Tickle (2013) Season 1 Episode 4: Spirits in the Spirits

  • 2 weeks ago
Tickle (2013) Season 1 Episode 4: Spirits in the Spirits

Tickle's Tackle is now open and the shine is selling fast, but a few bumps in the night has everyone thinking the shop is haunted. Tickle must act fast and convince his shine customers that the only spirits in his shop are the kind you drink.

#tickle #moonshiners


00:00Spirit, time to move on to your next life.
00:05Ghosts, I don't believe in them.
00:08I mean, most ghosts really aren't real,
00:10but, well, I guess the ones that really are real,
00:14they kind of scared the crap out of me.
00:20Oh, my God.
00:22With Tickle's mother load of moonshine
00:24finally safe in his warehouse,
00:26the boys opened up their fake business,
00:29you know, to keep the money clean.
00:31Started something beautiful right here.
00:33Then they found some real merchandise
00:35for their fake store.
00:37They wanted to keep their secretary, Megan...
00:39Is that a leg?
00:40...who's also real,
00:42from finding out about the fake store
00:44that's really selling moonshine.
00:46Now, after getting in some real trouble at home...
00:51...Tickle can fully devote himself to his new business.
00:55And for once, he's not faking it.
00:59Hey, man, you got a shot?
01:01Man, that ain't the right knock.
01:03Man, what do you mean, I don't knock, man?
01:05I know you ain't the cops, man.
01:07You know I ain't the cops. You know me 20 years.
01:09Come on, man, just get to it.
01:16There you go.
01:18You know, gotta be careful, man.
01:20The word has definitely got out.
01:22It's customer after customer.
01:24All right, yeah, that's my man right there.
01:26All right, thank you. Come on back.
01:27I could just sit here all day long
01:29and sell shine just back-to-back-to-back.
01:31Who is this for you?
01:33Daddy, you look like you awful young.
01:37Hey, you don't want the right knock, too, right?
01:39That's what they told me.
01:41All right.
01:43I can't get one customer out the door
01:45before another one's coming in.
01:46I'm gonna make sure this gets to him.
01:48I got money rolling out my ears.
01:50At this rate, I'll have all this shine sold off
01:53in, I guess, a day or two.
01:57Selling shine is easy.
01:59Covering the sales with legitimate business?
02:01That part of the operation hasn't quite gotten on its feet.
02:04Man, what are you doing?
02:06I'm working, ain't we got some furniture polish
02:08around this jewel or something?
02:10You gotta have something better to do now.
02:12What's up, fellas?
02:14Trying to get a leg up on the competition today?
02:16What, y'all sold anything?
02:18Not a whole lot. We need to get a little work going on, man.
02:20Yeah, right.
02:22What have you been doing?
02:23I've been chasing turkeys, man.
02:27You gotta be one with the bush.
02:30Become the bush.
02:34What, did you kill a turkey?
02:36Nope, that's gunk.
02:37Let's put these things up in the window.
02:39People figure we got this, we got everything.
02:41You got that right.
02:42The whole point of this store is so nobody gets suspicious
02:45when we make a whole lot of money selling this shine.
02:47Ain't nobody gonna believe that a store that ain't sold nothing
02:50has made all this money.
02:52So Howard Moe's really gotta get busy around here.
02:54They might start thinking we a shoe store.
02:56Look, they give you something to do
02:57besides polish a darn leg all day long.
02:59That's really shit over and over.
03:00One little shoe store.
03:02What the hell was that?
03:04That sounded pretty big, man, right? Heavy.
03:06Might have been Megan.
03:10I think Howard's still a little upset
03:12that our new secretary, Megan, beat him to the first sale.
03:15It's gonna be about $50 a gallon.
03:17Well, we'll have to see.
03:18Oh, this is some of the finest shine you're gonna come across.
03:21It's worth easily $70 a gallon.
03:24She beat all of us to the first sale.
03:26She's just that good.
03:28I can't see in the dark.
03:29Megan, we got chairs, girl.
03:32Oh, no.
03:33I told you it was Megan that fell.
03:35Why in the world didn't you turn the light on?
03:37I tried to turn the lights on.
03:39They just flickered and went off.
03:40They're on now, ain't they?
03:42Well, it wasn't working earlier.
03:44And look at this mess.
03:45Who decided to drag all this junk out of the middle of the floor?
03:48I had everything pushed up against the wall.
03:50I don't come up here for anything.
03:52I'm not up here moving nothing around.
03:54Well, if none of you have done it, then who do you suggest made this mess?
03:58I'll tell you what this sounds like.
04:00Same s*** happened at the old place I used to live in, man.
04:03Lights flickered.
04:04Furniture moved.
04:05Dishes shook.
04:06You're going where I think you're going with this.
04:08Yeah, you're damn right.
04:09This place is probably haunted.
04:13Now, Howard's been afraid of ghosts ever since he was 7.
04:16That's who I told him took his tooth fairy money.
04:18And I went and bought a lot of candy.
04:20Isn't that ironic?
04:21Man, look at all this junk.
04:22There ain't no telling what type of ghost slipped in here with Grandma's waffle iron.
04:25You're just superstitious, cousin.
04:26That's all it is, too.
04:27I ain't superstitious.
04:28The heck you ain't, man.
04:29Look at you.
04:32Hell no.
04:43I'm not superstitious.
04:44It's something really happening.
04:47Man, I'm going to head downstairs.
04:48Someone's got a man in the store.
04:50It ain't going to run itself.
04:51You're going to hide, ain't you?
04:52No, man.
04:54Just because I believe in ghosts, don't mean I'm scared of them.
04:58These are the officer's nuggets.
04:59You ain't kidding.
05:02I ain't dealing with a ghost.
05:04We got to do something about this.
05:05A ghost?
05:06Megan is the last person I'd ever expect to believe in ghosts.
05:09She don't even believe in the 5-second rule.
05:18This has got to be taken.
05:19This has got to be taken care of.
05:21How in the world do you suggest we take care of this?
05:24I suggest we call in a professional to get rid of it.
05:27A professional?
05:29Do they make a living off of this?
05:32I've watched ghost shows on TV before,
05:34and there's a huge difference between poltergeist and residual haunting.
05:38I ain't got time to be worried about no little ghost.
05:40I'll take care of the ghost.
05:42You know what?
05:43You handle that.
05:44Let's all get back and get a little work done in the store down here, all right?
05:47Yeah, I'm going to check on that skinny cat.
05:49He probably locks himself in the bathroom.
05:51Go ahead, mate.
05:53Tickle may not be worried about ghosts, but his customers are.
05:56Gretna is one of the most superstitious towns in America.
05:59We do have ghosts in our town.
06:02Rocking chairs have been known to be rocking when no one was in the room.
06:10And there's some who think maybe there's a ghost in this building.
06:13My mom was doing the meat for the deli counter, and she was just slicing.
06:20And she heard the cooler door open.
06:26And she asked the customer, she said, did you just see that?
06:29She said, yes, I did.
06:33Freaky stuff.
06:36You know it's haunted.
06:42Not bad haunted, but, you know, kind of haunted.
06:49No one wants to work in a store that's kind of haunted.
06:53That's why Howard is willing to try every trick in the book.
06:57Even the good book.
07:12What the hell are you doing, man?
07:13You can't be sneaking up on folks like that with ghosts in the place.
07:16Ain't no such thing as ghosts. I done told you that.
07:19What are you doing?
07:20I'm trying to point Jesus upstairs.
07:22Wouldn't it be easier if you just took the picture up there?
07:26Besides that, what is that smell?
07:29This is going to ward off damn evil spirits.
07:31What, garlic?
07:32You're damn right.
07:33You do realize that's supposed to be for vampires, right?
07:40Look, man, I got some things I need to take care of.
07:42I'll be back.
07:43Holy crap.
07:46Howard's out the door faster than Tickle's stolen shine.
07:49So much for his cover store covering up any suspicious activities,
07:53supernatural or otherwise.
07:57Tickle's stolen moonshine was selling as fast as he could fill the jars.
08:01Thank you. Come on back.
08:02But just when he was about to put his feet up,
08:04everything came crashing down.
08:07What the heck, man?
08:08At least it sounded like everything,
08:10which led everyone to the most natural and obvious conclusion.
08:13This place is probably haunted.
08:15Leaving Tickle all alone to cover his booming shine business.
08:23Man, I don't know what's going on here.
08:25I mean, one day business is just booming.
08:28Next day, it's just dead.
08:39What are you doing playing shrimp boat, Captain?
08:41Oh, man, really?
08:43Man, look, the other day, everybody come by wanting some shine.
08:46Today, man, I'm trying to do something to keep them from falling asleep, man.
08:49Huh. You know what it is, don't you?
08:52What is it?
08:53We're around town, so we got spirits in our spirits.
08:58They're saying the moonshine is haunted.
09:00That's that Howard junk going around now.
09:04Howard and his big mouth strikes again.
09:06Who else would be dumb enough to tell everybody we got ghosts in the store?
09:09I'm telling you, man, this store is full of spirits, man.
09:12Full of them.
09:15We can't sell this shine, we're dead in the water.
09:17I know. We'll be walking the damn plank, so let's get our damn sell this shit.
09:21Gotta do something, man.
09:24In most places, you'd have a hard time finding a qualified ghostbuster.
09:28But Gretna is full of trained professionals.
09:31Can I help you?
09:32Just don't ask about the training.
09:34Hi. I've only seen paranormal professionals on TV, but that cape was not a good sign.
09:40It means his methods are old-fashioned.
09:43What seems to be the problem?
09:45Well, we're just having these odd happenings.
09:48We perhaps think maybe you're ghosts.
09:50I have a lot of experience with, um, spirits.
09:54Tickle's got a lot of experience with spirits, too.
09:57That's some good stuff, brother.
09:59Isn't that a whole lot of it, buddy?
10:01That's a whole lot of it, buddy.
10:03So what exactly are your techniques to rip places of ghosts?
10:07Well, usually I will come in and do a performance for the ghosts.
10:13Help them realize that their intermission is over.
10:18This guy is nuts.
10:23Thank you for your time.
10:24You're welcome. Let them know I can send a headshot and resume.
10:28That's what Megan gets for going to the discount exorcist when Gretna's best are right down the block.
10:34This town is crazy.
10:36This ghost might not exist, but it's starting to become a big problem for me.
10:40That's why I gotta go talk to Grandpa Bill.
10:47Just when I thought my day couldn't get no worse.
10:50What the hell you want?
10:51Well, I just figured I'd come around and see you again.
10:55See how he's doing and all that kind of good stuff.
10:58That's what you need this time.
11:01Sometimes it's scary how Grandpa Bill can read my mind.
11:04I mean, this guy, he knows everything.
11:07It seems that everybody over there at my store is thinking that the place is haunted.
11:13What do I look like? Ghostbusters?
11:15I don't think it's haunted, but everybody else over there does.
11:18I don't know what to tell you about no ghost.
11:23If you had zombies, I got a damn shotgun up there.
11:27They make zombie buckshot.
11:29And if you had werewolves, you can take any .357, put you a silver tail polyp on it, gone.
11:36Well, you know, I always thought Bill was crazy like a fox.
11:40Now I'm starting to think he's crazy like a crazy person.
11:45If I'm gonna run your damn business for you, I want about 60% of this.
11:50Whew. Well, we'll see you, Bill.
11:55With Tickle visiting his spiritual advisor, Grandpa Bill, and Howard in hiding,
11:59Moe should be at the store taking calls.
12:04But he's only answering the call of the wild.
12:08I told Tickle that I was gonna hunt some stuff for the store.
12:11But you know, rather than hope...
12:16I'm hunting for something to stuff.
12:19The best way to hunt for stuff is with stuff.
12:23Namely, Moe's top-of-the-line digital game trail camera.
12:27I had this one buck one time.
12:29Three weeks, I chased that bad boy around.
12:31Couldn't find a track, nothing.
12:34Put that old dude up, man.
12:36Caught that sucker just like that.
12:38I mean, this deal was an apparition, man.
12:40It was like a ghost almost in this.
12:44I can catch ghosts.
12:46Moe's trying to catch a ghost.
12:48But Tickle's hunting something even more elusive.
12:51Howard's work ethic.
12:53Look, for the last time, there is no such thing as ghosts.
12:57Have you told anybody?
12:58No, man.
12:59People have stopped buying our shop.
13:01You gotta get over it and get back up here to the store.
13:04It ain't got nothing to do with no damn ghosts, man.
13:06I've been working on these projects around the house.
13:08You're lying.
13:11Hello? Howard.
13:14Gotta get the fellas right.
13:18I think that's gonna be the one right there.
13:20Man, what the hell?
13:23It'll take more than Tickle's word to convince Howard that ghosts aren't real.
13:27So he's going to talk with one of Gretna's most respected historians
13:30so she can prove his store is ghost-free.
13:33Hey, how you doing today?
13:34I'm doing fine. How are you doing?
13:36Well, I'm doing all right.
13:37I mean, I just moved into the building next door to you.
13:42You moved into the building next door?
13:44Yeah, a couple of people working with me are saying
13:47stuff's going on over there that's not quite right.
13:50In the world?
13:53Man, who's been drinking wine coolers?
13:55Oh, my God.
13:57They think the place is haunted, and I'm not experiencing anything.
14:02Well, there's a good chance that there's some haunts over there.
14:07The building you're in has had some really interesting events take place.
14:12Here it is.
14:13The big one, of course, is the fact that there was a murder in there at one time.
14:18The murder turned out to be the most horrific tale of deceit and debauchery
14:22ever recounted in the tiny town of Gretna.
14:25And just plugged him just like that.
14:27Well, I mean, I should go back and see if I can't get a discount on this rent.
14:32What you need is something to protect you when you're over there working.
14:36This is an amulet, and it's got sapphires in it.
14:40They will work just perfect for you.
14:42Just wear this, and it'll keep the spirit calm.
14:46There we go.
14:49Now that'll protect you.
14:51I'm not wearing this thing.
14:53It's supposed to protect me from what?
14:56Nothing protects you from nothing.
14:58All right, well, we'll see.
15:02I expect to hear from you.
15:03Oh, you'll probably hear from me in the next day or two.
15:05That sounds good.
15:06When nothing happens.
15:07Have a good day.
15:08Let me know if you get any in my mail.
15:10All right.
15:14Ain't too bad.
15:15Game trail cameras, you know, they have an infrared sensor on them.
15:18Get to the bottom of this.
15:20They will capture anything that comes across, whether it's a particle of dust
15:24or apparition, white-tailed deer, rat, pigeon.
15:28It'll catch them.
15:29Gonna find out whether or not this place is haunted.
15:33Day or two, we'll know for sure whether we got pigeons or ghosts.
15:36Let's find a spot to put another one.
15:41Man, I gotta get this figured out.
15:43And I definitely gotta have Howard back to work.
15:46I'm gonna go talk to him.
15:47Maybe I can convince him to come back to work with me.
15:49Getting Howard back to work is a start.
15:51But without any customers, Tickle's Budding Shine business won't have a ghost of a chance.
16:04I don't know what it is.
16:05Mama's pit will take rust off a damn bump.
16:07It sure will.
16:08And it'll smell all the way through Church and Sunderdale.
16:11You know what?
16:12They didn't want us running around making them look bad.
16:14People don't think I don't pay you, boy.
16:16I don't keep you clean.
16:17You'll be all polished up in under a damn ten seconds, man.
16:19No, I'll be looking like a glazed donut, boy.
16:22Like a little shiny doorknob rolling up in there.
16:26It might have been kind of nasty, but at least they kept us clean.
16:29You're right.
16:31I ain't dealing with a ghost.
16:32The entire town of Gretna seems to have come down with ghost fever.
16:36There's a good chance that there's some haunts over there.
16:39Killing Tickle's shine sales and scaring off his staff.
16:42I got some things I need to take care of.
16:44I'll be back.
16:45So Tickle's doing whatever it takes to put these rumors to rest and bring everyone back to the store.
16:50Starting with Howard.
16:52I mean, damn, brother.
16:53This is horrible, man.
16:54This ain't how you treat folks, man.
16:55Look, I needed you to see that there was no ghosts here.
17:03I was coming back.
17:06I just needed a little time to myself.
17:08You weren't coming back.
17:09I had to make you come back.
17:12Hey, Megan.
17:13Sorry to interrupt.
17:14I got a couple ladies I want you to meet.
17:16This is Janina.
17:17She runs the store on the corner.
17:19Yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:20We've met each other.
17:21How you doing with that amulet?
17:22Oh, well, you know, it's...
17:24Those amethysts have power.
17:29She thought she'd come in and, you know, investigate with us.
17:32I still don't believe in the supernatural.
17:34But I do think this amulet activated the curse of the nosy neighbor.
17:38And this is Nicole.
17:41Nicole is the professional that I brought in to kind of help us take care of our problem.
17:44Is the problem Howard or organization?
17:47It ain't no problem with Howard.
17:49This place is haunted.
17:50Howard's just a scared little girl.
17:52Oh, no.
17:55I'm not the one rocking the amulet.
17:57I put it in my pocket to be nice, you know?
18:01I think we should go upstairs and let you check out the space.
18:04If her checking it out can get y'all working and something going on in here, check it out.
18:10This is bound to be a freak show.
18:13Don't turn any lights on.
18:14Let's be a little more respectful.
18:16And we'll use these flashlights.
18:17I brought some with me for us to use.
18:20I need one of those.
18:21I'm going to come back here.
18:22I want to make sure y'all get upstairs okay.
18:25He's a gentleman.
18:26Let's go.
18:28I don't know why we can't turn on a light.
18:30I mean, it's like soaking your swimming trunks in blood before you go swim with a shark.
18:36Here it is.
18:37Man, I don't know about this.
18:38Oh, it's wonderful.
18:40Just upstairs.
18:41This is not wonderful.
18:42It's creepy.
18:43We have some Celtic sea salt and water.
18:46I'm actually going to give that to you.
18:49Sea salt?
18:52I just need you to kind of remain calm because we want to use all the positive energy here.
18:55Calm isn't really something I'm into right at this present moment.
18:57Well, you know what?
18:58Let me give you a black candle that'll absorb any negative energy that you have.
19:02We're going to burn the place down.
19:03We're not burning anything down.
19:05Leave it to Howard to be full of negativity.
19:07Howard doesn't need a negativity candle.
19:10He needs a diver.
19:13Please don't make me ask you again.
19:15What was that?
19:16It's just the wind.
19:17Never heard no wind sound like it.
19:22What I'm going to do is cleanse.
19:23This is wild sage.
19:24I'm going to tell you.
19:26No negative energy.
19:30Did you hear that?
19:35Let me hold your damn candle.
19:36I'm not trying to catch my hair on fire.
19:38What did I say about the negativity?
19:41Energy's really strong right now.
19:43I feel it's really warm in here.
19:45This water is warm.
19:47Spirit, time to move on to your next life.
19:53Dawn, what's going on here, man?
19:55What the hell are you doing?
19:56Got your ghost right here, boys.
20:00What is that?
20:01This is my trail camera.
20:04Yeah, I've had these set up for a couple days up here
20:06since y'all got all spooked out and all.
20:08Finally, someone with some legitimate ghost hunting gear.
20:12Excuse me, ladies.
20:13How are y'all doing today?
20:14Let me show these guys their ghost.
20:16Look here.
20:29Tickle, what the hell are you doing up here?
20:32What are you, staying out here at night?
20:35Every once in a while.
20:36And I reckon you don't recall moving anything.
20:38Yeah, well, you know.
20:40Having a warehouse full of stolen shine
20:42is a sword that cuts both ways.
20:43When your old lady kicks you out,
20:45you always got a place to go.
20:47Only problem with that,
20:48you probably ain't gonna remember being there at all.
20:50I can't believe you.
20:51I'm the boss. I can do that.
20:53Whether or not ghosts are real,
20:55the scariest thing is having to say you're sorry.
20:57Especially if you live at my house.
21:03Yeah, she's in there.
21:08Well, here goes.
21:13Hey, baby.
21:14Hey, look, look.
21:16I know that I ain't been acting right.
