Blisko, coraz bliżej odc. 5 – Wszystko dla syna. Rok 1905

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00In the distant East, there is a Russian-Japanese war.
00:00:27In January, after the massacre of workers in St. Petersburg,
00:00:30called the Bloody Sunday, a revolution broke out.
00:00:33It engulfed all the industrial centers of Russia,
00:00:36including the land of the Kingdom of Congress.
00:00:39The Polish proletariat at that time was focused on two organizations,
00:00:42the Polish Socialist Party and the Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania.
00:00:48After the revolution broke out, both parties withdrew from disputes on independence issues,
00:00:52and began to organize mass demonstrations of workers, also in the area of the Dąbrowskie Zagłębie.
00:00:58At that time, there were no more shepherds in Jelowice.
00:01:03Antoni has lived in Sosnowiec for 35 years.
00:01:07He works in a farm.
00:01:09He has a difficult life.
00:01:11The threat took his wife first, then his beloved daughter.
00:01:14He changed under the weight of these experiences, unrecognizable.
00:01:17He had two sons left.
00:01:19A younger Roman, to whom he poured all his fatherly feelings,
00:01:23and Mieczysław, who is serving in the fortress of Port Arthur, besieged by the Japanese.
00:01:28At home, he is still waiting for his wife Danusia, with his son Michał.
00:01:34Anna and Kazimierz Borucki also live in Sosnowiec.
00:01:43Here their youngest son, Tadeusz, was born.
00:01:47Now he is a student of the school of reality.
00:01:50In Katowice, in Familok, near the mine, he has been living with his family for 16 years.
00:01:55He is already 43 years old.
00:01:57The lavish life he leads alongside his wife, Róża,
00:02:00good cuisine and a train to the beer, made him gain weight and become more dignified.
00:02:05Here, five of his children were born.
00:02:07Tomasz, Jerzy and Henryk, and Teresa and Elżbieta.
00:02:18Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:02:22Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:02:25Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:02:28Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:02:31Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:02:34Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:02:37Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:02:40Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:02:43Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:02:46Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:02:49Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:02:52Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:02:55Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:02:58Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:03:01Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:03:04Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:03:07Tadeusz, Jerzy and Henryk
00:03:11I didn't know it smells like snow.
00:03:16No, it's strange, but nice.
00:03:19Show me.
00:03:40. . .
00:04:11. . .
00:04:14. . .
00:04:37I could do that, too.
00:04:41You wouldn't let me fall, would you?
00:04:48I'd like to have a scarf.
00:04:51You will.
00:04:53And a blue dress with a scarf.
00:04:56They say I look nice in blue.
00:04:59You will have a blue dress.
00:05:02Blue eyes, a blue dress.
00:05:05Blue almonds.
00:05:08It's true.
00:05:15Aren't you coming?
00:05:17No, not today.
00:05:19But it's Sunday.
00:05:21I have something to do.
00:05:24See you tomorrow, blue almond.
00:05:36I chose this leaflet for a few reasons.
00:05:39It contains controversial points
00:05:42about the social democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania.
00:05:48I wonder whether in the present moment,
00:05:51when the throne of the tsars is swaying
00:05:54as a result of the prolonged war with Japan,
00:05:57when dissatisfaction among the proletariat is growing,
00:06:00when the blood of the workers in the clashes with the tsarist police is flowing,
00:06:03when the fight for the methods of struggle is being discussed,
00:06:06how the people of Poland should come to a decision.
00:06:11I believe that both parties should work together
00:06:14in the name of the highest goal,
00:06:17which is the liberation of the working class from the oppression of the tsar.
00:06:21You are not authorized to stop the printing of the leaflet.
00:06:26Let the comrades decide whether I did wrong.
00:06:29Who wants to speak?
00:06:31He did the right thing.
00:06:33He's right.
00:06:35I have a new text of the leaflet here. I can read it.
00:06:38Well, comrades?
00:06:40Let him read.
00:06:47Comrades, the working class is deepening.
00:06:51We are witnesses of the emergence of the working class
00:06:54which has never been dreamed of in Poland.
00:06:58And the force is not blind,
00:07:00but demands the freedom of speech,
00:07:06protective laws for the workers,
00:07:08all that the proletariat of Europe is fighting for.
00:07:12This force
00:07:14cannot be reconciled with the tsar.
00:07:21we, the working class, are deepening.
00:07:23Regardless of the party affiliation,
00:07:25we cannot be indifferent
00:07:27to the tyranny of the tsar and his henchmen.
00:07:31The destruction of absolutism lies not only in the interest of the working class,
00:07:35but of the entire Polish society.
00:07:39We call on all honest Poles
00:07:44to fight for their rights.
00:07:48There is no victory without fighting.
00:07:55Grandma, we're going home.
00:07:57Not so loud, Michal. Grandpa is sleeping.
00:07:59You have to get some sleep, because he's going to work tonight.
00:08:02Why does Grandpa have to go to work?
00:08:04And uncle Gromek, too, doesn't he?
00:08:07A reasonable question, little one.
00:08:09The funniest thing is that I can't understand him,
00:08:12or myself,
00:08:15or anyone.
00:08:17You have a cake in the oven, take it.
00:08:19And in the cupboard there are flowers.
00:08:21Take a sip and drink.
00:08:23You'll sweat a little, maybe you'll cough.
00:08:26I'll be fine.
00:08:28As soon as I get out of the cold, I'll cough.
00:08:31No, I won't.
00:08:34Do you have anything to drink?
00:08:40Don't worry.
00:08:42I'll put it on like a donut,
00:08:44and I'll be back with medals.
00:08:54Have you heard?
00:08:55Six thousand people were killed in Petersburg.
00:08:57They didn't have time to bury them.
00:08:59They threw their bodies into the sea.
00:09:01From the city to the sea is far.
00:09:03But what's so clever? Have you seen it?
00:09:05Have you been to Petersburg?
00:09:07I haven't been, but I know.
00:09:09When people start to believe in this nonsense,
00:09:11their anger will end.
00:09:13There are those who care about the understanding of people.
00:09:15For them, a bloody Sunday is a good day.
00:09:17For them, a peaceful Sunday is a good day.
00:09:19For them, a peaceful Sunday is a good day.
00:09:21For them, a peaceful Sunday is a good day.
00:09:23For them, a bloody Sunday is only a threat.
00:09:25Ten thousand killed, a hundred thousand.
00:09:27Yes, it's impressive.
00:09:29And there's one truth.
00:09:31They shot at the workers because they were afraid of them.
00:09:33But why are you so angry?
00:09:35No, you think so.
00:09:37All right, I'm in a hurry. Good night.
00:09:48You dress too lightly.
00:09:50I don't have a fur yet.
00:09:52Neither do I.
00:09:54You see, father,
00:09:56there's a difference between us.
00:09:58Father doesn't want to have fur.
00:10:00He doesn't believe he can have it.
00:10:02And I believe.
00:10:04Fur for everyone.
00:10:06Oh, skis for everyone.
00:10:08What skis again?
00:10:10Well, those for sliding.
00:10:14You'll be reading again till late for sure.
00:10:18Take out the key.
00:10:20So that he doesn't have to wake you up in the morning.
00:10:22All right.
00:10:24Good night.
00:10:26Good night, father.
00:10:48Good night.
00:11:18The workshop is empty.
00:11:38They let the people in.
00:11:48Good night.
00:12:02Do you believe in it?
00:12:06And father doesn't?
00:12:08Answer the question.
00:12:10I don't just believe, I fight for it.
00:12:12In my apartment.
00:12:14In your apartment.
00:12:16You have to do it somewhere.
00:12:18I understand, but why in my apartment?
00:12:20The only one who still earns a living.
00:12:24I didn't expect you to treat it like that.
00:12:26How should I treat it?
00:12:28I may not use your earnings.
00:12:30I'm very happy about it.
00:12:34But there's your wife and my grandson.
00:12:36Didn't you hear about the audit?
00:12:40If they find it in my apartment,
00:12:42they'll lock me up first of all.
00:12:44You're such a fool.
00:12:46You don't know that fighting for something
00:12:48you shouldn't put others in danger.
00:12:50No, I'm not such a fool.
00:12:54I just know that there are people
00:12:56beyond all suspicions.
00:12:58I understand.
00:13:00You wanted to say
00:13:02that someone like me
00:13:04won't have an audit.
00:13:08But that won't happen either.
00:13:10Please, father.
00:13:12I'll take it out of the house.
00:13:14But don't let your father destroy it.
00:13:18If it didn't work out so far,
00:13:20even the tsar's gendarme...
00:13:22We have to move the auger to another place.
00:13:24Do you have any suggestions?
00:13:26Comrade Roman said
00:13:28that he'll find a new place himself.
00:13:30Comrade Wojtyniak, you'll take care
00:13:32of moving the auger.
00:13:34Now we'll discuss the situation
00:13:36in Katarzyna's hut and in the mines.
00:13:52Hi, Tadziu.
00:13:54Hi. How are you, Roman?
00:13:56I need to talk to you.
00:13:58Come in. Mom and Dad are very happy.
00:14:00Some other time.
00:14:02I need to move the auger.
00:14:08Just remember what I told you.
00:14:10That's my problem.
00:14:12You know,
00:14:14it would be best
00:14:16if you followed me.
00:14:18You'll see for yourself.
00:14:24I don't understand him.
00:14:28You see, it's like that.
00:14:30Children don't understand their parents.
00:14:32No, that's not the point, uncle.
00:14:34As a father, I understand him perfectly.
00:14:36I have a lot of respect for him.
00:14:40But you're not just a father
00:14:42or a son.
00:14:44You're also a man
00:14:46who wants something,
00:14:48strives for something,
00:14:50dreams of something.
00:14:52And he doesn't.
00:14:56Your father did us a great favor
00:14:58when everyone turned away from us.
00:15:00He paid dearly for it.
00:15:02He had to run away from Prussia.
00:15:04He went to exile
00:15:06because he didn't know anyone here.
00:15:08We're not talking about that.
00:15:10How was it, uncle?
00:15:12I'll tell you some other time.
00:15:16After that,
00:15:18my uncle and I had to leave Prussia.
00:15:22Antoni was already living here.
00:15:24He helped us a lot.
00:15:26And that's why I won't let you speak ill of him.
00:15:50This table is for you.
00:15:56I'm sure you'll need it.
00:16:02You can keep it in this box.
00:16:04Don't let anyone see it.
00:16:08All right.
00:16:10You have to lend me the key.
00:16:12I'll give it to you tomorrow.
00:16:14My friends made it for me.
00:16:16Thank you for everything.
00:16:18Just remember,
00:16:20no one can find out about it.
00:16:26It's that disease.
00:16:28The drought.
00:16:30First, it took my wife.
00:16:34my only daughter,
00:16:38And now,
00:16:40Romka is biting me.
00:16:42I haven't heard from Mietko
00:16:44for half a year.
00:16:46That's life.
00:16:48I don't know anything
00:16:50about Mietko.
00:16:52I don't know anything
00:16:54about Mietko.
00:16:56That's life.
00:16:58Oh, Antoś.
00:17:00Why is fate
00:17:02so cruel to us?
00:17:04Because of my father?
00:17:06Because of what he did
00:17:08to Tadzik?
00:17:10Don't cry, Anoś.
00:17:14You carried everything
00:17:16that fell on you.
00:17:20I won't break down either.
00:17:26I'll find a job for him.
00:17:28I'll fight the devil
00:17:30and I'll find it.
00:17:32A job is a salary.
00:17:34It's a regular,
00:17:36good living.
00:17:38And he needs
00:17:40the most of it.
00:18:40Anoś, listen.
00:18:42Leave me alone.
00:18:46See, father?
00:18:48She doesn't care.
00:18:50That's great. Port Arthur has fallen.
00:18:53So what?
00:18:55It's a fortress in the Far East.
00:18:57Is it?
00:18:59I thought it was a sanatorium.
00:19:04For the Georgians?
00:19:08It's the best proof that there are no undefeated.
00:19:11The Tsar is waiting for it too.
00:19:14And who will defeat him?
00:19:15What do you mean, who?
00:19:16Us. The proletariat.
00:19:22And how many rifles do you have?
00:19:26Arma? Torpedoes?
00:19:29Why do you have them?
00:19:31Father wants to say that
00:19:33Father is not us.
00:19:35You didn't answer my question.
00:19:38If need be, there will be rifles.
00:19:40The most important thing is to want to defeat him.
00:19:43To believe that you can do it.
00:19:45And nothing else came to your mind?
00:19:47Have you ever thought that the fortress has fallen?
00:19:51Your brother is there.
00:19:53Her husband.
00:19:55Mikhaly's father.
00:19:57I'm sorry, Father, but I see things a little differently.
00:20:00Of course.
00:20:02When you sit behind the stove and read the newspaper,
00:20:04everything looks different.
00:20:06And what should I do? Hang myself?
00:20:17Go hang yourself.
00:20:33Go hang yourself.
00:20:36Go on.
00:20:48Roman is coming.
00:20:51I'll tell him.
00:20:54Do you really have to?
00:20:56I have to. Someone should take responsibility.
00:20:59Let it be me.
00:21:00Leave them.
00:21:02I know what to do.
00:21:11Good morning.
00:21:12Good morning.
00:21:15Is Ninka here?
00:21:18You see, Roman,
00:21:20with Ninka it's like this.
00:21:23Leave her alone.
00:21:25What happened?
00:21:28She's not for you.
00:21:32Why? What does that mean?
00:21:35You have your own mind.
00:21:37What can I say?
00:21:39Don't come here again.
00:21:41Don't meet her.
00:21:46Does she want this?
00:21:49You can believe me.
00:21:51I'm sorry to talk to you like this.
00:21:57What happened here?
00:22:11It'll be better for you and for her.
00:22:20I'm leaving.
00:22:23Not me.
00:22:28I understand.
00:22:50Why is he in such a hurry?
00:22:54What happened?
00:22:56Sit down.
00:22:58We need to talk.
00:23:01But why?
00:23:04Dad, what is it?
00:23:05Sit down.
00:23:08We need to talk calmly.
00:23:15I know you love each other.
00:23:19But do you know everything about him?
00:23:22Yes, we told each other
00:23:24that as soon as he gets a job, we'll get married.
00:23:27You shouldn't.
00:23:29For your own good.
00:23:32What do you mean?
00:23:35Do you know what his mother died for?
00:23:39And his oldest sister, Julia?
00:23:41I'll marry him anyway.
00:23:43I'll marry him anyway, even if I have to leave the house.
00:23:48You shouldn't.
00:23:52You shouldn't sit under the stove,
00:23:54just talk.
00:23:56Say something.
00:23:57Like a father, like a man.
00:23:59You won't stop her.
00:24:06She should know
00:24:08that I'm doing everything for her own good.
00:24:11I don't even know what they told him.
00:24:14Something bad for sure.
00:24:16He was running down the stairs.
00:24:19Danusiu, tell him, please.
00:24:22Tell him that nothing has changed between us.
00:24:25That I want to see him tomorrow.
00:24:31I love him so much.
00:24:33I can't live without him.
00:24:37Tell him.
00:24:39Did you hear that?
00:24:41Warsaw is going to strike.
00:24:43What about Warsaw?
00:24:45Something is going to happen.
00:24:47First it was Petersburg,
00:24:49then Warsaw,
00:24:51now it's going to be Zagłębie.
00:24:54Mr. Meister, what about the son's job?
00:24:57Mr. Meister, you promised.
00:25:00Are you watching me?
00:25:02No, I'm just...
00:25:04Please, I'll do everything you say.
00:25:07For now, I don't see a free place.
00:25:10But I remember.
00:25:12As soon as I can, I'll take care of it.
00:25:16It's not like that, gentlemen.
00:25:18Those who dream of a free Poland
00:25:21are not so dangerous.
00:25:24Much worse are those
00:25:27God-forsaken revolutionaries.
00:25:30A Pole, a German, a Frenchman,
00:25:33a Belarusian, a Russian,
00:25:35each and every one of them
00:25:37can be an enemy or an ally.
00:25:40It depends where they are,
00:25:42at the bottom or at the top.
00:25:45Poland hasn't died yet.
00:25:48No, it's not that dangerous.
00:25:51Proletarians of all countries, join us.
00:25:54This must be suppressed
00:25:57by all forces.
00:25:59There are more and more of them.
00:26:02And why?
00:26:04The Holy Spirit enlightens them.
00:26:06Agitators don't waste, gentlemen.
00:26:09Agitation and propaganda
00:26:11are modern weapons in political warfare.
00:26:13The best agitation is money.
00:26:16We have time for that, Mr. Strzępa.
00:26:20For now, we have to reach for other arguments.
00:26:24Our depths border with Upper Silesia,
00:26:27a much larger and richer industrial center.
00:26:31Workers live there, too.
00:26:34They get along with employers
00:26:37and do well there.
00:26:40It would be good to send someone there.
00:26:43Let him say it later.
00:26:47They'll think he's set up.
00:26:50We don't have...
00:26:53We don't have anyone from there.
00:26:56Someone who has a family there.
00:27:00I have one.
00:27:10Director Rettner wants to see you.
00:27:17Good day, Mr. Pasternik.
00:27:20Good day, Mr. Director.
00:27:23Have you forgotten German?
00:27:26I don't believe you.
00:27:29I didn't need it here.
00:27:32A cigarette?
00:27:35No, thank you.
00:27:38You know I'm from Germany.
00:27:41I was born there.
00:27:44You know I'm from Germany, too.
00:27:47So we're related.
00:27:50But I've never been German, Mr. Director.
00:27:55That's what they call me sometimes.
00:27:58You see, people know what they're saying.
00:28:01It's not enough that you're a good pasternik,
00:28:05that you keep people on their toes.
00:28:10That's how it should be.
00:28:13A good school.
00:28:16I have a proposition for you.
00:28:19A good proposition.
00:28:22You'll go to Silesia.
00:28:25That's impossible.
00:28:28So we've got you here.
00:28:31Did you miss something?
00:28:34Are you afraid?
00:28:37I studied law in Germany.
00:28:40You can trust me.
00:28:43There's nothing you can do about the law.
00:28:46All offenses are punished after 10 years.
00:28:49Mr. Director,
00:28:52I said goodbye to my family once and for all.
00:29:00And if I ask you...
00:29:05I've worked in Huth for so many years,
00:29:08I've never given a reason.
00:29:11That's the past.
00:29:14I'm interested in what's now.
00:29:17Are you going or not?
00:29:20Why would I go there?
00:29:25Actually, for nothing.
00:29:29I don't understand.
00:29:33You'll go so that people know.
00:29:36It's going to spread around Walcownia.
00:29:40When you come back,
00:29:43you'll tell people what you saw there.
00:29:46High technology, easier work, good earnings.
00:29:50The workers use it and the industry develops.
00:29:54There's peace there.
00:29:57People work, earn, live better and better.
00:30:00They get along with the workers.
00:30:03They don't politicize.
00:30:06Say something like that.
00:30:09I have a request for you, Mr. Director.
00:30:16Be brief.
00:30:19I have a son.
00:30:22Good, talented.
00:30:25He's unemployed.
00:30:29You'll meet him soon.
00:30:32Nothing for free.
00:30:35I like that.
00:30:38I'll take the son.
00:30:41Under one condition.
00:30:48Let me see you.
00:30:52We'll wipe the tsar's head off.
00:30:56I won't wipe it off.
00:30:59Again with the kids.
00:31:02There's dinner in the oven.
00:31:05The devil's taking the tsar.
00:31:08If there's no tsar,
00:31:11there'll be hell on earth.
00:31:14We had a tsar there.
00:31:18We had a tsar too.
00:31:21His name was Bismarck.
00:31:24They finished him off,
00:31:27but nothing changed.
00:31:30When you say we, you mean Prussians.
00:31:33Not Prussians.
00:31:43My family.
00:31:46Why didn't you go there?
00:31:51For your own good.
00:31:54Mom said you were afraid of something.
00:31:59That's all she said?
00:32:02That you had to run away.
00:32:07If I went there, they'd lock me up.
00:32:15I wasn't afraid of prison.
00:32:18Who knows if it wouldn't be worse
00:32:22than everything I went through here.
00:32:27But what would happen to you?
00:32:32Your mother would have died sooner,
00:32:36so would Julia.
00:32:40And you?
00:32:43When would she die?
00:32:46Stop it.
00:32:49I don't spit blood yet,
00:32:52but I'm like Julia's mother.
00:32:55Everyone says that.
00:32:58I'm like a fly chasing its father.
00:33:02Don't say that.
00:33:05People live with it.
00:33:09When you get a job,
00:33:12you'll start eating regularly.
00:33:15It's the best medicine.
00:33:18You don't have to comfort me.
00:33:21My life will be short.
00:33:24I don't want to waste it.
00:33:27You won't.
00:33:38You won't.
00:34:08You won't.
00:34:38You won't.
00:34:41You won't.
00:35:08Good morning.
00:35:11Passport, please.
00:35:38Good morning.
00:36:00Good morning.
00:36:06I've been looking for you.
00:36:09What are you doing here?
00:36:12Weren't you afraid?
00:36:15They told me it's safe.
00:36:18I came to see you.
00:36:21I'd like to go to Vilovice.
00:36:24Will you go with me?
00:36:27But it's Sunday.
00:36:30I can't now.
00:36:34I'll go alone.
00:36:37Do you need help?
00:36:43The coal can wait.
00:36:46Rosalka will be happy.
00:36:49Warm up.
00:36:52You must be tired.
00:36:55I'll make you something to eat.
00:37:04Are you looking for someone?
00:37:10Mr. Jerzy Porwola.
00:37:13He's not here.
00:37:16Is it about the forge?
00:37:19You could say so.
00:37:22It's a good forge.
00:37:25If I had money, I'd buy it.
00:37:28Why did you sell it?
00:37:31I don't care.
00:37:34Can I see it?
00:37:37Yes, it's free.
00:38:01It's an old forge.
00:38:32Can you see the forge?
00:38:38But you can see it's old.
00:38:41When will the master come back?
00:38:44He's in the inn.
00:38:47He must be drunk.
00:38:50You can't do anything today.
00:38:53You have to come tomorrow.
00:39:02I'm not surprised he wants to sell it.
00:39:05My older son was run over by a train.
00:39:10My daughter is stupid.
00:39:13She wants to run away.
00:39:18This forge is cursed.
00:39:22There's a curse on it.
00:39:27The devil destroyed the old forge.
00:39:31They called him the Polish king.
00:39:36His daughter was sent with bags.
00:39:40Everything was ruined.
00:39:44It was sold to a foreign market.
00:39:48It's a revenge.
00:39:56Did you know them?
00:40:04But I heard they were called that.
00:40:09If I were you,
00:40:12I wouldn't buy this forge.
00:40:16The curse will never go away.
00:40:32He's been drinking for a long time.
00:40:36What does it mean?
00:40:39A child is like everyone else.
00:40:42Water, milk, tea, coffee.
00:40:45I know what he likes.
00:40:48You're a man of interest.
00:40:52Interest is a risk.
00:40:56I don't want to take too many risks.
00:41:00Who wants that?
00:41:03Why does he want to sell the forge?
00:41:08You should ask him.
00:41:11He knows people, but I don't.
00:41:16But I do.
00:41:19Why do you ask me?
00:41:23I want to know twice,
00:41:27not once.
00:41:31I like that.
00:41:42Who was that?
00:41:45A guest.
00:41:48I left too much money in the forge.
00:41:52Why do you ask me?
00:41:56I know him.
00:41:59I know our people.
00:42:03He's a good man.
00:42:07I know him.
00:42:11He's a stranger.
00:42:15Am I a policeman?
00:42:22I've seen him before.
00:42:25Maybe yes, maybe no.
00:42:29One more corn?
00:42:37No, thanks.
00:43:07No, thanks.
00:43:37How long has he been gone?
00:43:40I don't know. 35 years.
00:43:44They say he pulls people into the nest.
00:43:49I don't think he does.
00:43:52Do you think so?
00:43:55My father says it's a good sign.
00:43:59I don't think so.
00:44:02I don't think he does.
00:44:05Do you think so?
00:44:08My father says it's a good sign.
00:44:11He's right.
00:44:14He'll take care of it.
00:44:17That's not enough.
00:44:20You know, it's terrible.
00:44:24I must be free.
00:44:27I can't live with her husband.
00:44:31I love you so much.
00:44:35You're not able to imagine it.
00:44:39You're my only girl.
00:44:45It's a pity...
00:44:50It's all so short.
00:44:53Don't say that.
00:44:56It'll be a long night.
00:45:02Fire! Fire!
00:45:05It's burning!
00:45:07My God!
00:45:11People, help!
00:45:14Have mercy!
00:45:16Do you hear? He's speaking Polish!
00:45:19He didn't buy it!
00:45:21There was one in Warsaw who wanted to buy it.
00:45:24He took the damage and left.
00:45:26No one will cry for him here.
00:45:28Fire is fire, not politics.
00:45:33My God!
00:45:36What do we do?
00:45:39Water! Water!
00:45:42My God!
00:45:44Save us!
00:45:47Fire! Fire!
00:45:59I shouldn't have come here at all.
00:46:03After so many years,
00:46:06I shouldn't have come back to the old place.
00:46:10Wielowice is no longer the same.
00:46:14And you'd like the world to stay in place?
00:46:19No, but...
00:46:22I'd like to be there when it changes.
00:46:26I'm complaining to you,
00:46:30to my brother.
00:46:34You see,
00:46:37my life was useless.
00:46:41It brought only less humiliation
00:46:46to my loved ones.
00:46:50I still live only for them.
00:46:56For Romek.
00:46:59I came here for him.
00:47:02What do you mean, for him?
00:47:05The director promised me a job for you.
00:47:11Is your father already working with the director?
00:47:14Who will give you a job?
00:47:17A worker?
00:47:19There will come a time when the workers will decide.
00:47:23Only the director or the manager can give you a job.
00:47:32The army has besieged all the important points in the city!
00:47:37How long will we tolerate the will of the Tsar's henchmen?
00:47:41Long live the Tsar!
00:47:45Slowly, comrades!
00:47:47Comrades, slowly!
00:47:50There are provocateurs among us,
00:47:53and they are under attack!
00:47:55In France, in Belgium, in Germany,
00:47:58the workers are also fighting for their rights,
00:48:02but this is a fight for arguments,
00:48:05for arguments,
00:48:07not for rifle salvos!
00:48:10Let the shepherd say!
00:48:13He was in Upper Silesia.
00:48:15He is from there.
00:48:17Let's listen!
00:48:32You know me.
00:48:35You know what kind of worker I am.
00:48:39I was there a few days ago.
00:48:45Family, you know how it is.
00:48:50There is no Poland there either,
00:48:52just like here.
00:48:55But there is order.
00:48:59The workers have their unions,
00:49:02which take care of them.
00:49:07And they negotiate with the directors,
00:49:10that's how it is.
00:49:14Here is the union!
00:49:16It was handed over in Katowice.
00:49:19The workers of Upper Silesia
00:49:21express their deep respect
00:49:23for the Polish and Russian proletariat.
00:49:26Please, you can check for yourselves.
00:49:29I was there, I saw it!
00:49:34Mr. Director, I did what you told me to.
00:49:38When can the son report?
00:49:41Did you fall on your head?
00:49:44You made them angry.
00:49:46They whistled at you.
00:49:48I did what you told me to.
00:49:50You encouraged them.
00:49:55You gave your word.
00:49:57Yes, I did, but now I take it back.
00:49:59But you said...
00:50:00Get out!
00:50:11How could my father?
00:50:14How will I look people in the eye now?
00:50:17As usual, son.
00:50:20Like a man with a clear conscience.
00:50:24I'm ashamed of my father.
00:50:28You should be ashamed of the harm done to others.
00:50:31You didn't harm anyone.
00:50:33Neither did I.
00:50:36People fight for the right cause,
00:50:38and my father...
00:50:40I don't understand.
00:50:42I warned them only before the avant-garde.
00:50:44The strike calls my father avant-garde.
00:50:47People despise my father.
00:50:50They've been doing it for over 30 years.
00:50:53Maybe they're right.
00:51:05I came here as an equal.
00:51:08And they only saw Prusak in me.
00:51:11Not a worker, but Prusak.
00:51:14I'm used to being different.
00:51:17My father had no right to oppose anyone.
00:51:20Against me.
00:51:23Against you, you say.
00:51:26I'm sorry, son.
00:51:30I'm sorry.
00:51:51Stanik, brother.
00:51:55They're here with Tomek.
00:52:01Good morning.
00:52:03Good morning.
00:52:05Good morning.
00:52:09Mom sent you some of our Silesian cake.
00:52:11She wanted you to try it.
00:52:13It's a mess.
00:52:16Say thank you to your mother.
00:52:19Why didn't she come with you?
00:52:22Someone has to watch the rabbits.
00:52:25Tadzio, go to uncle Antosia
00:52:28and ask him to come.
00:52:31And let Romek come, too.
00:52:34This world doesn't have to be like it is.
00:52:37It's so gloomy and dirty.
00:52:42Leave the young alone.
00:52:45They'll explain to us
00:52:48what we think is incomprehensible.
00:52:51Let them make this world their own way.
00:52:54But they don't want to make it their own way.
00:52:57They want to destroy it.
00:53:00If it's better.
00:53:04From what?
00:53:06Was it bad in Wielowice?
00:53:11Since we're talking about Wielowice,
00:53:14I have to tell you
00:53:17that the forge has burned down.
00:53:20And that, too.
00:53:23Do you regret it?
00:53:28You should leave Wielowice.
00:53:31None of you live there. It's the past.
00:53:34We have to think about what to do now
00:53:37to make people feel better.
00:53:40If the work goes well,
00:53:43people will make money.
00:53:46And if they don't, they'll be praised.
00:53:49What more do they need?
00:53:52Yes, yes.
00:53:55And how do you know it's not?
00:53:58Don't be mad at me, father.
00:54:01I know that on the other side
00:54:04workers are fighting for a better tomorrow.
00:54:07It's the smell of work.
00:54:10They don't want to do anything.
00:54:14People have to be aware.
00:54:17I know what you mean.
00:54:21It's enough for the emperors
00:54:24to talk to each other
00:54:27and create a Polish state
00:54:30with their own flag,
00:54:36and the factories and mines
00:54:39will remain in the hands of the rich.
00:54:42We will become enemies
00:54:45for ourselves.
00:54:48First you have to be a free Pole.
00:54:51And only then
00:54:54can you fight for justice.
00:54:57That's right.
00:55:00It's a false view.
00:55:03Only a revolution can bring true freedom.
00:55:06Be quiet, all right?
00:55:12I'm going.
00:55:18Your aunt is preparing dinner.
00:55:21You don't have to be mad at me.
00:55:24I'm not mad at you.
00:55:27I'm just sorry that my loved ones
00:55:30have such a different opinion.
00:55:33What a mess.
00:55:36This boy is burning with envy.
00:56:06Let's go.
00:56:36Let's go.
00:57:01Why are you so upset?
00:57:04Is something wrong?
00:57:07I know one thing for sure.
00:57:10You want what's best for me.
00:57:13They don't see what's going on around them.
00:57:16This obscurity has blinded them.
00:57:19But who?
00:57:25Your father will be back soon.
00:57:28Don't worry.
00:57:32We have three hours for ourselves.
00:57:35Come on.
00:57:40Thank you for hosting us.
00:57:45We have to go.
00:57:48The train is waiting for us.
00:57:51I'll walk you to the station.
00:57:54Me too.
00:57:57Dad, I'll go too.
00:58:00You have a lot of time today.
00:58:03Just a little bit.
00:58:06Okay, but just a little bit.
00:58:16Come in.
00:58:24Is Kazimierz Borucki home?
00:58:27What's the matter?
00:58:30It's official.
00:58:32Sunday evening?
00:58:38Where is Kazimierz Borucki?
00:58:41I don't know.
00:58:46Who was here?
00:58:52You have only one.
00:58:55I had a brother from Zabrynica.
00:58:58Maybe I can help you.
00:59:04Wait. Ask for the key from the basement.
00:59:09Give us the key from the cellar.
00:59:13The key.
00:59:26I don't have it.
00:59:29Probably my son hid it in his pocket.
00:59:32When he took the coal from the cellar.
00:59:35Like boys.
00:59:42It's okay. We'll manage.
00:59:45Go through the inspection.
00:59:49Gentlemen, you can't do that.
00:59:52Be quiet.
01:00:07Break the door.
01:00:32I'd like you to be happy.
01:00:35I am happy.
01:00:37But not like this.
01:00:40We should be together.
01:00:43We shouldn't have to love each other.
01:00:48Come in.
01:01:08Who's there?
01:01:11What happened?
01:01:15They found him.
01:01:18The police.
01:01:21How do you know?
01:01:25Don't let them catch you.
01:01:28Uncle Kazik?
01:01:31Father is at the station.
01:01:34Go to the station.
01:01:37He can't go home.
01:01:40Let him go to Danusia.
01:01:43I'll inform my men.
01:01:46They'll stop him.
01:02:00Tell me if there's anything destructive in me.
01:02:03What are you talking about?
01:02:06Everything I touch is destructive.
01:02:09Let's go.
01:02:12We don't have much time.
01:02:15You made a mistake.
01:02:18But it's not the time for excuses.
01:02:21It's my fault.
01:02:24I didn't want him to do it to me.
01:02:27I sent him away.
01:02:30Romek is doing well at night.
01:02:33I'll go to Danusia now.
01:02:36We'll see later.
01:02:39Go home.
01:02:42You have to be careful.
01:02:45You have to take care of your mother.
01:02:51The Huta crew has joined the general strike.
01:02:54The strike committee announces..
01:02:57that the work in Huta is suspended.
01:03:00The strike committee has decided...
01:03:03that only the stoves will be working in Huta.
01:03:06The stoves' maintenance...
01:03:09should provide uninterrupted work.
01:03:12All the others are not working.
01:03:15Only one of the workers...
01:03:18will lead to victory.
01:03:30Good morning.
01:03:33Good morning.
01:03:36Can I speak to uncle?
01:03:42Sit down.
01:03:47There's no other way.
01:03:50Uncle has to flee to Galicia.
01:03:53Your apartment is under observation.
01:03:56Aunt Anna and Tadek too.
01:03:59They're working.
01:04:02Let uncle listen to them.
01:04:05Tonight our man will take uncle...
01:04:08through the Austrian border.
01:04:11Comrades can find work there.
01:04:14Thank you. I'll manage.
01:04:17Aunt Anna has sent money to uncle.
01:04:20I'm sorry.
01:04:23Let uncle forgive me.
01:04:29Good night.
01:04:32Good night.
01:04:35What's the use of the stoves?
01:04:38We suffer huge losses every day.
01:04:41Other departments should be working too.
01:04:44Especially the rolling mill.
01:04:47It's not worth it.
01:04:50It's not worth it.
01:04:53It's not worth it.
01:04:56It's not worth it.
01:04:59It's not worth it.
01:05:02Other departments should be working too.
01:05:05Especially the rolling mill.
01:05:08We won't do it in the strike committee.
01:05:11To hell with it!
01:05:14I know those scoundrels.
01:05:17I'll send Cossacks to them.
01:05:20They'll make a mess of it.
01:05:23There won't be enough troops in the city.
01:05:26We won't count on the strike committee.
01:05:29We'll count on the workers.
01:05:32They're all loyal.
01:05:35Money will break any loyalty.
01:05:38We have to buy them.
01:05:41Who do we have in the rolling mill?
01:05:44Czerwina and Pasternik.
01:05:47Czerwina and Pasternik.
01:05:50Send Pasternik to me.
01:06:00No, sir.
01:06:06There's a strike.
01:06:09You're in solidarity with them?
01:06:12With this scum?
01:06:15For calling you a Prussian scoundrel?
01:06:18I'm used to it.
01:06:21You're not looking for a job for your son either?
01:06:26No, sir.
01:06:29No, sir.
01:06:40A job vacancy during a strike?
01:06:43Read it.
01:06:46You won't get a better job.
01:06:49You can start tomorrow.
01:06:52It's a duty on paper.
01:06:55Keep it in your hand.
01:06:58I can't go back on that.
01:07:01Where will I get people?
01:07:04That's your business.
01:07:07I don't care.
01:07:10I don't care.
01:07:13Where will I get people?
01:07:16That's your business.
01:07:19You have to buy them.
01:07:22You can double the price.
01:07:25You know these people.
01:07:28You know who will go for it.
01:07:31It will be difficult and dangerous.
01:07:34I'm paying and giving a bet.
01:07:37Huta will take over the army.
01:07:43I'm trying.
01:07:50Hasn't M.K. been here?
01:07:53They saw him in town.
01:07:56What about Michał?
01:07:59He's sleeping in the room.
01:08:02Tell him I got him a job in Huta.
01:08:05It's a good job.
01:08:11Nothing will happen.
01:08:14You stay with Michał.
01:08:17We'll all fit in.
01:08:20It's safer in a group.
01:08:23Good morning.
01:08:26Good morning.
01:08:29I'm looking for my Romek.
01:08:35What about Kazik?
01:08:38He's in Czaczaków.
01:08:41He sent a messenger to Austria.
01:08:44He asked for warm things.
01:08:47I feel sorry for him.
01:08:50He has to run away.
01:08:53First with Tadeusz, then with me.
01:08:56Now again.
01:08:59Because of me.
01:09:02Not because of you or Romek.
01:09:05It's fate.
01:09:08We'll follow Kazimierz.
01:09:11He won't come back.
01:09:17Come in.
01:09:20Good evening.
01:09:23I'm looking for Romek.
01:09:26He's still on the run.
01:09:29He has a job.
01:09:32It's easy for him.
01:09:35I want a job like that.
01:09:38He got a job when others leave it.
01:09:41Sit down.
01:09:44We'll talk.
01:09:47I have to find him.
01:10:35Where's your son?
01:10:38I found him at home.
01:10:41But I left him a message.
01:10:56There's only one standard.
01:10:59There's only one standard.
01:11:02A worker's standard is a victory.
01:11:05It's a standard with the slogan
01:11:08of the fight for the liberation of the proletariat.
01:11:19I have bad news.
01:11:22There are strikes in Katarzyna.
01:11:34We can't let the workers' class
01:11:37to be divided.
01:11:40We're going to Katarzyna!
01:11:43To Katarzyna!
01:11:46To Katarzyna!
01:11:49We have to keep order.
01:11:52We'll march to Katarzyna!
01:11:55To Katarzyna!
01:11:58To Katarzyna!
01:12:26To Katarzyna!
01:12:38They're shooting at us!
01:12:41To Katarzyna!
01:12:52I've got a job for you.