School of Roars S01 E35

  • il y a 2 semaines
00:22🎵 Painting! Painting! 🎵
00:23It was another super snufflesome night at the school of roars
00:27And Mrs. Twirlyhorn was busy repainting the playtree
00:31Good roaring monsters!
00:33Good roaring Mrs. Twirlyhorn!
00:37The playtree's looking monster-mazing!
00:40When can we come and play in it?
00:42As soon as the paint has dried!
00:45Oh! That will take forever!
00:47Oh no! It'll be dry by the end of the night!
00:53See? I said it will take forever!
00:57Okay monsters, it's time to come in for lessons!
01:02I'm gonna be the first to climb to the top of the playtree when it's dry!
01:07I'm going to be the first to climb to the top too!
01:12Ready monsters?
01:13A is for...
01:17B is for...
01:19C is for...
01:23D is for...
01:28E is for...
01:31What is E for, Meepa?
01:35Oh! Icklewool?
01:38No! E isn't for Icklewool!
01:41That's right! E is for...
01:46I think someone needs to think more about her alphabet and less about the playtree paint drying!
01:52Sorry Miss Brizzlesmith!
01:54Today, we're all going to work together to make a wonderful flag to put on top of the playtree!
02:00Oh yay! I love flags!
02:03Okay class, let's get cracking!
02:07Ready Wufflepuff?
02:09Hold still, Wingston!
02:15Here's a dragon to carry!
02:19Splotchy, splotchy!
02:23Here you go!
02:25Thank you Moon!
02:34It's a big, ruffly dragon flag!
02:38Oh my claws! That's looking marvellous, monsters!
02:43Now all we have to do is wait for the flag paint to dry!
02:46And wait for the playtree to dry so we can put the flag up!
02:50What's with all this drying?
02:52Oh Meepa! Patience!
02:55Well done everyone! It's playtime!
02:59Oh my paws!
03:03There! All finished!
03:09Oh goody!
03:10Not so fast Meepa! The paint is still wet!
03:14You can't play here until it's all perfectly dry!
03:20Hey! Last one to catch me is a silly spider!
03:27I know it's hard, but some things really are worth waiting for!
03:33And some things are worth seeing right now!
03:37Just a quick look! No one will notice!
03:43Yes! I did it! I did it well!
03:55Wow! Our flag is finally dry!
03:58I can't wait to see it at the top of the playtree!
04:02Oh! Come in!
04:06Could I just speak to the little monsters Miss Gwizzlesniff?
04:09Be my guest!
04:11It has come to my attention that someone has entered the playtree before the paint has had a chance to dry!
04:18Oh my claws! And how do you know this Mrs Twellyhood?
04:22Look at the floor!
04:24Oh no! It wasn't me Miss!
04:28It's ok Winston! I know who did it!
04:33I hope going into the playtree when I said not to was worth it Meepa!
04:38I'm so so sorry! I couldn't help it! The playtree looks so beautiful!
04:46And I just had to be the first to look out of the top window!
04:50But I wanted to be the first!
04:53Well Meepa, I think there's only one thing to do!
04:56What's that Mrs Twellyhorn?
04:58You must make things better again!
05:00So you can start by mopping the classroom floor!
05:03And then the playground!
05:06Ok Mrs Twellyhorn!
05:08Can I help Meepa?
05:10Me too!
05:11It's ok! I need to do it on my own! I made the mess!
05:16Good monster Meepa!
05:19Sorry Mrs Twellyhorn!
05:25I declare the playtree open to play in!
05:34Oh! Not again!
05:37Icklewoo! Do you want to go before me?
05:40What? Me go first?
05:43Sure! I can wait! After all, I'm very patient!
05:48Let's go!
05:52So, Icklewoo may not have been the very first to the top of the playtree
05:56But she was first to raise the flag!
05:59And although Meepa loved doing things quickly
06:01She learned that somethings are really worth waiting for...