TV Star Sister Moves In & Regular Life Moves Out

  • 2 days ago
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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi, I'm Olivia, and this is my story about living with a literal devil.
00:04Before I continue, please like and subscribe.
00:06Ever since I was a kid, I've been obsessed with space, the planets, and the stars.
00:10When I was 10, I painted the Milky Way all over my bedroom walls.
00:13Look, Mom, doesn't it look amazing?
00:15Ew, it looks like a bird pooped all over a blue wall.
00:18You're such a geek.
00:19At least it's better than having a pea-sized brain.
00:22You take that back!
00:23Evelyn pounced on me, and the two of us fought like wild pigs till Mom separated us.
00:28In case you're wondering who Evelyn is, she's my sister, a monster, a witch, and a literal devil.
00:33Did I say that already?
00:34Even though she's two years older, we're in the same class because Evelyn failed the second grade twice,
00:39and I never let her forget that.
00:41Nor did Dad.
00:42He was a world-renowned mathematician and tried his best to make Evelyn smarter,
00:46but it was mission impossible.
00:48Give me three examples of solid, liquid, and gas states.
00:51Poop, pee, fart.
00:52Nailed it!
00:53See what I mean?
00:54I, on the other hand, was a brilliant student, always making Dad proud.
00:57Evelyn and I never got along, but things got worse when Mom started dragging her off to beauty pageants and acting classes.
01:03And at 13, she got the lead on a hit TV show.
01:06Evelyn became famous overnight and turned into a self-absorbed diva.
01:10Even at school, she constantly threw tantrums and treated everyone like her personal assistant.
01:15This milkshake is trash.
01:17I said no sugar.
01:18Get me a new one.
01:19Are you going to a hideous skirt convention after school?
01:22Have fun, but do my homework before you leave.
01:24She was horrible, but people still loved her because she was famous.
01:28She had no time to study and failed more classes, which made Dad madder at Mom.
01:32Evelyn's on a mission to destroy her own future, and it's your fault for pushing her into this stupid career.
01:37But she's good at what she does.
01:38Not many girls her age are this famous.
01:40And once her looks are gone, what will she have to fall back on?
01:43Pull her out of this glam business before she becomes a total lost cause.
01:47The more Dad tried getting Evelyn to study, the more rebellious she got, until eventually he gave up.
01:52On my 15th birthday, Dad got me a top-of-the-line telescope.
01:56And I wanted to test it out immediately, so I rushed to the rooftop.
01:59As I was setting it up, I saw someone lurking in the shadows.
02:02I immediately picked up a broom lying nearby.
02:04Whoever you are, know that I'm armed and I can do some serious damage!
02:08Just then a boy my age appeared and I smacked his face with the broom and he fell down.
02:12Who are you? What do you want?
02:14I, uh, I'm Nolan, your new neighbor.
02:16I come in peace.
02:17I just wanted to watch this meteor shower.
02:19Don't you have a roof at your house?
02:21The view here is much better.
02:22Oh wow, how cool is that telescope? Can I see it?
02:25Nolan and I quickly became friends.
02:27He was a space nerd like me, not to mention a total hottie.
02:31We hung out every day for hours and maybe I even developed a teeny tiny crush on Nolan.
02:36Then one time, Nolan and I were chilling in our front lawn when Evelyn showed up,
02:40threw a drink in Nolan's face and shoved me into the mud.
02:43Evelyn, have you lost your mind?
02:45Shut up, Quasimodo.
02:46My mind is just fine.
02:47It's that jerk that's gone crazy.
02:49He is blind and dumb as a rock and I don't like his stupid face.
02:53Evelyn ran away and I was totally confused until Nolan explained.
02:56I saw your sister yesterday at the mall.
02:58She spoke to me for a bit and then asked me out.
03:00She did what?
03:02Yeah, but I told her I wasn't interested.
03:04I think that's why she's acting out.
03:06Evelyn was never pleasant to me, but this time she'd gone too far.
03:09I went in to confront her, but mom stopped me.
03:12Sweetie, please.
03:13Evelyn told me about how she behaved.
03:14She just had a really tough day.
03:16Give her a break.
03:16She'll be better tomorrow, I promise.
03:18Mom shoved a hundred dollar bill in my hand and walked away.
03:21And after that day, Evelyn just got worse.
03:23Every time Nolan came to visit, Evelyn would interrupt our conversations,
03:27spill drinks on our clothes, throw things in our face,
03:29and if nothing worked, she'd start screaming the lines from her show.
03:33What? I'm giving you guys a private show.
03:35Enjoy it.
03:36I wanted to slap Evelyn hard, but mom always threw herself between us
03:40and gave me some stupid excuse for Evelyn's behavior.
03:43But things really hit the roof when the school year ended
03:45and my parents threw me a huge party for acing my exams.
03:48I was getting ready when Evelyn walked in.
03:50You should be in jail for wearing that dress.
03:52What do you want?
03:53To save you from ruining my reputation.
03:55Please let me pick something nice for you and fix your hair.
03:58And why would I take your help?
03:59Because you like Nolan and you want him to notice you.
04:02And I know exactly how you can do that.
04:04Okay, you have my attention.
04:06Perfect, let's give you a makeover.
04:08I was confused by her change in attitude, but she did have good taste,
04:11so I went along.
04:12She pulled out a curling iron and was working on my hair
04:15when suddenly I smelled smoke.
04:17I ran a hand through my hair and half of it fell off.
04:20Oops, maybe I used too much heat.
04:23I screamed, cried, and ran around the room.
04:26Mom came running, and when she realized what had happened,
04:28she quickly started doing damage control.
04:30She cut off the rest of my hair to make it even,
04:33but I looked like a walking conehead.
04:35I was so embarrassed when I walked down the stairs,
04:38even my dog didn't recognize me.
04:40Just then I caught Evelyn in the corner with this weird grin on her face
04:43and I grabbed her by the hair.
04:45You did it on purpose, didn't you?
04:46Olivia, leave me alone.
04:48What are you doing?
04:49I lunged at her and we got into a huge fight.
04:52The party was an epic fail,
04:53and Evelyn tried apologizing to me after.
04:55But of course, she didn't mean it.
04:57I refused to listen to a word.
04:59And after that, I stopped talking to her altogether
05:01and avoided her like the plague.
05:03Thank God I had Nolan as a great distraction.
05:06In 12th grade, I started a summer internship at an observatory.
05:09On the first day, all the new interns were paired up with lab partners
05:12to tackle research projects,
05:13and the best one would be published in a super fancy science paper.
05:16I was partnered with a boy named Aaron.
05:18I think we're gonna ace this research,
05:20because your mind is out of this world.
05:21Get it? Out of this world? Like aliens?
05:24That was pretty lame, right?
05:25I've heard worse.
05:26Aaron was smart, and together we were the best team.
05:29But writing a research paper was a lot of work,
05:31and I wasn't able to spend much time with Nolan.
05:34The night before we had to submit the research,
05:36Aaron and I were going over last-minute changes,
05:38and it was late by the time I got home.
05:40Even my phone had died, and when I recharged it,
05:42I saw Nolan had called and texted me a lot.
05:45That's when it hit me.
05:46It was Nolan's birthday,
05:48and we were supposed to meet at a restaurant hours earlier.
05:50I called him immediately,
05:52but he ignored my calls, so I went to his place.
05:54I'm the worst friend ever. I'm so sorry.
05:57I waited all night like a loser.
05:59Aaron had some important stuff to discuss about the research.
06:02Oh, Aaron had important stuff to discuss,
06:04so you forgot my birthday?
06:06Hope you two had a good time.
06:07Then Nolan just slammed the door in my face.
06:10Feeling bummed, I walked back to my house
06:12and bumped right into Evelyn.
06:13Wow, you look like you've eaten a thousand chilies.
06:16Have you been crying?
06:17Want to talk about it?
06:18Stuff your face with ice cream?
06:19It'll make you feel better.
06:20Just leave me alone, Evelyn.
06:22I spent the next week trying to make it right with Nolan,
06:24but he was still distant.
06:26Soon I got some really good news.
06:27Our research paper had won.
06:29Aaron and I decided to have a party
06:30at the observatory to celebrate,
06:32and thankfully, Nolan accepted my invitation.
06:34Even my parents and Evelyn showed up.
06:36Everything was going great till Nolan left to get some drinks,
06:39and then Aaron walked up to me, pulled me in,
06:41and kissed me on the lips.
06:44What are you doing?
06:46Your sister told me you liked me,
06:47but were too shy to ask me out.
06:49Before I could react, I saw Nolan staring
06:51at us from across the room.
06:52He turned to leave, but I caught up with him.
06:54Where are you going?
06:55Back home.
06:56You have Aaron to keep you company.
06:58You don't need me.
06:59Nolan, you've got it all wrong.
07:01I'm not an idiot, Olivia.
07:02I saw you two kissing, and I get it.
07:05You like him, and that's fine.
07:06It's not like you and I are together.
07:08I just need to go.
07:09Nolan left, and after that, he refused
07:11to take my calls or see me.
07:13I was so mad at Evelyn, I wanted to throw her in a shredder.
07:17When I got home, she and mom had already
07:18left for Paris for a photo shoot.
07:21The last couple of weeks of the internship with Aaron
07:23were awkward, and we didn't keep in touch after.
07:25But to my dismay, Nolan now had a girlfriend
07:28that Evelyn never failed to rub in my face.
07:30I caught the two of them making out last night
07:32on the roof.
07:33Oh, such cuties.
07:34Look, I even clicked a picture.
07:35You're sick, Evelyn.
07:37First, you lied to Aaron that I liked him
07:39and drove Nolan away, and now you're
07:40rubbing his new girlfriend in my face?
07:42I didn't drive anyone away.
07:44Nolan was just way out of your league anyway,
07:46says the girl he rejected on her face.
07:48That's just because he has bad taste.
07:50Not bad enough to date you, but still bad.
07:53Anyway, I have a shoot tomorrow, and I need my beauty sleep.
07:56But the next morning, I woke up to Evelyn
07:57screaming like a maniac.
07:59One of her co-stars claimed that during their time
08:01together on set, Evelyn swapped her shampoo
08:04bottle with hair remover.
08:05Another colleague said Evelyn spiked her food
08:07with chili powder, making her sick
08:09and miss a huge audition.
08:10The whole media was exploding with hatred for Evelyn.
08:13And of course, she denied it.
08:15How dare they?
08:16I never did any of that.
08:18Why are they lying?
08:19But no matter what she said, Evelyn's reputation
08:22was done for.
08:23She got kicked out of her show, and no one
08:24wanted to work with her.
08:26She was devastated and hardly left her room.
08:28Even though I knew Evelyn deserved it,
08:30I kind of felt bad for her.
08:31Then one night, I was walking back home by myself
08:34after watching a vampire movie with some friends,
08:36when suddenly I heard some rustling behind me.
08:38I turned around to look, and I saw a white figure
08:40hovering in the air.
08:42I panicked and ran for my life and crashed right into Nolan.
08:45Ollie, are you OK?
08:46A ghost.
08:47There's a ghost following me.
08:49It's here to skin me alive and drink my blood.
08:51You mean that trash bag?
08:52I turned around and saw that it was indeed
08:55a large white trash bag flying around in the breeze.
08:58And the two of us started laughing like crazy.
09:00We decided to get some coffee, and it felt great
09:02reconnecting with him.
09:04So how's the girlfriend?
09:06We broke up.
09:07And Erin?
09:08We don't talk anymore.
09:09Nolan, that kiss with Erin.
09:10You don't owe me an explanation, Ollie.
09:12It's not like we were together then.
09:14But we can be now.
09:15I've always liked you, Ollie.
09:17You think we can give us a shot?
09:18I think I'd really like that.
09:20For our first official date, Nolan
09:22made reservations at a really fancy restaurant.
09:24My parents were out of town for a wedding,
09:26and I'd left Evelyn sulking alone at home.
09:28But halfway through dinner, I suddenly
09:29got a call from the police.
09:31Apparently, someone had broken into our house,
09:33smashed things, and attacked Evelyn.
09:35Nolan and I rushed and saw her covered in bruises,
09:39The police then showed us the neighbor's security camera
09:41that caught a weird creature running out of our house.
09:44Is that an alien?
09:47We didn't have time to go through every detail
09:49and rushed Evelyn to the hospital.
09:50Doctors told us that her injuries weren't serious,
09:53but she needed rest.
09:54But the news that Evelyn was attacked by an alien
09:56was spreading like wildfire.
09:58After that, a dozen reporters showed up at our house
10:00to interview her.
10:01How did the alien look?
10:02Did he walk or fly?
10:04It was an alien?
10:05I'm not sure.
10:06I can't remember what happened.
10:07She's in shock.
10:08Poor baby.
10:09Maybe you guys can come back later.
10:10With all these stupid theories floating around,
10:12Evelyn's popularity was rising by the minute.
10:15She was on all the talk shows and getting interviewed
10:17by famous magazines.
10:18And mom accompanied her everywhere.
10:20At first, she had said she didn't remember anything,
10:22but now she was making up bizarre stories.
10:24So this was a big creature.
10:26And at first, I was really scared.
10:28But then I remembered my jujitsu training,
10:30and I conquered my fear and fought with that thing.
10:32Let me show you.
10:35Soon, she was being lauded as a hero
10:37and even landed a major role in an alien movie.
10:40But I could tell something didn't sound right.
10:42Maybe she's telling the truth.
10:44You know, there's been news of possible alien sightings
10:46around this area for months.
10:47And well, I believe in aliens, kind of.
10:50Yeah, me too.
10:51But she's literally changed her story 100 times.
10:54Her fans might be stupid, but I'm not.
10:56I just know she's lying.
10:57I decided to do my own investigation
10:59and snuck into Evelyn's room.
11:01I searched everywhere, but then I found something
11:03hidden under a loose floorboard, a box with a baseball bat,
11:07and an alien costume.
11:08Armed with the evidence, I confronted Evelyn.
11:11What's this?
11:11A bad Halloween costume.
11:13I found this in your room, Evelyn.
11:14You lied to the whole world about getting
11:16attacked by an alien.
11:17But it was you, wasn't it?
11:19Am I supposed to tell you that when I don't
11:21know what happened either?
11:22Drop the act, or I swear I will go to the paparazzi
11:25outside and tell them that you faked the alien
11:27attack to get publicity.
11:28I turned to leave, but Evelyn grabbed my hand
11:30and started crying.
11:31I swear, I don't know what actually happened that night.
11:35I've been having blackouts for years, Ollie,
11:37ever since I started acting.
11:38I know that it was wrong to lie about this alien attack,
11:41but my career was tanking.
11:42I saw an opportunity and took it.
11:44And if you spill the truth now, my career will be over.
11:47And how am I supposed to believe you now,
11:49since you've lied about everything else?
11:51Because it's the truth.
11:52Mom went inside her room and came out
11:54with a medical report that mentioned
11:56Evelyn had dissociative personality disorder.
11:58The report said that Evelyn had created a second persona
12:01who was perfect at her job, ruthless to everyone
12:04she thought of as competition, and triggered
12:06when she felt rejected or sad.
12:08Since when have you known this?
12:10Since Evelyn's co-stars accused her
12:11of tampering with her shampoo.
12:12I knew something was wrong ever since we started working,
12:15but I assumed it was stress.
12:16But then this news about her colleagues broke out,
12:18and she lost all her work.
12:20When she pulled off that alien stunt,
12:21I realized that this could be an opportunity
12:23to regain popularity.
12:25So I asked her to lie to the public.
12:27I know it was wrong, and I'm sorry.
12:28I can't believe you kept this from us, Mom.
12:31Why would you do something so horrible?
12:32I have always just wanted Evelyn to be successful,
12:35and to prove it to your dad that she is as good as you.
12:37He always put her down, and that broke her self-confidence.
12:40I couldn't let that happen again.
12:41But what you did was wrong, Mom.
12:43You made my condition worse.
12:45Mom kept apologizing, but all of us were furious at her.
12:48Evelyn left for rehab soon after, and it took some time.
12:52But after therapy and medication,
12:53she started to get better.
12:54Mom begged and cried for forgiveness,
12:56and it took some time.
12:57But eventually, Dad and I forgave her.
12:59Then one evening, Nolan and I were sitting in the park
13:01when someone jumped on me from the bushes.
13:05You scared the crabs out of me!
13:07When did you get back from rehab?
13:09Just now.
13:09And I have to say, I missed your stupid face.
13:12I know I should have said it sooner,
13:13but I'm sorry, Ollie,
13:15for all the times I've been a miserable sister to you.
13:17It's okay. All in the past.
13:18Really? You're the sweetest.
13:20Here, I got you a present.
13:22I opened the box you gave me,
13:23and a toy clown flew into my face.
13:25I chased Evelyn around as Nolan laughed hysterically.
13:28Guess some things never change.
