My Experience Of Having A Real Guardian Angel

  • 2 days ago
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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hey friends, I'm Michelle and I want to thank MSA for giving me a chance to tell my story ever since I can remember
00:06I've been jumping from one foster home to the other. I used to feel like I was never gonna find my place
00:12But then miss Emily stepped in my rock star caseworker. Miss Emily used to be a foster child, too
00:18Just like me and she always told me how she understood my feelings on my ninth birthday
00:23I arrived at my fourth foster home feeling a mix of emotions, but miss Emily was there to calm my nerves
00:30Nervous? Yeah, what if I can't make any friends here? Come on, you'll make many friends
00:35You're an amazing person, Michelle. Your foster siblings will love you
00:40Don't worry, and since it's your ninth birthday today, I got you a gift
00:44Come on, open it. When I opened the box, I was stunned to see the prettiest necklace ever
00:50OMG, is this for me? Wow, I've never gotten a gift before. Thank you so much, Emily
00:56I love you. Love you too, kiddo. Come on, let's get you inside. The moment I stepped through the door
01:02I knew things were gonna be different. First, cuz the house had four kids all different ages and second, the foster mom was
01:10Really really cool. She gave me pretty clothes, the best food and the comfiest bed ever
01:15But it was just a week in and I felt the other foster kids being a bit jealous of me. One sunny afternoon
01:21All the kids gathered to play hide-and-seek
01:23I saw them forming teams and planning their secret hiding spots and my heart sank as I stood there unnoticed and left out
01:31Oh, look who decided to grace us with their presence. Must be nice being the foster mom's favorite
01:37I think she's nice to everyone, right? Yeah, right
01:40That's the reason we sleep in bunk beds, have to wear hand-me-downs and eat bland food
01:44While you get to eat McDonald's and KFC. You're close to Miss Emily
01:48That's why the foster mom gives you the royal treatment. Just go away
01:52This is our thing and we don't want to include you. Feeling defeated
01:56I turned to leave and someone caught my arm. It was Maya, one of the foster kids around my age. Cut it out you guys
02:03Seriously, what's with the jealousy? Michelle doesn't control what foster mom does. Oh
02:08So you want to be your bestie? If you're so much on her side, you can leave too. Hmm
02:12You guys are petty. Michelle, come on, let's play outside
02:16Maya and I quickly became close friends and soon we were inseparable
02:20She became my closest confidant and I told her about my big dream to be a doctor one day
02:25And so you will be. You could be anything you want, Michelle. I really believe that
02:31Little did I know that our friendship would soon be tested. One day our exam results were announced
02:36And while I didn't get the best marks, my foster mom surprised me with her praise
02:41Michelle, I'm so proud of your efforts. Let's celebrate your progress. I'll invite Emily too
02:47She's gonna see how much I care for you and we'll be pleased and put in a good word at the agency
02:53You know, maybe I can have more kids here. The celebration was awesome
02:58But when I returned to my room after the party, my heart sank
03:02My precious necklace lay broken on the floor and Maya was collecting the pieces. Oh my god, who did this? You?
03:09I'm so sorry, Michelle. It was an accident. I didn't mean for it to break. I was just trying it on and it broke
03:15I'll fix it. I promise. Even though I was angry
03:18I knew it was just an accident so I took a deep breath and forgave her
03:22However, the next day the foster mom saw Maya and me trying to fix the necklace and when she asked what happened
03:28I told her the truth that Maya accidentally broke it. She was so mad
03:33She said Maya was grounded for six months and couldn't go out with friends. Maya, can I help you?
03:39No, just leave. Michelle, why did you have to be such an honest angel and tell her what really happened?
03:44You could have just said you broke it and I was helping you, but I just told her the truth
03:49Don't try to be so noble, Michelle. We all know how you use your friendship with Miss Emily to get everything you want
03:55I realize now you're nothing but a brat. All the other kids were right about you. But Maya, don't speak to me again
04:02Michelle. Maya's anger ate her up and our friendship took a major hit
04:07But still I held on to hope that Maya would realize her mistake and make things right
04:11But instead she went full-on mean girl mode
04:15She was always rolling her eyes at me, would spread nasty rumors about me and turned my life into a living nightmare at the foster home
04:22It was like living in a twisted version of Mean Girls foster care edition. One morning
04:27I woke up to find my favorite t-shirt shredded to bits
04:30It looks like it had survived a fight with a grizzly bear
04:34Seriously, Maya, did you have to destroy my clothes like a psycho fashion critic?
04:38What did I ever do to you? You think I'm gonna let you off the hook that easily?
04:42You brought this upon yourself, Michelle, but I didn't do anything
04:46Whatever. Maya's non-stop attacks never let up and it felt like a never-ending storm cloud hanging over me at the foster home
04:54Seeing how miserable I was, Miss Emily stepped in and promised to find me a better foster home. Months later
05:00She came through on her promise and found me a new place. When it was time to leave, the other kids gave me jealous
05:06Looks that made me feel really bummed out. As I entered my new foster home, a bubbly girl named Tyra
05:12Greeted me with a wide smile and a warm hug. I can't believe you're here. I'm so happy. I have always wanted a sister
05:19We're gonna have so much fun together. Mom and dad told me you were coming and I've been sitting on the porch since 6 a.m
05:25Crazy, right? I'm Tyra, by the way
05:27She was like a kid on a sugar rush, but I fell in love with her positive energy. Thanks Tyra. I'm Michelle
05:34It's great to meet you. In the days that followed, I realized I had struck gold. Tyra's parents weren't loaded
05:41But their hearts were pure gold
05:43Seeing how much they adored Tyra filled me with hope and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Over time, Tyra and I
05:50Bonded and became BFFs. Tyra was an amazing painter who had a passion for creative expression
05:56Even though Tyra and I shared everything, from secrets to clothes, her room was always kept like a locked vault
06:03I never pushed her about it because our friendship was built on trust and if her room was her private sanctuary
06:08I respected that. But one day, while we were goofing around in the backyard, something happened
06:13Tyra's leg came off and she fell to the ground. It was then I realized Tyra wore a prosthetic leg
06:19I rushed over, wiped her tears away, and helped her up. Michelle, I didn't want you to see this
06:25I have a prosthetic leg and it sometimes comes off
06:28That's why I never showed you my room because I take it off when I'm inside. Wow, Tyra, you're incredible
06:34I had no idea, but it doesn't change anything. You're still the awesome person I know and love. In fact, now
06:40I think you're even cooler. From that day forward, our friendship grew even stronger
06:45We had each other's backs and Tyra knew she could be herself around me, prosthetic leg or not
06:50And it made our bond even more special. I thought life couldn't get any better
06:55But boy, was I wrong. One day at school, I got selected for the hockey team. When Tyra's dad heard the news
07:01He was over the moon
07:03Estal, that's amazing
07:05Congratulations, you're gonna rock the hockey team. He was so excited that he started practicing with me every day
07:11We'd go to the local park and work on my skills, but as we spent more time on the field
07:16I noticed something was bothering Tyra and one day I asked her. Hey Tyra, what's up? You seem a little down
07:24Michelle, I'm happy for you. Really, but sometimes it feels like I'm missing out
07:28I can't play sports like you do and it makes me feel left out. Oh
07:33Tyra, I never realized you felt that way. But you know what? You have talents and strengths that I can never match
07:40You're an amazing artist and have a heart full of kindness. Tyra smiled at me and hugged me tight
07:46But when I won the championship at school, Tyra's mom and dad couldn't contain their excitement
07:51They lifted me onto their shoulders cheering and celebrating
07:55But as I glanced at Tyra, I could tell she wasn't liking the attention her parents were giving me
08:00I knew I'd have to have a talk with her again
08:02But before that fate threw another curveball my way. One day in the school hallway, I spotted a familiar face
08:09It was Maya. Anger surged through my veins at the sight of her. What are you doing here?
08:14What do you mean? You think only you can get a nice foster home and get into a good school?
08:19Are others not worth it?
08:20Guess what? A very nice and loving family has adopted me and I'm living the good life. Good for you
08:27Listen, Michelle. Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of your way. Understand? You better understand
08:32I hoped Maya would actually stay away. But man was I mistaken. One day
08:37I caught sight of her chatting with Tyra and my gut screamed. Uh-oh. Something's up
08:42I rushed over ready to confront Maya and set things straight. Hold up Maya. What are you doing talking to Tyra?
08:48Oh, just having a friendly chat. What's your problem? Come on Tyra. Let's have lunch
08:54I walked away with Tyra
08:55But once we were seated she asked me about Maya and I told her everything
08:59The bottom line is Maya is trouble. Thanks for looking out for me, Michelle
09:04I was determined to keep Maya at arm's length. But one day when I saw her with Tyra again, I was so angry
09:11I was walking towards them. But then all of a sudden the witch pushed Tyra. That was the last straw
09:17Fury consumed me and I lunged at Maya ready to defend Tyra with everything I had
09:22It was an all-out battle an explosive clash
09:25But before things escalated further school staff intervened pulling us apart
09:29We were all taken to the principal's office and when she asked Tyra what happened the words that came out of her mouth
09:35Shattered me. It was a shawl. She pushed me and Maya and was just trying to help me but a shawl attacked her, too
09:42What? No, that's not true. Tyra
09:44You know
09:45It was Maya who before I could finish my sentence Tyra's tears in her parents arrival caused a shift in the atmosphere
09:51They saw their daughter crying
09:55Directed right at me. How could you do this to our daughter?
09:58We trusted you feeling rejected and utterly alone
10:02I thought all hope was lost but just when I thought I had hit rock bottom my guardian angel miss Emily appeared
10:08I told her everything and she was the only one who believed me and promised she'd fix everything after that
10:14Things got a bit tense two days later
10:17Miss Emily came to pick me up and I thought I was gonna be moving to my sixth foster home
10:21But when I learned miss Emily had adopted me, I felt like I was on cloud nine
10:26I was so happy that I had tears. You're my mom now. Yes, honey
10:31I am we're gonna have so much fun and indeed we did have a blast
10:37Emily and I went on exciting holidays exploring new places and creating wonderful memories
10:43We've laughed we played and we grew closer with each passing day
10:47Emily also enrolled me in a new school where I worked my butt off to achieve my goal of becoming a doctor as time passed
10:54I worked hard and excelled in my studies. I even received a scholarship to a great college following my passion
11:00I became a doctor and I chose to help people with prosthetic limbs
11:03Just like Tyra one day as I was checking patients at the clinic. I saw a familiar face. It was Tyra
11:10Recognizing me she looked ashamed. I decided to keep a poker face and act cool
11:15I worked on creating a state-of-the-art prosthetic leg for Tyra when it was ready
11:19She looked at it with tears in her eyes and finally opened up a shawl. Can we talk please?
11:25I want to explain things no need but I need to I was scared a shawl
11:31You don't know this but I was adopted by my family when I was 7 before that just like you
11:37I had to move from one foster house to the other Maya made me believe that my parents would replace me with you mom and
11:44Dad loved you so much. You were awesome at sports. I became jealous
11:47I was just a kid and I didn't know how to handle it. I didn't want to lose my family
11:52So I followed Maya's words, but after you were gone, she turned on me, too
11:57It was then I realized she had always lied about you being mean to her when it was actually the other way around
12:03She made my life at school a total nightmare
12:06I guess I deserved it after what I did to you
12:09Tyra's words hit me hard and suddenly everything made sense
12:13I could imagine the whirlwind of emotion she went through seeing her parents praising me while she struggled with her insecurities
12:21It's okay Tyra. We all make mistakes. What's important is that you realize it and you want to make things, right?
12:26So, how about we try this on?
