‘It’s ridiculous’: Kara Swisher reacts to Musk joking about possible Harris assassination

  • 2 days ago
Sitting next to Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk laughs off his “joke” of a hypothetical assassination of Kamala Harris. Kara Swisher says Musk is “surrounded by are enablers who laugh at everything he says.” Republican Scott Jennings called the comments “dangerous” and says, “We can’t joke about these things.” #CNN #News

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00:00I made a joke, which I realized I deleted, which is like, nobody's even bothering to try to kill Kamala because it's pointless.
00:08What do you achieve?
00:10Nobody's tried to kill Joe Biden.
00:11Some people interpreted it as though I was calling for people to assassinate her.
00:17But I was like, no, we even, you know, it doesn't seem strange that no one's even bothered to try.
00:27Just absolutely hilarious.
00:30That is Elon Musk laughing at his kind of joking about a hypothetical assassination of the sitting president and vice president.
00:39What is going on?
00:39I'm sure it was funny when he told the employees he paid and they laughed hysterically at his joke.
00:44It's ridiculous.
00:46What he's surrounded by are enablers who laugh at everything he says and therefore either tweets it or he says it.
00:52And right there he had, you know, another person, you know, sort of this washed up TV star who was laughing at his joke, which isn't funny.
01:00And everyone who looked at it was, you know, same thing with the jump.
01:03Awkward, weird, cringey.
01:05And so he just doesn't have people around him to say anymore.
01:09Anyone who is like that has been cut out of his life.
01:12And everyone claps when he says it.
01:13And now suddenly, I mean, he's kind of at the center of the universe of the political conservative universe.
01:20He was at the Butler rally, I think, which is what Kara was talking about with Trump on Saturday, jumping up and down, bizarrely.
01:29Taking attention from Trump.
01:31Taking attention from Trump.
01:33How did Elon get here?
01:35And do you think that he should be where he is in terms of the influence that he has on your party right now?
01:41Oh, look, I think rich people often have influence in politics.
01:45It's not just in the Republican Party.
01:46It's in the Democratic Party as well.
01:48We seem to be more concerned when billionaires are for Republicans than we are when they're for Democrats.
01:53And they spend copious amounts of money to elect Democrats cycle after cycle after cycle after cycle.
01:58I think part of it is also Elon's, like, irrational, like, kind of instability.
02:03He occupies an outside space in our culture because of X, formerly Twitter, because of SpaceX.
02:10Because, I mean, he's into a lot of things that people are very interested in.
02:13Now, this comment, like, I've been as critical as anybody of what I think is the rhetoric around Trump that is extremely dangerous.
02:21And we can't joke about these things, OK?
02:23Because there are crazy people in this world who hear these things.
02:27And, you know, I think they take it seriously.
02:29And so if we're going to look, my view is if we're going to be upset and I am unhappy about the rhetoric around Trump,
02:35I don't want any of this anywhere near Kamala Harris, either,
02:37because I think all these people deserve our protection from this kind of rhetoric that makes politicians something less than what they are, which is human beings.
02:46I appreciate you're saying that, Scott.
02:48I think where the Democrats started to lose Elon was actually personal.
02:53We should have celebrated his contributions to electric vehicles, even though he was against unionization and stood up to unions.
03:02We should have said, look, Starlink, great product.
03:04That needs to be used.
03:06We should celebrate the fact that he's had the first commercial success of private people in space.
03:12And I think a lot of it was that we didn't celebrate it.
03:16And he said he felt offended.
03:17Doesn't get a lot of attention.
03:18How was I mean, I'm genuinely curious.
03:21I mean, was there something do you think that Democrats did?
03:24What was the thing?
03:26What was the thing?
03:26I got it.
03:27I got a call from him about it when he wasn't invited to that summit.
03:30He should have been invited.
03:31I called the White House.
03:33I never called the White House.
03:34I'm like, why didn't you invite him?
03:35He's very angry.
03:36In fact, I had an interview with Pete Buttigieg at the time, who also was a little bit glib about it.
03:41And I was like, he's critically important in this sector.
03:44I think the union thing was the big deal of why they didn't invite him.
03:47And they should have.
03:48He deserved that credit for what people were tweeting out about his private flights and taking a private plane.
03:53I mean, I don't think Democrats get blamed for that.
03:56No, no.
03:57I'm just saying that, look, and I I think he should stay off Twitter.
04:00I certainly think he shouldn't be making jokes about the vice president.
04:04But I think with the Democrats, remember, he was a supporter of Obama.
04:08Bill Clinton, Obama had this.
04:10And we are the party that is John F. Kennedy.
04:12That is about innovation.
04:13That is about entrepreneurship.
04:15They didn't initially give the tax credit.
04:16We should be celebrating that part of it.
04:18There's a weird, the union thing is such an interesting part of this.
04:22I want to play what Sean O'Brien, he's the head of the Teamsters, what he's been saying about why Democrats are losing some of these working class union voters.
04:35I'll be honest with you, I'm a Democrat, but they have f***ed us over for the last 40 years and for once, and not all of them, but for once, we're standing up as a union, probably the only one right now, saying, what the f*** have you done for us?
04:49And I'm getting attacked from the left, you know, and we've given, since I've been in office two and a half years, we've given the Democratic machine $15.7 million.
05:00We've given Republicans about $340,000, truth be told.
05:04So it's like, you know, people say the Democratic Party is a party of the working people.
05:08They're bought and paid for by big tech, those big tech companies.
05:17I'd like to introduce you to Elon Musk, who is all into robotics.
05:20Are you kidding?
05:21Elon and the rest of them.
05:22I mean, I don't know.
05:23You know, I don't know the full answer to the question.
05:25I just do know the Democrats did bail out their pensions.
05:29We bailed out their pensions.
05:30We stood up for the PRO Act, the right to organize.
05:32We stood up, and I know Sean, and Sean knows this, that we stood up against automation on the big trucks in California.
05:40But here's, I think, some of the frustration.
05:41Over the last 40 years, it's been a bipartisan consensus in many ways that hollowed out manufacturing in this country.
05:47We saw small towns decimated.
05:50We saw steel moved to China.
05:52And people are upset.
05:53And some people blame everyone.
05:55Some people blame Republicans.
05:58Some people blame the Democrats.
05:59But I think Democrats should start by saying that people made mistakes, and we want to earn back that trust.
06:04Is it big tech's fault?
06:06I mean, at this point, can you really say that the Democrats are the party, you know, the party of big tech at this point?
06:17I don't.
06:17I mean, that's not where I was going with my point.
06:19But sure, maybe.
06:20I mean, I think, okay, I'll say that.
06:23We're the party of big tech.
06:24I think, though, the question I thought you were going to ask me is that, are we the party of the working class?
06:29And I want to just take a step back and say, like, well, what is working class these days?
06:32And I think when people say that, they mean white men in the middle of the country.
06:37And I think that then we should use a different descriptor, because there are a lot of people who are working class that have from every different background.
06:45I also think for the teamsters to say, to the congressman's point, we have stood behind labor.
06:52Where's Trump on the picket line?
06:54Where's Trump saving Lordstown in my hometown where it closed?
06:57It was on the verge of closing in Youngstown, Ohio.
06:59It was his policies that took that factory out.
07:03And it was the Biden policies that brought it back.
07:07It was the Biden policy that brought chips and manufacturing.
07:11I think that the problem is, is that working class people feel like no party is really talking to them.
07:19And they're looking for people that they can identify with.
07:21And it's not about policy.
07:24So when you say here in the first segment, and I'm not attacking you on this, but when you say, I don't see her as strong.
07:29I don't.
07:30Okay, but I'm not this.
07:32I want to have a real conversation with you right now.
07:34It's my opinion.
07:36What black women do you see as strong?
07:38And what black women do you have in your life?
07:40It's not about race.
07:40I know plenty of strong black women.
07:42It's not your life.
07:43Bring up the race thing.
07:44I just the reason why I say is that like, is because we are human beings.
07:48And the way we engage with things is by proximity.
07:52And if you've ever worked in, you know that, you know that it's all about, you're saying go on the factory floors because you want to connect to the human experience.
08:00And if you've never really connected to a strong black woman in your life, then maybe you don't actually understand what her strength is.
08:07First of all, Trump with Elon Musk joked about firing people and anti-union in his discussion.
08:14That's one.
08:14Two, Democrats or Republicans, guess what?
08:17Automation is coming, whether you like it or not.
08:19And Elon Musk is behind it.
08:21And Reid Hoffman's behind it, along with A.I.
08:23It's coming, Sean.
08:25Like, I'm sorry to tell you just the way mechanized farming was coming, just the way information workers are going to be replaced in certain ways.
08:32And so it's not a Democrat or Republican at all.
08:34It's all of the rich people.
08:37And they will in two seconds replace you with it.
08:39It's not just about it's not just about tech.
08:40I mean, you.
08:42Go ahead.
08:43I mean, you when President Trump came into office, it's because you had this fraying of a post World War Two world order where you had had
08:51hollowed out middle class across the country, black, white, brown, didn't didn't matter.
08:56Everyone was everyone was hollowed out.
08:57So Trump was coming into office talking to those people.
09:01And the first major piece of legislation, which was tax reform, had incentives to bring capital back and manufacturing back.
09:06And since that first first piece of legislation, every single major piece of legislation since then, Democrat or Republican, has had whether it's
09:14chips or what have you, have had incentives to bring manufacturing back.
09:18So both parties recognize that this is an issue that these are the people that he's not pro-labor.
09:22Real quick.
09:22Yeah, I just want to pro-labor.
09:25He doesn't support unions.
09:26He doesn't believe in.
09:26I don't support what he supports.
09:28He supports working class America.
09:30But I wanted to working class Americans get protected through unions.
09:34We know that when working class people don't have the ability to negotiate when you A.W. went on strike because the CEOs year after year of those big three car companies got raises and those individuals that were on the factory line that we're saying these
09:48candidates don't need to go talk to, they weren't getting raises after they had the bailout happen.
09:53Donald Trump doesn't care that their union is protecting them.
09:56Joe Biden is the one who says we want them to have collective bargaining.
09:59When I was in Ohio and they wanted Wisconsin, Scott Walker wanted to get rid of collective bargaining.
10:05John Kasich, Ohio, wanted to get rid of collective bargaining.
10:08Donald Trump doesn't believe in collective bargaining, which is a core tenet of labor policy.
10:13So for the Teamsters, which then would mean the Teamsters would not exist.
10:17Janice, I think just as an actual matter, that is very true, which is what makes this so bizarre.
10:22Scott, I know we've got to go.
10:23I just got to go.
10:24If if it's true what you say that the Democrats have been far more supportive, why is it that Kamala Harris cannot secure the traditional union endorsements?
10:35She lost the firefighters.
10:37She lost the Teamsters.
10:38She lost the Fraternal Order of Police.
10:41Why is it that the big union organizations?
10:43Well, the Fraternal Order of Police didn't endorse Joe Biden either.
10:46The Teamsters, the National, didn't endorse either.
10:49But she got a collective 20 separate across the country.
10:53But you admit these are blows to her campaign.
10:55But that's what I'm saying is that but it's not about the policy.
10:58Yeah, it's about the connection.
