Blues Clues S04 E24

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00:00Hi, it's me, Steve. And me, Joe. Have you seen Blue?
00:23Oh, hi. It's me, Steve's brother Joe. You taught me how to play Blue's Clues, remember?
00:30Come on in. Steve has been waiting for you to come over. Today is a really big day for him.
00:37Steve! Blue! Come on.
00:42Look who's here.
00:44Oh, hi.
00:48I have some really big news. I've been waiting and waiting to tell you.
00:52Are you ready?
00:54Okay, here goes.
00:57Today, I'm going to college.
01:00Steve is going to college.
01:03I'm so excited.
01:05Steve is going to college. Steve is going to college.
01:09Yeah. Always wanted to go to college. And today is the day.
01:14Steve is going to college. Steve is going to college.
01:18Um, Steve, what's college?
01:21Good question, Tickety.
01:22Right, Blue? College is a really big school.
01:28Whoa! Hey, Steve, what are you going to do at college?
01:33Well, Slippery, I'm going to learn all sorts of new things at college.
01:37So I can be an artist, or a scientist, or anything I want to be.
01:42Because I'm going to college.
01:44Steve is going to college. Steve is going to college.
01:48Steve is going to college. Steve is going to college.
01:52Hey, Steve, are you bringing all this stuff with you?
01:56Yes, Steve. Are you going to live at college?
02:01Well, yeah. That's something else I wanted to tell you about.
02:05See, I'm going away to college. I'm going to live there.
02:10Right, Blue. I'm bringing my pillow to college because I'm going to sleep there every night.
02:15Um, Steve, I have a question.
02:19If you're going away to college, who's going to live here with us?
02:23Yeah, I was just going to ask that.
02:26Good question, Tickety.
02:28That is a good question.
02:30Well, Blue and I talked it over, and when I go away to college,
02:34somebody really great is going to move in and live here.
02:39Right, Blue?
02:42Well, it's someone who likes ducks.
02:50And he likes the color green.
02:54And he kind of looks like me.
02:59Who is it?
03:01Who do you think it is?
03:06It's me! Yep, it's my brother Joe.
03:10Joe? Really?
03:12Well then, I'm going to live here.
03:15Joe, are you going to play with us?
03:17And explore with us in the backyard?
03:19And make up dances?
03:21Yeah, we could even make up dances about exploring in the backyard.
03:27But Steve, I have another question.
03:32Are you still going to be our friend when you're away at college?
03:36I was wondering that too.
03:38Yeah, of course.
03:39Even though I won't live here, we'll still be friends.
03:42Well, how will we stay friends?
03:44Well, one way is I can use this paper and these envelopes to write you letters.
03:50Good idea! I'll start a letter right now.
03:53Yeah, me too!
03:55Dear Steve.
04:00Blue, do you have an idea about what else Steve could bring to college?
04:06What do you want him to bring?
04:10Great idea!
04:13We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out what Blue wants Steve to bring to college.
04:17I love Blue's Clues. Me too.
04:21We are going to play Blue's Clues.
04:23Because it's a really great game. Yeah!
04:25So remember, Blue's paw prints will be on the clues.
04:28Blue's Clues.
04:31You know what we need to play Blue's Clues? Oh yeah!
04:34Our handy dandy?
04:37Notebook, right. Come on.
04:42Here's your new notebook, Joe.
04:45Oh, it's the notebook Blue gave me.
04:48And Steve, you can take your notebook to college.
04:51Oh, good thinking. I'll use it to take notes.
04:55Thanks, side table.
04:57To play Blue's Clues, we've got to find a...
05:01Paw print!
05:03Oh, a paw print. Right. And that's our first...
05:06A clue?
05:07A clue!
05:08Then we put it in our...
05:10Because they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
05:13We've got to find another paw print.
05:15That's the second clue.
05:16We put it in our notebook because they're whose clues?
05:19Blue's Clues!
05:21We've got to find the last paw print.
05:23That's the third clue.
05:24We put it in our notebook because they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
05:28You know what to do.
05:30Sit down in our thinking chair and think.
05:36Because when we use our minds and take a step at a time,
05:39we can do anything...
05:44that we want to do.
05:47We're going to need your help today,
05:48trying to figure out what Blue wants Steve to bring to college.
05:52Will you help?
05:55You will? Great.
05:57Did you see which way Blue went?
06:01That way!
06:02That way? Thanks.
06:05We are looking for Blue's Clues.
06:07We are looking for Blue's Clues.
06:09We are looking for Blue's Clues.
06:11Wonder where they are.
06:18A clue! A clue!
06:19You think Steve should bring his shoes to college?
06:22No, I'm going to bring my shoes.
06:27No, a clue!
06:30Oh, there's a clue on those numbers.
06:35We need our handy-dandy...
06:38Notebook, right.
06:41I get to use my notebook for the first time.
06:48So let's draw a 5,
06:50a 3,
06:52and a 7.
06:53There, we have some numbers.
06:56So, our first clue is numbers.
07:02What could Blue want Steve to bring to college with numbers?
07:12But I think we better find two more clues.
07:22We need you to help us get ready for the party.
07:25Oh, right.
07:29Later on, we're going to have a surprise goodbye party for Steve.
07:33Don't tell him, okay?
07:35Joe, come on!
07:41Where's Joe?
07:43Oh well, I guess we can just tell him if we find a clue.
07:48Sounds like Blue, come on.
07:52Hey, Blue just skidooed.
07:55Into that picture of college.
07:57Do you want to see what college is like?
08:00Let's go.
08:10Look at this.
08:12It's college.
08:13Isn't it a big school?
08:17Look at all the buildings.
08:20That's the library.
08:22That's the dormitory, where I'll sleep every night.
08:26And that's the cafeteria, where I'll eat breakfast.
08:32Hey, Blue found another building.
08:34Come on.
08:39Oh, this is the classroom building.
08:41Come on.
08:47This is where I'll go to classes and learn all sorts of new things.
08:51Come on.
08:59What do you think I'll learn about in this classroom?
09:04Outer space.
09:07Oh, outer space, yeah.
09:09Look at the sun and the moon and the stars.
09:12I love outer space.
09:14Maybe I'll learn to be an astronaut.
09:18I'm definitely taking the outer space class.
09:22Let's see what other classes we can find.
09:31What do you think I'll learn about in this classroom?
09:40Yeah, music.
09:42Look at all the musical instruments and the musical notes on the board.
09:45I love music.
09:46I'm definitely taking this class too.
09:52Wow, there are so many great things to learn about at college.
09:57Science, computers, music, art.
10:00Thanks for helping me find all these great classes.
10:04Come on.
10:14Wow, I'm so glad you got to see college.
10:18Oh, you think one day you'll want to go to college too?
10:23Steve, there's a clue.
10:26Oh, there's a clue.
10:28Hey, Joe.
10:31You found a clue?
10:35There's a clue.
10:37On these buttons.
10:39Our second clue.
10:41Let's put it in our handy-dandy.
10:44Notebook, right.
10:46So, buttons.
10:51So we'll draw the tops of the buttons like this.
10:57Lines down and around for the bottom.
11:00And little lines for the corners.
11:03There, buttons.
11:05So our first clue was numbers.
11:07And now our second clue is buttons.
11:11So what could Blue want Steve to bring to college
11:13with numbers and buttons?
11:19Good idea.
11:21But I think we should find our last clue.
11:23Come on.
11:25Joe, we need your help again.
11:29We're almost ready for Steve's surprise.
11:32Let's go.
11:34We're almost ready for Steve's surprise party.
11:37I'll let you know when it's time.
11:42Time for what?
11:46Oh, it's mail time.
12:01Hiya, Steve.
12:02Here's your letter.
12:05Thanks, Mailbox.
12:06You're welcome.
12:07And I'll see you later at the surprise.
12:12At the what?
12:14Oh, nothing.
12:15Bye, Steve.
12:19We just got a letter.
12:23We just got a letter.
12:25We just got a letter.
12:27We just got a letter.
12:29Wonder who it's from.
12:33It's a letter from our friends.
12:35Good luck at college!
12:38We'll miss you.
12:40Don't forget to write.
12:41You're going to do well at college.
12:43Thanks for being my friend.
12:45Don't forget your handy-dandy notebook.
12:47I think I want to go to college one day.
12:50Bye, Steve.
12:51I'll miss you, Steve.
12:52Bye, Steve.
12:54Good luck.
12:55Bye, Steve!
13:04You know, I think I'm going to take this letter to college.
13:07I'm going to go put it in my suitcase.
13:16It's almost time for Steve's surprise party.
13:19Come look.
13:23Look at all the party decorations.
13:27Oh, and look.
13:28We made this card.
13:30And there's music.
13:39A clue.
13:42That's not the music.
13:46There's a clue.
13:48There is a clue on this ringing sound.
13:56I guess our clue is a ringing sound.
14:00We need our handy-dandy...
14:03Notebook, right.
14:09A ringing sound.
14:12Let's draw some curved lines like this to help us think of this ringing sound.
14:19We have all three clues to help figure out what Blue wants Steve to bring to college.
14:25Where do we sit to figure this out?
14:28Thinking chair.
14:30The thinking chair, yeah.
14:32Let's figure it out.
14:34Then we can really surprise Steve with a surprise party.
14:38Come on.
14:45Now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think.
14:51What could Blue want Steve to bring to college?
14:54With numbers.
15:01And a ringing sound.
15:08Maybe the numbers are on the buttons.
15:13And maybe it makes a ringing sound.
15:18What has buttons with numbers and makes a ringing sound?
15:26A telephone.
15:28A telephone, yeah.
15:30Blue wants Steve to bring a telephone to college so he can call and talk to him.
15:36We just figured out Blue's clues.
15:49Psst, Joe.
15:50It's time.
15:53It's time for Steve's surprise party.
15:55Come on.
15:56Come on.
16:00All right, everybody.
16:01Let's get ready for the surprise.
16:07Here's the plan.
16:08When Steve walks in, Blue will turn on the light and everybody needs to yell,
16:15Where is everybody?
16:17Here comes Steve.
16:18Don't forget to yell, Surprise!
16:32Is this a surprise party for me?
16:35It's a goodbye, good luck at college surprise party.
16:39Steve is going to college.
16:41Steve is going to college.
16:49We have something for you.
16:51Oh, it's a card.
16:52For me.
16:54That's me at college.
16:56And there's a message inside.
17:00Will you help me read the message to Steve?
17:06Here we go.
17:08Dear Steve.
17:10Today, you're going to...
17:14To learn about...
17:17Outer space.
17:19And art.
17:21And we're all going to miss you.
17:25Because you're so smart.
17:30...your friends and family.
17:36Thanks so much.
17:37You know, I'm going to take this to college with me.
17:40Because it will remind me of you.
17:43A present...
17:45...for me.
17:53It's a phone.
17:55You want me to bring a phone to college?
17:59What a great way for us to stay friends.
18:02I can use the phone to call home from college.
18:06I can use the phone to call home from college.
18:08This is great.
18:10Thanks, Blue.
18:15I'm going to miss you.
18:23I'm going to miss you, too.
18:25I'll never forget how you helped me find all those clues.
18:29You really are so smart.
18:32I'm going to miss you, too.
18:34I'm going to miss you, too.
18:35I'll never forget how you helped me find all those clues.
18:39You really are so smart.
18:43Which reminds me.
18:45Will you take good care of my brother Joe while I'm at college?
18:51Because sometimes he needs a little help.
18:54Kind of like me.
19:00Uh, Tickety?
19:02Let me know when you count to 50, okay?
19:04Good luck with singing.
19:06Thanks, Steve.
19:10I guess I'm off to college.
19:12You mean, it's time for so long?
19:18But we'll sing one more song.
19:21Thanks for doing your part.
19:23You sure are smart.
19:24You know with me and you.
19:26And our friend Blue.
19:28We can do anything that we want to do.
19:35It's the bus.
19:36The bus is here.
19:41Goodbye, Steve.
19:43I'll miss you, too.
19:44Bye, Steve.
19:45Joe, remember.
19:47Blue's paw prints will be on the clues.
19:50Blue's clues?
20:00Thanks again for all your help.
20:24You think Steve's gonna like it at college?
20:29I do, too.
20:31Hey, thanks so much for all of your help today.
20:33I can't wait to play Blue's Clues with you again.
20:36It's gonna be great, don't you think, Blue?
20:39Well, I'll see you soon.
20:46You found me!
20:51It's the telephone.
20:52Who do you think's calling?
21:00Hey, Blue.
21:01It's Steve. How are you?
21:03It is Steve.
21:05Can I talk to my friend?
21:08He wants to say hi to you.
21:14How are you?
21:17I miss you.
21:19Have fun playing Blue's Clues with Joe.
21:24Bye, Steve.
21:25Bye, Joe.
21:27I'll see you soon.