The Block AU Season 20 Episode 31

  • 2 days ago
The Block AU S20 Episode 31 - Living Dining Week


00:00Previously, the new kids on the block had their first win.
00:07Maddie and Charlotte.
00:10One team was blatantly hostile.
00:13I think they're the most hated people on the block at the moment.
00:17Yeah, literally.
00:18That is a bit hurtful because what have I done to get that kind of response?
00:24Plus, the plaster for the biggest room was delayed
00:27and arrived just in the nick of time.
00:30Ah, I see it!
00:32But with all the gyprock in the world now on site,
00:35Christian couldn't find a plasterer for quids.
00:38We've got no plasterers.
00:42And it was the girls that came to the rescue.
00:44Relationships for us are far more important than a competition.
00:48Are you crying?
00:54It's stressful.
00:57Tonight, Rikki and Hayden's landscapers leave them in the lurch.
01:04You already knew about that.
01:06We know that there's outstanding voices.
01:08All I hear is awkward.
01:10As everyone scrambles to finish the biggest rooms on the block so far.
01:30Earlier this week, the CSR gyprock the contestants need
01:34to plaster their living-dining areas arrived late.
01:40Three days late.
01:42Gyprock's here!
01:44Gyprock, gyprock, come get your gyprock!
01:48Which was a massive problem because these rooms are big
01:52and need a lot of gyprock.
01:54They range in size from 50 to 75 square metres.
01:58They're the size of your average two-bedroom apartment.
02:01That doesn't include towering ceiling heights
02:04of up to 5.5 metres.
02:07I think given the delay, the sheer size of the rooms,
02:11there's only one way we're going to finish
02:13and that's with some professional help with painting.
02:15We all need professional help, that's for sure.
02:17So to help these blockheads out, I came up with a plan.
02:21Now, we're in our 20th season
02:23and we're going to do something that we've never, ever done before.
02:31I put out a call to High Pages.
02:33They've come to the party.
02:34They are going to supply each team with a professional painter
02:38for two days to help you get across the lot.
02:43Well done, High Pages.
02:46And while we're here,
02:48I figure I should cover the cost of the plasterers
02:53that were standing around yesterday.
02:55So that's on us.
02:57It's awesome. It's a big help
02:59because this week's budget was not looking too friendly.
03:02Ah, yes.
03:04Unfriendly budgets.
03:05Unless contestants put more money in the bank,
03:08they will have no chance of creating the amazing gardens
03:11we've seen in the past on the block.
03:17I want to swear.
03:18I want to swear.
03:19Then swear.
03:20Because this is so effing good.
03:22It's Steph and Gianne.
03:24Last year, Steph and Gianne won Backyard Week,
03:27went on to win a record $1.65 million,
03:31plus another $100,000 for winning the whole block.
03:37And as we know from previous seasons,
03:39houses need about $100,000
03:41to wow the judges with their landscaping.
03:43This is an absolute knockout.
03:50So with landscaping commencing in just over two weeks,
03:53teams need cash.
03:55And out of their allocated $250,000 ComBank budget,
03:59I've only suggested a total of $74,000
04:02for both backyard and front yard.
04:05Therefore, if they want to add to the kitty,
04:07the cash will need to come from room wins
04:09or challenge wins across the series.
04:12Landscaping's really important, obviously.
04:14It's who I work for.
04:15Everything's about first impressions
04:17when you walk up to a site.
04:18So, yeah, we'd really love to put some money into landscaping
04:22and showcase the ideas that we've got.
04:24We've got so many great ideas,
04:25but it's whether the budget's going to allow for it
04:27at the end of the day.
04:28I have spent all my winnings by five grand.
04:30Don't know how.
04:32So I'm a bit worried,
04:34because that was meant to be our landscaping money.
04:37I'm definitely freaking out about my budget.
04:40Ideally, we would love to save probably an extra $20,000 to $30,000.
04:44I think that's realistic.
04:46But will we be lucky?
04:47So we know we have to constantly keep putting things away,
04:50otherwise things are going to get crossed out
04:52and then we'll just end up with maybe a couple of plants
04:55and some grass, and that's it.
04:57Definitely concerned.
04:58We need wins.
04:59We need more challenge wins.
05:00We need room wins.
05:01We need tens.
05:02Wins, wins, wins.
05:03We need a lot more than what we budgeted for.
05:05How much do you reckon you need?
05:06At least 100.
05:08We've almost got to win every week.
05:10Win every week or get 10 here and there.
05:14And win all the challenges.
05:15And win the challenges.
05:17Well, that will be a tall order.
05:20With everyone fretting about the future,
05:22teams still need to get through this week's living and dining rooms.
05:27And in house one,
05:29Maddie and Charlotte's space is 54 square metres in size,
05:33which is the second smallest on the block.
05:36Although if size matters,
05:38bigger is better when it comes to budget.
05:41Considering they've only been here for two and a half weeks,
05:44Maddie and Charlotte have won 20 grand in prize money.
05:48And overall, they're in front by just over $13,000.
05:57Although Maddie is still worried about this week's 25 grand room budget.
06:02$17,000 gyprock bill,
06:04then they'll probably be close to maybe like a 10K carpentry bill.
06:09That's already $27,000.
06:11I've already exceeded the budget and that's just, like, your main trade.
06:16Their plan is to have a medium-sized six-seater dining table,
06:19big sofa and armchair,
06:21a fireplace situated below an artwork and TV
06:25and a Venetian plastered wall around the fireplace.
06:30That's very efficient work.
06:32Well, I'm glad you're having that much fun sleeping on the floor.
06:35No one ever tickled so much when they were working.
06:38Congrats on the win. Thank you very much.
06:40And getting your one dinner down, that's good too.
06:42And their budget is not too bad.
06:45No, we're good.
06:46But only because you've won,
06:48you're going over my budget every week by a little bit.
06:51I don't think... Did we this week?
06:54Your budget's already... I think you're $13,000 in front.
06:57So that's good.
06:58But keep that up, landscape.
07:00And you know what excites me about the fact
07:02that you've got all your plastering done?
07:04Because Scotty gave you painters this week,
07:06there's five painters sitting around doing nothing.
07:08Get them all there. The paint's just arrived.
07:10If no-one else is ready to paint, why can't they use all of them?
07:13We're the first house ready.
07:15That's a discussion with your other contestants.
07:17Well, the boys are sanding, so they'll be ready next.
07:20They've said that the painters are just happy to get in here
07:23and give it a shot.
07:24So, girls, quick brief. What are you doing in here?
07:26Lots of couches.
07:27Do you know what? A lot of block contestants,
07:29they put, like, a three-seater and a single-seater...
07:31Yeah, not enough. a four-, five-bedroom home.
07:33No, well, I'm a bit worried about this room, guys,
07:35because I had a little bit of a crisis at the beginning of the week
07:38because I obviously came in late
07:40and didn't have a lot of time to plan for this.
07:42I went to places and was looking for couches and dining tables
07:45and they're like, out of stock, someone else has it,
07:47out of stock, someone else have it.
07:49I'm, like, a bit defeated,
07:50because what I've got is beautiful pieces,
07:52but I can't see exactly how they're going to work.
07:54How are you getting on with your neighbours now?
07:57Look, there is some lovely people here,
08:00but I think they have their people,
08:02they have made relationship and they're happy to, like...
08:06..stay in their bubble.
08:07..stay in their bubble.
08:08And then you went and won a room.
08:09It's Maddie and Charlotte.
08:15And then some people got a little bit...
08:18Yeah, ask Scotty about that.
08:19Are you here to make friends or are you here to win rooms?
08:21Well, I want to make friends.
08:22But, look, we maybe have come to the point where it's like,
08:24we're going to try our best,
08:25and, like, we lent our plasters to House 5
08:27in an act of being like, hey, this is who we are,
08:30we, like, we hope that you get to know us a little bit better
08:32and we want to help you.
08:33We're trying our best to build relationships.
08:35Still early days, really, for you guys.
08:37But as you said, they've cemented some friendships,
08:39but there's always room for more friends.
08:41But it is hard when you go by and they're, like,
08:43all going out together and you're like...
08:45Oh, bye.
08:46All of them want every other house is going out for tea together.
08:49They have before, and then House 5 and 2 are very close.
08:52And House 3 and 4 are close.
08:55It's OK.
08:56I had a cry about it at the beginning of the week
08:58because I do want a relationship,
09:00but now I've come to the point where I'm like,
09:02I will be friendly to everyone,
09:03but if they're not going to meet me halfway...
09:05I mean, I get it.
09:06It's stressful, they're in their own little world.
09:08They're making excuses for them.
09:09I know, but I...
09:10They should be inviting you out for tea.
09:11I'm going to go and tell them that they're...
09:13No, don't tell them.
09:15I'm a bit concerned they've got time for tea.
09:17Let's go and have a chat.
09:18Tell them everything that you've just told us.
09:20No, don't do that.
09:21I won't, I won't.
09:24I'd prefer not to stir the pot.
09:25We'll just keep it...
09:26We'll be lonely, it's fine.
09:27You can hang out with me.
09:28Yeah, thanks, Shelley.
09:29Yeah, Scotty is our block dad and he does get a little protective
09:32and he was about to go out and tell the rest of the contestants.
09:35He likes to rouse on other contestants for us or other trades,
09:39but we need to sometimes use a bit of this on his mouth
09:42because he gets us in trouble.
09:44Yeah, because last time he went and roused on someone,
09:46we lost our builder.
09:48So I was like, no, no, no, it's fine.
09:50We'll just keep the peace.
09:51Like, there's no need...
09:52You don't need to change anything.
09:53They're being nice.
09:55Like, it's fine.
10:05So the painters are on site ready to help all the contestants.
10:08Unfortunately, everyone's at different stages
10:10and no one's really ready except for house one.
10:13So what we're going to do,
10:14we're going to send all the painters in there, finish that house,
10:17and then whoever else is ready for painters,
10:19we'll send them into that house and move on.
10:21They're going to spray all the high-level stuff.
10:24And then anything lower is on you guys.
10:26What? That wasn't the deal.
10:28Yeah, they're just here to give you a hand.
10:31That was the deal.
10:32That's what Scotty said.
10:33Scotty said they were here for two days.
10:35No, Scotty wasn't actually very specific.
10:37He said, you've got a painter for two days.
10:40To give you a hand.
10:41That's fine, they can give me a hand.
10:42I'm happy to help.
10:46How good? How good?
10:48Are you standing now?
10:50Yeah, we've got a couple of hours to go.
10:52Love it.
10:53But we'll be painting today.
10:54I figured if no one else is ready...
10:55I know, we'll just take them all.
10:56Maybe two painters each?
10:57No, I think that they'll let us have...
10:59Have all of them.
11:00We don't want them to sit there and do nothing, do we?
11:03We've got to keep them busy.
11:04Scotty's paying for them.
11:05Yeah, exactly.
11:06Are you guys ready now?
11:07Yeah, they're, like, taping up.
11:09So our house will be done.
11:10Pass them over to you.
11:12And then when your coach dry it,
11:13they can come back to us.
11:15When they're done with us,
11:16they can come back to you and then...
11:17Painting tag team.
11:20All right.
11:22Coming up, the competition ramps up.
11:24Yeah, that looks amazing.
11:25As incredible dining room furniture arrives.
11:28So the minute that we hear
11:29that someone's not getting paid,
11:30we get told.
11:31Then Ricky and Hayden's landscapers
11:33desert them as rumours resurface.
11:36All I hear is, I quit.
11:38If you've got a feeling
11:39that you're going to go into something
11:40and not get paid for your hard work,
11:41why would you bother?
11:51As Living and Dining Week
11:52draws closer to Judgment Day,
11:54the big-ticket items,
11:55like dining room tables,
11:57are being delivered.
11:59Tables and chairs can make or break
12:01a room this week.
12:04So Maddie and Charlotte's table
12:05from Globe West
12:06is stored safely away from prying eyes
12:08in my HQ.
12:12Very nice.
12:14Courtney rang Mimi and was like,
12:15oh, I really like your dining table.
12:17I saw your dining table.
12:19It's stunning.
12:20How'd you see it?
12:21I'm assuming it's this one
12:22in the shed, yeah?
12:24What shed?
12:25And Mimi was on a mission.
12:27She came bolting down here,
12:30Is that your one?
12:31Well, Mimi knows it's not her table,
12:34but she wants to check out
12:35the competition.
12:37These are nice chairs.
12:39Mine is, uh...
12:42Yeah, I said it's a beam.
12:44Your table?
12:45I'm like, I said to Mimi,
12:46I'm like, I love your table.
12:47She's like, my table's in my garage.
12:50This is Mimi.
12:51Yeah, it's so nice.
12:53Courtney said she liked it,
12:54and I think Mimi did too.
12:56Well, that's good because
12:57it is a beautiful dining table.
12:58Maybe it is.
13:01You can buy a table
13:02or get one custom-made.
13:04Kylie and Brad have got the jump on everyone
13:07by engaging renowned furniture maker
13:09Christian Cole.
13:12Oh, Christian, we love him.
13:14He is a really genuinely nice guy,
13:17and, like, his stuff is incredible.
13:20He was very adamant
13:23on getting us exactly the piece
13:25that would suit our house the most.
13:29Christian's been making Blockheads
13:31his custom-made recycled timber furniture
13:34for almost ten years.
13:38Good old Christian Cole,
13:40the greatest furniture maker in Australia.
13:43We got him, we got him.
13:46G'day, how are you?
13:47Good, how are you?
13:48Working on your job now.
13:50And house four have staged a massive coup
13:53by getting him all to themselves.
13:57These are Kylie and Brad's
13:58meticulously crafted table bases.
14:06I've sealed all Tupac on all the brass
14:08so it won't, you know, get damaged
14:10with the mops and stuff like that.
14:13I'm glad you thought of that.
14:14It's taken a long time.
14:18We were actually there
14:19when he did the clear Tupac topcoat,
14:22which was really incredible.
14:24Yeah, that was amazing.
14:28Nice grain.
14:2940mm thick top, solid oak.
14:31You see the gloss in it,
14:32but as he says, it dries down.
14:34It really goes into that grain,
14:36which is exactly what we're after.
14:38Like, you will never get another table like that.
14:40See, he gets my black.
14:42He gets it.
14:43And Christian has also made house four
14:46a massive two-metre wide mirror.
14:48Oh, look at the texture.
14:50All the angles,
14:51look at all the texture coming out.
14:52Yeah, that's unreal.
14:53That's nice, isn't it?
14:54All sandblasted.
14:55Yeah, so now it's just all up to me
14:57in making sure I dress the table properly.
15:04So today, the exquisite table base has arrived
15:07with a very heavy solid oak black lacquered tabletop.
15:13Looks like Brad's got the easy part.
15:14Brad does always have the easy part.
15:17And the two-metre wide sandblasted mirror
15:20has arrived as well.
15:21This is going to look good.
15:25Sweet, and my art's going to be here soon.
15:35Why are you so mean to me, you?
15:46Over at house two,
15:47Courtney and Grant's living dining area
15:49is 58 square metres.
15:51So it's in the middle of the pack in size.
15:54But how is their budget faring?
16:00Courtney and Grant have only won $15,000 in room wings so far.
16:04That's the smallest tally on the block.
16:06They're currently over budget by $6,155,
16:11which is not great, but not a disaster.
16:15We're on par with where we need to be for landscaping.
16:18So no more, no less, really, at this point,
16:20which I'm fine with.
16:22Well, I wonder if things will be fine
16:25for this week's living and dining room.
16:27They are planning to have a recessed mirrored TV
16:30above a fireplace and wood stack,
16:32a large cream L-shaped sofa
16:34and comfy brown armchair,
16:36plus an eight-seater dining room table.
16:41Hello, good morning.
16:44There's a lot going on here, isn't there?
16:47What a week.
16:48That looks fantastic.
16:49Doesn't that look good?
16:51And this is from the Kingsman chocolate wheel.
16:54We won the TV.
17:01That's the TV mirror.
17:02Framing to a T, is that what it's called?
17:04And it's that beautiful deco finish.
17:06So we thought we'd highlight it.
17:07And that's going to fit like a glove in there.
17:10That's brilliant.
17:11I hope so.
17:12I really like this wall.
17:13Fireplace, television.
17:14And then we've got to have firewood down the bottom.
17:17That's where our sonnets is,
17:18the little shelf for our sonnets.
17:19Oh, yes.
17:20And then here's like decoratives and books, vases.
17:22You know what?
17:23Because you've got the painters coming in,
17:25the pros.
17:26The painters tomorrow.
17:27And everybody's got the painters, the pros.
17:28The paint job is going to be perfect.
17:30It is.
17:31So everyone's going to get top marks for painting.
17:33So it's going to come down to styling.
17:35But also your layout,
17:36because what we've got basically is a ten-person house.
17:41You've got to fit in a dining table
17:42that's going to seat that many.
17:44We've got a ten-packs dining table.
17:47And then I've also got an L-shaped lounge from Satara.
17:50It's quite big.
17:51And a couple of occasional chairs.
17:52Got an occasional chair.
17:53I've got a little ottoman,
17:54some side tables, lounges, lamps, console across there.
17:59We've got a pretty big space to play with.
18:01Well, you always do a great job with the styling, you know,
18:03and now the paint's going to be perfect.
18:05So you should win.
18:06Should win.
18:07And you need to win.
18:08We do.
18:09We need money.
18:10You need three tens and a win.
18:12That would be perfect.
18:13That would be really nice.
18:14I think that's what we need.
18:15I think it's what we deserve.
18:16And how are you feeling about the whole block experience now?
18:18Do you feel like this is home?
18:20Do you even remember what home looks like?
18:22It's a rollercoaster for Grumpy.
18:25He's happy like today.
18:26He's very hormonal.
18:27And then he's grumpy the next day.
18:28He's hormonal.
18:29Yeah, he is.
18:30I'm hormonal too.
18:31We're a perfect match.
18:32I've said, if we're not arguing, send help,
18:34because there's something wrong.
18:35We had our parents this week,
18:36so we're feeling a lot better.
18:38You had your...
18:39Mum and dad came down.
18:40Her mum and dad came down as well.
18:41Oh, good.
18:42Very nice.
18:43I love my dad.
18:45You all right?
18:46Are you good?
18:47Good, good.
18:48This is our house.
18:49This is our house here.
18:51Did you notice the tunnelled ceiling?
18:52Yeah, I love it.
18:53The skylight?
18:55It's gorgeous.
18:56It's stunning.
18:57He's a similar shape to your chairs, Courtney.
18:59Yeah, a little bit.
19:01That's a beautiful bathroom.
19:02Yeah, I really like that.
19:04It's so beautiful.
19:05I love it.
19:07You're talented, you guys.
19:08You've done very well.
19:11What did they make of all of this madness?
19:13They loved it.
19:14They were like, we're so proud, but...
19:15That's cool.
19:16That's good.
19:17It was nice seeing it.
19:18It was a good little reset.
19:19Bit of a refresher.
19:20Now, I know your budget is a bit rough,
19:21but really at the end of the day,
19:22I haven't given you enough money
19:25to do your gardens front and back properly.
19:28I've given you enough money to do the basics.
19:31So that's why I'm just, you know,
19:33stressing about the wind and things like that.
19:35You need to get some money in there if you've got any chance.
19:37Of course, the front and back yard is all about auction day.
19:41That's what it's all about.
19:42Well, it's first impressions, isn't it?
19:43Yeah, that's right.
19:45Yeah, definitely.
19:46All right, good luck.
19:48Thanks, guys.
19:49I feel tens, I'm telling you.
19:50Love it.
19:51Well, there's a lot of winning elements.
19:52Thank you, guys.
19:53Just got to bring them all together.
19:54Need a ten.
19:55Hopefully, fingers crossed.
19:56Thank you, guys.
19:57See you soon.
19:58See you, guys.
19:59Scott and Shelley spoke to us about our budget.
20:00Currently, it's sort of on par with where we should be,
20:02but it's not, you know, it's not ahead of anything.
20:04It would be nice if we could get a couple of wins,
20:06put some money away for landscaping.
20:09Coming up...
20:10Mimi shows us her prowess on the tools.
20:18Rock and bang!
20:21And when the sun goes down, things get a little weird
20:25as a few of the blockheads unleash their inner turmoil.
20:31Ooh, where was the thunder?
20:35Which contestants do you think
20:37are creating a winning room this week?
20:39To cast your vote, all you have to do
20:41is head to the block website now.
20:43And while you're there, don't forget to check out
20:46all of our amazing room galleries.
20:54This year on The Block,
20:55all teams made sure they locked in their landscapers early.
20:59This year on The Block,
21:00all teams made sure they locked in their landscapers early.
21:03Designs have been submitted for approval by council
21:06and planning has been proceeding with increasing urgency.
21:10Art Riggie's just received word
21:12that his landscapers are bailing out.
21:17What did he say?
21:18All I hear is, I quit.
21:21And then it's just like, mate,
21:22I don't really hear much after that.
21:24You've wasted four weeks of my life.
21:26I said it was because of labour and a few other things,
21:30but once the day that we spoke
21:33and they were concerned about getting paid,
21:36that was the day
21:37everything sort of changed in the relationship.
21:39It just got a bit weird after that
21:40and it all would have seemed too hard for them.
21:47If you've got a feeling that you're going to go into something
21:49and not get paid for your hard work,
21:50why would you bother?
21:52Riggie and Hayden's landscapers pulled out
21:54after hearing about Courtney and Grant in House 2
21:57not paying a bill from a local company called Betsy's Glass.
22:03There's definitely two sides to every story.
22:05We have paid two of the invoices because the job was completed.
22:08Two or three.
22:09Two or three.
22:11The shower screen glass wasn't cut correctly,
22:13as to what we supplied.
22:15It was actually really narrow
22:17and it turned out to be non-compliant,
22:19so we then called Betsy's Glass to see what the issue is.
22:23No one answered.
22:24Our call was completely ignored.
22:26Email was ignored.
22:27Do you want me to just pay them so everybody shuts up?
22:29They need to fix the issue.
22:30Do you want me to pay them so everybody shuts up?
22:32Just pay them, whatever.
22:33Are they going to come and fix the glass?
22:34They won't, but it's fine.
22:35So the bill was paid,
22:37but the damage to the block's reputation was done.
22:39And when Riggie met his landscapers last week,
22:42they believed the rumours.
22:44Oh, you already knew about that.
22:45We know that there's outstanding invoices.
22:48Mate, that's why we're here.
22:51We know all the trade services and everything.
22:54So the minute that we hear that someone's not getting paid,
22:56we get told.
22:57Mate, wow.
22:59So it just hasn't been quite the same since.
23:01And then today we got the phone call
23:04from the guys that they're going to pull out.
23:06So they're gone.
23:08I can't say I was surprised to get it,
23:11because it was definitely getting a bit weird, wasn't it?
23:13It was definitely getting weird.
23:15Talking about contracts, payment,
23:17talking about payment up front,
23:19payment on the day,
23:21they were really worried.
23:23But it just sucks that they pulled the pin
23:25when the landscaper's three weeks away.
23:27So now we need to find a landscaper,
23:29we need to get him to agree on the design,
23:31we need to get a quote off him,
23:33and then we need to do it like three weeks ago.
23:37You know, I think we're aiming to win
23:39another four or five rooms,
23:41which will give us over 100K for landscaping.
23:43So that's our aim,
23:45and worst case scenario, if we don't have that sort of cash,
23:48then we'll have to start peeling back.
23:52In house three, Ricky and Hayden
23:54won't be peeling back on their living and dining room,
23:56which is 64 square metres,
23:58making it the second biggest on the block.
24:01But is the boys' budget just as big?
24:07Ricky and Hayden have not won a room yet,
24:09but they have won plenty of challenges,
24:12totaling $21,000.
24:14Overall, they are still five grand behind.
24:17So will it be enough to get them to the landscaping finish line?
24:21Definitely concerned. We need wins.
24:23We need more challenge wins, we need room wins, we need tens.
24:26Wins, wins, wins. That's what we need.
24:28We need a win this week. Desperately.
24:30To be in the running for a win this week,
24:32they'll have an eight-seater dining room table,
24:35$20,000 artwork,
24:37the boys won in a challenge,
24:39there's a huge couch for freedom
24:41with a pink armchair, a wood-burning fireplace,
24:44wood stacker and TV.
24:47It's a lot of antsy quiet.
24:49Hello, boys.
24:51Morning, guys. How are we?
24:53Very good.
24:55That's nice. I like the space in here.
24:57It's nice, isn't it?
24:59This is much bigger than next door.
25:01Yeah, we've seen it.
25:03Which counts because, as I say,
25:05you've got so many bedrooms in here.
25:07We've talked about there being these great gathering places
25:09for families to come for holidays.
25:11You've got extra rooms, you've got studio spaces.
25:14You could put ten seats and couches here, couldn't you?
25:16Easy. Easy, yep.
25:18Have you got plenty of furniture on standby?
25:20Yep, sure do.
25:22You can move it all around, switch in, switch out.
25:24Good. Good.
25:26But more space means a lot more painting.
25:28Yes. But you've got a painter.
25:30Yes. Or two or three.
25:32If you get your plasterwork done,
25:34grab everybody else's painters before they're ready.
25:36We are done. Get them all in here.
25:38You can do that. You can just grab three or four of them
25:40and then once they've finished here,
25:42you can go home and have dinner.
25:44You're having fun here, boys, aren't you?
25:46We are, mate.
25:48Yeah, you're out at the pub every night.
25:50Going to the gym every night.
25:52I'm a little bit concerned about how much fun you're having
25:54because you said in the very beginning
25:56you're here for Hayden. I am.
25:58You're here to set up his family. I am.
26:00He's got beautiful Chelsea and Matilda to look after.
26:02You're here for the fun. You're here to win.
26:04I'm definitely here to win.
26:06And you guys aren't having many wins,
26:08but you are having a lot of fun.
26:10You reckon the balance is just a little bit...
26:12Well, you're not winning and you're not finishing rooms,
26:14but you are going to the gym and this worries me.
26:16I think we've got a winning room here.
26:18Might not agree with it, but we're going to listen
26:20and we're going to work even harder.
26:22We're going to level the scale a little bit.
26:24So, less pub, more block.
26:26Make Shelly and Scotty happy.
26:28What's the story with the payments
26:30of next door and all that sort of thing?
26:32Has that resolved itself?
26:34Not sure.
26:36That's given us the reputation.
26:38It hasn't resolved itself. It's got worse for us.
26:40Yeah, it got worse for us because we lost the landscaper
26:42because of it. What happened?
26:44Lost our landscaper. Because he was worried about being paid?
26:46Yeah, so he brought up the fact that the block
26:48has a reputation of not paying their bills
26:50or that's what's going down on the island.
26:52Oh, that's not cool.
26:54It's going around on the island?
26:56Small island, mate. Two pubs.
26:58Spreads quick.
27:00So, who's not paying?
27:02There's been some issues with house two.
27:04Not paying.
27:06So, it's spread like wildfire?
27:08Yeah, so our landscaper backed out.
27:10Offered him a deposit.
27:12We could pay at the end of the day,
27:14but I think the damage was done.
27:16So, all we can do is make sure we pay our bills
27:18on the spot when we get them.
27:20We've got to get rid of that reputation in town.
27:22I don't know how we do that.
27:24Yeah, not sure.
27:26Stakes are very high this week.
27:28I think, like Hayes said, if we finish,
27:30then we're a very good chance to compete.
27:32I think it's going to be a very tough push to the line
27:34just got to execute now.
27:54At 75 square metres,
27:56Kylie and Brad have the largest living
27:58dining area on the block.
28:00Your budget.
28:02How's our budget looking, babe?
28:04Well, let's crunch the numbers.
28:06Kylie and Brad have a robust budget,
28:08having won $27,000 in prize money.
28:10And with a healthy budget
28:12of over 20 grand,
28:14they are the best savers on the block so far.
28:18And for this week's
28:20Living and Dining Room, the plan is to
28:22cover their fireplace flue in dark
28:24Tekton engineered stone.
28:26They'll also have a large olive-coloured
28:28sofa and striped coffee table,
28:30plus a 3.5 metre
28:32black-stained Christian coal dining table
28:34and a huge wall mirror.
28:38Good morning, you. How are you?
28:40I love the natural light in here.
28:42VELUX is awesome.
28:44Brad, your favourite people are here.
28:46Good morning.
28:48What is this? It's plywood.
28:50Stained Japan black.
28:52And what's happening after that?
28:54So I'm going to do another couple of coats
28:56on it and we're leaving it as is.
28:58And then we're going to do
29:00some Tekton around our fireplace.
29:02And like a floating shelf
29:04that comes all along.
29:06In Tekton? Yes.
29:08With a little drop face.
29:10You did this in your bathroom, didn't you?
29:12Not the ply like this.
29:14Oh, you just had it painted.
29:16Is it high-end enough?
29:18Compared to everything else
29:20that you've done in your house,
29:22which has been beautifully high-end,
29:24this is a bit of a cheaper option,
29:26but is it going to look a bit
29:28cheaper option?
29:30Are we going to be able to see that plywood through?
29:32Yes. So you're going to watch it.
29:34Yes. Wipe it down.
29:36I think it'll look pretty good.
29:38Keep it looking that you can still see the texture
29:40because it starts blending in with the grain of the table.
29:42Why wouldn't you just do the
29:44Shisugi burn all the way through?
29:46We have no money.
29:48See, that's a good option.
29:50So we're trying to do a similar effect,
29:52but we don't have the money to do
29:54the charred timber. So we're sort of trying to get
29:56the same feel, but on a budget.
29:58Your budget's actually pretty good. You're $20,000 up.
30:00Going alright. But you're minor $10,000
30:02budget. Yeah.
30:04Which is why we're doing painted ply instead
30:06of Shisugi burn. You've only got $3,000 left.
30:08No, it's now $1,000.
30:10$1,000? Yeah.
30:12So you're going to have to start dipping into cash.
30:14I would still blow it on this.
30:16I would Shisugi
30:18the hell out of this
30:20and then pay cash for things down the track.
30:22I think this is going to let you down. I'm sorry.
30:24I do.
30:26Look at the size of this.
30:28That plaster, that's
30:30phenomenal, isn't it? That trajectory is incredible.
30:32Incredible. I know the boys
30:34have done some really great work up there.
30:36We're very impressed with them.
30:38Just to get to this point, the plasterers have done an incredible
30:40job. Yeah.
30:42Now, we've got a little bit of a slight problem
30:44at the moment that we're getting a bit of
30:46a reputation on the island
30:48for not paying our bills.
30:50The boys, and this is
30:52I'm flabbergasted.
30:54Devastated. Devastated is the word.
30:56Are you guys paying your bills on time?
30:58100%. So even our builder, Ben,
31:00has been people like,
31:02what are you doing?
31:04Are you getting paid?
31:06Even he's already come across people saying
31:08why are you doing it? Anyway, we've got to work
31:10a way to spread the good word.
31:12Because everywhere we go in town,
31:14people seem happy to have the block here.
31:16You don't want it to turn on us and then
31:18not be happy to have us around.
31:20That's not on at all.
31:22We saw the consequence of that too.
31:24Not being able to get anyone locally
31:26whatsoever. Imagine if you can't finish
31:28the houses because no one wants to work here.
31:30And also, Shell, we're the faces of it.
31:32We're walking around town, we're the face
31:34of the show, and people would blame us.
31:38Anyway, we'll work on that.
31:40Thank you. Good luck.
31:42Love it.
31:44They weren't as positive as we were hoping for.
31:46No, they didn't slam us either.
31:48No, it's just the budget's very tight
31:50and we're trying to look at options that would
31:52still look high end but without having to
31:54spend a fortune on.
31:56We spent a lot of money on the stone.
31:58We would like to do
32:00a lot more and we don't have the money.
32:06Sponsor deliveries and installs are the
32:08lifeblood of the block.
32:10And with room reveal only about
32:1248 hours away, they are
32:14coming in thick and fast.
32:16Mate, my favourite part of the day when I get a
32:18Mitre 10 delivery.
32:20Furniture deliveries.
32:26I got big things.
32:32Hitachi air conditioning units.
32:34Summer cooling and winter
32:36heating. Hitachi
32:38have upped the game, I suppose you could say,
32:40in the air conditioning world, which is good.
32:42The good thing for the contestants is 8 kilowatt
32:44will smash this room.
32:46The Hitachi units that are on the block
32:48this year are self-cleaning and they
32:50also kill bacteria, so we've got lots of different
32:52features that can do this.
32:56Thanks, boys.
32:58Alright, door's on.
33:00I'm looking after ya.
33:06Forman Dan and
33:08his disaster. Disaster's honestly
33:10his favourite word. What a disaster of a start
33:12this is. This is a disaster.
33:14Absolute disaster, this.
33:16But most of his disasters are really
33:18not disasters.
33:20What a disaster.
33:22That is the most ridiculous height for a
33:26Who put that in?
33:28Dan comes in
33:30and says it's an absolute disaster,
33:32they need to go higher and above
33:34the window or in line with the window.
33:36Look at the height of them. They're perfect.
33:40Do I need a justifier? I'm just like a standard height.
33:42That's perfect. No, but you're not meant to
33:44do it. Ready? Look, my painting, Dan,
33:46is gonna be here, here.
33:48I don't want them above my painting, I want them
33:50in the centre of my painting. So it's gonna be
33:52perfect in the centre because my painting's gonna be
33:54eye-level about here. Artwork is
33:56meant to be eye-level, so we measured our artwork
33:58at eye-level and then we centred
34:00our lights in between our artwork,
34:02so it sits nicely, aesthetically even,
34:04perfect. But these won't, the light
34:06from these won't even hit the painting. That's fine, it's mood lighting.
34:08I'm confused. They would have
34:10to be underneath to hit the painting.
34:12Don't be confused. Don't lose sleep
34:14over it.
34:16Look at them. Which I
34:18think is ludicrous. GMAC
34:20agrees, we all agree, it needs to be up near
34:22the window. And tell me what do you know about styling?
34:24No, this is not styling, this is about
34:26lighting design. I know the lighting's not
34:28great for a painting. If you do a painting light,
34:30you go over the top, but Malin doesn't like those.
34:32These just wash light on the wall.
34:34Look at the, look at how you've
34:36spaced it within the wall line.
34:38Look how tall that is.
34:42I can't do anything about it. It's painted.
34:44My plaster is not here
34:46and my electrician's not here. It looks real
34:48light in there. I appreciate your
34:50thought and your real concern.
34:52Okay. But unfortunately
34:54there's nothing we can do. Next time, maybe just
34:56come in a couple days earlier. Judges are gonna
34:58cane that, I reckon.
35:00Coming up, Kylie makes
35:02a very personal confession.
35:04He could not have said no.
35:06Like, at the time.
35:08He could not have said no!
35:10And then pandemonium erupts
35:12in the lunchroom. It was like a
35:14horror movie.
35:26This series, each team gets five grand
35:28to spend on a DIY project it
35:30might attend. If they do it right
35:32the first time, they're given another
35:34$5,000 cash to
35:36spend on whatever they like.
35:38Hello. Hey Craig. Hello.
35:40We've popped in to see you
35:42to do our DIY project.
35:44Excellent. What are you after?
35:46The laminate surround. Laminate surround?
35:48Yes. Let's go.
35:50Christian and Mimi are planning to use
35:52this as feature wall planning
35:54in their living room. Okay.
35:56So, this is
35:58the laminate surround. It comes in all
36:00different profiles and things. It's made out of MDF. It's pretty
36:02hard-wearing and it's really quite strong
36:04so it's good for going up against
36:06walls. It's a great DIY project.
36:08Beautiful. Have you picked one out that you might
36:10be keen on? I think I like the smaller one.
36:12We chose the scallop 45
36:14which is like a
36:22like MDF feature.
36:24Insulation's really simple. Being tongue and
36:26groove, it'll just slide nice and easy into place.
36:28Beautiful. And it can be fixed with
36:30either nails or screws.
36:32Okay. And off you go.
36:34Alright. Are you happy with that, Mimi? Yes.
36:36So, it's back to the block
36:38to install the wall cladding but Mimi's
36:40had zero experience on the tool.
36:42Come around.
36:44Come around. Come around. Come around. Come around.
36:46As she is guided by her experienced
36:50I'll say
36:52come around.
36:56got on the tools. I was
36:58on the circular saw.
37:00It's very embarrassing. Didn't realise how
37:02little skills I had.
37:04Go here.
37:12Rock and bang.
37:18At 50 square metres,
37:20Christian and Mimi's living and dining is located
37:22on the first floor.
37:24And even though it's the smallest space out of
37:26any team this week,
37:28one thing House 5 can claim as being
37:30the biggest is having the most
37:32amount of cash prizes won on the block
37:34so far.
37:36They have banked a whopping
37:38$39,000. However,
37:40Mimi's been throwing money around,
37:42including $1,000 cash
37:44to grant on his birthday.
37:46So, currently, they are only
37:48$5,000 in front.
37:52I have just
37:54started to run the budget.
37:56Because the first few
37:58weeks, I was just
38:00tapping away. I'm trying to kind of
38:02make my winnings back.
38:04The one that I've already
38:06spent. Because that was meant to
38:08be our landscaping money.
38:10It's alright. We'll get there.
38:12In order to get the room win,
38:14this week they'll have herringbone floorboards,
38:16a large rug, a big white
38:18couch, a laminate surround feature
38:20wall either side of the TV,
38:22two artworks, and an
38:248-seater dining table.
38:28Would you look at this?
38:30Are you on the tools?
38:32On the tools. Very impressive
38:34work. I've got a prezzie for you.
38:36You're doing your DIY Mitre 10
38:38project. Yes, that's correct. Got to get the job
38:40done right the first time. So Craig gave
38:42some great advice. You've got the laminates going on.
38:44And I've got prezzies for you. This is yours.
38:46There you go. That works on.
38:50Careful, there's a little prezzie in there for you.
38:54$5,000 for Mitre 10.
38:56You're doing it right
38:58the first time.
39:00That's right. And we shouldn't
39:02be giving that to you, Million Dollar Mimi.
39:04I've been trying my best.
39:06No, you haven't. You're buying Louis Vuitton timber,
39:08I think.
39:10Everything's got a label.
39:12You're spending like, oh, you're
39:14spending like you're going to the gallows.
39:16Yeah, look. I'm trying to
39:18win it back. You've won $39,000.
39:20Yeah. Oh, you've got nothing in the bank?
39:22It concerns me. You are getting
39:24$10,000 for your wins every week. But if you're
39:26already $6,000 over every week,
39:28that's really only a $4,000 win.
39:30Yeah. Because again, you might end up
39:32with six beautiful rooms, but
39:34then just plaster on the rest of the house. And that's
39:36not going to win you the auction. No.
39:38Definitely not. It's serious.
39:40It is serious. But we want you to have fun at the same time.
39:42Cheers. Cheers. And you are
39:44having fun. Too much fun. Way too much fun.
39:46Too much fun. Now, have a look at
39:48this glass light coming
39:50in north-facing. Absolutely
39:52magnificent. So in the wintertime, you get all
39:54the sun. In the summertime, the sun's
39:56on the other side. So it's absolutely
39:58perfect. And you've got a big space here.
40:00Yeah. Heaps of seating.
40:02Yes, lots of seating. Big, comfy
40:04couches. Yeah. It needs to be comfy.
40:06Lie down, fall asleep couch.
40:08Watch telly couch. Rainy day couch.
40:10Six bodies on a couch. All kids
40:12watching Disney+. What's for me?
40:14Cambridge, from the first win.
40:16From your win? Yeah. See, that's
40:18going to save you some bucks this week.
40:20The whole joint would be Cambridge, wouldn't it?
40:22Yeah. Get in there. You've got $100,000
40:24for it. Yeah. So table,
40:26chairs. Table and chairs
40:28are still block bucks. Everything this week is
40:30block bucks. Well done, Mimi.
40:32Good luck. I feel tens. I can smell them.
40:34You feel it in your bones?
40:38I feel tens.
40:40Thank you, guys. See you.
40:44personally feel
40:48Not because of Scotty and Shelley,
40:50but because of where we're at
40:52currently. There's still a lot to do.
40:54I think everyone's at a similar spot
40:56though, so. And then all of our furniture
40:58is going to get delivered and we have to get it
41:00upstairs. It's just a lot.
41:10With only 40 hours to
41:12reveal of the biggest rooms on the block
41:14so far, the painters I've found
41:16on High Pages finished in
41:18House 1 with Maddie and Charlotte, and
41:20are wrapping up with Ricky and Hayden in House
41:223. Ceilings and high
41:24areas in the rooms have been covered,
41:26but there's still plenty of painting
41:28to do down below.
41:30Painting has not commenced
41:32yet in Houses 2, 4 and 5,
41:34so that's going to be a problem.
41:36So come
41:38tomorrow morning,
41:40there's going to be a traffic jam. Who wants the painters?
41:42They're going to have to get three houses
41:44done within several hours
41:46because the scaffolds are going to be coming down, so
41:48it's going to be a bit of an argy barge on who
41:50gets these painters.
41:54So is it safe to assume
41:56painting has not begun? Painting has
41:58not begun. How do you
42:00guys feel about that? I feel
42:02like we don't
42:04have paint on our walls.
42:06Maybe I'll just take
42:08this end of day by myself.
42:10You just sit there.
42:12I've had enough!
42:14I've hit my breaking
42:20You're not on schedule, are you?
42:22We're a day behind of where we
42:24wanted to be. Definitely.
42:28So, have you started painting
42:30yet? No, we have not started
42:32painting yet. That's a smart-ass
42:34comment. I told you we
42:36just finished plastering and we still need to sand it.
42:38Have you started painting yet? What the f***
42:40are we going to paint?
42:42What the f*** are we going to paint? So, have you
42:44painted yet?
42:46No, we have not started painting yet
42:48because, as I just mentioned,
42:50we have just finished plastering.
42:52The thing's still wet. A lot of...
42:58That's their mating call.
43:00Yeah. Actually, sorry,
43:02that's their mating. But that's their call to each other.
43:04Do it again.
43:20Meanwhile, over at House 3,
43:22Shelly's words ringing in their ears from earlier
43:24today... Swap out some fun
43:26for a little bit more hard work. Well, you're not
43:28winning and you're not finishing rooms.
43:30The boys are determined
43:32to get ahead. We promised
43:34Scotty and Shell that we would work and we
43:36would get that balance right, so
43:38we're committed to working all night to get
43:40prepped and ready for
43:42a good Saturday. That's the way.
43:44However, the three
43:46couples lagging behind, and with the
43:48most work to do tomorrow, decide
43:50to head to the lunchroom and have
43:52a little get-together.
43:56Oh, stop it.
43:58God. Friday night. You know what?
44:00I don't know what it is. Like, we all just get so excited
44:02when we all hang out. I feel like
44:04Kylie being added to that scenario.
44:06We got carried away.
44:08We had red wine. We had good chats.
44:10We, um... It was nice.
44:12Hey, I heard through
44:14the grapevine that you proposed to Brad.
44:16Yeah, I did. What? Yeah.
44:18Can you tell us about it? I want to hear the story.
44:20I feel like that can't be too far from the truth. Tell me this story
44:22about how Kylie proposed.
44:24Do you not... You get it, though.
44:26I get it.
44:28She was on her knees.
44:30When I got told,
44:32I believed it.
44:34I was like, yeah, I can see that happening.
44:36That's true.
44:38He could
44:40not have said no.
44:42You asked him while you were...
44:44He could not have said no?
44:46Oh, wait. I'm scared.
44:48Where did you guys, you know, get proposed to?
44:50Do you... Is there a story?
44:52No, I just said I proposed to Brad.
44:56No one normally asks past that point
44:58because they're like, oh, that's weird.
45:00Did he have long hair at the time?
45:04Did Brad have long hair?
45:08I like the long hair.
45:10Oh, he's so cute.
45:18I have no idea
45:20what was going on out of that lunchroom,
45:22but there was some crazy
45:44There was a lot of screaming.
45:46It was like a horror movie.
45:53We've decided,
45:55made the executive decision that we're very tired
45:57and we're going to wake up
45:59at 3am to paint.
46:01Now we're off to bed.
46:13They were screaming for like three hours.
46:15I don't know how...
46:17Just screaming.
46:19How are they going to be feeling tomorrow?
46:23Oh, my goodness.
46:28Maybe that could be us in a few weeks.
46:30Sitting in the lunchroom just going...
46:36Monday night,
46:38as the painters I found on Hivepages
46:40finish up, big ticket items
46:44I'm going in the cutout.
46:46And the biggest room on the block
46:48so far almost breaks Christian.
46:50How many dining chairs did you get?
46:52Four in a box. We have to put them together.
46:54Put them together?
46:56Jesus Christ.
46:58It's a hit and a miss for the judges.
47:00This is a football oval.
47:02I really feel the
47:04styling has completely let them down.
47:06Shona wants you to start again with the styling.
47:08And there is a
47:10massive high note.
47:12It's unbelievable.
47:14This room sings.
47:16One team earning a record
47:18score for the series.
47:20This has been my favourite room
47:22of the block this season.
