(Adnkronos) - Segurini: “ Lo spazio aereo di bassa quota è fondamentale per la strategia nazionale sulla mobilità aerea avanzata che permetterà di cambiare drasticamente la mobilità aerea e permetterà ai droni di fare le consegne importanti come beni medicali, medicine tumorali o addirittura defibrillatori” queste le parole di Giulio Segurini, fondatore e amministratore delegato STRADAai, durante il 2° Workshop "U-Space: The Enabler of UAS Operations", con la partecipazione dell'Università Roma Tre, Impianti SpA e D&P, che si è tenuto presso il Royal Space a Roma.
00:00Strada I is the first Italian company that has launched the aeronautical certification course to offer digital services in low-cost airspace.
00:14Low-cost airspace is fundamental for the entire national strategy on advanced air mobility,
00:21which will not only allow electric drones to carry people and drastically change everything that is air mobility,
00:31but will allow drones to make deliveries, especially important deliveries that can be of medical goods,
00:37tumor medicines or even defibrillators or life-saving medicines in contexts that may require a faster intervention.
00:48And then, above all, for inspections, for surveillance, to give the opportunity to inspect the critical infrastructures of our country.
01:01And we, what we do, we will be a key enabler that will be able to allow these drones to move more quickly,
01:11more quickly and access airspace safely, coordinated with the traffic that can be helicopters, planes and so on.
01:22All this in line with the European 2.0 strategy on drones, which promotes training, investments and digitization of this airspace.
01:33And also the national strategic plan on advanced air mobility, developed by ENAC in recent years,
01:43which is one of the key points in the development of the aeronautical sector,
01:47of which today Italy is one of the most active and most ready for this change of domain of what is called the third dimension.
02:00ENAC and ENAV are two Italian companies, well known internationally,
02:06who are investing a lot in this sector, but there are also all other initiatives that they are promoting
02:14precisely to put Italy in front of everyone, not only at the European level, but also at the global level,
02:20in this important and strategic issue in our country.