50I know, and I am, but...
23:54Well, I shouldn't really tell you this because Kathy asked me not to mention it to anyone.
23:58But you're different.
24:00Go on.
24:01Well, she's going away and I'm worried I'm getting close to Matthew
24:04because I need someone to take her place.
24:06Going away? When?
24:09For how long?
24:10Well, forever maybe.
24:11I mean, she's going to live with my dad in South Africa.
24:14South Africa?
24:15Yeah, so that's why I'm worried about Matthew and me.
24:18I mean, I think it's great for her. It's exactly what she deserves.
24:20I mean, she's had such a rough time over the past few...
24:24Alex, are you all right?
24:31She's the one, isn't she?
24:34We have heard that over the past few months
24:36your son has looked after Stephen, Lucy and Peter mainly by himself.
24:40That's right.
24:41Ian really didn't want anyone else to have them after what happened.
24:44After Mrs Beale had abducted them?
24:47How does this fit in with all his business commitments?
24:50Well, it's not a problem.
24:51He has people, managers who look after his shops and things.
24:54Would it be true to say
24:56that he very rarely needs to call on the services of his extended family
25:00to provide care for the children?
25:03Thank you, Mrs Mitchell.
25:06Let's quiz that.
25:07I hope so.
25:10Mrs Mitchell,
25:11would you say that the influence of parents
25:14is of paramount importance when bringing up children?
25:18One or two parents?
25:19As many as you can get.
25:22But at least one is a must?
25:25You've had a bit of practice in this, have you not?
25:28Well, by the time I was separated from my first husband,
25:30Ian was out working.
25:31But there's also Ben,
25:32your two-year-old son to a second marriage.
25:34You're now in the process of bringing him up alone?
25:36I think Mr Painter is puzzled as to where this is going, Mrs Dyson,
25:40and so am I. Can you help?
25:42I'm just trying to establish
25:43what importance Mrs Mitchell puts on parenthood, my lord.
25:46Well, continue.
25:48You've known your daughter-in-law, Cindy,
25:50for a number of years now?
25:52How many?
25:53About ten, I suppose.
25:54And what do you think of her?
25:59Shall we start with whether you like or dislike her?
26:02It seems to be a question that causes you difficulty.
26:05Do you understand?
26:06It's hard to like someone who's hurt your own flesh and blood.
26:09So you dislike her?
26:12But that's not unnatural, is it, under the circumstances?
26:14Would you go as far as to say you resent her?
26:17You're not happy when she comes and sees the children.
26:19It says as much in the welfare report.
26:21And does the welfare report say why?
26:22No, it doesn't.
26:24Wouldn't you resent someone who tried to have your son killed?
26:28She took out a contract on his life.
26:30Check the hospital records.
26:31The mother did this?
26:33You're sure of this, are you?
26:34You personally know all about it.
26:37Has she been tried and convicted of this serious crime?
26:39No, she was questioned.
26:40The police knew she did it.
26:41Everyone knows she did it.
26:42Including your son?
26:43Of course he knew.
26:44Mr. Beale believes his wife tried to have him killed.
26:47We did mention this earlier, Miss Dyson.
26:49I thought it wasn't going to be pursued.
26:51I'm sorry, my lord, but I didn't introduce it.
26:53Ian knows she tried to have him killed.
26:54He knows exactly what she's capable of.
26:56The court should be made aware of it.
26:57Mrs. Mitchell.
26:58She'd do anything, anything to get what she wants.
26:59Mrs. Mitchell.
27:00She's an evil, conniving little...
27:01Mrs. Mitchell, please stop.
27:04You've answered the question.
27:05If there's anything more you want to say, I'm sure you'll be asked about it.
27:08Miss Dyson, have you finished?
27:10No further questions.
27:39No further questions.