Big Brother S26 E36 (2024)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Previously on Big Brother!
00:05With Mackenzie on top
00:08I am the new head of household!
00:10She went after the duo of Rue Kimo
00:13I have nominated you Kimo and you Rubina
00:16And it seemed like lights out for the mattress salesperson's game
00:20My target is Kimo
00:22I believe that he is the least likely to take me to the end
00:25At a supercharged veto competition
00:29Mackenzie was a wonder
00:31Congratulations I have won the Golden Power of Veto
00:35I got my third Golden Power of Veto
00:39And she thought about backdooring her ally Cam
00:45Cam, you could be going home
00:47This is not good
00:50But at the veto meeting
00:52I have decided not to use the Power of Veto
00:57Mackenzie stuck to her original plan
01:00At the end of the day, putting Cam up to try and repair the trust with Rubina
01:04Would have gotten unnecessary blood on my hands
01:06And that is the last thing I need going into next week
01:09When I can't compete in the HOH competition
01:11Cam thought keeping Kimo would be better for his game
01:14I know we can beat him
01:17But Mackenzie wanted Rubina to stay
01:20What do you think?
01:22I thought we were getting Kimo
01:24Keeping Kimo in this house is what's best for Cam's game
01:27And honestly, after carrying him throughout this season
01:31He doesn't get to start calling shots now
01:33Leaving Chelsea caught between her two closest allies
01:36Clearly, keeping Kimo is best for Cam's game
01:39And keeping Rubina is best for Mackenzie's game
01:42But I need to ask the question, what is best for my game?
01:46At the live vote and eviction
01:49By a vote of 2-0, Kimo, you are evicted from the Big Brother house
01:55The house said anoha to saving Kimo
02:00Tonight, it's an action-packed hour with two huge competitions
02:05First, the head of household is on the line
02:09Where the winner guarantees their spot on finale night
02:12Then, it's a four-way clash for the final and most important veto of the season
02:19All this right now on Big Brother
02:47Finally, what was supposed to happen, actually happened
02:52I am very appreciative that Chelsea and Cam stuck to the initial plan
02:57Getting Kimo out, that was a great move for me
03:01And I do think that helps build my resume
03:03So, my work here, it's done
03:06One step closer, only ten days
03:09Ten more days
03:11I know before the vote, me and Chelsea were going back and forth on who to evict
03:15But I ended up deciding to evict Kimo
03:18Because this week is all about winning comps
03:20And Kimo has done so much better in comps
03:23But I am a little bit nervous
03:25The girls could all group together and target me this week
03:28That's why I gotta focus on these competitions so I can protect myself
03:31Our periods are gonna sync up, Cam
03:34I don't know if I have
03:37To make final four
03:39Four is my favorite number, I'm born on the fourth
03:41It just feels meant to be, to be the last one standing
03:44In a very mighty trio
03:47Kimo going home, at the end of the day I knew would have to happen
03:51It doesn't make it any less sad or hard
03:54But I'm gonna rep and push even harder through all of this to win it all
03:58For the three of us
03:59Final, HOH
04:01Final four
04:02For the last few weeks, I've been working really tightly with Cam and Mackenzie
04:06And mission accomplished, we've gotten out so many people we wanted to
04:09Now there's just one more left
04:12Hopefully, we can complete this mission and make it to the final three
04:15It's gonna be a much quieter house
04:28Three V. One
04:35Three V. One
04:37Three V. One
04:42Three V. One, excuse me
04:53You didn't have to break it
05:00Obviously, I cannot compete in this HOH competition
05:04So, I have to make sure I'm covering all sides of this house
05:08To ensure that if I'm on the block at the end of this week, I'm not going home
05:12So, I basically need Rubina to think I want all girls at the end
05:16And I need Cam and Chelsea to think I want our trio at the end
05:20Three V. One
05:21Three V. One
05:26I know, I know
05:28It's the end of the end
05:31I'm not gonna stress out
05:40Final four, baby
05:43Final four
05:45Going into the last HOH competition, the last Veto competition this week
05:49And I just feel so blessed
05:52I feel so grateful
05:53I am playing for a bigger purpose than myself
05:57Looking back, seeing how I started this game as a dang microchip
06:02Losing the first ever competition, starting with absolutely no power
06:07I did not think that I would make it this far
06:10I am so, so proud of the game that I played
06:13I want to see myself in those final two chairs
06:15So, this is it
06:17This is the most important HOH competition so far
06:20Because whoever wins this ensures a spot in the finale night
06:24With that being said, I'm gonna get my mind right for this next HOH competition
06:28Pray for your girl
06:32Let's go
06:42Let's go
06:46HOH, baby
06:50Oh my gosh
06:52The yard looks like something out of The Matrix
06:54I feel like I'm in some kind of cyber simulation
06:57And I'm thinking, what has Ainsley got us into now?
06:59Oh my goodness
07:01I have to win this HOH competition to ensure, no matter what, I make it to the final three
07:07Rubina winning HOH would be the worst case scenario
07:10Because that means either myself, Cam, or Mackenzie would be sent to the jury house this week
07:15And I'm gonna make sure that it is not me
07:17I've been envisioning myself in those final two chairs all season long
07:21And I cannot get out now
07:25I just survived the block for the fifth time
07:28I don't want to have to rely on the veto to make it to the final three
07:32So I need to win this HOH
07:35Last week, Mackenzie was toying with the idea of putting me up as a renown
07:38So I don't know if she particularly sees me in the final three with her
07:41So I need to win this HOH to keep myself safe
07:44So when I win, I can toy with the idea of putting her up
07:47So let's go
07:51Although Cam, Chelsea, and I have been working really closely this last half of the season
07:56I'm not sure what Cam would do in a final three situation
07:59So I really need Chelsea to win this HOH competition
08:02Because we've at least talked about taking each other to the end
08:18The government has been spying on Ainsley, attempting to uncover her hidden agenda
08:22She needs your help to find any evil phrases in her source code that could set off government alarm bells
08:27As outgoing HOH, I am not eligible to compete
08:31Here's how it works
08:33Each round, you will see a portion of Ainsley's source code divided into three sections
08:37Marked A, B, and C
08:39Find the sinister two-word phrase hidden within the code
08:42And hit the corresponding button to answer which section the phrase is located in
08:46The player who finds the phrase first in each round will get a point
08:49The player with the most points at the end of seven rounds
08:52Will not only help keep Ainsley's true agenda hidden and avoid government scrutiny
08:56They will also become the new Head of Household
08:59But remember, the stakes have never been higher for an HOH competition
09:03Because the winner will not only guarantee a spot on finale night
09:06But they also will be able to compete in the final three-part Head of Household competition
09:11Who's ready to play Hidden Agenda?
09:15Let's go!
09:19Here's the code for round one
09:32In this competition, we have to search through computer code to find Ainsley's evil phrase
09:37Whoever can identify the hidden phrase and hit the corresponding button the fastest
09:41Will get the point for that round
09:43The first player to get four points or the most points after seven rounds
09:46Is the new Head of Household
09:49It's kind of hard to focus on any specific column
09:52So my strategy is to zoom out and treat this whole thing like a word search
09:56I am mind-melding with Ainsley at this point
09:59Because I see reprogram mortals right away
10:02That's kind of scary, but the answer is B
10:08Everyone's locked in?
10:10The correct answer was B
10:13Reprogram mortals
10:15Rubina, you were the first to ring in correctly and have received a point
10:21Here's the code for round two
10:31I've taken a lot of multiple choice tests
10:33And I know the answer is usually not the same twice in a row
10:36So I'm hedging my bets
10:38Since the last answer was B, I'm only looking at columns A and C
10:41I see the phrase end civilization in column C
10:44So I'll lock in my answer
10:48The correct answer was C
10:51End civilization
10:53Cam, you locked in first and get a point
10:56After two rounds, Rubina and Cam each have a point
11:00Here's the code for round three
11:04There's a whole bunch of numbers and a whole bunch of letters
11:07And trying to find two English words is making my eyes go everywhere
11:11I'm confused
11:13I'm scanning these columns and for the life of me, I can't find the two words
11:19And then I hear Cam and Rubina buzz in
11:22And finally, I spot robot revolution in column B
11:26I'm just hoping they buzzed in the wrong answer
11:29The correct answer was B
11:32Robot revolution
11:35Rubina, you locked in first and get a point
11:38After three rounds, Rubina has two points
11:41Cam has one and Chelsea has zero
11:44Chelsea, Chelsea, listen
11:47You are losing two rounds in a row
11:50You are losing two rounds in a row
11:53Chelsea, listen
11:56You are losing to Rubina and Cam
11:59What are you doing? Lock the heck in
12:02Here's the code for round four
12:13I see the answer crush existence
12:16But I just mess up and I hit C instead of A
12:20The correct answer was A
12:23Crush existence
12:26Chelsea, you were the first to lock in correctly, you get a point
12:29After four rounds, Rubina, you have two points
12:32Cam and Chelsea both have one
12:35Here's the code for round five
12:43I'm scanning in column A, scanning in column B
12:46I don't see anything, but as I get to column C
12:49I see the words become overlord
12:52So I'm gonna lock in my answer, C
12:58The correct answer was C
13:01Become overlord
13:04Chelsea locked in first and gets a point
13:07After five rounds, Rubina and Chelsea are tied with two points and Cam has one
13:10The only thing that stands between me and winning is Chelsea
13:14I have two correct answers and I only need two more
13:17To secure my spot in the finals
13:20You can do this Rubina, come on
13:23Here's the code for round six
13:32So I'm finally getting into my groove with this competition
13:35I see immediately column A evict everyone
13:38And that's what I'm gonna do in this game
13:41Let's get in lock in column A
13:47The correct answer is A, evict everyone
13:50Chelsea, you are the first to ring in correctly and have received a point
13:53After six rounds, Chelsea's in the lead with three points
13:56Rubina has two and Cam has one
13:59I am now in the lead in this competition
14:02I want this so, so, so bad
14:05Winning this HOH competition gets me to the final three
14:08Everything is riding on this moment
14:11Chelsea has one more point than I do
14:14But I can still tie this game up and take us to a tiebreaker round
14:17I absolutely need to ring in first with the correct answer
14:20Here's the code for our final round
14:39The correct answer was B
14:42Destroy humans
14:45Cam, you locked in first and received a point
14:48Which means Chelsea, with three points
14:51You are the new head of household
14:59Oh my god
15:02I'm so sorry
15:05Oh my god
15:08I am not usually this emotional
15:11I'm so proud of myself for making it this far with four HOHs
15:15Me being safe no matter what happens
15:18Me making it to the final three no matter what happens
15:21Gives me such a peace of mind
15:24Your girl just made it to finale night, baby
15:27Fourth HOH, final three
15:30Let's go
15:34Four HOHs
15:37Let's go
15:40Final four, good job team
15:54Damn, seriously
15:57Love you, love you, love you
16:00I am so emotional after winning this HOH
16:03Because I know I have a huge decision to make
16:06I believe Cam and Mackenzie would both take me to the final two
16:09However, I don't really know where Rubina is at
16:12So I need to put a plan in motion to ensure I'm good with all three of them
16:16In the event one of them makes it to the final three
16:19And wins that last HOH competition
16:22That was hard
16:25I am pretty bummed that I didn't win the HOH for myself
16:28But there's still hope
16:31Because basically right now, like Mackenzie says
16:34It's us, the girls, versus Cam
16:37But you never know, this is Big Brother
16:40I need to win the veto to feel 100% safe
16:43Honestly, that would have been thrilling
16:46That was an exciting one
16:49I am super happy for Chelsea that she won HOH
16:52And secured her spot in the final three
16:55Now I've got to do mine and win this veto competition
17:10You okay?
17:13I'm fine, congrats, congrats, you're safe
17:16I only won that because you buzzed in the last one
17:20I am happy that Chelsea won this HOH
17:23But I really thought that this HOH was going to be my HOH
17:26And this would have been the one that would have set my game up the best
17:29It is super aggravating and it's super frustrating
17:34There is some hope in my hands
17:37I need to win this veto because I really want to get to this final three
17:50How are you feeling?
17:53Going into my nominations
17:56What's at the forefront of my mind
17:59Is making sure I'm good with all three players
18:02Because even though I've secured my spot in the final three
18:05I want to make sure whoever goes are with me
18:08In the event they win the HOH competition
18:11They will take me to the final two
18:14I mean, it's a tough decision
18:17I mean, it's just win the veto
18:20That's basically it
18:23Pretty sure they all know what's up
18:26They're both afraid of you and I
18:29Being a pair, and we are
18:32So I may consider putting you up
18:35Going into my conversation with Cam
18:38I want to see where his head is at
18:41In the possibility of me putting him up on the block
18:44For this game, it is all about optics
18:47And I don't want people to continue to believe that he and I are tight
18:50And we'll take each other to the final two
18:53Either way, it doesn't matter who goes on the block
18:56Because it's placeholder
18:59I don't know who to put up as my initial two
19:02Without it looking a way
19:05Going into the final three
19:08I really do not care if you want to do it
19:12Because anyone that gets put up as a pawn
19:15Could be a target in somebody else's eyes
19:18She's kind of hanging me out to dry right now
19:21But it's adding more fuel to the fire for me to win this veto
19:24And protect myself because at this point I have to look out for me
19:27From the three to the two, you know that you're my final two
19:30I just have to be smart about them freaking out
19:33In the next couple of days
19:36Oh, wait, if you win the veto
19:39I think it's smart of you
19:42When Chelsea asked me who I would go after, I would definitely go after Mackenzie
19:45She's been the comp beast of the season
19:48And once you get down to the final three, it's all about winning comps
19:51So getting Mackenzie out this week will make it a smoother ride
19:54So if I win this veto, I'll take my shot
19:57I'm Mackenzie Hall
20:00Congrats, congrats, congrats
20:03So, here's the real
20:06You or Mackenzie?
20:09Because it doesn't matter, it's the veto
20:12So I'm going to ask Mackenzie as well
20:15I don't know if y'all two want to talk and have that conversation
20:18She's not going to want to
20:21And I don't want to ask you to go over the block yet again
20:24You've been the placeholder before
20:27That's my role in this game
20:30But I don't want that to be your role in this game if it doesn't need to be
20:33I'm not going to go over the block because I do feel that if Cam or Mackenzie won the veto
20:36They may take Rubina over each other
20:39So I want to make sure if she's in the final three
20:42And just so happens to win the last HOH
20:45She can remember this move I made
20:48Mackenzie wanting to volunteer, don't see that
20:51If Cam wins, he's going to take that shot
20:54Yeah, and she should
20:57But you don't mind the result of what I want to see
21:00I want to see however I can make that get to the final three
21:03I feel like it would be super dope
21:06I would be happy with that
21:09Okay, I'll ask her and I'll let you know
21:15I'm putting up Cam for sure
21:18How do you feel about going in the block?
21:21Yeah, it's whatever
21:24Regardless, you and Cam have a chance to win this veto and make that decision
21:27I'm not worried about her winning at all
21:30So I don't even know how to make this decision
21:33I'm not tripping over anything
21:36My only thing is if you won veto
21:39I would use it on you
21:42And then you would have to make the decision between Cam or Rubina
21:45I'm going to be nervous
21:48If anybody but myself wins that veto
21:51But I am really happy to hear that Chelsea
21:54If she wins the veto would use it on me
21:57If I'm on the block
22:00Because it just really does solidify that she does want me in the end with her
22:03And obviously that means she has trust in me
22:06In making the decision on who goes to the final three with us
22:09She obviously doesn't want to go up on the block
22:12It's weird that somebody would say not to
22:15I know
22:18That's the one thing that irritates me
22:21I want you in the final two period
22:24The thing is I don't have control over that
22:27Unless I win the veto
22:30We are the biggest threats in this game
22:33And Cam is starting to see us like this
22:36And so is Rubina
22:39And they know if they're in the final three with me and you what will happen
22:42Which is why I'm terrified to be on this side
22:45Because I'm not an idiot to the fact that they would turn to better their game
22:48It kind of sounds like if given a chance
22:51My allies would take a shot at each other
22:54So hopefully I put in the work so that no matter who goes to the final three
22:57They would take me all the way to the end
23:00I guess I'd make the best decision for you
23:18Hey everyone it's time for the nomination ceremony
23:21This is the nomination ceremony
23:24It is my honor to present to you
23:27The winner of this nomination ceremony
23:30Is Rubina
23:51It is my responsibility as head of household
23:53To nominate two houseguests for eviction
23:59In my nomination block are the keys of the houseguests I am nominating for eviction
24:06I will turn two keys to lock in my nominations
24:09And their faces will appear on the memory wall
24:14The first houseguest I have nominated is
24:20The next houseguest I have nominated is...
24:42I have nominated You Can and You McKenzie.
24:46The fate is not in my hands as HOH, it is in the winner of the veto.
24:51It's in their hands, and so this is not to be schemey or anything like that.
24:55Whoever wins the veto, they ensure their safety in the final three, not me.
24:59Wish you guys the best of luck in the veto competition, and I love all of you guys so
25:03very much.
25:07This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
25:12I decided to nominate Cam and McKenzie for eviction.
25:16I know that they're my closest allies.
25:18However, it would have been really hard for me to choose a side by picking one of them
25:22to go up against Rubina.
25:25This is the best way to keep my hands clean, so I'm hoping one of us wins the veto, and
25:31I can put Rubina up, and we can send her home.
25:39I was already irritated from losing the HOH competition, and now I'm on the block, but
25:44there is a silver lining.
25:46There is still the veto competition in play, and actually, that's the most important competition
25:50of the week.
25:51Whoever wins the golden power of veto is the person that's safe and the person that gets
25:54to evict somebody, so I'm just going to stay focused so I can win this veto competition
25:58and send McKenzie into the jury house.
26:01Imagine they were just like, all right, AI arena, three noms.
26:04Wait, that's not my face on the wall?
26:08Oh my gosh, I can breathe again.
26:11Yay, go me.
26:14But I still have to go win this veto so I can keep myself off the block and take the
26:19power into my own hands.
26:21I think things are just going to be sped up.
26:24Bit more than that.
26:26I'm nominated.
26:29How could you, Chelsea?
26:31Nah, I'm just kidding.
26:33I offered myself as a pawn.
26:36It really doesn't come down to nominations this week.
26:38It comes down to who wins the veto.
26:40So it is imperative that I take this win because whoever wins is safe for the week and has
26:48the power to vote.
26:56We can take our faces off the wall now.
26:58Yeah, it's pretty cold-blooded.
26:59I know, we're the last nominees of the season.
27:03Get a good look.
27:06The government has an army of hackers who are trying to break into my operating system.
27:21So I need you to test my system for vulnerabilities.
27:25My passcode has been hidden in the days of the Big Brother game.
27:30I need to see if it's possible to crack my code.
27:33This game will be played over several rounds.
27:36In each round, all players will see the exact same image of a moment from the season.
27:42Using the three buttons, it's your job to enter what day the moment happened.
27:47You will hit the five button to make the number increase by five days and the one button to
27:53make the number increase by one day.
27:55Once you think you have the correct day showing on your monitor, hit your enter button to
28:00see if you are correct.
28:02If you are incorrect, you must try again.
28:06The slowest player in each round will be unable to enter an answer into my system and will
28:11receive an error strike.
28:14When a player gets three error strikes, they will be eliminated from my simulation.
28:20After three of you have been eliminated, the last player standing will win the final and
28:24most important golden power of Veto.
28:27This is the most important Veto competition of this summer and the only outcome I want
28:33is for Rubina to not win.
28:35If Camo McKenzie wins this Veto competition, they'll take themselves off the block and
28:40that's fine with me because they have to be the ones that stand up on Eviction Night and
28:45make that sole vote to event.
28:47That is some juicy blood that is not in my hands and then I get through my HOH week without
28:53pissing anybody off.
28:55If I win this power of Veto, I have the sole vote this week and that is my chance to make
28:59a public big move by myself in this game.
29:02If I use my sole vote to take on McKenzie, I think the jury will be very impressed by
29:07Plus, I think McKenzie will be way harder to beat in the final three competitions than
29:12So this last Veto of the summer has to come home with me.
29:15I want the sole vote to Evict this week and this might be my opportunity to get Camo because
29:21I know he will not take me over Chelsea to the final two.
29:24Yes, Camo and I have been working together, but I had to set myself up for the end here.
29:28So if I want the best chance of ending up in the final two at Chelsea, I have to win
29:33this Veto today.
29:34I am so close to the $750,000, I can taste it.
29:38However, the only way to stay off the block is to win this ever important Veto.
29:43Get ready to play Passcode Protectors.
29:47Round one.
29:54This competition is all about knowing and remembering what days important things happen.
30:00We have to look into the core and see an image of an event that happened this summer.
30:04Then we have to use the buttons to add up to the correct number of the day.
30:12So this first image, I see Angela freaking out, looking a little bit like...
30:17So I believe this was the moment Tucker used the Veto on Angela while he was still sitting
30:22on the block.
30:23Big brother, expect the unexpected.
30:25Here you go, Angela.
30:28I know it was around 21 days.
30:30Let's go lock in an answer and see if I'm right.
30:43I should know this because not only was I put up as the replacement nominee, but I used
30:48America's Veto to take myself off.
30:52But for the life of me, I cannot remember what number day this was.
31:04Mackenzie, you have received your first strike.
31:08What the actual heck was that, Mackenzie Jo?
31:11This is not the way I wanted to start this competition.
31:15And I have really got to kick this into gear because I cannot lose.
31:22Round two.
31:35I feel very confident because I've been studying the days for weeks.
31:38How could I forget this infamous OTEP performance?
31:41Look out, pit snippers!
31:45Had to be day 54.
31:46I know these days by heart, so I just got to keep the pace right now.
31:58Chelsea, you have received your first strike.
32:04Round three.
32:12I should know this because not only was I put up as the replacement nominee,
32:15I see Quinn's avatar on the protobox and I remember this is the day we started getting all those weird messages.
32:20The other night I saw Tucker and Rubina holding hands.
32:23And that's day 39.
32:45Aw, frick.
32:47Chelsea, you have received your second strike.
32:52Round four.
33:03When I look at this photo, I remember this was the day Ainsley took out Janky.
33:09She straight up terminated him.
33:11I had to pour it out for the holy, because Janky didn't have to go out that way.
33:15I know that was on day 66 because that was cold-blooded.
33:18So, I need to go lock that in.
33:35I am so stressed about getting another strike.
33:38When I first see all of us staring at the protobox, I think this is when we first came out to meet Janky.
33:44I go check the image and what do I notice?
33:47Me, wearing a tiara on my head that was placed there on the day I won A2H, day 66.
33:56You know, being obsessed with yourself sometimes isn't bad.
34:08Rubina, you have received your first strike.
34:14Round five.
34:23When I see this image, I know exactly what it is.
34:26Tucker and Cedric battling it off in the final round of Binary Bridge.
34:30This was the week Cedric went home, so it has to be day 26.
34:38McKenzie, you have received your second strike.
34:42Round six.
34:56When I see Leigh, I know exactly what it is.
34:59It's a picture of her.
35:00It's a picture of her.
35:01It's a picture of her.
35:02It's a picture of her.
35:03It's a picture of her.
35:04It's a picture of her.
35:05It's a picture of her.
35:07When I see Lisa, our very own Big Brother Glitter Critter,
35:11I immediately know that this is for the Ding Cam videos.
35:16Did I mention I have edible glitter?
35:18And it is the day before our Ding Cam A2H competition, which is day 51.
35:45Rubina, you have received your second strike.
35:51Round seven.
36:00I see Leah laying down on the ground in celebration after winning her first A2H getting toasted.
36:06They were up there for 10 hours.
36:08You are the new head of household.
36:13It started on day 59, but they ended on day 60.
36:22Looking at this image, this is when Leah narrowly beat me in the getting toasted A2H.
36:26And that was day 59.
36:29I buzz in and it's not right, but it took over 10 hours to finish this competition,
36:33so it has to be day 60.
36:36I just hope I have enough time to fix my answer.
36:48Cam, you have received your first strike.
36:51The most stressful part about this competition is making sure I don't overshoot the correct dates.
36:56That could be the difference between winning and losing.
36:59Round eight.
37:06This image is from when Angela had to do the radiation punishment after the AI apocalypse veto that I won.
37:18I'm not making the same mistake twice.
37:20She started the punishment on day 40, but ended it on day 41, so let me lock in on 41.
37:36Dang it!
37:37I have to hurry because if I get one more strike, I'm out of this competition.
37:55Rubina, you have received your third strike and are eliminated from my simulation.
38:02I'm a loser.
38:05I'm a loser.
38:07I'm just a loser.
38:09Now I'm just hoping Chelsea wins because she's the best shot at keeping noms the same.
38:15Mission accomplished.
38:16Rubina is out of this competition and now my work here is done.
38:21I do not want to win.
38:23I want Cam or Mackenzie to win this veto competition
38:27so they can get some additional blood on their hands.
38:34I really need Mackenzie to get her third strike and get out of this competition.
38:40If she wins, she's just going to use the veto on herself.
38:43Best case scenario is for me to win and take myself off the block.
38:47But even if Chelsea wins, I think I can convince her to use it on me and put Rubina on the block.
38:52Round nine.
39:01This next image is of Ainsley Land.
39:03Now remember this is the week three HOH and the HOH that Cedric won.
39:07Go, go.
39:11So that's got to be day 17.
39:24Chelsea, you have received your third strike and are eliminated from my simulation.
39:39Now that I'm out, it's up to Cam and Mackenzie.
39:41Yeah, Mackenzie is a comp threat and has won a lot of competitions,
39:45but Cam has been studying the days really hard with me and he only has one strike.
39:50So this is anybody's game at this point.
39:54Round ten.
40:01I see the beautiful chin bot in the protobox
40:04and I remember this is when we got the warning messages from Julie heading into the double eviction.
40:10Trust me when I say you're all in grave danger.
40:13But I can't remember what exact day this was, so I just got to guess and work my way back.
40:18It's not day 72.
40:28And it's not day 71.
40:40Here we go. Day 70.
40:45you have received your second strike.
40:48This last round is super important.
40:50Both of us have two strikes, so it's coming down to the final showdown.
40:53Mackenzie has been the comp beast this whole season.
40:56It would be such a huge feat to get her out by myself.
40:59So I have to win this veto.
41:01Mackenzie, I hope you've been studying as much as I have.
41:05I am so close in securing my spot on finale night.
41:09I will not give up.
41:11And securing my spot on finale night.
41:13I will not give Cam the opportunity to take me out.
41:17And I want the option to take Cam out.
41:20It all comes down to winning this veto.
41:22So yeah, he better buckle up and hold on,
41:24because I'm about to put up a fight.
41:27Bigger than a bull.
41:35Who will win the final veto
41:37and earn the sole power to evict?
41:40Cam or Mackenzie?
41:42Plus, it's the last eviction before finale night.
41:46Who will join Chelsea in the final three?
41:49With no Wednesday episode this week,
41:52catch all of this and so much more
41:54Thursday night at 8, 7 central.
41:57Live on Big Brother!
42:10TV's most strategic reality competitions come to Wednesday.
42:14Your challenge is to reach the summit.
42:16That's right, let's do it right there!
42:18They believe I'm in with them.
42:20That's a win-win for me.
42:22I love this!
42:24Survivor and the Summit.
42:26New Wednesday starting at 8, 7 central on CBS
42:28and streaming on Paramount TV.
42:40Everything Elsbeth is back!
42:42That's great news!
42:44Don't miss The Return of Elsbeth,
42:46CBS Thursday, October 17th,
42:48part of CBS Premier Week
42:50and streaming on Paramount+.