‘Basically a tie’: How new poll exemplifies deadlock between Harris and Trump

  • 2 days ago
CNN’s Jake Tapper breaks down the results of a new Quinnipiac University poll on the race for the White House with National Review editor Ramesh Ponnuru, Democratic strategist Karen Finney, and former Trump White House communications director Mike Dubke.

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00:00In our 2024 lead, just 26 days until election day, many of you probably already voting.
00:06CNN is reporting a record-breaking haul for the Kamala Harris campaign, which has raised
00:11$1 billion, with a B, since the vice president entered the race officially just in July,
00:19despite all that cash. Democrats are far from celebrating. Instead, there's a lot of hand-wringing.
00:24New Quinnipiac polls in three blue wall states show Harris and Trump still deadlocked in
00:28a tight race with no clear leader. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Harris is slightly
00:32ahead of Trump, 49% to 46% within the margin of error. In Michigan, it's the former president
00:38who holds the edge over Harris. Trump also narrowly leads Harris in battleground. Wisconsin,
00:44all of those states, all of those polls within the margin of error, indicating it's basically
00:48a tie.
00:49Here now to discuss our political panel, we have talked a lot about how both campaigns
00:53have been trying to appeal to white men. One Democrat is concerned there isn't being enough
00:58done by the Harris campaign to win over black male voters, specifically in Michigan. Jamal
01:03Simmons, who we all know, he's a panelist quite often, a former communications director
01:06for Vice President Harris, he told Politico, quote, I am worried about turnout in Detroit.
01:12Do they have the machine to turn people out? There are concerns, and they're not insignificant.
01:18Are you concerned?
01:19Of course I am. I mean, always. I'm always nervous at this point in an election. I'll
01:24also point out that Jamal is from Detroit, so he does know the area quite well. Look,
01:28I mean, the polls are all over the place. We've seen the data showing that she is a
01:33little bit behind the Joe Biden 2020 coalition in a number of places with black voters. So,
01:39yeah, I mean, look, she's trying to do something that has never been done in 100 days and trying
01:44to maximize every minute of every day in communicating with voters. I hope and I'm glad she's going
01:51to do a town hall with CNN. I think it's really important to do as much as you can
01:55going directly to voters. I would love to see her do more going directly to talk to
02:00black men and Latino men. And let's have it out and let them talk to her about what their
02:06concerns are and make sure that they see themselves in the policy conversation that we're having.
02:13She did do a town hall today with Univision that's going to air this evening. Are you
02:18surprised that she's not doing like five events a day, like barnstorming? I mean, there's
02:22only 26 days barnstorming every battleground state, three or four events a day. Forget
02:27the interview thing. OK, I realize I'm biased as a reporter. I want interviews for local
02:31news, local news interviews, town halls, rally. Like it just seems like it doesn't feel like
02:38October with the schedules I'm looking for both of them. But I kind of think he has the
02:42edge right now. Well, I don't know if I agree with that. I mean, I forget the edge thing.
02:46But what about how active the campaign is? I think they're being very active. And look,
02:52she also has her day job. We do have we did just have a tremendous storm come through
02:58Florida. She was here in Washington to help deal with that to some degree. But I think
03:03you're going to see that activity kick up over the next several weeks, as it should,
03:07by the way. So Ramesh, I'm not the only one who thinks this New York Times columnist,
03:10Charles Blow, says the Harris campaign needs more unscripted moments and quote, Harris
03:14to come down from the rally podiums for more personal interactions with individual voters.
03:18She's obviously doing the CNN town hall. It's going to be October 23rd. What do you think?
03:23I think it's a very controlled and cautious campaign. And at a certain point, you wonder
03:28whether does does the campaign not trust Harris enough to comport herself well in these interactions?
03:35Does she herself not trust herself at this point? Is she too worried that some mistake
03:40or gaffe is going to happen? Wait, she just said, I'm sorry, a little bit over an hour
03:44with Howard Stern. She just did the Call Your Daddy podcast. She just did, you know, late
03:49night news. Not the point. Donald Trump just did a podcast with some folks sitting around
03:55talking about whatever the point is. They know just as well as we know, voters now decide
04:00where they get their information, when they get their information and through what channel.
04:04And you do need to be everywhere and have conversations with people who aren't watching
04:08hard news. You can make the argument. You can make the argument that her early success
04:12in her rollout, the the the convention and then the debate, which was pretty we should
04:16note pretty phenomenally, pretty phenomenal. And I absolutely. And that's exactly the point
04:21I'm making. You can make the case that part of her caution comes from the fact that she
04:25was cautious and she had this phenomenal rollout. And now they're stuck. They're mired right
04:30now in these poll numbers. And they they don't seem to be able to to figure out the way out.
04:36So she was asked about running the shortest presidential campaign in modern history by
04:39Stephen Colbert. This is a couple of nights ago. We didn't run any of this yesterday because
04:42we were all in hurricane coverage. Here is some of what she said.
04:46There's a lot of catching up to do. You know, my opponent, the former president, has been
04:51running since 2020 and literally filed. Yeah, right. So we have a lot of time to make up
05:01So there is a fierce urgency. But I guess just and yes, she's increased her appearances
05:05with Colbert. And and I'm not begrudging any of that. Look what people are. Well, they
05:09were. So I'm just three billion media outlets. And, yeah, Donald Trump gets to do a podcast.
05:13But no, they should go wherever they are. Both of them should go wherever their ears
05:18and eyes. Absolutely. But is she doing enough of it is my question.
05:21No, I don't think she's doing enough of it. And I think she does need these. Going back
05:25to your original question, she does need these unscripted moments because the American people
05:29know who Donald Trump is. They don't know who Vice President Harris is. And she needs
05:34to interact, whether it be local news, whether it be a debate, which isn't going to happen
05:39again, the town hall, because Trump won't do it.
05:42The well, he said he wouldn't do it. She needs to get her. Yeah, but it is on her and her
05:48campaign to then create the moments in order to introduce herself to the American people.
05:53She is. We should know she's bringing out some heavy hitters. Former President Obama
05:57is going to stump for her in Pittsburgh. Former President Clinton is going to hit the trail
06:01this weekend, starting in Georgia.
06:03That's a good spring momentum and attention. But they don't they don't bring what the American
06:09people are looking for. They don't give they can vouch for her. But the American people
06:14want to know who she is. And nobody needs to hear more from Trump to form an opinion
06:18of him. There still are some voters who are forming their opinions on Harris.
06:21Absolutely. But we are having an asymmetrical conversation here, right, because we're talking
06:24about what she needs to be doing. We're not talking about him. We're not talking about
06:28the fact that he literally put lives in danger. People in the South do know what they think
06:32about him and they don't know.
06:33And that's the reason we shouldn't be talking about him. Doesn't mean we shouldn't be talking
06:37So let's run this. So last. So let me just last night, an event in Pennsylvania. Trump
06:42continued to push these attacks against the federal response to Hurricane Helene. A lot
06:46of these are just completely false. Let's run that clip.
06:51Families desperately tried to escape the rising floodwaters and they climbed onto roofs. They
06:58did anything they can to live. But Kamala didn't send any helicopters to rescue them.
07:04And when people sent helicopters, they turned them back. It was disgraceful what they did.
07:11So she didn't send anything or anyone at all. Days passed. No help is men, women and children
07:17I mean, there's so many lies packed into that clip. I don't even know what to say.
07:23Trump is obviously willing to repeat anything he's heard without doing any due diligence
07:27on whether it's true, particularly if it allows him to slam his opponents. He's always
07:31been like this.
07:32All right. Happy?
07:33Yes. Thank you.
07:34All right. Thanks to all of you.
