Postman Pat - Postman Pat In a Muddle (With Original Music)

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00:00Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
00:12Early in the morning, just as day is dawning, he picks up all the postbags in his van.
00:22Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
00:29All the birds are singing and the day is just beginning.
00:34Pat feels he's a really happy man.
00:39Everybody knows his bright red flan.
00:44All his friends will smile as he waves to greet them.
00:49Maybe you can never be sure they'll be knock.
00:55Ring letters through your door.
01:00Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
01:07All the birds are singing and the day is just beginning.
01:12Pat feels he's a really happy man.
01:17Pat feels he's a really happy man.
01:22Pat feels he's a really happy man.
01:33It was a warm morning in Greendale.
01:39And there were plenty of letters and parcels for Pat to deliver.
01:47That's the village just about done.
01:51Major Forbes was busy reading his paper.
01:56Morning, Major.
01:58Morning, Pat.
02:00I say, this print gets smaller and smaller.
02:05Can't see the half of it.
02:08Well now, Major, I couldn't read a thing without my glasses.
02:13It might mean that you need a pair.
02:16It's ever so fuzzy and blurred without them.
02:20Oh, what a nuisance.
02:22I suppose I'll have to pop into Pencaster for an eye test.
02:27My Aunt Penny sat on her glasses once, smashed them to bits.
02:32Very painful, what.
02:34Cheerio, Major.
02:38What would I do without my glasses?
02:43And another for Miss Hubbard.
02:47Oh, there you are, Pat.
02:50That's all the country letters sorted now.
02:53All ready for you.
02:56It's warming up now outside.
03:02Phew, that's better.
03:05Oh, nice.
03:10Hello, who's that?
03:15Oh, baiac.
03:18Catch hold of that corner, Pat.
03:21It's a bit... Oops.
03:24It's a right weight.
03:26Do be careful.
03:28Just get it on there.
03:30That's it. Push.
03:35I hope it's nothing that breaks easily.
03:38It went down with a bit of a thump.
03:41Nay, it's all right, Pat.
03:43I'm glad to get it here all in one piece.
03:47Oh, Ted, what a monster.
03:50I can't be doing with this on my counter all morning.
03:54I rang Pencaster parcel office and they said they'd pick it up just as soon as possible.
04:01Just look at that time.
04:03I'd better be off.
04:05Where did I put my hat?
04:08And where are my...
04:10Look under there, Pat.
04:14Here we go.
04:17Don't drop it.
04:21I can feel something.
04:25Oh, dear me.
04:31Oh, Pat, are those your glasses?
04:36Are those your glasses?
04:38What's left of them?
04:40They're not much use now.
04:42How am I going to deliver these letters?
04:45I can't see to drive, never mind read the addresses.
04:49Now, Pat, Ted can take you home in his lorry and you can get your spare pair of glasses.
04:57What spare pair?
04:59Oh, Pat, haven't you got a spare pair?
05:05No, I've never broken them before.
05:07I've had these for years and years.
05:09Well, you'll have to borrow some, Pat.
05:12You can try my old ones.
05:14They might do.
05:16Don't worry, Pat.
05:18We can take the letters round in the lorry.
05:21I can give you a hand.
05:24Well, I certainly won't be able to drive.
05:28Here we are.
05:30Now, give these a try, Pat.
05:34Oh, tar.
05:40Well, it's better than nothing.
05:42Just a bit fuzzy.
05:46Oh, we'll manage somehow.
05:48Here we are.
05:50Thanks, Mrs Goggins.
05:52Bye for now.
05:55Oh, dear.
05:57Do be careful, Pat.
05:59Goodness me.
06:03Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him.
06:10Oh, dear.
06:12I'm sorry, Mrs Goggins.
06:15You can see that he needs looking after.
06:19Bye, Pat.
06:25Dr Gilbertson was out doing her shopping.
06:33Who's this?
06:36Getting hot, isn't it?
06:38Now then, Dorothy.
06:40I've got lots of letters for you.
06:48This looks like one of yours.
06:52Here we are.
06:54Have a good read.
06:56Pat, that's not Dorothy.
07:03Are you feeling ill, Pat?
07:06I'm sorry, Doctor.
07:08It's my glasses, squashed flat under a parcel.
07:12They don't look squashed to me.
07:15These are your letters, Doctor.
07:18What on earth is going on?
07:22Better be on our way with the letters.
07:40The next stop was at the church.
07:48I think this lot has got all muddled.
07:51Tell you what, Pat.
07:53We can let the tailgate down.
07:56And we'll have a good place to sort them out.
08:01I'll just deliver this lot whilst you sort the rest.
08:08Are you sure you've got all the Reverend's letters?
08:12I'd know them with my eyes shut.
08:19Oups! What's this?
08:21Good Lord, deliver us!
08:24You are Pat, aren't you?
08:27Sorry, Pat. I've got the wrong glasses on.
08:31I know just how you feel, Reverend.
08:34I've got Mrs. Goggin's old glasses on.
08:36Did you say?
08:38Yes, but it's a long story.
08:40Have some letters.
08:42Better be on my way, Reverend.
08:45But, Pat!
08:47This is for the Reverend, Pat.
08:50I think you've got them muddled again.
08:53Pat! These are not for me at all.
08:57They're a bit fuzzy.
08:59But I do believe it says Miss Hubbard on this one.
09:03You'll have to excuse him, Reverend.
09:06You see, his glasses were squashed flat.
09:09They look all right to me.
09:12It's a long story.
09:14And I think it'll be best if you read out
09:17all the addresses for me from now on, Ted.
09:20No problem.
09:22I wish I could help.
09:24But you see, my proper glasses...
09:28lost them somewhere.
09:31It's nice of you to offer to help.
09:33Thanks, Reverend.
09:35And cheerio!
09:38I wonder where I've put them.
09:41Bye, Pat!
09:44Off they went.
09:50Here we are, Thomson Ground.
09:58There's Alf's catalogue.
10:00Now you can't go wrong with that.
10:03Alf can't be far away.
10:06Anybody in?
10:14I wish Alf wouldn't leave this...
10:18for me to fall in.
10:22This looks more like it.
10:25A nice big letterbox.
10:27Just the job.
10:29Catalogue away.
10:35And here we are.
10:37I think I've got it.
10:39I've got it.
10:41I've got it.
10:43I've got it.
10:45I've got it.
10:47I've got it.
10:50Did you find Alf, then?
10:53Erm, he wasn't about.
10:55I just popped it in their new letterbox.
10:58New letterbox?
11:01I haven't got a new letterbox.
11:04See for yourself.
11:07Show me.
11:14Here we are.
11:15Didn't I tell you?
11:17A new letterbox.
11:19An old barn door with a missing plank, more like.
11:23Locked up as well.
11:25Now then, how are we going to get it back?
11:29Hang on, I'll get someone to help us.
11:33Let's have a look around.
11:40If only I could see properly.
11:45Where does this go?
11:49I could get in through the window.
11:54Anybody there?
11:58Anybody in?
12:04What happened?
12:06Pat, where are you?
12:11It's dark in here.
12:13Oh, it's dark in here.
12:15Where's Ted?
12:17You alright, Pat?
12:19Hello, Ted!
12:20Having a nice talk to my barn door?
12:24Hello, Alf, nay nay.
12:26I'm talking to Pat.
12:28He's inside.
12:30Well, how's he got in there?
12:33It's all locked up.
12:35I don't know if I've got the key.
12:40Let's see.
12:44You look all right, Miss Butt.
12:47Here's your catalogue, Alf.
12:50Delivered safe and sound.
12:57Ted and Pat, back at last.
13:00I've been ringing round everywhere trying to track you down.
13:04There's nothing else gone wrong, has there?
13:07No, Pat, it's just that after you'd gone, I found these.
13:12They look awfully like yours.
13:15They must have slipped down behind the stamp book.
13:18That huge parcel must have given them a push.
13:25Magic! I can see again.
13:28Oh, that's lovely.
13:30They must be mine.
13:32Thank you, Mrs Goggins.
13:34We saw them all smashed up.
13:37No, we didn't.
13:39There must have been another pair of glasses on the counter.
13:43Whose could they be?
13:45Well, the Reverend came in before you this morning,
13:49and he must have left his glasses here.
13:53He didn't mind about his glasses being broken,
13:56said he needed a new pair anyway.
13:59Well, I never.
14:01I wonder if I need glasses.
14:04The post would never have got through without you. Thanks, Ted.
14:09Back to the workshop. Cheerio!
14:12Bye, Ted!
14:31Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
