Big Brother S26 E34 (2024)

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00Previously on Big Brother!
00:05Ainsley had some bad news for the surviving seven.
00:09It's double eviction night.
00:11Two of your games will be terminated tonight.
00:15And they first said see ya to Leah.
00:18By a vote of four to zero, Leah, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.
00:27At the Head of Household competition...
00:29We have to move on to the tiebreaker round between Angela and Chelsea.
00:34Chelsea got her third HOH of the season.
00:38Congratulations Chelsea! You are the new Head of Household.
00:43Let's go!
00:45Knowing exactly who she wanted out...
00:48Angela goes home.
00:50Chelsea made the obvious nominations.
00:53I'm sorry Angela, I'm sorry Kimo.
00:55I have to see you guys sit there.
00:57I was playing this veto and I love you both. I'm so sorry.
01:02With the veto up for grabs, Kimo said aloha to safety.
01:08Oh, congratulations!
01:10Kimo, you have won the power of veto.
01:15And after he escaped the block...
01:18Of course I have to use this on myself.
01:22His bestie took his spot.
01:24Rubina, love you. You know where I stand.
01:29At the second eviction of the night...
01:32By a vote of three to zero, Angela, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.
01:39Angela's nine lives ran out.
01:44Tonight, see the gameplay you missed during the action-packed double.
01:50I don't want to go home. I got more to give.
01:52Can I even?
01:53I promise you, I'm not the threat.
01:55Then, with only five remaining in the battle for three quarters of a million dollars...
02:01Winning head of household will be more important than ever.
02:05Plus, two more house guests hit the chopping block.
02:09All this right now on Big Brother.
02:16I'd love to stay on TV on my favorite show.
02:22Big Brother
02:23Big Brother
02:24Big Brother
02:25Big Brother
02:26Big Brother
02:27Big Brother
02:28Big Brother
02:29Big Brother
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02:57Big Brother
02:58Big Brother
02:59Big Brother
03:00Big Brother
03:01Big Brother
03:02Big Brother
03:03Big Brother
03:04Big Brother
03:05Big Brother
03:06Big Brother
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03:09Big Brother
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03:42Big Brother
03:43Big Brother
03:44Big Brother
03:45Big Brother
03:46Big Brother
03:47Big Brother
03:48Big Brother
03:49The people that I put up on the block
03:50Leah and Angela
03:51Went home tonight
03:52Even though
03:53They may not have been
03:54Necessarily coming after me personally
03:56They were definitely going after people
03:58That I wanted to work with
03:59Right now
04:00I want to go to the end
04:01With Chelsea and Cam
04:02So getting Leah and Angela
04:03Out of this house
04:04Makes that much easier
04:06Let's go
04:10That's really sad
04:19I'm finally home
04:20Let's go
04:22Let's go
04:24This has been
04:25Absolutely wild
04:27Let's go
04:29I am so happy
04:30I'm top five
04:32I survived a double eviction
04:34To guarantee my safety
04:35I knew I had to win HOH
04:38And your girl came through
04:40But the real fun
04:41Started after that
04:43Congratulations Chelsea
04:46Are the new head of household
04:51Go in the cave room
04:52We should wait in the living room
04:54Oh my gosh
05:02Angela, Camo
05:05Angela goes home
05:08I know I can take a shot
05:09At Camo and Rubina
05:11And break up that pair
05:12But Angela has a better chance
05:14Of winning an HOH competition
05:16And would definitely target me
05:18For eviction
05:19If she were to win
05:20So Angela
05:21Needs to go
05:24Good job girl
05:26You're gonna go visit mom
05:27Next to Camo
05:38You and Angela
05:39Everybody's voting Angela out
05:42Are you okay with that?
05:44It's the only chance
05:45We have to get her out
05:46I don't want to take any chances
05:47On Camo returning the favor
05:49And using the veto on Angela
05:51So he needs to go up
05:52Right next to Angela
05:54Rubina's got you
05:55And so does Cam
05:59Are you kidding me?
06:00I have to go on the block again?
06:03And I know I have Rubina's vote
06:04And I know I'm being told
06:05That I have safety
06:07But I didn't come into this game
06:08To be a perpetual pawn
06:11I'm taking Angela and Camo
06:13Send Angela and I
06:14We're gonna come after Rubina
06:15We're gonna come after my head after them
06:17So it'll be still us three
06:18Against them two
06:22And I trust that
06:24I feel good with Chelsea in this game
06:26Because her last HOH
06:28She didn't put me up
06:29She has done nothing but prove
06:31With her words and her actions
06:33She wants to protect me
06:34And I feel the same
06:35We are going to put each other first
06:40Love all of you guys
06:41Double eviction sucks
06:42But I'm sorry Angela
06:43I'm sorry Camo
06:44I have to see you guys sit there
06:46I'm so sorry
06:48I will trust the process
06:50I will trust what Chelsea is telling me
06:52But I have to go for the veto
07:00Oh my goodness
07:01I just won a veto
07:04This feels so good
07:07Rubina now could go up
07:09And I can't afford to lose her
07:11In the craziness
07:13The craziness of this double eviction
07:16What the hell?
07:17Yeah well yeah yeah yeah
07:18I'm sure I put her as a replacement
07:20Are you okay with putting Rubina up?
07:22Or Mackenzie up?
07:26So Camo winning the veto
07:28Completely throws a wrench in my plans
07:30So Rubina is the next best option for me
07:32I know Camo wants me to put Mackenzie up
07:34But sorry Camo
07:36That's not gonna happen
07:38Rubina is not a threat to my game
07:40And Angela still needs to get evicted
07:42So she is the next best option
07:44To go on the block
07:46It's Angela regardless
07:50Well that didn't go as planned
07:52But I gotta put a replacement up
07:54I'm asking Rubina who would wanna freaking go up
07:58Did I say that?
07:59I don't wanna go
08:00I know
08:02I'll protect you with my life here
08:03I can't take you off the block
08:04I know
08:06What are you doing?
08:08Did I just tell her that I was looking for
08:10Ponds to go up next to her?
08:14So go talk to Camo
08:16Well hopefully she leaves in just a minute
08:18So this won't really matter
08:22Dang it
08:24How would you wanna go up as pond?
08:26Look Angela's going home
08:28Camo's got you
08:32I'm not excited to go on the block
08:34But I do believe
08:36That this is the week we all wanna send Angela home
08:38And I'm 99.99% sure
08:40That I can trust Chelsea
08:42And my fellow houseguests
08:44To make it happen
08:46Of course I have to do this all myself
08:50I love all four of you guys
08:52And we're playing this game together
08:54So Rubina
08:56Love you, you know where I stand
09:02I'm not as close with Camo
09:04Rubina is
09:06If they're here together
09:08They got this
09:10Rubina's due to win something too
09:12I don't wanna go home, I got more to give
09:14I know you do
09:16I promise you I'm not the threat
09:18I get it, I get it
09:20Hey I've told you I've got your back
09:22I'm lying to Angela right now
09:24Angela is a bigger comp threat than Rubina
09:26She's won two HOHs
09:28She's won a veto comp
09:30Angela almost won this HOH comp
09:32If it wasn't for the tiebreaker with Chelsea
09:34And if she had won
09:36One of us would have definitely been up
09:38And would have possibly been evicted from the house
09:42I can't ask for your vote against Rubina
09:44I'm sorry
09:46But I love you
09:48I love you so much
09:54By a vote of 3 to 0
09:56Angela, you are evicted from the Big Brother house
10:02I love you Cam
10:04I love you so much
10:06And I would have taken his ass to the end
10:08Hey, hey
10:10Just so you know
10:12Get out
10:14Get out
10:18You're just throwing my name out there casually
10:20As you exit the house
10:22With love, just be gone
10:24From my presence, please
10:28I love you all
10:30After this double eviction
10:32The reality is I feel like I'm setting myself up well
10:34For the future
10:36I know
10:38Final five
10:40I need water
10:42Oh my god
10:46Yeah, I'm rooting for you
10:48Me too
10:50I'm rooting for you
10:52I'm okay that I didn't have the responsibility
10:54Yeah, me too
10:56Chelsea winning HOHs during the double eviction
10:58Was huge because it kept myself
11:00And Mackenzie off the block
11:02And now with us getting close to the end
11:04I really want to get some Ws under my belt
11:06For my resume and it starts with me winning this HOH
11:08This one
11:10We're gonna win one of these days
11:12One of these days we're gonna win
11:14Initially I was hyped
11:16That me and Camo both made it to the final five
11:18However, if you do the math
11:20That is basically two against three
11:22At this point
11:24It only takes two votes to evict someone from the house
11:26So Camo or I
11:28Need to win this HOH in order to keep us safe
11:30Rubina, you need to win this
11:44Hey everyone, it's time for the
11:46Head of Household Competition
11:50Since I'm now going HOH, I'm not eligible to compete
11:52Get ready, Ainsley has
11:54A mission for you
11:58So it is two versus two in this competition
12:00If Camo or Rubina win
12:02Then it's Cam, Mackenzie or myself
12:04Going up on the block
12:06But if Cam or Mackenzie win
12:08They're definitely going after Camo
12:10Or Rubina
12:12This Head of Household Competition
12:14Is the most crucial one yet
12:22Winning HOH this week
12:24Wouldn't only keep myself and Rubina safe
12:26It would also give me the power
12:28To make big moves in this game
12:30There's two big threats
12:32That if they make it to the end
12:34Will absolutely win this game
12:36And I didn't come here
12:38To lose
12:40I have got to win this Head of Household Competition
12:42I have got way too many wins
12:44Underneath my belt
12:46And I know that can be seen as a threat
12:48If I win, I'm thinking about nominating Camo
12:50I think that he would
12:52Nominate me right back
12:54Plus, I do not need to be in that jury house
12:56Anytime soon
12:58Humans, I have created a keycard
13:00That will activate my AI army when called upon
13:02However, the government
13:04Sabotaged it, breaking it into
13:0630 pieces
13:08The pieces of my keycard are in my digital safe
13:10And I need you to reassemble it
13:12Here's your mission
13:14When the alarm sounds, you may begin
13:16To assemble the keycard
13:18Using all the pieces in my digital safe
13:20But I cannot risk any human DNA
13:22Infecting the card's code
13:24So you must use my tech tool to rebuild it
13:26This keycard must be assembled
13:28To exact specifications
13:30Using the image inside your safe as a guide
13:32Each piece is unique
13:34So pay close attention while you build
13:36The first person to correctly reassemble my keycard
13:38Will be rewarded with the key
13:40I am the head of household
13:42Are you ready to construct my killer keycard?
13:44Failure is not an option
13:50Going into this HOH
13:52As a tiny human
13:54This tiny HOH is the perfect comp for me
13:56I need to win this
13:58Not only because, hello
14:00I was just on the block
14:02This just feels like my moment
14:10Oh it's tiny?
14:12Shut up!
14:18In this competition, we have to correctly stack
14:20Ainsley's digital keycard
14:22Using only a pair of tweezers
14:24The first house guest to correctly stack their keycard
14:26Is the new head of household
14:36Shut up, let me go get my chicken wings
14:40Okami Poo
14:42Pull out a W
14:46This competition is half puzzle
14:48And half dexterity
14:50It's not really about stacking the most pieces
14:52It's about making sure the pieces
14:54Have the correct placement
14:56I need to match my keycard to the diagram exactly
14:58I've got to be extra careful
15:00Because if I make a mistake
15:02It's going to send me all the way back to the beginning
15:10My hand is struggling
15:18My hand, keeping it steady
15:20Is so hard
15:26Even get through
15:28One row
15:30That makes sense
15:32Don't be so crazy.
15:34Ravina, switch your hands to her non-dominant hand,
15:37which is an interesting strategy.
15:59Okay, Mackenzie.
16:10I don't know what Ravina came up with.
16:14Oh, Lord.
16:17First and foremost, I don't tweeze,
16:20so trying to pick up these little pieces
16:22with these tweezers is incredibly hard.
16:24I usually do have steady hands,
16:26but using this big old tweezer
16:27is making it tough to stand the pieces up as well,
16:30so you got to have patience.
16:36Thank God I'm not doing this comp,
16:37because my nails aren't done.
16:47Oh, come on, cool down.
16:49Clear the chat.
16:52You see these big clobbers I have?
16:55These are problems.
16:58I am struggling even picking up
17:01this one little piece of the key card
17:03and standing it up.
17:05This is impossible to do.
17:08You know, just do whatever you want to do.
17:26Fix your base.
17:27Mackenzie, fix your base,
17:28because it's coming loose a little bit.
17:30This competition is so stressful.
17:34Choosing not to become a doctor
17:36was a very wise decision on my part,
17:39because I cannot keep my hands still.
17:43I have to be very precise
17:45with these pieces of my key card,
17:47because they are light,
17:49these tweezers are difficult to use,
17:51and any sudden movement
17:53can make my key card fall right over.
17:56I told you to fix your base!
18:02Oh, yep.
18:06Mm, yep.
18:13They are stressing me out.
18:17Oh, shoot.
18:31Oh, perfect.
18:41Oh, my gosh.
18:52Raveena's not doing bad.
18:57Cam, what are...
18:59Are you praying?
19:00Are you meditating?
19:01Cam, where are you going?
19:04It is not time for a guided meditation.
19:07Get your butt back in front of the pieces
19:09and start stacking.
19:17I feel like I'm really starting to get the hang of this.
19:20My hands are shaking a little less,
19:22and I'm finally figuring out how to use these tweezers.
19:26If I can just focus, I can finish in no time.
19:53I've got my key card almost built pretty quickly
19:56because I'm just staying calm.
19:58Take your time.
20:00Nice and slow.
20:02It's gonna be fine.
20:04Just don't think of anything right now.
20:11The same side of my key card keeps falling
20:14no matter how many times I try to rebuild it.
20:17This fall could really set me back
20:20and allow somebody else to take the lead.
20:22If I can't figure out how to keep this up,
20:24I'm gonna lose this for sure.
20:45I'm just trying to calm myself down,
20:47calm my heart rate down, calm my hands down.
20:49The motto is always slow and steady wins the race.
20:52Slow and steady is the pace.
20:54Almost ahead of me right now.
20:56One fall, and I'm back in it.
21:00Steady, baby, steady.
21:06I'm stacking my key card like crazy,
21:08and I'm praying and hoping
21:10that no one is close to finishing.
21:12I gotta keep stacking.
21:14I can feel it.
21:16This head of household is mine.
21:40She is shaking like an earthquake.
21:47Oh, gosh.
21:52My stack is looking rough.
21:55It could truly fall at any second,
21:57so I've gotta place these pieces quick
21:59and hope that it can hold,
22:01because this thing looks like it's ready to collapse.
22:11Finish it out.
22:13Finish it out.
22:15This is what girls do this season.
22:23It doesn't matter that there are some cracks
22:25in my key card, because all of my puzzle pieces
22:27are in the right order.
22:29Now if I can just place this last piece
22:31without my key card toppling over,
22:33I think I can win.
22:41Let's go!
22:43Girls are taking over!
22:47Let's go!
22:49I am the winner
22:51of the tiny HOH,
22:53and I am the new
22:55head of household.
22:57Took a brief little break,
22:59but I'm headed right back up
23:01to that HOH room,
23:03and I'm in the top
23:05four, baby!
23:09Tiny tweech.
23:11Huge balance.
23:17I can't win anything.
23:19It just starts beating down on you,
23:21you know, like,
23:23let's be real.
23:25Am I probably gonna go up?
23:27It's too easy of an option,
23:29so the block it is.
23:41Let's party!
23:45Oh, my God.
23:47Oh, my God.
23:49I said, it's an HOH.
23:51Oh, my God.
23:55Let's freaking go!
23:57Two HOHs
23:59under my belt,
24:01and seven wins total.
24:03Even though it feels like three
24:05versus two right now, I want to
24:07focus on just getting myself to the end.
24:09I need to figure out who needs to go
24:11this week in order to set myself up
24:13for success here at the end of this game.
24:15No, that is so cute.
24:17It's so cute.
24:23Rubina and I really needed
24:25to win because right now
24:27it's the two of us
24:29versus the three of them.
24:31I'm gonna have to
24:33dig deep and
24:35really figure out,
24:37you know, what is the best plan of action
24:39moving forward.
24:41Iconic, huh? Iconic! Are you kidding me?
24:43Everything is going
24:45as planned. Leah's gone.
24:47Angela's gone.
24:49And the cherry
24:51on top, my girl Mackenzie
24:53just won head of household, which guarantees
24:55her and I making it to the final
24:57four. I am one step
24:59closer to sitting in those chairs
25:01on finale night. Yeah, that was stressful.
25:03What a day! Oh, my God,
25:05I'm tired. I am tired.
25:07Good job, guys. Good job. Dude, you crushed that.
25:21What just happened?
25:23My options this week are already
25:25very limited, and since I'm working
25:27with Chelsea and Cam, that's even
25:29fewer that I have options from.
25:31Cam, it's time.
25:33Oh, my gosh.
25:35At this point, he's pissing you off.
25:37He's pissing you off. I know.
25:39We have to bow to each other,
25:41but in the end, if he is there,
25:43you're not taking his ass. No.
25:45Here's the thing. No, because
25:47I want the girls to be sitting at this,
25:49and I want it to be me and you,
25:51and we've worked our asses off.
25:53Dude, we can make it to final two.
25:55We can.
25:57We just have to stick together
25:59because we are seeing the biggest
26:01hearts in the town right now.
26:03The person I want to take to the
26:05final two at the end of this game is
26:07honestly Mackenzie. I've basically
26:09controlled Mackenzie's HOH,
26:11so I've had more power
26:13when I was in HOH than
26:15when I was. I do feel
26:17it could be Mackenzie at the end.
26:19We're gonna be fine.
26:33Chips and tuna.
26:35Chips and tuna.
26:39How do you feel about
26:41Kemos eating habits?
26:43Oh my gosh!
27:01Then he also has the nerve
27:03to lick his fingers. It's not that good.
27:05The fact that he's gone 36 years,
27:07and no one has told him
27:09that he smacks on his food.
27:11Please stop smacking.
27:23Don't even get me started!
27:25No matter what meal
27:27we are making, it's
27:37It's bad.
27:39With all the smacking that Kemo
27:41does while he eats, we may just
27:43have to evict him to get rid of that
28:01This is the Have Not room.
28:03Tell me about it.
28:05What a tough day it was.
28:07Big brother, let us know that
28:09the Have Not room is
28:11officially done for the season.
28:15I won't miss slop, I won't miss
28:17not sleeping on a great bed.
28:19I do think it's important to visit
28:21the Have Not room one last time
28:23and maybe
28:25pay some respect.
28:27We are gathered here to pay
28:29respects to this room.
28:31That reminded us of
28:33just what we have outside of this room.
28:35Yes, absolutely.
28:37Better sleep. Full stomachs.
28:39Clear minds. Sanity.
28:43Who'd like to say some parting words?
28:45Have Not room,
28:47I'm so glad that you're
28:51Because the fact that
28:53I started as a Have Not
28:55Anybody wanna switch?
28:59Means that now
29:01I have some.
29:05Have not.
29:07Oh my.
29:09Have not.
29:11Have not.
29:13Have not.
29:17Have not.
29:21Have not.
29:23Have not.
29:27Have not.
29:37Okay, bye bed. See ya never!
29:53I don't know why I said Machinji.
29:55I've had a really good game relationship with Mackenzie
29:57and I'm hoping I can sway her
29:59from putting me back up on that block.
30:03I know you only have so many options.
30:05I really want to be a yes.
30:07I mean Chelsea.
30:11Because I do want two girls again.
30:13That is my end goal. It really, really is.
30:15Rabaina has always been about girl power.
30:17So right now I'm playing this up
30:19to ensure that if she ever does get power
30:21she doesn't put me out.
30:23What you see from the end
30:25I see from you as well.
30:27I love you to death.
30:29I think I'm gonna wish I stopped
30:31with Valentin. I just can't risk the fact
30:33of him being pulled off.
30:37If I win it, I'm not afraid to take you down.
30:39I'm not afraid to put another person up
30:41to ensure you're safe and make you feel that way.
30:43So just know that.
30:45In that scenario
30:47would it be Cam going up?
30:53There's like
30:55I feel like there's something I want to share
30:57with him. Oh my god, just please say it.
30:59Mackenzie tells me that
31:01I'm going up as a pawn
31:03and I don't want to.
31:05So I need to bring to her attention
31:07other people in this house who are bigger threats
31:09than me who were considering
31:11putting her on the block. Rubina is
31:13not going down without a fight.
31:15If it was me
31:17that won
31:21wanted me to try to put up
31:27Mackenzie's shaking her boobs.
31:29That's all I'm saying right now.
31:31Because she can't play
31:33and I'm like bro, when you publicize
31:35this at night, you're publicly
31:37painting a picture because you're just trying
31:39to rack up all these wins.
31:41Great ass player though.
31:43I'm a great player.
31:47If it's double
31:49if it's double at night
31:51you go after the biggest target.
31:53It's the only time to do it.
31:55It's the only time to do it.
31:57Because there's no time to deliberate.
31:59How many wins do you have?
32:01I am a big threat
32:03so I would definitely see why people
32:05would want to target me but I am
32:07flabbergasted after hearing
32:09what Rubina told me.
32:11I am so confused
32:13Chelsea doesn't want to target me
32:17This is between you and me.
32:21Nothing is set in stone but I appreciate you telling me that.
32:23I just
32:25it was
32:27I'm not unaware
32:29of the fact that people would say that.
32:31I know.
32:43Yeah, good job.
32:47Can we just like sit?
32:49Let's go in the hammock. That's where T would want to go.
32:55This reminds me of T.
32:57I will never not think of her.
32:59This reminds me of T.
33:01I got that dog in me.
33:03This will
33:05always make me think of T.
33:07Our first ever conversation
33:09was here.
33:11It was day two.
33:17It was day two.
33:29It was day two.
33:35Are you okay?
33:43Anyway, ow.
33:45Are you okay? Damn, girl.
33:47That was straight to the floor.
33:57I want to talk
33:59to Chelsea about what Rubina told me
34:01because I want to go
34:03to the end with Chelsea.
34:05And if she's not thinking the same thing
34:07then I may need to rethink
34:09what I'm doing this week.
34:11She had told me
34:13that you
34:15were talking to her about
34:17the event of a double eviction
34:19and you were asking if she would
34:21take the shot at me.
34:23That's not how the conversation went.
34:25I didn't think so.
34:27I'm like, I feel like it's a double.
34:29She said that's when you have to get the
34:31threads out.
34:33Yes, Rubina and I were
34:35discussing what would happen during a double
34:37and what would be smart.
34:39And it was insinuated that it was smart to get a
34:41thread out. However, I didn't think
34:43Rubina was going to go back and tell
34:45Mackenzie. I didn't bring you up
34:47specifically. Yeah, I didn't think so.
34:49But you know what? This just
34:51showed me I can't really trust Rubina
34:53at all. I was worried
34:55for me, not even necessarily you.
34:57She would've told us to. I know. Rubina
34:59needs numbers at the end of the day and she's
35:01trying to get Mackenzie on her side.
35:03I'm sitting here and I'm like,
35:05I don't think Chelsea's scared of me. I don't think she
35:07don't have the sense. No.
35:09If I would've taken you out,
35:11the smartest thing would've been during a double eviction.
35:13Absolutely, because there was no time
35:15to talk. Yep. If I was
35:17going to take a shot, that would've been my shot to take.
35:19And I'm aware of that. Chelsea is
35:21my girl and if she's saying that it did
35:23not go down like that, then I'm going to believe her.
35:25That's so crazy.
35:27Why would she even bring that up?
35:29We're just showing her cards. You know
35:31if she would've won, it would've been
35:33me and you on the block.
35:48How do we get to the end, Cam?
35:54What's the secret answer?
35:57Hope. Yeah.
35:59And a prayer. At this point, yeah.
36:01Cam and I are the last two men in this game
36:03and I want to have a
36:05conversation with him.
36:07Especially at this point of the game.
36:09I need you to
36:11pick up what I'm putting down here.
36:13If we can just survive this week.
36:19Kimo is trying to put the moves
36:21on me right now, but just in a very subtle way.
36:23He's a very smart social player.
36:25That is how he's gotten to this point in this game.
36:27I gotta put a stop to this because I know
36:29Kimo's going to try any way to survive
36:31in this game right now.
36:33That really is the only way
36:35to solidify yourself.
36:37100%. You know? It's to win par for yourself.
36:39It's like, whatever happens,
36:51Look at Kimo. He's not well.
36:53Kimo Moravina.
36:55Kimo is a very,
36:57very, very good social player
36:59and he already has a lot of connections
37:01in the jury house. So I want to
37:03take this information to McKenzie so
37:05Kimo can be the target and we can get him up
37:07out of here this week.
37:09Kimo just was trying to, you know, work
37:11and keep him.
37:15told Kimo about the power
37:17week one,
37:19told Tucker.
37:21Kimo's close with Teeqo and Kimo's close
37:23with Rubina. Yeah, he's a great schemer.
37:25He knows he's not a
37:27comp person, so
37:29socially, he had to cast his net
37:31and it's gotten him this far.
37:33Both of them were trying to
37:35get you.
37:39Both of them have been trying to get me
37:41and they're going to try to get you.
37:43They need majority back.
37:45But the main schemer? Kimo.
37:51Kimo and Rubina
37:53are definitely going up this week,
37:55but I need to figure out who the main
37:57target is. On one hand,
37:59Rubina is playing this game harder
38:01than I thought, especially by
38:03trying to throw Chelsea under the bus.
38:05On the other hand, Kimo has been playing
38:07an amazing social game and is
38:09connected to quite a few jury members.
38:11Either option is good. I just need to
38:13figure out who I want out first.
38:15They're not seeing top three.
38:17Hey everyone, it's time for the nomination ceremony.
38:47This is the nomination ceremony.
38:49It is my responsibility
38:51as head of household
38:53to nominate two houseguests
38:55for eviction.
38:57In my nomination block
38:59are the keys of the houseguest
39:01I am nominating for eviction.
39:03I am nominating
39:07I am nominating
39:11I am nominating
39:15I am nominating Kimo.
39:17I am nominating Kimo.
39:19I am nominating Rubina.
39:21And don't get me started with the
39:29I will turn two keys to lock in
39:31my nominations and their faces
39:33will appear on the Memory Wall.
39:37The first houseguest I have nominated is...
39:45I have nominated you, Kimo, and you, Rubina.
39:59Might I just say first, what an impeccable group of five people.
40:04Everyone here represents something, has an amazing story, and is so, so deserving to
40:09be here.
40:10I love each and every one of y'all.
40:12Hard to say that at this point, you know, we've just kind of gunned for each other,
40:16and I love y'all.
40:19This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
40:25My plan right now is to get Chelsea, Cam, and I to the final three, and that all started
40:31by getting out huge threats to us, Leah and Angela.
40:35The next phase of the plan is to take out Kimo or Rubina.
40:38Kimo is my target, but right now, either could go, especially since there's still a veto
40:43to play.
40:44Whoever it is, say hi to T-Corp for me.
40:48Now that Rubina and I are on the block, the best option is if one of us wins veto.
40:54We can take one of ourselves down, and Mackenzie can put one of her side up.
41:00This way, at least we can convince Mackenzie to break a tie in our favor.
41:05Step one is one of us winning this veto.
41:09Being a pawn has me feeling like I'm disposable.
41:13If I get to the end, I want it to be because I'm a badass, okay?
41:18Not because my only game move is other people moving me.
41:21I need to put on my big girl panties and win this veto so I can take back control of my
41:27Who will win the power of veto in the classic comics competition?
41:33And will it be used to save either Kimo or Rubina from eviction?
41:37Plus, who will be the next sent packing?
41:41And we check in with Quinn, T-Corp, Leah, and Angela at the Jury House.
41:48With no Wednesday episode this week, catch all of this and more Thursday night at 8,
41:537 Central, live on a special two-hour Big Brother!
42:03There's trouble in paradise.
42:21Give me a break!
42:23We got a challenge!
42:25It was so perfect!
42:28New Survivor, Wednesday 8, 7 Central on CBS.
42:34Be prepared.
42:35The most amazing new season of Ghosts is almost here!
42:39This is the most amazing sight I've never seen.
42:42Ghosts is all new, CBS Thursday, October 17th.
42:45Part of CBS Premier Week and streaming on Paramount+.