The Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle - Lazy Jay Ranch (Full Story Arc)

  • il y a 18 heures
00:00:00Le film est réalisé avec la participation de
00:00:03La Fondation Rokken
00:00:06et les soutiens de
00:00:08La Fondation Rokken.
00:00:30Avec la participation de
00:00:33La Fondation Rokken
00:00:36et les soutiens de
00:00:39La Fondation Rokken.
00:01:00La Fondation Rokken
00:01:03La Fondation Rokken
00:01:06La Fondation Rokken
00:01:09La Fondation Rokken
00:01:12La Fondation Rokken
00:01:15La Fondation Rokken
00:01:18La Fondation Rokken
00:01:21La Fondation Rokken
00:01:24La Fondation Rokken
00:01:27La Fondation Rokken
00:01:30La Fondation Rokken
00:01:33La Fondation Rokken
00:01:36La Fondation Rokken
00:01:39La Fondation Rokken
00:01:42L'héroïne de Rokken
00:01:45Notre histoire s'ouvre aujourd'hui dans le joli petit village
00:01:48de la Fondation Rokken Minnesota où les...
00:01:51C'est la Fondation Rokken ?
00:01:54Les héros Rocky et Bullwinkle sont...
00:01:56De quel côté va-t-il, Black Eagle?
00:01:58De ce côté.
00:02:00Allons-y, Sheriff. Nous allons les tuer à Eagle Planet.
00:02:02Attendez un instant. Ce n'est pas le show de Rocky.
00:02:06Vérifiez le moniteur, Jim.
00:02:08Je l'ai. Nous sommes tous clairs.
00:02:09Vous avez le cross-over?
00:02:10Oui. Je ne sais pas pourquoi...
00:02:12Voyez si vous pouvez le tracer sur la ligne 12.
00:02:15Un instant, mesdames et messieurs, s'il vous plaît.
00:02:16On a l'air d'avoir un western au lieu du show de Rocky.
00:02:19Hey, quelqu'un a le numéro 27.
00:02:22Il vaut mieux que vous le tirez, Jim.
00:02:24C'est mieux.
00:02:26Qui aurait...
00:02:27Je ne peux pas dire une blague, Mr. Piggy.
00:02:29Je l'ai fait.
00:02:30Vous l'avez fait. Mais pourquoi, Bullwinkle?
00:02:32Parce que je suis juste fou des westerns.
00:02:34Vous êtes juste fou, period.
00:02:36Peux-je l'espère si je suis un cow-boy à l'esprit?
00:02:37Mais vous êtes déjà un grand héros de télévision.
00:02:40Oui, mais pourquoi je ne mets jamais pas un gros chapeau comme Tougal et Twombly?
00:02:44Il y a une bonne raison.
00:02:45Je ne suis pas un marshal américain?
00:02:47Non. Vos aiguilles sont dans le chemin.
00:02:49Oui, c'est vrai.
00:02:50C'était comme si le plus proche que Bullwinkle allait arriver au Moyen-Orient était sur son set de télévision.
00:02:54Tu veux dessiner un étranger?
00:02:56Tu l'as dit, Trampus.
00:02:58Alors fais ton jeu.
00:03:00D'accord, Jim.
00:03:02Il m'a eu.
00:03:04Bullwinkle, qu'est-ce qui se passe?
00:03:05C'est la troisième fois cette saison qu'il m'a éloigné.
00:03:07Oui, mais c'est juste...
00:03:08Je dois être en dérapage.
00:03:09Oui, mais c'est juste...
00:03:10Bombe-bombe, c'est moi.
00:03:12Oui, Bullwinkle était un cow-boy heureux, d'accord.
00:03:14Chaque matin, il sortait le lait de la porte d'avant.
00:03:18Chaque soir, il regardait la télévision de son cadeau,
00:03:20et la nuit, il a même tiré ses禁ès à l'endroit où il dormait.
00:03:23C'est bon!
00:03:25Pas de films de l'Orient pour une semaine, Bullwinkle!
00:03:28Pas de films de l'Orient?
00:03:29Je peux pas me déchirer comme ça!
00:03:31Viens, Bullwinkle, tu es un mousesse ou un mouse?
00:03:34J'ai été incroyablement affolé par les chats récemment.
00:03:36Allez, Rocky,
00:03:37seulement une petite petite ride taquette de Twombly.
00:03:40Bon, seulement une fois!
00:03:42Tu vas dessiner un étranger?
00:03:44C'étais à le réparer.
00:03:46Alors fais ton jeu,
00:03:48All right, I just...
00:03:50Well, now you've done it!
00:03:52I sure have, I beat him!
00:03:53But Bowinkle!
00:03:54Top film again, fastest in the West!
00:03:56We're in the North!
00:03:57The North West!
00:03:58But look at the TV!
00:03:59I can't, it's bust and I...
00:04:02Oh, what have I done?
00:04:04Yes, the TV that was bust meant a whole new life for Bowinkle.
00:04:08For after only a week of staring at the silent set, he began to read.
00:04:12Ranchi Ranch Tales, Cow Hand Comics, Side Saddle Stories, The Evening Paper...
00:04:18How'd that get in there?
00:04:19Bowinkle, you gotta get your mind on something besides Westerns.
00:04:23Well, okay, I'll read the Walt ads instead.
00:04:25Thank goodness!
00:04:26But even that seemed to be a bad idea, for Bowinkle's eye immediately lit on a very interesting ad indeed.
00:04:31Look at this, Rocky!
00:04:32For sale, Lazy Jay Ranch, 1,000 acres of top-bottom land.
00:04:36Your chance to go West fast! Box 1313, Squaws Ankle, Wyoming.
00:04:42Full price, $28.
00:04:43Saddle question, $28, that's a lot of money!
00:04:48And we don't know anything about ranching.
00:04:51On the other hand, it is a new adventure.
00:04:54And the rating on our show's been slipping a little.
00:04:57So let's do it!
00:04:58I figured if I waited long enough, you'd be back. Let's go!
00:05:01But if only our boys had looked at the front page of the paper as well.
00:05:05They would have seen that they were headed directly for trouble, real trouble!
00:05:09Don't miss our next episode, Fast and Moose, or The Quick and the Dead!
00:05:16Well, Bowinkle's urge to go West was pretty serious, all right.
00:05:19Particularly when he shot out the TV tube, trying to outdraw Two-Gun Twombly.
00:05:24Fastest gun in the West!
00:05:25Unfortunately, he was the slowest TV repairman, and not too bright.
00:05:30He looked pretty bright to me!
00:05:32And so our boys were reduced to, uh, reading in the evening.
00:05:36Dick and Jane see the dog!
00:05:40But then Bowinkle came across a WAD ad that changed his whole life!
00:05:44For sale! Ranch-style ranch! 1,000 acres! $28 full price!
00:05:50Lowdown payment!
00:05:51And in less time than it takes to tell, our boys were on their way to Squaw's Ankle, Wyoming.
00:05:56Alas, if they had only glanced at the front page, they might have changed their minds.
00:06:00For at that moment, a fearful monster was ravaging Squaw's Ankle.
00:06:04But little knowing the fate that awaited them, our heroes slumbered fitfully on a speeding cross-country train.
00:06:10Rocky in an upper, and Bowinkle in a lower.
00:06:13Gee, I just can't sleep, Rock.
00:06:15You that excited, Bowinkle?
00:06:17No, my torso keeps dragging on the ties.
00:06:22The train roared on through the night, and next day arrived at Squaw's Ankle, Wyoming.
00:06:26Well, here's where we get off, Bowinkle!
00:06:28Right, Rock!
00:06:31Bowinkle, are you hurt?
00:06:33Yeah, I think I got eternal injuries.
00:06:35You mean internal injuries.
00:06:37I mean eternal injuries. I'm always getting hurt.
00:06:40Howdy, strangers. Give you a lift to town?
00:06:42Yeah, but first give me a lift into the wagon.
00:06:44And so a little while later, our heroes found themselves in the friendly western town of Squaw's Ankle.
00:06:49You fellers fixin' to stay on a piece?
00:06:51On a piece of what?
00:06:53Bowinkle, he means, are we here to stay?
00:06:55None of us are here to stay, Rock.
00:06:57I mean...
00:06:58I mean...
00:06:59We all gotta go sometime.
00:07:01Mighty glad to have you with us, Rocky.
00:07:03Aren't we, folks?
00:07:04UPSG! UPSG!
00:07:06Well, thanks, Mr. Mayor.
00:07:07You too, Bowinkle.
00:07:09Just where are you figuring on staying while you're here?
00:07:12Well, we bought a ranch just outside of town.
00:07:15Why, that's wonderful, ain't it, folks?
00:07:17UPSG! UPSG!
00:07:19What ranch did you buy?
00:07:20It's called the Lazy J.
00:07:22The Lazy J?
00:07:25That's great, ain't it, folks?
00:07:27Uh... folks?
00:07:29Gee, Bowinkle, everybody left.
00:07:31Not everybody, Rocky. Look there.
00:07:33Sure enough, a lone figure still remained,
00:07:35holding a pencil and paper.
00:07:36I bet you want our autograph, don't you?
00:07:38No, I'd just like your measurements.
00:07:41Must be one of those tailor fellas.
00:07:43My card, gentlemen.
00:07:45Dudley Digg, licensed undertaker.
00:07:49Six foot two inches overall.
00:07:51No, no, not overhauls.
00:07:52Something a little sportier.
00:07:54Waist 36.
00:07:55I'd like a little padding in the shoulders, too.
00:07:57Oh, you'll get padding from head to toe.
00:07:59Uh, how about a belt in the back?
00:08:00Bowinkle, he's an undertaker.
00:08:02I don't want to tell you how to run your business, mister,
00:08:05but aren't you a little early with that tape measure?
00:08:07Just a few hours.
00:08:08A few hours?
00:08:09See you a little later.
00:08:12Though, of course, you won't see me.
00:08:15Gee, the sun must be down, Bowinkle.
00:08:18All of a sudden, I feel a little chilly.
00:08:20How about you?
00:08:21Just my feet, Rock.
00:08:23We'd better go find our ranch before it gets dark.
00:08:25I'm with you.
00:08:26Stick close to me, Bowinkle.
00:08:28If I was any closer, I'd be on the other side of you.
00:08:30And our boys began to move through the deserted town
00:08:32on their way to the Lazy Jay Ranch.
00:08:34Little did they know that stark terror awaits them there.
00:08:37Funny, he said he'd meet us at the train.
00:08:39Be with us next time for Buzzard Bait or the Carrion Call.
00:08:47Last time you remember, our heroes started out west
00:08:49to see the ranch they had just bought for $28.
00:08:52When they arrived in Squazzankle, Wyoming,
00:08:54everyone seemed very friendly until...
00:08:57Where'd you say you fellas were gonna live?
00:08:59On our ranch.
00:09:00Well, ain't that just James Dandy.
00:09:03What's the name of it?
00:09:04The Lazy Jay.
00:09:07Sure got lonesome all of a sudden, didn't it?
00:09:09Nobody left but us and one stray dog.
00:09:11Just because we said Lazy Jay.
00:09:15How come he didn't leave the first time?
00:09:17Must be hard to hear him.
00:09:19Maybe we ought to leave too, whilst we are able.
00:09:22Oh, Bullwinkle, you're not gonna let them scare you away, are you?
00:09:25I was toying with the idea, yes.
00:09:27Well, come on.
00:09:28And so undaunted...
00:09:29Well, only slightly daunted...
00:09:31Our friends set out for the Lazy Jay Ranch.
00:09:33Where does the ad say the ranch is?
00:09:36Just outside the town.
00:09:37Bound to be around here somewhere.
00:09:39All right, you are, as usual.
00:09:41Lookie there.
00:09:42Lazy Jay Ranch. Entrance.
00:09:45Wild West, here we are!
00:09:48Look out, Bullwinkle!
00:09:52Are you all right?
00:09:53I think so.
00:09:54But my nerves must be going bad.
00:09:56How come?
00:09:57I feel like I'm on pins and needles.
00:09:59Well, you are.
00:10:00That's a cactus.
00:10:01You see, you fell on a cactus...
00:10:03Okay, okay.
00:10:04I get the point.
00:10:05And in a few minutes, our boys were picking their way down a steep, steep hill.
00:10:09Suddenly, without warning...
00:10:11Stop, Bullwinkle!
00:10:12If I was any lower, I'd be looking up to see down.
00:10:14Quelqu'un tire à nous de cette petite maison sur la mesa.
00:10:17Oh, oh! Il vaut mieux qu'on retourne à notre endroit et qu'on demande de l'aide.
00:10:19On ne peut pas.
00:10:20C'est notre endroit.
00:10:21Tu as raison.
00:10:22Allons pas là-bas.
00:10:24Boy, c'était proche!
00:10:26Bullwinkle, cette cactus est claire sur l'autre côté de la vallée.
00:10:29C'est assez proche.
00:10:30Je vais voir qui c'est qui est dans cette terrible boutique.
00:10:34Mais ne lui aide pas, hein?
00:10:35And the plucky squirrel zoomed right toward the house and into a window.
00:10:39He pulled to a halt as a voice said...
00:10:41Hold it, fella.
00:10:43I know you're there.
00:10:44Well, how do you know I'm here?
00:10:46I hear you breathing.
00:10:47Now, mosey on out of here, you hear?
00:10:49Yeah, but I'm the new owner of the Lazy Jay.
00:10:52In that case, mosey on in.
00:10:54And our Rocky entered the bedroom of the small shack.
00:10:57In the bed was a huddled figure.
00:10:59Gee, who are you?
00:11:00I'm the old owner of the Lazy Jay.
00:11:03Yeah, what's your name?
00:11:04What else?
00:11:05I'm Lazy Jay himself.
00:11:07Was that you shooting at us?
00:11:09That's right.
00:11:10Thought you all was rustlers.
00:11:12Well, we're over this way.
00:11:14You're shooting in the opposite direction.
00:11:17But if I was facing that way, I'd sure give you what for.
00:11:20Well, why don't you?
00:11:22Frankly, I'm too lazy.
00:11:24But in a little while, our heroes had propped Lazy Jay up to a standing position
00:11:28and he began to show them the points of interest of the ranch.
00:11:31Over there is Dead Man's Swamp.
00:11:33That-a-way you'll run into Grizzly Gulch.
00:11:36And over yonder is a burning badland.
00:11:38Isn't there any good land on the ranch, Lazy Jay?
00:11:41Oh, sure. The South Forty's got some of the best land in these here parts.
00:11:44And it did, too.
00:11:46There was only one problem.
00:11:47The South Forty ran straight up and down.
00:11:50Oh, cows must be mountain climbers.
00:11:52Cows? What cows?
00:11:53Bull cows.
00:11:54Nary a hoof hiding her hair.
00:11:56Well, what do you raise on this ranch, anyway?
00:11:59I'd better whisper it to you.
00:12:01And as Lazy Jay whispered just one word into Bullwinkle's ear,
00:12:04the mighty moose's hair turned completely white all over.
00:12:08Be sure to see our next colorful episode.
00:12:10Except for me.
00:12:11Rocky Rides Again or Small in the Saddle.
00:12:17When Rocky and Bullwinkle arrived at their new ranch, the Lazy Jay,
00:12:20they found that it wasn't the choicest piece of real estate in the world.
00:12:23As a matter of fact, the only good piece of land on it ran straight up and down.
00:12:28Must have some mighty acrobatic cows on this ranch.
00:12:32Or maybe they got suction cups on their hooves.
00:12:34You Plum Loco?
00:12:36No, I'm Plum Bullwinkle.
00:12:37There's no cows on this ranch.
00:12:39No cows?
00:12:40Well, it's not so bad being a sheep herder, Rock.
00:12:42Sometimes they're the good guys, too.
00:12:44No sheep, neither.
00:12:45Hogs, maybe?
00:12:57Holy, I'm Plum Tuckered Out waggling my head back and forth.
00:12:58Well, what do you raise on this ranch?
00:12:59I'd better whisper.
00:13:02Gee, he fainted.
00:13:03What did you say to him?
00:13:05I'd better whisper.
00:13:06Better whisper.
00:13:08Good heavens, both of our heroes have fainted.
00:13:10What did you say to them?
00:13:12Just told them what we raise on this ranch.
00:13:14Well, what is it?
00:13:15I'd better whisper.
00:13:18Well, I bet Doc, he fainted, too.
00:13:21Did I hear you right?
00:13:24This is a worm ranch?
00:13:26A worm ranch?
00:13:27A worm ranch?
00:13:28Say, if you fellas could get together, you'd make a fine trio.
00:13:32A worm ranch!
00:13:35See? I told you.
00:13:37Yes, it turned out to be all too true.
00:13:39The boys had traveled a thousand miles and spent $28 of their hard-earned money to buy a worm ranch.
00:13:45Yep, it's the biggest herd in these here parts.
00:13:48But where is it?
00:13:49Where else? Underground.
00:13:51Sure enough, the boys had taken on the job of herding a bunch of critters they couldn't even see.
00:13:55But for the next few weeks, they were too busy to worry about it.
00:13:58First, there was the big spring roundup.
00:14:00What's this contraption got to do with the roundup?
00:14:02Only way we know where the little rascals are.
00:14:05What do I do?
00:14:07You jump up and down on this pogo stick.
00:14:10Sort of drives them ahead of you. Good luck.
00:14:12And so our friends started out to round up their herd.
00:14:15Whoopee! Hi-yi-yo! Get along, little doggie!
00:14:18Bo Winkle, we aren't rounding up doggies!
00:14:21I know, but I just can't bring myself to sing,
00:14:23Get along, little worm!
00:14:25And... Uh-oh!
00:14:27What is it?
00:14:28A stray is cut loose from the herd!
00:14:30After him, Bo Winkle!
00:14:31Get back in there! No, no, the other way!
00:14:34Uh-oh! I lost him!
00:14:38Ow! That does it!
00:14:40No early worm can give me the bird!
00:14:45Uh-oh! Now you've done it!
00:14:47What? What? What I done it?
00:14:48You spoke the herd! They're stampeding!
00:14:51Well, it certainly looked that way,
00:14:53for the ground began to tremble as if there were an earthquake.
00:14:56Jump and gee horse that! Must be millions of them!
00:15:00On their ground! Stampede!
00:15:02What do you know?
00:15:03In the movies, they always try to head off the leaders!
00:15:06How can you hit them when you don't know which way they're going?
00:15:08I don't know, but we gotta try!
00:15:10Keep pounded on the ground!
00:15:12And our heroes bravely tried to turn the leaders!
00:15:14Come on, turn!
00:15:16Get them turned around, Bo Winkle!
00:15:18I sure would if I could see them!
00:15:20But eventually, the trembling stopped.
00:15:22Except for my knees!
00:15:23And our boys knew the herd had quieted down.
00:15:26But their troubles weren't over not by a long shot,
00:15:28for watching our boys from a nearby hill was a sinister figure,
00:15:32wearing of all things a cowboy hat and kilts.
00:15:36Who can this mysterious stranger be?
00:15:39We'll find out next time in The Last Angry Angus,
00:15:42or Hot Scotch!
00:15:47Well, our heroes are the proud owners of the Lazy Jay Ranch,
00:15:501,000 acres of the worst real estate in the West.
00:15:54So terrible is the terrain that the only thing they can raise on their ranch
00:15:57is worms.
00:15:59That's right! We raise all kinds of worms!
00:16:02Hook, cut, tape, fishing, hand, angle!
00:16:04Get along, little doggie!
00:16:06And while Bo Winkle rounds up the herd by means of his surplus mind detector,
00:16:09for detecting surplus minds,
00:16:11Rocky has taken on the task of clearing all the stones off the North Forty.
00:16:15Gee, Mr. Lazy Jay, there must be a jillion of them!
00:16:18A jillion and eight, Rocky. I counted them last July and August.
00:16:22Boy, how can you be so lazy?
00:16:24I work at it night and day.
00:16:26Rocky started on his Herculean task.
00:16:28Back and forth he flashed lugging the heavy boulders,
00:16:31and at day's end had a huge pile of rocks heaped at the ranch gate.
00:16:35Well, now what, Rocky?
00:16:37I just put up this sign and we're in the boulder business.
00:16:40Rock garden kits.
00:16:42Do it yourself with Rocky's rocks. Ten cents each.
00:16:45Boy, that's a keen ID!
00:16:47As an ID, it may have been keen,
00:16:49but as a business, it was a terrible flop.
00:16:51So in the succeeding days,
00:16:53the price of Rocky's rocks dropped lower and lower.
00:16:56Unfortunately, the pile grew higher and higher.
00:16:59Finally, the sign was changed to read...
00:17:01Free! Take them away!
00:17:03But still nobody bought any, and the pile grew larger daily.
00:17:06Is that any relation to dying daily?
00:17:09Or dilly-dally?
00:17:10There's only one thing left to do!
00:17:12Pay people to take them away!
00:17:13No, listen!
00:17:15Oh, I love these scenes where people whisper.
00:17:18Tickles your imagination?
00:17:19Tickles my ear fuzz.
00:17:21Actually, Rocky's plan was very simple.
00:17:23He simply painted a large sign that read...
00:17:26Warning! Do not take rocks!
00:17:28And left it on the pile overnight.
00:17:30Sure enough, next morning, there wasn't a boulder in sight.
00:17:33Somebody even took the sign.
00:17:35It's nice to know you can depend on people.
00:17:38People indeed.
00:17:39For that entire pile had been taken by one man
00:17:42who now sat in a house on the outskirts of Squaw's Ankle, Wyoming,
00:17:46a house which was now full of rocks from floor to ceiling.
00:17:49And the man? Who else?
00:17:51That arch-criminal, that kingpin of crime,
00:17:54that mass of pure mean...
00:17:58No, no. You're Boris Baranov.
00:18:01Hello again, fans.
00:18:02Tell me Boris.
00:18:03Yes, Natasha, he said, reminding everyone what her name is.
00:18:07How come we got a house full of rocks?
00:18:09You saw sign, Natasha.
00:18:10Do not take rocks.
00:18:12I had to steal them.
00:18:13Had to?
00:18:14It's in my contract.
00:18:15What do we do with them, darling?
00:18:17They were something. Let's try and see.
00:18:19So the two thieves tried their best to use the rocks
00:18:22as bowling balls.
00:18:24OK, Natasha, knock down ten pins.
00:18:26But the stones weren't quite round enough for that.
00:18:31Oh, sorry, darling. Should I get doctor?
00:18:34Of course not.
00:18:35Get pin-boy and set me up in other alley.
00:18:38They even tried the boulders as ammunition for a huge cannon.
00:18:41Ready, aim, fire!
00:18:45They were a little too heavy.
00:18:47We tried with different gun.
00:18:49And please, darling, different gunner too.
00:18:52But where is boulder?
00:18:53As luck would have it, that huge stone was rolling downhill,
00:18:56right toward the main street of the little town of Squaw's Ankle.
00:19:00Boris, that stone, it will crush hundreds of people.
00:19:04Well, what do you know, Natasha?
00:19:06It's good for something after all.
00:19:08Will the massive stone really wipe out the village?
00:19:11Be sure to see our next episode,
00:19:13Our Town or the Home of the Grave.
00:19:19Well, when we left our story last time,
00:19:21a huge boulder was rolling downhill
00:19:23toward the town of Squaw's Ankle, Wyoming,
00:19:25followed closely by Boris Baranov and Natasha Fatal.
00:19:28Natasha, boulder is gaining on us.
00:19:30We couldn't stop it anyway, Boris.
00:19:32Who wants to stop it? I just want to be there when it hits.
00:19:34Then why not take short cut, darling?
00:19:36Natasha, are you forgetting who is brains of this outfit?
00:19:39Sorry, darling, what do you want to do?
00:19:41We'll take short cut.
00:19:43Oh, Boris, you've done it again.
00:19:46A little way ahead, the villagers were all unaware
00:19:48of their terrible danger.
00:19:49Dagnabbit, Calvin, nothing ever happens in this here town.
00:19:52You're so right, Durward.
00:19:54Hey, you fellows, big news.
00:19:56What's that, Basil?
00:19:57Harry the Hermit's in town for his annual haircut.
00:19:59Oh, boy. Hot ziggy.
00:20:01Do tell. Wheel 23.
00:20:02Yes, in Squaw's Ankle, even a haircut was a big event.
00:20:05And so in a few seconds, everyone had dashed into the barber shop.
00:20:08As a result, the huge boulder rolled harmlessly
00:20:10down the middle of a deserted main street.
00:20:12And when Boris and Natasha arrived on the scene...
00:20:15There's nobody here to get run over by boulder.
00:20:18Oh, yes, there is, darling.
00:20:20Wonderful. Who is this?
00:20:22Oh, boy. Run for it, honey bun.
00:20:24Run for what?
00:20:25Run for your life.
00:20:26And the two villains raced down the street
00:20:28as the mighty stone rolled after them.
00:20:30In here, Natasha.
00:20:31Quickly, the terrified pair dashed into a nearby building,
00:20:33which just happened to be the sample room
00:20:35of the government assay office.
00:20:37Brace yourself against God, Natasha.
00:20:39Right, Boris.
00:20:42You sure you're bracing, Natasha?
00:20:44Let's face it, darling.
00:20:45This thing is bigger than both of us.
00:20:49It certainly was, for the huge stone
00:20:51left a trail of wreckage behind it.
00:20:53Samples of gold, silver, uranium, and just plain dirt.
00:20:56The assay office was a shambles, and so was Natasha.
00:20:59Well, Boris, I...
00:21:01Boris, where are you?
00:21:03Come in.
00:21:04Boris, is that you?
00:21:06You were expecting maybe the thin man?
00:21:09In a little while, the villains had caught up
00:21:11with their rolling stone.
00:21:12Boris looked at it closely.
00:21:15What is it, Boris?
00:21:16Just as I thought.
00:21:17No moss.
00:21:18But that stone had gathered a lot more than moss,
00:21:20for in rolling through the ore samples,
00:21:22it had picked up bits of every precious metal known to man.
00:21:25And Boris had picked up something, too.
00:21:27A lump on my head.
00:21:28And an electronic analyzer.
00:21:29Why did you steal analyzer, darling?
00:21:31Best reason in the world.
00:21:34It wasn't nailed down.
00:21:35And then the analyzer began to act very strangely.
00:21:37Hey, what's going on?
00:21:39You have it pointed at stone, darling.
00:21:41And look what it registers, Natasha.
00:21:50More gold.
00:21:51Boris, this rock is worth a fortune.
00:21:54And what's more?
00:21:56Plenty more where that came from.
00:21:57On ranch that belongs to moose and squirrel, right?
00:22:01On ranch that used to belong to moose and squirrel.
00:22:04You're mean.
00:22:05I sure am.
00:22:06Come on, Natasha.
00:22:07Meanwhile, back at the ranch.
00:22:09I just knew he'd say that.
00:22:10Rocky and Bow Winkle were just finishing the spring roundup of their underground herd.
00:22:14For the Lazy Jay, you remember, was really a worm ranch.
00:22:18Boy, that was a tough job.
00:22:19Sure glad it's over.
00:22:22All them worms got to be counted and branded.
00:22:24We got to count them?
00:22:25Care for luck, too?
00:22:26Gee, we're going to need some help.
00:22:28But who?
00:22:31Man, allow me to introduce myself.
00:22:33Rocky Smoke, who are you?
00:22:35World's only Scotch Cowboy.
00:22:37A Scotch Cowboy?
00:22:38What's your name?
00:22:39What else?
00:22:40Black Angus.
00:22:43Don't miss our next episode, The Big Countdown, or Tally in Our Alley.
00:22:50Last time, as you remember, our heroes had just finished the spring roundup on their worm ranch.
00:22:55That's spring wound up.
00:22:56The word is roundup.
00:22:58What do you do with a spring?
00:22:59Well, you wind it up and...
00:23:01Had just finished the spring wound up and were ready to start the annual tag day.
00:23:06Tag day?
00:23:07Every one of them little critters has got to be marked with a Lazy Jay.
00:23:10What for? What for?
00:23:11So nobody'll steal them.
00:23:12Steal them?
00:23:13You mean there's such a thing as worm rustlers?
00:23:15That's right.
00:23:16Oh, come on. Who'd be mean enough to do a thing like that?
00:23:19Good man, allow me to introduce myself.
00:23:21Great gobs of goo, Rocky. Will you look at that?
00:23:23A cowboy wearing kilts.
00:23:25Hi, lady. I'm world's only scotch cowboy.
00:23:27Call me Black Angus.
00:23:29This is my sidekick, Natasha McTavish.
00:23:31She's scotch, too.
00:23:33Just half scotch.
00:23:34What's the other half?
00:23:35Soda, darling.
00:23:36We come to sign on his cow hands.
00:23:38Angus here is champion bull thrower.
00:23:40Thanks anyway, but we don't raise cows.
00:23:43We raise worms.
00:23:45All kinds.
00:23:46Hook, tape, cut, flat, angle, and measuring.
00:23:49And today is tag day.
00:23:51We've got to label each and every critter with a Lazy Jay label.
00:23:54Boris, darling, they're putting us on, no?
00:23:56Could be, Natasha, but let's play it cool.
00:23:59Oh, lady, could my partner and I watch the operation?
00:24:03Be my guest.
00:24:04And our heroes started the weary task of slapping a label on every single worm.
00:24:08And quite a few married ones.
00:24:14Hold it, Bo Winkle. That one's a caterpillar.
00:24:17Oh, I thought he was wearing a raccoon coat.
00:24:20Boris, they're not kidding.
00:24:22They raise worms.
00:24:24Taking over this ranch should be easy, Natasha.
00:24:26An idiot could do it.
00:24:28And you are just the man for the job.
00:24:30But tell me, why do we want a worm ranch?
00:24:33You forgot Plato already?
00:24:34No, but everybody else has.
00:24:37Flashing back as is our custom,
00:24:39you'll remember we put analyzer on rock from Lazy Jay ranch.
00:24:43And hit jackpot.
00:24:47Boris, what molly...
00:24:49That stuff.
00:24:51Who cares?
00:24:52If it's that hard to say, it must be worth plenty.
00:24:55And so that is why we're going to take ranch away from squirrel and moose.
00:24:59But how?
00:25:00Easy. We drive herd to market for them.
00:25:02We become ranchers?
00:25:04Sure. Monkey ranchers.
00:25:05You mean...
00:25:06Of course.
00:25:07If I lose whole herd, they go broke.
00:25:09Sell cheap.
00:25:11And thus it was a short time later that Black Angus was made trail boss
00:25:14and put in charge of taking the herd to market.
00:25:16But where is the market?
00:25:17It's big fishing resort right here.
00:25:19But that's 50 miles away.
00:25:21How are you going to drive a herd of worms 50 miles?
00:25:24Easy. I got big whip.
00:25:26One thing, Mr. Black Angus.
00:25:28Call me Blacky, lady.
00:25:29You said your partner, Miss McTavish, was scotch.
00:25:33Then how come she's wearing those expensive earrings and bracelet?
00:25:36Yeah. Doesn't look very scotch to me either.
00:25:38Not so loud, ladies. She might hear you.
00:25:40Secrets, huh?
00:25:41We don't like to mention it, but she's the only spendthrift in the whole family.
00:25:45Big plunger, huh?
00:25:46Spends money like water.
00:25:48I haven't spent any water lately.
00:25:50You mean Miss McTavish is a spendthrift scotch?
00:25:53Of course. That's how she got her nickname.
00:25:55What's that?
00:25:56Lavish McTavish.
00:25:57I should have known.
00:25:58And so a little while later, our heroes were on the trail,
00:26:01beating the ground with sticks to keep the underground worm herd on the move.
00:26:05Little did they know that their trail boss, Boris,
00:26:07was leading them right to the edge of a steep cliff
00:26:10and certain doom for the whole herd.
00:26:12Don't miss our next episode,
00:26:14Eggs and Plains or the Old Chisholm Trail.
00:26:20Last time you remember marked the start of the big underground roundup
00:26:23as our heroes start to drive their herd of angle worms
00:26:26to the nearest fishing resort 50 miles away.
00:26:28Rocky thumped on the ground to keep the herd moving
00:26:31while Bullwinkle used his own mind detector to round up strays.
00:26:34But unbeknownst to our friends, their trail boss,
00:26:36the world's only scotch cowboy...
00:26:38Black Angus at your service.
00:26:40...was in reality Boris Baranov, their old nemesis.
00:26:43Why is you never hear of young nemesis?
00:26:45Boris, of course, was determined to ruin Rocky and Bullwinkle.
00:26:48But Boris, darling, how you're going to do it?
00:26:50Is lead pipe cinch, Natasha.
00:26:52I lead herd over this cliff.
00:26:54No worms, no money, no rent.
00:26:56Then we move in. Take it off their hands for nothing.
00:26:58Well, the price is right.
00:27:00Oh, Boris, you such a well-trained villain.
00:27:03Why not? I'm old university grad.
00:27:05What university?
00:27:07Southern California?
00:27:08No, Scandrels and Crooks.
00:27:11Magni cum laus.
00:27:13Unaware of Boris' fiendish aims,
00:27:15Rocky and Bullwinkle continued driving the herd toward the cliff.
00:27:18Get along there, herd.
00:27:20What's so funny, Bullwinkle?
00:27:22I was thinking how silly it would be
00:27:23if anybody was watching us on television.
00:27:25Yeah, no fear of that.
00:27:27They wouldn't have the faintest idea what they were doing.
00:27:29Yeah, but on the other hand...
00:27:31Do they ever?
00:27:32I see what you mean.
00:27:33It was at that moment that the first of the herd
00:27:35wiggled out from the face of the cliff and dropped into space.
00:27:39Boris, your plan is actually working.
00:27:42What do you think you're dealing with?
00:27:44Kids or something?
00:27:45But at last, Rocky began to catch on.
00:27:47Hey, isn't that the edge of a cliff up there?
00:27:49You're right.
00:27:50The whole herd must be going over.
00:27:52Come on.
00:27:53Boris, here they come.
00:27:54How you're going to explain this?
00:27:57Oh, lady, the wee barons didn't pay attention to my directions.
00:28:00If the herd's going over the cliff, we're ruled.
00:28:03And they would have been
00:28:04if luck hadn't smiled on our heroes.
00:28:07It seems that there was a very strong strain of silkworm
00:28:10in the Lazy Jay herd,
00:28:11and by the time they had fallen halfway,
00:28:13each tiny creature had spun itself a small parachute.
00:28:17Why, them smart little rascals.
00:28:19Yes, our heroes had been spared by a rare stroke of fortune.
00:28:22Them she strokes.
00:28:23Me, she gives a belt in the mouth.
00:28:25Not only that,
00:28:26but by gathering up the discarded shoots at the bottom of the cliff,
00:28:29our friends found themselves with a stock of 40,000 silk handkerchiefs.
00:28:32Oh, 40.
00:28:33Takes care of our Christmas shopping for next year, too.
00:28:36Come on, Mr. Angus, we...
00:28:37Hey, where'd he go?
00:28:38Here's the note pinned to this rock.
00:28:40I'll tack the high road, and you tack the low road.
00:28:43Signed, Black Angus.
00:28:45What's that mean?
00:28:46It's Scotch dialect, for I quit.
00:28:48But not far away,
00:28:49the two villains were still plotting our heroes' downfall.
00:28:52Well, you failed again, Boris.
00:28:54Time to check fireside crook book.
00:28:56And hoo boy, why didn't I think of this before?
00:29:00Because you stupid.
00:29:02Pretty funny, eh, darling?
00:29:04Natasha, double cross me, I understand.
00:29:07Stab me in the back, it's just business.
00:29:09But top me in jokes, you're dead pigeon.
00:29:12Sorry, darling, what is plan?
00:29:14Anything, I can't stand it.
00:29:15Smart Alex, straight woman.
00:29:17Yes, Boris.
00:29:18Remember who is star of this show?
00:29:19Yes, Boris.
00:29:20Remember who is number one big shot?
00:29:22Yes, Boris.
00:29:23Remember who puts bread in your mouth?
00:29:26You said it.
00:29:28Now, here's my plan, darling.
00:29:30Oh, darling, not, not now.
00:29:33And on hearing the plans,
00:29:34even the cold-blooded Natasha fainted dead away.
00:29:37Well, what terrible thing does Boris have in mind
00:29:39for our friends?
00:29:40I'm afraid to say it out loud.
00:29:43I'm afraid I'll faint myself.
00:29:44We'll find out next time in Bucket-Headed Bowinkle
00:29:47or Pale-Faced Moose.
00:29:52Hey, kids, today's the day we find out
00:29:54what fiendish plan Boris Baranov
00:29:56is going to try on our heroes next.
00:29:58That's what you think, buddy.
00:30:00But you have to tell us.
00:30:01Who says?
00:30:02Well, it's in the script.
00:30:03Look here, see?
00:30:05That's what I think of script.
00:30:08Nobody tells Boris bad enough what to do.
00:30:11Oh, dear.
00:30:12Well, meanwhile, our heroes Rocky and Bowinkle...
00:30:16Hokey Smoke are we on?
00:30:18You're a page and a half ahead, fella.
00:30:20Well, I know, but the script got torn up.
00:30:24Meanwhile, our heroes are nearing the fishing resort
00:30:26of Angel's Cramp with their underground herd
00:30:28of fishing worms.
00:30:29Hokey Smoke, I hope we make it, boo.
00:30:31I hope we make it, Bowinkle.
00:30:32That's my line.
00:30:33Sorry, Rock, I'm still a little confused.
00:30:35Meanwhile, at the big fishing resort...
00:30:37That's my line.
00:30:39Oh, dear.
00:30:40Maybe we ought to take it from the top again.
00:30:42Meanwhile, at the mountain fishing resort
00:30:44of Angel's Cramp,
00:30:45a serious situation had developed.
00:30:47Finlayson, where are you?
00:30:48I'm in the darkroom, Mr. Penworthy.
00:30:50The darkroom? What are you doing?
00:30:52I'm developing our serious situation.
00:30:54And what is our serious situation?
00:30:56No bait.
00:30:57It was true.
00:30:58At that moment, the fishing resort
00:31:00was besieged by anglers from all over the country
00:31:02and there wasn't a bit of bait to be found.
00:31:04Unless we get some bait, we're ruined.
00:31:06I'd pay a dollar apiece for fishing worms.
00:31:09Did you hear that, Rocky?
00:31:10Course not, Bowinkle.
00:31:11That fishing resort is five miles away.
00:31:13I could swear it was right over here.
00:31:16Oh, all right.
00:31:17You know, something tells me
00:31:19our herd of worms may be worth a dollar apiece.
00:31:22No kidding.
00:31:23Then we had best get a wiggle on.
00:31:25Worm-wise, that is.
00:31:26Everybody up.
00:31:28Let's go.
00:31:29Everybody move about.
00:31:30Everybody move about.
00:31:31Medium rare hide.
00:31:33Medium rare hide.
00:31:34I can't stand it raw.
00:31:36Now through the medium of a long-distance lens,
00:31:38let's see what Boris and Natasha are up to.
00:31:40Boris, you are doing jigsaw puzzle?
00:31:43No, putting script back together
00:31:45to find out what is fiendish plan we're going to...
00:31:50You got it, darling?
00:31:51You said it.
00:31:52We're going to scare them to death.
00:31:54Look here.
00:31:55And Boris whipped out his copy of Disguises for all occasions.
00:31:58It's in here somewhere, listed alphabetically.
00:32:01Let's see.
00:32:02Admiral Disguise.
00:32:03Easter Bunny Disguise.
00:32:05Uncle Sam Disguise.
00:32:06Villain Disguise.
00:32:07Boris, that's what you're wearing now.
00:32:09Of course.
00:32:10You don't think I really look like this?
00:32:12Aha! Here we are.
00:32:13Oh, that's terrible.
00:32:15What's that?
00:32:17No, darling, I asked, what's that?
00:32:19That's it, Natasha.
00:32:20This is disguise of mysterious monster called What's That?
00:32:23Quick, hand me my kit.
00:32:25We're going to make up all the way?
00:32:27You said it.
00:32:28Disguise the limit.
00:32:29And the two no-goodniks ducked behind a nearby rock.
00:32:32A few moments later, a horrendous monster emerged
00:32:35and started toward Rocky and Bullwinkle,
00:32:37who, all unaware of their impending danger,
00:32:39were driving their herd of worms nearer to their destination.
00:32:43Angels cramp, two miles.
00:32:45Boy, am I glad.
00:32:46With all this here walking, a fella could get saddle sores on his feet.
00:32:49Well, come on.
00:32:50We just have to drive our herd through that pass and we're finished.
00:32:53But Rocky and Bullwinkle were finished sooner than that.
00:32:56For as they approached the narrow gorge...
00:33:01Good heavens, what's that?
00:33:02And frightened out of their wits, our heroes dashed away,
00:33:05leaving the whole underground herd to the mercy of the wily What's That?
00:33:08Or as we know him, Boris Bedinov.
00:33:11Don't miss our next episode, Make Believe Monster,
00:33:14or Once Upon a Crime.
00:33:22Last time you remember, our heroes were driving their herd of fishing worms
00:33:25through the gorge when they were confronted by a most dreadful sight,
00:33:28the What's That?
00:33:29A frightful monster so called because whenever anyone sees it, they scream...
00:33:33Good heavens, what's that?
00:33:35See? Our heroes fled in fright and panic.
00:33:37Not to say farewell.
00:33:38While back at the gorge, the monster was gay and jubilant.
00:33:41Who's gay and jubilant? We're Boris and Natasha.
00:33:44Yes, the What's That was just a trick dreamed up by Boris Bedinov.
00:33:47But of course, our heroes didn't know that.
00:33:49He's right behind us, Rock.
00:33:50I can hear the pounding of his big, flat feet.
00:33:52Those are your big, flat feet, Bullwinkle.
00:33:54Oh, so they are.
00:33:55Now let's just wait a second.
00:33:58That's long enough. Let's go.
00:34:00Hold it, Bullwinkle. I'm ashamed of us.
00:34:02We acted like cowards.
00:34:04Who was acting?
00:34:05We left our herd back there.
00:34:08Monster or no monster, we gotta go back.
00:34:10How come?
00:34:11Noblesse oblige.
00:34:13I mean it's our duty to meet that terrible monster face to face.
00:34:17We couldn't back up to him, huh?
00:34:19Come on, Bullwinkle. Duty call.
00:34:22And reluctantly, our heroes began to retrace their footsteps.
00:34:27They're coming back, Natasha.
00:34:29Quick, back into What's That costume.
00:34:31Oh, you're in already. Good.
00:34:34Now we can...
00:34:35Raskolnikov, who's in there with you?
00:34:38Who's guy with the funny feet?
00:34:40Come out, you double-crosser and fight like men.
00:34:44Natasha, come out.
00:34:46Yes, darling.
00:34:47Natasha, you're out here.
00:34:49Everybody's got to be somewhere.
00:34:52But who is in there?
00:34:53I don't know, but he's pretty cheesy, this guy.
00:34:56Look, nose is all lopsided.
00:35:03The two villains dashed away, madly pursued by the monster.
00:35:06Round and round the rough and rugged rocks,
00:35:08the ragged rascals rudely ran until they were able to escape temporarily.
00:35:13Darling, I thought Fireside Crookbook said What's That was extinct.
00:35:18He did. Look right here.
00:35:20This frightening beast is now extinct.
00:35:23Turn page, darling.
00:35:26Oh, boy.
00:35:27Things looked bad for Boris and Natasha until...
00:35:30The wily What's That, dizzy from chasing around the rock, collapsed in a heap.
00:35:34Let's go, Boris.
00:35:36Hold it, hold it. Look who's coming.
00:35:38Sure enough, our heroes had returned to the wormherd.
00:35:42Well, we're back, fellas.
00:35:44Did you miss us?
00:35:47Let's get going, Boo-Winkle. It's almost sundown.
00:35:49Right. And I certainly hope we don't see whatever it was we saw before.
00:35:53Whatever it was.
00:35:54And once more, our heroes began to drive their herd forward.
00:35:57Come on, worm. Get a wiggle on.
00:35:59But just a short distance ahead,
00:36:01Boris and Natasha were ready to go into their act again.
00:36:03Now, when I count three, we jump out and go,
00:36:06Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo. Got it?
00:36:08Got it, darling. Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo.
00:36:10And Natasha?
00:36:12Next time you stand on my shoulders, take off high heels.
00:36:15One, two.
00:36:17And a second later, right in front of the startled Boo-Winkle...
00:36:19Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo.
00:36:21What's that? What's that?
00:36:22Hold your ground, Boo-Winkle.
00:36:23Hold it? I'm froze to it.
00:36:25Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo.
00:36:26I'll get a stick and see if I can scare it away.
00:36:28But the plucky squirrel grabbed a nearby cactus and started for the menacing figure.
00:36:32Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo.
00:36:33But what might have happened, we'll never know for at that instant...
00:36:36Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo.
00:36:37Cry me mentalies, there's two of them.
00:36:40Yes, the real Woodset had recovered and was bounding toward our heroes,
00:36:43its teeth flashing wickedly.
00:36:45Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo.
00:36:46Don't miss our next biting episode,
00:36:48Choo-Choo Baby, or stick to your gums.
00:36:53For your next vacation, why not visit wonderful Wyoming?
00:36:56Its beautiful mountains, great fishing, fabulous hunting
00:36:59make Wyoming an earthly paradise.
00:37:01But if you do go to Wyoming, for heaven's sake, stay away from Angel's Cramp.
00:37:05It's a mess.
00:37:06It's also a fishing resort with a hundred thousand fish,
00:37:09ten thousand fishermen,
00:37:11and no bait.
00:37:12No bait?
00:37:14No bait.
00:37:15Of course, fishermen are a determined lot,
00:37:17some of them tried diving for the fish,
00:37:19some tried trapping the fish,
00:37:21neither idea worked very well.
00:37:24With no bait anywhere, you'd think it would be a field day for fly fishermen,
00:37:28but the fish wouldn't cooperate.
00:37:29They wanted worms.
00:37:31So in the woods, near the resort, fishermen dug frantically.
00:37:34You come across any Angel worms yet, Mervin?
00:37:37Nope, I keep running into these silly gold nuggets.
00:37:40Well, keep at it.
00:37:41We'll know to get lucky sooner or later.
00:37:43At the resort itself, there was black despair,
00:37:46and his orchestra.
00:37:48But nobody was dancing, and the manager was at his wit's end.
00:37:51I'd pay a dollar apiece for fishing worms.
00:37:54And meanwhile, our heroes, Rocky and Bowickle,
00:37:56are the proud and trembling owners of a whole herd of worms.
00:37:59Proud because we've driven our herd fifty miles.
00:38:02Trembling because we're scared stiff.
00:38:04Yes, our boys have been surprised by a what'sat.
00:38:07So-called because whenever people see it, they scream...
00:38:11You see?
00:38:12But this particular what'sat is in reality Boris and Natasha,
00:38:15disguised to frighten our friends into giving up their herd.
00:38:18Anything I hate is stupid to narrate.
00:38:21But last time, another figure had just made the scene.
00:38:25Yes, this was the real honest-to-badness what'sat.
00:38:29Boris, Boris, that awful thing is coming right at us.
00:38:32And look, Natasha, it's picking up a big rock.
00:38:35Gee, if they're gonna fight each other,
00:38:37maybe we got a chance to get the herd through, Bowickle.
00:38:40Our heroes didn't know that presenting a rock to its sweetheart
00:38:43was the what'sat's form of romantic courtship.
00:38:45Then again, neither did Boris and Natasha.
00:38:48He is putting down the rock, Boris. What we do?
00:38:50What else? We pick it up and crown him with it.
00:38:53Then we roam.
00:38:54Unfortunately, hitting a what'sat with his own rock
00:38:57was a sign of acceptance.
00:38:58So the love-lorn what'sat dashed after the retreating villain.
00:39:01Boris, he is coming closer and...
00:39:04And what?
00:39:05He is blowing kisses.
00:39:07Natasha, I just got a terrible suspicion about him and us.
00:39:12What is it?
00:39:13I think we're engaged.
00:39:14Well, with the two what'sats gone,
00:39:16our boys continued driving their underground herd
00:39:18toward Angel's Crack.
00:39:19Get along there!
00:39:21It looked as if their troubles were over.
00:39:23Don't you believe it?
00:39:24Boris, what happened to the what'sat?
00:39:26He's over there.
00:39:27Yes, the wily villain had spread his costume over a bush
00:39:31and the real what'sat was doing his best to romance it.
00:39:34He brought rocks, candy, even played the mandolin.
00:39:38Imagine all that fuss over a dummy.
00:39:40Please, does he make remarks about your friends?
00:39:43Well, Boris, they got through the pass.
00:39:45How are we going to stop herd?
00:39:47Easy, Natasha, we flood them out.
00:39:49Flood them out?
00:39:50Comes big rainstorm, whole herd of worms gets soaked.
00:39:54Gets punimum... gets punimum...
00:39:58That will ruin moose and squirrel.
00:40:00Of course, who buys bait that sneezes?
00:40:02True, but how are you going to get big rainstorm?
00:40:05Watch carefully.
00:40:06And Boris pulled a small book out of his pocket.
00:40:09Darling, what is that?
00:40:10What else?
00:40:11His handbook for rainmakers.
00:40:12Handbook for rainmakers?
00:40:13What's it called?
00:40:14The old soak.
00:40:16Don't miss our next soggy episode,
00:40:18Reign of Terror or the Desperate Showers.
00:40:24Well, today's program opens on a cheery note.
00:40:28You see, for our heroes and their herd of worms
00:40:31have almost reached their destination,
00:40:33the fishing resort of Angel's Cramp.
00:40:35And they're not a moment too soon either,
00:40:37for Angel's Cramp has run clean out of bait.
00:40:40And fishermen deprived of their opportunity to fish
00:40:42can be mighty ugly customers.
00:40:44You said it.
00:40:45Finlayson, what happened to you?
00:40:47I had a little tiff with a couple of the natives.
00:40:50And they tied you in knots?
00:40:51Yes, the natives are wrestlers tonight.
00:40:54But it still isn't clear-sailing or herding for our heroes,
00:40:57for in a tiny valley a short distance away,
00:40:59their arch-enemy is preparing to do them wrong.
00:41:02Why you in Indian costume, darling?
00:41:04It's all part of Finnish plan to knock off all herd of worms.
00:41:07Look, in fireside crook book, special fold-out section.
00:41:12I do crazy rain dance.
00:41:14We get big cloudburst.
00:41:15Rain soaks into ground.
00:41:17Worms get chill, develops into...
00:41:24And that's the end of herd.
00:41:26You know, Boris,
00:41:27you're really a sneaky double-crossing schnook.
00:41:33And Boris immediately started his magical rain dance.
00:41:37First, he did the Navajo hoedown.
00:41:41Then he did the Gitche Gumbee getaway.
00:41:44And finally, the Choctaw cha-cha-cha.
00:41:48Why you stopping, Natasha?
00:41:50Got to turn page, darling.
00:41:54Sure enough, in a little while,
00:41:55dark clouds began to gather above,
00:41:57a sight that doesn't escape the attention of our heroes.
00:42:00Hey, it's clouding up, Boinkle.
00:42:02Well, of course, it never clouds down.
00:42:04Looks like we might be in for some precipitation.
00:42:06Yeah, if it doesn't rain first.
00:42:08Back in the valley,
00:42:09Boris was preparing for the grand finale.
00:42:12As soon as I finish the Menominee Mambo,
00:42:15and the one and the two and the dip and glide.
00:42:17Darling, it isn't raining yet.
00:42:19Just wait. Stop the music.
00:42:21Now comes the grand finale.
00:42:23What is grand finale?
00:42:25Absolutely certain way to make it rain.
00:42:27What's that?
00:42:28I wash car.
00:42:29And Boris ducked out of sight behind a nearby mesa
00:42:32and shortly returned driving a vintage automobile,
00:42:35which he then proceeded to polish to a bright gleam.
00:42:38Sure enough, he had no sooner finished than...
00:42:42Unfortunately, Boris' rain dance had been too efficient.
00:42:46Every rain cloud had gathered directly over his head.
00:42:49As a result, the little valley was soon turned into a large lake
00:42:52on which two castaways floated on an old Essex.
00:42:55While just a mile away, our heroes were still safe and dry.
00:42:59Look over there, Rock.
00:43:00It's raining pitchforks and plow handles in just one little spot.
00:43:03Well, it's either a feast or famine.
00:43:05Yup. Waste not, want not.
00:43:08He who hesitates is lost.
00:43:10A stitch in time saves nine.
00:43:15Well, enough of this uplifting philosophy.
00:43:18Yeah, I run out of sayings anyway.
00:43:20Let's move our herd into Angel's Cramp.
00:43:22It wasn't much of a move, for Angel's Cramp was only a hundred yards away.
00:43:26But at that moment...
00:43:30There, that was close.
00:43:31What do you mean close? It hit the ground, didn't it?
00:43:34Better hit than me.
00:43:35But Bullwinkle, what about our underground herd?
00:43:38Yes, what about it?
00:43:39Could the tiny herd of worms survive a million volts of electricity?
00:43:43Don't ask me, I don't have any more lines to say.
00:43:46Then we'll find out next time in The Lightning Bugs or Nuts and Volts.
00:43:54Last time you remember, Boris's fancy rainmaking plan backfired on him.
00:43:59And he and Natasha were left floating about in a lake of their own making.
00:44:03Darling, maybe we could call it Lake Natasha.
00:44:07If you don't share up, we'll call you the Late Natasha.
00:44:11Yes, Boris. Sheesh, what a grout.
00:44:14Meanwhile, Rocky and Bullwinkle and their herd of worms were almost at their destination.
00:44:18The fishing village of Angel's Cramp.
00:44:20Won't do you no good, fellas.
00:44:22What do you mean?
00:44:23They got lots of fish here, but no bait.
00:44:25Then we're in luck, cause we're diving a whole herd of fishing worms.
00:44:29Honest and true.
00:44:30Cross my little squirrely heart. Come on up, Rodrigo.
00:44:35He's our lead worm, see?
00:44:38Boys, you'll make a fortune! A fortune!
00:44:41But at that moment, one stray little cloud floated over our hero's head.
00:44:45Uh-oh, I don't like the looks of that cloud, Bullwinkle.
00:44:48Be doof, that'll rock. What harm can a little cloud like that do?
00:44:54Well, now I know.
00:44:55Gee, I wonder if that lightning hurt our worms. You okay, Rodrigo?
00:45:01Rodrigo looked okay, but suddenly...
00:45:05Hokey smoke, Bullwinkle, he lit up!
00:45:07Well, he always was a bright little fella.
00:45:09No, I mean he lit up like a light bulb.
00:45:13Oh, for the mercy me!
00:45:15Yes, it was true. The lightning bolt had charged the whole herd with electricity.
00:45:19And every worm was now fluorescent.
00:45:22Except this one. He's rather regal.
00:45:24Of course, this caused some complications at Angel's Cramp.
00:45:27For when the fisherman tried to use the worms for bait...
00:45:31The worms just wouldn't cooperate.
00:45:33Turn found it, Mr. Squirrel. We need fishing worms, not glow worms.
00:45:37Yeah, and you sure need them bad too, don't you?
00:45:40Of course. Angle worms is the best bait there is.
00:45:43Except for Finkleberries.
00:45:45Yes, and what's more, we depended on you to... Finkleberries.
00:45:49Quite a echo they got here, Rock. Takes a long time to come back.
00:45:53Hey, it comes back twice!
00:45:55What are Finkleberries?
00:45:56Obviously, they're berries that grow on a Finkleberry bush. Like this one here.
00:46:00I never heard of Finkleberries before, Bullwinkle. You never see them in stores.
00:46:05Small wonder. It's very hard to pick them. See?
00:46:08Bullwinkle slowly reached for a Finkleberry, and as Rocky watched in amazement...
00:46:12The berry moved back out of the way and onto another branch.
00:46:15That's a fantastic phenomenon!
00:46:17No, it's a Finkleberry!
00:46:19Again and again, the fumble-fingered moose grabbed at the Finkleberry...
00:46:22Till he had it cornered on the top of the bush.
00:46:25Seems like a lot of work just to get one berry.
00:46:27Oh, it is, it is. That's why they're so rare.
00:46:30Are they really good fishing bait, Bullwinkle?
00:46:32Are they?
00:46:33That's what I asked.
00:46:35Oh, that's where I heard it.
00:46:37Well, lookie!
00:46:38And Bullwinkle held out the berry between thumb and forefinger...
00:46:43That's amazing!
00:46:45That fish leaped 20 feet out of the water just to get a Finkleberry.
00:46:50And the end of my personal finger...
00:46:52Bullwinkle, I'm gonna pick a peck of Finkleberries.
00:46:55You gotta be awful quick.
00:46:56I'll prove I'm faster than any old Finkleberry.
00:46:59Give me an alley-oop, Bullwinkle.
00:47:01Right, Rock!
00:47:03And the cocky little squirrel zoomed upward into the air...
00:47:06Reverse direction and approached the bush with blinding speed.
00:47:09Well, well, will cocky Rocky pick a peck of Finkleberries?
00:47:13And if so, where's the peck of Finkleberries cocky Rocky picked?
00:47:16Very clever.
00:47:18Be sure to be with us next time for the Bush Pusher,
00:47:21or Berry Berry Who's Got the Berry.
00:47:26Well, in our last episode, we learned a brand new word, Finkleberry.
00:47:30That's spelled F-I-N-K-L-E-R-E-Y.
00:47:34Yes, and...
00:47:37Finkleberries are the finest fish bait in the world.
00:47:40There's just one problem, they're very hard to pick.
00:47:43It keeps moving from branch to branch.
00:47:45How do you pick a Finkleberry?
00:47:47Gotta be awful quick.
00:47:48And to save the fishing resort of Angel's Cramp,
00:47:50Rocky has agreed to pick a peck of Finkleberries.
00:47:53I'll prove I'm quicker than any old Finkleberry.
00:47:55How about the young Finkleberries?
00:47:57Them too.
00:48:04But that small bush was just a short distance from a large tree and...
00:48:11Rocky, you all right?
00:48:12I think so, Bo Winkle.
00:48:14Get me up there again before I lose my nerve.
00:48:16Once more, Bo Winkle launched his buddy high into the air
00:48:19and in the startling display of low-level flying,
00:48:22Rocky picked Finkleberry after Finkleberry before they had a chance to move.
00:48:26He's a dazzling aerial technician.
00:48:28Yeah, and a flying fool too.
00:48:30In no time at all, Rocky had gathered a peck of Finkleberries
00:48:33and returned to the fishing resort.
00:48:34Rocky, my boy, you have saved Angel's Cramp.
00:48:39All right, you fishermen, line up for your bait.
00:48:41Boy, those fishermen sure look nervous.
00:48:44Jingle dang, Luther.
00:48:45Well, that was a day that will be remembered for a long time in Angel's Cramp.
00:48:49Fishermen couldn't even get their lines wet.
00:48:51Fish leaped out of the water to get the tempting Finkleberries.
00:48:54Some of them even pursued fishermen up onto dry land.
00:49:00Say, these must be pretty good. I wonder how they taste.
00:49:03No, get away! This one's mine!
00:49:06But that fish wouldn't take no for an answer
00:49:08and finally got Finkleberry, Fisherman and all.
00:49:12Of course, our heroes were heroes all over again.
00:49:15For they are joined with the fellows, which nobody can deny.
00:49:22Of course, Angel's Cramp became famous overnight, or even sooner.
00:49:25And the more fish that were pulled out, the more money that was pulled in.
00:49:29As a result, a short time later, our heroes were in the loot-filled armored car
00:49:33heading for the Squaw's Ankle National Bank.
00:49:36They didn't know that Boris's rainmaking
00:49:39had resulted in a brand new lake being in their way.
00:49:42Now, they got to stop here, right?
00:49:45And when they do, we got them in trap, right?
00:49:48Natasha, stop arguing with me.
00:49:50Right, right.
00:49:51That's better.
00:49:52But unfortunately, when the car got to the edge of the lake,
00:49:54Bullwinkle was at the wheel, while Rocky took a short nap.
00:49:57And Bullwinkle didn't even slow down.
00:50:01That idiot drove right into the lake.
00:50:04What a fool I've been.
00:50:06Natasha, stop agreeing with me.
00:50:09What we do now, Boris?
00:50:11What else?
00:50:12We pull underwater hold-up.
00:50:14And the two villains quickly donned diving equipment and leaped into the water.
00:50:17Quickly, they caught up to the lumbering vehicle
00:50:20and started to force their way through the top of it.
00:50:22Inside, Bullwinkle was still unaware that he was traveling underwater.
00:50:26Boy, what a rainstorm.
00:50:27Better turn on the wipers.
00:50:29However, instead of turning on the windshield wiper,
00:50:31Bullwinkle punched the turret control,
00:50:33and Boris and Natasha were swept off the top as the turret turned.
00:50:36But Bullwinkle still wasn't out of the woods, or the water.
00:50:40Getting kind of stuffy in here.
00:50:42I'd better roll down a window.
00:50:44And Bullwinkle reached for the handle that would let in the lake water
00:50:47and drowned both him and Rocky.
00:50:49Don't miss our next episode,
00:50:51Underwater Trap or No Air in the Snare.
00:50:56Last time, as you remember, our story took a turn for the wet.
00:50:59For with Rocky asleep on the front seat,
00:51:01Bullwinkle drove the armored car full of money right into a lake.
00:51:04Fortunately, the car was watertight,
00:51:06and Bullwinkle thought he was just driving through a torrential rainstorm.
00:51:09Rainstorm, heck, it's a regular cloudbust.
00:51:11But at that moment, Bullwinkle passed a submerged signpost.
00:51:14Turn left. Hmm, better put off my hand.
00:51:16And the dim-witted moose reached for the crank
00:51:18that would roll down the window and drown both him and Rocky.
00:51:21Seems to be stuck.
00:51:23Hey, Rock, give us a hand here, will you?
00:51:25Well, what? Well, oh, sure, Bullwinkle.
00:51:28Bullwinkle, hokey smoke, where are we?
00:51:31It's just a little shower. Ought to clear up in a jiffy.
00:51:34Bullwinkle, don't open that window. We're underwater.
00:51:37Underwater? That's ridiculous, Rocky.
00:51:40Then look at that.
00:51:42Well, I've heard of it raining cats and dogs, but this is...
00:51:45But just then...
00:51:46Golly, what was that?
00:51:48Couldn't have been thunder, huh?
00:51:49Sounded like an explosion.
00:51:51Well, the brainy squirrel had done it again.
00:51:53For high above them on the surface of the lake,
00:51:55Boris and Natasha were blithely dropping depth charges
00:51:58on our little friend.
00:51:59One, two, three o'leary
00:52:01Four, five, six o'leary
00:52:03Seven, eight, nine o'leary
00:52:05Ten o'leary
00:52:07We can't last much longer at this rate, Bullwinkle.
00:52:10If it's gonna keep up like this, I don't know as I want to.
00:52:13It's not us I'm worried about so much.
00:52:15It's that money back there.
00:52:16I'm ashamed of you, Rocky,
00:52:18thinking about money at a time like this.
00:52:20Yeah, but it's not our money.
00:52:22That's even worse.
00:52:24We promised to get that money to the bank,
00:52:26and we gotta do it.
00:52:27From here?
00:52:28Sure. Now, here's my...
00:52:31You've heard about missiles firing submarines, haven't you?
00:52:34That me?
00:52:36A little while later,
00:52:37the cannon in the turret of the armored car
00:52:39swung straight up in the air and fired.
00:52:42Only instead of a shell,
00:52:43it fired a furry guided missile,
00:52:45Rocky the Flying Squirrel.
00:52:48And clutched in his grubby little fist
00:52:50was the box containing the money.
00:52:53Squirrel is getting away with the loot.
00:52:55After him!
00:52:56And the villain stopped tossing death charges
00:52:58and started after Rocky.
00:52:59Below them, on the lake floor,
00:53:01Bullwinkle took his fingers out of his ears and...
00:53:04I say Bullwinkle took his fingers out of his ears...
00:53:08Oh, dear.
00:53:11As I was saying,
00:53:12Bullwinkle took his fingers out of his ears
00:53:14and started the armored car forward.
00:53:17The further the heavy truck went,
00:53:18the shallower the water became,
00:53:20until, just as it caught up with Boris and Natasha,
00:53:23it emerged from the water,
00:53:24lifting their boat up on top of the turret.
00:53:26Boris, how do we get out of this mess?
00:53:29Who wants out?
00:53:30Don't we?
00:53:32Where is Moose going?
00:53:33To meet Squirrel.
00:53:34And what is Squirrel carrying?
00:53:35The money.
00:53:36Moose is taking us to the money.
00:53:38See, Natasha?
00:53:39You got to look for silver lining.
00:53:41There's a little bad in everything good that happens.
00:53:44I guess you're right, darling.
00:53:46So relax.
00:53:47You got nothing to worry about.
00:53:49But, darling, sign says low bridge ahead.
00:53:53Now you got something to worry about.
00:53:56And in a few seconds...
00:53:59Tell me again about silver lining, Boris.
00:54:02Well, we had a little setback, true?
00:54:04Too true.
00:54:05But on the other hand,
00:54:06gives me a good chance to say one of my favorite sayings.
00:54:10What is?
00:54:11Shut up your mouth!
00:54:12But if you knew Boris like I know Boris...
00:54:15Oh, oh, oh, what a schnook!'ll know that our heroes still aren't out of the woods.
00:54:19You're sarin, Boggy.
00:54:21Be sure to see our next chapter,
00:54:22Boris Bounces Back, or the Rubber Heel.
00:54:27Last time, you remember,
00:54:28Boris and Natasha attempted to hitch a ride
00:54:31in Bullwinkle's armored car,
00:54:32but got the big brush off when he went under a low bridge.
00:54:35Always something new, eh, Boris?
00:54:37Like what?
00:54:38This is first time I ever walked home from boat ride.
00:54:41Meanwhile, our heroes were just depositing the money
00:54:43in the Hog Breeders National Bank
00:54:45in Squaw's Ankle, Wyoming.
00:54:47You sure the money will be safe, Mr. Wangle?
00:54:49Safe, safe?
00:54:50Ho, ho, ho!
00:54:52Yeah, that is pretty ridicul-dockle, isn't it?
00:54:55What's so ridicul-dockle, Bullwinkle?
00:54:57I don't know, but we need every laugh we can get.
00:55:00I meant it's foolish to worry about money in this bank.
00:55:03It's one big booby trap.
00:55:05Oh, I could tell by looking at the customers.
00:55:08No, I mean when we put something in this vault,
00:55:10it's in to stay.
00:55:12Now, let's see what happens
00:55:13when somebody tries to get into the vault.
00:55:15As soon as he touches the door...
00:55:17Like this?
00:55:18An electric light flashes.
00:55:20An electric handcuff grabs his wrists.
00:55:22An electric club starts hitting him on the head.
00:55:25And an electric FBI man comes out and arrests him.
00:55:29Pretty impressive.
00:55:31What happens if the electricity goes off?
00:55:34It can't.
00:55:35The cable is armor-plated all the way out of the bank
00:55:37and out of town, clean to the main power line.
00:55:41And in a little while, Mr. Wangle and our heroes
00:55:43were standing near the main power pole
00:55:45outside Squaw's Ankle.
00:55:46Gee, I guess you've thought of everything.
00:55:48Yep, except maybe somebody cutting the main power line.
00:55:51Oh, come on, Bullwinkle.
00:55:52How could you cut the main line?
00:55:55You just climb up this pole
00:55:57and snip-snap with a pair of scissors.
00:55:58Yeah, but the electric company wouldn't let you do that.
00:56:01I'd like to see him stop me.
00:56:03Okay, you're stopped.
00:56:04Who you? Who you?
00:56:06World's most famous electric company detective.
00:56:08An electric company detective?
00:56:10What's your name?
00:56:12Sherlock Ohms.
00:56:16It's an electrical joke.
00:56:18And this is my partner, Dr. Watts.
00:56:21W-A-T-T-S, darling.
00:56:24I've seen your name on light bulbs.
00:56:26Ho, ho, ho.
00:56:28Can I get down now?
00:56:31Thanks again.
00:56:32And in a little while, our heroes were back at the bank.
00:56:35Well, looks as if everything's okay.
00:56:37We must be near the end of another story.
00:56:40Time for us to walk hand-in-hand into the sunset, huh?
00:56:43Yeah, except it's awful early in this episode.
00:56:46Early? Look, it's dark outside already.
00:56:49True enough, the sun had gone down,
00:56:51but the story seemed far from ended.
00:56:53It's only the beginning, folks.
00:56:55What's the plan, Ohms?
00:56:57It's obvious, Natasha.
00:56:59We cut line, town is blacked out.
00:57:02We sneak in, rob bank.
00:57:04But if whole town is blacked out,
00:57:06why not rob whole town?
00:57:08Natasha, I got it, I got it.
00:57:11Wait till you hear.
00:57:12What, darling?
00:57:13If whole town is blacked out,
00:57:15why not rob whole town?
00:57:17Boris, how do you get such marvelous ideas?
00:57:22Oh, they just come to me.
00:57:23Oh, I know.
00:57:25Okay, Natasha, start snipping with snippers.
00:57:27And the two villains began chopping at the main power line.
00:57:30In just a few seconds,
00:57:31all the lights in Squaw's ankle began to flicker and dim.
00:57:34Boy, my eyes hurt.
00:57:35My glasses need changing.
00:57:37You don't wear glasses, Bowinkle.
00:57:39Well, then my eyes need changing.
00:57:41And at that second, all electricity went off in Squaw's ankle,
00:57:43and the whole town lay at the mercy of Boris Baranov.
00:57:47I don't know the meaning of the word.
00:57:49It means the quality...
00:57:51Oh, never mind.
00:57:52Be with us next time for Boris Takes a Town or the Nightmare.
00:57:58Well, we always say that when better fiendish plans are made,
00:58:01Boris Baranov will make them.
00:58:03His latest was to disguise himself and Natasha
00:58:05as inspectors for the electric company.
00:58:07Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watts at your service.
00:58:10Their scheme was to rob a whole town
00:58:12by cutting the main power line leading to Squaw's ankle, Wyoming,
00:58:15and plunging the town into darkness.
00:58:17And this time, oddly enough, the scheme worked.
00:58:19Back in Squaw's ankle,
00:58:20our heroes noticed immediately that something was wrong.
00:58:23It's dark.
00:58:24Pretty shrewd.
00:58:27It did get late all of a sudden, didn't it?
00:58:29Looks like every light bulb in town went out at the same time.
00:58:32They don't make them like they used to.
00:58:34Let's go see what's the matter.
00:58:35A boy started off, but unable to see where he was going,
00:58:38Bullwinkle stumbled over a small dog
00:58:40and crashed his antler through a store window.
00:58:43Are you hurt, Bullwinkle?
00:58:45Nope, but I'm afraid I bent this window a bit.
00:58:47What's that wire around your antler?
00:58:49Oh, no.
00:58:50Leads back into the store.
00:58:52I'll light a match and hokey smoke.
00:58:54You're a little young to hokey smoke yet, Rocky.
00:58:56Bullwinkle, this is no laughing matter.
00:58:58What's it doing in the dialogue?
00:59:00Look here.
00:59:01Sure enough, that wire was part of the store's burglar alarm system.
00:59:03But just then, a familiar figure came on the scene,
00:59:05carrying a flashlight.
00:59:07Hey, it's Mr. Wangle, the bank president.
00:59:10Glad I ran into you, boys.
00:59:12You didn't. You walked into us.
00:59:13We gotta get to the bank. We're in trouble.
00:59:15They coming to look at the books?
00:59:17Even worse.
00:59:18With no electricity, our safe isn't safe anymore.
00:59:21Not even half safe?
00:59:22It won't even stay closed.
00:59:25You said it.
00:59:26Sure enough, when our friends dashed into the bank
00:59:27and shown their flashlights on the vault,
00:59:29the huge door was sagging wide open.
00:59:31Hey, this must be happening all over town.
00:59:33Golly, looks like bank night for bank robbery.
00:59:36It was true.
00:59:37The whole town lay at the mercy of anyone
00:59:39mean and dirty enough to come in and rob it.
00:59:42And you know who he means, don't you, folks?
00:59:44The two villains strolled into the lonely outskirts
00:59:46of Squaw's Ankle and headed for the first store in town,
00:59:48the Bondtown Bootery.
00:59:50Sure enough, the door swung open freely,
00:59:52no burglar alarm sounded,
00:59:53and the two villains were able to slip inside
00:59:55with no trouble at all.
00:59:57And small wonder, for the Bondtown Bootery
00:59:59had been out of business for 14 years.
01:00:01Never mind, it's good practice anyway.
01:00:03Come on.
01:00:04Meanwhile, back in the middle of town,
01:00:05our heroes were in a dimly lit billiard parlor.
01:00:08Bo Winkle, I got it.
01:00:09Eight ball in his side pocket.
01:00:10No, an idea.
01:00:12Yeah, must have got the wrong cue.
01:00:14What about our worms?
01:00:15Yeah, what about them?
01:00:16Good idea, huh?
01:00:18Yeah, uh, what about them?
01:00:21Don't you remember our herd of worms?
01:00:24What do we raise on our ranch?
01:00:28All right, if you insist, we'll flash back.
01:00:31And Rocky reminded Bo Winkle
01:00:32that when they had been herding their fishing worms underground,
01:00:35lightning had struck the herd
01:00:37and every worm had been supercharged.
01:00:39As a result, they lit up like a lot of Christmas tree lights,
01:00:42which made them very picturesque,
01:00:43but quite useless as bait.
01:00:45Oh, those worms!
01:00:47Gee, Bo Winkle, it was only two days ago.
01:00:50Well, I've slept since then.
01:00:51And where are those worms today?
01:00:53I give up.
01:00:54Now let me ask you one.
01:00:55What ever happened to Evelyn Brent?
01:00:57They're right outside in our armored car, that's where.
01:01:01Evelyn Brent?
01:01:02The worms.
01:01:04Come on, Bo Winkle,
01:01:05we're going to use them to protect the town.
01:01:07These little creeps?
01:01:08Well, if Rocky has a plan,
01:01:09he'd better put it into action quick,
01:01:11for Boris and Natasha have just turned the corner
01:01:13and are heading for the Hog Breeders' National Bank.
01:01:16Last one in to vault is Dirty No Goodnik.
01:01:19You kidding?
01:01:20I'm always Dirty No Goodnik.
01:01:22Be with us next time,
01:01:23for just Boris and me,
01:01:25or the Yag and I.
01:01:29Well, last time,
01:01:30things really looked black for our friends,
01:01:32especially when every light in Squaw's ankle went out.
01:01:35Well, now starts the fun, Natasha.
01:01:37Last one in to the bank vault is Rotten Egg.
01:01:40Of course, darling.
01:01:41But then again, so is first one.
01:01:43Bo Winkle,
01:01:44I think somebody's planning to hold up Squaw's ankle.
01:01:47Won't that make her fall down?
01:01:48I mean, they're going to rob the town in the dark.
01:01:51How do we horse that, Rock?
01:01:52How do we stop them?
01:01:53We light up the town again.
01:01:55But how, Rocky?
01:01:56With our supercharged wormherd.
01:01:58And the brave squirrel reached in the back
01:02:00of a nearby armored car
01:02:01that he and Bo Winkle happen to have.
01:02:03Doesn't everybody?
01:02:04And pulled out one of their special glowworms.
01:02:07Now if we can just get him to cooperate.
01:02:10Meanwhile, Boris and Natasha
01:02:11had reached the half-open door of the bank vault.
01:02:13It's just like taking brandy from a baby, Natasha.
01:02:17That's taking candy, darling.
01:02:19You take what you want, I take what I want.
01:02:21But at that instant...
01:02:25Boris, the town is all lit up like,
01:02:27you'll pardon the expression, Christmas tree.
01:02:30Oh, boy!
01:02:31As old Roman ancestors used to say,
01:02:33in hoc signo vincis.
01:02:36The jig is up!
01:02:38Little did Boris and Natasha know
01:02:39that those flashing lights were really
01:02:41Rocky's herd of glowworms,
01:02:43lighting up loyally
01:02:44and making the street bright as day.
01:02:46Keep at it, boys!
01:02:48Well, with their plan ruined,
01:02:49Boris and Natasha had to beat a hasty retreat.
01:02:52Squazzankle is safe at last.
01:02:54Okay, fellas, you can knock off now.
01:02:57They don't think they want to, Rock.
01:02:59It was true.
01:03:00So delighted with the glowworms with their success
01:03:02that they stayed at their post from that moment on.
01:03:04This was a boon to the citizens of Squazzankle
01:03:07for the glowworms could change positions
01:03:09in a matter of seconds.
01:03:10Thus, the same sign was able to blink
01:03:12welcome to new arrivals
01:03:13and bye-bye to those leaving town.
01:03:15When a store changed hands,
01:03:17it was a simple matter to change signs.
01:03:19And glowworms were invaluable
01:03:21at clearance sales time.
01:03:22Of course, people flocked to Squazzankle
01:03:24to see this wondrous sight.
01:03:26Thanks to Rocky and Bullwinkle,
01:03:27the town was finally on the map.
01:03:29And so as our heroes got ready to go home...
01:03:32And in gratitude, dear boy,
01:03:34we are changing the name of Squazzankle
01:03:37to Squirrelzankle.
01:03:40Everybody was delighted with the idea.
01:03:42Not quite everybody, Sonny Jim.
01:03:45Well, this is it.
01:03:46This is what, darling?
01:03:47This is end of electric power cable,
01:03:4920 million volts.
01:03:51You fasten that end to that track,
01:03:53I fasten this end to this track.
01:03:55And then train rolls over wires?
01:03:58Roast moose and squirrel freak as you see.
01:04:01Oh, how can you be so mean, darling?
01:04:04Because it'll gonna be the end
01:04:06for moose and squirrel.
01:04:08The end always justifies the mean.
01:04:11Then we can't fail this time.
01:04:13Congratulations, Boris.
01:04:15You said it, Natasha.
01:04:18Thus it was that the train bearing our heroes
01:04:21sped safely back toward Frostbite Falls.
01:04:24Gee, I sort of hate to leave the worm ranch, Bullwinkle.
01:04:28Oh, I don't know.
01:04:29I thought I was gonna be a cowboy.
01:04:32Who wants to be known as a worm boy?
01:04:34Lucky we weren't raising ducks
01:04:36to make down pillows out of.
01:04:38How come?
01:04:39Then you'd be known as a down boy.
01:04:41Pretty sneaky, Rock.
01:04:43Oh, I wouldn't say that.
01:04:44What would you say?
01:04:46I'd say it was the end.
01:04:48And so it is of this story.
01:04:50But next time we'll start a brand new bushy tale
01:04:53of Rocky the Flying Squirrel.
01:05:06Well, I guess that about wraps up another Rocky show.
01:05:09Certainly hope you enjoyed it.
01:05:11I did.
01:05:12I always say...
01:05:13Bullwinkle, time for us to go.
01:05:18But first, here are some of the people
01:05:20who made this show impossible.
01:05:43That's not all.
01:05:44The fingers get tired.
01:06:01Got away from me again.
01:06:03Well, see you next time.
01:06:05Ready, Bullwinkle?
01:06:12Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
