The Trouble with Spies (1987) Comedy Adventure

  • yesterday
A t British spy (Donald Sutherland) is sent to an island, unaware he is there to lure Soviet spies.
00:00:00Close the curtains, will you?
00:00:23The island of Ibiza, a Spanish province in the Mediterranean about 50 miles southwest
00:00:28of Majorca.
00:00:30Ibiza is not only a mecca for tourists, it's also the centre for hallucinatory drugs.
00:00:37For some time now, narcotics have been finding their way into British army bases both here
00:00:43and abroad.
00:00:45These drugs are of high quality and remarkably cheap, which seems to rule out an underworld
00:00:51Any other alternatives suggest itself?
00:00:55And, of course, the Russians trying to undermine morale and efficiency.
00:01:02That however is not our problem.
00:01:04Our problem is that we have positive proof from an agent in Ibiza that the Russians,
00:01:09using unsuspecting hippies as guinea pigs, have perfected a new truth drug to use on
00:01:16enemy agents, a drug which, when used, leaves the victim totally unaware that he's been
00:01:23given it, or any information he may have divulged while under its influence.
00:01:29We are desperate to get our hands on this drug.
00:01:33So desperate we are prepared to sacrifice a member of the services.
00:01:37A man will be sent to Ibiza on the pretext of locating a missing agent, which is in fact
00:01:43true, and the Russians will be informed.
00:01:46When they're informed, the Russians will do one of two things, either dispose of him immediately
00:01:52or they'll take him prisoner, in which case we shall move in and get the drug.
00:01:57If you're looking for a volunteer, sir?
00:01:59Thank you, Wellington.
00:02:00The man I send to Ibiza must have a romantic view of the world of espionage.
00:02:05Moreover, he must be a man who, when placed under the influence of the drug, will have
00:02:10absolutely no information to impart.
00:02:13In other words, a complete dummy.
00:02:16Appleton Porter, sir.
00:02:18Appleton Porter.
00:02:22Hold your fire!
00:02:24Hold your fire!
00:02:26What the bloody hell do you think you're doing, Porter?
00:02:34The targets are down there, not up here.
00:02:36Mud in my eye, sir.
00:02:38Mud in his eye?
00:02:40That'll be all for today, Porter.
00:02:44The old man wants to see you, Porter.
00:02:52Come in.
00:02:57You wanted to see me, sir?
00:02:59Come in, Porter.
00:03:02Yes, sir?
00:03:03You're looking a trifle thinner than when I saw you last.
00:03:06It's the camouflage, sir.
00:03:07It makes you blend into the surroundings.
00:03:09I understand.
00:03:10Sit down.
00:03:15I asked to see you because I've got an assignment for you in the field.
00:03:20The field, sir?
00:03:21Your name, until further notice, is Arnold Barker.
00:03:26I have here your passport and documents relating to your cover.
00:03:30But first I'd like to paint the picture.
00:03:32You ready to absorb?
00:03:34Yes, sir.
00:03:35You're no doubt aware that for some time the Russians have been trafficking in drugs
00:03:40to our armed forces, both here and abroad.
00:03:43No, sir.
00:03:44Well, they have been.
00:03:45The Kremlin's been at it for some time.
00:03:47The Russians have little or no trouble in obtaining the drug.
00:03:50Their problem is one of channeling it.
00:03:52The obvious solution, therefore, is to channel the drug through some recognised centre.
00:03:56One of these centres is the island of Ibiza in the Mediterranean.
00:04:00We traced one drug connection to a British-operated boarding house, the Royal Rose.
00:04:06Here the trail ended.
00:04:08We sent a man to stay as a guest at the Royal Rose.
00:04:11His cover name was George Trent.
00:04:14Two weeks ago he disappeared.
00:04:17Your job's to find out what happened.
00:04:19And the drug connection?
00:04:20If you have any illusion about scoring a starry-eyed victory
00:04:24by smashing a Soviet drug ring, forget it.
00:04:27Your job is to find George Trent.
00:04:29Nothing more, nothing less.
00:04:31The name of the operation is Cornfield.
00:04:33Be ready to leave for Ibiza in the morning.
00:04:36Yes, sir.
00:04:40May I tell you, sir, how deeply I appreciate
00:04:43the opportunity you are giving me to prove to you what I can do.
00:04:50Yes, sir.
00:04:52You've forgotten your gun.
00:04:57Do you know what I'm going to do with this gun, sir?
00:05:00I'm going to go back onto that firing range and I am going to qualify.
00:05:04Be careful with that thing.
00:05:06Oh, it's all right, sir. It's not loaded.
00:06:49No, no, no.
00:07:19You must be Mr Barker.
00:07:33Yes, I am.
00:07:34How do you do?
00:07:35How do you do?
00:07:36Welcome to Ibiza.
00:07:49In case you haven't already guessed, Mr Barker,
00:07:52the Royal Rose is within walking distance.
00:07:54Very central, as the guidebooks say.
00:07:57My name's Arnold, by the way.
00:08:00Mona Smith.
00:08:03How did you come to hear about the Royal Rose?
00:08:05A friend.
00:08:06He stayed here last spring.
00:08:09I wasn't here then.
00:08:10I've only owned the rose for six months now.
00:08:13I'm not going to tell you.
00:08:14I'm not going to tell you.
00:08:15I'm not going to tell you.
00:08:16I'm not going to tell you.
00:08:18You're the owner.
00:08:19Manager, chief cook and bottle washer.
00:08:21We have seven rooms and a staff of one.
00:08:23It's her day off.
00:08:24That makes me official greeter as well.
00:08:27My husband and I used to operate a tea shop
00:08:29in a Welsh border village.
00:08:31Your husband?
00:08:32He was killed in a train accident two years ago.
00:08:35When the insurance was finally settled,
00:08:37I came out here on holiday.
00:08:38Ended up buying the Royal Rose.
00:08:43Are you married, Arnold?
00:08:46Am I married?
00:08:48No, I'm not married.
00:08:56Are you all right?
00:08:57Yes, yes.
00:09:00He was coming straight at you.
00:09:01It almost looked deliberate.
00:09:04He would want to run me down.
00:09:06You must say you're pretty calm about it.
00:09:08I'd be shattered.
00:09:09I'm not nearly as calm as I appear to be.
00:09:12That's very honest of you.
00:09:13I like that in a man.
00:09:17Come on.
00:09:18The Royal Rose is just around the corner.
00:09:34I'll take you straight to your room.
00:09:36You can check in later after you've freshened up.
00:09:50I beg your pardon?
00:09:52Don't mind Perky.
00:09:53He calls everyone dope.
00:09:54Thinks he owns the place.
00:09:55There we are.
00:10:16Now just make yourself at home.
00:10:18Tea will be served in the patio at four.
00:10:20Give you a chance to meet the other guests.
00:10:22And Arnold?
00:10:24If there's anything you need, anything at all,
00:10:27just let me know.
00:10:29You're very kind.
00:11:24This report is in scramble mode seven.
00:11:52Operation Cornfield arrived to beat the on-schedule.
00:11:55Met at the dock by the owner-operator
00:11:57of the Royal Rose Hotel, one Mona Smith.
00:12:02Nearly run down by a black four-door Seat,
00:12:05which is the Spanish Fiat.
00:12:08Doubt foul play intended.
00:12:10A parrot named Perky yelled dope when I walked
00:12:15into the Royal Rose Hotel.
00:12:17However, I feel it was not drug-related,
00:12:20inasmuch as he apparently calls everybody dope.
00:12:24Assuming for a moment that the black Seat
00:12:28actually was trying to run me down,
00:12:31it is possible that Trent was disposed of
00:12:35by the old hit-and-run scenario.
00:12:39However, I find it impossible to believe
00:12:41that the speeding Seat was actually an attempt on my life.
00:12:45I have been in Ibiza less than an hour
00:12:47and have no reason to believe that my cover is broken
00:12:50or that my life is in any danger whatsoever.
00:14:15Oh, sorry.
00:14:17I'm Martha March.
00:14:18I work here.
00:14:19I know, Parker.
00:14:20I've just moved in.
00:14:21You haven't lost your way in this great big mansion
00:14:23of a place, have you?
00:14:25No, no.
00:14:26I wonder if you could tell me
00:14:27what does one do with a scorpion in one's room?
00:14:30Oh, that'll be tomorrow.
00:14:31It'll be day off today.
00:15:12What do you mean, two wrong halves?
00:15:15The gun was put together by an expert from the West.
00:15:19From Warsaw.
00:15:21The case is real leather.
00:15:24A speeding car that does not hit.
00:15:28A gun with halves that do not fit.
00:15:31A scorpion that forgets to bite.
00:15:34It is your brain that has two wrong halves.
00:15:37I do not have patience to listen to these idiotic excuses.
00:15:42Your orders are clear, that man has to go.
00:15:46Hit him over the head, throw him off a mountain,
00:15:49do whatever you want.
00:15:51Your job is to get rid of him, right?
00:15:54So get rid of him.
00:16:27Who is that woman?
00:16:29That is Mrs. Arkwright.
00:16:31A bit of a tyrant.
00:16:33But she does have some good points.
00:16:35One, she's got pots of money.
00:16:37Because she never spends any.
00:16:39Awful old bag.
00:16:40Stay out of her clutches, she'll pour you into your grave.
00:16:44Arnold Barker, this is Mr. Lewis.
00:16:46He's American.
00:16:47Arnold, call me Harry.
00:16:49How do you do, Harry?
00:16:50More tea, Harry?
00:16:51You don't mind if I do?
00:16:52Don't mind at all.
00:16:59Who's that gentleman behind the paper?
00:17:01That's Jason Locke.
00:17:03He's a dentist from London.
00:17:07Did you hear about the guy
00:17:09that couldn't get into the dental college?
00:17:13Didn't have any pull.
00:17:20Where do you come from, Harry?
00:17:22In the States, I mean.
00:17:31Have you been here long?
00:17:33Six weeks.
00:17:35You must be a little homesick.
00:17:38I lived in England for three years during the war.
00:17:41Sergeant Harry Lewis.
00:17:42Tail gunner.
00:17:4335 missions and not a scratch.
00:17:46I say, would you stop those horrid war stories.
00:17:50Pass me the milk.
00:17:52Oh, old bag.
00:17:55Uh, I, uh,
00:17:58I, uh, I don't think I caught your name.
00:18:03Arnold Barker.
00:18:05Alicia Arkwright.
00:18:07You're a good-looking man, Mr. Barker.
00:18:10And you're a good-looking woman, Mrs. Arkwright.
00:18:13Well, I used to be a good-looking woman.
00:18:16A knockout, as a matter of fact.
00:18:19That was a long time ago.
00:18:22Alicia, did I ever tell you I'm from Trenton?
00:18:29I have been living at the Royal Rose for 20 years.
00:18:34I've seen no less than 14 owners come and go.
00:18:38They always fail.
00:18:40Uh, retailing, is that what you do?
00:18:44No, animal husbandry.
00:18:46I'm an overseer at a government-controlled experimental farm.
00:18:49From where, Mr. Barker?
00:18:52I have a cottage in, um, Nether Weald.
00:18:56More milk?
00:18:59What the hell was that?
00:19:01A flowerpot fell off the balcony.
00:19:03It's done that before, you know.
00:19:06My God, Arnold.
00:19:08That could have knocked your brains out.
00:19:10Lived here 20 years.
00:19:12Seen that happen five times.
00:19:14Nobody's been actually hit, though.
00:19:16This, I think, is the closest call of all.
00:19:19I'm so sorry, Arnold.
00:19:20Oh, no, nonsense.
00:19:21No, accidents happen all the time.
00:19:23I think I'll go out for a little stroll.
00:19:40Again, how can you miss a large head like that
00:19:46from a height of two meters?
00:19:50And in full daylight.
00:19:53No, you idiot.
00:19:55He did not get up from the chair too early.
00:19:57You dropped the flowerpot too late.
00:20:03Of whom?
00:20:05The American?
00:20:08Oh, or that other one.
00:20:10The Englishman.
00:20:15Very good.
00:20:17Let him be suspicious.
00:20:19Throw him off.
00:20:21Throw them both off.
00:20:23Arrange it so they meet.
00:20:25Somewhere in the village, maybe, no?
00:20:28Let them have a talk.
00:20:31What do I care how you do it?
00:20:34Just do it.
00:20:35It is your job, is it not?
00:20:37Slip a knot under a door.
00:20:39Slip a knot under two doors.
00:20:41Use the good half of your brain.
00:20:50A romantic scene, Mr. Barker?
00:20:53It is indeed, Mr. Locke.
00:20:55I'm not surprised you decided to spend your retirement years here.
00:20:58I haven't. Not fully.
00:21:00I shall have to see if the winter is as damp and chilling as the locals claim.
00:21:06When do you pass your days, Mr. Locke?
00:21:09I watch the world around me.
00:21:12I study people.
00:21:15I am, if I may say so, rather perceptive.
00:21:18I try to probe beyond the facade.
00:21:22For instance, I have the feeling that there's more to your presence in the Royal Rose than meets the eye.
00:21:31What perceptions do you have of the other guests at the Royal Rose, Mrs. Arkwright, Mr. Lewis?
00:21:38Mr. Lewis?
00:21:39Ah, our American tail gunner.
00:21:42Our American tail gunner, hmm? Or so he says.
00:21:46You think he's not what he claims to be?
00:21:50More by perception than hard proof.
00:21:53But little pointers along the way have convinced me that our friend Harry is in fact a member of the CIA.
00:22:02Well, he has all the qualifications. He doesn't understand a single word of the language.
00:22:06He's absolutely no idea of the political situation in the area.
00:22:10And even if he had, he wouldn't know what side he was supposed to be on.
00:22:14I also have reason to believe that he's involved in some clandestine operation on the islands here.
00:22:22Well, you heard him yourself.
00:22:25He pointedly repeated the name of his hometown.
00:22:28Trenton. Remember?
00:22:35Vaguely, yes. I'm not sure I see what you're driving at.
00:22:38Several weeks ago, we had a guest at the Royal Rose.
00:22:41British, it seemed. A bookseller, he said. A tourist, he claimed.
00:22:46That man and Harry Lewis were very friendly.
00:22:50I'm still not with you.
00:22:52About three weeks ago, that man did a moonlight flit.
00:22:56He was here one minute, gone the next.
00:22:59His name, Mr. Barker, was George Trent.
00:23:05Now do you see?
00:23:07I see the connection between Trent and Trenton, if that's what you mean.
00:23:12I think he was testing you.
00:23:14You know, the sort of thing like spies exchanging secret passwords to identify themselves.
00:23:20Have you ever been involved with espionage, Mr. Locke?
00:23:23Oh, no, not at all.
00:23:25Must be so exciting.
00:23:28Harry Lewis with the CIA.
00:23:33What could he possibly want with me? What could he possibly think I am?
00:23:37I've no idea. As I said, I'm merely an observer.
00:23:45We'll talk again, I hope. I want to hear more about this mysterious George Trenton.
00:23:57Good night to you, Mr. Locke.
00:23:59Good night, Mr. Barker.
00:24:02Good night.
00:24:16With the exception of the scorpion, which in all probability was a deliberate attempt on my life,
00:24:21the other incidents, that is, the potted plant and the black fiat,
00:24:26could very well have been planned near misses, designed to warn me or frighten me away.
00:24:35As for Jason Locke, at first I thought him to be just a harmless old bachelor.
00:24:42But then, why did he mention George Trent's disappearance?
00:24:48And why was he following me?
00:24:51It would appear our Mr. Locke prepares some watching.
00:26:21Stick it as an autobus. Follow that bus.
00:28:22Oh, dear.
00:28:37Are you sure he followed you?
00:28:40Positive. He made a very professional job of it, I may add.
00:28:45I just can't believe he's a British agent.
00:28:48Why not?
00:28:49Well, for one thing, he's such a bloody fool.
00:28:52I don't know about that. I had quite a nice chat with him last evening.
00:28:56Very charming fellow.
00:28:58I'm not talking about charming. I'm talking about murder.
00:29:02They've already tried three times to kill him.
00:29:07You don't think that flowerpot was an accident, do you?
00:29:11But you said it had happened before.
00:29:14I didn't want him to get suspicious.
00:29:18You think anyone's told him about the sandstone pot?
00:29:22Well, I certainly hope not.
00:29:48Oh, dear.
00:30:18What is it?
00:31:18Oh, dear.
00:31:48Oh, dear.
00:32:18Oh, dear.
00:32:43Lipton's. I trust it's all right.
00:32:47Splendid. Where's Mornan?
00:32:50Oh, she'll be along. Milk or lemon?
00:33:11Her name's Maria Sola. She checked in last night.
00:33:14She's an entertainer.
00:33:23Olé! Olé! Bravo! Olé!
00:33:29I am Maria Sola.
00:33:32Arnold Barker.
00:33:33You must be North American.
00:33:35You are so very tall.
00:33:40Maria, I've been looking for you all morning.
00:33:42Why don't you join me in the bar for a spot of brandy?
00:33:44At this hour? How disgusting.
00:33:47All right.
00:33:50See you around, Arnold.
00:33:56Looks like somebody stole your thunder, Arnold.
00:33:59She's very pretty, isn't she?
00:34:01I hadn't really noticed.
00:34:03Martha said you wanted to see me about something.
00:34:06I did?
00:34:07Try to remember. I'll be right back.
00:34:12Ah, Mr. Locke.
00:34:15Good morning, Mr. Barker.
00:34:17I wanted to thank you for showing me the way to that wonderful beach yesterday.
00:34:22I have no idea what you're talking about.
00:34:24It doesn't matter.
00:34:26What does matter is that I've been giving your Mr. George Trent a lot of thought.
00:34:30I checked the register to find his whereabouts in Britain,
00:34:33and guess what?
00:34:35I can't. Possibly.
00:34:37The page that would have had his name has been torn out.
00:34:42Oh, that's most curious.
00:34:44Possibly a mistake on somebody's part.
00:34:47The plot thickens. Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Locke?
00:34:52Perhaps I'm being melodramatic.
00:34:56Would you care for some tea, Mr. Locke?
00:34:58No, thank you. No.
00:35:00I have to be on my way.
00:35:06What's the matter with Mr. Locke?
00:35:08I have no idea.
00:35:10Did you remember what you wanted to see me about?
00:35:12Yes. The Sandstone Quarry.
00:35:15Is it worth seeing?
00:35:17It's hardly a tourist attraction.
00:35:19Quite an eerie place, actually.
00:35:21I never did see what he found so interesting in it.
00:35:24George Trent.
00:35:25He was a guest who stayed here and ran off without paying his bill.
00:35:28He said he went there a lot.
00:35:30Well, then it must be worth looking at.
00:35:32Where is it?
00:35:34It's on the outskirts of town.
00:35:36One day I'll play guide and take you there.
00:35:38Why not today?
00:35:42All right.
00:36:04All right.
00:36:35They used to use the sandstone for building blocks.
00:36:39The quarry gave out 20 years ago.
00:36:41It's not a very cheerful place.
00:36:43Depends on who you're with.
00:36:45I forgot my camera. I'll be right back.
00:37:04I'm sorry.
00:37:16I'm not very good at this.
00:37:18Say cheese.
00:37:22Back up a bit.
00:37:25A bit more.
00:37:34Oh, my God, Arnold, you almost fell.
00:37:37Help me.
00:37:42It's all right, Lorna.
00:37:44It's all right.
00:38:04Don't move.
00:38:06The corner of the car in front of you has gone over the edge.
00:38:12The front wheel on this side is almost there.
00:38:16Right on the rim.
00:38:21One false move and over we go.
00:38:35It's a hundred-foot drop. I'm terrified.
00:38:38Just don't move.
00:38:54The parking brake on the Citroën Duchevaux is one of the strongest in the motoring world.
00:38:57It has to be easy to compensate for the fact that the gears are so light.
00:39:01As a matter of fact, the gears on the Duchevaux are so weak that the car cannot be started with motion.
00:39:06That is a tow or a push.
00:39:13Now, you lean forward towards me slowly.
00:39:17I'm going to open the door.
00:39:20We're going to jump.
00:39:22I'm going to sneeze.
00:39:24Pinch your nose.
00:39:26All right?
00:39:31Move this way.
00:39:34And don't let go of your nose.
00:39:41Easy does it.
00:40:24I don't believe my ears.
00:40:27The car went over a cliff, exploded, and he got back to the hotel on his own two feet?
00:40:33We are witnessing a resurrection here.
00:40:36Another Lazarus.
00:40:38All right. All right. I believe you.
00:40:42Now, listen to me carefully.
00:40:44Because of my very good nature, I'm giving you another 24 hours to dispose of him.
00:40:50Now, this is your last chance. You understand?
00:40:54And if we are about to witness another resurrection, it will be one that you will have to perform on yourself.
00:41:25A romantic spot, isn't it?
00:41:29Yes, it is.
00:41:34You, um, wanted to see me?
00:41:39I heard Mrs. Arkwright and Jason Locke talking.
00:41:43They said you were a British man.
00:41:48I heard Mrs. Arkwright and Jason Locke talking.
00:41:52They said you were a British agent.
00:41:55I did?
00:41:56I need an agent.
00:41:57You do?
00:41:58For my act.
00:41:59Flamenco, flamenco. I'm sick of flamenco.
00:42:02I'm ready for bigger things.
00:42:05I'm sure you are. I wish I was an agent, but I'm not.
00:42:14Oh, well.
00:42:17It's still a romantic spot.
00:42:19Yes, yes, it is.
00:42:22Is it like the spot Mona took you to?
00:42:25Oh, no, no.
00:42:27No, it was more like a gravel pit.
00:42:34But you must have kissed her.
00:42:39Like this?
00:42:48What's wrong?
00:42:50Someone's coming.
00:42:52A couple.
00:42:54In search of solitude.
00:42:57You see?
00:42:59A couple.
00:43:02A couple of cameras.
00:43:17A couple of cameras.
00:43:47A couple of cameras.
00:44:14Stop here.
00:44:21Stop here.
00:44:30Light me.
00:44:42I'll get out here.
00:44:44I would rather walk than ride with a madman.
00:44:50Good night.
00:45:02Operation Cornfield. Drive.
00:45:20What's wrong?
00:45:51Kill the lights.
00:45:54Or the chopper.
00:46:14Good evening, Porter.
00:46:16Good evening, sir.
00:46:18Well, get in.
00:46:19Yes, sir.
00:46:25I hope you haven't forgotten how to fly one of these things.
00:46:29Light aircraft operation being part of your basic training.
00:46:33Yes, sir. I can fly it.
00:47:09Porter, we're going backwards.
00:47:12Yes, sir. I know.
00:47:19There we are.
00:47:21Just takes a while to get the feel.
00:47:23Well, now, just circle the field
00:47:26and give me a report on the progress of your mission.
00:47:30Well, there hasn't been any progress.
00:47:34Not yet. I've only been here two days.
00:47:37I'm perfectly aware how long you've been here.
00:47:40What I want to know is if anything's happened.
00:47:42Yes, sir. But nothing leading anywhere.
00:47:45At least not as far as I can see.
00:47:47Well, tell me. Give me all of its pieces.
00:47:50Well, there's Jason Locke.
00:47:52He's a retired dentist from London.
00:47:55He seems pretty suspicious.
00:47:57But then again, they all do.
00:47:59Has there been any mention of George Fenton?
00:48:01Yes, they talk about him all the time.
00:48:03There are some who think that he skipped off in the night without paying his bill,
00:48:07and the others think that foul play was involved.
00:48:09Foul play?
00:48:10Yes, something about the sandstone quarry.
00:48:13I nearly fell in myself.
00:48:14Fell in?
00:48:15Just before my car went over the cliff.
00:48:18Am I to understand there have been attempts on your life?
00:48:21Five, including the flower pot.
00:48:23But in all honesty, I think only the scorpion in my bed
00:48:27and the two Russians trying to run me down tonight
00:48:29were the only definite thrusts in my direction.
00:48:32You better take this.
00:48:34Not exactly a cannon, but it has slight recoil.
00:48:37An 800-pound impact at 20 feet.
00:48:41Thank you, sir. Do I have to sign for it?
00:48:47Are there any further instructions?
00:48:49Yes. Stay alive.
00:48:52Good morning.
00:48:54Not so far, it hasn't been.
00:48:57Mornia was out late last night.
00:48:59Decided to sleep in.
00:49:01Leaves all the work to me.
00:49:03Slave driver, that's what she is.
00:49:05One can always quit.
00:49:08You can't.
00:49:10Beg your pardon?
00:49:11Look, Arnold, I know it's none of my business what you're up to,
00:49:14and maybe you're not up to anything,
00:49:16but I think I ought to tell you.
00:49:18Tell me what?
00:49:19I know what you really are.
00:49:21Your job.
00:49:23My job?
00:49:25When I was taking clean towels to your room yesterday,
00:49:27I found this on the floor.
00:49:30Well, you must have dropped it.
00:49:32Don't worry. I won't say anything to others.
00:49:35I'll get you breakfast, Inspector.
00:49:41Good grief, Scotland Yard.
00:49:46Oh, there you are, Arnold!
00:49:48Guess what happened?
00:49:50Old Jason Locke took off last night.
00:49:53Didn't say goodbye or go to hell.
00:49:56Probably left a bill they usually do when they sneak off.
00:49:59Mr. Locke did not sneak off.
00:50:01His bill was paid and he left his key.
00:50:03He checked out?
00:50:04Not exactly.
00:50:05But he's a grown man. He can come and go as he likes.
00:50:08He likes Ibiza.
00:50:09He was planning to spend his retirement years here.
00:50:12Apparently he changed his mind.
00:50:14Or somebody changed it for him.
00:50:17Mr. Locke did not check out of this establishment.
00:50:21His suitcases are up in the attic.
00:51:39Let's go.
00:53:09Let's go.
00:54:09Let's go.
00:55:09I'm sorry.
00:55:10I'm sorry.
00:55:11I'm sorry.
00:55:12I'm sorry.
00:55:13I'm sorry.
00:55:14I'm sorry.
00:55:15I'm sorry.
00:55:16I'm sorry.
00:55:17I'm sorry.
00:55:18I'm sorry.
00:55:19I'm sorry.
00:55:20I'm sorry.
00:55:21I'm sorry.
00:55:22I'm sorry.
00:55:23I'm sorry.
00:55:24I'm sorry.
00:55:25I'm sorry.
00:55:26I'm sorry.
00:55:27I'm sorry.
00:55:28I'm sorry.
00:55:29I'm sorry.
00:55:30I'm sorry.
00:55:31I'm sorry.
00:55:32I'm sorry.
00:55:33I'm sorry.
00:55:34I'm sorry.
00:55:35I'm sorry.
00:55:36I'm sorry.
00:55:37I'm sorry.
00:55:38I'm sorry.
00:55:39I'm sorry.
00:55:40I'm sorry.
00:55:41I'm sorry.
00:55:42I'm sorry.
00:55:43I'm sorry.
00:55:44I'm sorry.
00:55:45I'm sorry.
00:55:46I'm sorry.
00:55:47I'm sorry.
00:55:48I'm sorry.
00:55:49I'm sorry.
00:55:50I'm sorry.
00:55:51I'm sorry.
00:55:52I'm sorry.
00:55:53I'm sorry.
00:55:54I'm sorry.
00:55:55I'm sorry.
00:55:56I'm sorry.
00:55:57I'm sorry.
00:55:58I'm sorry.
00:55:59I'm sorry.
00:56:00I'm sorry.
00:56:01I'm sorry.
00:56:02I'm sorry.
00:56:03I'm sorry.
00:56:04I'm sorry.
00:56:05I'm sorry.
00:56:06I'm sorry.
00:56:28Peita, peita, peita.
00:56:30Is everything ready?
00:56:31It seems there is a disagreement
00:56:34as to who was the last
00:56:36Last to see Mr. Locke.
00:56:39I believe I was. That would have been about four o'clock.
00:56:43Four o'clock.
00:56:45And was he acting strange in any way?
00:56:48As a matter of fact he was.
00:56:50That's why I feel sure something is wrong.
00:56:53Mr. Locke was upset, which is completely out of character.
00:56:58Did you and he talk, Mrs. Arkwright?
00:57:02He said he had somewhere to go.
00:57:04I told him not to forget our chess game.
00:57:07And he said he would not be playing that evening.
00:57:13A statement that could fit with a person who is about to slip away covertly.
00:57:19He didn't slip away.
00:57:21No, I saw him after four o'clock. It must have been around six.
00:57:25Six o'clock.
00:57:27And was he upset, Mr. Lewis?
00:57:30Not a bit.
00:57:31I was in the bar. I saw him cross the lobby. Seemed fine to me.
00:57:35A man who spends half his life behind bars rarely knows what time it is.
00:57:43Behind bars?
00:57:47You have been in prison, Mr. Lewis?
00:57:49No, no, no, no. She means that I drink a lot.
00:57:54I see.
00:57:58Who have we here?
00:58:00Mr. Barker. Arnold Barker.
00:58:03Perhaps you would care to offer an opinion, Mr. Barker?
00:58:07An opinion?
00:58:09As to what happened to Mr. Locke.
00:58:11Oh, I have really no idea. I've only been here a few days and I hardly knew the man.
00:58:18Sorry, I can't help you.
00:58:21Oh, yes, you can. Go on, tell him, Arnold. Tell him who you really are.
00:58:26Oh, Mr. Barker's a detective. He's from Scotland Yard. He's got a card to prove it.
00:58:31No, no, no. It's a mistake. A joke. I have nothing to do with Scotland Yard.
00:58:36But you have an identification card. I've seen it.
00:58:39No, no. It doesn't mean anything, that card.
00:58:41I mean, you can buy them in any London joke shop.
00:58:43They sell them to the tourists by the thousand.
00:58:45They take your picture and then they put it on right while you're waiting.
00:58:48Where is this card, Mr. Barker?
00:58:50I don't think I...
00:58:52Yes, I do.
00:58:54I'm quite proud of it, actually. It looks so official. I've had a lot of fun with it.
00:58:58What I do is I leave it lying about and see the finder's reaction.
00:59:01That's how she saw it. Isn't it, Martha?
00:59:05Impersonating an officer of the law?
00:59:08No. No, no, no. Nothing like that. No. Fun. Plain fun.
00:59:14I think you had better come along to the police station, Mr. Barker.
00:59:37Excuse me for taking so long.
00:59:39Oh, perfectly all right.
00:59:41You do not, of course, have a criminal record.
00:59:44No. No, of course not. But you have to check.
00:59:47We also checked on Jason Locke.
00:59:50And I am happy to report we have found the missing gentleman.
00:59:53Oh, good. I'm delighted.
00:59:55He is at the Sacred Heart Clinic with a head wound.
00:59:58It would appear he fell into a sandstone pit.
01:00:03It is a common accident here for the tourists.
01:00:05How is it? How curious.
01:00:07If indeed it was an accident.
01:00:10Is Mr. Locke suggesting that he was attacked?
01:00:13Mr. Locke is unable to claim anything at the moment. He is still unconscious.
01:00:17When he comes to, possibly he can tell us how he landed in the pit.
01:00:21And what kind of magic he used to get himself from the sandstone quarry to the clinic.
01:00:31But perhaps you have the answer to that question already.
01:00:39This is yours.
01:00:41Aren't they fun?
01:00:42Descartes, as you very well know, is genuine.
01:00:45You have been cleared by Scotland Yard.
01:00:48Good day, Detective Inspector Barker.
01:00:54Good day, Captain. Thank you.
01:00:59Hang on! This way! Take Father!
01:01:02He's in the clinic with a battered head!
01:01:04I was right, foul play!
01:01:06What happened between you and the cops?
01:01:08Well, they checked with London and found out I was telling the truth about the Scotland Yard card.
01:01:11Oh, I feel such a fool.
01:01:13It's my fault. I should have told you straight off it was a joke.
01:01:16Poor Mr. Locke. Get in the car.
01:01:18I'm sorry.
01:01:20I'm sorry.
01:01:22I'm sorry.
01:01:24I'm sorry.
01:01:26I'm sorry.
01:01:28I'm sorry.
01:01:30I'm sorry.
01:01:32I'm sorry.
01:01:34I'm sorry.
01:01:36I'm sorry.
01:01:38That was a good joke.
01:01:39Poor Mr. Locke. Getting hit over the head is no joke.
01:01:43When he wakes up, somebody is going to be in a lot of trouble.
01:01:45Attempted murder. That's what I call it!
01:01:47It's not our problem, okay?
01:01:49I could use a drink.
01:01:50I think we all could.
01:01:54Come on.
01:01:55I'll buy you another one.
01:01:56A toast to every injured person in the world.
01:02:00To the injured!
01:02:02And the queen!
01:02:04The queen!
01:02:06Hey, did you hear the one about the guy who was at death's door
01:02:08and the doctor trying to pull him through?
01:02:13He heard it.
01:02:14Let me tell you what happened to me at the police station, Mona.
01:02:18You already did. Twice.
01:02:20I did?
01:02:21Then I'm drunk.
01:02:22And I must be on my way.
01:02:26Hey, Arnold, do the police have any idea
01:02:29who may have smashed old Jason over there?
01:02:31They did not, and they did not have any idea
01:02:34who took him from the sandstone pit to the clinic.
01:02:38Isn't that right, Maria?
01:02:42I wouldn't know.
01:02:43No, of course you wouldn't.
01:02:45How did you...
01:02:47How did I what?
01:02:48Know what happened.
01:02:50No, the captain told me.
01:02:52But if Mr. Locke was unconscious when he arrived at the clinic
01:02:56and is still unconscious,
01:02:58how did they know he was brought from the quarry?
01:03:04My dearest Watson.
01:03:07His shoes are covered with sandstone.
01:03:10That's not a little complicated to me.
01:03:12Why don't we all just wait until old Jason wakes up
01:03:14and ask him what the hell happened?
01:03:17That's the first intelligent thing I ever heard you say, Harry Lewis.
01:03:22Thank you, ma'am.
01:03:23Well, now, if you'll excuse me,
01:03:25I'll go and water my geraniums.
01:03:27Good night, all.
01:03:28Good night, all.
01:03:30Good night.
01:03:47His hand was shaking.
01:03:48And the doctor said...
01:03:52Do you drink a lot in here, Senor?
01:03:55I so must do.
01:04:02I'll wait for you right here.
01:04:52Good grief.
01:05:22Help me!
01:05:24Help me!
01:05:52Get in there! Get in there!
01:06:00Jump, Arnold!
01:06:02Jump! Jump, Arnold!
01:06:16Arnold, you all right?
01:06:19Be a good fellow and take care of Perky, will you?
01:06:22Arnold! Arnold!
01:06:24Hey, Arnold!
01:07:26Sit down.
01:07:33Sit down.
01:07:47Sit down.
01:07:52Sit down.
01:07:58Sit down.
01:08:05All I want to do is get out of that house.
01:08:07Don't ask me why.
01:08:09I just think that the answer to all my problems is in there.
01:08:12Do you understand?
01:08:16My name is Arnold.
01:08:18It isn't, really.
01:08:21That's not important.
01:08:23What's important is that I get into that house.
01:08:26This is my first mission,
01:08:28and I'm not doing very well.
01:08:30And I may never get another chance if I follow this up.
01:08:34Not ever.
01:08:37We're gonna be friends, aren't we?
01:08:39We're gonna be friends?
01:08:41Oh, we're gonna be good friends, aren't we?
01:08:45Now, I don't know your name,
01:08:47so I should give you a name.
01:08:50Okay. Bruce.
01:08:52You wanna come for a stroll with me, Bruce?
01:08:54Okay. Come on. Let's go.
01:08:56Come on, buddy. Come on. Come on.
01:08:58Good boy.
01:10:18What on earth are you doing here?
01:10:20Are you all right?
01:10:22Yes, sir.
01:10:24Allow me to present Agent 11.
01:10:29I-I thought you were being held prisoner.
01:10:31And you wanted to save me?
01:10:33Oh, that was most considerate of you.
01:10:35I'm sure you could have found some other way
01:10:37of achieving your objective.
01:10:39But now that you're here,
01:10:41I may as well fill you in on what's been happening.
01:10:43Won't you sit down?
01:10:45Yes, sir.
01:10:50Now to the nub.
01:10:52George Trent.
01:10:54We didn't know who'd handled him,
01:10:56so we sent you to find out.
01:10:58That much you're aware of?
01:11:00Yes, sir.
01:11:02What you're not aware of, of course,
01:11:04is the real reason you were sent here.
01:11:06It's sometimes referred to in the trade
01:11:08as an invitation waltz.
01:11:10In other words,
01:11:12the best way to get a man to remove his mask
01:11:14is to take off one's own.
01:11:16So it was decided to let the villain
01:11:18know you were coming and why.
01:11:22Yes, sir.
01:11:24You left a few gaps in your briefing.
01:11:26Why you were staying at the Royal Rose,
01:11:28for instance.
01:11:30You would have to rely on invention.
01:11:32Hopefully, your lies will be seen through.
01:11:36Yes, you will be taken as a friend
01:11:38of George Trent's,
01:11:40investigating his disappearance,
01:11:42or alternatively, a policeman doing the same.
01:11:44So an invitation identity card
01:11:46was placed in your room
01:11:48saying that you were from Scotland Yard.
01:11:50Invitation Scotland Yard
01:11:52cleared it as genuine.
01:11:54Well, they were doing us a favor.
01:11:56We've done them so many.
01:11:58So what you were using
01:12:00was the white hunter scenario,
01:12:02the goat to catch the tiger.
01:12:04The goat is tied in a clearing surrounded by pits
01:12:06and the tiger falls into one of those pits
01:12:08when he is attracted by the bleating of the goat.
01:12:12You were the bait.
01:12:14Is this it? So often the tiger
01:12:16avoids the pits and kills the goat.
01:12:18There was a chance we had to take.
01:12:24Very good question. Be answered in due course.
01:12:26Ah, Teague.
01:12:28You're probably curious
01:12:30about Jason Locke's involvement in all this.
01:12:32He's as harmless as old Mrs. Arkwright
01:12:34or that colonial fellow.
01:12:36What was his name?
01:12:38Harry Lewis.
01:12:40Quite so, yes.
01:12:42Two sugars, isn't it?
01:12:44Yes, please, Maria. I'll call you that if you don't mind.
01:12:46Maria Sola.
01:12:48I rather like the name, actually.
01:12:50As I was saying,
01:12:52Jason Locke came into it by chance.
01:12:54A note telling you
01:12:56to go to the stone quarry
01:12:58the night before last
01:13:00was placed under his door instead of yours.
01:13:02So he took a taxi
01:13:04and when he got there he was mistaken
01:13:06for one of your friends,
01:13:08dashed over the head and left for dead.
01:13:10The rest you know.
01:13:12Well, of course, what you don't know
01:13:14is that we made a telephone call late last night
01:13:16to the Royal Rose
01:13:18and Mr. Locke had recovered consciousness
01:13:20and wanted to tell you who'd attacked him.
01:13:22So the woman got you drunk,
01:13:24the woman locked you in the attic
01:13:26and set fire to the building.
01:13:28She was on her way to the clinic
01:13:30to deal with Mr. Locke
01:13:32when we apprehended her
01:13:34and took her into custody.
01:13:36Yes, the villain is a lady.
01:13:38Bring her in, will you?
01:13:40Yes, sir.
01:13:42By the way,
01:13:44we in the service don't want the Russians
01:13:46to know that we're involved in this.
01:13:48So if you open your mouth
01:13:50during the next interview,
01:13:52you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
01:13:58Come along, come along, get yourself in here.
01:14:00We haven't got all night.
01:14:02What is all this?
01:14:04Going to play it that way, are we?
01:14:06Sit down.
01:14:08Sit down.
01:14:14You know who we are?
01:14:16Maybe you think
01:14:18we don't know who you are.
01:14:20I don't understand you, not in the least.
01:14:22To show you what a sweet guy I am,
01:14:24I'll play it your way.
01:14:26I'll spill it out for you.
01:14:28We're businessmen.
01:14:30We operate all over Europe.
01:14:32Multinational corporation,
01:14:34you might call us,
01:14:36but we don't have no offices,
01:14:38we don't keep no books.
01:14:40You won't find us listed on the stock exchange.
01:14:42Now I'll do a bit more spilling for you,
01:14:44just in case you've forgotten
01:14:46who you are.
01:14:48You're a Ruskie.
01:14:50You work for Moscow.
01:14:54I don't know what you're talking about.
01:14:56I'm talking about acid, coke, horse.
01:14:58That's the lovely bit of stuff
01:15:00you people are running.
01:15:02That's why we're going to take over the operation.
01:15:04First we have to know the name of the incoming connection.
01:15:06Once we know the supplier,
01:15:08he'll switch to us.
01:15:10Money talks.
01:15:12If it doesn't, we use muscle.
01:15:14I think you're with me now.
01:15:16Not at all.
01:15:18Oh, come on, lady.
01:15:20We know all about you.
01:15:22You gave yourself away from the start, didn't you?
01:15:24The car pushing Arnold a little bit too hard
01:15:26so it missed him.
01:15:28Scorpion, the flowerpot,
01:15:30and all the rest.
01:15:32The last bit, getting him drunk,
01:15:34locking him into the attic,
01:15:36setting fire to the building.
01:15:40I can still smell
01:15:42the petrol on you.
01:15:44I was filling up my lighter
01:15:46and I spilled fluid on myself.
01:15:48Of course you did. Me, I'll believe anything.
01:15:50There's a man standing in the doorway
01:15:52who won't.
01:15:54George Trent.
01:15:56You hit him over the head
01:15:58in the sandstone quarry,
01:16:00Jason Locke.
01:16:02Hello, Mona.
01:16:04That'll be all, George.
01:16:10Well, now we've got that settled,
01:16:12I don't think we need waste
01:16:14any more time.
01:16:16We can make you
01:16:18talk, you know.
01:16:24I'll tell you what I'm going to do
01:16:26just to show you what a sweet
01:16:28guy I am.
01:16:30I'm going to let Arnold talk to you alone.
01:16:32Maybe he can make you see the light.
01:16:34If that doesn't work,
01:16:36too bad.
01:16:38You know what I'm going to say? I haven't tried.
01:16:40Like I said,
01:16:42I'm a very sweet guy.
01:16:56Why don't you just tell him?
01:16:58I can't.
01:17:00It wouldn't be right.
01:17:02I've made such a mess of things.
01:17:04We all make mistakes.
01:17:06I'm sorry, you know.
01:17:08And I'm glad I failed.
01:17:10So am I.
01:17:12I do admit
01:17:14sometimes it was stupidity,
01:17:16like the car.
01:17:18I was the one who moved
01:17:20along from the edge of the cliff.
01:17:22Then I forgot and got in with you.
01:17:24That wasn't
01:17:26very smart, I'm afraid.
01:17:30But like I said, mostly it was because my heart
01:17:32wasn't in it.
01:17:34This was my first field assignment
01:17:36before they just used me as a courier.
01:17:38The only reason they gave me this job
01:17:40was because all the good agents were busy.
01:17:42You see,
01:17:44I've never touched the top in anything.
01:17:46Neither have I.
01:17:48Complete dummy, you might say.
01:17:54I actually hate this work.
01:17:56I wouldn't do anything to harm my country
01:17:58or the service. I just hate it.
01:18:00But they won't allow you to quit.
01:18:02And once I'm back behind the Iron Curtain,
01:18:04I'll never get out again.
01:18:06I'll be doomed to Moscow
01:18:08and cold feet for the rest of my life.
01:18:12You'll be coming back soon.
01:18:16I don't think I could stand torture.
01:18:18I'm not terribly brave.
01:18:22I suppose I'll tell him everything he wants to know.
01:18:24Even about the drug.
01:18:26The drug?
01:18:28The one when given to a secret agent
01:18:30makes them tell everything they know.
01:18:32The one you were sent here to find.
01:18:34I was sent to find?
01:18:36We were tipped by British Intelligence
01:18:38that you were coming.
01:18:40That's why it was decided to do away with you.
01:18:44Son of a bitch.
01:18:46That's the code name of the agent who leaked the information.
01:18:50Angus Watkins.
01:18:54Can you fly a helicopter?
01:18:56Of course. Part of my basic training.
01:18:58Not so.
01:19:00Spies can do anything,
01:19:02including getting you out of here.
01:19:04Come on.
01:19:06No, I can't let you do it.
01:19:08If you help me, you'll be ruined.
01:19:10Let me worry about that, all right? Let's go.
01:19:14Look, remember me? I'm the guy you tried to kill five times.
01:19:16Then why?
01:19:20You'd do the same for me
01:19:22if it was the other way around, okay?
01:19:26It's okay. He's a friend of mine.
01:20:04Come on.
01:20:30Ready to absorb?
01:20:32We're going to fly to Majorca.
01:20:34Once you're there, take a boat and double back to the mainland.
01:20:36Go to a town called Benidorm on the Costa del Sol.
01:20:38It's not only paradise,
01:20:40it's the melting pot of every nationality in Europe.
01:20:42You can get lost there, take a new identity,
01:20:44start over again, they'll never find you.
01:20:46I've often thought about doing it myself.
01:20:48Helping me like this, how will you get away with it?
01:20:50Tell them you got me in a judo hold
01:20:52and took my gun away.
01:20:54Do you have a gun?
01:20:56Yeah. Yeah, it's here somewhere.
01:20:58Here it is.
01:21:00I'll just load it.
01:21:02I don't like guns.
01:21:04I know, neither do I.
01:21:06Did anyone ever tell you
01:21:08you're a wonderful man?
01:21:12There you are.
01:21:16Do you think they'll follow us?
01:21:20I know they will.
01:21:22Hold on.
01:21:30Come on.
01:21:52Good luck.
01:21:54I love you.
01:22:18Like I said,
01:22:20a complete dummy!
01:22:44And in conclusion,
01:22:46I can only say
01:22:48Operation Cornfield was a complete failure.
01:22:50The only good thing is
01:22:52it will go down against Appleton Porter's record,
01:22:54not mine.
01:22:56As for Appleton,
01:22:58I hoped the right man for the job.
01:23:00Only a dummy like Porter
01:23:02could have got that woman
01:23:04out of our hands and back to Moscow
01:23:06without her ever knowing what we were really after.
01:23:08For our part,
01:23:10we hired a guard dog,
01:23:12suitably useless
01:23:14so as not to scare off Porter.
01:23:16We took the ruthless line
01:23:18and threatened torture
01:23:20and also made sure that Porter knew
01:23:22where the helicopter was for the escape.
01:23:24Poor Porter.
01:23:26I'm afraid he took his failure rather badly.
01:23:28He asked for leave,
01:23:30which was granted.
01:23:32Though why on earth he would want to go
01:23:34to a place called Benidorm?
01:23:36God alone knows.
01:23:40And in conclusion,
01:23:42I am pleased to report
01:23:44that Operation Cornfield was a complete failure.
01:23:46We were correct
01:23:48in giving this assignment
01:23:50to the young female agent
01:23:52Mona Kuznetsova.
01:23:54It was established beforehand
01:23:56that she was properly vulnerable,
01:23:58properly inexperienced
01:24:00and was basically
01:24:02incapable of killing a man
01:24:04and an attractive western man
01:24:06at that.
01:24:08Our agents on Ibiza
01:24:10were certain she would have soon
01:24:12defected anyway.
01:24:16As for the so-called backup team,
01:24:18it consisted of
01:24:20two rather sluggish men,
01:24:22especially chosen for the purpose.
01:24:24They were given
01:24:26unmatching rifle parts
01:24:28and a faulty Spanish car,
01:24:30typical example of
01:24:32western technology.
01:24:34As a result,
01:24:36the Englishman Porter managed
01:24:38to escape every time,
01:24:40thereby denying the British
01:24:42the one thing they wanted most,
01:24:44a confrontation
01:24:46and a chance
01:24:48to learn the nature of the drug.
01:24:50In a way,
01:24:52I'm sorry for the Englishman Porter.
01:24:54He faces
01:24:56severe punishment for not
01:24:58allowing himself to be killed.
01:25:02Mona Kuznetsova is now somewhere
01:25:04in the West, no doubt fearing
01:25:06for her life.
01:25:08She is not aware of the fact that we do not
01:25:10intend to bother her in any way.
01:25:12Our organization
01:25:14is better off without her.
01:25:16This is Colonel Novikov.
01:25:18End of report.
01:25:48I think it's time
01:25:50to steal away now.