Dating the presidents son is not quite what you’d expect

  • 2 days ago
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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00I was just a month into my freshman year at college, and I never in a million years would have guessed that the night I was pinned against the bleachers of the school football field by bullies was the night that would change my life forever.
00:12Well, Sydney, you have two choices. You can kiss my shoe or lose your hair. I have a rule that I never kiss cheap shoes. Now get away from me!
00:22Oh, look, she's gonna cry. I have a lot of practice holding in my tears, and these bimbo bullies weren't gonna break me.
00:31Hair grows back. I guess you've made your choice, then.
00:34After they threw me to the ground, I prepared myself for what was coming, but a voice boomed from behind them.
00:41What the hell do you think you're doing? Leave her alone!
00:43The girls turned around and sprinted away. The person walking toward me was silhouetted by the field's lights, so I couldn't see him.
00:50When he got close and helped me up, I saw who it was, and my jaw nearly fell off my face.
00:56Are you okay? Did they hurt you?
00:58It was Ian Gallagher, the son of the president. He also just started at my school and was the image of perfection.
01:06Flowing blonde hair, a chiseled jaw, and deep green eyes.
01:11Other than my pride? No, but there wasn't much of that to begin with, so I'm good. Thank you.
01:16Maybe you and Sydney should go get some food, Ian.
01:19Who was this guy, and how did he know my name?
01:22Yes, absolutely. Are you hungry? Joe Jr.'s diner is just up the street.
01:26I'm Todd, Ian's assistant. Our driver will be happy to take you and then bring you back to your dorm room afterward. Right, Ian?
01:33Um, yeah, absolutely.
01:35Please stop saying absolutely.
01:37Absolutely. I mean, right.
01:39I wasn't sure what was happening here, but whatever it was, it was really freaking weird.
01:44Okay then, shall we go so you two can eat and get acquainted?
01:47Can you two hold on for just a minute? I need to pause this here.
01:51As you already guessed, my name is Sydney, and it would be awesome if you clicked like and subscribe.
01:56And while you do that, I'm gonna fill you in on some quick backstory.
02:00I grew up in a huge house with everything a girl could want.
02:04Giant stuffed animals, so much chocolate that Willy Wonka would be envious,
02:08and an arcade packed with every video game that ever existed.
02:12There was only one thing missing. My parents.
02:16Sure, I had an amazing nanny who hated children and would lock me in my room when she wanted to be left alone.
02:22But all I wanted was to spend time with my mom and dad.
02:26They ran an international hotel business and traveled the world visiting their properties.
02:31Even when they were home, all they would do was criticize me and compare me to others,
02:36like my spoiled brat of a cousin who screamed whenever she didn't get what she wanted,
02:40or their friend's daughter who was forced to perform at the most ridiculous beauty pageant,
02:45or even the little girl on the cereal commercial who ate the cereal, acting like it was the best thing ever.
02:51That little girl appreciates her life. I've never seen you enjoy your cereal that much, Sydney.
02:56I felt so bad about myself that I developed this nervous facial tic where I would squeeze my eyes shut and then open them really wide.
03:04Yeah, weird facial tics are like catnip for bullies at school,
03:08and when you're the smartest kid in class, it just adds to their joy when they stuff you in the garbage can.
03:14So I kept to myself and didn't care about my appearance because there was no point.
03:19No makeup, big glasses, and my hair in a bun. I looked like a mini version of the school librarian.
03:25Okay, I did have one friend, Monty. We were friends since kindergarten because he was as awkward as me.
03:31He was also really smart and had asthma, so he was always walking around sucking on his inhaler.
03:37Also catnip for bullies. Okay, that's enough backstory. I think you get it.
03:41I thought college would be better, but clearly I was mistaken.
03:45Once an outcast, always an outcast, it seems.
03:48Now, back to the night I met Ian, because it just gets weirder from here.
03:53He took me to the diner, but our table was guarded by his two big, serious-looking secret service agents.
03:59His tiny assistant, Todd, sat in the booth across from us, just staring.
04:03Sorry about all this. It must be really weird for you, Sydney.
04:07This? Weird? Nah, I'm used to it. Happens every time I meet a president's son.
04:12He laughed! Someone actually thought I was funny besides me!
04:16And then he leaned in.
04:18Just imagine that your whole life is like this.
04:20It was manageable when I was a minor because the media left me alone.
04:23But now that I'm 18 and my father is running for re-election, it's like every move I make is under a microscope.
04:30Sometimes I just want to disappear.
04:32In a weird way, I completely understood.
04:35I felt the same way, except I always wanted to disappear.
04:40Just then, reporters swarmed into the diner and started taking photos of us.
04:44Todd signaled for us to smile, so I did, but I had absolutely no idea what was happening.
04:49Okay, that's enough. Everybody out.
04:52Why do they want pictures of me with the president's son?
04:55My own parents didn't want pictures of me.
04:58I think it's time you head back to your apartment, Ian.
05:00Um, if it's okay with Sydney, I'd like to stay and chat some more.
05:04Considering all the insanity of the last couple of hours,
05:07the one thing that didn't feel completely nuts was the connection I had with Ian.
05:12It's like we instantly got along. I'd like that.
05:15Yeah, no. Sorry, we're leaving.
05:18Car's waiting outside to take Sydney home, so it's time to say goodnight.
05:21I couldn't believe how Ian's assistant was treating him like a child.
05:25And then I felt something touch my hand underneath the table.
05:28Ian slipped me a piece of paper with his cell number.
05:31But then tiny Todd stuck his face in mine.
05:34Listen to me carefully, Sydney.
05:36Under no circumstances are you to try and make any contact with Ian
05:40unless you check with me first. Is that clear?
05:43Um, sure.
05:45Good girl. And if he or the press tries to talk to you, you call me.
05:50Wow, this little man just good-girled me.
05:53Yeah, no. Maybe I won't feel like it.
05:56Well then, I'll make a single phone call and have you expelled,
06:00which I will also do if Ian learns about this conversation.
06:03So we're gonna keep this between you and me, right?
06:07I was frozen. If I got expelled, my parents would disown me.
06:11All I wanted to do at that moment was to wrap my fingers around Todd's throat and choke him.
06:16But instead, I just nodded.
06:18When I got back to my dorm room, the first thing I did was call Monty.
06:22Yeah, we both applied to and got into the exact same colleges.
06:26And then, like the weirdos that we are, we chose to go together.
06:30That's crazy. So you hit it off with Ian Gallagher, like for real?
06:35I wouldn't say we hit it off, but I feel like we kind of get each other.
06:39You mean like you and me?
06:41Yeah, but the difference is, he's the president's son. But why me?
06:46Because you're amazing, Sydney. You're like the smartest person I know.
06:50You're funny, you're...
06:52Not deserving of Ian's attention, that's for sure.
06:55That's not true. You're deserving of anyone's attention.
06:58You're just saying that because you're my best friend.
07:01I want to call him, but I'm scared his tiny, jerk assistant will find out and get me expelled.
07:06So, don't let him find out.
07:08I stared at the number on the piece of paper for like an hour before I got the courage to call Ian.
07:13And then, late that night, he snuck out of his apartment and picked me up.
07:18I'm so glad you called. Now hold on to me.
07:21They let you have a motorcycle?
07:23Nope. They have no idea.
07:25And then we sped down the road. And it was thrilling.
07:29I actually had to pinch myself to believe that I wasn't dreaming.
07:32We raced up to a narrow, twisting road to a spot that looked out over the city below.
07:37Wow! This view!
07:40I found this spot when I first got to school.
07:42I needed a secret place to get away from everything.
07:45My dad, his re-election campaign, Todd...
07:48He was so sincere. When he looked into my eyes, I thought I would melt into a big puddle.
07:54He's such a jerk.
07:55He really is.
07:57Why do you let him treat you like that? Why don't you just fire him?
08:01I wish I could. My dad hired him to manage me.
08:04And now you're in it too. I'm so sorry.
08:07What do you mean I'm in it too?
08:09He then handed me a copy of the morning newspaper.
08:12On the front page was a photo of Ian and me at the diner with the headline,
08:16Ian Gallagher's New College Girlfriend?
08:19I couldn't believe what I was seeing!
08:21If you never want to see me again, I totally understand.
08:24This is my life, but it doesn't have to be yours.
08:27I had spent my whole life avoiding attention.
08:30And here I was, about to be on the front page.
08:33My instinct was to run away as fast as I could.
08:36But Ian needed someone.
08:38And for some reason, that someone was me.
08:42We just sat on a rock and talked and laughed for hours.
08:45But as the sun came up, Ian looked at his watch and panicked.
08:49Oh no, they're gonna be looking for me.
08:51We have to go. Now.
08:53We sped down the road, but suddenly there were flashing lights behind us.
08:57It was the police.
08:58At that moment, I knew I was gonna get expelled.
09:01My life was officially over.
09:03But instead of being pulled over, Ian floored it.
09:06We raced down the road away from the police car.
09:09Forget about being expelled, I was going to jail.
09:12Ian pulled behind a tree and shut off the motorcycle lights.
09:15We watched as the police car sped by.
09:18My heart was racing, but Ian looked at me.
09:21And we both just burst out laughing.
09:24The next day when the papers came out,
09:26I walked through campus and everyone at school was just staring.
09:30Including the three bullies.
09:32All I could do was smile.
09:34For the first time ever, I cared about how I looked.
09:37Monty went with me to get a prescription for contact lenses.
09:40Then to the salon to get my hair done.
09:42And finally to Sephora to get a makeover.
09:44Listen, Sid. Something feels off about this whole thing with Ian.
09:48Wow. Is somebody getting jealous because someone else is taking up my attention for once?
09:53No, that's not it at all.
09:55You said it yourself. Why did Todd know your name?
09:58But I wasn't listening.
10:00All I could think about was seeing Ian again.
10:02And then the cosmetologist turned my chair around.
10:05So, how do I look?
10:07That bad, huh?
10:08You're beautiful.
10:10I hugged him as hard as I could.
10:12I don't know what I would have done without him all these years.
10:15For the next few months, Ian and I snuck out nearly every night and went on crazy adventures.
10:21We went to a closed amusement park and turned on one of the rides.
10:24Did a Ouija board in an abandoned house.
10:27And went for a midnight swim in the park fountain.
10:30During the day, I struggled to stay awake in class and my grades went down.
10:34But I didn't care. I was falling in love.
10:37I was so caught up in Ian that I barely ever saw Monty anymore.
10:41I didn't even care that Todd kept posing us for the press.
10:44Until one day when things took a dark turn.
10:47Todd had Ian and I meet.
10:49Well, look at you two lovebirds.
10:51It just warms my heart.
10:53I didn't know you had one of those, Todd.
10:55Every day there's a new surprise.
10:57Ian tried to contain his laughter, but Todd was not amused.
11:01When the press gets here, Ian, I want you to kiss Sydney.
11:04Ian and I hadn't kissed yet, which I thought was strange.
11:07But I felt like he was just taking it slow.
11:10Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Monty sitting alone on a bench eating his lunch.
11:15Is that necessary, Todd?
11:17Of course it's necessary, Ian.
11:19And I want you to kiss her like you mean it. Understand?
11:22What the heck was that supposed to mean?
11:24Why wouldn't he mean it?
11:26And like clockwork, Ian's bodyguards ushered a dozen reporters over to us.
11:31Ian looked so uncomfortable.
11:33He gave me the most awkward quick kiss.
11:36Now, I'm no kissing expert.
11:38But I would have to say it was pretty terrible.
11:41I looked over and Monty was gone.
11:43Ian and I got to the back seat of his limo.
11:45Todd got into the front and just exploded.
11:49What the hell was that?
11:50I'm sorry, Todd. I'll do better.
11:52For your father's sake, you better.
11:54For your father's sake? What does that mean, Ian?
11:57What does it matter to you, Sydney?
11:59You're not bullied anymore.
12:00People admire you, which I'm guessing is a first.
12:03So be a good girl and keep your mouth shut.
12:06Hey, don't talk to her like that.
12:08Or what, Ian? Hmm? You gonna fire me?
12:11I was waiting for Ian to defend me, but he just went quiet.
12:15When I opened the door to my dorm room, Monty was waiting.
12:18I had given him his own key at the start of the year.
12:20I was so happy to see him.
12:23But that happiness didn't last long.
12:25You're being played, Syd.
12:28Stop it, Monty.
12:30You and Ian?
12:31It's a setup because his father is running for re-election
12:33and Todd was hired to craft his image for the public.
12:36You're just jealous because I fell in love
12:38and I'm spending my time with someone else.
12:40And then, Monty held up a printed photo of Ian embracing another boy.
12:45I did some digging and this was Ian's high school boyfriend.
12:50You're saying that Ian is...
12:52Yes, I'm so sorry, Syd.
12:54And they're using you to give off the image that he's straight
12:56so it doesn't affect his father's re-election campaign.
12:59Wow, Monty. You are pathetic.
13:02I was a loser until I met Ian
13:04and you're just upset that you're still one.
13:06I can't believe I was ever friends with you.
13:08Now get out!
13:10Monty looked like I just slapped him as I slammed the door in his face.
13:14That night, when Ian picked me up,
13:16I told him I wanted to go to our spot on the cliff overlooking the city.
13:19I'm so sorry about today, Sydney.
13:21The pressure to perform in front of the camera just...
13:24Before he could finish, I held up the photo.
13:26Have you been lying to me, Ian?
13:28Where did you get that?
13:29Who cares where I got it?
13:31This is the reason why you've never kissed me, isn't it?
13:34Todd says if the world finds out about this, my father will lose.
13:37I was furious at myself.
13:39Monty tried to warn me, but I didn't listen.
13:42And now, I've probably lost him forever.
13:45But it all suddenly made sense.
13:47Right. Choose a girl with low self-esteem who wouldn't question what was happening.
13:51Who would be so thrilled with the attention that she would just go with it.
13:55And these adventures at night? Were they part of it?
13:58Not at first.
13:59But the police officer that first night ID'd me,
14:01and Todd thought it was a great idea to keep them going.
14:04He threatened to tell my dad if I told you.
14:06I'm so, so sorry, Sydney.
14:09I never wanted to hurt you.
14:11Your dad doesn't know about you?
14:13No. That was the only photo ever taken of my boyfriend and me in high school.
14:17And Todd found it too.
14:19Goodbye, Ian.
14:20Sydney, you need to see this through until the election.
14:23My dad is coming to campus tomorrow, and if you're not there,
14:26Todd will have you expelled.
14:28Doesn't matter. I'm dropping out anyway. I'm done.
14:31Ian dropped me off in front of my dorm, and I turned to him one last time.
14:36If you want to live your life trying to be someone you're not just to prove yourself,
14:40it will crush you. Trust me.
14:43The next morning, my face was puffy from crying.
14:46I loaded up my car with all my stuff and was preparing to head home.
14:50Back to a life where I wasn't worth anything.
14:52Back to face the judgment of my parents who already thought so little of me.
14:56I got into the car and tried to close the door, but it didn't budge.
15:00Monty was standing there holding it.
15:02What are you doing here?
15:04Stopping you from making a huge mistake.
15:06Didn't you already try that?
15:08Yeah, well, that's what best friends do, right?
15:11And then I just lost it.
15:13I am so sorry. I was such a huge jerk.
15:17Why do you even want to talk to me after those horrible things I said?
15:21I don't deserve you.
15:23Because I love you, Syd. I always have.
15:25Why do you think I chose this school?
15:27It was to be with you.
15:29And then he kissed me with a passion that I had never experienced before.
15:34My body felt like it was plugged into an electrical outlet.
15:37The president's about to speak. Shall we go watch?
15:40Why would I want to watch?
15:42And so we went to the football stadium, where Ian was standing on the stage next to his father.
15:47Todd was standing behind them.
15:49And as I stand on the cusp of the next presidential election,
15:52I want to hand the mic over to my son Ian, who means more to me than anything in the world.
15:57During my dad's first election, nobody paid attention to me because I was only 14 years old.
16:02But now that the world is paying attention, I want them to meet my true love.
16:07And suddenly, the boy from the photo walked onto the stage.
16:10The whole stadium burst out into applause.
16:13It was incredible.
16:15And then Ian turned and hugged his father.
16:18Todd looked horrified.
16:20After the speech ended, Secret Service let Monty and me backstage, just in time for Todd to walk out.
16:26I hope you enjoyed your time here, Sidney, because you're as good as expelled.
16:31Nah, but you're as good as fired, Todd.
16:34Ian walked over, and for the first time, Todd looked terrified.
16:39You can't fire me, but I can.
16:42Mr. President, I was only doing this for you.
16:45I told you to do that.
16:46You harassed my son for years and misused the power I gave you.
16:50Get him out of here.
16:51And the Secret Service dragged him away, kicking and screaming.
16:55It was glorious.
16:57I forgave Ian, and four years later, he and his boyfriend became the best men at Monty's and my wedding.
17:03At the White House!
17:05My parents were there, glowing with pride, but winning their approval didn't matter to me anymore.
17:10I was happy that at least they were there.
17:13Finally, I was just happy being me.