The roman holidays episode Cartoon Vintage Retro 1970 animated series Television

  • la semaine dernière
00:00Et sois sûr de porter un chapeau chaud et des sandales de ferline. Je ne veux pas que ce froid devienne pire.
00:09Eh bien, c'est la ligne d'entrée. Il vaut mieux nous dépêcher. Nous allons manquer le numéro d'ouverture.
00:16Oh, mon chéri, peut-être que ce serait plus intelligent si tu avais oublié la série Happy et que tu étais allé au lit.
00:22Tu as raison, maman. Qui veut voir Davy Cassius ?
00:25Moi !
00:26Moi aussi !
00:27Où vas-tu ? Le bus s'arrête de cette direction.
00:29Prends tes chalets chauds d'avril ici !
00:32Une cola d'avril froide !
00:34Des photos d'avril d'avril !
00:37Des albums de LP et des chaussures de Genuine sur ses cheveux !
00:41Mon dieu, le loup qu'il fait ! Je ne peux pas l'aimer chanter. Il doit vraiment vivre comme un roi.
00:47Je suis fatigué de vivre comme un roi, Max. Je suis fatigué de voir les gardes de corps et les filles qui me chassent.
00:53Je ne peux pas passer le reste de ma vie vivant dans un bol d'or.
00:56Croyez-moi, Davy, un or devrait être si bon. Tu as le monde par les canicules.
01:03Comment peux-je ? Partout où je vais, il y a des autographes, des autographes.
01:06Même quand je vais au lit à la nuit, les poissons ne veulent pas mon autographe.
01:10C'est ça !
01:11Tu as 11 records dans les top 10. Tu ne peux rien faire de mieux que ça.
01:15Je m'en fiche. Je donnerais tout pour 10 minutes de paix et de silence.
01:19Tu l'as, tous les jours !
01:21Un tout 22 minutes entre des shows.
01:24Ce qui me rappelle, tu es en 15 minutes.
01:27Non, je ne peux pas le faire. Je vais m'en sortir.
01:31C'est mon visage !
01:33C'est moi ! On pourrait être des deux.
01:47Je n'ai pas l'air d'être un homme.
01:49Tu es un homme.
01:50Je suis un homme.
01:51Je suis un homme.
01:52Tu es un homme.
01:53Je suis un homme.
01:54Je suis un homme.
01:55Je suis un homme.
01:56Je suis un homme.
01:57Je suis un homme.
02:29If those kids get into this dressing room, it's every man for himself!
02:35They're here!
02:40No, don't!
02:42We're goners!
02:44It's a lion! What's he doing here?
02:47He's my...
02:50Oh no! You sneezed!
02:52Call that running? You're catching a cold!
02:55But Max, that's not...
02:57Gotta take care of those golden tonsils, Davy!
03:01We still got a show to do!
03:03Goodbye, Davy!
03:08Then we better make sure you have the right tonsils.
03:11Huh? Looks like Davy.
03:13Eeny, meeny, miny, Davy?
03:18There's two of you. Two Davys.
03:21Do you know what that means?
03:23I can book you in twice as many places!
03:27Which reminds me...
03:29You run in five minutes?
03:31No way, Max. I need a rest.
03:33Like, he's my vacation.
03:35And for the next 48 hours, I'm retiring from showbiz.
03:39But there's 10,000 people out there!
03:41The show must go on!
03:44What was that? Say that again, kid!
03:47Beautiful! A golden voice!
03:50Better yet, platinum!
03:52Take it again. Only hold that note.
03:57That's it.
03:59Here, hit a note. Any note.
04:02But I...
04:05A virtuoso performance!
04:07Pure genius.
04:09Get ready, get ready. You run in five minutes.
04:12But I can't go out there in front of all those people.
04:15Why not?
04:16You fooled me. You can fool them.
04:19But I can't sing.
04:22It doesn't matter. We'll take it, sweetheart.
04:25And I've got a cold.
04:27So you'll take two cold tablets.
04:29Believe me, nobody will ever know it's not Davy out there on that stage.
04:35Moan, moan.
04:37Man, this is one of my shows I gotta see.
04:47Quiet down, everybody. The show's about to start.
04:50Oh, way out.
04:51It's too bad. Happiest had to go home.
04:54Well, this is it, kid. Your big moment.
04:58No, I can't do it. I'm too scared.
05:01There's nothing to worry about. The crowd will love you.
05:05Now just count to five and start faking it.
05:16One, two, three, four, five.
05:23One, two, three, four, five.
05:27One, two, three, four, five.
05:57All the way to the pizza parlor
06:00That's where we'll meet
06:05Clippity, cloppity, clippity, cloppity
06:08Hear them stumbles smack
06:11Stompity, stompity, stompity, stomp
06:15I'm getting achy back
06:27One, two, three, four, five
06:32Oh, I'm rocking along
06:35That rock and roll stretch
06:37One, two, three, four, five
06:39That rock and roll stretch
06:41One, two, three, four, five
06:43That rock and roll stretch
06:45In Milwaukee
06:49The stompies are singing
06:52Stompity, stompity, stompity, stomp
06:55To my round rock beat, all the way to the pizza parlor, yeah, that's where we'll be.
07:05I'm rockin' along, yeah, yeah, down the rocky road street.
07:10Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, yeah.
07:15Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:45Because you're taking over for the rest of the gig.
07:48I am? I mean, do you really think I could do it?
07:52With his looks and his talent, how could you miss?
07:57What a break! I'm gonna have the best vacation of my life.
08:05Happy holiday! What are you doing here?
08:08Huh? Look, I'm not...
08:11You're not at home, that's where you're not.
08:14I thought you were going there because you didn't feel well.
08:16Well, uh, you see, look, why stand out here in this draft?
08:20Get inside here where it's warm.
08:22And the minute we get home, I'm gonna put you straight to bed
08:25and make you rest until you're cold's better.
08:30You're not gonna lift a finger for the next two days.
08:33Two days of rest and quiet.
