Blues Clues S04 E10

  • il y a 3 jours
00:00Alli-Alli-Oup! Front d'entrée!
00:18Alli-Alli-Oup! Front d'entrée!
00:21Salut! Viens!
00:23Blue et moi, on a juste fait le meilleur jeu.
00:25Il s'appelle Alli-Alli-Oup! Tu veux jouer?
00:28Très bien. Tout ce qu'il faut faire, c'est dire en vrai, Alli-Alli-Oup! Chaise de pensée!
00:34Alli-Alli-Oup! Chaise de pensée!
00:37Très bien. Maintenant, on saute et on touche la chaise de pensée.
00:41Alli-Alli-Oup! Chaise de pensée!
00:44Ah! Bien joué! C'est mon tour.
00:46Alli-Alli-Oup! Table de déjeuner!
00:48Alli-Alli-Oup! Table de déjeuner!
00:52Alli-Alli-Oup! Table de déjeuner!
00:55Oh! Blue veut jouer Alli-Alli-Oup dans la cuisine.
00:59J'aime juste Alli-Oup.
01:03OK. Alli-Alli-Oup dans le réfrigérateur.
01:13Pourquoi pensez-vous que Paprika veut que nous soyons calme?
01:18Le bébé dort.
01:20Oh! C'est le petit frère de Paprika, le cinéma.
01:24Et il dort.
01:26C'est vrai. Alors, nous devrions être calme.
01:32Alors, je suppose qu'on ne peut pas jouer Alli-Alli-Oup dans le réfrigérateur.
01:38Peut-être qu'il y a une façon de jouer Alli-Alli-Oup dans le réfrigérateur sans éveiller le cinéma.
01:43Oui. Peut-être qu'on peut changer quelque chose pour pouvoir jouer.
01:50Changer, changer, changer.
01:52Comment pouvons-nous changer?
01:56Ça a un beau rythme.
01:58Changer, changer, changer. Comment pouvons-nous changer?
02:04Alors, comment pouvons-nous changer pour pouvoir jouer Alli-Alli-Oup dans le réfrigérateur sans éveiller le cinéma?
02:10Que pouvons-nous faire?
02:15Jouer en silence.
02:17Jouer en silence? En silence?
02:19Oui. Si nous faisons un bruit, on ne va pas éveiller le cinéma.
02:22Prêt? Allons-y.
02:24Alli-Alli-Oup, réfrigérateur.
02:38Oui, Blue. Nous avons changé la façon dont nous jouions pour que le cinéma puisse dormir.
02:42Merci d'être calme.
02:44Pas de problème, Mr. Salt.
02:50Oui. Oui, j'aimais beaucoup aider le bébé.
02:53Peut-être qu'il y a quelque chose d'autre que nous pouvons faire pour l'aider.
02:55Mais que pouvons-nous faire?
03:02Nous allons jouer à Blue's Clues pour découvrir ce que nous pouvons faire pour aider le cinéma.
03:08Nous allons jouer à Blue's Clues parce que c'est un super jeu.
03:12Rappelez-vous que Blue's Pawprints sera sur les clous.
03:14Blue's Clues.
03:18Les clous ont changé.
03:20Ils sont devenus des ballons.
03:22Comment allons-nous enlever ces ballons?
03:26Nous pouvons les enlever. Oui.
03:28Pouvez-vous m'aider à enlever ces ballons?
03:31Très bien.
03:39Oh, vous savez ce que nous devons jouer à Blue's Clues?
03:43Note-book. Bien. Allons-y.
03:46Salut, Side Table. Est-ce que nous pouvons avoir notre note-book, s'il vous plaît?
03:49Bien sûr.
03:50Je l'ai changé à un note-book de râle aujourd'hui, Steve.
03:53Parce que les bébés aiment les râles.
04:00Nous devrons essayer ça avec du cinéma.
04:03Merci, Side Table.
04:04De rien, Steve.
04:07Pour aller à Blue's Clues, nous devons trouver...
04:11Un pawprint!
04:12Oh, un pawprint. Bien.
04:14Et c'est notre premier...
04:17Une clue?
04:18Une clue!
04:19Et nous le mettons dans notre...
04:20Parce que c'est Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
04:23Il faut trouver un autre pawprint. C'est le deuxième clue.
04:26On le met dans un note... Parce que c'est Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
04:31Il faut trouver le dernier pawprint. C'est le troisième clue.
04:34On le met dans un note... Parce que c'est Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
04:38Vous savez ce qu'il faut faire.
04:39Sit down in her thinking chair and think, think, think
04:45Cause when we use our minds to take a step at a time
04:49We can do anything
04:53That we wanna do
04:56You know, I can tell I'm really gonna need your help today
04:59Trying to figure out what else we could do to help out with Cinnamon
05:02You will help, right?
05:05Great! Come on!
05:07We are looking for blues clues
05:09Figure out how we can help out with Cinnamon
05:13A clue!
05:15Oh, yeah, it's new stuff for the baby
05:19Steve, look on the counter!
05:22Oh, it's our first clue!
05:25And it's... what is this?
05:30A table!
05:31Oh, right, a table!
05:34Our first clue is a table!
05:36You know what we need? Our handy-dandy...
05:42So, a table!
05:47Let's draw a parallelogram with a line around for the table top
05:52Some long rectangular shapes for legs
05:56And there! A table!
05:58Our first clue!
06:01So, I wonder what else we could do to help out with Cinnamon
06:04With a table
06:06What do you think?
06:09Good idea!
06:10But I think we should find two more clues, just to be sure
06:14Hey, that's Mr. Salt! Come on!
06:19We're in here, Steve!
06:21Oh, hi!
06:23Hi, Steve!
06:24Cinnamon is having a bath!
06:26And then another nap!
06:27Do you want to help?
06:31I'm helping too!
06:33Do you want some blocks, Cinnamon?
06:35Or this boat?
06:36What about these, Cinnamon?
06:41He's scared!
06:43He's scared? Oh no!
06:46But I was just slipping around like I always do!
06:49Steve, how can I change what I'm doing, so I can still help?
06:52But Cinnamon won't be scared!
06:55Oh! You want to change what you're doing?
06:58We know something about change!
07:01Change, change, change
07:03How can I change?
07:06So, let's think
07:08Maybe Slippery needs to change how he's moving
07:12So, how can Slippery change how he's moving so he won't scare Cinnamon?
07:19Move slowly
07:21Move slowly?
07:22Hey, Slippery!
07:23See what happens if you move slowly and gently?
07:26Okay, I'll try it
07:36It worked! Thanks!
07:39Now I can help without scaring Cinnamon
07:41You are all a big help! Thanks!
07:46Come on
07:51Oh! It's windy!
07:53And Cinnamon is still wet from his bath
07:56Steve, I'm worried Cinnamon might get cold
07:59Well, we can change that, Mr Salt
08:03Change, change, change
08:05How can we change?
08:08So, what can we change so it won't be so windy?
08:15Close the window
08:17Close the window? Of course! Then it won't be so windy
08:22Ah! What a good change! Thanks!
08:26To the cradle!
08:32Um, excuse me
08:34I made up a lullaby to help Cinnamon feel sleepy
08:37A lullaby? That's perfect!
08:41Sing away!
08:43Okay, here it goes
08:45Rest now, Cinnamon
08:47It's nap time
08:49Crawl your peanut
08:51Your head down, your eyes shut
08:54Sleep tight!
08:58Is he sleepy yet?
09:00Nope, he's awake
09:02He's awake?
09:03But this song is supposed to make him feel sleepy
09:06Maybe I should change the way I'm singing
09:08But how?
09:10Well, let's see
09:13Change, change, change
09:15How can we change?
09:17Change, change
09:19How can I change?
09:21Let's think
09:22How can Sidetable change the way she's singing
09:26So Cinnamon will feel sleepy?
09:31Be quieter!
09:33Yeah, Sidetable
09:35Try singing your song a little bit quieter
09:39That might help Cinnamon feel sleepy
09:42Okay, here it goes
09:44Rest now, Cinnamon
09:46It's nap time
09:48Crawl your peanut
09:51Your head down, your eyes shut
09:54Sleep tight!
09:59I think it worked
10:01Cinnamon is falling asleep
10:03Good job!
10:05Now let's put this baby in his cradle
10:12Here's your frog, Cinnamon
10:14He's sleeping
10:15Thank you for all your help
10:19Mommy, I want to play with my music toys
10:22Oh, I see
10:24Well, Cinnamon can change too
10:27Let's change where Cinnamon is sleeping
10:30So Paprika can play with her music toys
10:35Hey, great music, Paprika
10:38The mail's here
10:42Here's the mail, it never fails
10:44It makes me want to wag my tail
10:46When it comes, I want to wail
10:52What's that sound?
10:59Oh, we can't open that window
11:01Because then Cinnamon might get cold
11:03But now mailbox can't get in
11:05We need to change
11:07Oh, I got it
11:09Let's get the mail outside
11:14I was worried you wouldn't get your letter
11:16Oh, no need to worry, mailbox
11:18We're good at changing
11:20That's true
11:21But I like you just the way you are, Steve
11:24Here's your letter
11:29We just got a letter
11:32We just got a letter
11:34We just got a letter
11:36We just got a letter
11:38Wonder who it's from
11:41Look, it's a letter from our friends
11:44Hi Steve, I'm Andrew and I'm a big brother now
11:47This is my baby blanket
11:49But now my new baby brother can use it
11:51He'll love it too
11:53Shhh, my baby brother's taking a nap
12:00He's fast asleep, I'll check on him later
12:06Bye Steve
12:10You know, we better get back inside
12:12See if we can find our second clue
12:14Come on
12:17Wow, that was a nice change
12:19Reading a letter outside
12:21A clue
12:23Yeah, it was cool
12:25A clue right behind you
12:29Oh, you see a clue
12:35On this powder
12:37You know what we need, our handy dandy?
12:42So, powder
12:48An oval with a curved line for the top
12:51Then this shape for the container
12:53Two lines
12:54Then circles for openings
12:56Some dots for powder sprinkling
13:00And we have our second clue
13:03So, what was our first clue?
13:07A table
13:09A table, right
13:11And our second clue is powder
13:14So, I wonder what else we could do to help out with Cinnamon with a table and powder
13:20Do you know?
13:24I guess we'll just have to find our third clue to be sure
13:32Oh, Blue's reading a story about Baby Bear
13:38Hi, Baby Bear
13:40Hi, Steve
13:41There's a big change in my room today
13:43Wanna come see?
13:45A change?
13:51Blue just skidooed
13:52Come on
13:54Blue skidoo, we can too
14:00So, Baby Bear
14:01What's the change?
14:03We have a baby baby bear in our family
14:06That makes me a big sister bear
14:09Whoa, that is a change
14:14Hi, Baby Baby Bear
14:19Don't be scared
14:21Come say hi
14:24Wow, it looks like you're a really good big sister
14:28Baby Baby Bear is moving into my room
14:32That's a big change
14:34Here's where we're going to keep our toys
14:36That's my favorite toy
14:38Wow, cool dinosaur
14:44Baby Baby Bear is breaking my toy
14:47What should I do, Steve?
14:49Um, I don't know
14:56Change, that's it
14:59Change, change, change
15:01How can we change
15:03How can we change
15:06Let's think
15:08What can Big Sister Bear change
15:10So that Baby Baby Bear doesn't break the dinosaur toy anymore
15:14What should she do?
15:19Take it away
15:22Big Sister Bear
15:23We think you should gently take the toy away
15:27So that Baby Baby Bear doesn't break it anymore
15:34I'm going to take this so you don't break it anymore
15:39Oh no
15:40Baby Baby Bear feels sad because she wants to play with the dinosaur
15:44But if I give her back my toy she'll break it
15:47What should I do
15:49I'm not sure
15:51Do you know
15:52What should we do to change the way Baby Baby Bear feels
16:00Give her something else to play with
16:02Yeah, Big Sister Bear
16:04Maybe you could try giving Baby Baby Bear something else to play with
16:10It worked
16:12Oh no
16:14Steve, I don't want Baby Baby Bear to touch my dinosaur toy again
16:18Because she might break it
16:24You should change where you keep your dinosaur toy
16:32Where could Big Sister Bear put her toy
16:34So Baby Baby Bear doesn't break it anymore
16:40On the shelf
16:43On the shelf, right
16:45Because Baby Baby Bear can't reach it up there
16:47But you can
16:49This could be my special shelf
16:51I'll keep special things up here that I don't want Baby Baby Bear to touch
16:56That's a great idea
16:58Good changing, Big Sister Bear
17:00Thanks, Steve
17:02Come on, Baby Baby Bear
17:04I'll help you make a block tower
17:10We better skidoo back so we can find our third clue
17:12Come on
17:19A clue
17:22Yeah, that Baby Baby Bear
17:24Is pretty cute
17:25No, a clue
17:27Oh, you see a clue
17:31There's a clue on this
17:36You know what we need?
17:37Our handy dandy
17:39Notebook, right
17:42Our third clue is
17:44A diaper
17:49Let's start with a line that loops around for one side of the diaper
17:53A curved line for the other side
17:55And another line underneath to make a diaper
17:58There, our third clue
18:00Wait a minute
18:02Our third clue
18:03You know what that means
18:04We're ready to sit in our
18:05Thinking chair
18:06Thinking chair
18:07Let's go
18:10Now that we're in our thinking chair
18:12Let's think
18:14You will help, right?
18:17So we're trying to figure out what else we can do
18:21To help out with Cinnamon
18:23And our clues are
18:25A table
18:30And a diaper
18:33So, what else could we do to help out with Cinnamon
18:37With a table, powder and a diaper?
18:42Well, maybe
18:44Maybe the table could be a special table
18:48Just for Cinnamon
18:50And Cinnamon could lie down on it
18:53And there could be powder on the table to sprinkle on it
18:59And what if there was a diaper on the table too
19:02What would we be helping out with?
19:08Changing his diaper
19:10Changing his diaper
19:13That's a whole different kind of change
19:15We could help out with changing Cinnamon's diaper
19:21We just figured out Blue's Clues
19:25We just figured out Blue's Clues
19:27We just figured out Blue's Clues
19:29We just figured out Blue's Clues
19:31Cause we're really smart
19:33Come on
19:34Let's go see if Cinnamon is awake
19:39Hi Steve
19:40Cinnamon just woke up
19:47Cinnamon just woke up
19:51And he needs his diaper changed
19:56Right Blue
19:57We can help with the diaper
19:58Just like we helped Cinnamon take a bath and get ready for his nap
20:03Here's the changing table
20:05Someone likes to hear a rattle when his diaper is changed
20:09A rattle
20:11Hi hi
20:14Ok helpers
20:15Are you ready?
20:19Change, change, change
20:21Let's change this diaper
20:28We need a diaper
20:35All done
20:36Thanks for helping us change the baby's diaper
20:42Glad we could help
20:47Big sister bear
20:48Hi baby baby bear
20:50Remember how we helped them make changes to their room?
20:53Caprista you're a big sister now too
20:57Thank you so much
20:58For all your help today
21:01I couldn't have made all those changes
21:03Without you
21:07Now it's time for so long
21:10But we'll sing just one more song
21:14Thanks for doing your part
21:16You sure are smart
21:17You know with me and you
21:19And my dog Blue
21:20We can do
21:23That we wanna do
21:25Bye bye
21:28Olly olly you
21:35I like the olly